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Majoras mask playthrough finish confirmed

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Whapdemon 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Since Dan said, he was aware what he was doing with the "EWE is you" thing and pushed it for simply comical love, I also wanna say that Arin's reaction also did a huge part. Imagine the "WHATEVER MAN, I misheard you and misthought it" was a "Oh shit, yeah you are right, haha." which could have ended it way faster. And with each sentence he became louder and overreacted.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Wefee11 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wouldn't have minded if they had put every one of Kirby Otaku's videos in there

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cheesemacher 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I loved it, but they didn't show a reaction to one of my favorite Zelda animated moments: Joy Pendants (and yes, I put both versions)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NeoMegaRyuMKII 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Majoras mask is back on the menu boys.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ExSphere 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was delightful, though I'm slightly disappointed that they didn't encounter a crab in a dream.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fiz1point5 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm a big fan of these reaction compilations. It's easy to just go searching for each animated but to see how they feel now about these things is super cool.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BillnTedsTelltaleAdv 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I actually really enjoyed this video for some reason. Hopefully more like this in the future.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dark_Phoenix101 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is it me or were there a lot of cuts when dan was speaking? Like literally evey word at times. He cant have fucked up what he wanted to so that much.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ZettaSlow 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
everyone we're about to watch a zelda animated compilation and we're gonna be talking through it so hope you enjoy it and look my greasy hair has turned it into Ram horns very excited hot let's watch the first video Stuart windfall island maybe a little cozy so to speak always lively why just walk around I'm having a look at things it's quite fun Matt the mark of a great town do people from all over the world come here I [ __ ] strongly doubt it there's like ten people and a class trip apparently alright shitty little kids just follow you wherever you go I wasn't until you [ __ ] said that thank you [Music] [Laughter] oh my god they're like doing like a sharks versus the that takes me back that's um that's Wind Waker right that is super winwaker we were significantly younger when we did that that was staying near seven years ago I think that episode was we filmed that in my house before we even had the office you're just doing it on one microphone it's interesting I can hear the difference in the audio quality I can hear a difference in the quality of our voices we sound younger we cursed a lot more back then yeah we were cursing fools not not that we don't curse a lot now because we most assuredly do but that was a thing I picked up in New Jersey where you basically buy time when you're thinking to just curse mmm so you're saying and I was [ __ ] at the mall you know like yeah that kind of stuff yeah I just as a personal thing I've tried like to swear less because I feel like it's a little bit filler and it's like okay I wanna like focus on the words that I'm saying a lot more sort of like in the same way that I don't want to say like as much or um is a big one for me oh yeah I'm all over the place still do all of those things just making an effort to to do it's like drinking caffeine like I still do it I just try to do it less yeah I just hate myself more so that's good I do that you would leave the poorest Sunday slam because you are different from me and my friends you have the penis' and I have value but that's okay because we'll be friends forever friends my Chaz best fiends I didn't miss this one up first one this lump of crap please take a care of it please stick it up your butt and think of me it looks like a [ __ ] nose with funny goggles [Laughter] [Music] you got her high school crafts wow you got it from that girl yeah I always thought that that's not the Ocarina of times just for ocarina okay got it yeah kind of had a feeling it would be more like dramatic like you'd get it from like a mountaintop with lightning crashing down on you or something it might be disappointed then all right then when you pay my ocarina I hope you would think of me and come back to the forest and visit and put out my mouth oh wow please chat my box [Music] Wow yeah Jesus um that pennis joke was actually from third or fourth grade a kid tried to convince me that it was pronounced Panisse and I was like no it's not but inside I was kind of thinking yeah I don't know how to ask anyone without sounding like an idiot wow I had no idea that's a myth awesome there's so much stuff when I was a kid Rugrats you know there's there's the Tommy pickles and they had that new baby dil and I I I it took me until I was like 28 to be like Oh dill pickles pickles yeah I get it wow I didn't even think about that you never know you never know what's gonna come up in life later