What made your very first experience in DnD so awesome/terrible? #1 (r/mrripper)

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ladies and gentlemen before we get started on the stories I just wanted to say that this does come from mr. rippers subreddit with that setting out of the way D&D Player's of Reddit what made your very first experience in D&D so awesome and/or terrible part one probably the fact that for my first ever session my GM was totally fine with me playing a Slavic satanic Sun elf priest slash acolyte who was also a wizard the first great moment for him was most likely when he created techno music by my rolling oven at 20 on performance I'll also point out that my plan is for the character to gradually transition from chaotic neutral to neutral good currently he's almost true neutral so my first 5e campaign was a one-shot on discord the DM a wall has a set up for us the players to escape a hallway filled with doors with randomized monsters behind each door and they are either illusions or real he was using a deck of cards and there were 20 doors I was playing a monk and after searching all 20 doors we mostly me found five succubi behind the deck now I managed to get black eyes before getting them healed with not once he was shuffling the cards legit and pulled Queen of Hearts five times two of them were real the last door was the fifth succubi and being the degenerate i am i try to seduce and i fail and then decide to break the crystal and make the portal appear the succubi gets sucked in and I checked the portal with my rope the DM meant to ward us off with a fire on the rope but another player got jealous and kicked me in turns out I land in the succubi dimension I managed to seduce the succubi at disadvantage then five more show up after being captured I then escaped i seduce them all and then have them take me to the Queen and then I seduced the Queen while at disadvantage still and become the king of the succubus realm I derailed the entire one shot I played D&D for the first time on 6-9 2020 on discord it was awesome my character's name is Pierre on he is a red draconic sorcerer variant human and the other two members are tea flings one is a warlock named Lilith her otherworldly patron is the Raven Queen and she took pact of the tomb when she got to level 3 and the other tiefling is a barbarian and her name is and this of the blue whale she left the session early so she's still at level 2 hey congratulations on playing B and D for the first time this year it was a really cool first session that the DM was really into he had a map drawn out and a pretty good amount of role-playing and combat he did these amazing voices for the characters and I was so enthralled in it the group itself was five of us and the only two guys were mean and the DM he invited the three girls and I was brought along as a friend with my roommate she asked and he said it was fine and it was a really good session and everyone enjoyed themselves and he explained the rules really well the group - me went out on a couples night out I wasn't invited because I want in the D&D society and he made very sexually charged advances to the girls even when they rejected his advances he just pushed her over and stormed off at least I assumed that's what he meant I didn't know any of this had happened for a while because there were multiple group chats I wasn't in from the D&D society where they had agreed not to talk to him or play with him anymore so a few weeks passed with no word on another game I didn't want to ask that when the next one was because I didn't want to force him to DM if he didn't want to so I was waiting for him to ask I asked my roommate about the D&D thing and she explained it all so a good session retro actively made bad bi a shitty DM the first time I played D&D was in an Air Force junior Reserve Officer Training Corps aka AAF junior OTC strategy and tactics club our DM kinda gave us a bear version of the game so he could learn to play easily but overall it was pretty fun and he was a great DM despite our teenage Tom shout-out to you Jason but when our second mission took off things didn't exactly go well for this quest one of the older players decided to DM to get our usual one a break we made it into an underground area in order to find some artifacts or something when we stumbled upon an underground village from the looks of the dead people around the area along with the blood and crude weapons they seemed pretty hostile so I snuck into one of the homes and managed to quietly kill an old guy sitting at his desk turns out he was one of the only NPC's in this town of what I think were cannibals to actually be a nice guy he also had two kids now orphaned and was blind I attempted to lay him to rest in his bed and rolled pretty low diem said I accidentally mutilated his body into a pile of bloody mush and limbs which then spawned a very angry black soul spirit that disappeared and would hunt me down for the rest of that character's life got me a bit internally and externally Steve considered quitting after that session but once the previous DM got his position back I decided to stick with it for the long haul in playing ever since I'm the type of guy who doesn't like fantasy too much but on our first campaign I was able to tame an al bear named Bosco Mysterio