8 Day Wilderness Adventure with My Dog (Night 1 of 7) [Extended Series]

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let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Monty come here we're heavy it's all your fault you're all the way okay hello ladies and gentlemen I have just embarked on a seven-night wilderness adventure with mr. Monty here he's all freshly groomed and looking fly he funked spent a good couple hours on him grooming him when we came with a business idea of making a monty fur wigs for dogs Monty didn't like the idea at all he wasn't impressed but it is a beautiful gorgeous day completely calm glass on this big body water and just about perfect conditions it's like sunny there was there's not many bugs out yet but it's just gorgeous right now we were taking it pretty easy today I got a decently late start but I didn't get much sleep last night I got like three hours of sleep but I'm very energetic right now because just the excitement of being out on the trip so today we're gonna spend settling in and getting used to the whole you know the whole trip getting settled we're setting other than like Monty here you see Monty huh yeah it's warm we're probably gonna have to have him to swim soon but we're just gonna paddle for a bit and then we're gonna get to a nice little Bay we'll do some casted so we're definitely gonna be hunting for some fish fish dinners here this trip was more I planned it a hair more casual than usual to accommodate first a little more efficient time we'll see if I actually get to it I like I like to move but I definitely plan on doing some more fish in this trip so uh I will be upset if we don't have a fish dinner I like to have at least one two or three fish dinners I planned for three oh I didn't plan for three I got enough meals so in case I get skunked the whole time I'll be fine but if I don't catch any fish in out with fish dinner don't be sad so was Monty but we're getting to a little shallow bay here I think I might wet my lines here we're just gonna fish for fun we've actually got more time than I thought today and right now we're shooting for one portage and studying up on the next Lake so we're gonna fish this back bay here so I brought out this time instead of two medium action rods with ten pound which is what I usually do as a backup I haven't needed the backup in a long time I usually just Maundy figure it out I usually just keep different lures on them but I brought on an ultra-light this time for clear water first we're gonna try this we're gonna go leaderless no steel eaters is time for the most part unless I lose too many lands and that's because I want to catch some walleye I only have some Walters Salieri's some Peters some Bobby's the goal for the trip is one of each one is that well critter one of each but I'll have an easier time if I don't use a steel eater but that means I'm gonna lose some fish we got something on shore there I want to fish that treat go with that first cast lock that's pretty good that's pretty good well let's think near the edge of the tree so beautiful all right now this is awesome it's supposed to rain the next few days be wet and rainy so we need to soak up today while we can mmm that's how you soak it up people's Birds Monty I was a terrible cast the waters still very cold so I'm probably gonna have a harder time fishing we'll see but it's very it's still very very cold I'm probably not gonna fish too crazy on this first Lake I always like to just you know get in a little deeper right off the bat oh this is really shallow this back bay will try casting out once it's a little too shallow over there I guess it wasn't according he popped up like 40 feet in front of us I tried to call him in with my perfect loon call and he just I don't know why it sounds just like him maybe maybe I'll catch some fish some time for fishing purposes I was hoping it was the water temperatures a little bit warmer but you know that's okay we'll make do well catch some fish we're gonna catch some fish I think we'll definitely have no problem with some Lakers but I'd say our main goal is I want to catch a walleye mr. Walter definitely want a walleye dinner I've got some vixens to make it delicious those birds Oh magic it's insanely calm except for you Monty when you rock your boat we're also gonna do some troll on the next Lake I think the plan right now is to get when we get to the next Lake troll to a campsite set up camp get it all set up and then fish the rest of the night and just have some fun like I said settle into the trip maybe if I don't talk so a lot it's too calm for me to talk and catch fish that's a good boy well it - you're such a good dog he's so awesome I really wish the Monte Wiggs would have worked out I think he looked like colonial with his Monty wig on you know when you do a trip like this you want everything to go according to plan you know when you catch your larry's you want to get that net over the boat normally mishaps when you see some teen little rapids is you're probably portage around them you know those are just a couple of the lessons we've learned I have many lessons you know don't stick your sleeping pad too close to the fire don't beat on your Quincy all sorts of stuff you learn you live and you learn [Music] yeah I brought my ultralight not only for you know trying for some trout there's one like in particular that I want to try it for some spring