What's The Worst Job You've Ever Had? (Work Stories r/AskReddit)

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what's the worst job you've ever had cutting fancy glass fuse in mosaics a glass cutter is basically a pen with a small metal wheel on one end and a metal ball on the other the fancy glass is thick heavy expensive and sharp the weight thickness and texture changes drastically one may be a three centimeter smooth green glass sheet the next may be a texture five centimeter piece of orange there is no training glass dust is a thing my fingertips were swollen with tiny shards of glass and I broke much more glass that I was worth it was a short gig Jeff Rick fat and any other job involved with glass dancing bear I was a waiter at a kid's restaurant which had a bear as its mascot the new guy had to be the bear on their first day which meant putting on a massive bear costume over our waiters uniform including a huge fur head that you could barely see out off you have been led around the place to wave at the parents and play with the kids once per hour if you spoke you were fired as some of these kids were returned customers who would recognize a waiters voice wanting to impress my boss I really hammed it up I danced i gestured I goofed around I sat on a mother's lap I ruffled her father's hair while he growled get off me or I'll stab you the boss loved it so much that he made me be the bear every day I worked there which would be great except it was August and so hot that the restaurants aircon broke the bear suit hadn't been washed in the history of the restaurant so served as a memorial to the sweat of a hundred fallen waiters little kids would run headfirst at the bear and headbutt my testicles with depressing regularity and all it turned me was the disgust of my Y team who thought I was goofing off work by being the bear since it was clearly easier than carrying two plates of reheated lasagna across the room and refilling drinks I thought you were talking about a different kind of dancing bear hotel housekeeping if it comes out of the human body I've cleaned it up I started in a by the hour motel when I was 14 owned by a woman who didn't bother with hazardous waste procedure and cleaned up what looked like a murder scene with nothing but a bleach and kitchen gloves I walk into that room and was absolutely positive that when I pulled the shower curtain open there was going to be a body in the bathtub thankfully there wasn't just blood everywhere owner refused to let me report it made me clean it and I didn't want to get in crap for bleaching a murder scene at 14 so I never did call the cops the hotel owner definitely killed someone and made you clean it up I've had crap jobs but nothing compares to this guy that called into a radio contest for worst job titles as his was chicken butthole remover he stood on the slaughter line and made sure that carcasses were butthole free if they weren't he was to fix it tell us why he want this job well I've always been passionate about not eating chicken buttholes so I figured I could do some good in the world just making sure one family doesn't accidentally consume chicken anus is enough for me probably working for a moving company everybody dreads moving day for me that was every day I liked it new houses with new challenges and new people to charm out off tip money every day I also got to nice work out it was the illiterate [ __ ] co-workers and scamming bosses that got me out of it I sprinkled mud on two potatoes that had already been washed so that they would look freshly dug when they hit the supermarket most depressing holiday job I've had picking mangoes in Australia many people are unaware that if you snap off the stalk on a mango poisonous SAP flies out which makes you blister quite dramatically also the best job because of the beautiful scenery Australia where even the fruit can kill you I worked at a slaughterhouse for a little while they killed steers there but got pork shipped in the hams came in a gigantic cardboard VAT probably five feet wide and four feet deep they were heavily waxed on the inside to make them waterproof and had steel banding running around the outside kin dot like an old keg or barrel once we fished out most of the hams and trimmed them there was always a couple feet of blood at the bottom as the new guy was my job to dangle over the edge with a meat hook in one hand fishing for the remaining hams and scraps usually it was about an hour and shoulder deep blood with your face next to the I don't think I have any right to complain about my past jobs now I worked in an office entry-level job after a career switch my boss was a crazy woman never happy never satisfied always changing her mind and blaming everyone else one day she called me in her office and she gave me two projects and got mad when I was asked her questions about how she wanted them at the end of the meeting I asked her which one of these two you need first her both I thought she misunderstood my question so I repeated which one of these two you need first her both no really which one of these two you need first her at this point she was yelling both both both both both a few months later I had enough of her crap and I went to HR to complain about her treatment of the staff of course she had a friend in the HR department and she got