8 Day Wilderness Adventure with My Dog (Night 4 of 7) [Extended Series]

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[Music] so the worst imaginable thing just happened [Music] [Music] morning oh are you swimming you swim it all good boarding hmm so we opted first sleeping a little bit but it is a sunny day out there I can see the sun shining through the tent looks like it's gonna be a beautiful day on our good fishing day so hopefully we'll have some luck out there Monte you ready to get up 95 I do I get up and get out there hmm oh my did you sleep pretty always sleep pretty good deep mighty was laying out me all night likes to do that sometimes it's a little turd and I get you weren't gonna sight Joanie go for a dog park all right guys I'm not gonna dilly-dally too long I like to get on the water I'm all this beautiful weather it's going do some fishing so let's get up but the players I stopped makes food get to fish it hmm let farted Monty let's go good morning aunty hey hey Oh going between my legs there you go Oh fuzzy but I don't was he bought oh yeah oh it's just like glass out there look at that out there oh that ain't a scene hmm thumbs up we got blue skies oh yeah Monty it's a beautiful day Monty you're out of focus Monty alright let's whip up our coffee and oatmeal I'll get packed up quick get on the water I want to get to fishing this is gorgeous out okay go ahead go ahead you ever taste have it taste now you go ahead you go ahead they're back oh my gosh they're back the angry loons they've come to get us Monty they come together party soapy [Applause] so the worst imaginable thing just happened I was getting ready to take my morning poop you know pull down my pants get ready drop trou and go to release my dense little torpedo turds in the end of the little pot and I get what's known as severe back splash there was a stew of decades of people's pee and poo that's been brewing and it just rained up from the ground all over my backside there was just full of water and I looked down and it was brown and I want to believe it's the tannin but this water is clear that water's dark brown this is one way to ruin a perfect day to start off that way I don't feel clean anymore well I didn't feel clean before but I don't feel clean now anyways let's eat some oatmeal hmm oatmeal some good stuff I just can't stop thinking about it just got me kind of entry like how many people do you think have pooped at that toilet the little pit toilet a thousand ten thousand I don't know how long it's been there how long's this campsite been here I feel like there's been at least a thousand poos there I think that's being fair you know ten years you say a hundred people poop there year that's got to be fair and I know this area has been around a lot longer than that yes I'm thinking about it I'm probably gonna need to jump in the lake later ain't doing it now I'm old I'm not warm enough now we get sweaty later we'll jump in the lake anyways we're gonna finish up my oatmeal here and then we're gonna get on that water we need to return this day around I need to shake this this poopy start [Music] [Music] and we are off got the sun's sunshades on got t-shirt I don't even remember that I had put water splashing all over me I don't know if I'm gonna be able to keep the t-shirt out long it's a little chilly when you're out the water but the Sun it's like counteracting is like chilly but hot two sensations at once tremendous now I don't want to get my hopes up or say anything to change myself but I mean it is a pretty gorgeous day and I think we're not gonna struggle catching a fish today I don't think well yeah you know fishing is fishy they don't call it catchin you know you see me go all day no bites the last second catch fish I cut a lot last minute fish here lately oh but it'll catch them but I think it's gonna be good thing I think we're gonna have a great time fishing it looks like a perfect day for fishing so we only got a few lakes to go through they're gonna be on the lake front of fish all day [Music] so the winds have shifted it seems is blowing in the opposite direction now so that that won't be the best I was kinda hoping it stayed the same way because now I'm going in the opposite direction as soon as I get to the lake I'm fishing oh well it's at least not there's like no wind it's just a slight breeze it'll pick up more by midday but it's definitely shifted so I thinking I'm thinking let's check the barometric pressure it's rising it was twenty eight point four five last night and it's twenty eight point six so it's going up so that means good fishing and I think we're gonna have some nice weather the next couple of days at least that's my understanding I'm not an expert bear Brett to pressure but when it's going up I think that's a good thing low pressures when you get the nasty so we might get really good weather I mean so far has been awesome no rain I want a thunderstorm oh but just the last night the last time I go home just give me soaked I'll take it I'll love it gotta have one but anyways we get the Pat the porridge right up ahead and we're gonna try fishing the next thing we're gonna fish this Lake will definitely take a few casts the next Lake just a few just one quick cast one or two at the end of this Lake here there's eat some nice logs potential good fishing okay so just up ahead here looks like this is just a super steep drop-off the biggest drop-off on the whole Lake right up ahead we're in track for some Lakers there I'm thinking there's Lakers in here I'm not a hundred percent sure it just looks like a lake usually when they're like 70 feet deeper moretz they're gonna have some trout in there some lake trout usually but they're in the area there's deep like they're probably in there so that's we're gonna try ever try taking off [Music] [Music] no bites nobody I think we're gonna move on I know what like I want to fish today like I said not spend much time here we're gonna fish big leg hard see a promising tree but oh what is that well that's a big snapper that was up on shore oh it's even get close to that I want to wait here for a minute see if I can see him but it was really funny cuz he plopped off the shore and he was stuck upside down and just like flailing like oh those like what is that it's