What's your best story of when you or a party member rolled either a 20 or a 1? #1

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It was back in DnD 3.5 edition with a high level party vs a drow wizard BBEG fight. Sorcerer somehow successfully polymorphed the drow into a defenseless little snail and it was up to a fighter to finish him off. Surely he can strike the slug down with 4 attacks per round, right? ... 4 NATURAL ONES IN A ROW, I kid you not.

The fighter was so sad, he went to the kitchen and sat on the floor for some time. I was feeling sorry for him, so I had the druids animal companion bring him some random snail to slash. ANOTHER NATURAL ONE. From that moment onward the fighter had a new personal quest: find the blacksmith who sold him THE CURSED AXE.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gettor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It was in a 3.5 campaign. I dont remember all of the characters but the most relevant ones were the dark elf artificer princess, the human corrupted necromancer champion, and myself the changeling rogue birthed from the vampire queen of the campaign. I the course of a few weeks the necromancer had managed to have relations with both the elf and myself. But because he was corrupted the DM ruled that the necromancers corruption passed to us as well messing with our abilities without our knowledge. Fast forward to our next encounter we are face with a soul devourer and my rogue uses charm person. Nat 20 she now has a shiney pink translucent chain wrapped around her hand that's connected to the shiney new color around the soul devourers neck. She cant remember how she made it happen but knows that she did it and that her new companion is very hungry. So she feed him souls till he becomes the embodiment of sloth and encases her in bone armor when not engaged in combat

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kittykitty1989 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

5th edition with me and my friends were I was the dm we encountered a group of goblins at the beginning of the battle my friend asked me if he could stab a goblin in the penis so I said yes but only if he could roll a 20 (I would really regret this later) so he rolled and to my surprise he rolls a 20 so I had to make a good picture of this in his head so I told him every detail about it he still killed the goblin but I had to tell him this β€œ you thrust your sword in to his penis and killed the goblin out of shock β€œ afterwards he was known as the ancient penis stabber and in other campaigns the moment is in goblin history.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Locksmith2264 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was playing a lawful good paladin (I know but hes really dumb) , who is a follower of Heironeous. One of the other party member was a necromancers, I take him to a church of Heironeous and pray that Heironeous will change him. I rolled a 1, then the necromancer says under his breath. Hector (Heironeous' evil brother) fool this man and when the moment is right i will gift you his soul. He rolls a 20. A brilliant white light fills the room, Angel choir, the whole 9 yards. Hector places a shroud around the necromancer, now no matter what he does people view it as morally righteous. Including beating a nun to death and reviving her corpse. Lvl 12 he pushed me off a bridge as he said hail Hector