when when stuff like that clicks it's like I always I always see myself with like the Beautiful Mind equations overlaid over my head oh I get the pickle joke from 1994 oh I just smashed my wall and I head against the wall and just go stupid stupid stupid how did you not know equally good wait for another one read Zelda's diary hell yeah this seems yes dude she died a hundred years ago I slept with guessing what are you thinking but will not say Jesus [ __ ] flip-floppy way of saying [ __ ] oh my god without a thought for his own life he protected me from the ruthless blitz of the year for me I won't ever forget that tomorrow and hide nasty clavicle focus instead on training that will help me awaken my feeling magic I'm friends and clap so frustrated ashamed I could not even speak words are constantly evading me I've been training since I was a child and yet mother passed the year before me [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] with a classic I remember filming then just being like just being so pleased with like how that bit went and I was like man good work today well I it's it's twofold with that one out cuz I'm a massive Kirby otaku fan I think she knows how to do so much with like so little I don't know anything about her other than the Zelda animations but she's one of my favorite artists the audio itself I'm proud of because it was one of those moments where like we kept building on each other like I feel like Ben Schwartz would hear that and be like good improv guys you know probably not he'd probably actually make fun of us for some reason but he shows love really really listenable voice you got there but that's me really happy and I would gladly watch that again all right okay everyone you can't spell in my head is ewi problems with that alright [Laughter] well you know I love good joke heightening yeah love love love that one that's great animation do have a problem with that though I when I was younger I spent like a whole day trying to remember how to spell of and like I kept coming back to UV I was like that's not how you spell it though but that's how it sounds yeah that's how we used to spell this yeah it's it's interesting man cuz like I mean I come down on you pretty hard because I knew it was so funny and I knew I was like if I press that we had like a joke that makes people happy forever you know that said I am in no way better in that respect than you are I've had plenty of moments where I forget very basic word comprehension and spelling and it's weird to is you know obviously with the Backstreet Boys tour I'm doing a ton of reading and like sometimes I will read it like 2:00 a.m. when you're kind of already drifting off to sleep so I'll get to that point where I read the same sentence a couple of times because yeah so tired and I'll end up looking at one word is even something very basically good they th ey and I'll like after the fourth time of looking at it I'm just like that can't be how it's spelled that's ridiculous but yeah it's it's uh it's a moment that I'm glad was was captured and I'm not sure who that artist was I missed the name but that's they did a wonderful job I believe that sure bees bees I love the dumbass disco ball why W dude wonderful all right let's go to the next one okay here we go expose where are you able to catch up with Zelda she I didn't say anything [Music] [Music] she loved it deunan man he makes he makes good stuff i he's one of those dudes that like adds like visual flair that that enhances the joke you know I was just about to say that like watching these it's really special because it kind of like creates this sort of this new world you know I don't want to take any credit for it it's the people who created Zelda that created the world but the actual source material of the Zelda mixed with our dumbassery mixed with the talent of these artists creates this new thing in the middle of that triangle and it's it's just so cool to see how different artists approach it and how in everyone's imagination the show becomes something different it's really really cool to watch takes it out without yo yo yo do that thing you do with the bra for him that's ridiculous I was brining bunny Mountain grind I love them rap music video oh that explains it yeah just very appealing everything in that video looks shiny and bubbly and colorful it's just pleasing to look at I love it my favorite thing that animators do when they do game girls animators is when like when it's just us talking you know because we'll do like the character voices like or whatever and then they'll make the character say that but then when we're sort of just like going off character we're just like okay I love that yeah it adds a lot also when they throw in just a quick flash and wear something else you know where you were the boat for a hot second there mm-hmm I love stuff like that that's that's something that can only be done and you know this medium let's do the next one of it let's touch this like flicks it he like strips over the cord and the whole world goes like plunged into a thousand years of darkness hey guys thanks mama turtle Roy knows there is a version of the lion that witch in the wardrobe huh it's like the British version where Aslan like runs up and he's like my story today remove that from the American version no he does still say ride me oh yeah because he says in the book right but he's he like it's Liam Neeson and he's like right be okay but in the [ __ ] British run it's just so like forceful about it he just like like from a long distance shows up but he's just like and then they ride them that's great and then these ventures happen