DM's and Players, What was your "You Done Goofed Up" Moment #1

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One of our party members put a twelve year old prince in a barrel full of bread. He then proceeded to yet said barrel out of a window. I saw another barrel full if heavy rope, I tied my rope around the barrel and then around my waist, I then kept out the window after the child. However, I am an 8 foot tall 300 pound Dragonborn paladin. The barrel fell out the window and I went unconscious. So that's it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PJack_Entertainment ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Our group was in the town of Puddlefoot the morning after a tournament. The rogue had a bloody mary and failed her con save so was drunk and believed everyone was a mermaid (her fear) so she ran around town threatening people including a small child. We eventually dragged her back to the tavern at which point the DM informs me "New dress Cleric". Which i remembered she, as the blacksmith/tailor, gave our rogue and druid a dress to put on my cleric as a prank. I stormed off to out my normal clothes on and the rest of the group made plans to deal with the kraken we had been told was at our next destination, the plan was get it really fucking drunk by stealing booze. I came back down properly dressed only to catch our rogue going into stealth, in character i used 'Locate object' and ratted her out immediately since i didn't know the plan until i saw the others sneaking off round the back. After i picked up on the plan i them figured i would have to distract them, the rogue said she has to apologise to the family of the kid she threatened. Now THIS is where i done goofed lads and lassies. I try to make small talk with the bartender to no success, i then ask who else was in the tavern and the DM says that there are 3 other men in there just sitting talking. Her face turned to horror when i casually said "I'm gonna uh use my scroll of lvl 3 lightning on them", now i should clarify i had beeen getting terrible tolls the last couple of sessions, so of course after i realise my mistake i land a Nat frigging 20. The DM takes a second to gather her wits about what i just did and describes that the tree men are basically vaporized since they werent wearing armour or anything, next thing ya know guards turn up and the mission to nick the booze is a bust.This event has both in game and out of game been referred to as "The Puddlefoot incident" I was a little disappointed they didn't buy my excuse "Shit. That was definitely not the map".

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RagingBadger2518 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So, I'm running a 5e campaign where my players are lieutenants on a naval ship assisting a colony town cut off from the mainland by a leviathan. The ship's wizard/warlock (a sea-elf who's kind of a dick) owed the quartermaster (dwarven bard) a drink, and the sharkaan barbarian tagged along to the tavern in port. They arrive, and the dwarf asks the bartender for his strongest drink. Normally, I'd have the dwarf roll a d20 luck roll, but I decided to have him roll a d100 to see what he got as I had seen a d100 drinks in a tavern chart before.

Natural 100.

After picking our collective jaws off the floor, I had to take 10 to plan exactly how far this campaign got derailed. I decided to serve them each a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. They woke up 3 weeks later.

The shaarkan spent a week working out, a second week singlehandedly improving the town's harbor defenses, and then started a cult to protein. She woke up in the middle of a sermon she was giving, and flexed her way out of it.

The bard got elected to city council as a surprise last minute entrant to the election, having drummed up the town's support in a blitzkrieg doorknocking campaign. He also co-authored a paper on the most efficient way to supply a ship for a voyage, and built a pipe organ in the lower decks. He woke up in the middle of drafting new tax legislation and is scheduled to give a speech later that day.

The wizard/warlock proposed to the kobold librarian (whom he despises), and became part of the town's new philanthropic power couple. He built a new wing of the library (where he now has a room), a new orphanage, and a lobbying group/tax consultancy agency for charities in the city. He woke up cuddled in bed with his betrothed, and has a meeting with the agency in an hour.

Their next session will now be them retracing their steps Hangover style.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/imolgaman802 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

In my previous campaign which is out on haitus, there was a raid on a rather nefarious shadow-organization trying to take control from behind the scenes. I had planned for the cultists to summon a random demon from a d100 list of possible demons from my setting I'd made. I rolled... A Duke.

In the lore of the setting this campaign took place in, a Demonic Duke is more or less nobility in a Demon Lord's realm. However, the enemies that were trying to summon this demon were unlikely to be able to maintain control over a demon of this caliber, so I ruled it as once summoned, the duke would slap a few people around before leaving. All they had to do was stop the ritual. To their credit, the Ex-Paladin of the party did stop the ritual... By pushing the person who was just barely keeping control of the Duke and the one who would've been possessed, out of the center of the ACTIVE summoning circle. Well, the summoner lost control, and after SEVERAL rolls, the Ex-Paladin just BARELY manages to not be possessed or have all his blood pour out of every orifice by an annoyed Duke who was just enjoying a nice tea made of the souls of the damned before this all went down.

