Recreating The Most Expensive Desserts In The World (TASTE TEST)

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aka two grown men get angry over expensive desserts

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EyeEating πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've never seen link more pissed in my life Rhett get upset a little not as much as link though not even close and Stevie lose the ability to read numbers cuz how ridiculously they were and they definitely had a meeting with budgeting guy afterward I don't even like dessert and that's ridiculously stupid you're doing wonderful sweeties LMFAO.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MGQpie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That cronut looked legit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ryeinc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link is a man after my own heart, LOL

Champagne caviar? Nope
Fancy butter? Nope
Saffron Dough? Nope
Fancy vanilla beans? Nope
Powdered Nutella? OOOOOOOH

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NepEnut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He had fair warning from Stevie after the first one lol!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NeGirl2008 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

OOOOFFFFF that's a lot of money

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/your_mind_aches πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shoutout to /r/survivor on the last dish

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwissMyCheeseYet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wonder if some of these prices are inflated slightly for total ingredients. When Josh cooks these big monstrosities he will buy like two truffles, but only use part of them. When he then calculates the total price, he only prices what he uses. I wonder if with this video if they bought say 400grams of the buffalo mozzarella but only used 100grams, if they priced all 400.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RustyPeach πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today we try the world's most expensive desserts. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning! - It's Valentine's Day, which means you might be getting something sweet and sticky after dinner. Dessert! - I like to save room for dessert, but today we've had to save up more than just room, we've had to allocate bank to make this episode happen because the Mythical Kitchen has been recreating some of the world's most expensive desserts, and now we get to taste 'em! Man, I'm starting to feel sweet and sticky! - Oh, gosh. - It's time for High Baller Meals for Low Dollar Steals, Dessert Edition! - You know how those fancy restaurants do. They love to mark up their menu item prices just to prove their fanciness. So we wanted to find out how do the price tags on their crazy expensive desserts compare to what they actually cost to make. - Yeah, the Mythical Kitcheneers have recreated some actual mega-expensive desserts using the exact same ingredients as they do at those restaurants, but there's no markups that they are passing along to us. - We're gonna taste 'em and then guess how much we think it actually costs to make 'em, and whoever wins the most rounds gets to eat the other person's favorite dessert right in front of them in Good Mythical More! - Aw, really? Okay. Stevie, I see we've got something here. What's our first dessert? (upbeat music) (register dinging) - [Stevie] This is the Golden Phoenix cupcake sold at Bloomsbury's Cupcakes in Dubai. It's made with premium Amadei Porcelana chocolate, Ugandan vanilla beans, edible gold carat sheets, gold frosting, gold dust, and served with organic, chocolate covered strawberries. This cupcake sells for $1,000. Here's a video of it being prepared. - $1,000? - Yes. - Okay. Yeah, you got all this gold foil junk. Oh, and powder. - Gold dust! - [Link] Of course there's gold dust. What's that, a butterfly? - [Rhett] Is that a chicken foot? - Yeah, I can't tell what's going on. - Is this supposed to look like a chicken's foot? Is that what a phoenix is? It looks like a little baby chicken going like this. (crew laughs) - Yeah, I can't even-- - Don't you see that? - I can't, yeah, and I can't even tell-- - "Feed me!" - Where the cupcake is. For $1,000? Do you also get that like, cake platter? - I don't know, but let's see what it looks