How Are White People Stereotyped In Predominantly Non-White Cultures? | People Stories #465

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how are white people stereotyped in predominantly non-white cultures my wife from cameroon was very surprised when she first saw white people that were poor she didn't think it was possible however once i went to visit a market and i heard i gush out white people are rich but not this one this white guy is poor that was probably a clever way to get my attention to sell me something maybe as a consequence of being thought rich white people are very important or prestigious once we met a cousin of my wife who was bragging that her husband had several cars my wife replied yeah well my husband is white in cameroon most people believe in sorcery one guy who was apparently knowledgeable about these kinds of things told me sorcery doesn't work on white people and 10 magic death in the mountains of peru it is an urban legend of sorts that white people will steal children so much so that when i am around a misbehaving child the mother almost always threatens the child by saying that the gringo me will take you away that's kind of funny as a white eye hold the stereotype that many south americans would kidnap me and either sell me for ransom or as part of a drug cartel plot back in high school we had 60 foreigners korean or taiwanese mostly the funniest thing i've ever been called was a round-eyed burger muncher kid was serious too round-eyed burger muncher i've been called that too i thought of making a rebuttal then i thought about it for a second and realized nothing about it was a lie when i lived in the middle east i was told by an arab friend that she always thought that white people mainly the women were very yes and stuck up it explained a lot of the not so nice things some of my classmates said about to me before they got to know me i lived in a predominantly hispanic area and one thing was always associated with white people money you were a rich white kid no matter how much money your parents had no matter where you lived or how poor you were you were a rich white kid hey man look at richy rich white boy over there strutting around walmart car park begging for change like he owns the freaking place rich jackass among dominicans white people are considered rich and generally friendly we also think that no crime occurs around white people it is considered highly respectable for a dominican woman to have a white man even if he is a low-life drug dealer i can honestly say that most dominican mothers would rather have their daughter data white coke addict garbage man than a rich black doctor white people are considered so above everyone else in our society the funny thing is that outsiders dominicans are black dominican women in the us want to be as far away from black culture as possible they think they are white basically it is quite funny in zimbabwe white people are thought to have no knees this is due to them wearing long trousers dresses all the time apparently this is also apparently extremely funny this is extremely funny i've been to liberia a couple times and i've picked up that a lot of the people there think that white people are rather ignorant of how the world works they're very nice and helpful but they make you feel like a child sometimes most of the time you have to rely on the actual children to figure out what the heck is going on in all fairness perhaps you should let them watch out for you even if it makes you feel like a child given that your visiting freaking liberia i used to live in south korea and according to a friend there is a belief among a few asians that white people are less evolved because they have more hair i've lived in tokyo most of my adult life there is a stereotype hierarchy which goes from foreigner that's the most important then to the subsets of white automatically considered a loud-mouthed american who only speaks english or black automatically considered a hip hop gangsta who only speaks parody mtv english or asian yes that's a stereotype in japan you'll be considered a dirty poor asian i'm a musician and unfortunately my appearance means i fall into a further subset dangerous foreigner probably a drug dealer because in japan everyone assumes most crime is by foreigners actually crime by foreigners is proportionately much lower full stop so i get stopped by the police all the time edit i should add just as being a black guy in a nice suit getting a coffee in manhattan is a very different experience from being black with sagging pants and walking into a truck stop in alabama so japan has a wide range of contexts which will affect your treatment here double edit if you are just a taurus you'll only notice that people in stores are generally very polite to everyone so is japan sort of like the uk which pretends they are not part of europe my friend from vietnam always talks about white people being crazy he would say if a black asian guy wants to kill you he will just shoot you but if a white person wants you dead he will eat you and rape your baby not hard to see where this one came from white guy here but when living near the border i had three different mexican guy friends tell me on three separate occasions that white women are freaks that is sexually adventurous to the point of intimidating apparently i have been hanging around the wrong white women now you just haven't been hanging around enough latino women white women are freaks in comparison going by general cultural tendencies where i grew up the word for white man was mzungu m zu ngu or muzungu came from the word kuzanguka kuzunguka it means to walk around in circles emo this is a good basis for what they thought of white people they sell shirts with zungu written on them in kenya presumably to tourists my wife father bought one because he thought it humorous to have a shirt with white guy written on it in western china where seeing a white person is so rare that people would stop dead when they saw me stare and often pull out a camera to snap some pictures of me with me white