What Funny Way Did You Quit Your Job? (Work Stories r/AskReddit)

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people that quit my job in a hilarious fashion how did you do it my wife worked for a certain chain coffee shop a few years back she got another job so requested reduced hours this didn't happen for three straight weeks during that third week she had a soccer mom from Huk try to get her attention by throwing frickin snow balls at her through the drive-through window my wife then stopped what she was doing in toss with soccer moms ice theatre which exploded everywhere and slammed the window five minutes later she had written her letter of resignation with the only things she could find a purple crayon and a sticky note I used to work at a place that rhymes with Pizza Hut and the managers there were real cheapskates there was this nice old man that would come in every Sunday and order a triple extra cheese pizza and while they charged him for the 3x cheese they would forbid us from ever actually putting that much cheese on a pizza because apparently cheese in the pizza selling world is akin to gold so instead of 3x extra cheese he would really be getting what the instructions would qualify as barely enough for a regular cheese pizza on the day my two weeks notice ended the old guy just happened to be my last order so I went into the walk-in and grabbed an entire box of cheese proceeded to dump the entire thing onto his pizza and tossed it into oven it was stacked so higher that it couldn't even fit into it and half of it was scraped off anyways the look on the old guy's face when he saw me do this made it all worth it imagine pure excitement needless to say I didn't put the correct phone number down for future job references there was a UPS strike in the 90s and I was employed by them in high school as a sorta Blockbuster Video at the time had this mail-order deal where you get a VHS tape and bags of popcorn like a pro to Netflix thing I guess anyway all these boxes full of microwave popcorn and VHS tapes would slide down the belt and about half of the popcorn bags would explode or break after about an hour there was popcorn dust all over I asked my boss for a mask and he said that they didn't have any some of the drivers walked by wearing masks and I followed them and found a full cabinet full of masks I confronted my boss and he was like the masks are drivers only so I went back to the sorting area and just stopped working I just stood there the belts were backing up with these boxes of popcorn and they would burst in clouds of powdered popcorn butter would fill the air I waited about 45 minutes before the belt shut off I walked out through a haze of popcorn dust with alarms blaring people running everywhere trying to figure out what was going on a lot of people didn't get their VHS tapes that week worked as a teller at a bank for a few years GM and supervisor were both kind of crappy in their own ways my buddy there was also a teller who felt similarly and wanted to get out we started applying to places and both got interviews at the same company as luck would have it we both got hired and got phone calls about ten minutes apart there was only one other teller aside from us and when it got busy supervisor usually had to jump in as well and usually hated it it felt like we were constantly short staffed in days when one person would call out sick or be on vacation would suck being down to people was the worst naturally when we both got hired it became a race to see who could turn in their two weeks notice first he printed his often raced into GM's office walking out with a big smile GM calls me in and offers me full time hours after I had been requesting them for months I jumped in saying let me stop you right there I'm also turning in my two weeks notice remembering that look of disbelief will make me smile every time a solid professional fu is just as enjoyable to me as going out with a bang that poor third employee wrote a normal letter of resignation before I got in the shower one morning no big deal got into the office and was straight ignored by management oh well tailed you when my last day was fast forward three days they pulled me into a conference room to ask what it would take to keep me I say nothing but don't want to ruin em sole IT manager for a staff of seventy and would be willing to consult part-time they liked that idea and said they'd be willing to pay me my current hourly as a consultant I was prepared for this and told them that wasn't what I said I said that I would consult into my consulting rate was 200 HR they were flabbergasted and insulted I was making about $18 HR salary they thought it was insane even though they'd pay a consulting firm $600 HR when I was on vacation needless to say having planned to quit it was no skin off my back and laughed about it they didn't take kindly to me laughing about their anger and told me to pack my crap I did so got an extra 10 days vacation paid out of it my boss was never in the office and wasn't even there for me to turn in my resignation so I took a video of me dancing on his desk and singing about how he's never there and scented to his boss 1992 I was 19 and working at the most pissant radio station imaginable AM country gold the notoriously cheap abusive in the sauna stoner a fella named where's had just screwed me out of a promised bonus it was the latest in a long line of dishonest acts and I had had enough the rest of the sales team was afraid to stand up to Wes and he screamed abuse at then constantly except the lone woman who he sexually harassed they were all in their thirties and fourties working the same garbage job I was but desperately needed it I did not so I engage in a very public shouting match with Wes in the lobby saying all the things everyone