Minecraft VS My New PC

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lorexy_ 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
msi have just sent me a ridiculous new pc it has an i9 10 900k processor an rtx 3090 gpu 128 gigabytes of ram it's liquid cooled it's got multiple m.2 ssds i'll put all the stats down in the description it's mad like truly mad so what do you do to showcase a truly mad pc well you also do something truly mad i found the most epic voiceover guy i could i grabbed my cameras i grabbed my lights and we put all of this together say hello to my new computer there was once a story of a system so powerful it was thought to have arrived from another dimension it is told that the young teenage boy discovered a computer resting in his back garden he could only assume it had arrived from outer space but it was remarkably unscathed riddled with curiosity he powered it on only to be engulfed by a blinding energy beam the world's government agencies were all clambering to get their hands on it but somehow it landed with msi now it's time for the ultimate [Music] test can it load the hermitcraft shopping district without lagging this is incredibly cruel this is like starting off with the mega end game boss fight because i swear all minecraft lag resides in the hermitcraft shopping district it's a nightmare okay it's an absolute nightmare and it all seems to be centered around the barge i swear this thing is sponsored by powerpoint because it just creates slide shows left right and center now i'm almost saying it is the barge it probably isn't the barge but for some reason when you look in the direction of the barge the game just grinds to a halt but my game doesn't seem to be grinding to a halt today which i must admit is a massive relief because this computer has an i9 10 900k cpu it has an rtx 3090 gpu and it has 128 gigabytes of ram so if it did grind to a halt then there's not much more crazy i can go you know i'd have to get in contact with nasa to get a better computer than this but there is a bunch of extra testing that i want to do with this thing i'm going to go from the hardest one to the easiest one which is generating a completely normal minecraft world and then just flying around for a little bit and i mean as expected yeah it's it's doing well it seems to be keeping up with everything imagine how disappointing it would be if it didn't okay let's up the ante a little bit we're currently on a render distance of 15 chunks that's a bit pants let's up that to 48 chunks i should be able to see for miles and i have to say i'm pretty surprised even when i'm loading new chunks like i'm generating completely new areas here it's still doing well think how much space this thing is currently having to load right now i mean look look how far i can see i'm going to go super spyglass mode here look look at this i can see i can see a piece of sugarcane that is probably about 200 blocks away look how far away that is it's all the way over there that is bonkers well i think it's safe to say that it's past a regular minecraft test with flying colors let's take regular minecraft up a notch by introducing shaders i probably should have turned down the render distance a tiny bit before doing this but remarkably this beast is still absolutely smashed out of the park i mean this is can anything stop this thing shaders are always incredibly taxing on computer systems and yet this thing's just chilling the fans aren't even kicking out i mean look at me in this beautiful golden hour light i'm looking i'm looking gorgeous i'm feeling gorgeous his computer is gorgeous you're probably gorgeous as well maybe i don't know i can't really see you it's a real shame i've said gorgeous so frequently because this is also incredibly incredibly gorgeous but i've said gorgeous far too often now so i can't really refer to my bases gorgeous goodness gracious me though it does look good it it does look very good wow it looks so impressive look at this thing yeah actually i feel like i could reach out and touch it i literally feel like i'll reach into the screen and grab it man it looks good and it's not dead that's that's a huge positive too look i could definitely faff around all day and just look at various pretty things with these pretty shaders on but i feel like we need to do some slightly more scientific redstone tests incredibly scientific redstone test number one i've made this really really big block of tnt right and it's i don't know how much tnt is but it is a lot an awful lot i'd say it's anywhere between 1 000 and a billion yeah what one billion i feel like it has to fall within that range whatever it is it's gonna look pretty interesting once it starts exploding i'm curious i'm genuinely curious to see what happens here that was dramatic this is dramatic this is dramatic things have slowed down a little bit wow am i actually playing spooky right now this is fantastic whoa whoa that could have been my screensaver i know screensavers aren't really a thing that's a very 2004 statement i'm sure a lot of people watching right now don't even know what a screensaver is but if i had a screensaver that would be it things are definitely kind of pulsing a little bit here they pause for a little bit and then the game catches up and then suddenly everything starts exploding again but there's no denying it is keeping up with things well like remarkably remarkably well this is this is this is the best explosion experience i've ever had it's almost as if world war three isn't actually happening currently inside my computer screen everything's fine we're playing at 200 frames per second whilst the world literally implodes inside my very eyes oh is that it oh is it finished nice all right so that was well that went well that went remarkably well so i think i'd consider that a resounding success let's move on here i have got a command block with a command in it that yeah i didn't want to write okay i really didn't want to write this because i feel like this could cause some issues but let's see what happens all right okay the computer is handling the wandering trader just fine the only issue is i don't want to generate more than one wandering trader because they make me feel physically ill so i'm gonna get rid of this guy but i'd say this was that was a success as well is there anything this computer can't do that is the question i mean i can't hurt myself i