like from the Mythical Kitchen. (Rhett exhales) - Dang, that looks pretty good! I mean, this looks better to me. I'm just being honest. - What is this thing? Is that edible? - [Link] Is that edible, Nicole? - [Nicole] The whipped cream inside is. - (chuckles) Okay. - Oh, that is right there. So we get to dig into this thing. - Well, I was just gonna take this spoon that's got chocolate in it. - What? (crew laughs) What if I wanted some of that? All right, now-- - It was closer to me. - You might've skimped on the gold dust a little bit 'cause there's not a part of theirs that didn't have gold dust. (Nicole mumbles) (Stevie laughs) But gold dust doesn't taste good! - Gold dust doesn't taste, period. - I'll you what does taste good-- - Chocolate. - That cupcake that I just bit. - It's so moist. It's so moist! - And what is this again? This is like a whipped cream? - [Nicole] Yep. (Nicole laughs) - Mm! And here's a wing. - Is it whipped cream made with like, a rare goose's milk or something? - [Nicole] I put some Ugandan vanilla bean, a little bit of that Amadei Porcelana chocolate in there. - How hard was it to get these ingredients? - [Nicole] Harder than you could imagine. - Okay, so there's still some expense, but if I find out you're anywhere close to $1,000 Imma be upset. - We're gonna have a talk. - So as not to give the other person advantage, we're going to guess how much the Mythical Kitchen actually paid for this extremely tasty-- - [Rhett] That is really, really good. - Not altogether that much more special than an extremely tasty normal cupcake. - Man. - [Link] It's good. - I gotta pace myself. - Let's see. - I have a guess. - All right. You go first, Rhett. - I said $71 and 43 cents. - Okay, you getting really exact. - Yeah. I'm very confident. - I said 41 bucks. Somewhere around there. This is freaking expensive! If I walk into a store, I'm like, "How much is that cupcake?" "41 bucks," I'm just walking out with no cupcake! - Right, mm-hm. - [Stevie] Link, I have a feeling you're just not gonna be that happy at the end of this because the Mythical Kitcheneers spent $200 on this, (chime dings) but that is a savings of $800. - Wow! - How did we save $800? (Rhett laughs) By not just buying theirs from Dubai? - Yeah, that's how money works, Link! (upbeat music) (register clanking) - [Stevie] This cheesecake is sold at Rafele Ristorante in Manhattan. It's made with imported Italian water buffalo cheese, fresh vanilla, white truffles from Alba, a little 200 year old Hennessy Paradis, and topped with gold flakes. It's all finished off with a signature honeycomb in the shape of chef Raffaele Ronca's initials, and of course, sparklers. It sells for $5,000. - Oh, give me a break. - $5,000 cheesecake? It's because of the sparklers, isn't it? - Yeah, they're the kind, they're trick ones. - And you got that chef putting his own initials on it. That's just-- - What are his initials? It looks like R.R. to me. - [Stevie] Correct. - But like, R.R. and one of the Rs is backwards. - That's how he spells it. Let's see the Mythical Kitchen version. Whoo-bow! - Oh, look what we've got. We've got sparklers. There's only one way to solve this problem, Nicole. Light 'em! - Is R.R. your initials? Whew! - No, it's N.H. (Stevie laughs) - $5,000? Yeah, that's-- - Yeah! - [Link] Boy, this is a fire hazard. - [Nicole] Yeah! - How do I do this? - Aw, come on. - Just take it and I wait for you to take it 'cause I know how this works. - There's a whole honeycomb on top, and I didn't even hear about that in the explanation 'cause-- - Yes, oh my gosh! I said his name, that was difficult for me, I said honeycomb, ugh! - You're doing great-- - [Stevie] Thank you. - Slice it, brother. - What do you say? What did Jenner say to Kim? "You doing great, baby." What does it mean? - [Nicole] "You're doing wonderful, sweetie." - "You're doing wonderful, sweetie." That's what I'm gonna say to you. - "You're doing great, baby. (Rhett laughs) "I'm a dad!" - You want honeycomb, honey? - I was kinda hoping we'd still be eating while it was flashing 'cause that kinda made it seem... valuable. - This is a big ass cheesecake! Look at that thing! - It better be. - [Stevie] (laughs) Link's just so mad. - I'm like, I mean I feel like we should, what happened to the rest of that cupcake we didn't eat? I hope it's on Ebay! - Is this what it's like to live with you when your family gets expensive things? (chuckles) - It doesn't