We Try EVERY Starbucks Iced Coffee

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Link getting angry at the end was hilarious, all the caffeine had him irritated.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watching Link slide his finger on the graph and saying his answer is so dang adorable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fumby_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Some people in the Youtube comments were saying theyd like the show without Link and I can't imagine how that would make the show better to them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ryanjoseph55 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Links look of pure rage when the poppers when off had me dying

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/footsiefried πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link had his morning coffee before filming this; his extra caffeine really seems to kick in at the end.

On second thought, perhaps all of that extra verbage from Rhett was caffeine induced as well...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Salted Caramel Cold Foam Cold Brew. Trenta. Every morning.

But I’ll say this... when they leave out one ingredient or get a single measurement wrong? It’s horrendous. I’ve never been able to explain it.

It’s like a weird coffee Russian roulette every morning to start my day.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadpoolisms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"It tastes like someone left a drink at the park"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crade_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol maybe it was caffeine induced but I fully agree with him telling Rhett to STOP APOLOGIZING. It drives me crazy. Just make your choice, no one cares. People in the comments saying their favorite was this and that is no reason to apologize. Just stop.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Electronic-Pool πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't get Frappacinos often, but the Caramel Ribbon Crunch is definitely my go to when I do. So I agree with Stevie.

Edit: The continued caramel slander hurts...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Semper-Fido πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Which Starbucks drink will secure a venti sized place in our hearts? - Let's talk about that. (funky electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning! - And welcome to the season 19 finale! It's been a fantastic season. - Yeah it has. - Filled with pee, or emptied of pee. - Yeah, right. - Full of Red Bull, everything in between. But all good things must come to an end. - But don't you worry, you little beasty, after a quick one week break, we're gonna be back at it, back in the saddle, the summer saddle with "Good Mythical Morning" all summer long, you get to hang out with us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. - Now lately, my favorite part about my mornings is waking up, remembering that I have coffee at home, and then making a beeline to Starbucks anyway. Because they have a menu the size of a CVS receipt, man. It's just way more fun than home coffee. - Yep. - So Rhett, if you were to have a Starbucks collab, I don't wanna get your hopes up, it ain't happening, but if it did, what were your drink be? - Well, I think I would use it as my opportunity to finally petition them to replace their coffee beans with baked beans, and make a baked frappubeano. - Okay, I set you up for that one. - Yeah, you did. - Well, I can't imagine Starbucks is gonna be banging on our door any time soon. At least not in that pause, so in the meantime, we might as well give in to the Starbucks siren's call, not a sponsor, it's time for, Gut Check: Starbucks Iced Coffee Drinks Edition. - We are about to drink every iced coffee on the nationwide Starbucks menu, that means we're gonna be hand fed 33 drinks, including those in the summer menu. - 33 drinks, that means we're gonna be wired. - All served without modifications. Okay, so this is just how they come if you order this particular drink. Now we're gonna rank each on a scale of one to 100 based on our initial gut reaction. - And we know that there are endless combinations of coffee orders that you can make that aren't actually printed on the menu at Starbucks, but if we sat here and drank all of those, our bladders would simply give up, slide out of our bum, and move to Canada. - That would be unpleasant. - So enough of your secret menu talk, we don't wanna hear it! And since my scoring system seems to confuse the Mythical Crew and me- - Yes. - I'm bringing back my handy-dandy visual aid, which was made for me, I think to mock me. - [Rhett] Yeah. - But it did kind of help me last time. - Yeah, to mock you and to