my character named Kasterborous Mysterio and now I'll do anything in my power to protect it we started the storm Kings Thunder campaign some of the other players in the group had previously started another campaign but this was my first time even rolling a d20 we just did an introductory mission to get me used to mechanics I was playing a tiefling robe who specialized in daggers we had a quest to save some local townspeople from a cave that goblins had taken them to the path forked whenever we entered the cave the left side had rough terrain and a lot of rocks the right path was straight and uncluttered I decided to take the game plan from onward and take the path of peril we took the left route and ended up cut off at a dead end Waterfall slash waterhole I stupidly went in the furthest and we were all asked to roll a perception check our Ranger ended up rolling the highest and noticed something dripping off the ceiling black ooze leaked to the floor arrows and melee weapons didn't seem to damage it so our drew and I ran into the water so it chase us and dissolve however it could swim it hit both the druid and I so we took a little damage but it took a permanent 1% off our AC we ran out and down the other cave we ended up finding villagers along with a horde of goblins and two ogres we fought them for a bit but we're starting to lose that's when the black ooze entered and ended up eating the ogres while it was distracted we rescued the villagers and exited the cave PS we constantly roll perception checks to see if the black ooze are still following it's even though we've started a new campaign TOD are we encountered an unhittable black ooze while trying to save villagers from goblins ended up getting saved by the same boos when we started losing our fight with the goblins and escaped with the villagers a group of us who frequent the local Warhammer store started up a lost minds of fend elver games most of us have never played D&D before so we had some teething issues at first including my rogue being turned into paste in the second section but most of it was an amazing adventure we bypassed what we thought was gonna be a massive battle with an orc clan by pretending to be a travelling bar kon saves left and right to see how drunk we were this ended with fighting and killing an ogre and our dwarf barbarian becoming an honorary orc and the creation of death brew death brew turned into malt of cocktails on steroids thankfully we didn't abuse this our sorcerer wound up talking down the dragon venom Fang mid combat due to our fighters being tied up with asha zombies we just couldn't roll high enough to hit them and when we did hit them we did pitiful damage when we did assault crag mah keep we had a small army to assist us then the final dungeon dive into the titular mine was amazing got some temporary weapons of +1 due to some arty shenanigans and amazing rolls the DM having to rewind a combat entirely because they forgot something thank for that a goddamn wizard duel home-brewed and then chucking six molotovs at the final boss just because he pissed us off the cheating bastard shot arty bullying druid after she beat him in the wizard duel oh and my eldritch night-fighter created a magic machine gun RDM rolled it was okay to cast magic missle then action surge to cast it again and I can't forget that our bard was forced to multi-class into warlock because of a very wierd RP section halfway through I want to know more about that come on all in all our DM is a brilliant artist and I can't wait until we start our next adventure next week my character was a beholder born bard we were now below the deck of a ship where several demons had just been summoned this was my first combat encounter and I was excited to use slash show my special ability elaboration a beholder born is a homebrew race that when under extreme stress can transform into a beholder our DM decided it was best if I waited until being under 1/3 of my max HP before I could use it we were fighting this giant lizard thing that had done almost enough damage to where I could use my stand as I call it our paladin was at 1 hp riding on this thing's back when my turn comes around and I say I pull out my dagger and I stabbed myself sure think how much damage you take at this point I'm like screw it I take full damage for I then activate my ability and combat continues the demon went right after me and decides to bite me in the face I am now unconscious the demon then flips over on top of our paladin still at 1 HP he used reaction to position his sword at the demons head so when it flipped its skull would be impaled by his sword it worked our Triton fighter came over to try to stabilize him which he was able to because he hadn't completed his death saves I unfortunately almost did while Gerald the Paladin was being stabilized I had to make one last death save the last two had both been 9 and failed I rolled the die and 9 keep in mind me and the Paladin were the only ones with healing spells and he was unconscious even if he was conscious he didn't have any resurrection spells now you might think that I just described a terrible experience but listen to this the whole campaign was based off of Joe cats Gorby and we were essentially trying to ascend gorg to godhood the DM was sad that my first character died the way he