Best Laughter Moments - Bloodborne - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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and then last name will be well he is definitely going to kill the [ __ ] out of me oh I don't know how okay sir excuse me hi I'm looking for Avon Road do you know where Avon is whoa whoa okay it's a vo n do you know where I can find the Galleria okay I'm uh I'm looking for a new pair of sneaks yeah you just interact with all the people like they're normal sir I'm looking for a Jamba Juice I'm in the mood for a razzmatazz whoa you didn't need that vitamin C booster Oh God I've told you about this my my my pension for putting an extra lilt in my voice when i order crazy bread over the phone yeah I'll take two plain pies actually give me 1/2 pepperoni and some crazy right I'm feeling it today oh geez yeah sorry I had to send your most unarmed delivery that was always like in any zombie thing that was always the worst one like the zombies that like are like lying on the ground and like bite someone's ankle and then they're [ __ ] because they just weren't watching where they're stepping I hated that I was like a $100 what you saying I know the gospel you spit in bro blankets dawg you know I'm starting to think you're being a little facetious with no dude I know exactly we're talking about no bro I totally get a spit that you're flattered fight them yeah maybe and what does this do okay wait a second am i okay maybe she was born with it and then I was like maybe words Maybelline she's a head turner oh [ __ ] yeah playing with the boys oh god I used to listen to that song [ __ ] non-stop it is the funniest it's so good it's and it's much like any gay anthem like the at the time it's not apparent like YMCA like my dad had no idea that was like talking about blowing guys yeah young man there's no need to feel down I said young man pick yourself off the ground I said young man cuz you're new in a town or cuz you're in a new town there's no need to be unhappy young man there's a place you can go I said young man when you're short on your dough you can stay there and I'm sure you will find many ways to have a good time they have everything for you men to enjoy you can hang out with all the boys it's fun to stay at the YMCA [ __ ] bed it is well you can just hang out with the boys it's just it's like a bro thing you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal you can do whatever you feel dang dude this sounds like a fun place young man there's no need to feel SAS I said young man stick your hand it's a sickness you see we do not want it here in Uganda in YMCA okay I do not want it in the YMCA it's a sickness in the big boys young girl you can't give me no joy you can have your own song I'm no longer alive please give me high five oh good that's what happens when you [ __ ] that's what happens when you [ __ ] with me listen to me when I'm talking to you [ __ ] radish [ __ ] you look really good thank you do people know that we we read YouTube comments and the voice of day oh yeah so if there's something that you want to not ever hurt you emotionally just read it in the voice of Dale Gribble from from king of the hill yeah YouTube read it like it works for everything yeah so so if it's like Aaron is not good at video games I'm s when Aaron used to anime what happened to that sellout you're an idiot this is the problem with Jews did Ross tell you he finally responded to a hateful comment on YouTube yeah yeah like we I mean we have a policy we never actually like established it as a policy but like I don't know just as an adult you're like I'm not [ __ ] responding any of this [ __ ] you kidding me but Ross is like finally like I'm gonna do it responses like come at me scrublord I'm ready so we all want to say oh yeah and it's I can't believe Aaron doesn't know where the lamp is what an [ __ ] my friends and I created a new I knew a new term for when you get a boner but like the top of it comes out of the waistband of your of your underwear it's a tip slip but she's like jerking off like it with a penis yeah hunters hunters dream punch dream sorry I should have said chilling off instead of instead of jacking off the girl version oh my god that's so cute let's send that postcard welcome to old yharnam yeah missing you yeah wish you here instead of me [ __ ] this thing don't back up against the wall dude I can't [ __ ] get behind you she did yeah that's actually a good move in a bar fight he knows what he's doing this isn't his first brawl mom a cleric beast didn't raise no fools [Laughter] cleric beast welcome back you guys [Laughter] [ __ ] [ __ ] like mr. show oh it's the best so for the two sketches I've seen have been hilarious oh they're great they're they're [ __ ] their song they're duo they're they're an R&B group of two guys called three times one minus one and this song is called girl damn [Laughter] [Music] Tom Kenny once we watched a house burn together what you're gonna have to explain that one a little further there was I was on the highway we did one of you light the house on fire mmm I'm not at liberty to say not on the record would protect Tom Kenny yeah of course so I'm not gonna know I was just like driving through Burbank with some friends on the highway and then I was getting off the highway they were just like a pillar of smoke coming from like the center of Burbank and I was like what the [ __ ] I gotta see what's going on so I went over there and then there was like this I think it was like a good auto parts shop or something that was just like on fire whoa mmm burning tires always good yeah so I was like well [ __ ] and we just [ __ ] watch this this place go down and then like I just like eagle eye like a [ __ ] weird stalker or something I just like immediately saw Tom Kenny in his car like drive up and I'm like I think that's Tom Kenny that's crazy the odds of that No he walks up and like starts watching and then like I go up to and I'm like hey Tom Kennedy and he's like hey and like I was watching Transformers animated in time so I was like hey man you know big fan of all your work I'm watching Transformers animated right now like styrsky yeah and he's like he was like ah cool and you know like he let me in on some information that I will not share oh that's cool he was cool I burn this house and I was like I need coal and then and then I made Tom Kenny laughs oh good for you yeah I was like I was like man you know it's kind of weird that we're bonding over a snuff film I think I saw the picture like a like a hilarious someone's dream is dying behind me selfie yeah we totally took like a picture of us with the burning building in the back what else is there to do in a picture situation such as that of course not I mean three generations of my family's business