What's The Most Addictive Food? (Taste Test)

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Very interesting episode. Mixed food, research, game and a punishment. Classic gmm.

Now you guys need to find a "Top ten worst foods" and do the same format.

Also, i absolutely love those "guess the name of this combination" games on gmmore. Always fun to watch.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/ExDream00 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

My british mind was partly like Chips and french fries are the same thing. Till I remembered the difference in America.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Cobraninja97 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love how Link always tries to make the food combination names into phrases. "Bust a gushy nut" had me dying

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ShadesofNormal 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

This hits too close to home. I could eat pizza every day. And pretty much did in 2020. My waist line showed it...

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/DudeAbides29 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

The motley fool sponsorship seemed so out of place lol

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

saltine crackers deserve an honorable mention

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bigus-_-dickus 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

A tip: Eat a well balanced meal before watching this video! Lol

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/4ThaLolz 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Watching this made me realize how much my taste differs from the norm even though taste really is subjective. It's not that I don't like Pizza but there are literally a 100 things I'll eat before ordering that. Thinking back, I don't think I hat a pizza in the last 6 months. Same goes with french fries, they just seem like the budget version of a fried side dish. Honestly don't think I ever hat a craving for them. But it was still a fun episode, always nice to be presented to some random research while they make a game out of it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wontyounotbelive 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I REALLY wish they wouldn't show the answer immediately. I want to play along and I can't do that when I've been given the answer before I can even think about it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cinnamon_kat 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
Today, we try the most addictive foods in the world. Let's talk about that. Good mythical morning. Today, we're gonna be facing off with the world's most addictive foods, as determined by actual science. And this portion of today's episode is sponsored by the Motley Fool, the experts behind Stock Advisor, a service that takes the guess work out of picking stocks. Mm-hm, Motley Fool's Stock Advisor is a subscription stock-picking service where members gain access to their library of expert stock recommendations, which are carefully aimed at multiplying your net worth. And we hear you asking the good questions, like, Rhett and Link, how do you stay looking so youthful and vibrant? And why should I trust the picks from Motley Fool Stock Advisor? And to that, we say, six shots of carrot juice, and a cucumber mask every morning, and Motley Fool Stock Advisor's average stock pick has returned over 600% as of April 16th, 2021. Motley Fool members receive two brand new stock recommendations every month sent straight to their inbox, and, with the stock market being as all over the place as it has been this past year, it's never been more important to know just where to park your hard-earned cash, so visit fool.com/gmm to access a special offer for new members to receive 50% off the Motley Fool's top stock-picking service. Thanks to the Motley Fool for sponsoring that portion of today's episode. Yeah, okay, we have discovered that there exists, in the world of science, an official list of the 10 most addictive foods on the planet, and it's already ranked, so what does that leave for us to do? Well, I guess just eat them. Yeah. And also to guess their ranking. Right. It's time for Potatoes, Alfredos, and Tasty Cream Puffs, Which of These Foods Can We Not Get Enough Of? Boopity, boop, boop, boop, boop, research. In 2009, Yale University created the Yale Food Addiction Scale to serve as a standardized tool to identify people with food addiction behaviors. Then, the University of Michigan took the research a step further by applying the Yale Scale, I just shorten it to Yale Scale because it's fun to say. I like that. To more specific foods within larger categories, and ultimately created an official top 10 list of the most addictive foods. Now, we have shielded our eyes from seeing this list, so, now, we're gonna be able to eat them and try to correctly order them according to what science has dictated. Right. We're gonna be using this amazing board right here, with this amazing man standing right beside it. Yeah, I'm Chase. Hey, it's Chase, our research assistant. Okay, in the end, if we do not get seven out of 10 of the rankings correct, we both have to drink the most addictive milkshake in the world, which is basically all the items that we're gonna be tasting today blended together, which, ironically, makes that the least addictive milkshake in the world. Okay. Let's do this. What is it? Cheeseburgers. This is a big freakin' cheeseburger. Oh. Ooh. All right, now. Oh, look how juicy it is. Now, Stevie- And I haven't even taken a bite yet. You got some science for us, right? Yeah, I have some addicting info. So, cheeseburgers. And I want you to only take one bite. Sorry, Stevie. Oh, man. That is a tall order. The thing is, we gotta see how much you wanna take that second bite. Well, I'll tell you. If I really want to, I'll just take it. Cheeseburgers are addictive thanks to high doses of fat and sugar, which act the same way as nicotine and other substances do in becoming habit-forming. I really want a second bite. I really want a second bite. Cheeseburger's some of my favorite things. I tend to think that things that have high sugar content are going to be more addictive to things that are meaty and have fat in them. I think the