Olive Garden Employees, When Did You Have To Cut Someone Off On Breadsticks? (r/AskReddit)

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Olive Garden employees who have had to cut somebody off from unlimited breadsticks and salad what happened this is something I can actually answer was working a lunch shift and had a table of three come in all mid-thirties women I brought the initial bread basket out turned around and they were gone okay you'll were hungry that's normal brought a new basket out and it happened again kept bringing baskets of bread had to be seven or eight at this point we're at about thirty breadsticks in the food hasn't even hit the table yet I start watching and they are putting the bread in their purses just filling em up manager asked them politely to stop that was that they weren't thrilled I was a waiter I had a couple of middle-aged ladies there from lunch until early dinner roughly one six with the unlimited soup and salad water to drink of course manager said something to the effects of if they want to sit there that long let em after lunch I gave the table to the waitress relieving me I told her to keep the tip we both knew they weren't going to tip the thing I found amazing was their casual marathon style conversation slow steady long pauses and comfortable silences they both knew what they were doing when I left around three or four they weren't even winded I worked at Olive Garden years ago not entirely related but I had a middle-aged overweight woman always order a pint of alfredo sauce as soon as she sat down they sell it in quantities like that for takeout orders and she would slop it down with about six breadsticks before she ordered appetizers we are talking two thousand plus calories before appetizers and dinner I still remember her ordering and her mouth opening and closing like a gooey heavy cream so lark pit you have just ruined alfredo sauce for me used to rent a room from someone who ordered a never-ending pasture pass and they were accidentally sent to rent paid for itself that month I saw her stealing the breadsticks putting them in her big purse when I wasn't near and kept asking for more can't blame her they're delicious I went with a buddy two weeks ago and we could hardly finish one Bowl but our waitress kept asking if we'd like more wink wink so we got another helping of pastor straight into a to-go box and then she basically said you're my only table right now so if you guys want more food just keep ordering and I'll bring you more we took home three bags full of Olive Garden and only stopped because we didn't want her to get in trouble needless to say she got a nice tip because we were meal prepped for the week the Wendy's in the town I grew up and would do this if you went through the drive-thru at 12:50 closed at one basically anything left over they'd have to throw out would end up in your bag I'd bind like one thing off the dollar menu and get a dang feast I miss that clave being at a point in my life where a meal at 1:00 a.m. was reasonable it was 1145 p.m. and we had closed at 11:00 p.m. they showed up at 1055 and complained that they felt rushed meal was comped and they left no tip I hated serving another story I just remembered we had a guy who had a pastor pass pay $100 and get all the pasta you could ever want in a month and would come in and eat and then proceeded to either wait till he had to crap or made himself vomits to make more room for more pasta he usually came alone with the same crusty outfit and would tell everyone how much money he's saving by coming every day and eating pasta I got plenty more if you guys want had a family who we called the Alfredo family literally the worst people I have ever met came once a week and complained about literally everything kids would run around the entire restaurant and steal tips from other tables that were left out they got the charming nickname because no matter how much our fredo sauce you put on their pastor it was never enough I'm talking 1015 scoops worth of sausage they literally used every excuse to get comped food and gift cards the drink was either too flat or the food too dry we were the worst Olive Garden ever apparently which made no sense since they came once a week must have gotten thousands of dollars in comps and free gift cards it was terrible they even tried to lure one of the managers out to the parking lot to assault her because she was seriously over there crap guess what they got for pulling the stunt $200 gift card everywhere I've eaten has turned away new customers at least half an hour before they closed as many cafes I've sit on have let people sit after closing if they came in before closing but they understand they offer no service my girlfriend says only a manager could do it the only time they cut someone off was during the unlimited pasta event he ate so much he couldn't eat anymore but he refused to leave because he wanted to wait until he could eat more yes I'm aware I sounded like Philip J fry in this comment oops there was a place called I teased it with a buffet movie room cartoon room sports bar room and arcade it had $2.00 Tuesday's $2.00 buffet many people would come for lunch watch movies until dinner and eat again I don't work at Olive