TikTok Food Taste Test

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👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Sissinou 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hate TikTok, and I honestly hope this is their least watched video ever.

I wont get into the details of the human rights issues related to it being Chinese owned and the platform blocking pro Hong Kong posts, but that is why.

(Not gonna lie though... I watched it and enjoyed it)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/physicsty 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

The first two items were featured in Sundays Sorted Food video. I was starting to think they talked to each other about it 😂😂

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/mynamesaretaken1 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh man they'd be great guests on Mythical kitchen

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mynamesaretaken1 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Which TikTok food tastes really good? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good mythical morning. - Okay, we resisted for a while, but eventually our kids won us over and now we're into TikTok. We're not just into TikTok, we're making stuff on TikTok. You got something on your face. - Oh I do, where? - Right there? - Right here? - No, there. - Oh, right here? - There. - Here? - A little higher. - Here? - A little higher. - Here? - A little lower. - Here? - But we're also enjoy TikTok as users. - Yeah, and actually today in Good Mythical More, we're gonna share some of our favorite TikTok creators with each other, but right now we're gonna share in the food of TikTok. - Yeah, there's a whole world of inventive and eye-catching culinary creations over there, but which of these TikTok treats has what it takes to be more than just a flash in the pan or a swipe of the thumb? It's part of the for Hey Rick, Knock Knock Knock! Let Us In and We'll Try Some Foods From TikTok Tok Tok! Okay, we're gonna be presented with some of the most popular TikTok foods, and they have been lovingly and carefully recreated by the Mythical Kitcheneers, just as they were originally presented on TikTok. - Yeah, and because trends on TikTok tend to pop up and then (whiffs) away, we are gonna determine not only what tastes the best, but also has the most staying power to move from FYP to IRL. - Oh, you're using some acronyms. Okay, we're gonna be ranking them on a scale of one to six, starting with number six, It's Crap, No Cap, Hits The Woe, Doesn't Duet For Me, Just Okay, Boomer, Yeet Up! and We Highkey Likey! - Let's do it. (upbeat music) I walked into my kitchen the other night and my daughter Lilly was making these, pancake cereal, and I was like "you're doing that from TikTok?" And she was like "yes." These things are one billion views strong on TikTok. - Let's watch it, let's see it on TikTok. - [Girl] So I decided to hop on the trend and make pancake cereal. I put butter on the pan and made little dots using my pancake batter. - [Link] There you go. - [Girl] I waited until they were golden brown to flip them. - [Link] Look at the sparklies! - [Girl] I put them in a bowl and poured syrup all over them. - Now Josh, these are not sparkling like that. - [Josh] No, I can add some glitter if you'd like. - They look good though. Is it difficult to make? - [Josh] It's about as difficult as making a hundred normal size pancakes. - That user that we just watched right there, we're not gonna be able to watch a lot, some of the original videos because they use music that we can't play on the show, but the original user was Cindy Melhop is the one who claims, oh I didn't realize I was the only one with syrup. It's not really cereal, it's a bowl of pancakes, because you're using butter and syrup, but kind of mixing it in. First of all, this seems incredible, because the whole idea with pancakes is the surface area and getting all the toppings on it. - [Link] First taste of the pancake cereal. - Oh man, everything that makes a pancake a pancake is happening times like a hundred. - [Link] It's fabulous. - [Rhett] I think what we gotta do-- - This may be at number one. - I mean, put it up as high as you want. - You know what, I'm gonna put it at two and a half right now. - I'm happy with that, boomer. (upbeat music) This delicious-looking drink in front of us is the dalgona whipped coffee. - Mm-hmm, now this trend originated back in January on TikTok, let's take a look at one. - [Man] Yo, I'm about to make dalgona coffee, aka (speaking in foreign language) You also need an equal amount of sugar, boom. You'll then put in the same amount of water as well. If you whip by hand, you're probably gonna be doing this for a thousand times. (mixer buzzes) Notice how it became this peanut butter-like texture? Yo, pour some milk, yo. (Rhett laughs) Just put it on top of the milk. - So most of this is milk, Josh? - [Josh] Yeah, that's correct. - And this is just coffee on top? - I thought it was peanut butter, but it's coffee. It is a peanut butter-like thing. This is gonna get messy for me, sorry. - Ooh, it's very thick, ooh, it's strong, it's so concentrated. - What is it, sugar and coffee? - [Josh] Sugar and instant espresso. - Oh. - You quickly master the art of-- - [Rhett] Getting it on your face. - Getting it on your lip and then sucking the right amount of milk from underneath it so you get the perfect distribution between the two parts. - There's nothing weird about it, it's just good. Like if you went to a coffee shop and they're like "have you tried the dalgona whipped