trout will do some evening fishing if it if it allows for it but it's fun catching like a nice nice you know 3 4 pound bass on an ultralight morbius snag a pike it doesn't snap your line it's fun this is definitely fun you can feel you can feel them a whole bunch more those altra lights I wanted to bring my 8 foot ultralight but I also don't like snagging on Portage's and trees and whatnot so left it at home for a fuel 5-footer all 5-footer you know yeah I don't I don't expect to catch anything here I'm kind of really excited to get to the next Lake and just explore a little bit this lake is the you know the first lake it's always a little more popular whatnot so I just you know gotta get in yes I like this guy back here that's pretty settled what do you feel warm you ready to port it you want to go for do you wanna go to the dog park get some treats like Berk yeah so whenever I'm doing a turn around the woods in springtime I always use the yeah bugs is my temperature water temperature indicator or temperature indicator in general when you got nasty black flies and mosquitos and they're just eat me alive you've got those nice water temperatures with a Fisher just super aggressive and biting if they haven't quite hatched yet they're just just starting to come on you still got some cool cooler temperatures know they'll be shallower but they'll be more I feel like more easy to spook or get the fish slower and slower presentation but the bugs the early nasty you caught you toss that into shallows and you just retrieve that it retrieve it really quick they gonna snag it so we'll see how the bugs are they're definitely not gonna be bad tomorrow if the weather holds like it says it will it'll be rainy and wet we'll see so we're just got a little more paddling and we've got our first portage of the trip so let's knock this bad boy out and get on to the next Lake okay one more tree just real quick just in case there is the mother lode of dead trees right here we've got officious [Music] there's got to be efficient we can look at this thing well you'll see it as I go by black flies are getting me [Music] [Music] [Music] your vibrations does your butt Monty Monty makes lots of but vibrations okay mister ants in your pants you'll teddy bear that's some hairy pool Monty I was like some wolf poop maybe maybe some kind of a hundred percent sure Monty thinks it smells like well poop right Monty I don't even ask him to pose like this and he just he just doesn't naturally Oh [Music] Monty you can you legit first pores of the strip out of the wait it's so first thing I'm noticing so as you can see those are the bait fish those are what the big fish that I'm trying to catch one and they are hugging the shoreline within a foot or less of water and they were schooled up and this is on the where the winds coming from side so that's gonna give us a good clue as to where we're gonna find the fish we want and this water is super clear so we're gonna have some shallow fish very shallow they're gonna probably like weeds any weedy where the weeds are starting but uh yeah those are some perch minnows there's definitely gonna be walleye hunting for those especially at night so we are going to need to probably cast super shallow right at sunset and we can do some troll intent but they're definitely gonna be in shallow that's what that's telling me I mean I'm I might be wrong but it's hard it's hard to deny it's hard to to deny the bait thing what we did our first portage so what does that mean Monte [Music] you want a piece of you 31g you got a big ol it 1 pounder bag of jacks links this is actually sent to you by a subscriber hmm not normally all runs you can have too much they get the push normally I'm late for Monty eats before giving any beef jerky but we've got a game changer we've brought along the substance then we'll get Monty to eat hunt man every time without a doubt no matter what it's called magical powder and what that magical powder is is dried pumpkin and he loves it he'll try to do a little experiment later to see how he acts for a bowl of food without the pumpkin and then act for a bowl of food with this pumpkin but this stuff was sent to me by a subscriber and as you guys know we've been fighting Monty's allergies and yada yada yada but we've recently changed his food from grain free to a non grain free food and he loves it so he loves his dog food his new dog food already he's been perkier than ever before so we think it's he's feeling a lot better and on top of that we've been given a pumpkin and I was sent this deep this dried pumpkin stuff I was like I don't know if you like it but I sprinkle like 4 teaspoons on or tablespoons on his food mix a little water he goes nuts so that's a game-changer because that means I can bring pumpkin out into the woods and get him to eat whenever I want I just sprinkle a little pumpkin on there mix a little cold water I mean he ate in the car while we were moving he never does that unless it's a treat and he's this pumpkin oh it's magic it's awesome it's like it's pumpkin and apple pectin but it's it's good for their stool but he just loves the sides it's a game-changer I'm probably gonna have to bring this every time I brought a whole quart freezer bag full I wonder how long it'll last me I wonder if I'll probably I'll get him to eat whenever I want so morning and night at least and I'm gonna be feeding them a lot more than normal