What homebrew Magic Items are you Most Proud Of? #1 (r/MrRipper)

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this video is sponsored by reroll.com what homebrew magic items have you created that you are proud of part one for me it has to be the crusader also known as the ironic savior or smite bike it is a legendary vehicle cobbled together by a mad forge cleric trapped in the nine hells from multiple vehicles and relics he wanted to use it to escape but never managed to make it the crusader resembles a devil's ride with a blank cowl and the wheels of a tormentor its engine can be removed and will absorb the essence of fiend's slain within 10 feet of it with each soul captured being equivalent to 24 hours of charge it has a weight of 700 pounds and the crushing wheels feature of the tormentor with a dc of 12. here's the fun part though the feature holy ride when a good aligned cleric or paladin operates the helm of the crusader the holy symbol at the front changes to match their god this holy symbol can be used to channel cleric and paladin spells and features the crusader qualifies as a melee weapon for the purpose of any cleric and paladin spells and features before we get into today's video and hear all the lovely stories let's talk about our sponsor reroll.com if you're like me and you can't even draw a simple stick figure but you want to see your d d character come to life our pals at reroll.co have you covered using the 5th edition srd content and with a unique 8 16-bit pixel art style you can create and customize your dnd character from the ground up however you'd like with an ever expanding selection of races weapons armors and outfits as well as little cutesy pets you can truly breathe life into whatever character you've thought up the best part and this is something i love to pieces is that this app will work on ios android and for those of you without phones like me and you still want to use this app it works on web browsers too so man do i recommend checking them out co and now let's dive right on in shall we my favorite weapon that i made for my players paladin is a 20 foot long adamantine greatsword that does 2d12 and has 3 enchantments on it the first is when it's in fire or on fire or in lava there are runes on it that glow and read a message that i forget what i put on it and yes it's resistant to lava the second enchantment gives it 2d6 lightning damage i know it's not much but it's extra damage and the final enchantment it will have it gives you the power to control the sea he hasn't unlocked this enchantment yet planning it out for an endgame unlock my player's god is poseidon and i thought why not have this blade as a reference to zeus hades and poseidon i got a bit creative with the common magic items from xanathar's guide when it first came out but my dm wouldn't go for it because he was convinced i was somehow going to break the game with it i want to combine the pull of angling and pull of collapsing because honestly why would you want either of them separately it just makes way more sense to have both properties together with a quarter staff so i could be a fishing monk that's actually quite ingenious it would have been used primarily for fishing but would occasionally be used to deal 1d4 piercing damage and perform a ranged decks rather than strength based grapple as i would turn the quarter staff into a fishing rod with a water deep sea fishing hook at the end as i cast the line to try to hook an escaping foe the hatter's wand is a wand whose effect changes based on the wand's cap so the wand itself is basically a stick with a metal ring around the top and if you have a wand cap for it you can put it on the top and boom the hatter's wand gains the effects gained by the wand cap when i gave it to my party they got with it three caps i forget what most did but the one i do remember was the hatter's cap it could put an illusion of any type of hat over any other hat so you could using it make a top hat look like a baseball cap the wizard got a bear trap stick and a hat and made the hat look like normal where the hell did the bear trap come from what's a bear trap stick i don't understand the rune caster was a big hit in my last campaign the rune caster was a gun that was loaded with crystals etched with runes when fired the rune caster would channel the spell out of the barrel of the gun the rune caster modified spells it shot all spells became ranged attacks in addition to any saves required any aoe spells became single target range was a fixed 60 ft but could be improved by modifications each crystal could only hold one spell but contained enough magic for 10 shots if you wanted to shoot a different spell you had to swap the gun's crystal the gun was the weapon of a class i designed but anyone could be trained to use one another fun one that the party never really utilized to the full extent is the phoenix stones they are a set of five small crystal orbs that appear to contain flames once per year when the phoenix stones are set upon a body they cast true resurrection on it that is not their primary function though when a sentient being dies near the phoenix stones a sort of shadow or copy of them at the moment of their death is preserved within the stones when the stones are held and the name of the fallen is called an image of the fallen person is summoned it can perform one action or simple task after which it cannot be called again for one week thus any adventurer npc big bad evil guy or sentient monster