What Red Flags Should You Look For In A Company? (r/AskReddit)

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what red flags about a company have you encountered while interviewing for a job serious number of contractors to employees ratio also specific keywords such as unlimited potential income or this is not a scam extremely high turnover or you are being interviewed by people who have worked in their department for one year it took me a long time into my career to trust my instincts on these red flags one when you are going to be reporting to more than one person Department - super condescending attitudes on behalf of the interviewer 3 I work in IT and I had a manager ask me once what I would do if I knew that restarting the system was not going to fix the problem and might make it worse but he would tell me to restart it anyway or find a new job I told him if it's going to make things worse I'm not going to restart the system regardless of what you tell me do I ended up getting the job but that question actually turned out to be a huge red flag he tried to pull crap like that all the time for if I can't stand someone's personality in a short interview I'm not going to be able to stand working for them interviewer how do you handle conflict such as if you work with someone who might yell a lot me well I don't think anyone should yell at someone while working interviewer your direct report has a history of being passionate about his work oftentimes he raises his voice and it might make people uncomfortable red flag red flag run last interview I went to they told me they were going to be bigger than Facebook the company had six FB likes and a webpage smothered with errors and got angry at me when I suggested some easy one-minute steps to fix them it was for a tech company so how's the work-life balance here laughter right after I graduated I interviewed for an entry-level data entry admin position they offered to hire me if I paid them seven hundred and fifty dollars to complete their training course oh boy interviewer had me stand against a wall while he rated me on my wardrobe father-son operation the two interviewed me argued a bit over stuff in front of me employee manual of one company I don't know why they gave it to me at the interview but they did when the employee is no longer useful to the company the employee and company must part ways Italian firm getting started in the u.s. the interviewer actually excused himself to go fondle the secretary googling the firm netted a few links to OSHA violations and deaths Facebook page of one employee talking about his life on an oil derrick in the gulf of mexico travel percentage kept changing wildly in the interview panel interview a few folks got up one stroke to way through very vague questions about qualifications mostly about me generic skills tests and then a disc assessment this is a 110% job you'll be expected to also work at least two weekends a month I'm encountering a series of red flags right now so far I've had five rounds yes five off interviews for a mid-level managerial job all but one not which were rescheduled by the company at the last minute due to conflicts with the various interviewers I finally reached the final round with a senior executive a couple of days ago only to have that person show up in an annoyed half and announce they had only just now received my resume they then went on to say and I quote I don't even know why they're considering you for this role they then followed up with this gem which one of our offices is this for a game needless to say after all that rigmarole I plan on turning down the offer if they send one we work hard in play hard Bulls you just work hard and have awkward social get-togethers at most once a month this isn't Wall Street all that's going to happen is that you're going to make me work 60 hours a week because of this mentality interview at a landscaping company I commented on how nice all the plants were and said what a relaxing environment the office must be the interviewer laughed nervously and said it's not really then I met the boss and was talking about how I worked well with my past managers and he said and what if your manager is a difficult person who yells a lot he was referring to himself and I knew it but I was desperate and needed the job luckily I left after three months I had a boss described himself as sometimes acting a little bit ler not to mention his wife worked for him so they would have screaming matches from their offices and be really passive-aggressive so glad to not be there anymore anyone who asks how you handle someone who's bitter or yell a lot is a huge freaking red flag during an interview my future boss mentioned that my predecessors flaked out after a day in two weeks respectively turns out they didn't flake he's just a massive butthole I lasted five months went for a marketing executive role turned up the office was almost totally bare except for eight or nine mismatched chairs we were called into a site office for interview the central heating wasn't working so the interviewer was wearing gloves and a winter jacket when he mentioned it was Commissioner Li pey I walked straight out but whether Cobra group they are just charity fundraisers who give their jobs outrageously misleading titles like marketing executive being left waiting for half an hour for the interviewer I picked up my bag and walked out I once caused a red flag for a person being interviewed I worked at an IT Help Desk for a retail chain and the people who called him could get pretty abusive on the phone a new guy was being interviewed for the helpdesk teen and a cubicle next to me and I was on with a particularly abusive caller so I turned up the volume loud enough so he could hear her cussing me the whole time I didn't overhear the whole interview but I know he declined their offer of course from his end that was a huge red flag he's watching me do the job he'll soon be doing and getting cussed and abused the whole time it was my way of saying get out while you can I saw one of those ads that said work for students $15 HR or something I called the number and set up an interview should have known not to interview for a job you don't have to apply for I got there and it was this crappy building downtown with flickering fluorescent lights they brought me to a room not unlike a doctor's