We Tried EVERY Girl Scout Cookie (Taste Test)

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And the peanut butter complainers start in




๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FergusCragson ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Tagalong deserves the top spot every time.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Semper-Fido ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Does anybody know where to order them if youโ€™re from a far country? Iโ€™d like to do a taste test of my own!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is shameful how theyโ€™ve treated Samoas. Iโ€™ll never forgive them.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SutterCane ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm disappointed we didn't get more out of Rhett's line of questioning: Lincoln, why do you need a lighter?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sneakynin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 26 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Tag along for the epic Girl Scout cookie showdown. - Let's talk about that. (funky music) - Good Mythical Morning! - And Happy Memorial Day! We are grateful to those who gave their lives for our country. And speaking of being grateful, Rhett, I'm grateful to be sharing the split-screen with you today. - Yeah, it's great to see you again and share a computer screen with you. - And you know what? I've decided that I am gonna start making a list of things that I miss that I can no longer experience while I'm currently in my home so that whenever I experience those things, I can go back to my list and say, "You know what? I miss these things, I'm gonna be more grateful for these things." And you know what the first thing on my list is? - Just seeing me in person? - No, being able to stroll into the grocery store worry-free, and pass by those people selling Girl Scout cookies. - Oh, you mean the Girl Scouts? - Yeah. (both laughing) - I miss having to give them some sort of speech that I've already bought like eighteen boxes, and I'm sorry, and I'm already in the grocery store now. - This is how you do it. You go in past the Girl Scouts, and when they say, "Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?" You say, "Oh, maybe on my way out," and then you go out the other door when you leave. (Stevie laughs) And that's what I do. - It's not that I don't want the Girl Scout cookies, it's just that too many is trouble. - Well you know what? We do have too many, because they are still available online. Yes, the Girl Scouts are still selling their cookies, and we have all the available flavors and we are going to rank them today. It's time for "Girl Scout Cookies are Great and Tough to Rank but Today We Try All Eight and Name the Most Dank!" - Now technically we've done a ranking of Girl Scout Cookies, more of an unofficial ranking, in a Good Mythical More a couple of years back. But today we're taking into account some updates and some new changes. - Yeah, so one thing is there's a couple of new flavors. Another thing is, who knows how our taste buds have changed over the years? - [Link] Yeah. - And also, I think that just given the circumstances that we're in right now, I'm just savoring everything a little bit more. I think our cookie-judging brains and taste buds are more in-tune than they've ever been. - And I have a very specific new approach this time. So I'm gonna be employing that as I taste these. And the other thing that's new is we have an official ranking board. Stevie, get a load of this ranking board! How you feeling? - [Stevie] It's nice, it's good! - And we collaborated with our youngest sons, Lando and Shepard, to come up with these names. Starting at the lowest spot, the number eight spot, we've got chocolate crap cookies. At number seven, we've got snicker-pooples. At number six, we've got piss-cotti. - Ooh! - At number five, we've got famous lame-os. At number four, we've got I've had butter. (chuckles) At number three, we've got gingerbread man these are good! (Stevie laughs) Number two, we've got oatmeal raisin' the roof! And at the number one spot, we've got chips ya boi! - Yeah, let's get to it! (bright music) - Okay so we wanna acknowledge something. Many of you have complained about our propensity to just love peanut butter, and you think that it's clouding all our judgment in taste tests. - It is dominating my judgment, that's for sure, but I ain't gonna apologize for it, but we should take it into account which is first of all, why we're starting with it to get it out of the way. And you know what? Let's go ahead and taste this thing, man. A little split-screen dink? - A little dink. - Dink it! And sink it. The ratio of peanut butter to cookie is perfect! It's like a puddle of peanut butter right there in the middle. - I call it a dollop. You could call it a puddle, you could call it a dollop. They actually call these peanut