DnD Players, What was the Stupidest way your Character has Died? #1

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I had a solo session with my DM and I decided to set out on my quest a bit early before the rest of the party, thinking they’d eventually catch up to me. I’m in my wagon, and my only source of food is watermelon. I’m sick of it, but I already ate everything else. My DM asks me to roll a perception check. I critical fail, so he has me try again and I fail again. He begins to chuckle and tells me to roll insight. I roll a 5, and see a watermelon flying my way, but not soon enough to dodge it. Now, I’m a level 2 bard at the time and have very low physical stats. He rolls the damage and just breaks out in laughter, saying he got a crit success and tells me the amount of damage I have to take. I’m one shot, and instantly dead. So much damage I that I can’t even make a death save. I was later told that it was just a random rogue and that I was just super unlucky. I didn’t write a new character for 3 weeks after that.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Colin_inat 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

By Attacking 3 dozen war blimps.

The DM describes the hum of 3 dozen blimps flying overhead, and with a successful perception check we see they are from the enemy army. We had three ranged fighters that had fire attacks, so I pressured the holdout ranged character to help shoot them down. We opened fire dodging all their bolts and other attacks at us.

We brought down three and the ranger stated now that this is over with... the DM laughed. "Three? No.. three dozen. There is 33 more blimps up there."

They panicked and continued to fire arrows. We took down a surprising 18 before a flagship appeared over the trees bearing down on us. The flagship dropped a bomb near us and the DM had us roll saves. Smoke had enveloped the ground we were on but we didn't know what was going on, but all players seemed to pass. Took down 8 more and on the flagships turn they tried to fire cannons at us. We took some damage but were still standing. The DM had us roll another save, didnt say anything when we announced our rolls.

We managed to take down 10 more blimps before the DM asked for a con save. We all rolled low. He laughed and said that the smoke was from the bomb and the longer we sat in it the harder it was to live. We all melted from the deathbomb, but had taken down 33 of the 36 war blimps.

As the flagship was flying away with the remaining ships the cleric of Tiamat prayed for divine intervention, rolled well along with a well thought prayer which Tiamat answered. She formed over the forest, took hold of the flagship and ripped the souls from all the crew, funneling the life force into our cleric. Saving him from certain death.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cutthrash 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Not me but a friend. I ran a reworked Tomb of Horror map and the party got into the trap with the tilting floor. The one friend ran off the lower side into lava. Instant death.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ver87ona 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

My DM had the party go into a mine in his homebrew campaign. While walking around we found some goblin mages, and we weren't rolling very well but the DM was. At this point the party was almost dead so I looked around for a way to retreat because they blocked off the entrance, and I saw a minecart that lead further into the mine. We got in and survived the goblin mages, but now we were on a Mario Kart level. After failing many checks to see the dead end ahead, my human druid, Stregor, crashed into it and broke through to the other side. The DM planned for us to hop out of the minecarts which would then hit the dead end and break the wall revealing the way further down for the McGuffin. My character broke the false dead end with his face and immediately fell down a large hole. They never found the body...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MordenKamien 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

So i had Goliath that used a crossbow we were fighting two wraiths and four skeletons, I had manage to win my saving roll and had one hp and I took aim at the skeleton that almost killed me and I missed and he took aim and killed me for good that is how vangroth died that day.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hagroth 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I had a character that I was very excited about. He was going to go from neutral to neutral evil organically as the enforcer for another PC in the party, commiting evil acts out of loyalty and eventually coming to enjoy it. It was my first evil campaign.

Our party found a cave with a primitive wood door over it's entrance. Not knowing what played beyond I volunteered to charge in ahead of the group and throw myself on the first foe I saw.

My party opened the door and low and behold... There was a god damn rope bridge on the other side of the entrance. The cave it turned out was a steep cavern, with a bridge from it's entrance to a deeper part of the cave.

I was unable to react in time, failing my check to keep my balance on the bridge, and then rolled a one on trying to catch the bridge before I PLUMMETED!

My character is a splatter at the bottom of the cavern now, and I still have players from that game randomly say 'rope bridge' every time I come up with a hair brained scheme.

