Every IHOP Pancake Flavor Taste Test

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) - Oh my goodness, welcome to "Good Mythical More". - Look at that, gifticality, woo! - Yee-haw! - We're donating $1,000 to Scholarship America to aid in their mission to develop leading scholarship solutions and help students fulfill their college dreams. Please join us in giving at ScholarshipAmerica.org. Make it happen, people. - Thank you for being your mythical best and for hanging out with us, even if you love Denny's over IHOP. It was tough, man. - That was close. - It was close. - It was one of the closest ones we've had. - I know. - It was the closest one we've had. - It was a negligible difference. - No, no, no, no, no, no, listen. - One point. - The difference, negligible would mean that it doesn't matter that they're even. - Do we have-- - No, we declared a winner, and the winner is IHOP. - Do we have the data? Well, by the way, we're gonna eat all the specially pancakes from IHOP. - No, they flush the data. You know what they do, Link. They flush the data as soon as they do it, they flush it. - If we looked at Rhett's-- - Because we gotta have room on the hard drives. - Do you know my question? What's my question? - If we look at Rhett's scores, and my scores, would we see that we agreed overall? Or who was it that made the determining difference that led to the 52 to 451, is that what you mean? - Yes. Can you let us know that? But in the meantime, oh-hoo-hoo, my gosh, do we want to start with this one? - No, no, that's the best one it looks like. - We gotta wait on that one. All right, so we're-- - My momma would have never let me had that. - We went through the IHOP, this one looks stupid. Let's start with that. - That's a birthday, that's a birthday cake. - Hey, let's make, this is actually really smart. - (laughs) I take it back. - I take it back, oh. I take it back. You know, I've got some on your, well-- - On my super colors? - On your merch, man. This, look at this shirt. It changes to pink from blue or purple. - Yeah, we haven't really decided. I've heard people say purple, people saying blue. You know what? - Ah, we made a mess. - It's what you make it. - So this is sprinkled, this is really smart because-- - What's it called, Josh? - Now you can have, for your birthday, where you gonna go for breakfast? I know where I'll take you, Josh. I'll take you to IHOP to get this monstrosity. - [Josh] I actually did go to IHOP for my birthday meal for six years in a row, from age 20 to 26. - Really? - Yeah. - Seven years? - Not joking. - [Josh] Seven years in a row, yeah. - Did you get this? - [Josh] Well, I would always get one of their stacks of specialty pancakes because wow, what a treat. But I would also get a chicken fried steak, a biscuit in gravy, and an order of chicken strips. - You'd rack up. - [Josh] I'd, yeah, I mean, I'm, it's your birthday. - Get big, J. - You were very happy that IHOP won. - [Josh] Did IHOP win? I thought you declared Denny's the winner. - Have you been paid by IHOP for anything? - [Josh] (laughs) Only technically. - IHOP won by one point. Now, Link, it looks like they were able to reach into the computer's trash. We had to call, I believe it was someone involved with the FBI. - I believe. - And they ran some sort of program in order to retrieve the scores that were just on the computer moments ago. But we have them again. - It's a very Letterman interview. (Rhett laughs) We have them again. - Let's see. - I'm making a bit out of the computer trash. This ain't bad. - The combos, we both agreed. Look at that, we both agreed, pretty substantially. In the pancakes, there was a, a different. You preferred the IHOP pancakes, I preferred the Denny's pancakes. In the omelet, we both preferred Denny's, both of us preferred Denny's. In the burger-- - Because that steak. - You thought they were the same, I thought that Denny's was a little bit better? Because of the fries. - Wait, there had to be a deciding factor. I respect you going with the fries on that front. We got-- - So hold on. I'm trying to figure out how I-- - Oh, we're not done with that. I'm just saying, I'm gonna try this too. This is what? - [Josh] That is the New York cheesecake pancake, so it's actually bits of cheesecake-- (people laughing) inside. - That's what it feels like. - [Link] In the middle? - [Josh] In the pancakes. - [Rhett] Just so you know. - You know what? It felt pretty great to me. Feels great, man. Where is the cheesecake? - It's