waiting room where several other people sat filling out papers I was skeptical but needed a job so I started filling out my paperwork when I flipped the page over I finally saw the name of the company was applying to vector marketing I only knew about Ben because a friend of mine sold Cutco knives for a while I crumpled up the paper and left without a word well initially you'll be a contractor but there's opportunities for full-time employment in the future question what kind of workload can I expect on the average week I've heard horror stories of 80-hour workweeks and big companies answer let's not beat around the bush all companies expect a 50 60 hour week they don't say they do but they do got right out of there I'm very happy at my current job that doesn't even require me to answer emails outside of the 40 hours I work I think in any interview you want to ask questions about the company when it comes time for you to ask questions but one you want to specifically ask about the culture ask the interviewer what they think about the culture to ask what kind of turnaround the company has low turnover probably means a good environment but 3 ask the interviewer what I like most about working at the company pay attention to their body language and their answer they're probably not going to be honest if they hate it but you might be able to tell if they tell you they don't like it that's a huge red flag when I was first looking into an office IT position I was on an interview when someone knocked on the office door asked a question and left after he left the interviewer told me that's the person we're going to fire when you get this job gave me a bad vibe so I turned down the offer when I got it Jill got an offer to $21 K I was making 40 K year working in retail things I've encountered bad-mouthing other applicants not by name but still not cool didn't even look at your resume before they offered you an interview then mentioning they didn't even look at your resume before giving you an interview offered you an interview again before they even looked at your resume for a position you don't have experience or skills in the good old gem the pay sucks and the hours are long but the work is great bad-mouthing other facilities or businesses in the same field group interviews where you're expected to give your answer in front of eight nine other I've probably encountered other red flags but these were the ones which stuck out the most for me a thing called knowledge fishing I interviewed for a building company in the UK for a marketing executive they wanted to branch into residential builds from large commercial work but the marketing manager said they had no idea how to go about it at that stage and well I went through the interview process and did my best then I got a message from them were week later that I was through to the next stage however they wanted me to give them a full presentation of what I think their whole marketing strategy should be for every area including social media and online marketing and they wanted a full hour on each part they ended the letter by saying don't worry we have a marketing plan we just want to see if your thoughts are similar to those ding ding ding big a red flag then at the end of the first a CT of LEM is Arab it's worth reiterating this was for a marketing executive not a marketing director or anything huge like that I told them I wasn't interested and left it at that it was pretty obvious they wanted my input to make their marketing proposal rather than to offer an actual job especially as their letter stated something completely different to what the manager had told me I know that this was a knowledge fishing job too as I was talking to another agency about this and they told me that they've barred this company from working with them for doing exactly this before your job entails this and several other tasks we'll get to once you've started pre-interview build if a company's website is tailored towards recruiting new employees way more than it is towards the clients it's a bad sign a real reputable company that is making money wants their website to be client facing first and have a tabal link somewhere for careers for those who are interested if 50 percent or more of the main landing page is catered towards selling you on why they're such a good career choice it's either a scam be a meat grinder business where turnover is extremely high or see a company that has no idea what it's doing yesterday I was filling out an application to become a part-time cheater at a prison I had to fill out a 100 question multiple choice assessment some of the questions how much coke do you do how much money do you steal from your employer how much money do you think it is okay to steal how much money do you think the average person steals from their employer how often do you come to work under the influence of marijuana how often do you come to work under the influence of coke how often do you sexually haris your coworkers on and on this went for 100 questions by the end I was thinking of putting down often one five times a week for how often I used LSD at work not sure this is a red flag so much as just to screen out the people too stupid to not know what the correct answers are a lot of retail environments use assessments that are less blunt but still are trying to get people that will brown nose and report other employees misconduct any marketing job where they want you to use your own network of social contacts to sell their product when you show up for an interview for an internship as a 20 year old woman and are greeted by a 45 plus year old man who doesn't ask you any questions but instead gives you a bunch of articles and photographs about his bodybuilding career when he was younger he just seemed too sketchy call two days later and left a message saying I was hired I don't even know what he was hiring me for and I never contacted him again that whole situation seemed like a red flag sales targets so high they were apparently established during her LSD experience I was once doing white board code during an interview and one of the guys called me out for a syntax error not a logical error when I said a compiler would catch it he started giving me crap for my attitude and lack of professionalism actually ended up walking out of that one I was at another place and the CEO was