going up in flames hope you got a good shot yeah [ __ ] you oh do you don't buy the stairs here we go what yeah oh come on now start running and then DoubleTap cool he'd get a little head of steam going yeah very cool cool look pretty freaking nice nice that's a that's a that's a nice [ __ ] joke hey your pots [ __ ] you I'm just gonna kill all the pots dude just imagining her being like I've got something for you in these pots cuz you're already on a murder spree okay so this way is old yharnam that's like later it's a pirate god this reminds me so much of in humanoids really do you remember that show I do it's like wasn't like super gross it was gross it was these three [ __ ] like demon things that had been like raised that had been raised accidentally from like the underground which is supposed to be hell I guess meanwhile this is on Saturday morning cartoons for kids and like one of them is called decompose and he was a dinosaur with an exposed ribcage that's right yeah he was done by the same guy who did the voice of Cobra Commander in the GI Joe I think that's Frank Welker now was a dude who died Chris something but he was like decompose and like he would touch your head while you slept and you turn into a gross like tree like monster zombie so lord knows I was desperately terrified to go to sleep when I was like [ __ ] seven years old that's really fair I could not sleep for years because of all kinds of [ __ ] that scared me next time again gross huh Oh more pots thanks buddy see ya I'll see you around have a good one catch you later take it easy brah don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you know who is in my brain somehow what the hell was I gonna say Wow okay okay there should be something in one of those it's our there never is really yeah they're just for fun don't do the display swing yeah yeah yeah yeah he's done yeah [ __ ] you Jesus Molotov cocktail I so I thought it said monkey cop like big butts and I cannot lie so many items that you get from you get like ass innocent ribbon dude oh sweet yeah pretty sick ribbon what about sad girl oh I don't know you're not gonna delight in watching her die she'll be there someday I guess can I still talk to her oh she's just crying now see what you made me do dan what a puss tell that to her I don't need to get her [ __ ] together yeah that's yeah that's what I meant what kidding dude [ __ ] man suck it up one of it was mutated and the other one is shambled corpse yeah top of a roof for some reason yeah yeah that is kind of [ __ ] up if you did that in order you'd be like don't worry I'll find your mother and then you come back it's like not only did I find your mother killed your dad and here's the brooch she was wearing on her dead neck who she was dead as [ __ ] why do they call them blood echoes does blood echo I thought you were going to answer that here's a trivia why they call them blood echoes and like God these things are hideous yeah they're gross next time on gamers more killing of gross things yeah ain't that some [ __ ] I were just playing blood-borne for fun I know you like this well I could tell by your lack of a mason jar did this morning actually I like took a shower and I think I like I like took a [ __ ] or something and then I just smelled like an old dude I smelled like old spice and mildew Oh God I could try to take him out one by one let's see if we can do that keep running please please don't follow me you gave me quite the phrase like mad libs yeah sort of sweet and it's interesting how they like use it cuz it'll be like I walk down to the toilet today smelly day oh he's scared Erin little girl just put him on put a cup over him and let him outside you should just go up to him be like excuse me those arms look like hugging machine bring it on in I'm gonna need you to come on [Music] gets into it like alarms wrap around twice it's like a slow smile curl up telling me this apparently there's a Dark Souls mod whenever you died it just says thanks Obama Oh God this monster smelling like blue cheese would be terrible oh damn he did the yellow we actually had this like famous substitute teacher in our school there's such a thing yeah he was like this because they have like a group of subs there's like four or five substitute teachers that they just like cool out of damn so they're like constantly working but there was this one guy who was like infamous because he was like super jacked and he was like super no-bullshit and he carried around a gallon jug of water and he just would like do the lesson that day so it wasn't like a sub day it was like oh [ __ ] it's this guy it's crazy jacked man or doing [ __ ] real [ __ ] welcome to trigonometry [ __ ] it's gonna be a whole lot different around here from now on just eats a bunch of horse pills all right [ __ ] listen up hi welcome back hello we are training hard in the [ __ ] hmm [ __ ] battlegrounds I'm playing blood-borne this game is hard it's hard like my rock my fat it has to be fat it has to be self congratulate oh yeah one of my favorite things to do is to just sing famous songs in stupid voices and then put both my fists in the air like a game ocean so I was doing that in the parking lot up to this place I was like hey I need it and then I put my hands in the air like yeah and I look over and like less than two feet away from me are five like professional business women just like staring at me from like the the place below us oh god set one of the most shameful moments of my life oh man I would have owned it I would have been like looking directly at him you know a good dog when you hear that I I want to kill this guy so I'm going to the end that's what's so great to the Foster mansion in my [ __ ] game where I'm way farther than this I didn't know how to open this gate and now I [ __ ] do way to go buddy god damn I never even went over here I can't believe I didn't go to this identical-looking dark dismal [ __ ] place [Laughter] how did I did yeah heal heal oh she's she's yelling of something and you know what's going on and point enough pumps in my stop I said mocha frappuccino oh I got a gold pendant oh yeah suck it sad girl net I'm sorry I did an Instagram post from that brief time in Japan when I had a dad mustache uh-huh and I like didn't like the whole tad routine like you'll never make a living as an artist yeah and like that I noticed that my the person who like wrote LOLOL and posted on it was my sister this is hit close to home Donna yeah [ __ ] you oh god his friend sees me yeah okay this is not fun to hundreds of ones I thought it was my number one fantasy male for female must be into being electrocuted yeah [ __ ] off ow ow I might die I might die right now [Laughter] jeezum they're not friendly are they they're not like they maybe you can talk to him no they