love it my little wardrobe coming soon brass G killing it that's the only thing I remember from the British version of the lion I wish in the worship it's just ride me yeah dude I don't know what effect they put on your voice when he becomes a three-eyed sawtooth monster like a full-on demon voice it's it's very effective I really enjoy it yeah really enhances the bit Wow that was from our first playthrough of a link between worlds oh yeah episode of 46 I don't even know we got that we did that many episode yeah well it's funny in 46 episodes the first time around we definitely made less progress than the twelve episodes we've put up of this new playthrough unreal unreal times have changed man yeah we've reached the golden era of game ground who would have thought that long our episodes and actually knowing what the hell we're doing would make all the difference let's do the next one cool I can never remember Stephen Wright jokes oh really yeah when I listen to him alright man I gotta go back to that [ __ ] room the [ __ ] bomb on it because I made a stupid error I mean it's silly error Dan what happened you like fall through a crack yes I fell where I was not supposed to fall and it was a bad news bears for everybody everybody there's Bad News Bears and I can't I still don't have the lay of the land of this [ __ ] I don't need to be here I still don't have a lay of the land of this temple and and shits gone all gray in my head and I've got and I've got some kind of disease that deletes brain cells and makes me like Zelda games [Music] [Laughter] that's adorable it's a weird bit to choose but I like the I like the added I got this diseases makes me forget things and then it's just like a pause and it just it just says it's like your look of realization that's real real good acting there I love it yeah I also like that immediately following that you go for the high five and no one responds and by knowing good stuff baby oh here we go mirror shield time really probably why can't anything just be normal in this game just making a [ __ ] mirror no oh dude no it's gotta have a fine horrific nightmare face on it this game is a never-ending night I have awakened sorry about the beeping folks I was sure I could see I could unleash the fairy but I just I'm afraid it'll like I'll [ __ ] it up and it'll float away boy that is shameful classic that game is horrifying man yeah that was far and away the ugliest Zelda game - look at those n64 Zelda's are so ugly and it's like I get a discharge time and everything but yeah it's like nowadays it's pretty ugly I don't know man like I thought Ocarina and what was the other arena majora's mask what am I thinking of what's the other one that's like in that range I don't know okay sorry well I thought Ocarina was a lot prettier than Majora's Mask I thought in majora's mask they they actually went for like sort of a horror angle and you can tell oh that artist did a great job of like capturing a lot of the hideous [ __ ] that's in that game it's pretty terrifying yeah pretty terrifying I love it oh and we're gonna finish it one day and that'll happen everybody oh snap oh yeah we're gonna finish Majora's Mask it's gonna happen stay strong yeah what does intrepid mean doesn't mean adventurous I don't know I had a car called the intrepid it was a Dodge Intrepid I think okay my dad my dad gave it to me because he inherited a car from his uncle it was like slightly better actually gave it to my brother first and then my brother brought his own car and then my brother gave it give it to me yep so it was like a triple hand-me-down intrepid adjective fearless adventurous cool yeah that car that's a real it's a real tail explode I think I probably went into it on that episode but yeah my car exploded into a ball of flames and I didn't have a car and I wrote a scooter for a good month that's that's probably my favorite moment of that entire playthrough that was so so funny when you said it to me okay like I I will never not laugh when someone like you can see the thought collide with the speech pattern and in the middle of the words they [ __ ] lose it and start laughing that kills me and actually that that animated ended up being kind of important I might be misremembering this but I believe if that came out first I think that's the animated that I showed Brian that led us to hire Kalin to do the release the Kraken hmm music video for ninja sex party which she did a fabulous job on but yeah cuz it had that epicness and the sword fighting and the explosion and all that so we really he'd probably be a good choice for this so that was wonderful yeah great job Kailyn thank you for all your great job to all the artists there yeah not a bad one a bunch I loved Gingras animators I'm glad we can do that every week still it's still sustainable it's getting it's getting less and less so but I'm still glad that we can we can were able to do it and do it it for years now yeah yeah that's wonderful um but thanks for watching hope this hope you all go check out some more game grumps and have a wonderful day yeah thank you
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,347,868
Rating: 4.9695449 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, LOZ, legend of zelda, animation, animator, game grumps animated, funny zelda moments, funny animation, sherbies, kirbyotaku, link, grumps, ggc, gga, best of, best moments, game grumps compilation, game grumps best moments, arin hanson rage, game grumps best moments compilation, reactions, react, react to
Id: -KdBGJb9YS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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