What's The Best Microwave Popcorn? Taste Test

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The more was hilarious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuSzgu8RYXE&list=WL&index=2&t=0s r&l def need to watch birth videos and describe what they're seeing.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/deadmallsanita 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just watched the More.

Link: "What? Light coming out from the inside?!"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

I never thought I'd see the day I completely agreed with every single ranking they put up there. They somehow got everything right (maybe Newman's Own above Skinny Pop, but then you're splitting hairs.)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AMeanMotorScooter 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Today we get popping. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - The Oscars are this Sunday, and there's no better way to take in all that Hollywood glamor that by shoveling fistfuls of popcorn into your mouth and then spending the next six hours trying to get that one stupid piece outta your teeth until your gums are bleeding but when it does come out, whoo, what a relief. - Yeah, the Oscars, notoriously, run long, so you may actually need a couple bags of popcorn but which bag should you have? Lucky for you we're ranking them today to find the best it's time for, is Orville Redenbacher better than Pop Secret? We'll choose the best popcorn and the rest, you can keep it. - We're hitting that popcorn button on the microwave and trying the classic butter flavor of six different kinds of microwave popcorn, that's Orville Redenbachers, Skinny Pop, Act Two, Pop Secret, Jolly Time and Newman's Own. - And then we're gonna rank each microwave popcorn on a scale of one to six as follows. "Horrible Redenbacher", "Ya Burnt!", "Meh-ttle Corn", "Could Be Butter", "It Makes Me Corn-y Baby" and "It's Poppin'". - All right, I'm hungry. (exciting music) Our first bag of popcorn comes all the way from Brazil, Indiana. Where Orville Redenbacher was born in 1907, let's try this popcorn made by that sweet man with the glasses. - Now was the guy in the commercials, was it really him or was it an actor? - I don't know, do you guys? What I do know is that Orville Redenbacher-- - Orville who? - Redenbacher. - Redenbacher? - He died in a jacuzzi in 1995. - Man, I wish I'd died in a jacuzzi in 1995. - Don't say that. - I mean, just like, that's how I wanna die, not necessarily 1995. - Are you a popcorn aficionado? - Yeah. - Okay well-- - Sign me up. - Well, what are you feeling? - It's very crispy and it has a good solid taste, I just like popcorn though, so, I don't-- I mean, I think this is great, there's nothing to complain about. You wanna put it in number three or number two, just for starters, "It Could Be Butter". - At 62 cent a bag, seems like pretty good deal. (exciting music) Hey, this week marks the one year anniversary of the Mythical Society and we got a special offer for those of you who join during the month of February, any purchase of a third degree annual plan will receive one of the four prior quarterly collectible items, your choice, while supplies last, it could be your very last chance ever to grab those Rhett and Link chia heads, that poster, that glow in the dark shirt or that record that we put out. - Not to go in the dark shirt, the shirt that-- - Oh yeah, I said the wrong one. - The Sun activates. - That Sun activates shirt. - Even better. - MythicalSociety.com, check it out, in the month of February. - All right, next up, we got Skinny Pop, microwavable popcorn, let's get the skinny on this popcorn. - Now, this is the most expensive popcorn, dollar 16 per bag. - Whoa. - It tastes totally different than the Redenbacher. - There's something sweet, almost. - It's sweeter, it's considered skinny because it has no artificial flavors or preservatives, no GMO, zero trans fat, good source of fiber. - Well that's weird because corn, by definition, is a GMO. - I'm staying out of this one. - I mean, come on y'all with the GMO stuff, it means nothing, corn is a GMO, you had to make corn from something else just to have corn, corn is a genetically modified organism. - But they're calling it skinny as if it's, like, lower calorie or something, that's not necessarily true. Zero trans fat. - I do not like this and I'm a popcorn man, as we've established. - It's saltier and sweeter but not as buttery. - It's not even close to the Redenbacher, not even close, man. - 'Cause this is buttery. - And he died in a jacuzzi. Yeah, he gets points for that, right. - The sweetness is a little weird, so yeah, I'll go lower. I'd say, put it in "Ya Burnt!", even though it's not burnt, it's just bad. - It's not burnt, it's just oddly