totally like immediately attack you I know it's it's a shame but you know what you got to deal with what you got to deal with me and that's the Zen way of life shit's gonna happen no [ __ ] Zen [ __ ] now is there a more hilarious like two-word phrase I don't want anything to do with gosh-darn Zen yeah I'm chilling bro we started improv classes like all of us as a group and and Mark as well and it's wonderful but like while we're all standing in a circle and the teacher is explaining stuff to us I have never seen in my life a more fidgety human being than Holly to to a much lesser extent she's a little bit fidgety but like Ross was practically tumbling dude breathe you are [ __ ] given everyone in this class on today right now it's like just so like who can concentrate it's like when it's like when Mario bounces on those things heads and then twirls with his arms out on the way down dog please please dog oh okay there's that guy he's friendly the thing about meditation and mindfulness I've sort of learned is it's not it's like you don't need things to look forward to every day is worth looking forward to because you just enjoy all right I guess Kevin if you were wondering it's I I want Aaron was telling me about the the beauty of life I I pulled down my pants and showed in my ass inches from his face perspective is such a weird there God for you I remember when we were doing [ __ ] table flip and I was like on the Christian Bale kick like every single time something happened on the set I just be like how was it we said it so much that we started to put spins on it yeah like the fast version like oh good for you I was looking at the lights and how was it so angry well he's still - do you think he's embarrassed about that or do you think he's secretly like finds it funny yeah well have you seen um I know he apologized yeah it seemed very like honest can try yeah but like do you think there's some small part of him that was like well I really dressed that [ __ ] down in front of millions of people [ __ ] won't be walking in front of my lights again that's my favorite part of that whole [ __ ] recording this loud tirade and then just just imagine him like like you know like diddling his fingers and like hunched over and I was looking at the lights you're like not clear on exactly what you said and how were those and I also love adding sort of a why sound before like a you oh yeah yeah dude why don't you tell yourself about Sarah I think the scale of face is kind of a dead giveaway uh-huh dead giveaway my my friend he's dead tired brought some steam I bet I bet they [ __ ] like Dylan you did they all get custom fat guy armor and these are questions that are best left unanswered like that is not your normal night sighs do they have like a Bob's Big & Tall the old Bob is like lots of ease on the end my shop SH OPP the more ease on the end of something the more medieval it is oh it's ye olde oh [ __ ] you give me the chocolate baby Molotov cocktail alright let's do it goddamn it three people are [ __ ] good old hidden paths what [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] yo your ass huh you better hope I never meet you in a alley my blood goes back I earned them with the sweat of my brow fairly proven at this point but that um come on dude and the blood echoes go I'm sorry dear and you're making me angry the thing you were talking when I get angry what the hell before instead of sex Danna you know I would like nothing more and nothing less a lyric in turtle power states Raphael as the leader though Raphael is the turtle focused on the most this is incorrect the group dynamic is according to the 1987 cartoon theme song constituted thusly wrote this Wikipedia article Leonardo leads Donatello does machines Raphael is cool but rude and Michelangelo is a party dude so it was wrong well I don't know not the leader only according to the okay wait rat Raphael not even by practice in leader in movie he's not the least [ __ ] he's the same as he always he's not the leader don't get mad Aaron I was 25 years old favorite ninja turtle okay and he's not the leader okay hang on he's aloof as [ __ ] hang on he [ __ ] is by his own code no zone [ __ ] code of ethics just standing here third grade schoolyard vanilla ice probably was just like oh yeah and just gave him the names and he was just say yeah look at that well how did the theme song of the movie get it so wrong because it's wrong this first of all this is really funny because it's like how could MC Hammer get it so wrong and that song is not by MC Hammer and then in all capital letters Leonardo was the leader of the group like Aaron did you post this he was he's the leader you don't [ __ ] it you don't know you don't [ __ ] know you can't play that not only forgot to play the game one of the most heated gamegrumps discussions of all time no I'll prove it to you no you piece [ __ ] father they should make that burn it makes my [ __ ] burn my [ __ ] burn disappear it burns so good to my [ __ ] burn ready hit everybody that my ass how could my [ __ ] burn Wow Aaron Bravo thought you did it I'm done I gotta tell you man you know you're always like you don't have any musical talent why the [ __ ] if I ever said that I've never said no totally all the time you said that is something Brian would say you're like Aaron look you know you're only in the band because well I don't even know how could you simply say that when we have a band without you that's exactly the same and we started a new band just so you could join it we'll see you gotta I mean in in theory man why you always gotta we've been dating a long time let's think of something to talk about yeah these apples are delicious how come you never want to see the movies that I want to see why do you never look at me during I know it's your favorite thing it's the best it is one of the funniest I need to bust that out on Susie sometimes we'll just be like like silently in the car or something driving somewhere you know but you have to say it like with a slight little tube like about to cry and your voice [Laughter] sometimes when you talk to people that like activate some stuff fair enough yeah me too pleasure was all mine I guess yeah it's totally mine on we go really I've reached for the sky and cried out oh he kind of looks like he's like he's like yeah you know let me talk about the four is the 1640s sixteen back in my day we did arts and farts and crafts what it's from [ __ ] wet hot American summer oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] that's what I needed okay what did you need I needed a longer mic arm the leverage dude comes in hey I'm Mike need it you need an arm mine's twice as long as my other arm yep it's a disorder but you know what I'm talking about the long arm in case you were confused which arm I