The TEMPLE OF MUMBO in Minecraft!

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So today, I'm going to be incredibly narcissistic and build a temple to myself This should be interesting. So I've done a little bit of design work right here and as you can see we've got the main structure of some kind of temple. Now you might be able to notice a slight ongoing theme with this thing We are featuring the Tash really quite heavily so you've got a mustache that actually makes up the bottom area of the structure which I really quite like and then we have the main bulk of the build and then on top we also have this little tower which of course has been adorned with some mustaches too. Now if we pop inside this is the space that we have to work with. It's not too big, but it's got plenty of space for all sorts of redstone contraptions and I think the first one that we should work on is the entrance, and I've got the perfect door for it. So when I hit 200,000 subscribers on YouTube, I built this thing to celebrate. This is the mumbo door and it doesn't quite work. Huh. I'm sure I can just fix that with a little bit of timing work. Yes! It is back in action! All right, this is the first thing that's got to go in. So this is part one done. Let's see what it looks like when it's closed. (laughter) *Big breath in* That looks awesome! That fits in perfectly. We have got the moustache there and the moustache there And then we've got the tiny moustache there at the bottom. *big breath in again* Ah man That is brilliant. And then we open this thing up and that will take us through into the main area. Now I think I'm going to do this thing in sections so I think I'm going to do like a redstone section maybe over here maybe hermit craft and things out the back and then maybe a tiny bit of filming channel like a little studio off in this corner and Then my bedroom up at the top And you know what I think I'm actually getting started with the bedroom that seems a good way to go now I remember one of my favorite suggestions in any of the I build your silly redstone ideas videos has been the Sheep counting machine So it meant to me a machine that helps you sleep, and I personally that's something that I struggle with you know I'm a youtuber I'm always thinking about redstone video ideas or hermit craft ideas and everything like that Which means that when I get to bed it can be difficult to switch off and a sheep counting machine could come in very handy So I'm thinking maybe maybe take it up a notch slime blocks up here then some dispensers facing upwards They will shoot sheep across, and then I guess we can have some kind of like lava killing chamber over here So it literally just shoots them across we can count them and then they die and then we get another one another one Oh, man, it'll be brilliant the sheep are in the dispensers repeats ER may Be said to four ticks, and then that's that so let's give this thing a real quick tester That is gone brilliantly So if we run a redstone clock into that thing it's good to go. I wonder if this is gonna be too fast No that is perfect Now if we go to sleep we'll be able to switch that thing on count sheep, and it will really help us out Okay, I'd saved I mean do we really need much else in the bedroom How much more could you possibly want and then I fill to myself? I should probably have some form of launches to get up into it so I've created this system right here that means we can get Out nice and easily but down on the bottom. We have got this slime block mechanism and when we get launched upwards We won't actually hit the trip and will be stopped on Pierce and we can pop inside we can pick this leaver And then we can go to sleep absolutely fine, and then when we want to leave yeah, you guys get the idea perfect okay I would say I would say we're done for the bedroom for the time being Let's move on and take a look maybe some redstone type builds Some redstone builds off in this area so then X bill for the temple it is arguably one of the most important ones and that is to do a Redstone or ideas machine so in one of the droppers. We are going to have these source of words and then in the other dropper We are going to have Actual redstone ideas like for example this sort of thing now if I place all of these Inside this dropper and we have all of the other words in the other dropper We hit this button right here and that gives us mega potion brewing stations maker potion brewing stations That's going to be the next video and the movie hit the button here. It goes. We get 10 ways to make Pumpkin farms, how good is that redstone ideas machine a dusted, but of course? We are going to need a whole bunch of redstone resources So I would say having some form of drop-down storage system that allows us to access Chests down below would probably be really quite helpful here, so I think maybe this should work so there we go that is the drop down and then ah Not so hot there That is now we've got there. I needed a jewel edge mana stable circular I don't know how I didn't work that out for this is the storage for all of our redstone work So we have the chests up at the top, but we also have extra extension in two chests down at the bottom And you know what we can actually add in some extra Chests on either side if we really wanted to maybe that's taking it a little bit too far This next one is a little bit on the quirky size But what I thought we could do is create an isolation chamber So that when I'm really trying my best to Think of how I'm going to do a redstone contraption and trying to understand how the wiring is going to work I could just launch myself up into this thing and then I can kind of clear my brain and just stare into the blackness and Hope that I'm going to be able to come up with