D&D players, what was the NAT20 that made your DM facepalm? #2

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this one again we're gonna be in for a fun ride guys D&D Player's what was the NAT 20 that made your DM facepalm part 2 and hey while I got you on the horn if you have a story you'd like to share one that's relevant to the video so check the title make sure to leave us a comment below with a related story and it may just be used in a video anyway enough dilly-dallying let's get right into it shall we my dragon born paladin was helping infiltrate a bandit camp we got see I tell the bandits he can't see me a role persuasion not 20 my DM sighs ah the Bandit goes okay and walks away best session ever some people asked me about how I killed someone with a feather I strangled him with it DM asked for a role nat 20 that feather was used to murder three more people the ship is rocking like crazy in a storm waking you Ola I'd like to roll to stay asleep not 20 okay well now lightning is crackling like crazy and you hear the crew shouting NAT 20 you hear the ship creaking and wood snapping 18 you wake up I managed to roll two more NAT 20s for sleeping later in the story arc I used command on a bandit and say backflip the Bandit then attempts to do a backflip rolls a natural one for performance lands on his head and breaks his neck one of my favorite kills I've had in my short time of playing D&D my character was bleeding out in my first campaign in a panic I decided to intimidate my wounds rolled NAT 20 DM had a stroke then said okay so you yelled really hard at your open stomach wound and it just up and closed heal 5 HP actually kind of a good idea - can't believe it worked I know 20 Dan intimidation role after fouling up a stealth check an eight foot something Goliath barbarian just screaming you cannot see me go away add a pair of terrified succubi was just too good mwah the minute goes to buy truth fern art gunslinger it hits and you take for damage Matt your turn I jump on top of the mimic and slam my revolver into its head and fire roll for it net 20 with the grace of an Olympic gold medalist gymnast earning my character flips over Ruth's firs head and sticks the landing with such finesse Ruth furred zarm doesn't buckle under your weight yeah I set up a prison my players were trapped in they were required to get to the lowest floor where there was a portal I made a boss fight on one of the floors where they would fight the warden my little brother likes to mess up what I have planned what do you do i chained him up and put him on my pet Manticore okay you're going to need a really high rule is this high enough I don't exactly remember what the role was but they took the first boss hostage they now keep him as a pet I had a funny moment while playing a gnome rogue by the name of scrambles by design I made him smaller than your average gnome and quite comically used my size with both advantageous and terrible effect but I always like to think of the time while escorting a traitor we met to the nearest town with my party which consisted of a cleric a druid and a fighter who had an in character distrust of anyone non-human naturally we didn't get along most of the time during an argument he decides to try to punt my character like a football having done this a few times before with mixed results I was expecting it he rolls a 1 I asked the damned if I can roll to dodge it anyway and after getting the ok I roll a 17 I tell the DM I'm going to counter back after my dodge but instead of attacking I want to jump on to the fighters head and the DM shrugs and says ok but I want you to roll a d20 for agility and dexterity in a d6 1719 six I think back and asked a DM what the d6 was for realizing he never told me why I was rolling it instead of answering my question the DM tells us that when trying to kick my character the fighter stumbled and my rogue was able to not only dodge the attack by jumping but back flipped into the fighters face breaking his nose as I scurried on to his head the table laughed except for the fighter who said I just grabbed the little gremlin off my head and hold him away from that arm's length he rolls and succeeds I look at my DM plainly and say my character goes limp my DM who actually kind of hated how much our fighters hate for other races derailed the campaign or was just annoying to deal with in general told us each to roll a d20 and lightning struck twice in my favour 21 in my favor the DM describes how this tiny runt of the gnome looks at the fighter and smiles before sagging down the massive fighter struggles to grab hold with both hands before being pulled to the ground by the weight of this tiny creature the DM tells us both to roll again and Anna cruel twist of fate the dice gods made us even 1 to 20 the DM closes his eyes and sighs and says the fighter fell to the ground right on top of my character the overall weight of the fighter in his armor crushing me instantly the DM said outside of a mangled sack of crushed meat and bones only a bright red gooey stain remained of scrambles on the outside of our fighters armor the cleric said she wanted to resurrect me but I declined I've been wanting to play a wizard for a while at this point and it seemed like a hilarious way to leave the party the fighter never washed the stain off of his armor either and occasionally pointed at it and said that's the only no my ever kind of liked it actually came in handy as an intimidation tool and the DM decided to give him a +5 in intimidation a +2 in dexterity and a minus 1 luck for it and that's how my character became an armor enchantment and was playing a bard and we had to lure people and interested in women so we dressed up and spread across the city I used my cape my PC wears a cape as a blanket lit some candles with presto and with minor illusion I played Careless Whisper DM tells me to role performance nat twenty got me five GP from some men on the street interested in me losing some clothes until i revealed to them that my pc is in fact a dude still a fun experience the first time i played D&D i was a wizard that specialized in lightning magic we were facing a goblin army inside an ancient temple it became my turn which was also my first turn ever i cast chain lightning but rolled in that one the DM feeling sympathetic for me said you focus your spell but got distracted halfway through and shot sideways the lightning hit a pillar which caused it to topple over and crush 50 goblins this is a story between a dragon born paladin and their DM i tried to jump on to the dragon's back and attack it to keep it from fleeing all right royal ethics with disadvantage fair enough rolls to NAT 20s total silence from everyone until divine smite my group was fighting against a couple of enemies the thing was that the group was a little dispersed in the battle so when the enemy saw the poor part of the team practically alone they started to focus him a single round passes in the bard was unconscious and started rolling death saves me has a hex blade with a tome I was stupid with an alpha Miller tried to save him but of course I didn't have healing so I send my