because he's me working but yeah it's definitely a game changer and it's pretty exciting what you let one another treat do you want to know the treat you think you want a treat no you're crazy all right let's do we got here for a late you got no water in the boat Monty it's your fault okay this is a shallower Lake what a disappointment very shallow there's a deep hole near the back okay so it looks like this whole Lake is very shallow that's probably actually good so now we can just kind of cruise along islands and everything I'll find some nice trees to cast long but we're gonna have to use stealth no but pop and mr. what we're gonna do here is I'm gonna take a few casts for like a good 20 minutes we've got two hours and 45 minutes till the Sun sets so we'll take a cat some cast near some few trees and try to be really stealthy and then we're just gonna trawl I'm gonna put on like a shallow that's my line always sounds weird put on the shallower lure and we'll just roll on our way find a campsite and set up Oh looks like we got the clouds are coming in definitely doesn't get cloudy tonight I hope it doesn't rain before you know I go to bed but anyways yeah we'll just take a few casts try and then we'll set up and we'll fish the night now I don't know I'll have my fish dinner tonight one of them I'd that pretty much comes down if I catch fish I don't even know if I want to because like I said I'm I'm high on energy right now because the fresh start working here is all exciting and I'm pumped like it'll be dark I'm gonna crash I guarantee it cuz I did not leave much last night oh it's late packing and checking comments and stuff so you know that's how it goes [Music] oh well that's gotta be a pike no that panel thing has a pike hey whatever it is this a nice fish oh it's a big pike oh what a nice pike oh come on baby no he just turned and put the line in his mouth there goes Oh hurt oh I saw it happen I saw it happen no that was like a 36 inch pike I called it I called it early on I knew we were gonna lose some fish as soon as he turned man I saw that line it was right in the corner of his mouth oh [Music] it stings it just stings it hurts it hurts Sol yeah but I thought you turned went right into his mouth and he opened his mouth and I knew it was over and I didn't want to read him that would he was a hefty Pike well at least at least that fish will only take me the rest of the night to get over and partially summit tomorrow that's all you know just 18 hours maybe 24 I don't know I might even be talking about the end of the trip guess we'll just keep passing so ladies and gentlemen that is the price you pay for not using a steel eater you will get more strikes but you will lose a beautiful fish like that I wish I don't know the camera picked it up at all probably not but it was definitely in the it was a minimum 30 inches minimum and that thing see in springtime this is actually what I caught my biggest Pike ever I only I've only caught like a 36 inch here but this teal jig is what he bit they'll bite the smaller lures the bigger pike this time here maybe I'll go for him again [Music] Oh harbors in the cast near these few trees here and just do some trolling I don't know if I want to troll with my lures off of a steel leader now and the the best thing about fish that you lose like that is every time you think about it again they get bigger it's true what they do I think it was actually 40 inches had to be cuz I didn't catch it oh brother fish Hey this fish is pretty good we got a Bobby [Music] hey now we are in the conundrum do we want our fish dinner tonight [Music] this hurts through a lot of fish dinner tonight I know I'm gonna be pooped well this is gonna hurt this gonna hurt this is gonna hurt if I let it go if I was gonna be hurt pop a pillow fish dinner tonight okay I'm gonna let it go I'm let it go we're gonna let him go all right I'm just gonna do it let's get a little fish camp before I regret you know what that was too easy too too good fish right away in this lake and I'm probably gonna be tired tonight so what I'm thinking is instead of just going for any fish tonight we're gonna go for specifically walleye now if I catch walleye we'll have ourselves a fish dinner and if I don't catch another good fish the rest of the trip I will slap myself silly and regret every decision I've made so far that's how it'll be no but I feel like that has led me to believe that the fishing is better than I'm thinking or I just got really lucky right away I'm feeling like it's it's gonna be good it's gonna eating better as the night goes on but I've been in the same boat where I've taught these same things and I don't get a single pipe know about truthfully I'm totally cool with with waiting on my fish dinner it's the first night you know it's a first night firstly points to these trees and it'll keep going Monty stop your squeaking how am I supposed to catch fish if you're squeaking this is a great start to the trip already beautiful weather it's now not too hot a couple of fish while one fish that was my like what's it called that was my rebound fish to make up for losing the big Pike I cast in the right near shore see I don't even know why I brought out other lures now because the whites killing it a little white jig oh there we go oh yeah we got another lobby oh yeah now their little bronze back yeah [Music] alrighty almost lost you alright let's let this guy