coffee?" I'd be like "no" and then they'd be like "would you like to?" And I'd be like "how much does it cost?" And they'd be like "$7.75" and I'd be like "that's a little pricey," but no, you gotta try it because it's the thing from TikTok. I'd be like "okay," and then I'd try it and I like it. - It's very customizable. - It's not better. It's not better than pancake cereal. (Link groans) I mean, not a chance. - It doesn't beat it, but it is close, so let's go to two and three. - We got Yeet Up and it's just okay, I mean Just Okay, Boomer, it's better than just okay. I mean, we got a lot more negative than positive. - We got a tough scale, but you know, it's a tough world on TikTok. - That's right. (upbeat music) You should go over to the Mythical Kitchen YouTube channel because you should watch Josh recreate the discontinued Carl's Jr Baby Back Rib Thickburger, yes that was a thing, he's bringing it back on the latest episode of Past Food. Also you should be listening to the podcast, A Hot Dog is a Sandwich, where Josh and Nicole debate you know, food things. - Wherever podcasts are podcasted. Next up we're trying something called Starburst popcorn. You can kinda guess what's going on here, but let's take a look at the TikTok that started the trend from Honeybobabear. - [Woman] Grab some starburst. Separate them by color and unwrap each one. You need a fourth of a cup of white corn syrup, then one tablespoon of butter. You'll need a pot on medium heat, and add your ingredients. Add your first color in. Constantly stir it until it's all melted. Add about four to six cups of popcorn into a bowl and now pour your mixture in. It's gonna look like this, let that cool for about 10 minutes. Repeat the same butter and corn syrup recipe for each color. It looks so good. - I'm a little concerned because-- - I guess she didn't want to mix all the colors together because then you'd just get brown corn. So I understand the tedious nature of this. - [Link] How tedious was this? - [Josh] Nicole actually made this. She said it was, quote, excruciatingly annoying. I think it was mostly unwrapping the Starburst. - Oh, yeah that's tough, it's it? If you start chomping down, you're gonna have this stuff stuck in your molars for years. So I'm just gonna choose to swallow it whole. It does taste pretty good though. - Listen, I think that it takes the pop and the crunch out of the popcorn in a way that I don't like, as a popcorn fan. - But think about how much funner our slumber parties can be! - Oh, I almost missed my mouth with it. Well, we don't do this at our slumber parties anymore. - We should have a sleepover. - And build a fort? - We weren't fort builders, we were Nintendo players. - I would just put a mattress next to my bed. It was that mattress that had like-- - A western scene on it. - No, it wasn't western, it was like US history. It was like the Constitution and like Thomas Jefferson was on it, it was like a history mattress. You slept on the history mattress and you never absorbed any of it. - Yeah, actually the opposite, I made some deposits. - (laughs) Oh that's nasty. - I'm throwing this back here because-- - I hate this, I hate everything about it. I like popcorn, I'm not a Starburst fan. I feel like it just basically ruined the experience for me. Yeah, it should barely be on the table, no cap. (upbeat music) So this one is supposed to take Sour Patch Kids back to their natural roots. - [Woman] So I saw this thing on TikTok where if you have green grapes and you put lime juice on them, they taste like Sour Patch Kids. I was like no, that's not real, it's real, oh my god. - Yeah, it was all over the internet as far back as 2012. - Do you want me to sprinkle you? - Oh, they weren't sprinkled yet. Okay, yes. Sour Patch those things. - How long did this take you, Josh? - [Josh] Uh, about 1/59th as long as the pancake cereal. - It really does have this sense of candy-fying a grape. I mean, as part of a larger spread, you might get a little kick out of this. - I mean, I'm annoyed by this, but it's not taking something that would otherwise be incredible and ruining it. It's kinda like oh yeah, they're a little bit sour, but it's not doing for me what the Starburst popcorn did, which made me dislike the world. This is just, it's like okay, I mean, if you want to take the time to do that, good for you. I don't. - I gotta say, it's a little bit addictive. I think that it's gonna go over here in this range, because it's not bad. (upbeat music) Coming from all the way back in March of this year when it hit TikTok and started hoppin' all around, the iconic frog bread, and in this TikTok, a cat is making it. (splashing) Okay, cats don't talk, I guess. (smacking) Oh, look at that. - [Rhett] That's a talented cat. - Those slaps really frogify it. It's just bread that looks like a frog, right? I mean, is there anything special about what's in the bread? - [Josh] No, it's bread that looks like a frog. - [Link] Yeah see, look at that. - It's just more bread, I thought it was gonna be like filled with something. So it's just bread that's shaped like something? In this case, a frog. - [Link] Do they specify the type of bread? I don't think so. - White. - White bread. - That's very moist bread. - Have I ever thought I wanted bread that looked like a frog? No. - Did you know it was a possibility? - I mean. - Like if I had come to you this morning and said "Hey man, did you know that you could get bread shaped like a frog?" - I would be like "I'll just take whatever bread you got." - It's not like a huge revelation that you can also make it into a frog. - Is it