What is the Funniest Homebrew Item or Mechanic you've seen? #1

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i "upgraded" the ochre jelly to be more edible, i described it to my player as cheesy milk that wants to kill you.

they then used it to kill a hag

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bloodangelmaster 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I as a gm once created a special playlist of songs for a curse I put on one my players. It was a simple curse that gave advantages and as well as disadvantages. It made it so his character always had the appropriate theme music playing around him. Walking into an ambush it helps as the theme from jaws starts playing and everyone realizes something is up. Trying to bluff someone and liar by queens starts playing in the background. Trying to sneak past guards? Good luck with the theme to the pink panther playing in game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Grasharm 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

We stole a couple of wands from a wizard while we were liberating some slaves that included the daughter of a merchant who had the macguffin we needed. Our female bard kept them because she had Use magic device so high she could blindly activate any wand so we were feeding her every wand we had/found. She quickly figured out most of them with the help of detect magic telling her the school but one enchantment school fortification subschool wand she couldn't figure out. She would UMD it and it would activated a buff but the buff just didn't seem to do anything.

Eventually the wizard tracks us down and demand restitution for his slaves and the return of his property. After a mid boss level encounter we have the wizard at our mercy and he surrenders. The bard then asks him what the wand does during our questioning and he says it is no use to you. He is adamant about not saying what it does which is weird as he was forthcoming until this point. Finally she says fine what is the keyword then so when I sell I can at least let the merchant know. He tells her it is Viagra. The whole group chuckles as his reticence to say what it does takes on a different dimension.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Grasharm 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello my sweet pea it is i dave makes noises the great devourer of stories and dispenser of delight just wanted to humbly request that you check out our subreddit r mr ripper where we are finding so many of the amazing stories that we share on this very youtube channel the threat in this video is in fact one that i started so thank you for all your responses may it be the first of many please remember to check out our live streams sundays and wednesdays 2 p.m pacific 5 p.m eastern 10 pm gmt if you are a dm or a player looking for a group please drop in and say hi on our discord server perhaps you will find your party present and one last thing this episode is sponsored by our friends over at re-roll but we're going to touch on that in a bit and in the meantime what is the funniest homebrew item or mechanic you have seen part one this might be a common one but one homebrew mechanic i've seen that led to a lot of laughs was finishers especially when the party would kill the last enemy of an encounter the character that dealt the final blow would be allowed to describe the method of killing they had to incorporate whatever spell weapon or attack that they used but they weren't limited to only that this led to a ton of gruesome deaths and great memories as monsters would be dismembered pulverized or even left to suffer a slow and painful end once it was great because it allowed flair in combat without needing to risk missing an attack this video was made possible today with support from the brilliant folks over at reroll think your dnd characters would look cool in pixel art they probably would do you have a computer with a web browser or any ios or android smartphone or tablet you probably do do you seek a blistering radiant dose of cosmic inspiration for your flashy new dnd character for that one shot you and your friends have been talking about but definitely otherwise putting not for months stupid question of course you do re-roll is a really pretty really easy to use 8-bit pixel art dungeons and dragons character builder app it contains the basic srd content and you can upload original content as well as expanded dnd compendium content very easily with an ever growing selection of races armor gear outfits pets and spoopy stabbity demon wings to creatively complement your character concepts look it's gruagakh and killas and yukon available now on your web browser ios and android you can find more information and links to download at reroll.co so please visit reroll.co show them some love and as always tell them rip daddy sent you oh man do i got one story for you regarding homebrew items back in february i actually got to dm for the first time when i made a homebrew one shot for my d d group that took place in the world of zveden they liked it for what it was even if combat was unbalanced though anyway i wanted to spice up my already chaotic one shot the party got arrested because of a changeling who was impersonating them so they had to walk around the hub town to find and defeat the changeling influencer his cult fanbase and his patron the monopoly man so i ended up having one of the npcs give the party a deck of many things psych no i didn't even i'm not that crazy but what i did do was give them a cheap knockoff of the deck of many things that one of the gods had made as a joke it was called the deck of fake and had cards which could do a lot of weird stuff one card had you automatically your pants giving you disadvantage on all charisma rolls until you change pants one card would cause the two most recently spoken words to appear as a magical tattoo that would not go away until one year later another made a random building in the town explode even one that had a