mixed in. - You said it was infused? - It's mixed in. - [Josh] There's like whole bits in there. If you, maybe just like grab a pancake by the hand and search for it. - I thought that was pretty good, it tastes like a strawberry shortcake. - Oh, yeah, there it is, look. That right there. It's a cheesecake bit. - How do they get that, they take frozen pieces of cheesecake? - [Josh] Yeah, probably. I think there's like a-- - It's a treat. - Mass-manufactured cheesecake bit business that supplies to Yogurtlands and then IHOP. - Man. - [Josh] So now they got the cheesecake bits and then-- - I still stand by. - That's pretty fun. - What? No, these pancakes, that pancake tastes more cakey than the one that we had before. This tastes like a Denny's pancake. - [Josh] So, Denny's actually revamped their pancake recipe a few years ago, it was a big public to-do. - You know what? And it resinated with me. - [Josh] It did, they've paid off. - Can we go back to that data or did you lose it again? - [Man] I actually has some data for you, so-- - Doesn't everybody? - [Man] Rhett, your individual score for IHOP was 25, and for Denny's it was 26. - Okay, got it, I see what you're getting at. - Okay, so? - [Man] Link, you voted 27 for IHOP and 25 for Denny's. - So there was a difference of one, because said one was higher by one he said the other was higher by two. - By two. So you didn't need to be here for this episode. (both laugh) Yeah, it seems that, I was able to discern more of a difference. And therefore, sway the scales. In favor of a definitive winner. If I hadn't done that, there would have been a tie. - You know, now that I think about it, really, the difference was negligible. - Right. (people laughing) So you liked Denny's better by one, that's what we've just said. So we are split, but with our powers combined-- - It's negligible. - It's negligible. (people laughing) It's within the standard deviation of error. - [Stevie] So, are you saying that we're-- - Stevie, everybody. - Open to both Denny's and IHOP sponsoring an episode of GMM? - But we've already worked with Denny's, don't you remember, ♪ Bacon makes it better ♪ - Oh, I remember. But I don't think-- - We were paid by Denny's! - That exists on the internet anymore, so I don't think anyone else remembers. - They didn't even put that on the internet, did they? Or they did and they took it down. - [Stevie] I think they put it on their YouTube channel and then they took it down, yeah. - What is this? - [Stevie] There were two videos. - [Josh] Tres leches pancakes. I think there are only dos leches on there. - That's a, what's that? - [Josh] The description only accounts for dos. - Put it there? - Stack the stack. This is what it looks like in the back of an IHOP. People, you know, your eyes are bigger than your stomach. They go back there and they just stack it up like that. I'm saving that for last. - I think they have a pig farm that they send everything to. - Let's save, we do too, let's save the best for the last. And let's bring that, I think that's the best. - Just 'cause it's rolled up. - It looks like a cannoli. - All right, this one is-- - They've asked me to, you slap it over there, but they've asked me to put it over here for camera coverage. - All right. - But you can go slap it first. - I'm done, I'm not slapping, I'm spreading. - All right. - This one is just, this one's over the top. But this is the kind of thing that I would be into. - This reminds me of, I remember, either when we went to high school or during our sophomore year, they might have introduced those big ol' Otis Spunkmeyer muffins, the ones that were this big and they had the chocolate on chocolate? - Plastic wrap. Plastic wrap. It actually has a similar taste. - Way too much chocolate. And if you ate that whole thing, boy, you'd. You'd crash like, I don't know, whatever John Denver was flying when he died. - Oh, too soon. - I thought it was an ultra light. - I thought you were gonna say crap out an Otis Spunkmeyer muffin, it looks like just what you ate. - This is pretty good. I mean, what's the calorie count on one of these? - If you ate that entire. Can somebody look up the calorie count? On a, is this how they come, in a stack of four? - You're just on a power trip now. - Yeah, I love having access to the internet. I'm glad we got internet last week. - You love having access to people who have the internet. - Oh-oh, oh-oh-- - While you sit here and eat. - Let's play a game. Let's guess the calorie count on, what is it? Which one is this one called, Otis Spunkmeyer? Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate. - What is it called? - [Josh] I think it's just called chocolate chip pancakes. - Now, do you wanna guess first, because you know I'm just going to copy you so I don't look stupid. - No, I want you to just get your number in your head. I mean, look at that, that's crazy. - 2,300 calories. - Wow, okay, I was gonna say-- - Four, there's four of these. - I was gonna say 2,100, so, okay. So you said 2,400, 300, what'd you say? - I don't remember. - He said 2,300, I said 2,100. Okay, what is it? - [Man] How many pancakes are there over there? - Four. - Four. - Plus toppings. - [Kevin] All right, calories are total of 720. - Well, that's a lie, - That's not right, Kevin. - There's no way that's just 720 calories. - Kevin, you finally get on the mic, I'm like Kevin's gonna be our numbers guy. - Well. - And then he's like, you mean 720 per pancake? They're whispering back there. We really got them in a tizzy. (both laugh) - They're like, we weren't prepared for this. We've gotta get these numbers out of the trash. - Does Kevin have his own mic or did he take Stevie's mic, or are you sitting in the same chair? - I took Stevie's mic. - We cannot see Stevie from here, I don't know if you ever knew that. Something happened. - We're saying 720 calories? - [Kevin] We're crunching numbers right now. - All right, I'm gonna keep eating 'em. - Something happened at some point in our show and we no longer could see Stevie while she was talking to us. - No, I can see her, I can see her eye. I see one of her eyes, wait, no, she leaned back. - Oh, I can see her too. - I can see both of her eyes. - I didn't know I could see ya. I've never looked for her. - All the times like-- - [Stevie] Sometimes you can't see me 'cause there's a sound. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's what it is. - What is that? - And now we come to it, guys. - Has that got banana in it? - These are-- - What was that? (people laughing) How did that happen so smoothly? - When it does that they just take them and they serve them to somebody else. - As long as you come to the table like this, no one knows. - These are pancakes that are made to look like cannolis. - [Josh] That's exactly right. - What is it called? - Cannoli cakes. - Cannoli pancakes. - Cannoli cakes. - [Josh] They call them cannoli pancakes. It's filled with sweet ricotta cream, topped with ricotta cream, crispy cannoli bits they call them, chocolate chips, and whipped cream. - [Link] And peanuts. - [Josh] No, those are the crispy cannoli bits. - You can pick this up like a cannoli. See, there's, I'm disappointed already, you see that? - [Josh] Yeah, life's a string of disappointments. - That's true. - [Kevin] We crunched the numbers on the chocolate chip pancakes. - [Rhett] And what were they, it's a lot higher than you thought? - [Kevin] 720. (people laughing) 180 per pancake. - That's not, that can't be right. - But you know what? Because you said that I'm going to back and eat some more. - I was hoping that there'd be like a cannoli-like filling in the middle of this. - I feel like this is wrong. I feel like-- - It's not, it's not great. - I just feel like-- - It's not bad, but it's not great. - This just feels immoral. - I usually leave it for the comments to say that. - If you think this is immoral, comment below. - Let's see if we can get these things stacked and have a real good ending for this "Good Mythical More". If we had somebody who knew how to stack a whole bunch of ice cream scoops. - Check this out, check this out. - We'd bring him out, but we don't. There we go. - Put your fork on top. Put your back up fork on top. Put your other back up fork on top. (people laughing) Put your knife on top. Put your filled mug on top. - Okay, okay, okay, okay, this'll work. (Rhett laughs) (upbeat music) (people laughing) (people applauding) - [Rhett] Bring the lost causes of Bleak Creek to life on your body. The official clothing collection of the novel is out now at Mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,585,836
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, IHOP vs. Denny's Taste Test | FOOD FEUDS, Every IHOP Pancake Flavor Taste Test, pancake, breakfast, dennys vs ihop, diner food, ihop review, dennys taste test, food review, ihop taste test, ihop vs dennys
Id: CXe8u83Sf_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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