The consequences of this action are STILL being felt. If someone is standing in the center of an active ritual circle, don't take their place mates.

TLDR: Player runs into an active ritual circle which was summoning a Demonic Duke. Nearly gets possessed, nearly dies, consequences still ongoing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Kasus_Cloud ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
today's video is sponsored by 1985 games dms and players of the world what was your you done goofed up moment part one i was the dm for my group and i was running the party through the town sewer system that was still under construction they were looking for construction workers that had gone missing and realized that there was a collapsed tunnel ahead as they got closer to the collapsed portion of the tunnel they saw that there was a sizable group of diseased giant rats right where the collapse was located the rats were feasting on the body of one of the missing workers i had everyone roll for initiative and we kicked off combat the party's wizard decided that his opening move would be to cast erupting earth at a point that was the center of the group of rats now erupting earth causes a fountain of churned earth and stone to erupt in a 20-foot cube centered on that point so you're casting erupting earth in the tunnel under the streets of the town yes ok the sewer tunnel begins to quake violently as the ground starts to heave the walls of the sewer start to buckle and the ceiling collapses all of the rats in that section of the tunnel are crushed beneath all the rubble however the collapsing of the tunnel that had already had a cave in begins a chain reaction of more sealing to come crashing down at this point the other party members tell me that they run back down the tunnel to escape the cave-in but the wizard chooses that he is going to stay put i rolled to see how many spaces on the map collapse and the wizard avoids getting caught by the cave-in by one five foot square the ceiling comes down along the tunnel in your direction but stops just before you you hear the sounds of screaming coming from above when the dust settles you are able to see the underside of the street above where the portion of the sewer was the wizards player just said oops introducing the deck of stories don't worry this isn't the deck of many things let me explain the deck of stories is a kickstarter collab between critical dice and 1985 games showcasing a bundle of unique story hooks and events that are meant to help a dm quickly create new ideas on the fly for their tabletop game every card drawn provides questions or situations that make your story interesting even taking advantage of the orc orc system allowing each drawn card to make a full arc from planning a new one-shot campaign to throwing your players a random curveball in your current overall story these cards are sure to spice up your next session and leave memorable experiences for everyone at the table currently the kickstarter is showing off multiple iterations and versions of the cards as well as the first two volumes five themed boosters and the genesis box ooh how fancy but if you're looking to flesh out your world even more then you might want to check out the npc boosters which are available now the pre-generated npcs here with amazing artwork of each character will allow you to have quick access to npc cards with a collection of traits that leaves an open door for your backstory allowing you to role play them however you'd like regardless of the role they are given from the local king or queen to the lowly hobo screaming about the end of days these npcs are ready for work whenever you need something interesting or random to throw your players off their tracks all this info and more can be found in the description below thanks for listening my first ever one shot session i was a half or cannibal barbarian i ate a dead person i found in the bushes because the party had little rations i got poisoned and died because we were all level 1 and had no idea what we were doing my next character had this spell that could detect disease or poison specifically because of what happened before i did well until we came to a mansion to look for a family who was missing kitchen had a big feast and my seder was hungry so he just started eating whatever i forgot to cast cure i died again this was a game called tortured earth that my friend's dad created wanted a spell scroll of gentle repose for my role play purposes told that even a can trip spell scroll cost 100 gold pieces has an idea make scroll of presta digitation have one gold left no one wants it i have 18 intelligence not sure if that is true anymore my dm created a long sword that we jokingly named craven edge jr because one of its abilities is that it gains a plus one for every creature afraid of the character holding the sword i made sure with my damn on the exact wording and he told me that any way that i could cause an enemy to be afraid would activate this effect my character is a dragonborn so of course when i got this ruling the next time i was able to do so i took the dragonborn racial feat dragon fear it didn't really come up much in conversation other than me explaining why my character's charisma bumped up since that is where i put the bonus plus one stat boost from the feet and charisma is my class's spell casting modifier well one day we come across the current big bad evil guy with a small army of two dozen custom demon-like beings my dm created for us to fight my first round i pulled out this sword and another sword that i have dual wielding for the win got into the middle of the maul took a deep breath in and roared my dm was really confused at first had