they had always wanted to say then I swept the contents of the front desk onto the floor and stormed out instead of leaving I went around the side of the building to a pay phone and called the radio station request line in a fake southern accent I said hey y'all I just told my cheap no-good lying piece of human garbage boss to go to heck play me out with take this job and shove it and dedicate it to my former boss where's the disk jockey had no idea what had just happened at the lobby all that my wares were the wares so he enthusiastically played my recorded dedication and added this one is for you where's choke onyx you sack of crap the building had speakers inside and out constantly playing the radio feed so I got to hear Wes get clowned by his own radio station before driving off into the sunset someone at my previous work place a huge grocery store in the large mall went to the PA system we used to issue a messages to the whole mall and said something along the lines of dear customers managers and coworkers I freaking quit and then proceeded to leave I wrote a respectful letter thanking them for the opportunity and all they've taught me the first letter of every sentence spelled out rec boss nobody noticed I knew someone who worked in a really crappy call center his boss never had time for anyone when he went to tell his boss that he was leaving the boss waved him out of the room as he was on a call so he wrote I quit on a post-it note stuck it on the boss's screen and just walked out that is what foreheads are for I used to work for my father it was probably the worst time of my life he treated me like absolute crap paid me very poorly and made me work 70 plus hours a week I was young just out of high school and I complained about my predicament quite a lot his response was always if you don't like it there's the door six months before I quit he made me run his night shift which meant 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday I was very unhappy about this so I applied for another job I got it and went to my father's office with a list of demands he responded with his usual reply so I said alright I've gotten a job offer somewhere else Frick you I quit the look on his face was priceless he truly believed that because I had amazing job security that I'd be willing to put up with anything in that I'd stay there for my entire career in one short sweet instant I proved to him that this was not the case and he lost his most valuable employee the icing on the cake was the fact that the job that I left him for is that the company that manufactures the very machinery and software he relies on in business so anytime something goes wrong in his factory he has to call me to fix it for him first job when I was 15 for a discount clothing brand store head manager was the aunt of our store manager who was 19 our store manager did nothing most of the time and - chatter her boyfriend and friends loudly on the store phone much to the annoyance of everybody one night it's come closing we are grabbing our coats and getting ready to leave after a really busy day in the store manager storms in telling us how she's lowered the shutters and won't let us leave until we have helped her finish the one job she had all day to do cos her aunt is doing a surprise inspection in the morning everyone is Pete Esper the people who have had to watch her do literally nothing all day she turns spiteful threatening to delay our pays dock our wages et Cie etc all bores for one woman it was the last straw she had a kid to pick up from a club so she waited till she left us alone to work walked up to the shutters and pulled them up manually by hand all of us crawled out to freedom we left her a note saying good luck explaining to your aunt why four people just quit during my exit interview I told each other real reason I was leaving was due to the quality of the office chairs I said they were an eyesore uncomfortable and made me ashamed to come to work and resulted in subpar job satisfaction two weeks later I was told by previous co-workers everyone got brand new top-of-the-line office chairs your ex-coworkers must love you I worked for a law firm doing research and analysis I wrote a custom program on my own time that would automate editing down these huge lists we'd get from an outside vendor boiling it down to only what we wanted first only my team used the code by the time I left over 150 people were using it sounds minimal that it was actually a huge time-saver the program would boil down a list 100 pages long down to about 10 pages a process we used to do manually a couple times a day a layoff was announced I was part of the outplacement but the firm wanted to continue using my program I asked if there would be compensation as it was coded on my own time never paid for it etc I was told no and besides there's really nothing keeping us from still using it when you're gone for the remainder of my time two years I would create patches whenever the format of the data changed with my last patch I put in code that would disable the program and arrays key parts of the program one month after my last day from what I understand from people still with the firm on day X everyone came in booted their machines and the program was simply gone efficiency fell through the floor delaying opening cases billing clients etc I wanted 10k they lost more than that in the first week without the program I was working for Argos as a Christmas job while studying after a while it was becoming too much as I had to stay and work until deliveries were unpacks this meant that some days I was leaving for college at 8:30 a.m. and not getting home until 1:00 a.m. that night one night it was a particularly large delivery and it was getting very late with no end in sight I decided I'd had enough