butter patties in certain parts of the country. - Mhmm. - All I gotta say is I really appreciate the Girl Scouts. I'm sure they do incredible things, but for me, personally, the best thing they've ever done is come up with this cookie. That's just 'cause you don't know everything they've done. (Rhett laughs) But this is pretty great. - I'm just saying, in my world of just enjoying their cookies, it doesn't get any better than this. Now, we're gonna go ahead and just put this at number one, but that doesn't mean that it's settled. - Here you go. - We're really gonna giveโ - Oh, thanks. We're gonna give every other cookie a fighting chance to see if it can dethrone the tagalongs. (bright music) - Okay, we have not tasted Toffe-Tastic, this'll be a first for us. This is one of the relatively new flavors. Established in 2014, rich buttery cookies packed with golden toffee bits bursting with flavor! Now, let me comment quickly on the box, here, which I have on my side. This is the only Girl Scout cookie that I have in front of me that comes in just a sleeve of one. Which is almost like they're saying, "We don't know if you're gonna like this, so just take a sleeve." It's not a very confident approach. It's the only gluten-free Girl Scout cookie option. So hey, that's a positive, you've got the inclusivity of excluding gluten. (Rhett laughs) Dink it? - Dink it! And sink it. (Chewing) - Oh! - Oh my, whoo! - It is crunchy! - Now listen, I'm a toffee man, when I can be, and I like a crunchy cookie. Is Werther's Original considered a toffee? 'Cause that's what it tastes like to me. - Yeah, you're on the right track. - Got a good taste to it, though. - I don't miss the gluten. Do you miss the gluten? - I don't. I've discovered that you can kinda chew it up a little bit, and then just let it sit in your mouth and the cookie part melts away, and then you're left with all these, like, toffee bits that you can just spit out at your grandchildren. Which is what my great-grandfather, he would lay on the couch and eat Werther's Originals and spit into a spittoon, but I was very afraid of him hitting me. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. He was spitting out Werther's juice? (Stevie laughing) - I think it was tobacco juice but he also had Werther's in it. They're kinda all the same in my mind, like, as a preschooler. - Oh gosh! You just ruined this cookie for me. (Stevie laughs) I liked it a second ago, now I'm thinking about great-granddad spitting tobbacoo juice with Werther's mixed in. - So are you saying you wanna put it down over here? - I mean, I was pretty impressed with it. I feel kinda feel like maybe it shouldn't cross the threshold and just stay at number four for now. - Hey, hand it over. Let's put it at five, and we can always rank it back up. Thank you. So we're just gonna start right here at famous lame-os. (bright music) - Okay, now we've got Samoas, which are crisp cookies coated in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut, and striped with dark chocolatey coating. - Now I'm gonna employ my new approach here. I don't like toasted coconut, I'm just not a coconut man, I'm sorry. But what I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna let that factor into my judgment. In fact, if there's an ingredient that I don't like in a cookie, I'm gonna pretend that it's not even in the cookie. - Hold on. Why didn't you start doing this ten years ago? (Stevie laughs) This is revolutionary, let us not underestimate the potential impact of what you just said will have on the future of Good Mythical Morning. - I said I was doing it for Girl Scout cookies. - Okay, alright. - So I'm noticing that it's a semi-crunchy cookie with some chocolate. (Stevie laughs) - [Rhett] Hold on, hold on. - Not much to talk about. - Don't sell it short. It's a ring, it has a hole in the middle, it has a bed of chocolate, or almost a foundation of chocolate that it sits on, and the texture, I don't know what that is, it certainly seems like toasted coconut, but we're not considering that. I'll tell ya, I love the flavor and the texture. - I gotta say, that's pretty pleasant, man. I'm gonna send it your way. It's definitely better than Toffee-Tastic, wouldn't you agree? - Oh yeah, I would. Thank you. You wanna go all the way to number two, or you wanna leave that spot open? - I would put it at three. - Okay, you know what? Since you already had taken one for the team, I guess, technically, we're gonna put it at number three. Samoas! - Pretty good cookie. (bright music) - We wanna remind you that we've got some other ways for you to kill some time besides watching Good Mythical Morning. We've got a podcast that comes out every week and it has its own YouTube channel as well. And then there's the Mythical Kitchen channel, they're doing lots of incredible stuff over there. Check out both of those channels. - Yeah, Ear Biscuits every Sunday, video version. Mythical Kitchen, check it