How to be Considerate - Kuukiyomi: Consider It

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I was not prepared for Grave of the Fireflies. Poor big bro.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rhizo777 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a cute game, had WarioWare vibes!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LKnodecaf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Okay which warioware developer helped in this game?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jeskid14 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, it’s so distracting having the audio desync the way it is. It gets progressively worse the longer the video goes on. :/

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GeneralMoron πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else keep getting avast virus warnings but JUST from grumps videos? JS:script infection or something?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KillySG10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello dear viewers dr. Cecily th Mills here checking in once again I've been keeping a close eye on the sales numbers of my new book ghost hunters Adventure Club and the secret the grand chateau and quite frankly it isn't enough what do you damn dirty fools want from me do you want me to jump up and down in yell obscenities while I play video games on a platform that algorithmically behooves me from ever deviating from what's already expected from me is that what you want from me young adults well no you won't get that from me I won't stoop so low as to do that as some others might have no I'll only suggest you go to by my book hey I'm not welcome everybody consider it cooky Yomi is that how you say it I think who Kiyomi means considerate oh well I thought it was like a considerate done kind of thing oh I see yeah no coup Kiyomi consider it considerate and hello and welcome welcome everybody I have no idea what this is so plain kooky oh me which means considerate this one's more sense now it's so I've been told it's like mom hid my game I was sweet which we had a lot of fun with so much so that we played it with Weird Al that was awesome so play a little Kiyomi before you click off this screen yeah I just can I just say the third character down from on the options column yeah looks like face going like hey hey how's it going and then the third one down from quick consider it is like I don't know how to talk to him and the fourth went down from consider it together like yeah I could be like we'll actually that's a day but I'm not gonna do that thank you you're not doing that yeah that would have been awful we're gonna consider it together baby I would like that what uh what does it okay please set up the two controllers for two people yep red and blue I'm right in your blue I like that so whenever something blue shows up this is a space where you are free to consider things as you like there's no one here to stop you both from being as considerate as you please so together please consider it you each situation to your heart's content I love it after considering the situation move the red object and blue object accordingly sometimes there may be nothing to move just do what you consider the appropriate actions the problems for you to consider will be different every time so please consider as many times as you like they're all hi Delta is fastest one coming Oh No okay I guess I will pick pick up the the the toupee oh no that was a very inconsiderate oh okay I looked at his head oh it's a strawberry we aren't wheat we already blew that first one I don't know if we blew it or not I thought it would stop shaking at some point and then we'd be able to take action well you got to do something you got the blue it's a strawberry yeah oh oh I tried to bash the inside of the strawberry what the hell is going on right now oh I should probably uh stay with you to hold your hand okay right what are you doing I'm trying to get the hell away from me I considered standing with you because I'm a nice boy I like that are we winning Oh this is bananas I don't understand already enjoy those yeah well you should have considered it more alright maybe I should you you me on the train on the tree I'm gonna get on the train oh I guess I'm gonna get all the way on the doors ah manners you supposed to let people offers okay wow you've considered it well I'm not gonna get on the damn train okay now we're on get the hell off my train we did it yeah wow that was a very forgiving one the other one was like the cat came out of the strawberries I feel like you're there's some transference there I'm sorry it's just very confusing yo those a button they pressed okay great oh boy hey Santa oh good I'll pretend I'm asleep uh-huh put some presents none of my watch fat man kiss okay what Stan is saying it does not and should not give kisses you know on the cheek we're going out today oh I gotta get over the way of the poo no don't lead us in the booth dude you're going what are you doing we're blue you're going in the poop why are we gigantic now no no stop it stupid bastard the relationship is ruined number Ten's oh my god watching the tennis tennis tennis how exciting tennis huh huh oh there's UFO UFO I'm gonna watch this thing I'm gonna keep watching the earth let my wife see you ever alright how do we do not well we didn't support each other very well we operated and synchronized pretty well we're a real comedy duo Wow finally after seven years of doing this someone was willing to acknowledge it what does met once and forgot level I don't know that feels like