What's the Funniest Way you've seen a Spell be used?

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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls role players across the globe it is i brian von va back at it again with another set of stories from r slash mr ripper lovelyz of our slash mr ripper what's the funniest way you've seen a spell be used part one i always love goofing off with mechanics in ways they weren't intended one of my favorite silly moments was when my tabaxi wizard got drunk but still had to follow the party so he cast tensor's floating disc before curling up and sleeping on it forcing the party to push the floating sleeping cat around with them what other fun moments have you had fooling around with the weave major image who needs invisibility when you can hide like solid snake but in a pile of manure all the enemies didn't want to come near it and they rolled low on their constitution to get close enough to check it out without getting sick so here i am running reconnaissance and a pile of moving manure the next time this was used our party snuck into a town controlled by cultists by the plan i called trojan horse major imaged a large statue of a god paid some random people in the town over to deliver it performance check convincing them that i gave them belts of giant strength to be able to pull it we end up in the center of town and their leader appears sneak attack by the rogue that the cultist did not get a chance to blink while i understand that the spell lasts 10 minutes but rule of cool my dm loved it when we did the trojan horse our team was on our way up to a mountain for a camping expedition in a total home brew game we were going up to look for some rare ingredients we needed for some spells and potions on our way we have decided to have some fun and play a game of tag after a while of goofing around two of our party members were hiding one in a tree and the other behind another one four party members were basically as far away as possible to avoid being tagged and at that point are known bart who in the game is suffering from a severe lack of sanity fell over got tagged and became it our group had just gotten an npc edition in the form of a werewolf and he was very excited to play in his wolf form he also had an insanely high dex modifier so nobody had caught him yet our bard decided that he was the one to get he turned around so he was facing away from the werewolf jumped up and cast thunder wave he explained to the dm that he wanted to use its powerful force of movement to try and land on the werewolf the dm allowed this however he also knocked over two trees as he did so these two trees happen to be the one sheltering the hiding party members and both became trapped and i think they took some damage to make things worse the werewolf got a high decks roll and the bard missed him the good news is we can start a pretty decent lumber business if the plans of our party has fall through the story of the invisible missile this party had been together since level 1 and after nearly a year of role playing every week sometimes every second week we are now all level 11. it has been a crazy story with all of us starting with pretty general characters and slowly all developing into the craziest group you ever saw we have been on a long quest to help a demigod keep one of the biggest threats to the world contained in another dimension plane we are still not too sure we did most of this around the same castle that we visit at different points throughout time and in different planes weird i know when we were all level 10 we were fighting a huge size ogre that was topped up with magic strength drugs decked out in full plate armor and came with his own army of just about everything under the sun he was a servant of the big evil thing in the other plane and was sent to siege the castle the dm really decked him out to be a cr or combat rating 15 nearly for a party of level 10 characters even with over 600 hp we managed to one shot him with an invisible missile a few things you need to know my character is a defensive bug bear fighter called grog and i have a magic shield that is magnetic meaning i can push and pull things made of slash or opponents wearing metal our rogue june is a sneak attack goddess and our bard reset loves to cast buff spells on the rest of the party in this case greater invisibility i was keeping this huge ogre at bay while the rest of the party mopped up the other mobs once i noticed the bard do as usual of casting greater invisibility on the rogue i got a crazy idea i yield a june to make like an arrow and hold on tight having seen where she was before going invisible i used my last magnetic charge to hurl jun and her daggers at the ogre with so much force i got a nat 20 on the strength check jun also got damn lucky enrolled in nat 20 to crit the ogre on her attack role the dm was so impressed jun went right through the ogre and out the other side as she told the dm she wanted to spin around as well making her invisible e-drill missile to everyone else the ogre suddenly got a huge hole in his chest and collapsed to the ground jun even did this amazing dance to celebrate being a badass mvp no one saw the dance as she was still invisible dm said the combination of the ogre not seeing the missile the force from the magnetic pull and the two nat 20s equals an insta kill he was really shocked and impressed at the same time i used stone shape to encase strawd then used anti-magic field so he couldn't do anything ending the boss fight in two turns the goal wasn't to kill him it was to get an item and get the hell out of there i'm pretty new to dnd so i have no idea if this would actually work in our final fight at level 20 our asamar used his wings to fly above a guy and use a lightning lure to drag him up the side of a broken glass crystal wall once he pulled him up and electrocuted him he then moved up with him and let him drop so he got the fall damage onto sharp glass crystal proceeded to do this to two other guys you sick sick man as a laugh because not everyone could attend our usual session currently dia with some homebrew flavor for our characters thrown in we decided to have a go at tomb of horrors spoilers rdm told us a week in advance bring multiple level 