just i want to cause more explosions this time instead of having one big block of tnt that gradually explodes itself i thought it'd be fun to have a bunch of entities for the tnt wow that is that has been this is crazy oh my goodness how has that not blown itself up oh well it kind of has okay so actually it has blown itself up but in the brief time that everything was working we have to say that handled itself incredibly well i honestly feel like i should inform the authorities that i own this thing because i feel like uh a mere citizen like myself shouldn't be able to own something of such power i think that's enough explosions for the time being what if we swap out the tnt for something else and that's something else is of course chickens tons upon tons of chickens now to explain this dispenser array this is a 64 dispenser dispenser array hooked up to rapid fire redstone clocks as you just saw there so multiple times per second we are going to get a full stack of chickens appearing into the world now if chickens are what kills off this computer i am going to be a tiny bit disappointed but with that being said i feel like this is going to be an incredibly unusual quantity of chickens yes i was right that is literally a wall of poultry oh my goodness oh wow oh oh things are slowing down oh wow things are really slowing down i mean what is going to happen when they hit the floor we also have all the tnt entities as well oh they're dying oh they're starting to die i'm killing chickens literally through just creating a wall of chickens the chickens are being compressed and they're being gradually killed off we have we have three thousand two oh my goodness it looks like oh wow it's going all the way up oh my goodness this is a more dramatic explosion than the tnt ones look at this thing this is like a natural disaster this is like some horrible experiment has gone terribly wrong oh my goodness i mean we thought 2020 was bad we were not prepared for the chicken explosion of 2021. well i would say my incredibly scientific tests have proved quite a lot so far if you dispense a lot of chickens you um you end up with a you end up with a lot of chickens i guess you said you don't learn anything new from youtube this next piece of science requires me to be in the latest minecraft snapshot because they've made a change the way that sugar boxes work it used to be if you blow up a shulker box that is on the floor you would lose everything on the inside whereas now the shulker box explodes and all of the items inside the shoulder box actually pop out onto the floor you can probably see where i'm going with this one this is definitely going to be an interesting one i mean this is already quite a large number of entities to be quite frankly honest with you but it's only going to get more stupid from here let's see how much damage to a minecraft world can one piece of tnt do i mean we're already looking at 1160 entities right now here goes i mean how bad can it be is one piece of tnt that's not good i think we might have actually killed the game the first time i mean look at that oh it's not responding nice we got our first crash of the video we got our first crash [Laughter] oh that was that was pretty lethal okay imagine being so rich that you crashed the game now that's the definition of the weirdest flex that has to be one of the weirdest flexes anyway you may be wondering why i'm in this desert this endless desert right here with this this is not regular desert because oh boy that is satisfying oh that is beautiful oh that is beautiful and it is getting framed oh dear oh things are happening that aren't meant to happen we're looking at 22 and a half thousand entities right now that's a lot of entities am i just going to clear out all the loaded chunks and then as long as i don't move everything will be fine and it actually only went and did it it's cleared all of the loaded chunks around me the only thing that happens is if i move into new chunks then obviously they load in and then have to drop into the void but then there's a there's a small stutter as it kind of works out what's going on but then it goes back to normal look i mean i think we can all agree that that is nuts that is like totally nuts right this is exactly the same story underneath all of this tnt there is redstone blocks did they all update at one the game didn't even try it was like tia well i think that's a pretty good place to round things up oh what happened i guess there was an update i killed the game again well i think that might be the perfect place to round up this video if you want to generate worlds out of tnt or place a bunch of diamonds on the floor then maybe this pc isn't quite powerful enough for you but for everyone else this is an absolute monster this is completely completely ridiculous powered by msi components and a big thank you to msi for sending it over to me because this is ridiculous this is this is totally ridiculous this computer is the reason that my videos are going to be looking incredibly smooth from this point forth all the specs are down in the description if you want to check out for yourselves but anyway hope you enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next one see ya and i also just want to say a massive thank you to james for featuring in the film at the start of the video it was just it was a ridiculous idea uh it's vicki's little brother he did incredibly well he has never acted or done anything on camera before and then i turn up with a bunch of lights telling them what to do i'd say you haven't seen and held it it was incredibly fun you might see them pop up again at some point on this youtube channel
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,370,808
Rating: 4.9601493 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft VS My New PC, My New PC, new PC from MSI, PC from MSI, GeForce RTX 3090 GPU, I9-10900K, 128GB of RAM, 128GB, Minecraft pushed to it's extreme, Can I kill Minecraft, 1 million blocks of TNT, world out of TNT, sonic ethers unbelievable shaders on RTX 3090, Can I kill Minecraft?, RTX 3090 GPU, i9-10900K processor, Minecraft with a RTX 3090 GPU, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft shaders, Mumbos base with shaders, Hermitcraft shopping district, MSI GeForce RTX 3090
Id: 2XP9kV-p-nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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