some ideas now I think If I've done this correctly This should be functional so we hit the bar turned It worked it worked, but then we got brought back down. That's a bummer. This really is crazily dark I Could do with one of these in my own house I'd be able to come up with all sorts of ideas if I didn't have any distractions like this But I would say that marks the finish of my redstone section of the Mambo temples So we've kind of marked off with some hardened clay up at the top nice, and red everything's looking good That's all squeezed into the head zone now We're going to start work on the hermit craft area And I would say the first thing I could do with is some form of spoon counter. Let's be honest I think this thing should work when I hit the button then that will start sending some items through and Eventually, we should get a score on the board so there we go. We've got one and then I get a few more spoon moments and I've got two. Yep. It's counting his way up that's perfect so here We go functioning spoon counter kind of built into the edge there, and you can sort of see the redstone I've done it using droppers and things It works pretty nicely my mind is kind of going all over the place at this point in time I started work on building the filming room room And then I thought it would be quite cool To build a homage to one of my most in fact my most viewed video on my youtube channel in fact I think it might be almost at six million views now. That's completely insane. Yeah, it's just past six million I think probably today because it has six million ten thousand and three hundred and sixty-four views that is that is pretty ridiculous and to celebrate oh You have built twenty doors underneath the temple They can be activated with this in fact. You know what I think I think activating it with a button will be much more fun That's awesome I want one of these in her me craft. This could be tough We have not got a lot of space to work with right here. We've got the piston door there I want to try and make a changing background for my film set in the filming room so I want to be able to go from a green screen to like yellow for the Wes Anderson vibes and Yeah, it's it's gonna be tricky I think maybe piston feed tapes and kind of cycle the redstone up the back here then somehow run it into these Pistons and just try my Best to work something out I think we might be able to do it Just about I have had to move some things around and I've had to do some rewiring But if we have three tics running into all of those Pistons. We have all the circuits down at the bottom here We can just run a half slab line Going up kind of like this I'm making a mess of it. I've been doing a lot of redstone today, so let's see here the button Yes far as I can tell That's working so we have the green screen and then we can flip back around and We have the yellow screen all right now. We just need to set up a simple full pulsar I think is four blocks in total for each one and then we can cycle through add the press of a bun that's actually worked Out quite nicely flick the lights everything's on now We're doing some special effects work, so you've got the green screen, and then we want something slightly different we just hit this button right here and Round it goes nice and quick there. We go yellow background Perfect I would say that is the filming channel room All done and dusted - so we've got redstone area. We've got the spoon counter We've got the bedroom, and we've got the filming channel now Let's do some stuff with this area after that slightly complicated mess I thought it'd be a good idea to build something a tiny bit simpler this time We're going to be creating a kind of switchboard Where we can show what farms you've actually built on the hermitcraft server so down here. We'll have all of the levers We'll have the levers for this one I guess up here and we can flick them and that will highlight, which farms have actually been completed so here It is we have got all the different types of farms now so far. I have done a guardian farm That's all done pumpkin melon farm. They've been done mob farm shoot cane farm and I think that's about it. Oh I need to up my game a little bit here guys. We've got lots more to do as you guys know I'm not that brilliant at fighting things whether it be other players or mobs and even slimes recently I've struggled with though I feel like I need a little bit of extra training So I think maybe you'll be good in this little corner right here to just have like a little PvP training area so I can go in there and just know cut some shapes see what I can do Let's see what I can do here, so you go on through we use the armor equipping station It wouldn't be a member jambo build without some form of armor equipping station and then when we hit this button When we hit this button we got ourselves a zombie, and I'm in creative mode So this is this is quite a lot easier than if I was in survival, but there we go there It is we have got PvP trading stations. We've got farming switchboards We've got an awesome bedroom that allows us to count sheep and we get launched up into it. That's all cool We've got ourselves a proper filming set we have an isolation room a spoon counter we have extra storage We've got redstone ideas machines and most importantly we have got ourselves a sweet piston door I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please be sure to hit that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to Subscribe, but thanks for watching guys. This has been mumbo, and I'm out I'll see ya later
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,112,190
Rating: 4.9417939 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2017
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