help you. It definitely worked. - I like it. - Okay, after we've tried and scored all 33 drinks our scores are gonna be added together to give us the final four top rated Starbucks iced coffee drinks and then we're gonna give a closer look to those, and officially declare which iced coffee drink can truly be called Daddy Starbucks. - I've already had my morning coffee to get ready for this. - I skipped my morning coffee to get ready for this. - All right, Stevie, let's get on with it. - [Stevie] Okay, fellas, just in case your taste buds start to feel overwhelmed, we've got a scientifically proven palate cleanser for coffee available to you, plain seltzer water, which you may drink at any point. Now that being said, are you ready for some caffeine? - Yeah. - Yes. - [Stevie] Our first category is frappuccinos. And we begin with coffee. - [Rhett] Okay. - 61. - That's pretty dang good. It's real sweet, 71. - [Stevie] Espresso. - Oh okay, a little stronger. - Okay, 62, basically the same. - Yeah, I'm 73. - [Stevie] Caffe Vanilla. - Oh, vanilla. Oh, I kind of like that. That livened it up a little. 76. - 66. - [Stevie] Caramel Ribbon Crunch. - Uh oh, I'm gonna to have to adjust my scale. - Oh, you're gonna give me a labret piercing? I think that was my fault. - The caramel. - 15. - 41. - I hate that, and that's what happens. - [Stevie] Mocha. (Link exclaims) - [Rhett] Oh, chocolatey. - 71. - 78. - [Stevie] White Chocolate Mocha. - Oh, okay. - 49. - 50. Meh. - [Stevie] Caramel. - We don't like the caramel. (Link groans) - 10. - That's one better than the last caramel one, but still not great, 43. - [Stevie] Mocha Cookie Crumble. - Cookie, what, you can do that? - Oh, there's cookies in there? - Oh, I got a little bit of the cookie. - Oh, there's cookies in there. - 77. - 75. - [Stevie] Strawberry Funnel Cake. - That's a thing? Oh, that's overpowering, 38. - I was gonna say 38, I swear. - Really? - So I did. - Well, say it. - 38. - [Stevie] Java Chip. - Okay. - That's good, I kind of like that. - 73. - 73. 72. (Rhett laughs) 72. - Use your scale, Link. - [Stevie] And that completes our frappuccino category, please grab some seltzer and think about what you've done to caramel, because you've disappointed me. - Oh, so you're a caramel pump girl? - It just didn't taste good. - [Stevie] I just don't dislike caramel, that seems anti... You know what, it's not about me, it's not about my opinion. - This is our show. - [Stevie] Because we have to move on- - Yeah, we should. - [Stevie] To the cold brew category. - I mean, we just drank a whole dessert, now I'd like to do cold brew. - I don't know what's hitting me harder, the caffeine or the sugar, honestly. - [Stevie] Now this category includes nitro cold brews which are infused with nitrogen meant to create a sweet flavor and allegedly more velvety texture. But we are going to begin with the traditional Cold Brew. - Cold Brew. That's just straight with nothing else in it. - That packs a punch, you gotta get back in the coffee world here. - 55. - 70. - [Stevie] Nitro Cold Brew. - Okay. It is smoother. - 72. - 80. - [Stevie] Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew. - Oh, bringing in the sweet sweetie. - It tastes like it's about to be good and then it kind of goes into a 49. - 54. - [Stevie] Nitro Cold Brew With Vanilla Sweet Cream. - [Rhett And Link] Okay. - 50. - 58. - [Stevie] Dark Cocoa Almond Milk Cold Foam Cold Brew. - Cold Foam Cold Brew. - Almond milk. - I'm not a huge fan of cinnamon in my coffee drinks. 35. - 55. - [Stevie] Nitro Cold Brew With Dark Cocoa Almond Milk Foam. - Almond milk? - There's still that... It tastes like cinnamon. Is that coming from the almond milk? - 29. No, that's from the cinnamon. - 25. - There's cinnamon in it. The almond milk is thin. - You can't be using that almond milk. - [Stevie] Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew. - We're gonna love this. - I like salted caramel. There caramel has a fake-y taste to it, I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it, Stevie. - That one's better though. 43. - That one's better, 43. - Than the other caramel. - 34. - [Stevie] Salted Caramel Cream Nitro Cold Brew. - Let's see if nitro makes it up. - 45. - 44. - [Stevie] Honey Almond Milk Cold Brew. - I get the honey, I like the honey. - It tastes like somebody left your drink at a park. Should I drink this, I'm desperate. 