addiction is, like, not if I need another bite, but do I want another whole cheeseburger? And maybe that's just us- Am I thinking about it all the time? Okay, as you can see- Oh, Chase, you've helped us out here. Chase has put three items on the board already, because this would be very, very difficult if we had no help at all. So chocolate, ice cream, and non-diet soda. What are you writing, Chase? Daily affirmations. I'm just trying to, like, get my confidence up. Well, what'd you just say to yourself? Chase can do anything. Okay, all right, see? I actually just wrote Chase can do. Be more like Chase, 'cause Chase can do anything. Well. I don't think this is... I'm thinking, like, number six or seven, is where this feels like it's gonna go. It's not as addictive as ice cream, and non-diet soda. Seven? Let's slot it in at six. Six. I like a good cheeseburger. There it is, number six. Definitely not top five. Very good, though. What do we have here? Cake. But is it cake? Let them eat cake. You gotta cut it to find out. That's how a cake works. Man, that looks like the cake from "Mathilda." We got this. This doesn't count as a knife. You can use that. Now, you don't even like cake, so. I don't hate cake, but yeah, I'm not addicted to it. You want science? Yeah, I do. I want science. And I go for this, 'cause I actually like cake. You go for the back, and you get the icing. You get a little bit of- Most cakes these days are made with fat substitutes like powdered eggs and processed sweeteners, and chocolate is addictive because of the brain chemical enkephalin. Yeah. Yeah. Is heightened. The chocolate itself is at number two. Yeah. When you eat chocolate. All these things work in harmony to trigger the brain's neurons, and make you crave more. I think that the purity of chocolate, and the sugar, and the fat, and the way chocolate comes together. I already knew that chocolate... I'm so surprised that chocolate is not number one, let me just say that. No way cake is number one. No, but I don't- I could see it being more addictive than ice cream. Why? Because ice cream is polarizing to a lot of people. Like, for instance, my wife loves to eat sweets and stuff, but, like, she's like, I don't know why you like ice cream so much, and I've heard a number of people say that, so I could put this at number four and feel pretty good about it. I'm trying to figure out how easily you could get another slice. I could see it at number four. I could also see it at number seven, but I just feel like it is probably above ice cream. For me, personally, it's not, but I'll agree with four, not higher. Sorry, one second. Yeah, Chase can do anything except find the cake plate. I also am looking for my glasses. I don't know where those are. There you go, Chase, there you go. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, fries. All right, I mean, this is a... Tell us why it's addictive, but I'm gonna go on a limb and say strong contender for number one. Oh, gosh. The extreme saltiness of French fries triggers dopamine receptors in the brain, and since there's so much salt, your brain wigs out on the insane dopamine high eating fries creates, which is why it's so hard to stop and so easy to crave. And, to me, the added thing is, you got the crunch, and you got the variety, so there's, like, this, do I pick a crunchy one, or do I wanna mix it up and get a floppy one? Could be three. As I think about, what is more addicting than chocolate? I don't know what the answer is. I say you gotta go number one on this one. But it's gonna feel good if we put it at three now. Right. And then decide to move it to one. You're right. But demoting French fries is not gonna feel good to anybody. Put it at three then. Three. Three, three, yeah. Found my glasses. I'm feeling good about your glasses, and also what we've done so far. Oh, gosh, don't take these away. You still want those fries, don't you? I mean. I know, me too, man. Yeah, I'm tasting them on my lips, and thinking about how great they are. Will this top it? Cheese. Oh, now, my wife. I know my wife will put- Are you okay? My wife would put this at number one. She always talks about cheese. Like, she posts about cheese, and plants, but a lot of cheese. She's a smart woman. Cheese is one of my favorite foods that there is. She's a wonderful woman. Cheese is highly addictive because it contains casein, a protein found in all milk products. During digestion, casein releases opiates called casomorphins, which trigger dopamine receptors in our brains. I want more. I think this is number one, but I'm afraid to put it there now because I don't wanna demote it later, 'cause it'll feel even worse to demote cheese than it is to demote fries, and we were having a discussion at our house- The game that you're playing right now, though... Well, first of all, Chase has put himself as number one. I mean, this is just obscene. Didn't know you noticed that. The self-affirmation thing has gotten out of hand. Put it at number one just to see what it feels like as we discuss it. Okay. 'Cause that's what you want, right? I'm gonna be honest, cheese doesn't do it for me. I'm gonna back off of this one. Yeah, cheese is excellent, and it might be my favorite food. I just don't know. It's either, it's right as it is, or they need to switch, but I'm fine with leaving it like it is. We'll have that opportunity. Zero. Okay, okay, cookies. I don't know why I said zero, I don't know. Just a word that came out. My mouth is watering at an alarming rate during this entire episode. These are all the best foods. These are the best freakin' foods. You wanna know about cookies? The sugar and sweetness in cookies trigger our dopamine receptors, and chocolate chip cookies are even more addicting because chocolate chips contain the chemical anandamide, which has been shown to provide a sense of mild rewarding bliss. Oh. These are better than cake. Yes. In terms of addiction level. All right, let's move cake down to seven. Put cake at seven, and put cookies at four. Four, yes. ♪ I'm addicted to ♪ Nacho cheese chips. Mm. Nacho cheese chips. Similar to French fries, the salt in chips hits those dopamine receptors, but nacho cheese chips are special because their recipe is specifically designed so that no flavor overpowers another. When foods lack a dominant flavor, people don't feel