Jokes on them, I'm the DM now...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jrdoughty13 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Well once we played a round of cthulhu pnp. It was in the middle of the night (about 3am irl) when we finally managed it to find a underground way in order to escape from a mental hospital where our group had started. We were being chased from a group of zombies or something similar, no one wanted to find out for sure what exactly was following us. On our way we found a dark hole and heard some running water from it. Behind us we heard our approaching doom and in our panic and irl tiredness we threw a stone down. It wasn't too deep a whole and hearing the stone fall into the water we kinda decided to just... Jump. Everyone except for one of us died since the water was just knee deep. The one that did survive was found by some workers and got into a second mental hospital after his wounds had been treated.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Furukyo 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Star Wars d20. I played a Bothan Scout with extremely high dexterity and medium armor, making my reflex defense (the effective equivalent to Armor Class) something like 23. I also stupidly made constitution my dump stat, so at level 5 I only had 30 hit points. I was out of character joking with the DM that hey, he might not be able to hit me, but if he ever did, he would probably crit and kill me instantly. A minute later, my Bothan is laying on the ground, dead as a door nail, because he took a critical heavy blaster shot to the face which rolled max damage. 60 damage in one shot, double my max HP, and I'm instantly dead. The moral of the story: you can dump almost any stat, as long as that stat isn't CON.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Deceptibot5000 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