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chalvin0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everyone before we get into the meat and taters of the episode this is another re-release or as I call it a remaster of an old text-to-speech favorite so if you've heard it before now you know why it's just here to showcase us the voice actors while giving you guys and gals your favorite stories back again in a better light with that set out of the way D&D Player's of Reddit what's your best story of when you or a party member rolled either a 20 or a 1 our group has a joke that one of the group's members grandma is a holy deity since she always bakes us cookies calls us on our birthdays etc basically is sweet all across the board well our DM made an entire campaign on her being kidnapped and us going to rescue her this campaign lasted roughly 7 months when we finally get to the Wizard keeping her captive he is giving us a speech while standing in front of her seated and chained up me a dill stirrer [ __ ] draws my bow and shoots an arrow at him i rollin at one the wizard steps to the side my arrow hits gram-gram square face killing her instantly i hold the title grandma slayer I really shouldn't laugh at that but it's gonna make me piss my character wanted to enter a pub like a badass I tried to kick the door open roll to one broke my foot we were against a much more powerful boss than we could handle so we had to flee it was an undead she was an evil queen of our land some hundred years ago and someone brought her back to life sadly our bard was stuck on the other side of the room and could not get out he decided that with his charisma he would try to woo the Queen into marrying him thus escaping death rgm thought it was ridiculous so he just went along with thinking he would solve the problem one way or another as he really didn't want one of us to die at level 2 he told our bard to roll a d20 and he got a 20 now our GM had to uphold the critical charisma while also not ruining the boss's ambitions it resulted in our bard becoming a spy for her but he would also spy on her honestly it was too funny seeing our GM and Bard improvising a love scene on the spot between a character about to be killed and another trying to resist his charms and marriage advances a friend was running a game where there were an impossible amount of ones being rolled finally he gave up on the normal stuff and just said you [ __ ] your armor the next action that character took rolled of one so he says you slip and fall in your own [ __ ] we were supposed to rescue a kid with strange powers but our encounter was not going well DM made the demon holding the kid sprout wings and start flying away with him as the ranger I rolled the hit with a bramble arrow to stop the demon escape in the field I convinced the DM to give me advantage still rolled to ones I asked of a critical miss could mean I hit the kid instead DM said he'd allow it I used the spell slot to add force damage hoping to knock the kid loose it worked but I rolled basically all max for damage DM said the demon dropped the kid and he landed on a root and got entailed instant death so instead of his original plan which was for the demon to escape and us to track him down and actually rescue the kid from a winnable fight the whole campaign derailed into finding a powerful wizard who could resurrect our very dead kid that no longer mattered to the forces of hell I made an oopsie we were fighting through a castle and came across the main boss who was a knight and very fancy heavy armor we were already out of shape from the previous fight so one of our players casted mage han and used it to try to unbuckle his armor or diem had him rolled to see if he could manage it not 20 our clerk then blasted him with a guiding bolt armor is gone as AC went from 22 to 12 we pulled lots of shenanigans on our DM it was pretty early in the campaign of my first ever game our group was in some place a conference hall I think and being attacked by some lizard dude who was supposed to be more than a minor villain in the campaign a thing I never found out for sure my character was an ex-marine and big-game hunter something like that lizard guy shows his face what are you going to do I shoot him in the face with X some big-ass gun that did insane damage the DM is walking me through well you're going to need to roll very high to do that I get the roll well now you're going to have to roll to see where you hit him I get a high roll to hit him in the face well now you're going to need to roll for damage I roll for highest damage possible the DM just stares and shocked well I guess he's dead I think I shaved a few hours off the campaign by that move my group was in some cavern and we come to a gap in our path we have no idea how far down the fall would be but we can't see the bottom I decided to tie a rope to myself while our tank holds on to the other end I attempt to jump over the gap to get the rope secured on a rock on the other side I roll a 1 I fall down the pit our tank gets yanked down with me and we fall until we land in a giant spider's web I hate it I hate it already our group spends the next two meetings rescuing us I was then given the title goose epi the clumsy not D&D but a different game wizard tried to cast can trips to impress some people this is basically the spell version of lighting off fireworks to look cool it's the easiest spell in the game so he fails then he rolls on the spell failure table major summoning of an angelic or demonic being then rolls on the ring and gets the worst possible role Prince of Hell literally the demon who is The Devil's right hand appears unbound on earth by rules of the game he roams freely doing whatever he wishes for 666 days it pretty much destroyed the game I was DMing players were having a social together at a restaurant slash tavern all courteous people to players want to pay for the entire party turned into a combat encounter to get the bill first player a manages to secure the bill and pays 10 gold player be decides they want to sneak 10 golden 2-players a's pouch roll sleight of hand dexterity check NAT one player B is now groping player under the table my character has maces on both hands and a mace attached to my head I was bored with character design weakness was seizures wanted to charge the enemy rolled a one had a seizure and killed two members of my party we were in a room or a cave I don't quite remember when I was getting kind of paranoid that our DM wanted us to explore certain rooms more you know the he's hiding something feeling so I was checking everything into detail but my roles were all so bad that the outcome was terribly funny I checked the floor for traps and such you see a floor I checked the pile of rocks you see rocks Nawrocki I was so bad that my party bought me a t-shirt about it loved it my friends and I were on the first day of a campaign trying to sneak around a corner in an area filled with cultists and guards so we do a stealth check and all of our party does fine except one my friend rolls a one and so she goes around the corner and runs directly into a cultist she then asked our DM how close am I to the contest and the DM says oh I don't know maybe kissing distance so that's exactly what my friend does kisses the cultist does a charisma check gifts like an 18 and it works not only did this craziness get us out of a tough spot it also got us allies the cultist is now my friend's girlfriend and her brother also occultist is on our side too I got this one so it was a school activity and everyone in my class were playing D&D because our English teacher was nuts I was fine with it D&D is fun so our group five-ish is a bunch of Vikings who dive through a portal into hell after our leader was taken by the ruler of the underworld we end up in a large room with souls passing through it we walk through a doorway and on the left is a hallway and the right his stairs going down me and another member head down with the other three going left yes we split the party don't split the party I am the other member walk into a room that was at least 100 feet tall or something with pillars on the side and a giant door at the end of the room it was almost as if I could hear boss music I walked to the giant 100-foot door