sit well with me, but I like honeycomb. - Rotate it a little bit so I don't hit the microphone. There we go. - [Link] We're gonna take these out. - [Rhett] Yeah, just kinda work it out. - I mean, we coulda just... Oh, gosh. - When you're cutting into a $5,000 cheesecake, you kinda wanna do a better job than I have. - Yeah, I'm a bit nervous. Now again, there's your-- - [Rhett] Thanks. I had it perfect, man. - (chuckles) Okay. I like a good cheesecake. So what flavor is it again besides honeycomb? - I think it's got some truffles from Alba. - Air dink and sink. I'm hungry. - Those white truffles are coming real hard. - It makes it real savory. - This is for Rhett, right? Right? - But this honeycomb! That's good. Mm! Mm! Gold doesn't taste. You buying something just to spend more money. - I got a little gold on my mustache. I think I'm gonna leave it. (laughs) - It's all marketing just so they can say they sell a $5,000 cheesecake, and then people can say they bought it. - Don't ruin the illusion, Link! You got honeycomb on me. - So that $41 cupcake from the last round actually cost over $200. - Ugh, now he's doing math. - There's no way you spend as much as I was about to write. - Okay. Really? - Have you written, are you cheating? Are you looking at my answer? - I'm looking at the freaking cake, man! Your answer's not gonna be helpful. - All right, you ready? - $302. - Oh okay, I said 261 and 74 cents. - Oh, okay! I beat you out on this one. - [Stevie] The Mythical Kitcheneers spent $497. - What? That's too much! (chime dings) - [Stevie] Which is a savings, kind of, of $4,503. - We didn't-- - You need to rephrase yourself, sweetie. - I said kind of. - I'm glad you're getting on Boat Outrage. - Yeah, 'cause at first I was in the high 300s in my mind, and I was like, "Nah, Jacob wouldn't let 'em do that." (Rhett laughs) (crew laughs) (upbeat music) (register dinging) - Since it's Valentine's Day, we're celebrating puppy love with discounts on our story wear and pet collection items, including this snazzy shirt, up to 20 percent off, sometimes more. Check it out. - Okay, Stevie, what do we have before us? - [Stevie] This fancy cronut is known as the Luxury Zebra Cro and is sold at Dum Dum Donutterie in London. It's made with Cristal rose champagne, caviar, French delicacy Normandy butter, Iranian saffron-infused butter croissant dough, Tahitian gold vanilla beans, powdered Nutella, Amedei Porcelana chocolate-- - Sounds like you're guessing now, but go ahead. - [Stevie] And gold leaf decor. This cronut goes for 1,500 pounds, or $1,962. - $2,000 cronut? - Now, we're not gonna make the obvious joke, "You gotta be a dum-dum to buy this." So don't, I know you're tempted to, just don't do it. You know what? Go ahead and do it. - You've gotta be a dum-dum to buy this. (chuckles) It's also the name of the restaurant. Caviar on top of a cronut? Why would you pay anything for that, much less $2,000? - This isn't about just the experience of this cronut. This is about the way it makes you feel. You know? It's like-- - Makes me feel stupid! Makes me feel, I mean-- - Like a dum-dum? - Yeah, but just, lemme grab this. - You mentioned that Amadeus Mozart chocolate. What do you call that? - Oh boy, I did. - The same chocolate. - [Stevie] Correct. - Now, it looks good, but I'm gonna, man-- - [Rhett] I've ruined it. I've ruined it. - Fish egg, huh? - [Nicole] No! It's made out of champagne. - Yeah, it's-- - Molecular gastronomy! - Oh, it's not-- - Yeah, it's not real fish. It's just champagne caviar. - It's not real caviar. - [Nicole] We call it caviar. - Oh! Well, I take it all back. And then I realize it's still $2,000. - So you're saying that that champagne caviar from that rap song, is this what they're talking about? - [Nicole] I know exactly-- - I'm just gonna eat one of these. - That's what Robin-- - Ooh, it's good! - That's what Robin Leach used to say on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. - Still cost two grand, so it's still stupid, but at least there's not fish eggs on it. Mm, that is good! - That saffron. This is the best one. - Yeah, it's nice! They haven't tainted it, I mean, the cheesecake, when you put those truffles in it, it kinda tasted nasty. - That was a bad move. - Coming down from 2,000. Hopefully a lot. The way you fix your hair now is just jolting. It's just a bit much. (crew chuckles) - Aw, you wish. (chuckles) Gold dusted mane. - All right, I'm guessing. Let's