definitely a big old snapping turtle hopefully he pops his head out we can there's a loon I'd like to get some footage of that big old turtle but I can't see him you must have went deep we'll just chill for a minute he might pop back up we'll see if we can get a shot oh we got a big ol drop-off here though so while we wait for mr. turtle [Music] take a cast here dang it if there's one thing I know about turtles there's Turtles there's fish there's fish you'll catch them already a painter turtle just comes to it and get some footage to make up for the turtle we just missed I love these boots are like mini waders for those of you that are watching the channel for quite a while Monty didn't really jump in the boat like that until about a year ago I never really trained them I never really thought about have always just carried him around you notice how comfortable he is with me picking him up he's just like every time I go he's just sooo like even when he was a puppy eight months old I remember our first Boundary Waters trip with Punk there we were climbing some Rock Bluffs and he would just walk up to the cliff like he knew where we were going and he'd look back at me like all right dude dude looks cool but yeah he didn't really start jumping on the bonus that's not my trained he started doing it now he doesn't all the time but he did like his first time in a year ago maybe somewhere around there but another thing for those of you that watch most of my videos or my first big adventure video are released well maybe it's not my first like a second there somewhere in there but twelve nights in the wilderness with a puppy that was Montes first Boundary Waters trip 1212 nights and he was eight months old eight or nine months somewhere in there but he was a little puppy and you'll recognize this next Lake some of these spots because I've been here before and that's why I'm so excited about this Lake is I'm gonna return to some of those spots where we caught some Lakers so hopefully it'll be the same it'll be good fishing that we never we didn't come at this time of year but I'm confident we'll catch some fish and I think I think it's such a beautiful day that we're definitely gonna when I we're gonna probably fish for a bit and then set up camp and then just go fish for hours and just take little breaks for Monty here and there place should be a good day [Music] look at Monty patiently waiting on shore as I chase Turtles out here good boy Monty I think oh boy do you want to go fer do you want a treat at the dog park are you good boy good boy Monty yes I was getting ready to portage and I just looked happy to look like the lichen right there as snapper turtle was just staring at us hit a big old leech on his head you probably see that I asked hey I got some cool footage there but yeah he was just staring into so I'm just like oh my gosh first I grabbed an oar and I stuck the GoPro onto the or and I like jump to go in there and you can see that water super clear so it it's deeper than it looks and well let's just say I took a bad step and then he took off was like dang it so I jumped in the boat and I found him he was just it's so clear and shallow that it was easy to find them so that was sweet that was that was a nice treat let's get this porridge done and catch some fish what do you say Monty no only ten percent of me wants to actually do this but I know if I just get it done I'll feel so much better okay let's go I don't think I have balls anymore there buddy oh let's stop it but yeah Vegas of it oh man do I feel good now my skin feels like hot cuz it's numb oh that's so cold such a cold water but it's one of those things that getting in that freezing cold water you know it's gonna suck while you're in it but once you're out you're super glad you did I feel clean now I don't have to worry about the pool water from earlier well yeah I feel good let's see if Monty I'll throw the stick a little bit you probably will but you might not want to hit it so cold you want to stick Monty come here [Music] he's like it's cold we're experimenting I put the GoPro at his chest watch yourself on this rock hey watch yourself others right good boy good boy buddy good boy pickup away Oh Oh watch yourself on those roots okay stay oh really moving work okay [Music] she goes crazy for this thick in water all right that's the last ones a little too cold I don't want to keep him swimming apparently much he doesn't want to be done he's just one year of or stick throwing it at me he just goes crazy you think it's cuz he's already wet so he's just like let's just keep playing dude look at that stick in his tail Monty you got a stick in your mouth and a stick in your tail you crazy you crazy dog get that stick in his tail look at this wet dog mud teeth you stinker you wanna keep throwing the stick you wanna keep playing one more all right I want you to get too cold okay and you're gonna hurt yourself on those rocks all right Monte that's enough now okay okay I feel so refreshed right now we've got eight hours of daylight remaining and it might even be stretched out an extra 45 because it's so sunny so I'll have a long Twilight so we are gonna hunt for a fish dinner now we're gonna stay on this lake I don't know where we're gonna camp that doesn't matter we're gonna go all over the place fishing trawling whatever it's a big beautiful lake and what we're gonna do right now is like I said I've been here before so we're gonna go it's it's quite the paddle but we're gonna return to a spot that me and Fong have had some luck fishing net so I'm gonna troll on the way there I'm not gonna cash or anything we're gonna troll the whole way there and see if we gonna pick something up along the way and then when we get to that spot to do some jigging let's put on the old chartreuse catch everything lure I've caught every type of fish I go for on the chartreuse Deep Diver bass Pike walleye lake trout and I only go for any other fish really but yep works for ammo what the heck is that mr. del Monte sit sit something is just going crazy in the water behind us I don't know what that was could have been an otter or beaver or a loon but nothing surfaced could have been a fish attacking another fish I don't know it definitely just splashed like eight times and I don't