Garden I'm just going to share a story that happened last week it was my birthday on the 22nd and a friend wanted to take me there because she had a gift card she said I could have it but I asked her to go with me to use it there's only one Olive Garden in town and it's always a madhouse but we went anyways because of the gift card got there waited maybe 20 minutes for a table all was going well just put in a drink order and we looked over the menu when suddenly BAM power went out floodlights immediately kicked on so it wasn't dark so we waited hadn't even received our drinks yet waiter brings us water's soda couldn't be brought because something about the machine not working with the power out no big deal we're asked to wait to see what the situation is but we can leave if we'd like most stay hoping it to come back on us included five minutes pass and the waiter brings out breadsticks and salad so we're happy to snack while we wait ten minutes later we're told someone ran their car into the transformer so power wouldn't be coming back on good news was all soups salads and breadsticks had to be given out because they couldn't stay and it was all free our waiter even managed to snag a cheesecake slice for me because it was my birthday which was also free he received a large tip that night reminds me of how my brother and I were craving Olive Garden so we went to our local one but the power was out that's okay we drove five miles to the next nearest one got in the door said one word to the hostess and the power went out there too so like good boys we just found the next closest one boy those breadsticks taste so much better when you have to fight nature for EM not Olive Garden it's similar my skinny is freakin cool once got the all-you-can-eat shrimp at sizzler and was eventually told he couldn't have anymore the man had easily eaten over 100 shrimp it was pretty funny I'm originally from Eastern Europe but I worked at Olive Garden in South Carolina during my work and traveled trip it was my first time in US and the whole experience was great but also often awkward it was weird from the start people who hired me were very surprised with me showing them an actual work permit oh yeah we totally need that there wasn't men at all most known foreigners in that part of SC so the manager decided that it would work great if I pretend to be Italian to make their authentic Italian dining experience even more authentic I really needed that job so I rolled with it welcoming quests with my Eastern European fake Italian accent and people loved it I love your accent it's northern Italian right here about two K miles northeast of Rome eight South Carolinians where some of the kindest and nicest people I ever met although often confused with geography I'm actually from Poland I admitted to a great older guy Poland ha my father liberated Amsterdam I got great tips with this one time one family liked me so much that the father went back to his house and came back with actual polish bills he left me one thousand polish zlotys and patted my shoulder as he was leaving good luck kid he had no way of knowing that the bills he left were communist currency with present total value of precisely $0.03 anyway the worst kind of clients were the people just wanted soup and salad and unlimited breadsticks I'm not sure how it works now but then all this was unlimited so you had to run around refilling everything no in that three hours of this we'll bring you a $2.00 tip hey it's 20% for tea you ladies were the worst I preferred a table of cartel members who spoke no English than a group of four ladies with at least one named Karen still super solid people were nothing in comparison to yearly Olive Garden Armageddon which was the unlimited pasta bowl deal it was something like $9.99 per a bowl with unlimited refills of pasta sauces meatballs and sausage I had one guy who ate 1313 bells that's almost four kilograms eight pounds of pasta still the only time you could cut somebody off those refills was when they hoarded them in hidden boxes and that happened a lot I had a guy who was ordering breadsticks refills every four minutes and putting them in his backpack he said it's for his hiking trip stoners often got stuck on eating breadsticks and once their main meals arrived they realized they are about to explode and they politely asked for boxes I'm imagining the stoners sitting at the table having forgotten they even had an entree coming the dread filling their minds as the plate is put before them not Olive Garden but I got cut off from Denny's unlimited pancakes after ten flapjacks I was less than 120 pounds at a time the cook was surprised when he came to cut me off ten pancakes or ten plates I worked at Old Country Buffet in the early 90s we never cut anyone off but here are a few things I recall elderly couples coming for breakfast and staying all day they were usually nice so we didn't mind eventually OCB made you pay again if you stayed after breakfast or lunch one person dumping the entire pan of shrimp on their plate whole plates of fried chicken piled high and just vanishing into thin air not even bones remaining ziploc bags are a wonderful thing hull plates off fried chicken piled high left sitting to be thrown away