worse than the Starburst popcorn? At least this is creative. - If I went to a party and somebody was like "hey, Dan's coming and he's making this bread," I would be like okay, it must be good if you're talking about it, right? And then it comes out and it's like oh, no no. - Just shaped like a frog. - It's just shaped like a frog. I'd be like oh, cool, I would be like I don't know why he wasted his time doing that, but I don't hate him. I hate the person who came up with this. - I will (crew laughs) I feel you, I will point out. - I don't hate Dan. - Also in the pro column, if you zoom in on just this part, you might think it's boobies. - Right, boobie bread, that could be a thing. - Boobie bread. Not as good as the grapes though. (upbeat music) - Okay, I feel like I need to clarify. I mean, the Starburst popcorn really messed with my head. It's got me saying things like I hate the person who came up with it, not true, I just really strongly dislike the creation. - But you probably should apologize to her because. - I'm sorry, you know what? Obviously lots of people liked it, that's why it go so many views. That's why it's being featured on this show. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean anything, doesn't mean anything's wrong with you. You're probably a great person. - And you love her, right? - I love her, I love you, I love you, TikTok lady who made it. - Okay, now if you got a hankering for some Nerd Rope but you don't have any Nerd Rope, what you gonna do, TikTok? (smacking) Oh so you got gummy bears. - [Rhett] Oh you gonna melt that stuff. - Gonna melt it down. - In a microwave. - [Link] Oh that's just, and then you use that. - [Rhett] And he's gonna make a rope. - [Link] You're gonna make some turds. You're just gonna throw that out there. - [Rhett] Gotta get that Nerds on top. - Okay, well, you know, it looks more like a Nerd tongue. - Or a Nerd tape or something, because the original Nerd, just for reference here, Nerds Rope, I mean, they really got a process down. - It's a consistent length, but this, I mean. - This is like a Nerd snake, look at that. You got a Nerd necktie. - It's like a, yeah I got a Nerd necktie, look at that. It's basically a snake that's been run over. So let's taste them side by side. - [Rhett] Oh gosh. - [Link] Ooh that's sticky, Nerds are good, those melted down bears are good. - Oh, we've also got a TikTok from a guy who made an even more extreme Nerds Rope. - What's up guys, I'm back with another video. Today's video I'm gonna make the biggest Nerd Rope on all of TikTok. - [Link] Okay, calm down. Are you gonna make it, at this energy level? - God Nerds, gummy bears. - [Link] You're gonna burn out, man. - Everybody comment below. There you have it, the biggest Nerd Rope on TikTok. Make sure you like this video, let this go viral please. - I feel like we should start saying that at the end of all of our videos. Let this go viral, please! - Hold on, would we get more clicks if we said that? Okay, let this go viral, please! - We're not there yet, it ain't over. - Oh okay, I'll say it at the end. - In comparing these ropes, I gotta say, they taste the same, but again, it's basically recreating something that you can just buy off of a shelf, so in terms of creativity quotient, it's a bit low, you know? - I often buy foods that say homemade on them. - True. - In the advertising, just to make it seem like, one time I took a pie to a family reunion and acted like, I mean, I didn't tell people that I didn't make it. - You're lying, you've never been to a family reunion. (laughing) You don't even have a family. I mean, an extended family. - Just because all my grandparents are dead doesn't mean you can make fun of me. - Yeah, but it does mean that you don't go to family reunions, right? (crew laughs) Have you ever been to a family reunion? - Yes, I've been to a family reunion. It's been years, I took a pie. - Did you take a pie? What part of that's a lie? Do you have a family? - Yes, I have been to a family reunion. - Have they had a family reunion? - Yes, I have. - Have you attended it? - Yes. - How long ago was that? - 30 years. - Okay. (laughs) All right, so we're gonna put this? - These two are special creations that are head and shoulders above the rest. Everything else I could kinda take it or leave it, and I've decided to leave it. - Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, so far according to TikTok, because things are constantly changing, the best, most long-lasting culinary item. - Pancake cereal, it's better than you think it is. Well, it's just as good as you think it is. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Please help this go viral! Let it go viral. - Please. - Hi, I'm Ashley. - And I'm Mary. - And we're at the South Florida Fair eating a dilly dilly dog. - And a donut burger. - And now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - I don't know what kind of corn dog that is, but. - Dilly dilly dog. - Good lord. - Me neither. - Okay, click the top link to watch us talk about five of our favorite TikTokers right now in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Josh] Dry rubs kinda cake into the sauce. - No no no, it's okay, this is working. - Is there a bone in there? - Did you leave a bone in? - I don't think I left any, what's that hard part? Is that just meat? - It's just tough-ass meat.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,262,696
Rating: 4.8684578 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: PntlThwRwxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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