How Did You Screw With Your Computers At School? (r/AskReddit)

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how did you screw with computers at school took the windows startup sound edited in eight minutes of dead air edited in 15 seconds of SX noises made that the new startup sound oh yes back in grade 6 this kid decided to write xxxxX xxxxxx xxxxxx a bunch of times in a Word document then turn his volume up to max and have the computer read it the q24 11 years olds laughing as his computer yells out sxs XS x sx used an altered version of a java script where the browser hack that turns all the pictures shown into pictures of french toast i need this if you still have it please give me rotated monitors 90 degrees in graphics card settings I did this a lot at primary school till my teachers sat me down for hacking the system and I was almost suspended my school districts used Mac's pretty much everywhere a couple of the most common pranks there was a key combination that would invert all the colors on the screen Mike it was all the meter keys and eight it was a lot of fun to do this to someone who left their computer unattended and didn't know that one of the function keys I think f 11 would move all the windows to the outside edge of the screen sharing the desktop pushing it again moved then back but there was an animation associated with both of the movements if you held while tapping f11 it would do the same thing but with the animation slowed down the thing is it didn't matter if the animation had completed or not the machine would queue up another action for each time you hit f11 but wouldn't cancel the animation in progress but so if you were quick enough and someone wasn't paying attention talking to their neighbor looking a book et Cie you could lean over spam Shift + f11 a few dozen times and effectively force them to watch all their windows slide in and out at a snail's pace for a minute or two not me but I remember at my old school someone managed to disable the H key on lots of the computers if you were typing and tried to press H you would get an error message saying like sorry but the H key on this computer is currently disabled please try again later ctrl + Alt + Direction arrow to flip the screens different directions I stopped when I was told that could permanently mess up the computers I started again in college I did that in grade school they had to pay a computer technician to come in he said that there was a virus it wasn't fixable and left I flipped it back the next day unplug Mouse from back off computers 1 and 2 switch the plugs but leave the mice where they were Mouse in front of computer one is now plugged into computer 2 and vice versa watch the hilarity ensues I straight up got detention for that once some BS we would take a screenshot of the desktop as it is then delete all the icons off the desktop and then make the screenshot we took the wallpaper watch people futilely click on the wallpaper and enjoy I did this too but left a couple of functioning icons on the desktop so if they click on that it worked fine but if they click in the others it Stanley isn't working much head-scratching ensues fun times our school Network ran on Windows for workgroups 3.0 machines were locked down so you couldn't run your own programs on them however we discovered if you put a modified winner knee file that allowed you to install your own programs in a network drive that came before where the lockdown version was stored it would use that and you could install stuff and that's was my first introduction to doom multiplier we did something similar except we discovered back on Windows XP that we could rename any executable to paint and it would run we played on real tournaments and other land friendly games in computer class instead of working somebody threw a Molotov cocktail into the window of a computer lab at my school it was over a weekend thankfully so nobody was there but he destroyed all of the computers in the room my friend and I got blamed for it because the teacher whose Lobby was thought we didn't like her which we didn't thankfully our alibi was that we were on a plane flying back from a school exchange trip to Belgium when the damage occurred there were several teachers on the flight to corroborate our story that and you know plane tickets back when the mice had balls we'd remove the balls and leave the rest of the mouse sidenote does this count as neutering computer mice soundboards holy crap we were little demons in middle school with those things my personal favorites were either Arnold Schwarzenegger or Pulp Fiction when the teacher would ask if there are any questions from the back of the class you would hear in a thunderous voice w-h-o is your daddy and what does he do followed by an eruption of laughter also following up anytime the teacher said that's correct with correctamundo if you're reading this mais je de SH I'm so sorry our IT was crap at our school if you knew the specific computer number you could make it shut down only using the Windows command eggs the staff stopped setting the fun in it when we found the principal's computer number pretty close my middle school Windows XP had a startup folder from a network share except they forgot to remove write permissions for students on the drive it was a teacher share we added a startup script open and close the drive a couple days later every computer in the library with marked as out of order this probably shows my age but we'd open basic and write a little program