go let's go for the palace these plates definitely good pressure this is I have only 50 or 50 feet oh no I don't know 100 feet of shoreline not even okay now we can go let's go let's go set up camp find a camp I'll just keep fishing on the way you know what this is a fishing trip fish I'm gonna fish as much as I want Monty yeah and then we'll throw you the stick okay let's figure where the heck we're going [Music] [Music] [Music] they are digging the slow retrieve though not the fast that I'll just let it kind of sink so if it's too shallow I'm not have as much luck because I'm not letting it I don't want to get it all snagged and junk so I'm having most of my luck it seems just cast near the ends of down trees and just letting it fall probably have to keep that pattern going because it's producing see you pulled my worm off I might need a new one soon [Music] [Music] we just move the whole bunch there's so much good shoreline here it's hard for me to not fish I keep catching though I'll have a hard time not making my fish dinner mommy's gonna look at me mewling dude you're cocky but they don't catch nothing gross the truth I agree with you Monty that can happen then we'll have Fisher bread just wonder which my lions wet them real quick cast the black flies are out that's high that's why that's how I realized that the fishing was decent is because I'm getting bit up by a black flies when I stop and fish has nothing to do with catching up everything to do with eating bites you stinker he's just keeping me on my toes that's all he's doing flighty turd nugget I'm a simple man let's see a nice down tree I cast let's see a prospecting campsite and a bunch of downed trees it was in his mouth when I stopped you swimming away when I paddled I don't want to I don't want to come right here [Music] near the ends of these trees is where I'm gonna probably be hunting for walleye later so we'll just leave this alone [Music] now the the campsite I see up a Heather's there's two to choose from we'll check them both out if I stir I'm seeing clouds of black flies where the wind is still and it looks like the winds gonna be still up there so if I see a cloud I might not camp there oh let's just say whatever thing about black flies is they usually go away at night which is nice and I don't think mosquitoes are out yet so I guess we don't really have to worry about it once it gets dark they'll just kind of chill out that's the nice thing about black flies mosquitoes they will relentlessly attack you they get worse at night actually get crazy think they're worse maybe at dusk or maybe in dawn like Gulf I don't know it really tells mosquitoes yet this year we're getting some black flies in there some more trees up ahead I got to pick a campsite he just I can't stop fishing it the indict the addiction is strong Monty Monty so chill okay this cast right here right here this is bite [Music] that's not that's not a reasonable [Music] [Music] [Music] why you get a I got a do be like okay one more tree then we need to then I get a bite like that dang it you can always tell when it's a bite I need a new warm on here but I don't waste it they keep pulling it off you little shits turd nuggets turds dirty turds I'm gonna have to put on a new worm they're destroying this one okay last cast and we gotta find a campsite so we can go evening fishing okay so I can see the other campsite from here now it looks like it's in the shade kind of tucked away this one looks nice and open kind of grass the unstruck things have made the decision for us we will take the open sunny one won't be as sunny in the morning maybe see no we'll catch the sunset papi on the lake but yeah very much [Music] just call my dear he does not like you Monty yeah the three one doesn't look like the black flies are too bad here but it's a nice calm spot right set it up right here yeah this is a nice purse spot beautiful view oh my do you see the script he's gonna be chasing squirrels all night long my kid you can see did you taking it out on me and they can't catch a squirrel alright so I'm just gonna whip together camp here we're not gonna get crazy I'm not gonna maybe I will we're gonna spend 20 minutes setting up camp here and then we're gonna get back on that water cuz I want to catch a beer actually know what there's this little thing you know what squirrel yeah so what he's got beady eyes what of it I always forget about the whole multitasking thing what am I thinking [Music] - stop it [Music] okay okay okay you went you it it's too quiet it's too quiet it's way too quiet we can't do that we cannot do that you think you got a splinter no this way or this way there's a whole bunch of down green trees the Beavers are going nuts here all there's so many down fresh trees here oh just take it off with the stick or jeez okay so I'm just gonna filter up some water finish setting up just throw my crap in the tent and then let's get back to fishing I want to do some fishing we've got an hour I'm gonna get my four four cheese's he sauce fish prospects we'll just give a little food all right we're gonna take this magic powder a little I have them all too much we gotta save something at a conserve Monty it's too much no it's more let me just take a little water next down without a finger give me a little drinking water than a waste they're probably just put more in here and he'll drink it all and now go ahead he eats on command