something might have been lost in the translation there it was that it that's it oh this is interesting could have been it okay let's try again that was all of them oh no I'm sure it's just random different things to consider okay let's let's see because I would love if it was just like different stuff every time oh okay it's this one again that wasn't any that wasn't very cooperative of you Dan yeah it would have been cooler we should support each other Oh put your head there oh we're making a mochi ah you idiot I'm supposed to fold the mochi and then you smack the mochi ah okay you failed this one last time so I didn't fail yo clap okay okay stop dude oh well and huh huh boy this is so bizarre huh now we're gonna yeah that would support cooperation and synchronization we can slow jump rope stop it stop stop where you going stop please don't mess with me I had a hard day you're going right in the street number six Betty fields Tommy Klaus okay got it youuuu Zhang okay misty Seaworth max bark a lot Sam sugar here that's what they call me Corinne Corral they've sick Sally trunks yeah for your trunk oh dude I know I had everyone see the good oh I'm in formation dude nice right in there we considered that really well we see you go go in Seagal cheap hole and jump over the flower wait wait let's pick them all you just you just trampled on the flower you fool I was trying to pick it for you why would you pick it what would you take it out of its natural habitat no no why would you trample on it I didn't trample on it you did all right [Laughter] like how we walk very like face-first like like my nose doth deceive me I would give anything for footage of someone doing that number 10 stop looking at me stop it prove to me that you're real I can't move look carefully I'm out of here there's very little support oh there was a lot of cooperation their cooperation no support friend of a friend level moving like clockwork alright let's let's let's try one more okay this is very interesting consider it together okay this time we got to make it to be like perfect friends perfect friends you know I'm saying yep before we were like met and forget it and then this one is marginal acquaintance is it best yeah but now we're gonna be like best buds we're gonna be like partners till the end say your wish three times before it not say your wish what the why do they tell you what buttons to push I think that might have been me that did that oh okay oh yeah look at us synchronized I love I always do that I think they want us to like like go one after the other you know like he stops Andy Stiles yeah job that was easy yeah that one feels nice and right I've drawn a couple flying games in my day yup okay okay when I say yo clap your hands we did together at least yeah yeah we supported each other you take a notes game oh what is this one oh we're moving out of the way of stuff oh no I guess we're just going oh it's uh it's like one of those training things they do for soccer or football I got six yeah you started faster than I just man we're not synchronized dang it need to resync Dan we need to plug our hairs together don't trample the flower oh yeah dude okay Jake Sully we need to plug our ponytails what does that mean get universal avatar oh that's right how do you say here you up up you with the directional pad yeah I know what the joystick ah all right Sally trunks misty see I wonder what misty Seaworth is I don't know maybe a manatee her send me in Sam maybe sugar saddles sugar saddles Corinne Corral sure boy that guy's a lot oh there are people behind them yeah I say so the trunks yeah and right back to like whatever nobody wants to be in school all right this time yes oh that's romantic beautiful okay that was lovely and number nine huh with it what in the world oh we just had to act out the scene that's so bizarre just let me go all right do I could I put presents downer was that good I don't know if that was good but that was much better look how red that secret eyes that was it a divine duo level oh my god dude like Tweedledee and Tweedledum oh boy this is bizarre dude we kicked this game's ass we are starting to kick its ass let's let's do one more and then maybe you'll do a solo around I bet they have different things this time we're gonna be a hundred percent on every triangle yeah well I'm course not we're getting so good why wouldn't it be had enough time to practice all these things here we go lined up perfectly yes here comes the Sheng keys so you fall fall down Wow fantastic is it is it does the other person fall first and then you Shi Thor say when you're okay just got to do it yeah just gonna go for it that was good enough I said clap when I say yo and then he goes yo like what at what point in the yo do I clap alright no poof oh we have to straddle dong oh wow thread that's why we're so big oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god I don't look very happy about it leadership thrives well I mean stepping and not stepping in poop is kind of neutral it's not like we're suddenly gonna be like oh the magic is back oh here's a new one yeah dance lesson time sound of moving okay shoes okay he would go baby okay just let's start two three four mr. bird mr. bird go go to the garden okay mr. bird go to the garden what that was terrible is going on mr. bird go to this garden okay mister miss bird it's not my sister bird go to the garden go to the garden why can't I go down meaning me I asked the same question of myself sometimes what the heck is going on yeah good kneel down magazine stand oh oh sorry yeah let's go through come in BB okay we're good that's