wind of it she called me in her office and she complained to me about me complaining about her and she told me you don't complain here you leave that was my clue I called my headhunter and found myself a new better job with better pay a few years later after I had built my career and I was actually ahead of her in responsibility and position I met her at a conference and she was giving false praise how I was one of the best workers she ever had and then rhetorically asked me why I left in front of people I told her that I had to thank her for my career since she was the one who suggested I left by telling me you don't complain here you leave she really didn't like that lol revenge is sweet don't add or solar panel salesman for a corrupt home energy company nothing better than knocking on someone's front door right in the middle of a Patriots game I did door-to-door for home renovations windows doors siding et Cie right after the 2008 market crash I can't tell you how many people told me they weren't going to be able to make their next mortgage payment let alone spend $20 K of new windows with soul-crushing internship at a public relations firm in college was promised agency experience writing opportunities and valuable experience turns out what they actually meant was sitting in a room for eight hours cold calling CEOs from an outdated call list and trying to trick them into a sales presentation Mike I had about a month into the job they hired a new intern manager who was the epitome of Massachusetts trash drove to work every day from the Cape on his Holly two plus hours one-way loaded his degree from Bunker Hill Community College chain smokes Andy Jade on the side of trash North Shore nightclubs he insisted on sitting in the room with us for eight hours to check if we were actually making calls all while berating us for being poor employees and cheap labor on my last day of the internship he called me into his office and told me the only reason you are still here is because we didn't have to pay you you'll never be successful like me you are not cut out for the business world if I were you I would drop out and try to find a trade you'll succeed in even as a 19 year old I knew an idiot when I saw one I looked him square in the eye and said you can go Frick yourself and walked out with the other interns he then wrote a letter of complaint to my school to try and have my internship credit revoked but luckily my adviser knew the situation and cut him out to Dan the DJ if you're reading this I want you to know I took your advice and did my best to never become you being poor means being willing to do freaked up things for tiny bits of money so I've had more sucky jobs than I can count but the one that stands out to me most is door to door political fundraising canvassing this was back in the early 90s the way it worked was you had a clipboard a pen a petition and some envelopes but the whole crew would meet at the office and then pile into the 15 passenger van yes the supervisors would drive us out to a territory tough anywhere from 10 minutes to hours away from the office then they would divide us into pairs and give each pair or canvases and that marked with the pair's assigned turf if I recall correctly we started knocking on doors around three o'clock or 4:00 p.m. and kept at it until 8 o'clock in that time we were supposed to knock on people's doors and talk to them about whatever issue we were working on at that point when I did my brief stint it was nursing home reform legislation then we were supposed to get the occupant to sign our petition and make a contribution preferably check or charge on the spot our nightly quota was 120 dollars if you think that people hate having telemarketers call their houses at dinnertime to ask them for money just imagine how much they love it when those same telemarketers show up unannounced on their front door steps between crappy weather vicious dogs seek heads and tweakers answering the door people's pervasive hatred of trespasses and solicitors and constant fear of being fired for missing my quota field canvassing was definitely one of the worst jobs I've ever had I've had this job pretty bad destroys a soul I worked at a used-car lot for about a month my first summer home from college paid decent and under the table the summer of 2001 I was getting paid $15 HR which was awesome for a college kid looking to save up for beer money in the fall I was a lot boy and prep the cars that were sold charged up the batteries on the ones that had been sitting for a while and picked up lunch for the sales team overall it wasn't bad but the work was tedious in the Sun in the people that I worked with were an odd sort sales guy one when he wasn't selling used cars he was a bouncer door guy at a third-rate strip club he would borrow our high-end SUVs to drive escorts on the weekends without the boss knowing he would have me put dealer plates on them after the owner left on Saturday afternoons sales guy - this was Pete grap rockier and dressed and acted like a Fred Durst clone bragged about how he had multiple girlfriends and would make them bring him food at alternating times one afternoon the lunch schedule got crossed and we had a trashy girl fight that would have been successful in to our public freakout office manager former girlfriend of sales guy