was talking he's got like water on it like knuckle drags on the ground the other ones like a tiny baby yeah Oh Mike you and your crazy arms get out of here [ __ ] you you're gross you disgust me and leave yeah but you sure are hilarious yeah I'm with your [ __ ] arms I don't even believe they're real take off the other arm if I make prosthetic arm Mike's like what do I hang out with you guys Mike I don't know maybe because you [ __ ] suck you're an idiot I [ __ ] you give me a reason to trust you oh I got one okay [ __ ] you oh my god [ __ ] Jesus are you Mike show me what you got ow ow that was actually more than I thought you got that arm turning around [ __ ] you oh god oh god I think the noodles are going to kill me yeah god they're so evil she's noodles to be eating you your ramen it right into me god I've never been here I hope you're listening god yes I knew that ooh I got a white church Hut clothes or some [ __ ] like that put it on I don't want to okay oh those are church clothes oh I can get that girl now finally you know she impressed by my Pappa tree yo um people as ya you try to hit them with a cocktail [ __ ] oh my bag how dare you disturb my breasts keep chucking [ __ ] at him I only have four though cool three left then yeah give me what's in the bag it's just like [ __ ] entrails like oh I want none of this it's like all cookies my sister and I when we went to Amsterdam we stayed across the street from a place called the [ __ ] ring and I was like damn it don't look there's something out the window something gay actually pupula are extremely friendly in Holland sweet that was one of my favorite places to go I thought you said Amsterdam Amsterdam is in Holland Aran I'm gonna present you were joking and then I'll ask you off-camera if you were joking I'm gonna pretend to [Laughter] California I thought you were in the United States don't lie to me I've never been to Europe Wow really delicious you put on a pancake lankey me Oh God I can fire it yeah bang that wasn't as impressive as I thought over there you should know what your items do Aaron that might really help all right fine geez liquid medicine that makes still bodies undetectable so enemies won't see me if I stand still that's really helpful do you oh boy Wow and one poison dart I'll just take him down the hallway no it'll take him down like maybe a third and then just wait it out when I went to death that's what they used to yell awesome anytime soon or ever other than a delicious batch of death cakes sounds good oh I baked myself some of that you [ __ ] mario64 yourself did anyway I'm just adjusting my congesting what did you call me I didn't call you anything I definitely didn't call you a [ __ ] trails off ooh oh these are all good hats super good hats come on do it that's an awesome awesome I don't know what the [ __ ] deal is with Trinidad anymore but I know that if you got caught smoking weed there when I visited it would not have been good oh yeah it's like instant jail time just in jail time isn't so bad in a Trinidad jail it's also a Tobago jail do you need to grind off camera no I'm here ah damn it good thank you you fell into my booby trap do you already have a thousand your 50th of the way there man you're right oh you're so right yeah oh look at the bite size of life everybody does that you know everybody does that Arnold thing Darla that does it but he doesn't he never does that he does he doesn't just look at him look at his face isn't at the face of a man who would browse something's fast no oh my god jeez that was yes yes one of my church all I have now in this world are these pots Schneider [ __ ] oh man dang it there really is how dogs react to [ __ ] no surprise that most yarn tonight's are heavy users of blood why does that sound like a [ __ ] like a entertainment our little birdies told us that yarn a night's love blood but don't take our word for watch for yourself then it's just like a clip of something completely unrelated to women [ __ ] just hardcore lesbian porn like a full-on vag what's that old joke like if once synchronized swimmer drowns do the rest have to drown to the seal of the old labyrinth inter tombs I remember the old labyrinth inter tombs in jinjo sleep cool grandpa pretty sure his name wasn't Greg either yeah but that's how it happened I remember it it was me and good old slave fred durst for a limp Biskit like am i right it's a whole lot of headlining para what the [ __ ] you talking about right now I'm just talking about anyway talking about a hen way no I refuse I've learned my lesson I played it out in my mind I was like now ask him what's a hen way and I was like no no no no punched you in there I was confused there for a solid for the equal amount of time I was confused with updog yeah oh my god if you listen back to that it's so funny because like it's um it's like you go from like not laughing to like like the laughter of someone who's just been committed to an insane asylum Oh what an accomplishment [Laughter] you [ __ ] invented the Hadron Collider Oh do a baby so a baby you want to do it with me I do what Zuzu I wish that was your character's voice in this game yo excuse me mr. zombie you got this [ __ ] yeah nice you're dead oh you dead girl are you so dead are you super dead thanks for the thanks for the [ __ ] shitty [ __ ] that I have everywhere okay $3 awesome you know you know who also might not be impressed with you hardcore counters because I'm looking at our episode sheet and it's a one two three five six hey job Aaron and oh I also got this little this nice little contraption here that is the cannon oh maybe you notice my new wristwatch oh [ __ ] leave your comments down below a poll yeah are we weird are we cool just right weird or cool yeah that'll be an interesting comment section you'd be like what the [ __ ] is going on we're going to return in two Mitch Hedberg go in there and wail on one time don't so many Baidu's that spiders Oh God yeah I got him God you got it yeah something alive yes actually okay can you tell what's different is it that thing yes there's definitely that thing yes what is it so those are do you remember do you remember the top hat guy the dead guy that I got the top hat from yeah like lakota chloe ball of energy shows up way early right it kills me instantly yeah that's that guy he was invisible the whole time that's the thing that came through the portal so the portal is just him like grabbing you right so yeah that thing was wearing the top hat no well I bet that top hat looked silly on him way way way let me get this straight Oh hieronymus bosch that's what that [ __ ] thing looks like you know that painting that really crazy painting like it's three quadrants it's like heaven earth and hell you'd know it if you saw it it's a it's a bananas painting no I