sweet. (exciting music) Now we get to the cheapest popcorn we're gonna be tasting today at 33 cents a bag, it's Act Two, butter popcorn. - Now, you may not remember 'cause I don't, Act One was a popcorn that came out in 1981 and it had to be stored in the fridge because it had real butter on it but then in '84, the year we met, they came out with Act Two and said, real butter, schmutter. - So Act One doesn't exist anymore? - I don't think so. - I remember when I was a kid, I would go to my nanny's house and they had, I think this was a big thing in the 70s, you get a popcorn popper but hers was shaped like a covered wagon. - Jiffy Pop. - And you would put the kernels in there and it would, the covered wagon jump up and down. - My mom had the same thing. - Yeah. - It was a glass covered wagon. - Yes. - Did y'all have that? - And I just remembered that. - A covered wagon thing and there was oil in the bottom part. We got to get hold of one of them covered wagons. - Yeah we gotta get a covered wagon popper, y'all. - This tastes cheap. - For parties. - This tastes cheap and old. - Yeah. - It might be as bad as Skinny Pop. - I think it's worse, I mean, the Skinny Pop, to me, I don't know, something about it. I'm still on this little fence here, where I'm like, oh, I don't know if I like the sweetness. But this Act Two crap, I mean, yeah, it's the best value in popcorn, if you don't compare it to any other popcorns. - Skinny is actually better. - I've tried every way except the way it would work. - But listen, Skinny is still bad, friend, I just tasted it again. - But Act Two is worse, friend. - They're both bad, friend. (exciting music) Pop Secret not only means a dad's hidden skill, it's also popcorn. - It's a secret. - You know about Pop Secret? - Pop's got a secret, classic butter taste. Now, in 2015, Pop Secret became the official popcorn of Disneyland Resort in Disney World. - This is not bad. - 79 cent a bag, - It's also, in 2004, Pop Secret sponsored the Pop Secret Microwave 400 NASCAR race. - In Rockingham. - At Rockingham Speedway. - You got a whole popcorn race, guys. It's covered wagons. - This has got a serious butter thing happening. - Yeah I call that butter thing, butter flavor. - It's not surprising to me that you've, kind of, thrown a curve ball into the ranking system, as you often do. - By that he just means that disagree with him. - By liking Skinny Pop which is horrible, definitively. - This is good. - This is better than Skinny Pop, I don't think it's better than Orville because Orville-- - Let's put Orville, right here. - We're gonna get confused. - I don't wanna forget. Orville's right here. - We need a marker. We need a sharpie. It's Orville. - It's still better it's lighter and crispier. - It's not his buttery, man, Pop Secret is more buttery. - I don't disagree with you but the popcorn quality, look we got a sharpie, put OR on this. - All right, I did it. - Now we're gonna think it's or. The quality is not even close, the corn quality is not even close, it is really buttery, this tastes perfect, man. How can you not taste that? I'm not getting paid by Orville, by the way, I know it seems like I am. - here's the thing about Orville, I would say that there is a corn flavor that is still part of the process and with Pop Secret, it's basically just butter and salt and that's my entire experience. So we're agreeing, right. - Yeah classic butter taste, second place. - All right, good. (exciting music) Oh, hello there. Can I interest you in a Jolly Time? That's usually what I say in my private life. - To who? - To my woman, I ask her if she wants a Jolly Time and I just-- - And she says yes to that? - You want to share a metal tin of popcorn because that's what they were served in, in 1927. - This is the oldest popcorn that we're gonna be tasting, invented in 1914, then Bob Hope endorsed it, in the 50s can you believe that? - Bob was a big man, very popular. It's the only microwave popcorn endorsed by Weight Watchers, what's up with all these endorsements? They're seeking endorsements from people. - Yeah and giving endorsements at races. - Right. - When I chew popcorn, I try not to chomp really hard 'cause I don't want to get it nestled in my teeth, man. - Okay can I tell you something? - Tell me something. - You know what I'm having over here? - No you're not, you're having a jolly time. - I'm not having an unjolly time. - You think this is better than Pop Secret? - I didn't say that. I just said I'm having a jolly time. - I'm going back into Pop Secret. - Me and Bob Hope and the representatives from Weight Watchers. it's the 50s, where, you know, skiing in like we're, we're water skiing and we're in a pyramid. Of people 'cause that's the kind of thing that happened in the '50s. - It is, yeah. - They were like, lets water ski