Narrated D&D Story: The Evilest Thing I've Done to a Player (r/MrRipper)

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hey everyone brian here we got this story off of our slash mr ripper so head on over there if you want to submit your story to us either in a pre-existing thread or a thread that you make yourself with that out of the way let's begin this story is titled the evilest thing i've done to a player by the darkest of the links dun dun dun [Music] before i begin i just want to say that as of posting this i am 19 hours away from the conclusion to a three year long campaign that's a long campaign man why is this important because this evil was the payoff of three years worth of planning foreshadowing and hinting and it happened in the previous session it began way back in the very first episode involving the second npc they'd ever met so way back in the first session i was still new at being a dm this was my first long-running campaign and i only dm'd a couple one shots prior i wanted to play it safe to start with so naturally i had the players meet in a taffer they were contracted by a shady guy to retrieve an important family heirloom that had been taken by some orcs in a camp not far away the players were a half elf bard named fortuna which also means luck if you didn't know that a dragon born rogue named div and a fighter that sadly dropped out when the premise didn't interest them so they were replaced by a human monk named gwaki in session two now for this story it's important to talk about dev's backstory he was arrested at a young age for a crime he didn't commit he later learned his own father set him up to take the fall he had only escaped the jail after spending a third of his life in there a week prior to the campaign start this was the first place with people he'd actually been at since escaping and there was someone willing to hire him with no questions asked so the npc who gave the quest led them through a forest following a compass enchanted with locate object and they couldn't help but feel like they were being watched none of them saw him until he was standing right next to them and cleared his throat he seemed to be a human a cleric of tear with snow white hair a bushy mustache and glasses as dark as the night they walked through it was fairly clear that he was blind he introduced himself as royale and explained that he overheard them and wanted to guide them on their quest as a holy man they agreed but under the condition that he doesn't get a piece of the reward he agreed the players managed to get to the orcs and persuade them to give them the box i think they tricked them into thinking it was cursed i can't remember the specifics while the players went outside the cave to check the loot royadel stayed behind offering to heal the orcs when the players were out of eyesight they heard a fight breakout but they didn't join in as the person who hired them opened the box to reveal an apple made out of solid ruby and radiating magical energy fortuna cast detect magic and found it is extremely powerful evocation she also noticed that there were three groups of many magical items in the cave bouncing about but couldn't focus on it too long as the npc who hired them took a bite of the ruby apple the players watched as the npc bursted into flames froze solid and cackled with electrical energy as raw evocation ran through his body violently killing him they quickly put the apple back in the box and slammed it shut about this time royadel walked out of the cave wiping blood off his mace with his cloak the players could see a flint lock and a dagger strapped to his side he looked at the quest hook npc's corpse and explained that is what he was trying to event he then removed his glasses and his form shimmered no long was an elderly human standing there but three pump ups a home brew race of bipedal pomeranian dogs standing on each other's shoulder the top one with a scar across his milky eyes the middle with scars on his ears and the third with a scar over his mouth and missing a tongue they reintroduced themselves as brothers roy the blind cleric of tyr ed the deaf gunslinger and al the mute rogue so the pom-pom brothers brought the players to the organization they work for and explained that the apples are dangerous and they're trying to retrieve them it's difficult because the tree also dispersed many fake apples too such as the one the quest hook and pc ate this is where the fighter dropped out and gwaki came in so the players loved the pawn pups they were the npcs they interacted with the most when they hit level three deeves started training under al you see al was an arcane trickster though he was mute he was a great teacher he and his brothers taught div to never trust anyone after all they weren't what they seemed to be when the players first met them the game continued and the players retrieved some of the real apples they even recruited some dragonborn brothers that they insisted on calling the dragonborn z but they always came back to the pompups whenever they could after the third real apple necromancy i realized i'd been railroading pretty hard to remedy this i kickstarted act two of this three act game the demi plane in which their hub was located got assaulted by the big bad evil guy the players were forced to flee as the entire hub evacuated into the magical labyrinth that served as their fast travel system the cleric of istis who had been sending them on their missions gave them a box and the only instructions were to get to neverwinter and find the ladies handmade and then i dropped them on the other side of the continent it took many sessions to get there and who greeted them but the pump ups the players were overjoyed when the pawn pups explained some of the plot and answered some questions they were so helpful good boys best of friends even if they did stay out of the fight that destroyed a third of neverwinter they claimed it was a ptsd because it was the second time they'd been in this very situation they previously got the abduration apple but lost it due to the player's actions the same apple later caused the destruction of neverwinter in the present uh-oh eventually the players got stuck in the past due to a wish in the past they learned that some heroes of legend that ended a war between fey and dragons that had been brought up a number of times throughout the campaign ended up being themselves they had to go and get the alliance of the four archfey of seasons and five daughters of theomat which deeve was a descendant of house green when they got to the archday of spring's domain the water had been poisoned and corrupted by the bbeg the party went to its source to find a cerberus poisoning it this wasn't just a cerberus he introduced himself as rheya the hound of the bbeg during a valiant fight the cerberus taunted them to which gwaki responded by ripping out the tongue of one of the heads fortuna later cast fireball with such high damage