don't hold on I'll bring it out right now I look that's like the best thing you could say out of nowhere because we've been off that topic for like at least four minutes maybe like six oh yeah and then you're just like oh what are you talking about the Garden of Earthly Delights that's the I don't think I've ever seen that oh you have stopped with your nonsense hold on after you kill these guys let's get one more look at well I have to hurry okay he'll come back to life oh [ __ ] that's right nothing stays dead here well why not just run because they'll follow me damn [ __ ] what a catch 40 to catch 42 yeah it's 20 times worse 20 plus works yeah I know right I just want to feel the thirst of real combat Aaron yeah I don't actually I don't need no virtual combat the only combat I engage in is when my [ __ ] like the little wrapping around the pop-tarts won't open and I have to go to war with it come on are you serious Wow oh man oh that really Jimmy's my rustles oh god damn it it's like little [ __ ] pile of rocks right there that I can't blow by them and on that success I think we can call this an episode there Bell woman I don't know where they are but they won't follow me if I fall down here I was a super awkward like all their heads turn to you back to hunters dream every time you get nicked you're like two hunters dream ones fall I'll never make it do you think the Bell Witch in the well [ __ ] yeah ring ring [ __ ] yeah you should not summon the wheelchair guy he's like girls um I don't like the word moist yeah what don't you like about the word moist and then the girls like um the oyster yeah the best I hope he just like boils his set down to the poor he just comes out and he's like um mouth then he walks off stage when he see things a second time and they become twice as funny the law of amplified multiplication holiday Oh multiplication multiplication salad sorry yeah well thank you to pay attention to my so there's two hunters in here actually I believe there's three I don't see him point him out to me wherever could he be is it wait is this where you fought the crow I don't know if it's doing you much good to have a strong weapon when you're repeatedly getting your ass handed to you on a platter by literally every guy you fight stop being a jerk yo shut the [ __ ] up how it hurts mmm the pain äj-- hurts like 60 Hertz refresh rate everybody hurts yeah can you just throw like a rock at his head wonder and see the giant head turn slowly like he did it oh yeah really pointed the other hunter pointed the other [ __ ] giant squid money like win the game by pitting them against each other yeah so there's a secret over here I'm gonna I'm gonna enlighten all you jerks at home what's up jerks another game of game yeah I was so busy insulting our audience sorry guys um if there was a game grumps game I'd [ __ ] I play the [ __ ] out of it especially if it was like a like a card-based board game like we're a board based card game oran came based cardboard I'm gonna kill this [ __ ] do it you sorry sack of [ __ ] I'm sorry that wasn't that didn't come out as encouraging as I only thought of like the s sounds previously and I was like you silly Sammy and like sorry sack of [ __ ] is what came out instead oh yeah at least he killed Freddy Krueger in her wheelchair the old man you met today at the grocery store I'm coming for you I don't know his like [ __ ] knife hand like clips the tires and it's like on account of my bum leg I can't come at you very quickly but hey you know what I've been nightmare yeah just just keep that in mind you know I mean you dream and I can control where I'm at and everything but I don't know why I always show up in a wheelchair I still have not to this day because I'm always nervous that it's not the case if you transport to hunters dream and then back do you die for real I'm kinda yeah like do your blood echoes disappear ah so I'm gonna find that out right now and I'm sure everybody at home who knows the answer is like they do slash don't in the end it is said he left his secret with the lake I've always worried about mom I left my secret with the lake my goal was to pee in every major body of water in the on earth really yeah like the you mean the like the oceans well yeah like Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Mediterranean Sea Black Sea dead see I did I did it all I did it all baby really yeah except the Dead Sea was super hard because like that's all salt and it doesn't sink your pee floated I don't I don't remember how it went down but it was just it felt weird it wasn't going anywhere do you remember like the first time you talked to like a really pretty girl when you were young and you're just like hey I was just wondering if you want to do you like um you like it do you like it when Rice Krispies like do you like you know there's like the one like brown rice krispies cuz it got like hot in the Machine and like cooked too much do you eat you eat that I gotta go did I just find like a secret area did you really ah I totally found a secret Oh too bad this is like during the blue screen and people just have to know well show it tomorrow well show tomorrow okay but I walked off at all cool oh god oh god that thing is hideous he's got legs for days I like to imagine he's got like a wallet and in the legs for days are coming out of other legs not attractive whoa oh it's just a guy I like to imagine that he has like a wallet and he's like no my children and then he's got like a picture of his family and they all look like this and he's like trying to get his wallet out of his pocket with his foot and he's like damn it I'm all feets this is the [ __ ] grossest game is it yeah oh it's eating me oh that's not cool that is the bad touch like a dick can you imagine like being involved in that hug like if that was your uncle and like every time he came over your mom was like now hug yeah she leans in and she's like I know I know just enjoys you've got a disease gonna we've got all of the diseases were the only next of kin and he owns Microsoft do you think there's one that can talk and all the others are just like dumb undead guys we should go over here like we'll be safer got guys come on guys guy wish I controlled the hands you know how like certain people say things in certain situations and like when you encounter that situation you kind of pretend that person's there you can just hear their voice yeah like there is like a something you do like no no like that and whenever like you're about to lose echos I'm like oh here comes it's really funny no no no honest it's it's from such a sad eyes place I won an art contest when I was like 11 years old for like this drawing I did of a stegasaurus it was for PBS news for channel 13 uh-huh and and so like the picture like it was original like