32. - I like the honey though, 54. - [Stevie] And no surprise, the next one is Honey Almond Milk Nitro Cold Brew. - Nitro, yeah! - Okay. It's still bad, 34. - Yeah, I don't like that one as good, that one's 47. - Really, the nitro nitro-ed it for you. - [Stevie] And that concludes our cold brews category and thank you, Rhett for apologizing about the caramel situation. - It just doesn't taste great. - Do you think that we've had a full coffee? Why are you sleepy? - I'm not sleepy. You know what it is, the sugar hits before the caffeine. The sugar is weighing me down right now. - I feel like I'm on my way up, certainly. - [Stevie] We will now be moving on to the iced espressos category. - Here we go, okay, all right. - [Stevie] Beginning with Iced Caffe Mocha. - Oh, we're back in the sweet chocolate territory. - [Rhett] That has got some strong things happening. - 73. - I'm gonna say 76 on that one. - [Stevie] Iced White Chocolate Mocha. - Okay. 73. - It's smoother, it's smoother, 61. - [Stevie] Iced Caffe Latte. - Simple. Now I'll do that. I'll go to that. - Boring, 45. - 80. - [Stevie] Iced Black & White Mocha Latte. - Black and white? What's the black and what's the white? Whoa, that is- - Super syrupy. - Straight up just like a chocolate bar to me. - It's the chocolate syrup that settled at the bottom. 71. - 40. [Stevie] Iced Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte. - Blonde. I love a blonde. - The blonde is good. - [Stevie] Thank you, Link. - 80. I was thinking of my wife, but you're a great blonde too, Stevie. - The blonde brew is the best coffee they have. - The caramel chip on your shoulder. - 79. - [Stevie] Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte. - What is this? - Again, their cinnamon syrup is just not doing it for me, if that's how they get their- - This one's all right to me. - 39. - 61. - [Stevie] Iced Caramel Macchiato. - Oh, macchiato. That's the best caramel drink they have. 68. - 22. (Rhett scoffs) - [Stevie] Iced Flat White. - Okay. - Flat white's the go-to for me. - Oh man! Yeah, after all that sugar- - I gotta give it a second to settle, because it feels- - That's a wallop. They're not hiding behind anything here. - 81. - 80. - [Stevie] Iced Honey Almond Milk Flat White. - Oh, this ain't gonna get me there. Again, somebody left a drink at the park. - That's what you think of honey. This isn't that bad. This is a 69. - This is a 32. - [Stevie] Iced Peppermint Mocha. - Oh, this time of year? - I like that. I like peppermint. - They did a good thing with it. - 84! - I've come around to peppermint in my stuff. 59. - He's come around, 59. - I've come around to peppermint. - [Stevie] Iced Shaken Espresso. - Okay. Can you taste the shake? - It feels like it needs something else. - The shake tastes totally different. - 56. - 63. - [Stevie] Iced Chocolate Almond Milk Shaked Espresso. - Okay. Almond Milk but the shake though. - Oh, what? Something weird got in that one. - Ouch, it's bitter as all get out. - 17. (Link exclaiming) - 24. - [Stevie] Iced Brown Sugar Oat Milk Shaken Espresso. - Oat milk, I'll do that sometimes. - Finally, a new type of milk. Oh, that oat milk. - It tastes like an oatmeal cookie, - That's a change of pace, 75. - I was gonna say 76. - [Stevie] And gentlemen, with that, you have officially tasted every iced coffee drink on the Starbucks menu, we will now tabulate your scores and we can reassess your top four drinks. - I don't feel crazy. Plug time, Mythical Kitchen channel, check it out. You wanna see how they made the stretchiest cheese ever for "Good Mythical Morning?" - Yes! - It's over there. Check it out, Mythical Kitchen channel. Stevie? - [Stevie] According to you, the top four flavors of iced Starbucks coffee drinks in no particular order are, Nitro Cold Brew, Iced Flat White. - [Rhett] Makes sense. - [Stevie] Iced Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte. - Yeah. - Surprising. - [Stevie] Mocha Cookie Crumble. - Well, the funny thing about this is this is a full spectrum. We have the unadulterated, just like coffee, essentially, all the way to the super sweet cookie one. - This makes sense to me, this is my order, Nitro Cold Brew. But I'll add cream to it and some ice. We didn't modify it. - [Stevie] It's Nitro Cold Brew though. - But if you're gonna add cream to this, you might as well just get a latte. - Well, let's see. Let's tasty tasty. So this is Iced Flat White. - I don't get iced coffee. I get hot drinks, even when it's super hot. Flat White's my go-to. If I was gonna do an iced one, it would be a Flat White. - So we're eliminating that, just to keep in saying an Iced Flat White is better for us 'cause we're coffee and cream boys. - But this is like a latte that's been- - [Link] Well, we're in dessert zone. - Amplified a little bit, without a whole lot though. You've got the vanilla flavoring, and it's a blonde brew, so it's not super sweet. - It's smooth. It's pretty sweet. - The best tasting syrup, just based on what we've done today is vanilla at Starbucks. It's better than the caramel. Sorry. - But look at this thing. - Stevie. - [Stevie] I'm fine. You hated it, you said it with so much disgust as if it was actually disgusting. - This is absolutely decadent. I mean, it's like I'm drinking a