and knock stupid yes the door opens and guess what a giant as big as the door opens he demands to know who intrudes upon his room I knowing I'm [ __ ] and having a charisma of 18 decide to go with it since it's a Nordic world with Nordic gods I yell at the giant Loki the god of mischief I demand you take me to the throne room at once I roll a 10 not too bad the Giant is unconvinced however you do not look like Loki to which I respond I am the god of mischief I take many forms and I present myself however I please not 1 the DM then describes the stain my body left both on the wall and the floor of the room I was dead within 5 minutes of playing my first session that was fun I was playing in a long-running high-power Planescape campaign the party had been split for different people to accomplish sort of Vision Quest type deals I went with our monk who was my character's best friend I forget what plane we were on but we went through a labyrinth to find a monastery that was full of tropes has a weird barbarian rogue plan our warrior mix who was the true neutral I got into the philosophy of the place but I tried to stay out of the combat training finally at one point an NPC wouldn't stop pestering me about it I told him I won't be able to hold back I don't want to kill you but he insisted sure enough in the first round I rolled in at 20 and crit him with my great axe killing him outright luckily the monks being so battle happy were very understanding about the whole thing and agreed not to pester me to fight anymore I roll to attack natural one we had a rule we're on a natural one you rolled again and if you rolled too low bad things happen so I roll again natural xx diem isn't sure what to do he has me roll a third time second natural xx after a little while thinking on it he says you do something cool completely accidentally while attacking that guy you slipped somehow and ended up scoring a critical hit on the other enemy you are next to we needed to find food to protect village my character for some reason had this spell called detect food and I used it and got a perfect twenty they found food hidden in the Kings clothes and food that was on him somehow sadly we didn't have enough food to feed everyone still the very first time I rolled was an at twenty which got my character to jump on a boat from fairly far away she's extremely fast and a ninja so this is actually possible the second time I ever rolled was an at one so she ended up being horribly seasick for several weeks of boat travel our group was stuck in a tower in front of a sacrificial bonfire my character tried to levitate away Roldan at one on stealth ended up in the bonfire a minute later with everyone else looting the blacksmith's house strangely enough that wasn't when my character died how the hell'd your character die then end of the campaign tension between a few members of the party in character so we basically beat the final boss than PvP immediately after it's a 3v3 I'm a fighter and my two teammates were casters almost dead and out of spells so I basically think I'm boned one of the characters is my in character best friend and gets downed so immediately after I rolled to NAT 20s in a row and one shot one of their PCs they surrendered I had a DM that was a real sadist he would often make encounters without properly checking the combat rating my favorite being the time he sent a creature after us that could only take damage from magical weapons a right I believe we were first level and ended up beating it to death with a magical lantern we had so let that set the stage for you party of four doing an arena fight I was playing a barbarian wielding a scythe we are fighting a mote of light which we discover as a willow wisp we may have been fourth or fifth level anyway during the fight our player with the highest attack finally rolls in nineteen and we hear the same word we've heard the entire encounter miss the DM had forced the party into a fight where we could only hit on a critical and it's a cage match so we can't flee paladin is already down and the cleric is out of magic now my barbarian is nearing the end of his rage and I was sinking everything into a power attack since I could only hit on an at twenty anyway the DM has a house rule where even if you hit on an at twenty you had to roll attack again to see if you actually had a critical hit now my barbarian is sinking so much into power attack that inevitably I finally roll that blessed 20 and the table goes silent you see the scythe gets a 4x critical hit three point five edition and if I actually make this attack the party might actually survive and win DM just leans back and says you have to confirm the hit otherwise it's just a normal attack without missing a beat I lean forward lock eyes with him grab my dice and just toss it in the air and say like this obviously I figured I was going to whiff the roll I had so many ones in this campaign that I had broken multiple weapons he had weapons break on failures so was just talking big on the one in 20 chance I looked awesome doing it roll Dan at 20 again whole table erupts as they realized just how much damage I'm about to do anyway total broke a hundred and vaporized the wisp and we got maybe fifty gold from it but managed to survive rest of the campaign was really just a tragedy of errors and I he was fudging rolls behind the screen because he kept making up encounters that were too hard and his critical failure House role resulted in half the party breaking plus three magic weapons on double NAT ones what a terrible DM I'd never play with the guy hey everyone Brian here checking in after the video hope everyone's doing ok how are you doing today do you have a good day have a good night to everyone doing alright overall still hanging in there I hope I have my fingers my toes arms and legs and even my eyes crossed hoping y'all are doing well as possible even though it's a little hard to read this a little thing I typed up with my eyes crossed you know I have to write down my thoughts and reading them is important anyway I know things are still a little bit weird out there but never fear it's gonna get better remember after every nasty storm comes a bright blue sky even if it takes a while for the Sun to poke out again through the clouds it will happen and we'll all be here when it's over so we can all enjoy the sunlight together so please for me stay safe be happy and keep on loving yourselves and others on that note hello to everyone new and hello to everyone who's been a reoccurring fan - if you liked the video make sure to hack a slash that like button and if you want I would suggest it use your bonus action to subscribe if you have a story you'd like to share with us then please feel free to give it a little drop in our comments section below as long as it's relevant to today's topic aka whatever the video is about and if it's not something relevant to the video you're always welcome to take a trip over to our subreddit which you can find in the description below and lay it on us and either a new thread that you make yourself or one that already exists pertaining to the topic that you're wanting to talk about trust me we read everything you guys and gals post no joke no fuss we are literally combing through hundreds of stories that you people are putting out for us and we love every little bit of it I do Dave does Scott does it's [ __ ] great I can't wait to see more so please lay it on us all of that out of the way I truly hope July goes well for each and every one of you in every aspect mental physical and financial so laugh cry rant invent cheer and dance whatever you need to do to get through all of this [ __ ] do it don't bottle it up let it out let it all go in front of your friends and family because that's what they're there for they're there for you so are we but do so with kindness for yourself and kindness for everything and everyone around you because we're all in it together folks see you next time ladies and gents bye for now
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 127,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role, critical ops, dnd character creation, role playing asmr
Id: HWb4x98A74U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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