see. - $1,900! - All right, I got my guess. - Okay. - I think you went out on the "cheap," in quotes. $249.18. - I said $367 and 81 cents. - Okay. - [Stevie] We spent $785. - What? (chime dings) Guys. - Oh, come on! We spent, we spent! - And finish your line, sweetie! "For a savings of." - [Stevie] For a kind of savings of $1,177. - Mm-hmm, yeah. Right. - It is good though. - You know what? I did get the point, so I'm not that upset about it. (laughs) (upbeat music) (register dinging) - Let's see how we wasted more money. - [Stevie] This is the Three Twins ice cream sundae from Survivor alumni Neal Gottlieb's Three Twins Ice Cream, based in San Francisco. It's made with Three Twins' organic ice cream topped with syrup made from rare dessert wines, including a port, a Chateau d'Yquem, and a German dessert wine, and an organic banana. It comes accompanied by a performance from a cellist. This ice cream sundae goes for a cool $3,333 and 33 cents. - Because there's three twins. - No, it's because of the organic banana. (crew member laughs) That's where all the cost is coming from. - Man, triplets. 3,300. - Hold on, you're a Survivor fan. Do you know this person? - No. (crew laughs) Let's see it! There it is. - [Rhett] It's in a tub. - $3,333 and 33 cents. This is insane! - There's three kinds of wine. - Although we do have a cellist, so. - Yeah, we do. - Okay. (laughs) (claps) We also paid for a cellist. (cellist playing) - Woo! - This is nice! - This is fancy! - I taste the port. - I taste the sea. - That is nice! Mm! - Can she be here all the time? - Now, this is good! - How's that organic banana? - I don't really like bananas. I didn't eat that. But you know what? Since we bought it I probably need to eat it. - That tastes like a pricey banana. Mm! - Okay, thank you. - Thank you so much for that. - That was amazing. Can we have a recording of that to like, just play in our office? It probably already exists. We probably get cello music. - She's right there. She just did it live, and you're saying it could be a recording? It's so much better in person! I really appreciate it. - I'm saying I don't wanna pay for her to hang out in our office when I could just play a recording. - We'll discuss this later. - I'm trying to save a few bucks here. (Rhett exhales) (crew laughs) $3,000. - Three types of rare wines? - The rare wines are gonna get us. - Organic banana. - That organic banana. - Organic ice cream. - Oh, gosh. I believe in you guys. I believe that you didn't break us. - I've lost all faith in your ability to budget for this show, so I'm throwing caution to the wind. - Okay. Go ahead. Let me see your caution to the wind. - $957 and 75 cents. - It's ridiculous. Not to send a message to anyone who's budgeting, but $666 and 66 cents is my guess. - [Stevie] Okay. We spent $1,000, $1,000, 19, why can't I read money anymore? (Rhett laughs) We spent around $1,000, and it'll just show up on the screen. - It's hard to read, isn't it? - Yes. - It's hard to hear, too. (Stevie exhales) - A thousand and what? - "Why can't I read money anymore?" (laughs) - [Stevie] But it's worth pointing out that the actual sundae, a third of that money, does go to charity. - So that's pretty close to a thousand, so I win! (chime dings) - Oh, gosh. Congratulations, but I think we're all kinda losers. I asked 'em to add up how much we actually spent, and the number is $2,501 and 12 cents. - [Stevie] But that's kind of a savings of $8,794 and 21 cents. - Thanks for putting that in perspective. - And thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell! - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Randi. - And I'm Lexa. - [Unison] And we're in Denton, Texas. - And I just turned 27. - [Unison] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! - Happy birthday! - Happy birthday! - Click the top link to watch us guess real or fake Ben and Jerry's flavors in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] This Valentine's Day we're celebrating puppy love with discounts on our story wear and pet collection items for a limited time at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,854,793
Rating: 4.9300308 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Recreating The Most Expensive Desserts In The World, gold leaf, donut, $785, $1962, cronut, expensive, fancy
Id: pbdv7DNR8XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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