I just thought of it and then did it but when it got chosen to like be on TV and everything they did an interview of me and they were like where did you get the idea for this painting and I I thought it was rude or wrong to say like I just thought of it so I was just like I just copied it out of a book and my mom and dad are like oh my god you are on TV right now come on really yeah oh no no no life is uh it's a repeated endless kick to the nuts and then when you think you got the hang of it like life is like hey I got these new boots I'd like to try out and you're not getting kicked in the nuts is not it's not an event it's a process the worst was like when your parents wanted to hang out with other parents so like they'd make you hang out at the house with their like kid that you don't like at all yeah and you're just like sitting there and you're like well seven more hours of this Oh nightmare they're all sitting in a circle on the porch and the kids will you get some crowds I gotta come up with a regular thing to call people cuz like whenever I try to randomly come up with a name for our audience it it never works out for the best always like a really mean thing to say we're just a stupid thing to say oh sure what was the last one before that Tina's and Thomas's you know for a guy who does like an improvised show boy not not very proud of my work yeah well I was gonna say we haven't done an improv sentence in a long time but maybe I'll do it when you're not getting shot at and attacked by lycanthropes whoops pardon me good sir like I can't handle it all right once I can't handle it okay too much all right I'm getting shot at by blood bullets and [ __ ] it's not how you'd play the game man you just one word I'm sorry all right all right I'll do it when I'm fighting the boss don't I know I was starting a sentence I wasn't laying way okay god I thought I was going the right way but I went the wrong okay go ahead okay Tina Turner there we go alright go ahead I was walking to the store and finally I said hey what's in the store so then I told my friend who is stupid that one of my deepest fears is to walk on a Sherpa I don't know where they came from let's do it let's do another one okay one two three [Laughter] quick improv sense you wore uh definite [ __ ] go check out Marc Maron there now it's fair he's got that what the [ __ ] podcast yes the WTF and he was talking about how the girl is worth now wants to have kids and he's like you know I was such a nervous panicky guy that the only two states of thought that I can have with regards to a baby are like oh man having a baby that seems like a beautiful thing and then his mind goes to god it's dad like like he'll [ __ ] it up somehow and kill the baby thank you oh what a treasure that that God has given us and a little me and I can share all my life with it it's not breathing do you think if Juicy Juice made like a jello it would be goopy goop yeah why not yeah good question 100% juice for all the goop in the world is that they're terrible slogan yeah yeah well their slogan is 100% juice for 100% kids but I think that's extremely limiting because I enjoy Juicy Juice I'm [ __ ] adult and what about a kid that's like missing a finger like and is only like 97% kid no oh I don't have any life Vile's Aaron what did I tell you about this exact scenario I don't know if you had five more you did mute witness for sure during me you know what don't ever talk to me when I'm angry at you or not you it's gonna say that [ __ ] guy up there don't ever talk to me what I'm angry at you or not you it's it's it's kind of weird how it feels like it ages you like two years for every year what doing game grams yeah feels like I feel like I started when I was 12 years ago and now I'm 175 well I walked in here and you were like I love on ironically terrible oh yeah just like you know sounds mean to say it on the show now they don't know what you're talking about you know you know when you see I mean we talked about a Mickey Mouse capade you know when you see like a dude that's just like trying really hard and it's just now working out but they do it for like like 70 episodes each episode has less views than the last no and it's just like man I love that [ __ ] for some reason it's super inspiring so weird because it's just like your description was like oh hey what are you doing just like hey what's up everybody I'm a guy named Greg take on Greg please we're gonna look at a game called sassy Francie past bassy no that's not what it's called nice Andy Pandy Oh mr. president Santa you're really you really get my goat now wrote goodbye girl Greg gamer I'll guard this signal can't see your sock puppet head motion right by the way I'm just I'm running in circles because of this [ __ ] so I'm not gonna oh Jesus I'm not gonna go deep acceptable reason that guys like [ __ ] I'm going because it's like a different feeling right like you get you get bullied on the schoolyard oh look at me [ __ ] plaything either have twenty little does it's a knife a knife slathered in poison fresh off the grill that's like my favorite game reviewer trope was like hey everybody I'm here blah blah and we'll just hop right into the review here we go blah one is a game was invented by the ancients in 1785 like it says it's such a different energy and feel ya just recorded on different weeks with like different and feta means in the body right right he just went through like some kind of recent physical trauma what is 6 times 6 36 36 right okay then I just okay then I just did it wrong in my head 6 is easy because you just take half of the number at a zero behind it and then add 1 more of the number whoa look at you with your shortcuts yeah I mean Aaron you're so smart that's what you got to do in this this sick sad world in this calculator on iam I think he's saying take a running start and then leap as far as you can I don't know if I can make it though would a note lie to you huh Aaron it's a note next to a corpse I think you can trust God the [ __ ] nooks and crannies this game is like the world's most disgusting English muffin yes yes like all twitchy oh yeah so ah [ __ ] Oh Aaron oh he's actually really easy he sees you he sees you like as you're slicing up his corpse run away like after I've killed him yeah something something says everything's cool everything's fine with me poor Lisa lettuce Lopez wait what was it TLC because of their names yeah t-boz left i and chili Aaron I just thought it was like tender loving care yeah or the Learning Channel it's not totally it's definitely not the Learning Channel how do you know I don't know I don't know for sure I mean I do because the Learning Channel wasn't out Oh God know again Aaron with this didn't you just do that last time no it's finest I'll spawn right next to it yeah