one in sales guy - who retired from dancing - go straight she still escorted on the weekends though processed finance applications and did the cash drops at the bank paid everything in cash and specialized in selling cars for Julie Lewis below 10k dollars every Friday we had a customer who would come in and cosign on a crappy miss an Altima with a TK on it and would pay in cash always from NY or North Jersey I just assumed they were engaging in narcotics or human trafficking mechanic quad guy kept at himself and would listen to classic rock all day after about a week he told me was happy for the job as he had been away for a while he was good about showing me how to work on engines and we would hang out in the garage drinking Miller High Life out of paper cups dude loved Steely Dan after about a month I nope trite out of there while the pay was good the ongoing drama of the people I worked with wasn't enough to hang around but sales guy too had just gotten arrested on the lot for failing to pay child support and I knew I was just a few days away of being guilty by association of something I don't know why but this is my favorite story from this thread something about the visuals of the mechanic drinking beer and other undesirable individuals behaving in under syllable ways with a young kid sort of all trapped in the middle of it before he escaped back to college is all sort of endearing to me great story I was a furnace helper in steel factory we made bumper mounts and hinges for trucks hoods and other heavy steel parts I unloaded red-hot parts from the furnace with a pair of tongs I used to catch fire two or three times a day I hated that come on I used to catch fire two or three times a day I hated that this part got to me you said like it's commonplace to catch fire at your job then had to further point out that you didn't like catching on fire that is a horrible job dealer in a casino you learn a lot about different games and get to play cards all shift you also make some pretty good coin with tips and whatnot however you get to meet some of the worst people on the planet when people start losing money at your table several hundred to several thousand at a time suddenly that fun atmosphere becomes soul-sucking ly tense to the point of you better hope you're not walking alone when you off tonight but you get to call your pit boss over and say this patron just threat me boom booted out of the casino band for six months to a year and possibility of criminal charges sometimes I got a nice Justice boner working there my friend was a sick bow dealer she has a striking look that is very recognizable one night she went out and ate orange chicken and became violently ill the next week a man sat at her table asked how her meal was and then laughed maniacally after that she wouldn't even set foot in Chinatown for fear or player retaliation worked for UMG straight out of high school processing CD orders it was still a thing back then I was 17 the only guy in the office working with nothing but 40 plus year old women sweet Jesus the raunchiest conversations that led me to discover the definition of TMI the work was fine just data entry and they had a massive backlog when I arrived in the first week I cleared it all out and no one in the office had anything to do including myself I couldn't browse the web I brought a book into the office and was reading it got yelled at by my supervisor for it I explained that I had nothing to do and sitting around staring at nothing for eight hours a day was torture what about how backlog it's gone that can't be true one go check for yourself comes back well okay if you have nothing to do come talk to me after a week of coming to her every hour on the hour asking for something to do and her saying she had nothing she yelled at me again for bugging her they eventually fired me for refusing to come in ten minutes prior to my scheduled time and paid and logging into the phones there was nothing going on and I sure as crap was not going to sit around doing nothing for one more minutes then I had to much less in paid close second was many years later I was brought in to package software for a company that had bought another company get it up to their standards make sure it installed silently etc they didn't have a place for me to sit so they put me in an unheated warehouse in the winter with massive bay doors open up for six times a day for deliveries after working there for a month I still didn't even have a computer to work on after a month I got a computer but there was nothing for me to do still it took me a week to track down my manager after this point and he said that they wouldn't have work for me for a few more months aren't you lucky you get to do nothing and collect a paycheck he said to me yet real lucky then they brought on another guy for some reason to do the same job we were both incredibly confused to say the least after another month and having read about two dozen books I just stopped showing up submitted my time and check my email every day to see if there was any work to do as well as sent weekly emails asking if there were any tasks coming my way soon to my manager it finally after two months they caught on and let me go I didn't feel bad about it in the slightest can't believe roofing isn't on here that is absolutely the frickin worst