see any heads poking up or anything it's not like it must have been a fish fight man I am all smiles right now is just gorgeous outside oh I feel refreshed and the the barometric pressure has risen another point zero five so it's to eight point six five so I'm like I said I'm no expert but I think when the pressures rising the fishing is good and it's just good weather it's an indicator of like good weather coming I think but usually I think pressure rising is good fishing so maybe we're in for a treat I don't really know it's a very big deep lake so got to work drop-offs and there's some definitely some back channels and shallow areas I'll try where there's you know trees and stuff but I think troll will definitely produce should pick something up here oh you got a loon in front maybe that's what was going crazy but I don't know there's something you're shopton oh boy yes you are yeah so the last time I was here there's about four four years ago yeah four years ago I think in the fall I've only come I've only been here in the fall so we'll see if it's so good in the spring I'm thinking it will be I don't think it'll matter I think this would be a great spot so we're probably there it's like another mile paddle I think could see it up ahead but uh I think we're gonna spend a couple hours here and we'll just chill fish for a bit have some lunch you know and what we're going for dinner is ideally would be a walleye at a lake trout ideally we want a Larry in a Walter but I will take two little late child I'd rather have smaller lake trout well that's the plan that's a plan for now just a bit more paddling to do and we're gonna see what we can pick up it's so calm on such a gorgeous day and I can't even believe it right now that it's this beautiful out maybe we'll see a moose that'd be this but icing on the cake today nice nice big ol moves all of these ridges or something another thing is the only are the only unfortunate thing about the spot right now is that right now is the absolute worst time to fish in the day the Sun is high it's clear there's a little pout but it's bright these fish are gonna be a little deeper a little less active because right in the smack dab middle of the day it was morning or night there's definitely be a little bit better but I still I'm feeling good I'm feeling good but yeah it's definitely the worst time of day to fish and who knows if I don't have any luck here and no it's a good spot maybe we'll camp near a fish in the evening I don't like I said I got an extra day pretty much cuz I move I always move further than I think I can move and whatnot even if I'm taking it easy this trip is more casual less traveling I still I still got an extra day so we could we could spend two days on this lake I don't really know we'll see how efficient is but yeah and I repeat myself a lot but if you haven't already sorry I do it a lot I'm getting excited I could see it I hope it's not a letdown [Music] so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get out of the boat and I'm against Roy and we're gonna bust out the DSLR that's we're gonna do that is what we're gonna do I'm excited got what almost butterflies away so if I'm so excited okay I've set up my stuff to dry got my socks out my muck boot saw everything I've got the solar panels charging let's do some fishing let's see if they can get that first cast lot more first cast nay [Music] oh boy that was a pike dang it but he's over there chillin the shade okay so I've been casting for about an hour with the jig and I switched back to the eighth house one and I was just standing on it rocky kind of got all up and down here casting jigging trying everything no bites and then I was just there and I saw two lake trout swim by because this water is super clear and I got my jig right in front of it and it kind of swam around it and avoided it and just ignored it so it's either they just aren't biting right now because the Sun is high it's hot it's middle of the day and it's terrible time or they don't all my white Jake and normally this always works you even saw it working when we're at the other lake so I'm thinking the time of day definitely is coming into play here and making them not want to bite but that shows me that they are here so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna switch to my little quarter on spoon and I'm gonna keep tossing that for a while we're gonna keep trying but I'm thinking it's more still the time of day they just must not want to bite right now because those two are patrolling by and I just cast it right in front of them I was jigging it I and then I saw the second one and I can stand firm and just let it fall neither of them wanted it so we'll keep trying I'm gonna keep trying that no they're here [Music] maybe just look at them maybe that fart will get them or that one oh those are greasy Oh [Music] the more I cast the more I'm being convinced it's the time of day I never have good luck fishing in the middle of the day mmm but again could just be this lake could be that it's a bigger body of water it's just still really cold so I I don't know I've caught him at this exact spot with that exact jig before doing exactly what I'm doing and the fact that I saw him swim by and the same lure that they were going crazy over they just swam by it I don't know [Music] well I'm gonna go cast around and we'll see we'll give it till the next hour we'll spend two hours here and if I don't get any fish we're gonna have to just move on we have to just move it overnight [Music] [Music] [Music] you really struggled mudsy to get a comfy spot huh are you ready to go fer you ready to go now we're leaving Monte well I'm a little disappointed not discouraged but I'm disappointed we did get one bite one bite and we hooked him he just snapped her like it was a pike so I'm not giving up yet on this spot what I'm gonna do is use my uh we've tried the spoon we've tried the jig I also saw a smallmouth bass one buy and he didn't want anything to do with the school I got right in front of his face too didn't care didn't care so we're gonna use the old Deep Diver here I've tied it up forgot the boat and we're gonna pass by this once this way once back if we don't get any bites we are gonna look at our maps and take a minute to reevaluate