Making a Minecraft Supermarket

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shopping is awful I'm not embarrassed to admit the fact that I have reached peak 20/20 laziness I have a subscription for all of my groceries they they arrived via delivery and if I ever need anything desperately then I'll order it on Amazon Prime now uh having said that I think the idea of building a supermarket in Minecraft is actually quite interesting there's a bunch of redstone systems that we can build into this a ton of cool details that I actually think you should be fairly entertaining so as you can see I've built up the shell this is my supermarket I actually think I think this is quite cool it's quite a nice-looking build so now let's start filling it up first things first security systems now I don't know about you but every single time I go to the supermarket these things always seem to be malfunctioning so I don't know if they actually have these in other countries okay but in England we have these power of like I think they're and they break it up I honestly don't know how they work you know I've never even questioned but to myself how these things function all I know is is that if you walk out of the shop having stolen something they far off and they set off all the alarms any issue is is that they never tend to work and the supermarkets that I go into and do they go on and off every single time someone comes in so I'm going to try my best to recreate exactly this with a redstone build now I don't want them to go off every single time but I think they should go off a decent quantity of the time right let's give this our go okay that's good we got off scot-free all right we're all clear that's okay that's not a bad start just a little alarm kicking off that seems like a good way to begin let's release some attack dogs do they have those at your supermarket I have them at my signal market it's honestly why these malfunctions are so devastating I mean seriously right with the simple addition of this extra circuit right here which is then going to run into these things I think we could be onto a winner so perfect that that has functioned exactly how I imagined it with it brilliant and just a tip if you ever do steal something in a supermarket just you know don't roam like that I just want to make it clear that was not a tip but for real life by the way that was a tip from my supermarket don't don't steal things from supermarkets now when it comes to the end four items and the aisles and things like that I don't think we can really do anything too exciting and so I'm just going to place these in like this now my plan for how I'm actually going to put items in here is I'm hoping can I place item frames I mean I'm assuming I can place an item frame in there and it will be okay alright I've come up with an alternative idea I actually think it's really quite good I am going through the food and drink sanction of Minecraft heads comm and I am just gradually filling up my shelves so that is a roast chicken it's I'm personally really like we've got a glass of orange juice there we've got sandwiches and gradually I'm going to fill up the shelves with at various different groceries although one thing I will say is that my organization is pretty terrible I've got you know a sandwich in between two orange juices a roast chicken another sandwich I mean the cross-contamination is just nuts well I gotta say this does look pretty cool now that is fully filled in we've got monster any rent Bulls whatever that is we don't actually sell that in England but I recognise the can jam jars all that sort of thing and I gotta say fairly happy with this so far right okay next up I would say rotisserie chickens I like the idea of rotisserie chickens I think this is a fairly strong start so we have the rotisserie thing and then inside here we're going to have the chickens and then I guess if you buy a rotisserie chicken unfortunately one of the chickens is going to meet a fairly fiery end and then it will pop out into a chest the only thing that can't quite work out is how I'm actually going to get the chicken in there how am I able to summon a chicken give me as I gonna work loud summoned chicken with the squiggles and then a few minuses and things like that and this does the trick which I have to say she looks even better than I was kind of expecting so now with the redstone fully done which I have to say wasn't easy by the way why are the chickens not catching fire no no it's fundamentally flawed the fire charges are hearing my rotisserie my rotisserie spinner thing so after a complete redesign it is now all working burn all the chicken this is it's just a terrible situation all round to be honest after almost saying file to my computer seriously I don't want to talk to you about how long this has taken me I think I've got working system there we go so we hit the button we get a couple of rotisserie chickens all of the eggs and all of the feathers have been fully filtered out from the system and this is now fully functional I have to say it's worth the time and effort because I think this is really really cool by far the coolest design for a chicken farm alright next up we're going to have an ATM machine because it feels like that would be a good thing to have now what does an ATM machine look like I also can't wait for is scale to get angry at me because he hates the fact that I say ATM machine when the M in ATM stands for machine so I'm essentially saying automatic telling machine machine what does a t stand for that's honestly the bigger mystery here instead of the Machine machine bit this is a slow like an ATM machine we now feel like it looks kind of like one if anything it just looks like a super super fancy one and the first part of it is actually working so I put my debit card in there hit the button and it will be processed by the machine now there is an anti any output to it yet but the redstone itself is functioning if I put anything else in here then it shouldn't be able to go through yep so that's good that means that no one else can access my money now I guess every single time we put our card in it should probably output maybe I say 10 diamonds is a good amount I'd say is a good amount so my 8 my my debit card is in the ATM machine I stand here and out they come and if I need more than 10 diamonds then I just hit the button multiple times and I will get a 10 this is this is actually quite a cool