did so in an act of pity he had gorebyss a god come back from the future and resurrect me it wasn't even some grand affair he just said oh yeah future gorg resurrects you cuz I feel kinda sad your first character died best part everyone except the unconscious paladin was in a different room when this happened and not a single person was fazed by the fact I came back from the dead best DM ever 10 years old we just moved in with my now adoptive dad ah his best friend my favorite uncle was the forever GM since first edition was a thing and he decided to put together a second or third edition game for my parents and a couple of my dad's brothers I got invited to play as he knew I was pretty smart for my age and had an interest in the classic nerd stuff rolled me up as a classic dwarf fighter ah yeah I was an extremely shy kid and most of my role-playing was simple grunts and nods until he came to the goblin cave everyone but me and my Uncle Joe was a little bit of the crazy type of players and there was a huge debate about how we should approach the cave because if we weren't careful GM uncle would 100% kill us the man is a great GM but does not pull punches and the brothers had lost many characters over the years to goblin and cobalt traps the conversation turned into an argument and for 20 minutes we all sat within spitting distance of the cave while they went over plans and which was best until I finally piped up excuse me silence Jaime dad is a wizard right with a frog familiar why don't we just send the familiar into scout for us and report back what it seems if we see any goblins in the first room we can throw oil down and light it to smoke them out if the rooms empty we can move up and fortify the position and repeat the process I played a lot of RTS and war games as a kid man that was smart everyone just looked at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing at first I thought they were laughing at me but one of my uncle's explained that they were laughing at themselves for not thinking of it first throughout the rest of the dungeon I got to wow my dad and uncles with my tactical intellect as I solved as many sticky combat situations and exploring puzzles as everyone else we didn't always go with my plans uncle's knew the GM well enough to smell a trap and I was too inexperienced to spot them but to this day they're still impressed that I legitimately came up with some of the best plans in that dungeon but my favorite one was and always will be simply sending that frog down the tunnel man I love wholesome stories hey everyone Brian here welcome to the last story that's gonna be narrated by me in July don't worry I'm not going anywhere this is just the last one I'm doing in July if you like the video then please give us a whopping ly big thumbs up and if you're new here use your bonus action to subscribe ringing in the Bell also helps and honestly it helps you guys when them does us in that case because it lets you stay notified whenever we post a new video or go live speaking of going live we do stream every Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Eastern Standard or 10:30 p.m. GMT doing live reads of stories on our / mr. Ripper go check out our sub and leave some stories in there trust me you're gonna want to do it that's where a lot of our contents gonna be coming from baby so mark your calendar and check us out on the flip side you can always follow mr. Ripper on Twitter or join us discord links are always in the description for everything I'm talking about you can also come check me out on my Twitter discord and on my YouTube which I stream on every Saturday reliably and throughout the week sporadically I also put up a lot of stuff to do with voice acting and the behind the scenes as well so you might like it you might not come say hi if you want links are in the description with all the business talk out of the way I hope the end of July is a good one for you find folks out there and then August is way better to us than July was I know a lot of us need a good respite from the trauma that July brought but never fear we're all in it together to that end I encourage each and every one of you to stay close to your family and friends as well as to take time out of your day to talk to one another and comments below or on twitter just even at your local grocery store just say hi give them a smile in a wave you honestly have no clue how much 5 minutes or even 30 seconds of your day might mean to someone else I've seen so many people lately teetering on the edge because of all the nasty stuff going on out there so make some time for people and moreso make some time for yourself because we're all here and we're all valid no matter what we're going through and remember for me you really do matter I know I joke around a lot especially when I'm on streamed with my high energy and whatnot but I mean it when I say you matter you matter so don't hide your pain talk it out it's better than bottling it up believe me I know all the love for me and the boys Scott and Dave stay safe be happy and enjoy the rest of the July Brian out
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 75,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: Th2i_xarKzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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