and pick some spots for fishing what I'm thinking it is I'm thinking it's a big portion of it is that this is crystal-clear water and the sky is bright with blue skies in the middle of the day so it's just not good fishing right now they're either deep or they're feeling lazy not want to bite and the water is also super cold this is colder probably than any Lake I've been in so far so I think with all those things going into it they're just not wanting to bite right now because I know that spots good I know that spots popping just not right this minute sure if I came here closer to dark I can catch some fish there but we're gonna be further away when it comes to dark I think we're gonna just pass by this quick here do a little trolling then we're gonna re-evaluate and see where we're at so we're gonna do for fishing cuz we're still going for a fish dinner tonight we got to catch our one fish to keep on track with our goal I'm sure we'll catch one I just don't know if it's gonna be right now well let's see let's give it a shot [Music] we're on our second pass nothing no luck nothing so far so it could be a multitude of things we've already discussed that I don't need to repeat myself once again it's what I think we're gonna do is we're gonna head back the way we came and we're going to because that's the way we need to go and we're gonna find a camp we're gonna set up we've got five hours of daylight left so we've got plenty of time so what I'll do is I'll set up it'll get closer to evening and will troll our way back and then what we're gonna do is if we still have no luck control on the whole way back and then I'll cast along a few trees and stuff then we're gonna there's a small lake that's off of this lake that's not too far from where I be setting up camp and I might go to that light could try for some bass or pike just for some fun fishing and if we catch some bass we'll eat some bass tonight maybe even a pike who knows I'd like a fish dinner but either way I was so sure of this spot and maybe it's still good I just don't know it could be the time of day I'm gonna I'll take a few more cats here when we after we do this passed just just to make sure because we we spent a good three hours you know no this has been three hours it might have been three hours ernõ two-and-a-half yeah it's been a while we've been here for a while I gave it my best shot I'm still not just I'm perplexed next I'm just gonna put on a big ol fat spoon see if we can if we're you know for not having luck anyways we're just gonna go for bigger fish maybe we'll get a big old lake trout maybe we'll get a big old pike big old bass who knows take 3/4 ounce monster you know why not just for the heck of it you know we you've seen them going across the this year this drop-off they've been definitely scouring but they're not biting in itself we're gonna try it as a spot that looks like it's like ten feet or less deep and we'll try casting a jig on some trees or something see if that produces - then we'll keep trouble try that Bay on our way back we'll try a few things [Music] Monty Monty wants fish you wants his rightful amount of fish that the little poop portion I gave him earlier grunty just reeling in my spoon doesn't a switch and I got something I don't know what it is it doesn't feel like a pike but it could be or could be oh it feels kinda like a Laker with a bass hey [Music] there we go we got a fish fish on the spoon yeah we're gonna keep this guy we're gonna try to pair him with another fish all right it's a good-looking bass right there you gonna be tasty there Bobby all right we're in the fish now we're still on track for fish everyday whoa whoa whee well okay always feels good to get the first one for the day well I was gonna switch off this spoon but this big ol monster here worked 3/4 ounce gold and green all right we're gonna keep using this coward and keep trolling now we can set up camp and I'm a little less worried about dinner one more fish would be really nice because then Monty get a lot bigger portion but one will work [Music] all right it only took to do exactly what I didn't think would really work that well just like a Hail Mary for a monster because we're not having much luck I'm sure that my little chartreuse Rapallo would work just as well it's just for some reason it hasn't and that thing did so we use this for a little bit more we don't have any hits we'll switch back to the other one Monte's groaning he's tucked into the boat I'm gonna try casting this a little out here throw my Jesus my spoon really that easy first cast oh dang it dang Navin so this is the ticket then the green hand gold spoon [Music] huh I did not think this would be working so well well yo you livin you learn oh that was a mistake there's a loon must be near his happy place I mean the casting a little bit you're where I'm fishing I'm sorry I'm sorry mr. loon or mrs. loon I don't really know how to tell the difference miss loon miss Lou your butt shifts a lot of weight I just had a fish on and it didn't stay hooked by the time I looked up my pole was bent over and it was popped off so I definitely had a strike or maybe we hit a rock what we're like yeah we're in like open big deep water so I think it was a fish but I ain't really getting see so I didn't really get to see it was never really no I think it was a fish we'll just you know we'll pretend it was like another 47 and a half inch pike just like the one we missed on the first day that one was had to be 47 1/2 inches monster the one thing that's unfortunate about when I'm keeping two fish is if I ever catch like a big one like my little by seven either last year I caught a big ol lake trout and that one was like so much fish we were stuffed off a fish in the one fish so if I were to catch a fish of that size with this bass on here I'd have to let the big fish go because I just don't waste so it's like you know I'd rather you know let it go and have a smaller meal then to eat you know two-thirds of all that fish and the rest just go to waste and I get that's I don't like doing that so I'd rather you don't make it have less but we'll just hope for another small one like and not a small one I'd like another big bass another walleye the same size last night or a little lake trout little lake child be