system I'm a big fan of this this tiny little build here now at the back of the store here I say we have some form of sandwich maker kind of like I guess I mean subway would probably be the right way to say what it is but I'm not 100% certain we're gonna be able to pull off the complete customization of a subway however we are going to go for a similar color scheme now I think we're actually going to automate this entire process so instead of having people making the sandwiches we're going to have robots making the sandwiches this we're gonna be flicking levers and then your output a sandwich will be outputted and see how well we can make this work what do you think - this election obviously bread the bread should kind of be a given but you know sometimes - you may be on your ketogenic diet maybe you want carb free life okay so we're gonna make it an option right and then we have the ability to have steak pork tomatoes lettuce pickles and egg for mayonnaise or you can have an egg I mean it's entirely up to you so that that's our customized ability each one of these levers that we flick is gonna help an item that is gonna pop through into the chest and I guess the player has to assemble the sandwich themselves now the redstone for this isn't too crazy but I have done some interesting things so now I'm going to try an op for the first time and let's see if we actually get a sandwich so my dream sandwich right now would be bread beef lettuce and mayonnaise to be honest with you I'm quite quite a boring individual when it comes to my sandwiches so let's see what happens what we should get well I've definitely seen better let's try that again with a slight button relocation right well I'm hoping for here is two slices of bread and then all of the things from a sandwich okay so there's my mayonnaise that's my salad there's my beef and then there we have the two slices coming in so now we can assemble up our sandwich and I guess eat it I mean I wish can you imagine how cool it would be if you could take the steak and put it in the bread and then add things to it and it would increase your saturation I mean it's not the most useful feature in Minecraft but I still feel like it should be a feature in Minecraft I mean look how delicious that is we should definitely be able to place them as well like cake it's actually making me hungry in real life how sad is that I've been playing Minecraft for a long time today without eating this this is making me hug anyway one important thing for the supermarket is of course the checkout now I'm assuming you guys have this in other countries but in England we have like a conveyor belt which moves the items through and then we have the scanner which is like a band that that basically tells you that the item has been scanned and then once you do that you pay and then you take your items out of there now I'm going to try try being the operative word to make something a little bit like that okay I think this could come in handy here so really I was going to use honey blocks for the transportation of the items but then I thought to myself if we use we use soul sand it will still activate something like this the piece of strings that we can still have the sound effect and then we don't have to worry about the honey block sticking to one another and just causing a massive mess I think we could be onto something here right let's build up a piston feed tape because let's face it this would not be a mumbo-jumbo video without some form of piston feed tape ah this could be a little bit of a problem though noting that a tiny bit of reworking shouldn't fix man this security system is gonna get in the way right part one should now all be completed so if I throw I throw some items on here okay so then they disappear right that's a problem so we're gonna have to work on that right if we if we get some string though right and we we place it down here okay and then we're gonna have to have an observer we're gonna have to have some things connecting into this such as a redstone lamp and then a notebook so that's about right this should now make the noise okay so it does it twice that's it's almost perfect okay how can I make it so that it doesn't do it twice I guess is the T flip-flop and then what I'm also going to do is add in an extra circuit out of the bag here which is hopefully going to push the items off of the conveyor belt and it's going to push them into your trolley so that you can take them away it should work I apologize for the constant sound of Pistons by the way I mean it's a nightmare but this is the only way that I can make this work so I'm just bought a bunch of redstone blocks from the supermarket I picked them up from the shelf so I'm going to run over I'm going to chuck it onto the conveyor belts it goes across like this let me go straight through into my shopping trolley so then eventually when this thing fills up I can then take out the store trip the security system and get chased down by dogs because I haven't paid I I personally am very very happy with this construction I think is brilliant especially now that there is actually now a place for people to paint before that wasn't it was kind of like a scan your items and then take your stuff out now people have to pay if they don't obviously the security systems will hopefully malfunction kicking in and having them chased down by dogs I mean that's yeah that only seems fair anyway this supermarket is now all completed I got to say I'm very very pleased with this thing I hope that you enjoyed this video and I'll catch you in the next video I just broke that window we're going to just completely ignore the fact that that ever happened okay that's that's the way that I deal with these things I just I started record I don't know what I'm gonna say for this outro I've got 10 seconds to kill it's dark dark outside it's getting dark early yet well no it's not now it's getting dark later now yeah time's up
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,083,673
Rating: 4.9564157 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Minecraft shop, Minecraft store, Minecraft supermarket, minecraft supermarket tutorial, Minecraft store build, how to make a minecraft store, How to make a minecraft shop, minecraft tutorial, Minecraft working shop, Minecraft working store, Automatic store
Id: lQT4ec-y0wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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