very considerate yeah okay here we go yeah let's oh no one more oh the wave Lila that's perfect well you could play this on a Commodore 64 it's amazing but it's it's so like it's so fun and weird oh we did it that was good that was that one was solid that one felt really nice okay oh we got to put this on her face good job no one will ever know where she website oh here we go it's lined up perfectly yeah flappy flap it [Β __Β ] okay this should be like maxed out maxed out we totally screwed up that dance move why hold you have a lot of support a lot of support cooperation still not on sin that's that's pretty dang good that's pretty good did you want to try a solo all right let's do it okay I'm gonna consider it yeah yeah I'm very curious move the red object yeah yeah yeah feel like it might be the same games no no together wait that's a heck of a tattoo it's very considerate of me good man I would have stretched out spread-eagle right in the center yeah and the world record easily set 9 did that when I was kid Domino's oh my god Russian attack in Tokyo oh oh oh oh oh are you supposed to walk up faster okay I guess you should go on the right but there were two people you were controlling yeah I guess that's true just gotta go fast plainly consider it together is that well that was it right noted okay uh little sleep yes sleep for Santa you're going right in the sack I was very considerate of me to sleep while Santa does his business that was nice I'm gonna take your order beer beer beer beer beer beer I'm gonna go with the beer no a pitcher oh you were ordering I thought you were the helper man okay consider it oh yeah calling the waiter cuz she's out of yeah be a see what so that she feels included oh this is like oh this the girl that I like I see wow if I get this last pin we go out with me yeah okay geez just ask her out man oh that's very sweet moderately considerate really yeah I'm more considerate I don't know man I guess I got to continue being considerably jabbing Japan has a very considerate culture hey crashing aluminum cans oh no oops oh oh this way yeah big old foot it's that was Bigfoot oh yeah and that desk looks like it housed genitalia and it's making me very uncomfortable be seated it does all right okay gfu oh my goodness well we should probably get away from here see that privacy I'll see that action you give your girlfriend five dollars hey go get me some snacks let go get us some snacks had to be considerate to the goats to be scared yes boy oh my gosh boy this game is the cutest come on give me more give me more come on baby lock out like a baby lock up looks well one more oh I wasn't perfect on that one you did quite well though moderately considerate that is too exposed for my like yeah yeah that doesn't feel considerate at all if I held that pose in public people wouldn't consider me consider it in in the slide oh no are there rain puddles okay oh oh yeah yeah yeah that's good make sure we didn't bump on Brella good boy that was pretty considerate I would have thought have closed it up and speared the man across from me like a jealous man I gotta get up for the Nick stuff Stan final stop yep did it okay there's nobody else on the bus so yeah wouldn't you stop regardless well the final stop okay you guys you should be able to yeah oh you know what oh I should have sat where the pool was okay so they could yeah and then it's a super low the buff goof couldn't hang out today's our date rom-com baby Oh God good news baby door to the robocar when they put used to put a single movies in different theaters that's right gosh hey um hey hey um hey hey um oh there we go so we can hold hands I guess maybe we're sue can shield her from the car huh Wow a very vaguely considerate boy I do not get it maybe maybe the considerate thing would have been to not push the button because it was the last stop oh good morning a look away okay number 22 Oh weaker than great elderly [Music] Jesus do something Aaron tried to hit all the buttons okay I think you're just supposed to pay sir okay Oh or get a new robot girlfriend I don't understand that wasn't very considerate of me Oh today's another date I guess we could think of them as a couple now okay that's cute I went to the rom-com they were heading towards an anime when suddenly they turned towards a romance he seems really naive he built up his courage to take her hand it seems like they are really dating now I'm gonna oh hell yeah very considerate yeah extremely sweaty they're together now so she had to rest it oh I'm gonna go ahead and just go round him right in their faces very considerate of me yeah it wasn't very considerate of them to be making out in public yeah but let me vaguely consider it boy oh boy I was extremely considerate in those scenarios at the glass ceiling my friend all right what next so what we got for the Yellow Ranger okay I don't understand hi-yah looks fantastic that was very satisfying I love Power Rangers yep okay ah Aaron I didn't mean to you were supposed to give him an arm I know or complete the tetris kind of person that you want to see yeah let's see what you got your result I'm gonna go ahead and close that that was very considerate of me it was my girlfriend to see the Lions her personality is our two lions banging oh wait I have to that's the wrong way my bed I turned left Oh from his perspective in some way or another considerate okay that's good yeah is that better or worse than vaguely consider it hard to say shiny head dude go to the bar yeah I don't have hair got a drink to forget I could forget all this bald [Music] thanks bull yeah the coach should drink bro