people are considered beautiful fashionable sometimes ignorant and a little sneaky they assume we all speak english most people assume that i was british i'm american because i'm skinny in fact i had people ask me after finding out that i'm from the us why are you not fat i didn't talk a lot of politics with every one kind of a touchy subject in china but i talked about it with the family i was living with they thought that americans are warmongers they thought it has been too long since we had real war on our soil and we've forgotten what it's like we go into war to try and help people but their opinion is that war helps no one some koreans jokingly think a lot of white american people greet each other with your wassup man with the hand grab chest bump i thought stereotypes weren't supposed to be true i went to nepal last year and apparently they believe white people never work i was helping build playground equipment and crowds of people would show up to watch they would gawk for hours it weirded me out and this is what i was told when i asked when i was in the pool some kids bathing in the local river yelled you are american you eat cats i thought it was hilarious my asian friend told me that all her friends always felt that the white people they had encountered smelled like milk all the time i live in bangkok and here white people are seen as rich culturally disrespectful and for the men specifically perverts also completely unable to eat spicy food there's a few stereotypes i grew up hearing in an immigrant mixed race south asian and african family in the west these mostly seem to be about middle class white people note i am simply reporting these i do not agree with them i am writing them as if my grandparents are saying them for example white people don't love their kids as much because they kick them out when they are 18 and don't support them after that also white people are not as educationally driven when it comes to their children for example they won't work long hours in a multitude of jobs and save pennies to send them to the best schools and hire extra tutors and focus on their kids winning maths championship ctc the exception to this is jewish people who are very admirable white kids interns put their parents in nursing homes as soon as they're able which is unacceptable white people are all into artsy fartsy things like liberal arts and art school and painting that don't get you anywhere they don't realize that the only worthwhile paths are medicine law engineering pharmacy sciences accountancy and business white people eat really bland food like they eat things like chicken cooked only in salt and pepper and carrots in strange creamy sauces white people like to go to india africa etc to discover themselves which is hilarious because then they start wearing sarees and things and thinking that if you use curry powder you've made a curry and attributing erroneous spiritual wisdom to ethnic people white people are not as clean for example white people will put clean clothes on an unbathed body in the morning and they only use toilet paper in the bathroom edit as in they only use toilet paper and not water to clean their asses also they wear shoes in the house and own lots of cats which walk on their kitchen benches white people have more random sex especially white women if you take them to a fancy restaurant and give them a rose and chat about poetry they will sleep with you disturbingly this is according to my grandfather that's all it takes some white people smoke pot with their kids white people drink a lot especially white women who often inexplicably consume wine alone white people are obsessed with wine oh and one more white people are too gentle with their kids and don't discipline them properly see also russell peters the stereotype of whites amongst south asians is that white people can't manage their finances properly and that they are in a sense selfish self-concerned rather than being considerate about others in that parents kick out kids at 18 and kids throw their parents into old homes all because they're self-concerned and only care about their lives also that they can't plan for the future part of why they're poor with finances also white people particularly americans are scared of everything seatbelts pollution terrorism etc and by that i mean to an unhealthy level of scared of stuff in their minds but that's generally the stereotype edit wanted to update this after people rightfully bringing up asians being inconsiderate keep in mind the thing of most importance to south asians is family and its family social circle that they feels deserves the most consideration given the highly populated natures of these countries and the laissez-faire-styled capitalism society one quickly realizes being considerate to everybody is shooting yourself in the foot unless everybody else is also considerate which is rare thus this consideration is limited to your family friends it's not as extreme in south asia in that they're willing to help a random stranger if it isn't detrimental to them but the further extreme in an even more populous country such as china can be seen with the toddler of an accident so i'm just giving that perspective where they're perplexed by why white people don't have any consideration of the ones they love family also you folks with the fans south asia equals east asia and you don't i don't mean whites are literally afraid of seat belts rather the wearing of seat belts from fear pretty accurate i'm south asian and i think most of the stereotypes i've heard come from the fact that south asians and most asians for that matter are still very collectivist while america is becoming more and more individualistic therefore people assume americans don't care for anyone besides themselves have no respect for family as someone mentioned putting your parents in an old folks home rather than caring for them personally and have no culture as a buy product of not having any traditions community interestingly enough i know many people in my parents generation who immigrated to the us abhor