with one bite taken the Strawberry Shortcake bar never to have people vomiting no you shouldn't put that much whipped cream inside you my favorite story involved a woman pulling a manager aside and saying I don't want to cause a scene but I found this fishhook in the seafood salad the manager replied I don't want to cause a scene either but there ain't anything in that seafood salad that was caught with a hook seafood salad that was caught with a hook dat imitation crab I'm always afraid they are going to kick me out for eating too much three or four baskets maybe on the soup note anyone else ever wonder how far you can push the say when on the cheese grating I sometimes have guests who are embarrassed or feign embarrassment about the amount of cheese they like I always say the same thing every moment I grate cheese is a moment I'm not carrying a 30-plus pound tray of food or dirty dishes this isn't a workout for me it's a rest break you say when when you're good and ready I worked at Olive Garden for four years it's a chain so you never cut people off bill good lord I dished out some soup salad bread and pasta I had an obese 25 Ishmael regular who had Asperger's and came in with his enabling mother every week always the worst tip of the week but they always requested me it was the same thing every week for the guy a tour of Italy lasagna chick parm and fat Alfredo and four bowls of pasta fagioli with a block of grated cheese in each bowl not to mention the two blocks on the tour of Italy the mother would just smile the whole time and call me sweetie as her son gorged himself to death those four years there were heck plenty more stories of a similar nature only God to cut one person off because her Biba decided to complain long enough about the supper to get a whole meal comp choke down a bowl of noxee and then try to eat more supper she then had the audacity to ask me to take a ball home big goal eh nope was tipped whether Jesus pamphlet worked in various oh geez off and on over the course of a decade ranging from Houston to Boston even was a trainer for a bit before deciding to go to law school never had to cut someone off from unlimited breadsticks and salad never had to cut someone off from unlimited pasta bowl a guy I served at the OG in Greenville SC ate his original bowl plus 15 refills he was a big dude but more in the linebacker sense he was determined to eat each one of each pastor plus source combination he kept me wildly busy running pasta and bread out to him all evening his two friends had to help support him to walk out of the restaurant at the time a big bowl of pasta was eight ounces in the refills were four ounces he ate 4.25 pounds of pasta plus a lot of sauce and had the meat add on on many of them as well I'm guessing he cleared more than six pounds of food over the course of that meal he tipped four dollars on the other hand I have been in a restaurant where we've run out of breadsticks normally we were pretty free with the breadsticks you have a set amount you're supposed to bring out number of guests at a table and one but a lot of servers just load up their tables at the beginning to minimize the amount of running they have to do on the handful of days where we ran out the managers were watching breadstick load ups like hawks we could not eat any of them ourselves either normally it's the one thing you can eat while on shift anyway people absolutely lose their crap if they show up and find out we don't have breadsticks the hosts were warning everyone who came through the door and people were still mad folks would yell at them then leave the few who stayed were nice but kept talking about how it didn't feel like an ogee meal without the breadsticks the worst were the tables that were already seated when we ran out I had one who kept asking me why I was being so stingy and when I explained why I had only brought out enough for each person in of a huge load up like she'd asked for she screamed for the manager the manager explained that she had in fact got in the last basket of breadsticks in the restaurant the lady looked apoplectic how the Frick does an Olive Garden run out of breadsticks honestly I feel you lady but it was two days after Mother's Day and the truck was due in three hours the managers order had fallen short by less than 0.5% she demanded that everything be calmed while my managers were normally the kind who would do this immediately this one refused either way I got $0 on that table and most of the other tables were similarly cranky and low tipping worked at TGI Fridays for endless apps watched a guy eat 12 orders of pot stikers that 72 pot stikers he also drank 14 refills a diet coke with no ice that's three hundred and eight ounces of diet coke this all happened in about 90 minutes then he asked for the dessert menu I was both disgusted and impressed when we were in high school a bunch of friends went to an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet after gorging on many plates one of my friends who was legendary for his eating prowess went for dessert he took a whole banana creme pie a manager came over and berated him for being wasteful there were some vague threats of making him pay extra if he didn't finish the pie my friend proceeded