perfect or that wall I measured it was 20 inches it didn't seem like a 20 inch here but hey it was it was long it just wasn't like massive I think the one I caught my fault trip last year had more meat on it and it was smaller like a 17 or 18 ohm in oven that one might have been 20 inches - I don't know that was a good walleye though I'm sure there's walleye and it's like maybe we'll do the same thing just watch at night put a slip bobber with that leech thing on there would you just set it out and just chill by the lake yeah we could do that have another late night I don't know what we're doing tomorrow so you do everyone [Music] we got a whole little shoreline here of downed trees so there's a nice drop I'm gonna reel the swinging wolf cast along the drop-off see if we can pick anything up it's too shallow in by the trees so just can't snow kind of drops off a little ways out here not sure where the fish are sitting exactly the one I caught seemed to be right along the drop-off which is where I always assume fish are gonna be felt like a snag it's a fish it's bass son [Music] so it seems like in these areas where there's like 10 15 feet of water and it's just like rocky bottom not a drop-off that's second one I've had on an area like that the other bath near that island it was like the same sort of thing you definitely bit I thought it was like a snag but I was like it's hard to tell with such a heavy lure he was definitely chasing it though that is a snag [Music] okay one more cast I'm working gonna continue on we'll go to that little island will troll that well that one was pretty graceful I'm sorry are you fishing here too [Music] [Music] let's lay down asleep right there groan so loud for like 20 seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's perfect out right now it's so nice it is a slight little breeze everybody is just they just settled get it you're comfortable you just fell into the boat we've got three hours remaining one bite and another one on well I think we'll catch more I'm pretty excited too try for walleye tonight just sit if it's gonna be called a really nice going with my headlamp at dark and just go wild later dinner don't got much going on you don't want that quite not why not it's like a big old snag big old snag Thanks drop off I can see my pole almost looking like it's gonna if I don't slow down and up it's gonna yank my pole up but I don't think it will because it's aimed out but it could but that reminds me of a story up with Jake we're doing a two-week Boundary Waters trip and I might have already said this once to my channel but he was fishing and he had his he was trolling he had his rod holder Eames kind of backwards or something like that and he got a snag and it yanked his rod out and it was gone and he came up to me and he's like well I lost my my Pole it yanked out I was like oh yeah bunch of lying on he's like yeah I was like whoa where where was it and he's just like over there I'm like okay I bet I can get that pull back and he's like all right and he showed me where it was and I just took a jig my little jig and I cast it past it and I just slowly pulled it along the bottom and I just felt a little something a snag pulled it up and I had his line and I was like here you go and then he pulled up his pole and got his pull back sounds pretty sweet no fun to lose your pole on a two-week wilderness trip that's why I always bring two in case something happens to one I can still fish I don't ever want to be without a fishing pole didn't one thing I realize I just forgot is sunscreen my face is starting to feel a little bit warm I can't believe I didn't think that that sunscreen we have a little list and I think I might have accidentally clicked it I don't I look at the forecast and seem to crazy but this is like intense Sun right now keeps nagging so I'm gonna let it sink too much all right well not having much luck with the jig either and we've got two and a half hours of the Sun set so might as well go set up camp then we can get back out fishing I think I might set up the what you might call it here with the slip bobber the light one I don't know if that that should be fine and then I know that I can keep oh because I don't want to have to only have three other ties for slip bobber so I don't want to keep switching them I haven't really used that pole anyways so I could just keep the slip bobber on that one try it one more cast the jig here it's just so beautiful all right now Oh all right there's a campsite right there and it seems like it's got a nice drop-off here that we could fish by at night for walleye but there's one just up ahead that might be a little less tucked away I know my cute brony boy and there's an island near it so might be better fishing we'll pick one of the two probably let's just see if this one's a little bit better the other one just has the shore it wasn't really a drop-off near where the campsite was so the walleye fishing would not have been we couldn't really do it at night so this one's got a nice drop off your it almost that piece of wood looked like a moose antler anyways yes we'll stay at this one do in a tree do not go for the dog park do you want to go for a jog back [Music] this is not a bad little spot a Monte hey Mandy I gave him some I gave him some snacks and now he wants more well it's not bad we've got some firewood there's some logs here so that's always a bonus I just got to process it up so that's sweet we'll do that before we go out fishing again so let's get camp set up a okay okay I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it I got it good Oh little black flies hit this tree think it's old bugs oh yeah it's little bugs and this whole tree both are making me go rude so let's see how much time do we got we've got hour and a half and then the Sun will be set with your fish after that I don't know I don't know how I'm feeling about getting that next fish we're gonna try we're gonna try we'll be up a little bit later tonight so this way we've got a decent wood supply maybe we'll grab some more and then you just stay up burning fire eating candy wait that Walter to come by because I'd really like it a to fish dinner man what a day I'm gonna have a burnt face effort today we're just paddling into the Sun the whole time