the idea of their children my generation taking care of them in old age they like the idea of being independent and have no desire to do the work that generally goes along with staying with your kids like looking after grandchildren all day as a caucasian who lived in china and other parts of asia for some years i'm generalizing a couple of stereotypes i came across that is not everyone has them white people are all from the us i'm not and can all speak english white people all have money white people have more beautiful skin eyes white people who marry a local and have a kid will have a very smart child because it's mixed white people cannot understand chinese so it's fine to talk about them openly even when they're one meter away never mind if they understand every word many white people have a more open attitude towards relationships white people can be more rude but that's mostly okay cause they don't know better as a pink oh white in china i've pretty much never encountered hatred or open attacks the racism for better or worse slightly favors white which i suppose has to do with average income of foreigners there chinese have a lot of whitening products advertised which i suppose may have to do with certain lower status jobs like field workers having more exposure to sun hence are darker however my views are filtered from the racism i as white encountered in other words there may be a lot of stereotypes i never heard of because no one told me or because of the language barrier i speak a bit but wouldn't understand everything all in all chinese were incredibly open and friendly including being openly outspoken about race note that the stereotypes and westerners i talked to had about chinese were much more brutal than this they're like ants uncreative can't be trusted etc were some of the bad racist highlights i encountered also note that the stereotypes of chinese in relation to blacks are worse too talking about race i've asked a couple of chinese what would your parents say if you dated a black guy and the answer was often that the parents would be strictly against this as a final note let's repeat above stereotypes are not held by all chinese maybe not even the majority maybe even only a minority they're just some patterns i ran into and can all speak english kinda true it's often everyone's second language so we can all communicate case in point with it white people all have money if you can travel you probably aren't poor white people can be more rude but that's mostly okay cause they don't know better i guess that's expected to be mutual when people who don't know each other's taboo meat in my family i was always told by my parents white people were lazy never put value on education and had no culture of their own note above is not my personal opinion i'm surprised i didn't see this one yet when i lived in the bay area in san francisco for about half a year any of my friends that were chinese korean thought that all white people never took their shoes off i was constantly reminded to take my shoes off when entering their houses because they thought we all just walk around the house dragging dirt everywhere that's because we do chinese in china view white people with fascination and curiosity like they were aliens from the planet caucasoid they generally don't have strong negative opinions of white people however chinese expatriates living in the western world think most white people are extremely selfish and completely tactless many are also seen as outwardly polite but inwardly racist to some degree some not all white people are seen as excessively aggressive and have very incurable alpha male syndrome they seem to be poor problem solvers only being able to plan one or two steps ahead they don't like to think unless they have to they can be very attractive but age very quickly and seem to gain weight easily especially the women they are thin skinned and in negotiations dealing with them bluntly and directly is the preferred approach over diplomatic or passive aggressive methods also never let white people borrow anything for very long because after a while they will consider it theirs and won't return it i lived in south america for nine years and the predominant stereotype is that white people are rich entitled and immoral white women are seen as easy the former comes from nearly a century of abuse from the u.s government and corporations particularly the latter u.s tourists most certainly do not help alleviate this as a white guy i ran into a lot of prejudice until people realized i was far more south american than american culturally and spoke perfect spanish these feelings mostly manifested in me getting charged roughly 10x the cost are local but whenever i went anywhere or bought something until i began to haggle in spanish and they realized they had made a mistake judging me this will probably get buried but i wanted to offer my own experiences and noticed most of the comments up top refer to asian stereotypes in mexico white americans are stereotyped as stupid loud and the girls as incredibly yes weirdly enough it's the same in chile and argentina where the population is more european than indigenous to be fair much of their exposure to white girls would be college girls on spring break my best friend who happens to be black said that all white people love wayne brady after asking around i came to the conclusion that he was right somewhat relevant although we're both white european nations stereotype we americans i have a german exchange student in my school and i overheard someone talking about stereotypes with him apparently the stereotypical american is actual quote a big fat stupid rude cowboy who drinks beer at mcdonald's well sht from my parents tall loud always willing to wear less and less clothes long-nosed can't control their emotions fat but at the same time they're modern civilized savvy they get things done in an honest manner government business etc first typically describes a tourist second typically described the colonialist they are nicknamed fallon or white foreigners sometimes they