we should look at that oh no oh saved it's saved Monty it's still in there it's coming in four seconds I'm pretty sure I'm getting bit up by the noseeums they're getting us looks like we want to go left but yeah it is a pretty perfect evening the clouds oh the walleye are gonna be biting right now we have an hour in like 15 minutes of like perfect walleye fishing look at this yeah I'm definitely getting bit up by I'm there noseeums it's like it feels like you're sweating like I say it's just a little itch from a sweat but it's definitely not an agent's a bike I wasn't sure if they were out here maybe that I knew okay we've got perfect conditions right now I'm definitely gonna cool off a little bit Mike here but I was sweating around only spent like 30 minutes I've got pretty much everything set up through the stick for Monty a bit there Fatima we've got bugs following us all right so I'm probably not gonna talk a whole ton until I catch a fish because I want to be stealthy it's very still out and there's not a lot of wind and it's good did the wall I can sense vibration so I got to be stealthy if I want a chance at catching these so we're gonna just take something off Monte you're such a good boy tell you what my deck catch a walleye or another bass I'll cook it for you I commit I commit I catch him another bass we'll see who gets it I put on the new worm though I will ought to be it decisive I gave her on that one it birds we need to get the trees where there's a little bit more of a drop-off at the end of them that's what I had going on when I caught those three fish in a row it was definitely like a maybe 10 feet deep fry the 10 feet deep right after the trees at the ends Monte I'm just just putting out a little not get anything special you settle down there you'll frisky critter but yeah like I was saying um I need to find a little bit more of a drop of this this little bait here is too shallow so we're gonna move to where the contour lines look like there's a little bit more of a drop-off which is right up ahead there's a tree and a point I just need to get settled love you settle submit down I've got a good song stuck in my head oh [Music] [Music] [Music] this has got to be a bass or pike well it could be a pike I think it's a pike it's a pike I wanna try this live anyways so I'm only gonna say this once this trip there is absolutely nothing wrong with Pike nothing at all pike are delicious fish very tasty they're actually tastier than some fish and I do love fire roasting them like straight on the great skin side down squeeze some lemon and butter on there with that being said I am gonna be picky since the fishing has already been so good today like I said I already like go to Bass and I like to go no bones it's just the bones it's not a big deal but sometimes you know you get picky and I'm picky for a walleye fish dinner right now that's what I want I will take bass but we're gonna let the pike go and the other thing is about pike there's slimy little buggers there very slimy and it's not a big deal other than your hands just get really oily but that's a nice pike maybe 22 inches maybe 24 that guy go Oh Oh flip over figure out your life what are you doing he's fine there he goes you know when you get a pike like that I'm probably gonna end up retying this anyways but let's see if I can you always gonna feel Oh see there's a little fray if I do not retire this I will lose that to a walleye or something something with just some pressure so you got to retie it don't ever if you ever get a pike I usually just do it anyways I said like I said I was gonna probably do it anyways so right now is one of those very rare moments in my hierarchy of needs and that is that if I were to keep a fish it would be trailing behind me making noise and it would mess up the fish and the fishing is so good right now it's so amazingly well that my hierarchy needs is just totally fine 100% fine with not having a fish dinner and just catching tons of fish and having a blast this is the best fishing of the year so far hands-down I thought I had a monster Pike on two bass countless bites and another Pike right there this is hands-down the best so far and this very well could be the best day of fishing the whole trip could be the only day of the trip I catch fish but either way I'm gonna embrace this cuz this is awesome just oh the fish is so good right now oh man I really hope we catch a walleye nice big fat Walter cut two bodies in a Peter now we just got to catch a Larry in a Walter and we've already accomplished our goal for the trip whoo maybe I should stop what if we catch them all tonight what do we do look at look at the sky I [Music] thought that was why it's a stick [ __ ] whole stick bike but you have to sit down [Music] [Music] [Music] all right lads I hope you got your butt plops out of the way because that was a pretty dang good spy I feel like you ruined it no you you groan II grunter Monty [Music] I think it's too quiet he just wants to sit up I saw it was in his mouth so I didn't want to give up any slack see how it's in its mouth now I don't have to restring my just a second little pike my fish nears home okay I'll leave in peace I'll leave in peace I swear yes don't slap the water don't do it beer please plenty tried to reason with them that's an unreasonable beaver right there see what we did is just reassure that the beavers tactic worked you know he's slapped