out. Alright, Trefoils are a delicate-tasting shortbread that is delightfully simple and satisfying. And it also has the Girl Scout logo on it! Let's eat the logo! (growls) - This is two girls facing the same direction. - [Link] Yeah. - Facing the future. - These cookies, I don't know, I feel like if you dip it in something that would help. - Like milk. - Pretty much anything. - I do think shortbread is great dipped in things, but I gotta say, it has a similar consistency to the Toffee-Tastic but yet without the surprises of the Werther's Original, which is not what it is, inside of it. - Yeah. So you like the Toffee-Tastic better? - Yeah, 'cause it's got surprises! - Okay, I think it's gotta come to my realm. - Trefoil, I don't know. To me, it's very close, but there's nothing to spit out if you let it melt in your mouth. So, number six? - Sure. (bright music) Okay, so next up, we've got Lemon Ups. These are the newest Girl Scout cookie flavor, debuting this year. - Ooh, fresh! - They are crisp lemon cookies baked with lemon glaze and inspiring messages to lift up your spirits! - "I am an innovator," "I am go-getter," "I am a leader," "I am a risk-taker," "I am strong," "I am gutsy!" - Let's see, do they make you taste like a gutsy leader? - It's interesting because the lemon glaze is on the bottom of the cookie. - Oh yeah, it's shiny. - You would think that glaze would be on the top, but it's a glazey bottom. - Now I like a lemon a cookie. - It tastes like a fruit loop! - It does! It does taste like a fruit loop! And that's a positive, right? - Yeah. I don't normally like lemon things and I was about to say, "I'm gonna ignore the fact that there's lemon in it," and it'd just be like eating cardboard. But hold on, it tastes like cereal! This is the first, lemon-only, not even lemon-forward dessert that I've been so surprised by. I wanna send it your way, man. - Well I just... I also look at myself in the mirror every morning and say things like "I am strong, I am a leader, I am a go-getter" anyway. (Stevie laughs) So this is just really consistent with the way that I approach life. - Buy some extra boxes and stick them on your mirror so when you're brushing your teeth after eating a bunch of these, you could be uplifted. - Now this can't take it all the way to number two. I mean, I'm not that encouraged. - I mean, I think, like, four. - Yeah, let's put it at four. Here we go. - Wow! Four's pretty good for that! (bright music) Ladies and gentleman, it's now time to taste the most popular Girl Scout cookie in the states of Vermont and Wyoming. (Stevie laughing) - Whoo, yeah. There's a lot of people in Wyoming. - Okay so are we gonna mention the looming elephant in the corner that is Nutter-Butter? - Right, 'cause it's an oatmeal sandwich cookie with creamy peanut butter filling. - Hmm. - Also known as a peanut butter sandwich in some parts of the country. I don't know. - The crunchy country. (chuckles) - Yeah, it's a essentially a Nutter Butter without the nut-shaped cookie. - Mhmm. You don't need chocolate sometimes. When you got peanut butter, you can be happy. Now this plays right into our biases, Rhett. So what are we gonna do? - It's so good, though. - I know! This is absolutely a top four. I think, I mean... (chewing) Right now, I think this is number two. - Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's a good cookie, it's got peanut butter in it. It's not gonna take the top spot just because it doesn't have the marriage of chocolate and peanut butter. - Right. - But listen, it's not better than a Samoa. I know that there's an ingredient in Samoas that you're not fond of. - Oh, I don't know about that ingredient. - Right, it's not even there. - Alright, fine. Move Samoas to number two. - And we can put the Do-si-dos at number three. - And then we'll do-si-do forward! (bright music) - Okay, I just realized that my good microphone right here was not working for most of this episode. - Something tells me they realized that a lot sooner than you did. - Yeah, now it's working. - Crisp wafers covered in chocolately coating made with natural oil of peppermint. Now, Rhett, you know that I'm not a big fan of mint. - What's this word? What's this word that you're using? The M-I... What is it? I don't understand it. - It's mint, but as far as I know, it's not in this cookie. - It doesn't even exist. - Oh, this is just like a chocolate-covered chocolate cookie? (Stevie laughs) - Yeah. Hey, listen. As someone who does acknowledge the existence of mint, and does love the combination of chocolate and mint, I love these cookies. I absolutely love a Thin Mint. It is, quite possibly, as good as a Tagalong in my estimation. - [Stevie] It's the best one. It's the best one for sure. - Oh really? - [Rhett] Oh yeah? - If I did believe that mint existed, I would think it would be a nice looz-boosh in the middle of eating all the other Girl Scout cookies. (Stevie laughs) Kinda breaks up the monotony. - Hmm, that