and told the supervisor I was finished they don't want to do the job anymore and wanted to go home he rejected this and said that I was going nowhere until the delivery was unpacked I stood in front of him and repeated that I quit therefore I don't care about the delivery completing my studies was more important to me than earning a bit of extra cash he still said I was going nowhere and refused to unlock the door to let me out despite feeling I had a case for false imprisonment I decided to take matters into my own hands I ran out the fire escape door and down the street never to return I'll always remember the sound of the fire escape door making a big do Ong as it hit the metal railings and I made my escape to freedom worked a Nvidia stall when there was such a thing my coworker showed up very very high he was also about 6 feet 3 inches and 140 pounds so he stood out in a crowd to begin with anyway he came in for a four hour shift stood in the middle of our Bank off checkout registers and just hate chips like six bags of chips back to back and he ate them slow and savored the crap out of each bite the whole time he had zero facial expression think of the dull stare of a chewing dairy cow after about three hours he calmly turns to me and says I can't do this anymore gently sets down his bag of chips and walks out the door we never saw him in the store again a 16 I worked at a Dairy Queen brassiere in Texas my manager was a jerk one night I sliced a good chunk of my thumb off because they did not have the proper safety equipment after being out of work for three weeks I returned to work my thumb was still pretty screwed up but I was trying my manager kept riding my butt telling me I had to move faster I was the only short-order cook when I saw three Greyhound buses pull up I knew I was in trouble she came back into the kitchen and said if I didn't move fast for these buses she'd find someone who would that was the last straw and you know one in the entire restaurant could cook so I took her up on her threat and simply walked out the back door she flipped me off as I drove away my friends told me they hardly got any orders out and the buses left since they couldn't get the food out but I felt bad for the people on the buses but was sick of being berated by management worked in the cinema as a teenager came in late for work after they changed my schedule during my days off and didn't think to mention it to me boss lost it and started shouting at me as far as I'm concerned if you need to shout I ain't listening so let her rant away for a good 15 minutes while I was at my locker clearing a doubt when it finally clicked that I wasn't listening or getting ready to work she stopped and asked what I'm doing I said going to see Lata with the lads who've just finished as I'm doing nothing else with my evening may go for a pint after what's your plans if I worked for a Midas garage one week we got a new service manager and up until that point we always inspected estimated and sold our own jobs this new guy wanted to inspect the cars and then check the estimates early on a Saturday morning a girl in her 20s with a baby came into the shop and said her brakes were making noise I took the ticket test drove the car and then pulled it in the shop and then inspected the car I found the LR brake shoe had gone metal to metal I mic the drum it was okay wheel cylinders and springs Hardware all okay I estimated the ticket it came out about 150 dollars to fix a car I went to the new service manager and handed him the estimate he went and looked at the car he didn't even take 30 seconds and he said I needed to add wheel cylinders Hardware kitten two drums to the estimate I told him all the parts he wanted to replace were okay he said do it I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away he went back to service desk I walked into a completely crowded waiting area stood in the middle in the room and proceeded to tell everyone in the room what the new service manager wanted me to do I turned around and went to go get my truck to load my toolbox and leave the service manager tried to stop me from loading my box on my truck at the time about five customers came out and helped me lift the box into the truck and then started screaming at the service manager they all wanted their cars put back together and taken off the lifts it got so bad one customer called the cops the service manager called the owner the cops and the owner showed up I was putting the girl's wheels back on the owner came over to talk to me I told him what happened and what I did the owner went over to the service manager who was surrounded by all the peed off customers and fired him I decided at that point I was still going to quit because the owner was just acting he told that service manager to do it at that point a few other techs were packing their crap up - as I was walking up my - truck to leave the girl walked up to me and thanked me she asked if I knew another shop that could fix her car I decided I would fix it myself so we went to the parts store got the parts went to my house and weeded the breaks not to make this whole story even longer that was in 1989 we've been married for 24 years now that service manager couldn't get a job at any shop around I still see him every once in a while gathering up the grocery carts at hem you have been visited by the wisdom Papa type study well popper all you will fail your next test at school if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 135,131
Rating: 4.8558726 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, quit job, i quit, how to quit your job, best way to quit, crazy ways people quit their job, quit my job
Id: Em3xairStDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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