pretty much like being a human egg on a griddle all day with a side order of humping shingles around and trying not to fall and break your neck I was a cashew flicker at a candy factory literally I flicked the bad cashews off a conveyor belt managed a local restaurant worked 10 to 12 hour days often with closing and leaving at 1:00 a.m. only to be back to open at 8:00 a.m. six days a week with an 8 a.m. meeting on my only one full day off Frick that talk about soul-sucking pyramid scheme selling kirby vacuums for in-house demonstrations got out of that within couple weeks I took a job with a marketing company working at the mall trying to get people to take surveys literally hundreds of people walked right by refusing to make eye contact with me it was like being a ghost horrible job hated every second of it I quit after six hours that's crappy it's not that nobody wanted to talk to you though it's just that no one likes to do surveys lifeguard it was hours upon hours of boredom intermingled with seconds of sheer terror glorified cleaners spent most of my time cleaning changing rooms and toilets with a bit of time on poolside doing Jack Hall in four years there was one rescue when I was on shift and I was mopping the floor in reception I actually didn't take the job but it would have been the worst by far I applied for a position in an industrial bakery as a sanitation technician as advertised the job would entail disassembling cleaning and reassembling equipment when when I showed up for my interview really an informal orientation the nice lady told me I would actually be standing at one end of a conveyor belt and given one simple task to pick up trays of bread coming off the conveyor belt rotates them 90 degrees and place them on a different conveyor belt for the entire duration of my 12-hour overnight shift it would have nearly doubled my pay but I just could not do it I put my little hat back on and went back to rolling burritos even in the darkest most horrible open to close days of my time at the burrito restaurant I would console myself with the thought of that job and how much worse things could be the fact that their machinery isn't designed to do that without human intervention is mind boggling working at a music store rather instruments all day there is at least one guy who is playing his first concert for everyone in the store he has the most expensive guitar hooked up to the loudest and while he sausage fingers through the intro to sweet child o mine at the counter is a customer upset because the electric guitar he just purchased exploded when he plugged the one-stroke for jack into the wall socket in his living room this actually happened in the drum room there's a group of teenagers doing their best to play a blast beat they heard pickles talk about in a Metalocalypse ray run at the counter there is a drummer for a church band that is placing an order for 18 inches deep snare elem shell if the keyboard area has a mentally challenged kid doing his best wesley willis impression by using the player long function of a crappy Casio keyboard his parents think it's great the elder jazz pianist is dissatisfied with the new electronic keyboards because they don't sound like my Steinway at the counter is an aspiring producer trying to convince the salesman to teach him to use the software since he can't refund it now that it's registered to his I lock key in the DJ room there's one kid who thinks he is dead mouse by literally just playing a deadmau5 CD there's another kid who's asking for a record needle and mov so he can try scratching record needles are about $60 to 120 dollars each so no none of them have any idea what a DJ mixer is in the pro audio area there's an old guy who did some roadie work in the 80s and he's arguing with a Salesman over the price being higher than what it was 35 years ago there's another customer looking to buy sound reinforcement for his church but he's haggling over getting a better price for Jesus despite the fact that he already won't be paying tax on the items at the counter is a man angry that the microphone he bought doesn't work without a cable or a speaker to plug it into this actually happened then there's the people buying sheet music and hardware for their orchestral instruments they're generally pretty chill if a little weird usually they just want reads while he sausage fingers through the intro to sweet child o minutes at least it isn't stairway to heaven wait I bet he did that too currently in retail sales and did his soul sucking if I didn't know I was leaving soon I don't think I'd even be able to get out of bed in the morning this is one of the reasons I left my retail job as well I found myself dreading the thought of waking up on bank holidays and weekends as well as being verbally abused by customers with a know-it-all complex you've encountered the lost treasure of captain Gus fish head subscribe to receive some of his gold if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music] you
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 85,918
Rating: 4.8713536 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit work stories, reddit workplace, reddit work meltdown, worst jobs, worst job ever, reddit job stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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