oh yeah there's black flies there they are little turds down here yep half the time they're not even fighting they're just flying in your face it's just tickles this is there's definitely a good spot for a stick throw session here he'll get he'll get his tonight stay in the face maybe I could try I brought out some uh I don't already mention this but I brought some bug spray I don't I don't really ever use it but I brought out some also some natural bug spray you don't want it what the heck let's try it let's see if it does anything might as well it's just a central oil okay shower today or anything the whole reason I don't really use DS because I don't like the feeling it leaves on your skin it's kind of nasty and oily this essential oils don't really bug me as much so let's see if this actually does anything I'm just gonna let's just see first how it feels that's not bad doesn't even smell bad but people works I got them for Monty too he came with a dog kind so far they're not flying into my face anymore that's nice well there's one little my ears this one's made for dogs here buddy he's not gonna do that here come here come here look at him come here buddy come here come here he doesn't like it I didn't spray your hi they just got into the tip to your ears Monty just relax [Applause] oh I'm sorry mati you can laminate if you want to oh I looked over at him with a sleeping pad he looks over at me and then she just comes chasing oh you silly die so so far these bug sprays were sent to me by a subscriber and so far they seem seem to be doing okay seem to be keeping away the breeze is kind of picked up so I don't know if it's bad or this but as soon as I spray it on they kind of left me alone I'm curious to see if it works for mosquitos that's the that's the maker breaker because for four ticks and it does help well the skids I've tried for the first time permethrin you spray your clothes in it and you soak them and you let it dry and they're good for like six washings I'm supposed to keep I've heard it kills ticks but it keeps them away at least and I did these pants I did my Muck Boots the big tops this thing right here I think he did my hat I haven't seen a single tick and I had this stuff this permethrin I learned about it years ago and I bought it and I just read all this crazy stuff about dogs and like how it's super toxic and then turns out that's mostly just a cat's it's not to dogs I think people actually spray their dogs and their yards and stuff but anyways kind of freak me out tell you what my little method there where I'm blown up my sleeping pendulums setting up a tent that's the way to do it man me and funk used to be like oh you blow up my panel you come on I used to hate it now it doesn't even bother me because it's like I'm not even doing it I'm just breathing air while I'm setting up the pen he's gonna keep my mouth shut well it's pretty sweet everybody's doing it now I started it I started a revolution it's called no more sitting down blowing up your air pad you just you just multitask and everybody's doing it mostly just me that I know of I don't even know if I'm the first person probably not but hey as long as in my head I think I'm the first person I'll take it I'll take it but give it a try sometime if you don't like blowing up sleeping pads [Music] [Music] okay so what I'm using here to filter water is the MSR gravity filter and one thing I just wanted to show you guys quick is if you ever have one of these if you have one of these and it's ever like slow the flow I figure out a couple tricks that just take care of it so if it doesn't seem to be coming out mine was just doing it's not doing any more hug oh I stopped it they way see how it's nice and fast anyways the first thing you do is you pinch it off here you pull this tube off and you just let water flow and then you just hook it up like that that'll be the first thing and then it should start flowing and if it's still kind of slow you take it off on the opposite end and you see how it's coming out nice and fast then you just gotta it's just all about getting the air bubbles out and you just kind of pinch it off there and then it should be good to go again because I you when I first got this it was flowing super fast and all of a sudden it just like wouldn't work it I used to think it was a problem with this thing but no it's just air in the hose it just completely stops the flow but now it's flowing fastest filling up filtering quick [Laughter] I gotta cut this the other way I can't cut wood like that this is much better always cut my right hand hold my left [Laughter] feels a little better the bugs are still getting to me so stuff doesn't it's it you know it is wet but they're still flying away they're not fighting me but the fly to my face I don't think there's much I can stop them from flying in your face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay that's plenty of firewood for the evening let's do some fishing what do you say Monty [Music] the bugs are bad it looks like a beautiful evening we've only got like a half hour to let sunsets so I'm gonna do I'm gonna start with the spoon that's been working I'm gonna cast up drop-offs that doesn't work I've got my other Polaroid up with the slip bobber and then we'll just maybe just cast that out because I know that would probably work better that'll work for pretty much any fish it's just I want to cast man these guys are bad right now the bugs are out whatever these aren't even know if these are black flies when two are fishing for dinner okay please spook fish [Music] you hear that from so far away maybe that doesn't matter I don't know oh well it's shallow oh I think that might just be shallows not fish it's so bright so hard to see yeah it's just yellow here I [Music] want you so bad a second one so that we can both pick out I don't want to have to skim from aunty again I mean these always got his pumpkin so I'm not to feel too bad but I like guilt-free fish dinner all that Sun is just so bright and hot I think I'm gonna take off my warm layer here I don't know I'm thinking our best bet is gonna be this slip out with his fake bleach and just planting off the drop offs of this island the hospitalize me nuts just watching a bobber when the times taken I'm not a bobber fisherman