yeah he is very gelatinous oh it's gross I'm gonna bark is so disgusting oh there's plenty more where that came I'm sure should I or should I not return to hunters dream tell me the things well yeah no no okay sorry I was wrong we were just watching super slumber party with our boys stamper and Oney maybe I should just maybe I should go other Kim for a while why not yeah right now I've been here in a long time yeah [ __ ] it I'd rather be a [ __ ] I'd rather be a [ __ ] the unicorn yeah oh my god and then you could have sex with a human girl and you could be like oh god I don't normally do it out of my species you're just so special I figured whoa these guys are kind of hard hit their eyes like the blue eyes like moving in the dark like are really cool the way it leaves trails and stuff they glow with the blue of my 1998 Yaris back him look at that chandelier every time I do it makes me cheer let's quit game grumps and just make that yeah so finally 20 years from now in 2035 we can be appreciated yeah can we call it Obama Rama obviously what else would we call it yeah Aeryn I'm not gonna [ __ ] get involved in this huge two decade documentary project if you're gonna ask stupid questions of course it's called Obama Rama I thought this was the front of him isn't that weird how like no matter how much you try to walk off a fart as soon as you stop you know that that [ __ ] has caught up to you the cloud just keeps like yes running outward Hey murmee I'm that fart you had earlier kick here to me that easily oh no my friend it's like that cranberry so you have to let it linger do you have to yes you have to do you have to you have to let it linger like characters from blood-borne come up and they're like we're from the cranberry song zombie I'm here this whole time oh it's the beckoning bill nice what kind of EDM I mmm the best kind so I'm sure I'm sure that just like because like a [ __ ] firestorm of like how long do you think it was there for the entire game right when you get the hunters dream for the first day long arms are made especially for hugging mushrooms should like deflate or something around the room oh my god if that [ __ ] happened you never said this guy's dead [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa easy yeah as like an EDM concert it'd be super rough if like you like let's say you had a dream like a crazy awesome lucid dream where you were awake within it and you were all ripped and badass in a superhero and like beloved by millions but like you had to talk evildoers it slams like loser in the face and just like destroys and he's like you're like oh oh gosh Wow all right thank you thank you so much you'd be surprised at how truly checked out I've been for the last 30 to 35 episodes such a jerk I wish sometimes that you would just stop being you and start being someone else I'm gonna buy some other [ __ ] blood vileness tell summer he's like you just borrowed tea I just sold my blood violator in the side god damn it oh I'm so stupid I bought them and sold them and now I have less god I wish I wish sometimes I would stop being so done we should probably get a close-up on this to [Laughter] create a look like a child it needs two plates this calls for a second giant gross bite I think no this is we were just talking about the weirdness of like laughing on a plane because oh yeah yeah cause like chances are someone is like either reading or sleeping or like watching a sad movie next to you and you're just like totally silent and then all of a sudden you're like and then just here comes you see for whatever reason like it says dark dark beast parl very clearly oh that thing's ugly but for some reason I read it as Rand Paul he looks different oh my god the internet jokesters the game grumps made a very topical job I killed the yeah I did the Blood star Beast I'm an undead maggot eating wolf monster but I'm a sucker for semantics that's alliteration folks but up five more years will go by and like our corporate over over masters will be like we need a rebranding and then will become G squared I know how this [ __ ] [ __ ] works and then back to like like and then it's like the game grumps he's an actual person he's gonna fight with me that's awesome yeah he is awesome well let's go yeah Cohen headed monkey bass you're gonna I gotta get my [ __ ] Jesus just going in there [ __ ] balls a blazin man hold on I got my [ __ ] back [Laughter] man I wonder what happened to the first 13 million did I say Fred I meant eat the poopoo my favourite eat the poopoo drift it off that was you talking in your sleep Wow damn you uh I hear the secrets that you keep you should you should do some of that automatic writing they've been talking about when you're talking in your sleep you sort of forget they're there and if we don't know what they're talking about then let's give them something to talk about just make a Bonnie Raitt reference that what that was a little mystery to figure out let's give them something to talk about how about love hoping you actually didn't know you're just like what the [ __ ] are you talking about but it makes me really happy to know it's no no you got my Bonnie Raitt like early 90s country music reference I like music this [ __ ] guy is gonna die yep that was a rye mmm oh sweet oh Jesus I'm running out of time mm-hmm I like the feel of sly mmm I like big butts I cannot lie mmm I was kind of hoping you'd just leave it at butts he's trying to break the rhyme scheme why would you break the rhyme scheme with something that is so obviously ends with the was that the joke yes yes it was as a matter of fact thank you and you're like wait a minute it's like a Keyser söze mobile but whatever whatever I don't even mind I'm gonna care I'm not a big deal I'm back here now and everything's fine and everybody's fine we're all flying royal friends everything's good I could not be happier and my I'm moving on with my life nobody's gonna ruin this for me okay this is my special day I am NOT a bridezilla well you know what Han Solo said about getting cocky what's that don't Chewie I love you I might be I may be mixing those lines up yeah oh no he said I know sorry she says I love you got it there's nothing to be gained from him anymore right no I just kill him so [ __ ] you do you sometimes feel like things are going good for you and then they don't go good for you and it's like yeah you're a Capricorn oh thanks well gosh I had no idea yeah yeah that defines you as a person do you like food yeah so I find drill man and I've been watching this drill man figure for like a long time this same listing for this drill man figure mm-hmm and I'm finally like all right well you know what he has like a he has like a best offer thing up there it's like really sort of pricey because it's one of the rare ones but like a