person getting teleported from where they were to a medieval ikea and had to spend at least five turns running back to their original destination best use of this deck was in the aftermath of when the party beat the big bad evil guy who was begging them to spare his life but they had other plans they made him draw the card that made him himself and the tattoo one so he had the words peanut butter and rats on almost all of his body oh and then they fed him this super powerful pizza that they got from a merchant who was inspired by the potion cellar meme called the pizza cellar here but he failed the con save when he ate it so he exploded because the pizza was too strong for him i couldn't have asked for a better ending for a one shot i'm definitely using this piece of deck again in my next one shot our latest game of dnd 3.5 had our dm using some home brew modifications he redid the armor and healing mechanic so it was harder to heal and easier to be hit that stuff wasn't so great but he did have a random item generator for randomly terrible random items he let us buy an unidentified piece of random whatever for about 50 gold pieces and then watch us go what the hell is this crap think the gambling mechanic from diablo 2 and 3. these included the following gems like the torch of light a single use item that when lit like a normal torch will glow with magical energy we scammed someone into buying this incredibly useful item from us we also had the tankard of tavern finding that would point you to the nearest tavern which was very handy as stranding us in the middle of the wilderness was our dm's specialty best of all was the animated rope that i got that behaved like a dog i had to address it as rex and then my rope was a very good boy i didn't get much of a chance to use rex as i got him late in the campaign but as an organic hating war forged monk character i was very pleased with my new best friend mechanics-wise we were using someone else's home brew rules for grappling as my monk was built around grappling guys and crushing them honestly i don't remember how it tweaked them exactly but all i know was that if i beat my opponent's initial opposed grapple check by 10 that i had them pinned all of my feats were for being the best scorpion grasp i think it's called that let me make a grapple attempt as a free action after a successful attack improved grapple negated the attack of opportunity clever wrestling gave me more buffs to grapple checks and then once and ahold i had earth's embrace to do an additional 1d12 points of damage on top of the automatic critical hit side inflict whilst attacking a pinned opponent in a grapple if an opponent couldn't get out of the pin by the time my next turn came around they were pretty much dead a bit annoying to try and execute properly but when it did it made me feel like a goddamn wrestling ninja badass 5th edition campaign haven't been playing for long but the gm of my current group seemingly loves just providing random trinkets with interesting effects over outright blatantly useful magic items so far we've seen a staff that does nothing but grow flowers a teddy bear that forces people to hug it if they fail a will save and the item that's important to this story a small ring the ring was gifted to our wizard from a friend of his after a party he told us it was a ring of teleportation and as the wizard tried to use it only his robes hat and the ring were teleported after we were all done the npc revealed it was a gag gift and provided us with the magic huggable bear instead the wizard didn't want the ring so i took it when nobody else wanted it something you gotta know about me is i kinda have a reputation as that guy who can find a use for anything and i took the ring with the plan that should we come across anyone with armor we couldn't pierce i'd trick them into using the ring of disrobing to trick them into taking off their armor what i ended up actually using it for was when we came across a group of bandits one of them was trying to act tough in front of the others by challenging us and trying to threaten us into handing over everything we had we'd taken out about a dozen bandits already and every single party member could easily one-shot any of them so we were less than impressed and so were the two bandits following this leader who was challenging us so once he realized his party had abandoned him i said to him if we pay you will you leave he ashamedly agreed to this to save face here have this magic ring it's the most valuable thing i own i told him bringing out the ring of d-robing i think it's disrobing that's the word he happily took it knowing that a magic item must be worth a lot i told my familiar to follow him and watch what happened the bandit captain returned to his tribe and tried to claim he had fought valiantly about how we were pushovers and how he was doing us a service depriving us of only this ring out of pity and about how he begged him not to take it now behold my new power he said in a dramatic voice before suddenly he was in nothing but his underwear in front of his whole village so my first character had an irrational fear of golden bowls not any other golden things just golden bowls so we're at this moment eating dinner and i decide to sneak around and see if i can loot i get to a door and open it the room was full of golden bowls luckily i was able to escape that room without going insane and so i move on to the next room enter homebrew i open the door and out comes a golden bowl with seven foot legs and it stands menacingly over my character while he cowers in the corner of the hallway my personal favorite is when you have someone trapped or bound like tied up or in a net of entrapment they can spit at you does zero damage but you still have to roll to hit it leads to some cases where the player and the held person just spit at each other and flip each other off fun times i've definitely spit on a holding me down before in game for sure something you can do the death duck