no idea what i was doing and was about to make a custom at the table ruling on what was going to happen that was when i explained the feat again and told him exactly where to look it up he did so and all we heard was a loud thunk we were all playing on roll 20 and use discord as we presumed he just face palmed into his desk and the sound effect you're hearing was me actually doing that it hurt he then had to roll 25 wisdom saves or be frightened for the big bad evil guy and his army the big bad evil guy and only four of his minions saved the rest failed we heard another loud thunk as the dm tells us that my character is surrounded by darkness as though death itself walks the land my sword starts as a plus one longsword but since 20 of the dm's demons were afraid of my character it gained plus 20 to attack and damage i let my party take care of the four demons that passed the check while i focused on the big bad evil guy with my plus 21 longsword then they joined in since we beat the bbeg pretty quickly gee i wonder why we then focused on the 20 remaining demons that were afraid of me and completely missing due to the attacking at disadvantage since we stayed in a nice little group we got extra xp that night because our dm never expected the fight to be so one-sided in our favor ever since that event our encounters have been in much smaller groups of enemies i guess the dm doesn't want a repeat of that night ever happening again my first ever time dm'ing and i have them roll luck and they rolled in at one and of course the following happens i look at my chart and start sweating seeing that a1 is a golden dragon a level 13 one at that so here i am just thinking about how not to tpk and in the end the dragon did a flyby that killed the mage wizard and yeah he wasn't happy about that at all we had a campaign where some demons were collecting holy avenger swords and corrupting them the tiefling warlock's patron was the demon in charge so he was allowed in along with the party to see what was happening they found the sword which had a barrier the demons couldn't get through only paladins of the temple's god could get through the wizard tries to go in and took 3d6 radiant damage and was thrown back 20 feet the chaotic evil warlock a tiefling the child of the demon-only stereotypes here then decides to give it a shot some demons and devils warn him and imp touches it and turns to dust to prove a point and he still goes for it he took 4d10 radiant damage and was almost killed ah the pinky and bronze saga grizzled tau commander and pink eldar psyker teaming up together to help people we boarded a disabled imperial battleship to help scuttle it and save the crew from a tyranid infestation i goofed up my rolls for psycher mastery and suffered perils of the warp we ended up with tyranids fighting demons fighting imperials fighting us in a mosh pit battle dm here i can think of a few in the last session i forgot to have the ability the party was fighting use its legendary actions every turn that became an easier than expected encounter other than that the fireball bead to the 10 barrels of gunpowder on top of a big bad evil guy's minion would have to be alongside the time the party looked at someone claiming to be an arch faye and tried to pick a fight despite what the fighter can do a bag of holding javelins even if it does max damage did not even phase the fae it did however amuse it and it left the party in peace i'm afraid of what they'll do now since i've unleashed them upon the elemental plane of water and the druid can wild shape combat style the entire party is level 10 and all have at least two to three feet between the minimum either due to level ups plot antics drude has fey touched due to a mishap involving the prior mentioned archway for example and rewards for good behavior and planning and yes the dwarf has a bag of holding javelins which which to unleash and the party barbarian is a bear totem warforged this is the tale of how my party accidentally decimated half a city be me pixie warlock named nova be not me ogre barbarian asamar witch alvin rogue and steve the sentient stone stumbler of swordsman and king of the fighting pit but that's another story so we are hot on the trail of a cult attempting to resurrect some demi-god of the hells and there are several temples that are used simultaneously to continue the spell if the portals are destroyed then the spell slows down but we must get to all of them all over the map before the ritual is completed we hear rumors of people disappearing in a nearby city and as the spell requires live sacrifice we assume that's got to be one stories are told about how a church on the hill was becoming more popular by the day but there were odd sounds at night while attending a service the rogue causes the preacher to reveal himself as a devil in disguise as the fighting began the barbarian gets blasted outside i fly after him and tell him let's do a boom doing a boom is basically where i cast enlarge on something then i use pixie dust think peter pan giving the item weightlessness and a flight speed of 30 feet then throw the item and release the dust spell giving the item full enlarged weight before it hits i tell him to launch steve as straight up as possible he rolls a 26 and fires this 8-foot stone like ubuchara from my hero academia then goes back to fighting and i stay outside firing eldritch glitter blast at anyone i can i release the dust and rush in to tell the others to run meanwhile steve has the basic ability to maneuver himself aiming for the church at this point the dm asked how high did steve go and how fast is he falling we do some real world gravity math and determine his trip to the thermosphere would be more like