minty-freshness, man. It's really hard, I can't imagine what you're considering if you're not considering the minty-freshness. - Just chocolate crunch, it's kinda boring. - Hold on, but the mint is so good! This is a crowd favorite, man. It's gotta move into the top four, it's gotta knock something off. - I mean, I can't argue with it moving the lemon down. - I think it's better than a Do-si-do. Swing your partner round and round, man. - It's not better than a Do-si-do. We agree on the Do-si-do. - Okay, hand me the Thin Mints, and I'll hand you the lemon. - Alright, here you go. (Stevie laughs) - Wow! - Oh, thank you for those lemons. - I think we did that perfectly. Okay, I don't necessarily agree with this official ranking, but we're putting Thin Mints at number four. - There's always time to change something later. (bright music) - And lastly, we've got S'mores. - Good looking cookie, there. - Which is a crunchy graham sandwich cookies with creamy chocolate and marshmallowy filling. Now, do you see what that is on there? It's like an archery, it's like a bullseye-deal. What do you call an archery thing that you shoot at? (Stevie laughs) A target? - Mine has a horse. - What? They got different things you can do at camp! - And this one's got a squirrel putting his eye out with a house key. (Stevie laughs) - Oh yes, the secret squirrel. (Link groaning) Okay, let's try these. (chewing) - A lot of promise. I've erased all memory of tasting this before, 'cause the only other time I tasted it was on the show a couple years ago. - There's like a hazelnut or an amaretto, or whatever that word is. There's something in the chocolate that I don't like. - There's not a lot of grahaminess to the cracker, and I really miss that. - I feel like s'mores sets a high standard, just as a concept, that you gotta deliver on it. And they didn't deliver on it. Like s'mores is one of the best things that you can enjoy at camp. It's better than that squirrel that puts a key in his eye. (Stevie laughs) - I know. Is this better than a Trefoil? - [Stevie] Sorry, I meant to tell you guys this earlier, I just didn't want to be that person correcting you, but I think it is "tree-foil," that's the official Girl Scout way. - Ah, just like the squirrel. - We've been duped by Trefoils into calling them "tray-foils," I think that makes me want to put them at eight, unless you think that we're so disappointed by the S'mores that we need to put it at eight. - I think once you get down to seven and eight, it's just like who really cares? You know what I'm saying? I mean, at least they get creative points for putting interesting things on the cookies as opposed to two ladies every time. - I was actually believing that you were gonna hand it to me. (Stevie laughs) There it is. Thanks for handing that to me. You're right, man, we may have been duped by the Trefoils, but we were disappointed in the S'mores. - Okay, this is the official ranking. Stevie, nothing was better in our mind than the Tagalong. How does this compare to what we did a few years ago? - [Stevie] It's a little scary, 'cause there's a lot of similarities going on. So you had Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Samoas, Do-si-dos, Trefoils, Savannah Smiles, which were the lemon, and S'mores. - Oh, so basically the Thin Mint moved. And I tried to get the Thin Mint to be higher. - I think the really story here is the way that the Lemon Ups came into the mix, and really moved the lemon flavoring up the ranks. - And also lifted our spirits. I mean, I feel so good right now, I'm a go-getter, leader, and I'm so strong, I'm ready to take on the rest of the day. (Stevie laughs) - Congratulations, girls, and people of all types! (Stevie and Link laugh) - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is! - Hi, it's Eric from Northfield, Minnesota, and while I've been inside, I've been making homemade Girl Scout cookies. And it's time to flip The Coin of Mythicality. - Before we flip the coin of Mythicality, we're gonna donate a thousand dollars to the CDC Foundation. The CDC Foundation is an independent non-profit that mobilizes resources that support the CDC's critical work which saves lives and protects the health of Americans by controlling disease outbreaks and other important work. If you'd like to join us in donating, please do so at CDCfoundation.org. - And click the top link to watch us earn a Girl Scout's Way Badge. - And to find out where The Coin of Mythicality is gonna land. Call it! - Heads! Join The Mythical Society 3rd Degree quarterly or annual plan at MythicalSociety.com to get the Rhett and Link On Vacation vinyl release.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,462,823
Rating: 4.9208417 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: AuYYZ5By9Yo
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Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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