My lovely little half-elf bard decided to take a shortcut into the treasure room, failed his dex check of 12, slipped on some rocks, fell on his head and suffered enough damage to bring him to 0. I then proceeded to fail all 3 death saves.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Scrylic16 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
real quick before we start brian here by the way this is another re-release of an old text-to-speech video we've already done the sequel to the original tts video but part one was sadly left in the dust until now so today we bring to you dnd players what was the stupidest way your character has died part one wasn't my character but i dm the game that had the pcs decide to climb on the back of a dragon to kill it i rolled with it for as long as i could fudging what i needed to keep it interesting but once the dwarf said he was going to jump into the dragon's mouth and kill her from the inside i realized i needed to just let nature take its course then that rolled a 20 which in my games is an automatic success regardless of what you're trying to do maybe rule bendy but is usually very fun and i had to let him get inside the dragon without any issue then he proceeded to do zero damage for four turns and got digested the bard rolled 20 on a charisma check trying to seduce a dragon in the middle of a fight so everyone had taken a few hits dm got a look on his face like he'd been waiting for this exact thing to happen for years and says without smirking over the sounds of battle and shouting adventurers the dragon is captivated by the most beguilying melody it has ever heard it instantly loses interest in all around it and begins barreling towards its source none of you speak draconic but if you did you would know the dragon was singing its love of the bird he then said deadpan to our bard roll constitution lie male dragon and that's how our tiefling bard got himself porked to death one of the pcs was a pixie whose combat role was to fly over enemies and use ranged weapons including vials of explosive oil she got hit with a goblin's arrow and heard enough to pass out she fell from the sky and hit the ground dm rolled for damage to her equipment including the explosive oil which got damaged and thereby exploded so we all burst out laughing at the image of a pixie falling from the sky and exploding like a freaking bomb i was holding a spy of the royal army in a stranglehold while the party mage was interrogating him the spy tried to assassinate an npc we were escorting and in the following struggle i had taken quite a bit of damage the mage threatened to kill him slowly with a ray of sickness until he talked the dm having a sly smile while having the spy say hit me with your best shot should've uh tipped us off spell hit us both i'm still not sure what rule says that my constitution throw failed while the spy had a successful one spy got away i died due to poison spy returned later and successfully killed the npc not me but a friend of mine on the campaign experienced one i'll never forget our group was trapped in a metal box his barbarian character tried to smash their way out he rolled a nat 20 for a strength check he broke through the box but there was no floor little did he know we were on a flying airplane and he fell a couple thousand feet from the sky my friend's character died a tragic death in a game i was dm'ing i had a player who was tired of her character and ended up making stupid decisions in an attempt to kill them off and get someone new so they decided to hold on to a stampeding horse duck i can't say that with a straight face as it fled the party and then flubbed the checks necessary to hold on or land properly so they were trampled however they managed to survive with one hit point much to the player's frustration the rest of the party continues the chase but one kind person decided to throw a healing potion as they pass in order to get their friend up and on their feet once more so the rogue heats the potion and due to a very unlucky role smacks the character right in the face for their remaining one hit point the party isn't bothering to come back and check they've got a mission after all so one failed saving throw two failed saving throws and then one final throw to seal their fate so yeah that's the time one of us got killed by a healing potion to the face so i was playing an arcanist in a pathfinder game for those of you who don't play pathfinder the simple version is that i was playing a magic user that uses magic via a mix of trained skill and natural talent a sorcerer wizard hybrid for d d veterans basically a sorcerer that prepares their spells known each morning from a spell book we were in some kind of temple fighting a bunch of creatures that were basically zombies with swords for fingers and they were all over the place being a physically weak armorless mage that focuses on utility and crowd control i had used an invisibility spell to keep myself from being targeted and had backed onto the landing of the stairs we'd come up from the floor below to stay out of trouble again for those unfamiliar invisibility magic is lost if the invisible person attacks anyone directly but i was focusing on using indirect spells to control the flow of the battle that's very genius one of those spells was shatter which i used to destroy the chunk of stone floor underneath a few of the zombie things making them fall to the floor below since i was targeting the floor and not the zombies i was able to remain invisible basically i shunted them out of the fight for a round or two so my party didn't have to fight them all at once the next round i forgot the exact circumstances but i know i ended up needing to cast a spell that targeted an enemy directly because i remember it that it caused me to become visible again while standing on the landing of the stairway to the first floor where i just dumped a bunch of angry zombies with swords for fingers they came back up the stairs and poor little dies quite easily to swordfinger's me was standing there in plain view on the stairs right between them and the rest of the fight i did not make it out of that one but you were a genius tl dr cult of one betrays the party and gets curb stomped by the backup boss when the party elects to not intervene this already sounds very intriguing dm here have a fun relevant story my guys were varying levels of criminal making a run for the border when they stopped at a small town on a lake and unearthed a plot and witnessed the still imprisoned focus of a long dead religion most of the party chooses to file this site away in the back of their heads and deal with it later but the artificer goes full ham inventing a new religion entirely of his own accord and devoting himself to the great moth this continues for several levels until the party is ready to deal with the abomination after the fight is won the party and the allied npc who is a boss fight himself just in case the party accepted the villain's terms of service are discussing sealing the villain away for good and the artificer freaks out he stuffs his bag of holding into someone else's haversack and pulls the entire party and npc to the astral plane no one is amused by this least of all the npc the most inflexible lawful neutral agent who now cannot guard the people he is supposed to because they are several billion miles away i really wanted the party to mediate the dispute somehow but one was preoccupied with dying from the boss fight one was actively helping the npc backup boss with chasing the artificer down and one basically said well this is his fault a friend of mine was running a remixed version of tomb of horrors with some stuff changed up to subvert our expectations while still keeping the same tone and feel of the original toh it was fantastic we were all familiar with tombs of horrors and went in knowing more or less what to expect so the changes and subversions were welcomed wholeheartedly we came across the grinning maw that traditionally has a sphere of annihilation inside thinking that this was one of the