as full, and therefore, can't stop eating them. Whoa. Okay, I was thinking, the thing about cheese, you go to cheese four or five times, and you're like, that's heavy. If you're me, you'll eat a whole bag of these. Oh. Now, is it specifically these cheesy chips, or is it just all chips? This category is all chips, but nacho cheese chips are particularly addicting, but it's just chips. You see Chase and chips. But we're going for chips in general, that's gonna bring it down a little bit. I think these are some of the most, like you said. Wow, that's interesting to think that, because it's not one dominant experience. You don't get tired of it. There's more variety in the- So, that make you think that cheese is not number one now? I think chips needs to go at three, and then everything needs to move down. I feel like chips needs to go at four, and then everything needs to move down. Cake has just been demoted to number nine. See, I keep going back to these, though, but I was doing the same thing with French fries. I'm doing it more with this. I'm sticking with it. Okay, well, the pressure's on. Whoa. Sounds. Pizza. Here, we have the crappiest-looking pizza. We have the least addictive pizza that you've ever seen. All right, so we've gotta remember the power that true pizza has. Right. And again, I'm leaning heavily on my wife again. Her love for pizza is only matched by plants and cheese. Pizza. Then I'm somewhere lower on the list. Has fat, sugar, and salt. It's got everything. Which all please the amygdala, slash Christy. Mm-hm. A set of neurons in the brain, and that leaves the brain both happy and wanting more. Also, the combination of crust, cheese, and sauce triggers the part of the brain that loves the umami flavor profile. Okay. It's got a lot going for it. Pizza cannot be the last on the list, and we can switch things around now. Then Stevie is gonna tell us if we've got seven right, which means we really got four right, plus the three Chase gave us. So, there's a little room to work with here. I think you gotta put pizza at number six, and then move everything down, make cake last, cheeseburgers next to last. That what we're doing? Yeah. So, you feel like French fries is less addictive than chips. Yes, only slightly. Okay, Stevie. Well, hold on. I mean, if you feel strongly about the chips being in front of the French fries, I'm willing to make that change. Make the change. I just feel like- Yes, I do. The grease factor on French fries is too high for me. Well, we can switch. I thought that French fries may even be number one. There's no way. Okay, Stevie, we are locked in. Okay, you currently have four correct. Okay, so we have the three that are locked in already, and then one more. I think you gotta go fries number one. Really? I love cheese, and I didn't find myself wanting to go back as often as eat the chips or the French fries. Okay. And I found myself wanting to go to French fries more than chips. All right, French fries, chocolate, chips, then cheese? I mean, again, you let me get French fries at number one, so, if you wanna keep chips at number three. No, I thought chips should be... All right, chips at number four, cheese at number three. Okay, keep chips at number three, and move cheese to number four. I think you gotta put cookies above pizza. I was gonna say cookies needs to go to number 10. Well, first of all. We have to switch something else. We know that cheeseburgers and cake are probably also wrong, because, if they were both right, then we would've had five right, 'cause three were right already. Yeah, we have to move those. Let's just switch those two. But you gotta switch all four of them. Switch these two as groups? Yeah, we have to switch pizza and cookies. And cheeseburgers and cake. And cheeseburgers and cake. So we're putting cheeseburgers last, putting cookies higher than pizza. Fudge, where's fudge on the list? Well. Okay, are we locked in? Oh, god. Stevie, we are double locked in, and this is our final answer. We can't change anything else. Well, you did better. Oh, gosh. You got five correct. God. Really? Yeah, so, starting at 10. Start at number 10. Let us know. And I really hate to break this to you, is cheese. You know what? Do you want me to rearrange these? I just thought that it was addictive. At number nine, cake. Okay. You got that correct. Then, of course, eight is non-diet soda. Seven, cheeseburgers. Six, this is crazy, French fries. What? Yeah. Wow. French fries at number six, ice cream at number five, cookies at number four, chips and number three, chocolate at number two. Yeah. And, of course, pizza at number one. Pizza at number one? Yeah, okay. My wife is thumbing her nose at me right now. And you gave us all the reasons, you said it had all three factors. When you said that, I was like, aw, maybe this should be higher than I'm thinking. Pizza, chocolate, chips. Listen, it's because of this pizza y'all gave us. Y'all gave us the crappiest pizza known to man. Well, there's good news. You guys get to have a delicious milkshake. Bring it in. Feel like a failure. All right. Feel like a failure. I don't know if this is gonna be good or bad. We're gonna try in "Good Mythical More." Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. You know what time it is. Rhett and Link, my name's Mr. Bugpop. And I'm Ryan, and this is Minnie. Minnie is our new friend we found on the trail at J.J. Collett Nature Center near Morningside, Alberta, Canada. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. They just found a miniature horse? Yeah. What do you do, ride it home? That's my dream, man. Is it, like, a magical horse that's just out in the woods by itself? Just go hiking. I'm concerned. That's all I can think about now. Click the top link to watch us guess what two snacks we've combined, and what name we're giving them in "Good Mythical More." And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. If your hair is growing in size, get yourself some mythical neon hair ties, available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,794,395
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18, Motley fool, investing, stocks, stock picks, stock market, stock advisor, how to invest, fool.com
Id: Aunrx86kmnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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