that went something like this 10 LPR int you suck double quote 20 Gunter 10 then we edit the shortcut to a popular program say ms word to link to this program instead when an unsuspecting user click to open what they thought was a legit program instead they'd be treated to the dot matrix printer screeching out you suck you suck you suck forever only way to stop it was to find and terminate the program powering down the printer and turning it back on again wouldn't do it my high school had a program on all the computers that would allow the teachers to watch an entire classroom screams take control send content to them etc a friend of mine came up an idea to try to use it to prank the classroom being the rlm Varys Matt 16 year olds we were so when my teacher wasn't looking I put the USB stick into her computer and copied her spy program eggs directory onto it to take a look at what was different between the teacher and student versions turns out all you needed to make the student version a teacher version was a 25 character license key that was in a plain text file so obviously I copied it and upgraded my clients to a controller using all of my teachers settings we then proceeded to rickroll the classroom on full volume from 34 computers it was pretty great at the end of the class we came up with a great idea what would happen if we took control of our teachers computer and messed with her so we connected to her computer but she had been watching our screen from her scream so for about five seconds we see a bottomless pit off our screen and her screen mirrors over and over and over after about five seconds our PC fans got super loud and then shut off when we tried to turn it back on it was a black screen with only a flashing underscore in the top left corner that PC had to be reimaged by district tech support still not sure what caused that it Rick Rolled too hard that's what happened me and a friend replaced how CS teaches my computer icon with a shutdown shortcut displaying a muahaha message for three seconds turning of the computer she clipped it three times wasn't really the sharpest arrow in the quiver in 1998 the city had brought like five P pictures on a floppy disk and decided to open them in computer class suspended on the spot I have no idea what the Fricke expected to happen guess he was thinking with his hard drive not his floppy disk if you know what I am saying smooth doll of the abacus beads to one side I'm older than most redditors when I went to school ellipticity wasn't invented yet we used candles to watch TV Nicolas Cage Chrome extension our and kids a classic though my personal favorite is in John Cena in 201 I think friends and I installed Starcraft deep in my high school's file network accessible on every computer in the building and we had it programmed to run without a disk you would still need a CD key to play but hacked full CD keys were easy back in the day we passed out false CD keys to those who knew to ask us and since it was all on the shared network you could land from basically anywhere in the building this was right around the time when computers were becoming really prevalent in schools not just with computer labs but many classes now had multiple computers all were specifically just on computers so we'd end up organizing these pretty large Starcraft battles across the school even got to the point where in drafting class where the teacher absolutely didn't care what we were doing my two friends and I huge nerds if that wasn't obvious would play some of the jocks in the class who loves Starcraft we didn't just break into the system to have fun we also broke down barriers to make life better my school had one of those annoying monitoring programs so the librarian could quickly see what you were doing and take control and usually the butt would just turn the computer off someone found out n when she started watching a small square appeared in the top left corner of the screen if you right-click this square you could reverse the control and take her computer over someone took over and rather quickly hit delete on the windows folder it didn't work that it helped stop the overbearing watchful eye of the crappy librarian just imagine her facial expressions when she noticed her computer being possessed I would always take the little ball out of the bottoms of the mice guaranteed an afternoon of entertainment every time now you have to put tape over the laser Windows NT allowed you to specify the network name and we were allowed to change it on the login prompt I replaced an e with a special character on the best computer in the lab effectively making it my computer i'ts he had no clue we pretty much ran the network it was up or down at our whim the entire network used hubs and this was right as routers were becoming a thing so they were not yet economical we would shut down the entire network with a repeating ping command and das set to max package size it was far too simple we wouldn't usually do it for long just enough for everyone to think it was a hiccup and to see if we could our computer class was actually really awesome the assigned modules were eASIC and once we were finished our teacher would let us do our own thing returns out our school had an entire computer graveyard we would go in there find parts and build entire computers eventually we had a separate network of eight or ten machines that we used exclusively for quake 2 and the original Halo one day the school came in and removed our separate gaming computers we