to eat the whole pie the manager told him to never come back my mom got kicked out of an all-you-can-eat sushi place once she was pretty mad the manager somehow didn't think a small filipino from hawaii could eat that much he has obviously never met anyone remotely Filipino I always get invited to go to all-you-can-eat places because and I quote I eat like a 21st century Viking I'm a 5 feet 7 Filipino dude I just grew up poor this would be a fun prank to play on an Olive Garden if you were triplets just sneak in one at a time and keep ordering a crap ton of salad and breadsticks the guy can just put away baskets and baskets I don't understand when I was a flight attendant I used to hate serving first class because the people were grumpy on the night flights we didn't have great food an F C because most people were sleeping and food is expensive etc one night I only had one gentleman awakened the FC section and he wanted the meal turns out the meal that night was just some sad pesto pasta and a soft breadstick which I served to him the man grumpily goes what is this Olive Garden and without thinking I said in a weird Italian accent well your hair your family and he just looked at me and sawed off smirked still one of my proudest moments he probably fantasized about suing you right there I once had a waitress say in exasperation don't you drink at home after my six seven for a fill of Cherry Coke I didn't get cut off but it was funny and sort of relevant well with almost $3.00 most places for s dogs you need to get your money's worth plus it tastes much better from a fountain when they have the syrup ratio right sorta related this customer came in and asked my coworker who was new at a time if they could have a box of chocolates like the 15 pound box that we get them in I was in the kitchen and saw her walking out with a box I asked her what she was doing and she said she was giving the customer what they asked for I quickly took that box and told them both no it's crazy what some people have a nerve to ask for we had people regularly ask how much they could buy the box for we'd post them the retail price of one hundred and forty-five dollars when they were shocked we remind them that an 8 ounce box ovens mints at the store I close to $4 my buddy and I went to oh gee damn near 30 years ago we're looking at the menu trying to figure out what we're going to order and the waitress walks up welcome to Olive Garden blah blah blah I forget the spiel with your entree you can get unlimited salad or soup or something to that effect what kind of soup do you have my buddy in quartz well you can get either the soup or the salad she clarifies I understand but what kind of soup do you have the asks again entrees come with either soup or salad she asserts a little testily my buddy kind of glances over at me like am I having a stroke I look up at the waitress and confidently ask so what kind of soup do you have you can get minestrone or our daily special is the potato cream soup I'll just have salad Thanks I say as my buddy fathoms and starts giggling even 30 years later anytime I see him I always ask what kind of soup do you have I haven't had to cut someone off the one time a table at for two parents and two children had come in ordered food and had maybe two or three rounds of salad before their meal came up I got it all ready to run out to them went to their table and they were gone I asked the host if they saw four people even she said yes they dined and dashed two parents dined and dashed with their children what a horrible example to set for your children I actually have never had to cut off someone personally as usual the bud comes in my fellow server friend had a three top in our mellow section close a section and also the best section in the restaurant for seating and tips booths for days the problem came to a head when after the tables had cashed out and were just sitting around they would hassle my buddy for more breadsticks and salad they all ordered soup salad and breadsticks meal now he was happy to give the first second third fourth bowl mind you this is after they have already had two three bowls but when they hit bowl number eights off salad after cashing out and their fifth breadstick basket our manager had to politely ask them to leave so that he could get a new table I felt awful for him since they didn't tip either why is it the neediest people who come in to Olive Garden are always the worst tippers although me and this buddy have some pretty good war stories come from oh gee oh boy finally my time as an Olive Garden slave is useful for something not so much cutting them off but they accused me of it I had a couple on a date who loved the breadsticks every time I walked they would ask for more so the rule is with refills you only are supposed to give one breadstick per person I gave them five good man these two went through about 12 breadsticks age since those things are basically 60% marjorine 39% souls and 1% bread I wouldn't be surprised if they got horribly sick I'm no doctor but for health reasons they should have been cut off so servers have to prepare the breadsticks so most of the time no one has the time for that when each table wants to have a 10-minute discussion each time you