that died near the stones could have a copy saved inside them with all of their abilities equipment spells feats etc to call on their powers you need only to call out their true name should a being with a copy in the stones return to life the copy within the stone fades an identify spell will reveal what the stones do but not necessarily the names of all the soul copies stored within divination magic could find that out but not a simple identify spell i added a snake oil salesman to one of my campaigns who was literally selling snake oil a magical concoction that when applied to an item would turn it into a snake while maintaining its original properties leading to a pc having a sentient snake long sword at his command assassinating royalty without having to raise a hand the dagger of despair my cleric slash rogue player is emo as heck and has been looking for her sister for years and recently found a letter stabbed in a tree fortunately they cast detect magic and got a sense of necrotic magic on the dagger that held the letter they discovered this nasty little beast when attuned to causes 2d 4 plus mods piercing and 1d6 necrotic damage the target must make a d12 con save if failed they live through the worst moment of their life again and are incapacitated for up to one minute taking damage allows them to re-roll the save and they can again at the end of their turn most effective was on an orc who couldn't roll above an eight he kept shouting mom mom no he died shortly thereafter and the party does not want the cleric slash rogue using that dagger ever again air quote time shield of purity gave the wielder an insane ac boost on the condition that he couldn't get blood on it literally and figuratively the wielder wasn't allowed to directly kill any sentient creature lest he lose his incredible ac it may not sound like much but i gave it the party's melee behemoth and only he could utilize its great power it was fun seeing how he played around with the shield such things as rolling for knockouts grappling a foe for a ranged unit to finish off and other things of the sort were common i don't think he ever lost the enchantment rather he found something else to boost his defense and sold the shield for a hefty price still definitely one of my favorite items i've given to a player mine is a series of items more so the components that make them long story short is this a pun on the next word dwarves lost in the fey wild stay behind to mine rainbow diamonds and make weapons from them red gives plus 2 damage orange bestows hunter's mark for an auto hit ranged only yellow deals lightning damage when embedded green siphons health from the enemy the mine hadn't retrieved the other colors yet but i plan for blue to restore a spell slot on a crit indigo to deal psychic damage and violet the rarest to have a mind control effect this is my first so far only campaign the next part will take place 100 plus years in the future and i can't wait to see them all in action it is a simple concept that ties more into the themes of the campaigns i've used them in simply called pharasma's garden initially for pathfinder but i used it for 5e as well essentially it is a long bow made out of vines and a few flowers with a thin grass blade as the string it's a plus one longbow that deals its normal 1d8 plus mod but the kick here is this before you roll an attack you have to roll a d4 depending on what the number was the bow would change the type of output damage there would be as well as change design if you roll the one you would do fire damage and the bow would slowly burn and blacken at the top would be a flower that represents fire in some way if you rolled a 2 you would do cold damage and the bow would produce dew and shrivel up at the top some snow drop flowers or other flowers that represents winter would appear if you rolled a 3 you would automatically heal someone for as much damage as you would normally do and the bow would shine with radiant energy all natural parts of the bow and the surrounding ground would flourish and at the top of the bow would produce good berries which i ruled could be eaten as a swift action slash bonus action now if you roll a four you would do lightning damage as the bow would shake and rapidly change before releasing a bolt of lightning leaving behind a straight line of flowers that represent storms and lightning after the d4 is rolled roll your attack if you were to roll a 1 again depending on how low the roll is if it fails again that specific power of the bow is released and cannot be used again for example i rolled a 4 on the d4 to do lightning damage then i rolled to attack and critically failed i roll again with a very low number and not only do i miss the shot but now the bow can no longer use the lightning damage it returns to a normal bow the others are still there but anytime you'd roll a d4 and get a 4 it's just a normal shot if all the powers in the bow are lost the bow is destroyed and returns to its simple natural parts if during your attack you roll a critical roll again if your number is high enough and you are missing a power you regain it from the last example after missing and losing the lightning shot my next turn i rolled again and critically succeeded i rolled again with a high number still shot my crit arrow for normal damage but afterwards the power of the lightning shot charged up and could be used again i'd love to toy around with the ideas of when the bow could be plus 2 or higher granting different types of