were paid the network was down for quite a while I changed the screensaver from liberal arts to liberals farts I never did anything to damaged computers just circumvent security measures using standalone browsers or games from a flash drive using said browsers and all proxies to get around web filters installing programs games and the sea route directory since most group policy or other security measures wouldn't stop something from executing from there etc I use tor in college since it's portable law so computer class for most of grade school was nothing more than endless typing classes she sells seashells by the seashore and other tongue-twisters to get us practicing home rosin typing quickly absolutely mind-numbing ly dull sure getting to play commander kina Wolfenstein after was nice but the reward was nowhere near worth the effort to reach it and the teacher would constantly get frustrated with me ditching hama rosen finishing faster and accurately without them so one day with us both being frustrated with each other IRA started the computer and opened by a setup utility and started changing random settings to random values child me was vindictive oh god those typing tutorial programs mehek I was in college in a classroom waiting my turn to an exam which was held in another room bored out of my mind behind me was a PC I saw a red button that said 220 I say out loud what does this button do when turn the button the button now says 150 and aloud bang and smoke comes from inside the PC unit I turned the power supply unit from 220 V to 150 V which toasted it the room was full with my colleagues everybody looks at me and disbelief I begin to laugh out loud not believing what just happened Lockley nobody told on me to the professor who was a difficult guy we figured out we could make the computer sound like chainsaws by putting a handful of quarters into the CD Drive then we did it a lot that just sounds like vandalism to the dumbass student who tried to mess with the school computer by shoving paper into the CD tray don't use paper with your class schedule full name and it number on it Dunbar's what if they used some random student schedule lying around them now that innocent student will be blamed because one of the administrators moonlights as a detective not school but many years ago when I was a hapless little crap I was walking by a couple of computers in one of those we sell anything cheap stores there was one on an end cap it was running 95 or 3.1 can't remember so I logged out open dot and said format C and walked away I'm sure I've paid for it over the years in karma one day in junior high we stood all of the mouse balls from all the mice in the computer lab this was before the laser once literally every single one the school solution after this was to superglue the covers on so you physically can't remove them this was a problem though because with those type of mice you do have to clean the little ball sockets from time to time but with the covers super glued on that was no longer possible so eventually all the mice became really crappy and almost unusable computers were all on the same network big school two thousand eight hundred students aprox 150 computers on it including faculty computers we learned the ability to use Nets and lab 208 or whatever computer a friend was on and we could send messages basically texting this evolved too we could cheat on certain tests for some of our classes never got caught when I wasn't doing work I was playing final fantasy 5 on a snooze emulator it was my small payback for removing the seniors can leave early if they have number 7th period class option a couple Chinese kids at my school changed the default language on each computer to Chinese as was a two-man operation at my high school you couldn't really do anything serious software wise without it being found and fixed within a period or two a friend of mine was clever with coding I was friendly with the IT guy friend wrote a VB script that ran had startup which would pick a random keyboard key and when it was pressed a certain number of times it would trigger a shutdown with a 15 second timer whenever it happened the IT guy would simply remit the hard drive however after having me do a bit of reckon we discovered that unlike most other IT guys instead of having the image on a CD he would pull the hard drive take it to his workshop and do a disk to disk clone from a master computer using a ghost boot disk after slightly modifying his script to make it open the CD tray after a random key was pressed a random number of times we thought the shutdown might be pushing it he tasked me with getting it onto the master PC I found my opening during a lunch we're IT guy asked me to help out when he nipped off to the bathroom I quickly pulled out my friends floppy disk with the script and loaded it on the master PC for about three months PCs all over the school were randomly opening their CD trays it wasn't until my friend and I came clean to IT guy that it was found because we were brought with IT guy by this time he laughed about it and told the higher-ups it was some kind of software conflicts that he'd managed to find and fix how do my friend managed to do something similar using vebe script bit since the computers were all independent he had to manually run it on the computers so only four or five disk drives would randomly open funny thing is after a week or two people just stopped caring and accepted that the drives were haunted I think it was in 2004 my IT