come to their table and want refills on their fifth bowl of salad which servers also have to prepare as you can imagine though one prepares the breadsticks and I was left breadstick less with these breadsticks junkers oh man did they not like this and complain to my manager that they were being denied breadsticks I explained to the manager that I never denied them anything and that we just had to prepare more which I freaking told them manager goes back to talk with them more yelling from the breadstick junkies and of course they got a discount they ended up tipping crap and requested more breadsticks to go I gave them one so they can fight over it in the car home and hopefully get into an accident just bad enough that they won't be able to eat breadsticks again there should be a rule in America that if you act like this managers are required expected to throw you out and have your picture taken with a wall of shame and a lifetime ban Frick people like that we had to obese women come in during never ending pasta bowl and eat 10 barrels of chicken alfredo age including breadsticks salad and diet soda we weren't allowed to cut anyone off and I've never seen anything like that before in my life pastor bowel sounds exactly like what happens after overeating at Olive Garden I used to serve a few years back the thing is you get to choose soup or salad with your entree unless you just order soup and salad or just one other - I was taking an order for a table and when I got to this lady's turn she said she was not having anything no big deal it happens don't know why you would come to a restaurant though anyway after taking two tables order the lady who was not having anything went into detail about what she wanted on the salad my head I was thinking you know you said you're not having anything but one thing you learn as far as Olive Garden gives the customer is always right if you be and moan enough a manager will do whatever it takes so you don't complain to co-operate office our kitchen frequently ran out we didn't cut people off per set but told them that the breadsticks would take ten minutes to bake then we all received an economics lesson in pent-up demand prior to my server days I captained the boys high school swim team and we would often cause the kitchen to run out of breadsticks salad and all four soups then we'd tip terribly because we were upset about the dearth of food once I worked there I began to feel terrible about how he behaved not Olive Garden but true story a five-star restaurant in Pittsburgh put a coupon in the old entertainment book back in 2001 for an all-you-can-eat entrees there were four options and each was 50 dollars they were doing this as a customer appreciation thing since they were planning to close at the end of the year I was 14 and had never eaten in true test the limits excess before I chose the salmon in a white wine blah blah blah with mashed potatoes and broccoli which I asked them to cover and cheese it came out on a goddamn platter where the piece of salmon was massive and it could have been a whole goddamn bowl of mashed potatoes each time and the cheese sauce the chef made for the broccoli was the best I had three plates except the potatoes on the last plate then I vomited about three hours later and even there tasted good I will literally never taste salmon that good ever again the soup bowls there are practically convex but it's true you have to be careful of the diners who bring their own two-piece fork in a felt lined case and assemble had like a pool cue they are the professionals I kinda want one of those for work now one guy came in a little before the lunch rush and immediately went to town on the breadsticks every time I came around he had an empty basket waiting for me this went on for hours our Baker couldn't microwave fast enough I just went to og for the first time in my life Canadian they didn't even bring me breadsticks I had to ask for them and they were really not that good guys they used to be way better they were soaked in butter and garlic and they had much more garlic salt if it's like Red Lobster the scam BAE run is to take longer and longer between plates and give you less and less each plate to take longer and longer between plates and give you less and less each plate much like red Robin's endless fries by the last serving you aren't actually full you're exasperated this wasn't Olive Garden but when I was serving we had these things called kraut EES that were croutons bread with Bruce quatre and it was free with a lunch or dinner the owner cut off this one table from the crowd sees and so they tipped me nada I was less than thrilled since the bill was rather high and if it's a restaurant where the server has to tip out to the bar food runners and hostess the server literally pays others for the privilege of waiting on the people who don't tip I never cut someone off but I did serve some salad soup a couple of times I put so much Italian dressing on their salad that it was basically Italian dressing soup with bits of floating lettuce not breadsticks and salad but I had a man make me shred three entire blocks of cheese and get him three of the boats of extra sauce after I asked for the fourth of each a manager found out the last