should've been hanging out of this oddly slow far I'll hit a home run for you so I should so I got a head of hair online you better what well Timmy died what do you mean that that's Cleo I say that's interesting playing it solo gives you clues as to what the considerate thing is yeah down to my last ball this is my last chance oh man the considerate thing would have been able to get hit by the ball yeah you could have polka mind yourself dang it this so hard to be considerate in this day and age yeah no kidding maybe that's what the statement is this is easy jump jump take notes everybody Jay you m-p taint nothing mmm 37 I wonder how many of these there are just a squad with my boys dude very charming okay applaud oh how am I supposed to I don't know the right thing might be to do not just let them yeah maybe yeah I don't know if I fully agree with that yeah well some well it says just consider what you should do right so like they give you the agency but maybe the right thing is to do nothing you know okay moderately consider it I'm going back up in the world yeah your consideration is improving yeah I'm feeling a little more considerate over time number 41 okay yeah you ain't moving I'm just gonna let her sleep everyone's asleep hell yeah that was considerate that's what I'm thinking can't believe I'm actually going to meet AAA in person I should go meet BB because she seems lonely yeah I completely forgot what game we're playing and I was just like mindlessly like get in line dude yeah now we're friends yeah you let him have the mushroom that was very considerate man forty-four boy oh boy oh nope nope nope nope nope by taking a picture of a UFO which button takes a picture I don't know but you you came off like a real skeeve there it's just me or is it cold in here got it turn the temperature up that's that's good 26 is pretty hot okay I'm just gonna oh I should should have turned it on warm moderately consider it okay okay okay uh-huh I'm sticking to a level of consideration that I think is satisfactory okay so let me just get out of the way of them hey bebe here we go [Β __Β ] I'm sorry I just like something else [Β __Β ] Oh nope they flew away okay I didn't know that would happen yeah he fought back with your giant labyrinthian gut coffee she seemed hot so I'm gonna get her the cold jelly cuz it's cold cuz it's hot out she asked for a coffee when she was hot so I got her a jelly cuz cold oh yeah I'll tell I'll take the one I was gonna give it to her ah was he mad cuz you've used soy sauce no he TV special witness the power that was good so being considerate includes lying yes so I think that was okay no I had to move the meat out of the way cuz he was coming by with the replacement grid there the groomer placement grill in some way or another considerate pretty considerate okay yeah let's do a few more of these no nope just looking over here if your eye on the business no we're just yeah just over here do you push a button to keep it locked on no I'm just gonna keep it away from the the attractive woman yeah the woman blocker yeah yeah honey people are staring yeah was that considered I don't know take the brunt of it yeah good man all right I took that oil it braum so hungry big bro has to do something ghost leg competition finals the winner gets all you can eat draw or don't draw it's up to you you big bro big bro doesn't want to win right I don't know I don't understand what's happening I want I want you to win and not big bro so that's good I guess I don't know I don't know does he want underware I think yes there we go Thank You citizen now my Robo wiener isn't exposed my small sensitive synthetic balls that's like the only one that would've felt like like oh you did a good job yeah yeah well you were very vaguely considered do I do one last round yeah time for one more I just want I just want to get to be like very considerate you know you'll never do it you're American so just take that personality test huh a hair daddy Wow did it what I mean what could what is it a pube like it might a bit of pube don't you think that's wrong hey there's no way those are real hey let's go snowboarding listen alas I cannot hear you I'm floating away [Laughter] if you'll consider it what's the answer there oh yeah I should turn the volume down oh yeah so everyone can sleep that's very considerate it's considerate it's a good move today is premium Friday hmm leave at 3:00 p.m. okay I'm just going to stay F no no you're the boss I can't leave until you no no I leave I think if I leave I leave I leave goodbye you bastard you capped them 2 hours and 50 minutes oh then realize I realize I was the boss I was trying to be a good employee yeah well now you better be good to your good Oh your cowgirl sushi of course yeah yeah yeah Kiku shall be offended that's ridiculous you were you were severely considerate in some ways alright well next time on game rooms Aaron you know what I tried my best to be considerate and I just wasn't good enough I've always said that about you you're you're like a c-plus considerate guy in some way or another consider it thanks man it means a lot more time from a video game oh man what a weird interesting game yeah that's fun alright have a lovely day everyone hugs and kisses goodbye that way that was so strange just a stretch
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,331,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, kuukiyomi, fun, arin hanson, lets play a little game just between you and me, dan avidan, gaming pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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