teacher let me use an old laptop for a project inside it was a floppy disk with the username and password for all users on the learning platform we used including teachers the rest of the semester I logged into the teachers accounts found the hand ins from the best students downloaded made it my own and handed it in from my own account never got busted but I realized I used almost the same time altering assignments as I would have if I just made my own also had some fun with the let merle trojan from time to time at my old school students had access to command prompt it made for a lot of fun times i think my favorite was when someone made a fake google chrome shortcut that would open infinite windows until the computer crashed and then replaced real chrome with it on multiple computers put a space in the password text box so when you try to log in there is an incorrect space and the password returns wrong for maximum effect press the left arrow key so that the position indicator goes back to normal you have to know to backspace in order to fix it changing the startup sound was locked down but i was able to overwrite the sound file itself with the Southpark opening song to be fair the South Park theme is pretty catchy whoever hears it while starting up would have it stuck in their head for the rest of the day we had WinXP at school and could only use the guest user to do work and stuff bias was password-protected but it had a floppy sea cat boot so I made a bootable floppy copied command-line winner on it still Sam file from system folder later on at home brute-force the password for eight hours on the next day everyone could log in as an admin and install all kinds of crap this went on for about a month until someone found out IT techs and teachers were freaking beat no-one ratted me out though I was kind of a hero low back in my day most of the computers at school ran Windows 98 and the labs were networked I did lots of mundane stuff on desks where the monitors were back-to-back a typical go-to was swapping cables a VGA cable here a mouth their speakers whatever removing or taping over the mouse ball when people didn't know about DOS rebooting to DOS mode editing shortcuts and icons so that a shortcut would look like it was forward it would instead go to recorder character mapper or somesuch once I changed the sound scheme on a teacher's computer so that every single action played the ding sound trying to access anything resulted in a long stream of ding ding ding ding ding ding ding also edited the default windows startup sound file to one that was 5 minutes long abusing the Windows Messenger service was great at random I would freak people out with pop-ups referencing them by name I'm sorry Michel but I can't do that or scary messages like computer system overheated detected please shut down immediately etc also changing the sound scheme to play sounds when a message was received and then blasting the work group with messages imagine the cacophony of ding s circulating all of the computers in the room one that got me in trouble was playing with startup files setting computers to run scan disk at boot running pointless and time-consuming commands in autoexec.bat I combined all the computer pranks I've heard at the time flip the view upside down took a screenshot flipped it back set the screenshot as the desktop background created a fake shortcut of Firefox to be a fault them basically a doubt bat file that shuts down the computer when launched not sure how safe turned off desktop icons flipped the view upside down a game so everything looked normal but the mouse pointer seemed upside down and would move opposite into top it off I put a piece of a post-it note on the mouse so it wouldn't work a bit of an overkill but seemed hilarious at the time got in trouble with my IT teacher I conned the boat a purchase deep freeze then I scheduled a reboot at 4 a.m. so the computers were refreshed every day then laughed when teachers insisted on keeping things on their desktop after being told not to my friend and I entered into the operating system itself a virus that would essentially hunt through email accounts with dot e-d-u address so all teachers and administration and display a picture of two women hooking up if the operator clicked equals ten times a video started if the operator clicked 20 times the noise started the only way to get rid of it was pretty simple CTR old debt and used taskbar to shut it down not that complex obviously although to be honest I didn't do a lot of programming I did some the basics however I mostly did a strategic planning of how we were actually going to get it done and implements it my friend's dad was a programmer and hobbyist hacker so he actually helped my friend design it I still find it hilarious that his dad was willing to freak with the teachers he must have really hated our school law however most teachers didn't know that they didn't know who did it but it was hilarious make my friends backgrounds Safa Korg AP you have been visited by the fashion doggerel comments your embiez friend homes me so you always look beautiful like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: Updoot
Views: 54,239
Rating: 4.9268789 out of 5
Keywords: school stories, school, high school, school computer, school computer virus, school computer prank, school computer lab, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: iX-HebjmfJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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