the only reason it was bearable last night is because I was just gonna chill by the fire and then I was site fishing for him so this will be different just waiting but it might be the way to go probably is delayed okay let's let's do it okay here there's nothing I don't know if I can do this much longer I have to cast it hurts too like as far we're casting I can't do it it's just looks like great area [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm going to switch to troll in a eyeshadow chartreuse lure and just go along the shore and go back and we'll see if we can pick some up that way so far no luck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] something why it was decent there we go awesome alright oh I'm so pumped right now I'll just let me see if I can catch any fish on the way back to camp we just gotta be really quiet boy it's so stealing [Music] [Music] we are feasting tonight stick your stick no stick a celebratory stick fourth fire okay [Music] [Music] okay so we are gonna have a big old dinner balloons have been going nuts all night oh man when we were I was fishing I was it's getting little you know like huh and then I saw the whatever those little minnows were whatever they were just surfacing everywhere they're going and I knew once I saw those I was like okay the walleye are out for sure like the fishing is good right now and I was using the slip our with leech I tried the white thing I tried the goldens silver or whatever spoon and at the end there I started casting the jig bringing about the elite of the slip bobber and I was just waiting near the end of trees in the middle of channels and I was just try and wait and nothing I think the waves help the action of that because it's a fake leech so it needs a little wave action to kind of like make it look live like everybody here anyways I put on that chartreuse jointed shallow diver and just troll that boom hit it so that was it dark looks pretty dark so we're just gonna keep throwing the stick for Monty here for a minute and then I'm gonna spark up a fighter and as soon as I spark up a fire we're gonna get preparing dinner because it's pretty late it's well it's not super late it's pretty late to start making dinner we haven't even got our fire so yeah a fire wouldn't everything though so yeah I wasn't throwing the stick and then we'll get prepared dinner and get the fire going and get to cook it I'm excited I'm home - hungry - he's gonna get a whole bunch of fish tonight aren't you honest how does it cheat you today okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay let's prepare some stuff first we need the white onion of course please the white onion we're gonna have a big portion tonight so we need good chunk of this onion [Applause] [Applause] rain to the pan [Music] [Music] [Music] then of course we need some garlic call balloons enhances the flavor of the garlic always [Applause] okay into the pot we need a lemon don't forget to roll your lemons helps get the juices going [Applause] [Applause] okey-dokey now we just need thrown a chunk of butter and then look at the butter in here I'll just be the start we're gonna need more butter later especially because we're gonna have a big ol feast of fish tonight boom gotta get all that paper okay that goes in there now I need to go Flay up the fish and then we're gonna portion everything out and get cooking oh this is gonna be such a good feast tonight Oh okey-dokey there is our beautiful bounty of fish oh yeah it's gonna be so good no even though Montee doesn't know any better it wouldn't know the difference between wall I am bass and I'd prefer all while I I'm just I'm gonna still give him some let's get my Chum get some bass now he's gonna get maximum fish tonight this is gonna be the most fish he can have because he's a dog and he only weighs 70 pounds so you can only get so much fish give another chunk of all I hear let's get more bass oh they're chunk of bass mm no chunk bass and he'll get another chunk of walleye okay now that's that right there that's a lot of fish for Monty that's borderline too much he'll be able to eat it he'll be fine I just don't him to get sick and this is gonna be a feast for me oh yeah we can give them let's see let me feel it here he's just not gonna get much dog food will him a little bit more bass okay I'm gonna pig out on fish night it's gonna be so good oops oh that's going to Monty he gets the dirt oh man [Applause] okay let's get cooking so we're gonna get everything going we're having our our usual baby red skin mashed potatoes I've already got two cups of water that little bit extra tuna two and a third so we're gonna get that because they stay hot for quite a while so we're gonna get those going right away let's go ahead and get you my keys on there there oh yeah oh yeah oh so awesome I'm getting pumped I'm hungry ate some granola today oh let me juice sitting over here I want you to burn them to fry up quick we're gonna do a little bit differently today yesterday I added in a lemon juice well when I was cooking it and I feel like it made it a little bit too oily it was a little too juicy so right well we're gonna do today just do the and the loons are going crazy on this lake all night soraa's gonna prep the onions and garlic and butter with the fish in Montreal and just kind of get it caramelized and kind of delicious and then right when we're gonna eat it I'm gonna spritz on a lemon right before we eat it doesn't be delicious I just have my hot cocoa I heat it up [Music] [Music] hmm he knows he's getting a treat tonight soon as this uh potatoes are going are done we will put the fish in okay as far as boiling and our baby Red's moving up some schmutz Oh No oh do we make them too soupy I don't think so they always thinking up after a minute they're coming together big old chunk of butter there we go I have just knock this down quick just add some sticks this wire get the heat a little heater here ooh don't want too much ash in there all right now let's add the fish there's gonna be a lot going in here this is gonna be full more okay there we go side there we are not done with that it needs some more magic she's a little Alvey dabble oh yeah let's just stir it around a little bit I think Monty's is done here let's take a walk oh yeah