for water we immediately booked it out of there in his eyes so now he knows it works [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a fish service it all over I lost that lure some kind of fish is is how surfacing up ahead so I'm gonna try my trusty old spinner on ultra light and take a few casts see if we can catch on whatever it is maybe then trout maybe your pan fish I don't really know if they're out there [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever these are are surfacing just like trout and it makes me think they are trout but they do not want anything to do that Luger and they're surfacing all over the place but they don't want my lure so mm-hmm could be trout it'll be some other fish but try casting a spinner in your shorts see if isn't he don't want to bite it [Music] I'm sure they want flies but I just like to know what they are they gotta be trout with a baby electro small lake trout I don't know they've piqued my interests I'm switching colors and try [Music] [Music] all right I need to kill it again sighs stupid picture more cast though earnest which is trolling for a while I and head back to camp spent like half my time fishing just try to touch forever things are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm just gonna troll for a walleye now I don't know what the I think they're trout but I just can't say for sure they got the best to be though that for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's crazy [Music] is so gorgeous I'm getting the best view on the lake I kind of want to get back to camp to see if I can see a better but I just know it's really blocked so I'm just kind of something good like it's peaking right now I'm just gonna sit for a minute you could probably can't see it but but a little bit there's the moon I think it's gonna be a full moon but look at these crazy swirling clouds it looks kind of stormy already this guy is still crazy but it's dying down now oh man that's wild it's a full moon tonight you know those clouds then you got the epic sunset over there it looks like fire in the trees it's crazy the sounds of spring are in full swing right now [Music] I'm just gonna there's this nice wood here there goes the tip of my blade that was dumb yep that was dumb good thing I've only got it's only the first long log I've saw it okay gonna be more careful yes it'll still work at least oh yeah here's the way to go there's the tip money saw well have to be more careful I guess huh well that was smart I don't need a ton of firewood but I still want to chop up a little bit I got a new hatchet I've never had a hatchet before I've always wanted one this is just like my axe it's just the hatchet version and it is sharp fresh a little chopping block here excited to test it yes thing works like a charm [Music] jeez [Music] yeah that thing's pretty slick I got some birch bark from earlier just gonna use a lighter I use a lighter in canoe season try to save on weight well I just I just use a lighter in canoe season it's just much easier much more convenient with my stove but yeah that acts that will hatches awesome oh yeah for you guys the the nosy that watch my past canoe trips I used my big ole bushcraft knife my bench made to baton wood and I've always meant to just have a tool it's for processing firewood and the knife is you know you can do it you can bet you can uh you can baton wood with it but that's not its main purpose you know more of a survival tool whatnot I mean the hatchet you can do stuff with two but that weighs probably the same as that night if not less even though it's bigger that knife is weighs a lot but we are gonna get cooking spaghetti up here quick I don't count on fire what I'm not gonna burn along fire we're just gonna get our food cookin just enjoy the evening okay so we are making my homemade dehydrated spaghetti I make this myself it is my favorite back packing the of all time it is super delicious and then I smoke about face and to rehydrate it allows you to follow me on Instagram you'll probably have seen some of the steps yeah but to rehydrate it you just pour it in here in your little pot now I like it extra saucy and I like to hide race more so I make it a little soupy err you know and you know most the time I add all this extra moisture like look at how much is on there and it ends up being perfect so now you just put in there like that and then we're gonna get to a boil let it simmer for like five minutes a little bit more maybe and then you let it sit like 20 perfect at that full moon is sweet hey Monty well since we're not cooking dinner there's no sense in making your weight huh no you don't think so huh [Applause] let's say you earned this huh you earned your food well you didn't earn your food and get your food but you earned this goodness we got to be careful enough I'm gonna go through this too fast and then mud is gonna be on like the last day refusing to eat we're gonna use this water then you refuse to drink earlier and you're gonna drink it all Monty oh yeah you like that huh you like pumpkin powder just don't make too much of a mess okay go ahead yeah you're gonna wait oh let's see here doing this stir it well I remember how I said I was gonna crash lose my energy once we got to camp and everything was simmering down well that hasn't happened I'm still fully energetic it was such a good day once we got here just perfect weather there's no mosquitoes