cake is what's happening. I'm drinking a brownie. - I'd be comfortable putting the cookie one at number three, if you would. I'm sorry, we don't drink cookies. It's not who we are. - Stop apologizing. - I'm apologizing to all of the people who are like, but there's cookies. - Well, that's their problem. - And I'm sympathetic to that, 'cause it's cookies. - I mean, we're doing this to do it, let's just do it. Stop apologizing. - Don't get mad, Link. I think you should apologize to me for telling me not to apologize. - I'm sorry that you've had to apologize so much. - And I'm sorry that I apologized, and I'm sorry on behalf of Link. - I'm sorry that you made him feel like he has to apologize. I mean, look at me. - I'm sorry that he needs a scale. - Who should really be sorry. - I'm sorry that he needs a scale. - Who's sorry here? - Hey, but your scores were really solid today. Great job, scale. (laughs) (Mythical Crew laughs) - If you drink something with a lot of sugar next to something with no sugar, you're gonna think that it's better. - Stevie, as a vanilla blonde? - [Stevie] Yes? - How do you feel about this? - [Stevie] In all honesty- - Listen, if you want her to host this show, let her do it. - [Stevie] Listen, I partially do. I partially do! - This is my freaking show and we're doing this. - It's your show? - It's our show. - I think your should apologize for saying that it's your show. - [Stevie] I think you should apologize to me! - I think it's the scale show today. - If you're not doing the show, if you wanna make Stevie do the show, don't put her in that spot. - [Stevie] I do the show! - You do your part of the show. - [Stevie] Hello! - And he does his part of the show. - [Stevie] Yeah! - If he wants you to do his part of the show, then you know what, swap places. - [Stevie] Well, I think we're gonna have to take this outside. - And I am freaking... We rate stuff. - Okay- - Either rate it or ask her to replace you. - I think I know which one I think is the best. - All right, me too, this one. - Nope, the Vanilla Blonde. - [Stevie] Would you guys like me to- - That's why I knew it was gonna happen, so I'm asking Stevie to be a tie breaker. - [Stevie] I agree with Link's assessment of why you might choose the sugary one, but I feel as if, if you two were to go in to Starbucks and you were to order one of these drinks that you haven't had before, you probably would order the Iced Flat White. - I agree, 100%. - Because it most closely resembles what you like. - So there we go. This is what we like, Rhett. - Hey, listen, I'm sorry about this. I'm sorry that we did this episode. - I'm not sorry. - I'm sorry about the final decision. - For anything. - I'm sorry about him, I'm sorry about his scale, actually, no, I'm very grateful for his scale. I'm sorry to Stevie for saying things about caramel. I'm sorry that I put her on the spot and made her make a decision. (poppers popping) Oh God! I'm sorry if that startled you. - Maybe this is the caffeine, I'ma blame it on that. All right, I'm happy again, guys. - Hold on, just so we are clear- - We're clear! - The Daddy Starbucks is- - It's over! - Is the Iced Flat White 'cause we never said that. That was not said. - Thank you for joining us for another incredible season. - I'm sorry for him. - Ending on such a pleasant high note. - I'm sorry about that. - We're gonna be right back at it with all new episodes of "Good Mythical Summer!" - Hey, I'm sorry we gotta take a short break. I'm sorry about that. I would love to just keep bringing you the show every single day, but I'm sorry, we can't do it. - Monday, July 12th. - And I'm sorry that when we come back on July 12th. - We'll be back. - It's just gonna be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but I'm sorry, we just can't make the show every single day. But I am sorry about it. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know I'm sorry. - What time it is. - [Eric] My name is Eric from Flint, Michigan, and now it is time to spin, the Wheel of Mythicality. (Mythical Crew laughing) - That was great, Eric. - Nice. I was like, how is he gonna fit all those words? Oh, he's not. He's just gonna say it after the song. - In season 20, let's do that, where it's like somebody sings their name for the opening. My name is Tommy. - Oh, for every single episode? - Yeah, a different person sings it. - We'll consider it. Click the top link to watch us discover the craziest frappuccinos ever in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - I'm gonna pop a nipple. (Josh exclaims) - Just make sure it flies that way. - How can you pop a nipple? - Oh, you can squeeze too hard and pop a nip.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,371,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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