it boiled out the eyes of another head oh god deeve stabbed into the ears of the third head i see where this is going the dog swore vengeance as his being melted into the dark abyssal icker the players made a comment about how they like the parallels between the cerberus and the pom-poms i told them i appreciate that and this narrator knows all of your tricks now we get into last thursday the players finally made it to the present they knew what they were facing and what they needed to do they wished for the power of asgoroth divided evenly among them such a powerful wish granted them audience with ao the over god he told them he will grant their request temporarily if they can first prove their worth and sent them to fight three colossi that served as the main gimmick behind the prior bosses as well as the weapons the players used against the bbeg in the past are so the party was split thousands of miles away from each other and facing the colossi alone with only the npcs that were in their respective towns at the time for help deeve chose to go to neverwinter and face the colossus known as the world now earlier in the campaign when they first went to neverwinter the world was unleashed by accident rampaged and then stolen by an antagonist known as the ursurper king of dragons this time neverwinter was prepared for something like this deep in a lab under neverwinter university a mouse folk sage a former pc played by fortuna's player years ago and a cobalt named denz had been using their many skills that had been shown throughout the campaign to create essentially a dragon-shaped magitek mech kind of like a divine beast from breath of the wild sage stayed on ground for support while dev piloted it and denz ran maintenance on it it was a massive battle in the heart of neverwinter and we played calvin ball with how it went using mostly percentiles one really bad percentile in deev's part resulted in the mech being disabled the arcane core was about to go critical he tried to go back for denz but it was too late the delay costed d he crashed to the ground sands one wing it was incinerated off by the blast of raw magic when the arcane core exploded and what's worse dens didn't make it out but when dev looked up he saw the smiling face of al extending a paw to help him up dev was overjoyed to have a friend in such a difficult battle the colossus was still rampaging and there were several creatures of shadow running around causing havoc he was glad at the very least he wasn't alone as he hugged al i asked dave how much dice do you roll for a sneak attack 10d6 why deev's player responded i didn't answer i just rolled 2d20 and took the higher of the two does a 31 hit of course it hit i described how as he felt the warmth of his mentor in his arms there was a sharp stabbing pain in his back 43 points of damage looking down he saw al holding a bloody dagger his brothers crawl out of the rubble and join him darkness starts to envelop the three their forms blending together until standing in their place is the cerberus scarred from the last battle but having been resurrected by the big bad evil guy he had been working for the organization to sabotage it from the inside it's how the bbeg was able to assault it at the end of the first third of the campaign i made him fight the pompoms sage joined in the player was really excited to use the character again but even victory was hollow if you can call it that deeve in his anger cut off the heads of roy and ed and sage cast a spell that blinded and deafened al forcing the scars of his fallen brothers on to him before banishing him to whence he came forever so there div stood alone betrayed by one of the few people he trust him just as he was when he started the campaign and to make matters worse this was the only character to explicitly betray anyone tldr i spent three years making the most adorable npcs one of which taught the rogue how to be an arcane trickster after years of very subtle foreshadowing the players betray the rogue and reveal themselves to be an enemy the players fought one thousand years in the past rogue ended up emotionally being at the same place he was at at the start of the campaign hey everyone brian here before we get into the business and positive talk i wanted to read one comment on this story that sums up my thoughts i just want to say this is absolutely beautiful it's so well done that i can't help but feel both the betrayal of the players and the sense of accomplishment you must feel bravo bravo indeed good on you game boy for saying that one because it it's true that said man that was a hell of a thing it even tugged my heart at the end if you can't tell that said if you did like the vid and even shed a tear like i have leave a like and a sub especially if you're new here trust me it helps us out and make sure to check out mr ripper's discord twitter and sub r mr ripper all links in the description and give them a follow there too as well as sharing your stories we always want to read them to follow me personally you can dive on my discord twitter and youtube brian von va where i stream games and talk about the ins and outs of voice acting and be sure to check out the mr ripper merch as well as our faithful companions adventurers coffee company they like the three brothers in the story have been with us for quite some time quite loyally i might add too and it would be a shame not to shout out their delicious smoky and dare i say earthy coffee known as dungeons and dark roast which comes in bean or ground forms they're lovely people and they deliver high quality roast at quality price and using mr ripper at checkout also nets you 10 off so it can't hurt to give them a try with all of that out of the way i just wanted to say that tonight i hope everyone is doing well so much is looming over our heads right now and i want to make sure everyone knows that the world is going to be better it's going in a great direction right now even if it doesn't look like it is trust me it is just take some time off social media don't watch anything don't look at anything just be safe wear your mask chill out at home call your parents call your friends your favorite aunt or uncle or even your grandpapps if they're still around spend some time with your children or or your pets or just chilling outside by yourself reading a book anything to get away from the world and focus on the one important thing you fill your heart with love let yourself heal rest your weary souls life is about to get better and you need to be ready for it so take some time to yourself for me alright all the love everyone see you next time here on mr ripper or some of you on my own channel brian von va be safe be happy and have a good one
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 92,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role, cerberus
Id: qS35_3I_Q5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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