are called kinok which means bird crap um i'm indian and this is an actual conversation i had white woman so in india do you really go to school on elephants me laughing making it obvious i was joking number we have camels for that wwe laughs too so what did you think of the us when you first came here me it was just like the movies ww which movie me terminator unknown to her i wasn't joking apart from the action the country looked exactly like in the movies and people seem to act exactly like in the movies hum this is kind of irrelevant to the question i just realized but since i've typed it all rapacious murderous and oppressive apparently at my night party i walked into a room where my roommate's black sister was talking about how she wants to kill all of the white people in a bloody revolution there wasn't really any descent coming from the rest of the room as the only white guy in the room i just kind of backed out the door quietly should have laughed and said bring it i'm jamaican and people generally think whites tourists and non-residents are crazy risk takers have been known to do things like go to the beach during a hurricane that always wear shorts and carry a huge backpack with everything they own in it at all times also they prefer to walk everywhere all look like hikers btw local whites are not thought of like this q how are white people stereotyped in predominantly non-white cultures a television and movies usually pretty bad 10 year old recycled television combined with mtv i grew up in a predominantly non-white culture and that's my experience at least also everybody in the world seems to know what freak you means a man in south korea told me i look like mac java i look nothing like mac java i live in reading pa everyone here is either black or spanish i've always been the only white kid in class the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard was i thought white people couldn't jump at all she thought that the stereotype of white man can't jump was literally true i didn't think there were that many spaniards in pennsylvania um depends on the white people i'm west indian btw rednecks drink crappy beer have pickup trucks in their front yards sleep with their sisters have mullets don't value education racist bad teeth barbecue a lot presumably roadkill suburban yuppies make several misguided attempts try to make up for everything the rednecks do but fail horribly for example hold cultural parties like cinco de mayo in chinese new year try to make nice with their kids minority friends etc own minivans go to sporting events a lot eat terribly bland food young white people privileged yet paradoxically hate their parents common to all white people bad dancers last one is not a stereotype it's fact in pakistan white people are essentially the same as america's mexicans they're stereotyped as day laborers and they come from the northern mountains to live in the city and do crappy manual labor jobs they get exploited and everything that's not caucasians but they're still white and i always found that weird i'm canadian and in england people would ask are you american when i would reply that i am canadian they would without fail apologize profusely and say something along the lines of i didn't mean to offend you as an english man i've known canadians to get p off with me for mistaking their accents as american the same with kiwis and mistaking their accent as aussie straight up watch a non-caucasian movie bollywood middle east african cambodian filipino and watch one with a fight scene in it against a white dude everything is exaggerated super proud and super angry and almost always racist white people can't dance white people drink like frat boys just for the purpose of getting wasted white people have money white people are racist to all other people i go to to a school that is predominantly south asian and oriental near toronto the students there gang up on the white kids about 20 in the whole school and criticize everything they do they make racist jokes and the sort often they criticize intelligence and say that they can't even see us white walls in the school of course since in most of canada they are the minority they can get away with it and if we try to fight back we get in trouble for being racist we can't do anything remotely like white culture for fear of getting in trouble with the school while they can flaunt their religion pride etc however they want one of my friends wrapped his locker in christmas wrapping paper near the holidays and it was promptly ripped down three separate times the kids who did this were seen and admitted to doing it when my friend went to a teacher to complain he was told that he can't openly expect his paper to be shown because it was christian and he was told he couldn't put it up again however many students decorate their lockers with cultural and religious symbols and if one of those was ever tampered with you can bet there would be punishment sorry about this not so much an answer to the question as a rant on how we have become so politically correct that white people in canada now have to accept racism against them from the hispanic ghettos of chicago come some paradoxical stereotypes if you are a skinny white boy you have a huge penis if you are fat you have a small one thin white boys tend to be crazy and unlike spicy food there aren't a lot of stereotypes due to how few of us there are being a crazy thin white boy i do not mind our stereotypes one bit i'm also thin and white and i can confirm this stereotype is true white people are obviously the most secure race because in this whole gigantic thread there is not a single yt crying about how unfair it is that they are being stereotyped i am proud of my easy going self-deprecating race if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 55,319
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Keywords: white people stereotypes, stereotype threat, stereotypes, skin color, skin colour, culture, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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