sitting in on the interview asking these weird philosophical questions now it's not a small company several hundred employees and I was interviewing for a job several levels of management below the CEO but he's still in the interview cutting off the guy who is doing most of the interview telling me my answers and the answers he's looking for freak that crap also interviewed one time with this place in New York who told me that if I was hired they expected me to learn to use my mouse with my left hand because an efficiency expert had told them that was better I used to do cobble back in the 90s and moving into the 2000s I started no ping out of interviews where the interviewer would say casually sooo you know cobble more than once I got a job that had almost no cobble and found out that my desk was next to a mainframe full of the most horrible code imaginable and that they had a list of cobble projects at least five years long having to come back for an interview over and over and over and over again first a headhunter agency then HR then regional managers then sales managers then team managers and all of them asking the exact same questions what a waste of time that was after interview number five they wanted to schedule number six and I told them enough is enough had an interview with one of those predatory loan companies after giving a brief explanation of how crappy the loans are the interviewer asked do you have any moral objections to working here if you have to ask that's probably a bad sign I know it right out of there if you get hired because a bunch of employees quit at once that's a bad sign they won't disclose the salary range before setting up an interview no disclosure no way I am going to even waste my time talking to you seriously the only reason they aren't disclosing it is because they know they are grossly under paying for the position and no one who is actually qualified will submit a resume for such crap pay I learned by doing some investigation that another company was interested in buying them out if so the job I was applying for would be moved halfway across the country thus if offered the position I might have to route and move shortly after beginning the more the interviewer tried to downplay and sidestep this important facts the more I became convinced that I didn't want to be part of it on finding out who had your job previously avoid any of the following 15 people in the past two yes one person for the past 20 years they will hate you either way and you will come to hate them if they ask you to pay a single cent for anything you are being scammed no legitimate job I've had has ever required me to pay for anything necessary to do my job interviewer is late to the interview if they don't respect you now wait until you're working for them we pay for 38 hours a week but we expect at least 55 hours as a show of faith and loyalty we guarantee you at least minimum wage our clients come first so it is a condition that if required you cancel leave if directed in attend work with that last one I ask for clarification and was told that if I was about to step on a plane and they called I was to forfeit my plane ticket and hotel bookings and go to work that wasn't even the worst stuff the only time I've ever lost my temper with an interviewer when I went to their website there were way too many statements in large bold font about how much money you can make with few credentials our top performers make over 100k a year no college degree required Signet now one question I always ask the interviewers as if you had a magic wand and change anything about the company what would you change biggest red flag for me is when different interviewers give the opposite answer no wait I want to join a company in the middle of a turf war after completing the initial interview I did some research apparently the dental company I was interviewing for was owned by Scientologists and required their employees to attend mandatory Scientology classes also they made me take an IQ test which was wholly unlike any IQ I've ever taken before if anyone's curious the company is bright side dental went foreign marketing company which was selling bulls door-to-door not my style and the ad online light not to mention the man interviewing me was my age 20s and flirted with me asked me if I had a boyfriend and how long I was with him if we lived together etc very creepy and unprofessional desperate for a job I reluctantly agreed to try one day to see what it was like when he called the next day I immediately declined horrid unprofessional creepy worst experience ever interview was rescheduled twice and once I actually got to the interview I found the office was a mess and everything was completely disorganized and during the interview the phone rang at least three dozen times and meiyan to view a stop the interview each time to answer the phone in order to give people directions or information about applying for positions had it not been for the phone calls our interview would have lasted a minute as she pretty much asked me three questions and then wanted to shed you'll me for it follow up with someone else another day ridiculous on top of all that my interviewer was basically the secretary and practically fresh out of college and seemed in way over her head then to top it all off the position turned out to be tempt a perm and it wasn't even the same position I applied for they had several different positions to fill in different departments and when I said I intended to apply for the one advertised she shrugged had an interview scheduled for what sounded like a job I am well qualified for the day before the interview I drove out to the business to see it it has no signage was old and in a rundown industrial area I canceled on some BS excuse didn't have the heart to tell them what I thought of the place and another potential nib recruit falls at the first hurdle you have been visited by the grandmother gymnast comment my body is my temple so you can do that when you old if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 116,539
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, job interview, job interview tips, red flags for job seekers, interview red flags, red flags, interview questions
Id: gfeqRKR8c_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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