little owl to use the help action for the bards death saves which my DM allowed the bards turn arrived NAT when he thanks to the advantage now with one hit point the bard starts to heal himself and help in the battle which we won thanks to that stupid crit it was hilarious one time when the party was just doing a quest we found an enemy who is meant to be a boss after a failed attempt at using charm person failed for obvious reasons we talked to this boss and with some high persuasion roles we got out with no deaths and new general we tried this one time when we found the big bad evil guy before the actual boss battle against him and the DM asked us to roll 15d 20s after seeing the first roll he said that we failed we had to get all perfect rolls if we succeeded at that then the DM would know something's not right I guess he didn't want us to do the same trick twice many many years ago a D and D was just out and my group had switched to it from the paper back rolls I was playing a samurai using the optional dragon magazine number 49 rules our party is asked to save a town from a rapacious dragon huge old and I think a blue the dragon spots us and comes in for an air attack breath weapon and claws we barely dodged the worst of the breath except for one of our thieves and the dragon comes around for another pass my samurai calmly stands as the dragon bears down on him at the last second he pivots out of the way and down comes the katana gnat 20 samurai rules state that that is an instant decapitation my samurai just decapitated a huge old dragon in flight eliminating the threat almost before we got started double facepalm and the DM just sat there at a loss for what to do next I got a good one my friend tried to use his magic shield thing and rolled quite low we were being attacked by a bat that had the consistency of honey and the plane we were in was being taken apart one guy rolled a 17-2 blow the thing up I being the good human I am used friendship to boost his role and save us all DM said if I got an at 20 it would succeed and uh I got an at 20 I remember a game where the DM gave the person a chance for a god call ie as he was being pierced by an enemy weapon he called on his God to help him achieve vengeance since he worshipped a warrior call the DM gave him to 10-sided dice and said if you roll a zero zero which means 10/10 your God will respond lo and behold bounce bounce bounce double tens man did the dm's face go blank as he never thought it would happen but then he stepped up to the moment and said something to the effect of as the enemy warrior pulls his sword from your chest with a laugh kicking your body backwards a glow envelops you and the wound suddenly your armor is whole and the wound is healed and you feel reinvigorated and while staggered from the kick you stand upright with a grin on your face the enemy forces see this drop their swords and flee and panic during the first campaign I ran my party was trying to get information out of a group of goblins they had cornered in a tavern what followed was the biggest ring of dumb barbarian moments I have ever seen first goblin is unconscious so the Barbarian rolls to slap them awake roles in that one and breaks the couple I like where this is going goblin too is hiding under a large 100 gallon cask of mead on a stand barbarian rolls to lever the cask up gnat 20 he lifts the cask then tries to grab the Goblin while still holding the cask grabs the Goblin successfully but since he is now holding up the cask was one hand I make him roll strength again and he gets a gnat one the Cask falls and turns the goblins torso and legs into pea oh it's kicking any better cannon Goblin three this goblin is tied up and conscious but will not talk barbarian roles to intimidate and rolls in at 20 given the situation I decided to roll a Kahn save for the Goblin he is badly hurt after all and the Goblin rolls in that one my barbarian gave the Goblin he gave the Goblin a heart attack in less than five minutes the Barbarian had managed to kill all three of the goblins they could have interrogated from then on Burman Forge born became known as the goblin Slayer eventually I made up a perk that automatically adds an trudi Fortas damage rolls against goblins well done Berman I'm proud of you I had a series of gnat 20s from a player on the DM that were truly absurd culminating in one from me in relation to that player that left everyone awestruck my friend was playing his most iconic character and this time around he happened to be a warrior Prince I had an NPC DM PC with him that was my most iconic character as well we'll get into that later just keep it in mind and served as his advisor slash jester he's a part now you think the NPC would be the persuasive one since he had 17 charisma and my friend had 12 you'd be wrong I rolled okay when my NPC was forced to step in but every time the Prince rolled diplomacy he got a 19 or 20 he recruited a mini-boss Dragonborn barbarian a fire giant smith and a half mad druid who was at war with the fire giant he had already recruited which was after he talked down the treant who served said druid then due to my friend switching character concepts faster than Florida weather changes around midsummer and Ohio too and a few plot points that character left but left my NPC behind to serve the kingdom's best interests enter the best moment of the game we had to pass some Hill Giants to go to the next plot point and my friends Prince had given NPC man a dagger made by the fire giant knowing what the prince would have done being loyal to said Prince and having a vague understanding of the ordering basically the giant equivalent of a caste system NPC showed the hill Giants the dagger and ordered them to stand aside as we had business to get to on the fire giants behalf Hill Giants are dumb as bricks as GM I never let someone just talk them down and boss them around without a gnat 20 my first gnat 20 on either side of the game that entire campaign even after he left the Prince still rolled in that twenty vicarious through my NPC I never facepalm so hard in my life everyone Brian here how's everyone doing everyone alright still got both your eyes all ten fingers and toes all the hair on your head still got your ears and nose well here's hoping you do checkup aside I also hope you enjoyed the video and all the goofs and laughs within if you did leave a like and if you're new here give us a big old subscribe to and if you didn't yeah yeah thumbs down will do at least you're honest either way feel free to have a chat with us in the comments below as we're always reading them tell us how you're doing or you can share a story of your own with us in the comments as well cuz you never know we might read it out in the video in the future thanks again for tuning in be safe be happy and we'll see you next time see you later everyone
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 383,302
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Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond
Id: ZrxMQNvI8S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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