three were all for the same person and told him we couldn't give him any more so when I first started working I was warned of a regular who came in at least once a week he is a character to say the least as he brings in his entourage of plastic animals well when that day rolled around he got sat in section he was super quiet and just asked for soup and salad fair enough so I go grab the appropriate amounts for one person and he gets flustered and tells me he need much more to feed his animals so being the nervous new worker I was I grabbed another bowl another huge salad and another six breadsticks I bring the top him and watch as he sets plates out for these little plastic animals and sets food out for them and at this point I'm an Oran confusion so I'll let him and his animals eat and come back to check Anand he asks for more so I go get him another huge salad bread and soup and as I am walking out of the kitchen with my tray I am stoked by the Maude who goes on I see you have regular customer let me take it from here sir my manger went over talked with the guy and received the guy's bill apparently the mods had to close him out otherwise he would stay all day and keep requesting more food for him and his animals I was a server at Olive Garden and the pastor Bowl wasn't as popular as you'd expect I think maybe one percent of customers got it we had a lot of people that would get salad with dressing on the side put it in their purse or whatever then ask for refills repeatedly putting all of that raw salad without dressing in there I guess they felt great about gaming the system you'll be amazed at how much silverware got stolen yet because Olive Garden's silverware is boss first off Frick Darden Olive Garden Red Lobster Bahama Breeze and their corporate doors rules I'd say 99.9% of OG servers don't care how many you have the biggest problem with Olive Garden is - the two weeks you serve for free and gift tips to whoever is training you is the three table per server limit while training they specifically tell you to only refill breadsticks to match the table count plus one so if you showed up with your date I'd drop off three for breadsticks and only three each time it's refilled to make the service job worse they audit the freak out of your tables I once forgot to charge a table for a side of alfredo sauce they demoted me to busboy the following day I rolled silverware for 10 minutes before walking out forever I hacked Andes mints with a passion so web dropping off the bill I'd stuff about 30 on top of the receipt silver lining to the whole experience I discovered we'd taking home 30 breadsticks and playing nmos Fricka live gum I worked for og from 2004 to 2006 at one of the highest volume stores in the southeast I had the normal issues servers have rude guests crappy hours people coming in right before clothes etc but this one lady took the cake for me it came in right before noon the whole of the restaurant if tits like Li to adjust to the new gravitational actor that just walked in with her to fairly normal looking kids she sits at one of my tables orders coke for her and juice for the poor younglings she was pleasant to me but absolutely rancid to her children the entire time it was really off-putting and I remember thinking why can't this lady just give them a break anyways I finally bring out the food chicken marsala for her standard spaghetti and marinara for the kids in two kids bowls I asked if everything is to their liking in the final fantasy boss nodded seeming pleased her kids just gave a nervous nod so I head back to the kitchen to grab a salad for another table and as I'm walking towards the awful lady's table I noticed that something has managed to get all over the table in the two minutes I've been gone and I mean all over I couldn't make out what it was at first but as I got closer I realized to my horror that there was marinara sauce spread on to every square inch of the table the kids and their seats this lava crashing creature had dumped both of her children's food directly onto the table in front of them and was forcing them to eat with their hands she then neatly stacked the freshly emptied bowls on the side of the table for me to collect and now for anyone that might not know this is super crazy holy crap what are you doing levels of unhealthy we cleaned those tables very quickly with dirty rags that have strong chemicals that should not be consumed I almost dropped the salad I had in my hands when I gasps and only managed to point and say no very loudly before storming into the back to get the manager he didn't believe me at first but then rushed out to deal with the situation and throw her out surprisingly the lady was totally cool about it she calmly got up picked up her kids and walked out it was such a strange occurrence and we talked about the lady for weeks after that if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: olive garden, olive garden breadsticks, olive garden salad, olive garden breadstick, too many, too many breadsticks, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: pUQUflslVOU
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Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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