a meteor than a missile and this was a bad idea the ogre scoops up the others and books it as i'm fluttering my little butt off behind him the witch pulls out her magic key to an extra dimensional shop the place which she learned to which i don't know what that means and not but a second after closing the door the still physical door is nearly busted off its hinges by the resulting force once the shaking stops we are promptly kicked out of the shop and into a new terrain of shattered streets and fallen buildings that sits about 10 feet lower than it was so the portal was apparently past a dungeon three floors down and had tunnels stretching throughout the city that all collapsed with the complete destination of anything within one thousand feet of the church there was no portal no demon and no evidence of anything ever in existence in this space mission complete but then we had to help find survivors in the crater we never told anyone what happened and this would not be the only time we change a map we did manage to find steve now back to his normal size with a fresh layer of molten metal steve live on irl dice deity that watches over our games he is a nearly round rock with googly eyes tldr i made an orbital strike on a summoning portal and everything within 1 000 foot radius my goofed up moment was when my dm threw our first boss at us in a sewer i'm a half orc drunken master monk with negative one intelligence in the boss fight i got mind controlled started attacking my party and when i went after the barbarian he chopped my left hand off after the battle i was carrying it around to maybe get reattached but before we got out of the sewer we found a small portal and the players wanted to see if they could jump in but didn't know if it was safe we eventually came up with the great idea that hey we have a hand we can toss in and test it with so we took my left hand and tied it to a rope and tossed it in our barbarian was holding the rope but it was too much for him and started losing grip our whole party starts playing tug of war with this rope and after a few moments the rope snapped and the portal shut losing my hand completely i still don't have a hand but now i have a wrapping around that hand called a phantom fist and it allows me to still use it as a fist to punch and pushes the target 2d6 feet back it's a good trade because i can bounce people off walls or knock them off platforms with a flurry of blows i had to change characters because the big bad evil guy was impressed by his power so he made my monk trade himself for his friend who was kidnapped he now works for our bbeg and all i asked him before i turned my monk in was do i get to kill lots of orcs and the answer was yes so my monk wasn't too mad he just became a slave i will eventually get him back but the dm might use him against us so i'm a little scared hey everyone brian von va here i hope you liked today's video and if you did leave a like as it certainly helps and if you haven't already subbed to us then roll a d20 burn it if it lands on one but if it lands on anything else you gotta subscribe more so if you'd like to keep up with our happenings on mr ripper's channel check out mr ripper on twitter join his brand new discord and follow his subreddit r mr ripper where you can submit all of your stories and pre-existing threads or make your very own one hit wonder you never know if we're gonna read one out live on the stream or on here using a help action you can always hop over to my youtube twitter and discord as well just check the new handy dandy description to see all of our new socials before getting into the positivity of the day i also wanted to remind folks to check out our lovely lovely sponsor 1985 games partnered up with critical dice showcasing their new dm accessories known as the deck of stories the tldr is that the deck of stories is basically a card based accessory for dms that are looking to do a quick one-shot campaign with random events and random npcs all on handy-dandy cards that allow you to instantly whip them out and use them at a moment's notice basically making things easier on the dms and the players as well and allowing more freedom of imagination and more spontaneous role play too with business talk out of the way i wanted to keep today's positivity a little bit short but more personal because we have a lot of fake toxic little positivity out there going oh you're perfect oh you're great nah i'm not about that i'm about the real talk stuff so real talk how is everybody doing i hope everyone's doing all right and if you are hey tell us about it tell us what's been going on what's been getting better and what's going good for you and if you're not of course feel free to rant a little bit we don't mind it's all about the love and the positivity here and making sure everyone's feeling okay as best we can and believe me i know it ain't easy to stay optimistic out there right now but neither is it easy for a body to heal from a wound or a cold so give it time give yourself plenty of space to heal and to recharge so you can get bigger and better and stronger while this whole crap is going on out there because you certainly need to look after number one aka you before you do anything else so with that being said all the love and the bottom line is this you're all worth good health in all aspects we'll be seeing you next time so stay safe out there bye for now you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 65,388
Rating: 4.950664 out of 5
Keywords: DnDStories, DnD, DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role, d&d 5e, rolling stats
Id: RomAosevi78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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