changes or subversions from the original i leapt inside and promptly died i'm an idiot we were up against the big bad which was a giant snake with a cursed sword in its head that's not dead as some background i was a squishy ranger standing behind the tanky barbarian we've all rolled initiative and i was somewhere in the middle of the rotation the two people before me attacked and missed i managed to hit it with an arrow doing a bit of damage the rest of the party after me all missed on the snake's turn it chose the only person who hid it as its target aka me it crit succeeded chomped me around my midsection and injected me with poison instantly throwing me into death saves i died because everyone else sucked at the game yay my shadow dancer in training rogue goblin was doing some nasty work but rolled amazing stealth so high my party lost sight of him apparently the bonuses of being in mud were too much what else was too much being attacked by a creature in the mud that knobbed me for over 50 damage putting me into the red and struggling the mud had a very low dc to overcome and i rolled my one start drowning creature comes back making a ruckus and my party comes out of the woodwork to investigate just in time too to see a rather large alligator licking its lips playing society pathfinder in a local game store where a regional captain came in to run some games with his young kids no one really cared for this guy because sometimes he got a little power happy but overall he was a pretty good dm his kids around seven with a male and maybe 12 to 13 female were also playing at other tables and the seven males game finished before his dads did so he came over and started watching dm could tell his kid was getting antsy so he started letting him make some of the decisions such as what was happening in the game we were playing a preset scenario from a book so there weren't any major decisions in the hand of the dm other than who was attacked and by what enemy and the kid stated he hated half or characters i was playing a half-work ranger so whenever dad said should i attack this round junior the kid picked mine several rounds of combat happen where the dm lets the kid pick which character to attack and it's always mine out of five total players i'm getting pissed so is the narrator reading this the other players are uncomfortable because it's obvious this kid is singling me out and super unfairly but the dm just keeps letting him do it without saying anything even the store owner comes over every now and then and remarks on it but he just keeps on doing it until finally my character dies permanently it's stupid because this kid's pregitis caused it and it was a low level scenario and my character was max level to even be included i was prepared to go to piezo's sight and logic complaint against him to have my character rezzed because the whole thing was unfair but i think the store owner interceded for me and the dm said in the offhand way as we were wrapping up oh by the way your party recovers your body and takes it to the temple since you did such a good job they consent to res you for free like i was being a whiny butthurt baby because my character died wasn't my character in fact i only started playing the game recently but the first game i ever spectated someone died in what they call a very stupid way it was basically three unlucky dice rolls in a row that led to his inevitable death a person i will call jon made a character named fork knife that's the one that tickled me i know about the obvious pun the players chose their character's race class background and personality but rolled to determine attributes like strength and dexterity as well as player chosen proficiencies john made fork a barbarian class of all members of the party jon rolled fork the lowest intelligence score the dm determined that fork's low intelligence means that jon has to roll anytime fork tries to read something to see if he understands it a nat one would make fork think that the written text means something else which usually harms him or his party for one reason or another everyone in the party butt fork was blinded and they had to travel to a town of some sort to restore their vision they came to a chasm there was a rope bridge and two signs that seemed important within fork's sight so the party went over that way josh rolled to see if fork understood the sign on the right since it was closer he rolled in that three and didn't understand the thing it said fork gave up trying to read it and tried to read the other one jon ruled to see if fork understood the sign on the left uh he rolled in at one with extra insight as a spectator who was good friends with the dm i knew that the sign actually said that the bridge was unstable and had a relatively low weight limit but fork believed it said that the bridge was 100 safe to cross he stepped on it first and it collapsed under his weight after he took a step fork then grabbed onto the cliff and jon had to make a strength saving throw to see if fork can resist the forces of gravity literally anything above a nat four would have saved fork when you factor in fork's high strength decent level and strength saving throw proficiency jon rolled a nat 1. fork lost his grip and died jon was pretty pissed off but he immediately began to create a new character for use starting next session anyway hey everyone brian here happy to welcome back all of our current subscribers and happy to welcome new viewers to the channel too if you liked the video then please leave a like and if you're new then consider using your bonus action to subscribe and of course ring that bell so you know when we're going live streaming or uploading a new video if you'd like to submit a story then you're more than welcome to do so on our subreddit r mr ripper or leave us a story in the comments below as long as it's relevant to the video topic of course you can also follow mr ripper on his twitter account or join his discord both of which are in the description below using your help action you can also come follow me brian von va on twitter and on youtube or join my discord too i stream every wednesday and saturday uploading content throughout the week as well on occasion gaming and voice actor stuff mostly all the links for that and more will be in the description below but with that business talk out of the way i just wanted to say hi to everyone new and old and give you a warm welcome i actually love redoing these old tts videos for you guys and gals you know i'm always happy to spruce up the old classics with some new character using my voice as best as i can so i can put smiles in your faces or tears in your eyes from laughter or sorrow story context pending that said i wanted to let everyone know how much you're appreciated not just as subscribers or a watcher or viewer but more so as people without folks like you nerds like us wouldn't have made this channel or probably even continued it so i'm damn glad that we can reach so many people and i hope so much that in these dark times we've kindled or rekindled your love for role playing we need some distractions from the crap in this world and what better way than to give your imaginations a major boost while letting you guys all know that it's gonna be okay because it is we just have to wait a little bit longer so while you're indoors while you're stuck at home try going online and just talking to your friends and seeing if they want to do a little pow-wow and play d d or pathfinder or whatever table top game you like or just use theater of the mind and make one of your own you know it's gonna be fine though it all will work itself out just stay calm and be safe so on that note i leave you with my love my good wishes and a fond farewell until next time ladies and gentlemen please be safe be happy and we'll see you soon
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 102,112
Rating: 4.9517612 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: TEEopOyzBtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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