out so we're beating the mosquitoes forget meridia black flies we're gonna get eaten alive by some black flies this trip that's for sure but no mosquitoes let's cast a little back there this full moons coming through we're probably gonna hear some noises tonight unless the rain comes in we're gonna see what we got going on tomorrow it's gonna be a hard day so tomorrow since it's gonna be rainy there's a lake up and trying to get to for a long time here and he just loves that stuff been trying to get to for years and it's never had a trip that goes by it and unfortunately tomorrow was the day I wanted to get there and it's gonna be cold and rainy good walleye fish in there so what they'll try if we get there but that's another thing about this trail tomorrow is more of a move day because the weather is nasty and the day after that I don't move far at all but the weather is supposed to be nasty so the next two days I can kind of just take my time ago or I want but the thing is it's it puts me in a pickle because I wanted to do the next two days of good fishing but the weather's not cooperating that way just not how it's gonna work out Bundy here come down here next to me come here come here come on yeah yeah there you go good boy so let's see how many Porter's I got tomorrow one two three four five six but they're very small okay so it looks like we've got one two mighty get back it's okay I'll get it for you I'll get it for you okay there you go six seven eight Portage's tomorrow what's the plan to get to this Lake now maybe I'll just do seven and stop at this big ol Lake they're mostly very small well why is that Lenten well right here hopefully it's an animal snake still oh this is gonna be so good well that I already say that I will link the recipe to that spaghetti probably right here it's always backwards it's got to be right here in this corner because if you're maybe not who knows this one probably anyways yeah I'll link it if I didn't say that but uh I was having trouble cuz I got back I made it a few days ago and it's so good that I made way too much I made a double batch on accident and we've just been eating the leftover spinning I was like I need to stop I was eating it for just like lunch and dinner because I was so good no it's just like mass amounts of spaghetti just there ready to eat and I'm just I had to make myself stop because I would have just been eating spaghetti for like three four days or three days and then coming out here and eating it for seven because I've only got spaghetti other than fish dinners I've done spaghetti only I like it more than the stir-fry just love the spaghetti one of these days I'm gonna experiment some other meals but right now the spaghetti is just so good so anyways as I was saying most of the Portage's tomorrow 7 them are right around 1/4 mile or less and the last one would be a big old big old two-thirds mile somewhere in there so we'll see how far I get but I cannot wait to eat the spaghetti my stomach was growling I don't know if it picked it up on the camera of my stomach is growling out there no I'll get there any second this is still not well it's simmering it's just slightly simmering perfect something cooking like this for a good 5 to 10 minutes set it up the side and let it reabsorb for another like 15-20 probably until it's cool enough to eat let see what you doing since it's a full moon I've caught walleye on nights like this just casting in the dark because walleye can see at night they have those reflective eyes so I'm just going to cast out and see if I can catch anything for fun here you could if you look with your headlamp you had a bright headlamp you can see their eyes there's literally a walleye five feet from the shore I'm gonna try to look at it and try to catch it but it almost been my check we'll try to see if we can see it [Music] we're doing a pre-dinner snake well pre-dinner from year 2 header dirt that's so funny I was just talking about that there was one right there I I wasn't there fishing just casting I turn off the camera and we're just taking a few casts and I like looked and I he was just kind of staring at a spot where there's some ripples and I thought I saw figure just like slowly moving kind of like a stick look like a stick I was like I swear that thing's moving and like it was just barely moving you know like the fish is just gliding and like I just kept staring the ice that's that's moving it was just it wasn't doing anything other than just like sitting there going in so I casted my jig at it I saw it turn its head and then I saw the shine of its eye oh my gosh it's a walleye that I had to put my jig near laying on the rock in it turned around at it and just like just nipped barely but it didn't want gonna do it this way I was like okay maybe he wants a smaller jig that I can kind of like play with on the rocks because that one it's a town where I got tangled up so I ran back get the camera and the smaller jigging is done but it was funny because I was kind of making noise on the rocks I don't think you'd be that close just sitting there but it gave me the eye of the fish because I let my fire dice and they're casting for another half hour once again he's probably done what do you think Monty you want more beef jerky you got enough today little turd nugget I don't really need a fire it's not - it's it's it's a nice night out it's nicer than we're gonna get come