and there'll be women above us and that we're holding up. Why did we stop that? - I'm bringing the Pop Secret down. Now we gotta remember, this is Pop Secret. We gotta put a PS on it. - Put a PS on it, science - Putting a PS on it. - It's salty, I like it. - II like the name, it looks so generic, though, I mean, this looks like rationed popcorn. - This is Pop Secret? - Yeah, PS right there, you see that? Not easy, guys. - What about Orville? - I know it's not as good as Orville. - Oh man, Orville's good. I love getting reintroduced to the Redenbacher. Yeah, he's not moving. - This is tough. - They taste equal. - You know what, I think I just discovered what Pop's secret is, is that he also makes Jolly Time. - They taste the same, do they not taste the same? Is it the same popcorn, is that the big Pop Secret? There's no discernible difference and I can tell there's a slight difference in color, Jolly Time is a little bit yellower. They taste exactly the same, so, do you prefer yellow? That's really the question. - I do because it makes me think that I'm tasting a little bit more butter. - Okay, we gotta move 'em them. - All right, so we're gonna move Act Two down, we're gonna move Skinny Pop down. - We could just move Orville to number one, is that too premature? - That's just too much premature. - Put Jolly Time at number two. - Putting those back there, boy, this is complicated. It's hard being us, I mean, sitting here on the internet eating popcorn. - Somebody's gotta do it, though. (exciting music) Behind the face of every handsome man, are popcorn kernels covered in oil, we're finishing up with Newman's Own, microwave popcorn, 100% of the profits go to charity. - That's how he do, man. - You know this reminds me of? This is the popcorn equivalent of In-N-Out fries. - What do mean by that? - Meaning that it feels super, just, naked, it feels like nobody did anything to it. - It's like you're walking through a corn pasture, what's that called? - Cornfield. - Cornfield. - Yeah. - You're walking through a cornfield and it's hot, I'm talking, real hot. - I like corn pasture, start again and say that. - You're walking through a corn pasture and it is hot, I'm talking, like, real hot, so hot that it starts popping the corn off the cobs. - Corn pasture hot. - And you're opening your mouth and you get, you feel-- Just get a little. - I got one. - Yeah. It's hot out, in this pasture. - I got one, I got one. Ooh it's hot in the pasture, isn't it? - But then I realize, it could use some salt. - And some butter. - Right, it could use the things that make it bad for me and Newman's like no, no, no, no, no. - [Woman Behind Camera] You guys playing catch the corn with Granddad? - Catch the corn with Granddad, hey, let me catch some corn my Granddad. Look, I do no look. Am I going low or high? - You're going a little low. Go high. - [Man Behind Camera] Tough shot. - Finally, okay, this is not that great. - Need salt. - I think that we're putting this at the very-- Above Skinny Pop, nope, I like Skinny Pop better, I'm gonna stand by it, if you get confused between kettle corn and regular popcorn then you might like the Skinny Pop, if you want to make some sort of thing, so we're pushing that forward, don't worry about those and then we're pushing that forward. And the Redenbacher. - The definitive. - His death has been, what's it called when your death is, like-- - Avenged. - Meaningful. - Avenged in a pasture. - Here's what we're all gonna do tonight, we're all gonna get a big old bag of Orville Redenbacher, we're gonna get in the hot tub, we're gonna turn it all the way up and no matter how fast your heart starts beating, you're gonna stay in there, against doctor's orders, over 30 minutes, and we're all gonna die. Together in a corn pasture. We'll meet in the corn pasture. - It'll be a jolly good time. - For all eternity. - Thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Kat from Ontario and I just woke up from a dream where I turned into a bag of popcorn to sneak into Rhett and Link's show. Look out guys, it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Good thing this isn't a bag. - Maybe we poured her out and ate her. - Click the top link to watch this make popcorn using a George Foreman grill on Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - Sign up for a Mythical Society third degree annual plan and receive a past quarterly item of your choice while supplies last, go to MythicalSociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,885,894
Rating: 4.9188919 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Microwave Popcorn Taste Test, pop sexret, skinny pop, orville redenbacher, newmans own, act ii, act 2
Id: kzBc2-jBlw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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