basically it was a normal looking rubber duck but once a day when it's been squeezed someone you talked to in the last week dies ended up killing our cleric while he was with a barmaid doing the down and dirty led to him pulling a jesus and reviving but then we had to skip town cause the town thought he was jesus damn duck i almost got to use it but the party split up before i had the chance but someone online made the unmaker from doom the original if you don't know what the unmaker is it is a gun made of human flesh and bone that shoots lasers basically the gun gave proficiency when hitting humanoids and fiends devils etc and since it shot lasers you couldn't reload it with ammo so the way you reload it was by killing enemies gave 2d4 or something also it did like a ton of damage forgot how much i planned to actually use it in a later campaign a homebrew mechanic that i enjoyed seeing was destructible walls and environments our dm would have acs depending on the material of the door terrain we wanted to mess up in a 5th edition campaign we were looking for a known criminal who was hiding in a village and our cleric had gotten his hands on a war horse because the player wanted to play as a cataphract our rogan bard engaged with the village elder and asked her to turn him over peacefully we were pointed to a straw hut and as a ranger with high perception i snuck to the rear window and could make out our target and four other bandits hiding behind a barricaded door we didn't really know how to charge in because the hut had one entrance so our cleric decided to cast guidance and sanctuary on his war horse and said i tell him to charge the back of the hut and trample everything the horse rolled in at 20 3 with the guidance d4 and barreled through the straw wall trampling the leader with its hooves none of the bandits could kill the horse due to its increased armor class and we walked out with our captured criminal and a very red war horse with ptsd saw this threat in one of the videos and had to offer this one up thank you for watching my homebrew world contains items called bazaars basically everyday mundane items that have been exposed to great magical force and now hold chaotic magical properties attached that oftentimes make no sense essentially the gimmick behind them is that you cannot cast identify on them as the chaotic magics infused within cannot be read properly by the spell without an additional arcana check understanding that this may frustrate some players i also granted them a salt shaker of chaotic identification early on in the campaign though they are unsure of its real name as this salt shaker is also a bizarre essentially the concept of the salt shaker is that it correctly identifies the closest magical item to it communicating to the person holding it what the item the salt shaker being held to is stating the sole purpose of this item is to ellipsis pretty basic right well there is a catch when it is not being held up to anything the closest magical item to this salt shaker is the salt shaker itself so when it is not being used it continuously communicates to the person carrying the salt shaker the sole purpose of this item is to inform people that the sole purpose of this item is to inform people that the sole purpose of this item is to inform people that the sole purpose of this item is to inform people and so on as a result each morning in game my players always discuss who is going to be carrying the salt shaker each day based on how annoying or useless they were the previous day if only my players knew that a simple lead container would solve this dilemma on who would carry it hello you glistening beacon of the infinite shimmering away on this glistening bejeweled island in the sun we call planet earth thank you for attuning your infinite cosmic goggles in our direction for a few minutes just wanted to cover some quick business first i just wanted to extend another thanks to our sponsor for today's video reroll check them out at super cool way to conceptualize your characters thanks again for helping us out quick reminder to please check out our subreddit r mr ripper to submit your stories for rip daddy's glorious seal of approval if you're looking to find over 1500 d d obsessed nerdos such as yourself come join us in discord but in addition to shenanigans be prepared for bun anigans but to be fair i think that's just part of its appeal if you are wondering how you can support the channel please feel encouraged to check out our merge store below and don't forget to hang out with us on our live stream sundays and wednesdays 2 p.m pacific 5 p.m eastern 10 p.m gmt sunday streams we're doing storytelling wednesday streams we are doing our own homebrew 5th edition dungeons and dragons campaign so come hang out for that it's it's awesome so far we're having so much fun every week i am more and more grateful to be a part of this awesome community i've never had somebody make fan art of my characters before and in one day two people sent me fan art and it almost moved me to tears because despite my cool collected pragmatic exterior i am actually a big sensitive baby and things like this affect me profoundly so thank you from the bottom of my warm and fuzzy heart to hannah and nanami from the discord i am overwhelmed with joy that something we've created has in turn inspired you to create something y'all are so incredibly talented oh my god thank you so much and please keep creating if you love me and want me to be happy please check out my website www.davemakesnoises.com where my musical musings are available for your enjoyment and as always please sub for nat 20s stay hydrated by sweet little poopers i love you all so much and we'll see you soon you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 57,365
Rating: 4.940167 out of 5
Keywords: DnDStories, DnD, DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: msdbk00JRoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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