it's done we'll just give it to him in this pot so we got to make it extra tasty forum yeah I just need a little dog food not too much well protein little doggie protein and then the magical oh yeah that is a feast for Monty let's just make sure we can give you a little more dog food Monty it's just gonna need to cool all Monty is gonna love this little slurry there you go Monty you are gonna be eating like a king tonight Nora this let's do it he knows it's too hot all right Monty we gotta let it cool down my I'll be done and we'll eat together okay okay cooking slow way to get this fire hot oh man be so good though yeah see this fire Gryphon okay it's almost time it's almost done we're losing the structure of some of these pieces but it's not gonna matter oh it's just about done another minute we're eating oh okay it's done it's done now to finalize there's a little bug in there let's give her that bug just drizzle fresh lemon juice all over it okay let's eat oh mighty yes all right let's make sure lukewarm you like that yes if you want get it get off my finger all right ladies and gentlemen Monty we have fished all day you are a good boy you are a very good boy you sat in the boat you were a little antsy at times but you did great you did amazing and I hope you truly enjoy that meal that you're about to feast upon ready to peace Monty okay let's peace this is gonna be so good just watch stir it in that lemony buttery we all right let's go oh no I'm feasting on fish like this I got these instant mashed potatoes here that I worked all day for we went all day we woke up down the water get to fish and portrait Palin all the way till dark this I paid like a dollar fifty at Walmart for so I'll take a couple bites of this but I'm making sure to scarf that down first and enjoy the craft of that but it's nice to have a little change up I like this the rice rice is better with fish in general but for some reason I like this better as like a backpacker side with my fish though what it is about those cheap puffy potatoes mmm but it don't beat those those here you go and I know that was a big monty portion there but he'll still back afterwards don't worry he never fails mm-hmm and tonight means go over halfway though with our trip this is a night for right yeah I think so first night second date fish dinner so tonight no fish out with it so that means if I've got room I can eat half my chocolate bar I almost destroyed all that fish already mmm you know I am I was really surprised that in catching a lake trout and I didn't catch as many fish but it seems as though I'm not a big big lake fisherman starting to realize that more and more not as not as much not as well I started on the little littler lakes I'm getting really picky with what I can fish you know can't do rivers can't do streams can't do big legs I know I define here I just struggled to find them during the day I just inhaled all that fish and onions and garlic and delicious buttery lemony juiciness mmm so I'm gonna keep eating here and I will check back in with you guys when I'm uncomfortable [Music] their body I just made a whole bunch more room fire that was a delicious meal I still got some room I got some room for some candy chocolate it was not as filling is that rice that rice man fitting all that rice my belly really put me over the top oh that was way too much Oh perfect I'm nice and fat and sassy now it looks like the moon is been full every night if you don't bring it all the way to me Monty I'm not throwing it anymore because that was the last time getting up for a minute okay unless it's to shut off the camera yeah the moon is definitely I don't know which night it's been full it seemed full last night maybe tonight no it's definitely big and foolish mmm see him on night four of the seven night I got to make sure you have to eat half of my beef jerky I got I got half the cheese left it's always it's always a week when you're in the middle like now I get to have my chocolate I can have half my cannula good boy yeah see that was a good boy no throw it again hmm none better service out in the woods still prefer the tropical I love that tropical I think the orange tropical starburst is my favorite candy of all time Cadbury fruit and nut think this was always my dad's favorite chocolate bar and now it's mine weird how that happens we're gonna stick Monty we're yeah bring it all the way on me right here we're closer little boy you want this no others repre where to go oh hey little critter get a stick come here I like how he goes around circle all right guys I'm gonna shuffle out completing you stuffing my face with candy walk to the fire burn down clean up my mouth boys stick for Monty and I'll check back on you guys I'm in the tent ready for bed [Applause] go ahead Monty I didn't lay down your sleeping bag are you saying you want a sleeping bag down okay you once yeah this is your cushy Monty you don't you didn't seem to be satisfied that I didn't put just tried to get away with putting up from the sleeping bag down that's what I get so I get to get a sassy Monty he likes us come on Monty i'ma let you do what you want this time okay I guess he just wanted to make it in a big ball and lay out it that way oh you should just inky boy yes you're he's sleepy well I'm fully satisfied I'm fully tired and I'm ready to pass out like a Monty here this is gonna be out in minutes always want some scratches okay so anywho guys I don't pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oops just crunched my headlight on them sorry Bertie [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 86,378
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, camping in the wilderness, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, campfire, campfire cooking, camping, camp, how to camp, backpacking, backcountry, backcountry camping, bwca, boundary waters, boundary waters canoe area, canoe, canoeing, paddling, overnight, overnight camping, canada, wild camp, nature, outdoors, adventure, dog, camping dog, dog training, campfire food, fishing, catch and cook, fish, how to fish, canoe trip, wilderness adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 24sec (7164 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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