here stinky but this guy is so fluffy right now oh did you grown he's a fluffiest little bunny yeah yes you are oh don't don't lick my lips don't lick my lips dude no don't put Bluto or to build you okay there's too much smoke I'll let you free be free be free no I didn't get it up to a crazy boil so it's probably gonna take longer sitting here than usual mm-hmm it's a little bit watery still a little bit watery but it's starting to get there I'm actually gonna throw it back over my little flame here and let it just stay getting hot we're gonna let it get perfect this is gonna turn all this water this is the watery sauce I don't mind it like this at all I could probably eat this right now but since it's night one let's get it perfect they say the full moon is when all the crazy animals come out I think I see one right here I think I am more tired than I think I am because two-thirds of the because uh half that wood that I processed I didn't even bring from the chopping block back to the fire and I just now noticed it now I was like doesn't I didn't make much wood so I'm just gonna put a few more pieces on there when I'm eating dinner I am starting to feel a little more tired it's starting to settle in the crash is happening and as soon as I consume all that glory it'll be finalized it's so funny when montego's whenever playing fetch and he goes down a hill and it's too fast like he's running down a hill he always he grunts with each of his partner you are just frisky as ever huh don't firecracker okay it should be perfect no oh yeah okay that is perfect the little saucy just how I like it mm this is gonna send me to food coma Bell okay let's eat so I tried on a new portion size I'm thinking from the looks of things might be a little big and one with seven ounces of dried spaghetti and that's how much I got it's like a full big pot almost we'll see I think this may be perfect I am pretty hungry right now hope it doesn't burn my mouth goes hot it's not even steaming oh yeah it is okay don't say it didn't look like it was hot it hits the spot every time [Music] I'm not saying that those fish wouldn't be delicious would have been delicious but I didn't feel like doing all the extra preparing because of how I knew I'd feel right now and I'm starting to feel pretty dang tired I hope I don't sleep in too much tomorrow but if it's pitter-patter raining I might sleep in long sleeping in long out here is like 9:30 a.m. that's like sleeping in and then thirty ten because I always generally get up earlier out here but usually eight eight is a good time I just I just wake up naturally an eight out here but that feels like sleeping in sometimes sometimes I get up at like 6:00 then almost feel I can get up and set it on my knee and then he's like okay I'm ready but I'm gonna make it till 10:00 tomorrow if it's if it's relaxing you know some of this Monty ya Veni I'm sorry it's spaghetti there's onions and garlic and goodness well I'm just gonna turn off this light here in this camera finish up my spaghetti I let my fire burn down and pick up clean up and we're gonna get back in the tent I'm starting to get tired I'm like honey eat this I want to just enjoy the evening and kind of Tucker out here because yeah I need to wind down long day today long day so I'll check back in with you guys when I am getting ready for bed in the tent you know where to go don't be silly don't be silly yeah this is your spot Monty you're so picky all right come on right here matee this is your spud he's just gonna wanna be the to know what a beauty it's okay oh don't you groan at me so my portion of spaghetti was pretty spot-on I feel pretty satisfied I don't feel over eight I like how over eight I'm not really craving anymore I'm sure I'll do some portion and a half are still but that's pretty good seven ounces I thought it was gonna be too much but I ate it it was it's pretty good it might actually be too much if I had like a side or anything else like some fish or something or if I'm not starving but yeah it's pretty good seems like the winds are picking up just slightly you can hear the little to the trees feels like it's gonna rain but I don't know I don't know for sure but I've got all my crap laid out everywhere right now I got the camera outside the tent I can only do this well there's no bugs and there's no rain as soon as the bugs come out I'm not gonna leave my attention like this will get a lot more close and personal but anyways guys I'm sleepy my brain my brain is done I am going to listen to these noises and pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody you [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 103,443
Rating: 4.9271693 out of 5
Keywords: wilderness, camping, camp, wilderness area, canoe, canoe camping, backcountry, backcountry camping, bwca, boundary waters, canada, boundary waters canoe area, adventure, dog, camping dog, doggy, how to camp, wild camp, forest, lake, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, gopro, nikon, portage, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, meal prep, fishing, fish, how to fish, catch and cook, fisherman, canoe fishing, spring, spring fishing, backpacking, backpack, dog training, fishy, gourmet, dehydrated meal
Id: z1DTNrdNMmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 54sec (5274 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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