damage besides the ones previously mentioned such as necrotic psychic thunder and so on but this is it a weapon that not only is as powerful at early levels but also really embarks the rng and dice rolling that is dungeons and dragons its unique offers a lot of flavor and wonderful research on the types of flowers it could be and overall fun to use as many times i'd have the players forget to roll the d4 and accidentally heal the enemy or hurt their partners give it a go sometime and let ferasmus garden take you where it will i know i pronounced that differently in the beginning of this i'm sorry as a joke i gave my players an option to buy fluffy pink earmuffs from a shifty salesman in an alleyway for an insane amount of money alongside a couple of other better and rarer items the campaign is set in the early 17th century with magic so the appearance of the pink earmuffs got some chuckles from my players but one of the players didn't just leave them as a silly gag their character bark the orc fighter bought the earmuffs spending all his gold on them and put them on he then proceeded to never take them off the character became a walking joke because not only was the thought of a big burly orc fighter walking around with fluffy pink earmuffs hilarious but the player and i created a gag that the earmuffs were noise cancelling so not really magic but kinda the characters thought the earmuffs were magic the already slow half-witted orrick fighter was now practically deaf and either relied on hand gestures to communicate or yelled whenever someone tried to talk to him i allowed it because the orc never did much of the talking before that anyway and the players loved it but the earmuffs weren't just a silly gag months later in the same campaign my players face off with some sirens merfolk but with enchanted songs like sirens if the players failed an intelligence check they would be enchanted by the siren song and jump into the water where the sirens were circling their ship waiting to drag them into the deep at this moment i had completely forgot about the pink earmuffs until the player for the orc fighter pipes up and does an uh um actually his character couldn't hear the siren songs and didn't need to roll an intelligence check which he surely would have failed he was then able to save the other players who were enchanted from jumping overboard the orc fighter barks fluffy pink earmuffs ascended to the status of infamy in my dnd group from that session on tldr legendary fluffy pink earmuffs saved the party from drowning hey everyone brian here again welcome back to all of our current followers friends subscribers and fans let's all extend a warm welcome to any newcomers as well as we encourage them to subscribe and join the family like the video and of course ring that little bell so you can always stay notified whenever we upload or go live and if you'd like to leave a story for us to read you can do so here in the comments as long as it pertains to the topic of the video or on our slash mr ripper which is steadily growing massive you can also follow mr ripper on his twitter or join his discord all links can be found in the description below using a help action you can come join me on my own journey as a voice actor and content creator over on my twitter and youtube brian von va or join my discord for some tabletop chat or voice acting fun links are all in the description below also one last thing we'd like to thank our sponsor today reroll.co one more time and believe me this is definitely an app i choose to play with every so often especially when this thinking up new characters that i can see in the using in the future and even if i just want to visualize my character not so much use the actual structure i'll do that too so it's a handy tool for anyone out there be it someone who's just not a good artist and wants to see what their character would look like in 8 16-bit pixels or if you really want to get number crunchy and want a nice neat platform to do it in i suggest using that tool reroll.co check them out use them and show us your creations business talk out of the way how's everyone doing as far as i'm aware this video should be my first one i've done in september yeah scooter i'm locking it in jokes aside i just want to make sure august ended well for everyone and that september brings you a lot of love and happiness as much as it can anyway by now a lot of things have probably changed in the world and i really truly hope that good things come your way so in that vein please tell me anything you've got going on for you this month what your plans are what you might be doing to try and improve your situation or feel free to rant about something that may be going off with you too we all care and as a special request just for me make sure to give yourself a break from the world each day call your family talk to friends mention someone in the comments and just help each other out stay connected and let each other know that you all matter okay i want everyone to be reminded that unity can still be had online even if we can't have it in person just yet we're all out there we're all struggling but we got this together believe me it's gonna get better all the love everyone be safe stay frosty out there you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 50,435
Rating: 4.9525924 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: FstNxh3bsSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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