20 meat sacks that you won't get attached to with any magic items you desire so the game day rolls around and we all have our sheets ready to go the first party failed spectacularly as they were all crushed by a giant boulder and what turned out to be a false entrance the second party seeing the crushed bodies found the correct entrance reading a poem on the wall that seemed to have clues about some of the tomb's perils and looking at the pictures on the wall one by one they headed straight into a large open black mouth and all immediately died the third party is where the real shenanigans started having lost my human artificer who sounded like david attenborough and my tabaxi rogue i decided to bring out my prepared halfling bard william wellington who wore a big pair of red wellies for those familiar with cbbc in the 90s you may have an idea where this is going this time upon reading the poem i get an idea a stupid idea a crazy idea but it might just work i tap the heels of my red wellies and i sing i wish more than anything more than life to know exactly what the poem on the wall of asrax ii means i was careful with my wording the dm gave me a look that was somewhere between you little and what the how do i handle this while the rest of the group and i went red face trying to contain the giggles eventually our dm regained his composure having thought it through and said that this spell takes place and you understand the double meaning within the poem that otherwise would have led you into what you realize is a sphere of annihilation you do get the feeling however that the meaning of the poem will only be revealed to you as you encounter the traps and puzzles it refers to ah fair enough i thought seems like a reasonable way to approach it undoubtedly there would be unmentioned traps and enemies in between after some fun involving a dancing wooden chest poisonous gas from a light up archway and a poor gargoyle that got turned into flesh and horrified at its sudden mortality threw itself into the sphere the party was already beginning to turn in on itself despite having avoided some of the more dangerous traps due to my better understanding of what we were up against our other bard a heavy metal loving dwarf was suspicious of a doorway we had found and attempted to use the dominate person spell on me to make me go through first and thus check for deadly traps i passed my saving throw and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine casting dominate person right back of course he failed to save leaving me with a dwarf bart who'd been very excited about casting wish later at my disposal i ordered him to wish that william wellington was invulnerable to the traps of asserak's tomb he had to use my exact words and after some looking into it and double checking dominate person's effects the dm allowed it william proudly strolled through several otherwise deadly encounters fully aware of what would happen and aware that he couldn't be harmed by any of the traps in the tomb that was where i had made my mistake invulnerability means you cannot be harmed by something but are not necessarily unaffected by it the first time this became abundantly clear was when i went down a tunnel only to reappear in the room i had left completely starkers and with no equipment whatsoever in an archway on the opposite side some of the other party members gave me some basic clothes and fashioned some tinfoil into looking like plate mail and i felt a little bit better right up until i sauntered into a small chapel immediately stepping on an invisible teleport trap that took me out of the tomb to a frozen mountainside somewhere in the region of icewind dale with hardly any proper clothes on the lesson word wishes wisely say that three times fast hey everyone brian von va here back at it again to check in on our fans and friends and new viewers alike if you like the vid please leave a thumbs up and if you're new roll that fat d20 of yours and give us a sub if it rolls a one though throw it out never touch it again cause that dice is cursed make sure to follow mr ripper on his twitter for all the latest happenings and memes as well as joining the brand new discord which is completely focused on bringing people together for some sweet role-playing goodness and to help you make some friends along the way also check out our slash mr ripper if you'd like to leave us a story that you'd like to be narrated all the links are in the description below using a help action you can also sub to moi on youtube or follow me on twitter at brian von va joining my discord too as it's a little safe place for everyone to be happy as well links in the description with business talk out of the way i just want to say i'm proud of all the people we've inspired to play d d and other ttrpgs over the years or so we've been at this everyone nowadays definitely needs a way to escape from reality just a little bit and what better way to do so than to make friends by being complete and utter nerds rocking out to great tunes while at a tavern or hunting down an escaped cultist or even by killing an epically large dragon so many people i know in my life including some of my own family members have met lifelong friends or even their forever partner through games just like this and i am hoping so much that you guys and gals out there can make some long lasting friends if not forever people too because everyone deserves to have a friend and to feel loved or liked and wanted and respected and honestly all of you do too we're all human we all have feelings and we're all struggling out there right now but the best way to combat that is to stay connected make some friends and treat each basically treat each other the way we want to be treated am i right so you might as well treat each other kindly try our best to stay happy say hi to everyone here and there as much as you can and please for me be safe give yourself some love and we will definitely see you next time bye for now you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 96,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DnDStories, DnD, DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: YrvLXxIW1wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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