lowball them a little bit you know and we'll negotiate yes so I I sent him an offer and he responds to me declining it outright like I'm not even doing a counteroffer right so I just give him a counteroffer that's like a little bit lower than what he's asking because right obviously whatever he [ __ ] offered he put the thing to make an offer right on the [ __ ] page right right so obviously he's willing to negotiate maybe he was hoping you'd make an offer that's how his makes he sends me another [ __ ] message right all right mm-hmm and he's like after this counteroffer I've made yes and he's like Oh wouldn't you know it like I got the same amount offer from somebody else again yeah and you know what I'm gonna offer it to you first so just accept it right now and we'll do it and I was like of course except I'm the one who made the offer right you have to accept my offer yeah that's how that so that I can pay you that's how you agree on an offer oh man that's so trending he responds by accepting the offer and going like I accepted it man like what's the deal like you're the one who has to pay me now and I'm like what is wrong with you I don't know what it is with these Mega Man figures cuz the the when I bought this one figure from this other guy he was like he was like my house burned down and it's gone oh I'm sorry to hear that well alright and then he listed it again and so this is just one of like a whole bunch of them right yeah this is this one just happened to like decide that I wasn't the right person to be in front of him right now okay or her I don't want to be sexist you have a giant disgusting breath no big deal yeah it's gonna rain it might as well wearing blood in this game oh that's a lantern I thought it was a person like holding a lamp what's the edges like have you seen my pet amygdala he's housebroken and friendly just don't attacking it he'll love you forever he's tall and looks like a giant ball yeah like a nut have you seen a nut with a body is there like a Charlie Brown quickie that quickie yeah Charlie Brown quickie I like to pronounce w's as if they are WH ha's all the time oh yeah like which it's it's a Seth MacFarlane joke I think you'll be happy to find out about oh yeah yeah where they talk about Cool Whip oh is it you can see the disdain spreading across your face you know when it's like cold and then you get like Pitt sweat for inexplicably I don't that's like what he would that's him in a nutshell I don't have to stop early working sweat glands oh [ __ ] that's right yeah you on the other hand I've been able to live out all my savings to you iswhat no mister I take my shirt gets really intense exactly I do not [ __ ] have you seen the duality of ninja Brian meme no in the game grumps community that's a real thing yeah so like everybody knows that Brian runs the NSP Twitter truth so like which is good because he says [ __ ] on there that I would never say yeah so I would never talk [ __ ] on another band the way he does like I mean unless it's Smash Mouth obviously yeah but like did you ever see his tweet like it makes you wonder how bad the first 181 blinks survive so basically it's like if you follow Brian's just Brian wex Twitter oh yeah totally different animal it's just like it's like what the [ __ ] yeah has it the same person cuz he's just like well I just found a new physical element today or some [ __ ] and it's just like the hashtag but ii retweet if you like but say this as clearly as a taking my daughter grocery shopping for the first time in a honk if you love hashtag boners sweet i don't know where this is maybe it's right next to where I am it's like the world's most beautiful shitty train station all aboard - hell yeah I like to imagine that like if hell is a real thing like you have to take a subway to get there and then like the the conductor comes up to you and then you like show me your ticket and he's like where did you get on and you're like I got on it it's yeah I was earth and he's like ah this isn't I haven't I'm not hold on yeah anything like great start talking his walkie-talkie and you're just like sitting there like is this okay like am I gonna get kicked off and he's like hold on I'll be right back I just got to talk to my supervisor and then you just leaves you there for all eternity your stop it's like you're stopped coming up being babied you're like I gotta get off and the guy's like wait wait wait wait hold on wow we are like the Stephen King's of stupid so I'm gonna I'm gonna try to get some thick cold Bloods up in my up in my [ __ ] ass please do I might leave you alone for this that actually dance oh god no oh jeez guys thick cold Bloods are from my ass did you leave this store like put these in my ass look at those but folds oh you nasty Pig yo look at his butt folds look at that little butthole he's good Oh God right in there so gross calm down calm down calm down I just like the way it's like did you refer to me as daddy from now on oh yeah of course but like not in like a sexual way I just like like in a maternal father way I mean paternal what if I just called you Father father ah Fatone yeah father father will you fetch me the water bucket never I'm not your slave may I say you are my child and you do my bidding yes why do you think I had you mow my grass okay father as long as I get a sixpence allowance five points in no more never you're spent on the rich up your allowance is the reward of a job well done and well done if I have to watch you go into this pigs anus one more goddamn time the most efficient why why did I join this show we just had to stop the episode and inconvenience hundreds of thousands of people so Aaron could like order a tomato bisque soup that wasn't [ __ ] me I know for somebody else it was but okay so my number is listed under the account that we order eat 24 food from right for delivery for delivery here and so i'll be like gone all day and then i'll get a [ __ ] call from some number I don't recognize it I'm like oh man I hope this is important and the answer and it's like oh do you want it says that you are the two pizzas do you really want to I don't know sabotage she's like baby doesn't need this much milk is the show I used to watch called the fat guy stuck in Internet and not in the show itself but in like their early internet episodes like he's trapped in a cage and [ __ ] Steve Perry from journey comes and saves him not the actual Steve Perry but like a look like and the main characters like [ __ ] what am I gonna do now and like Steve Perry like walks up he's like how about not stopping believing it's stupid [ __ ] like that dude the [ __ ] really sticks with me I think I [ __ ] this mission up what happened yeah I don't she's not here okay she's supposed to be here but it doesn't look like she's here maybe it's cuz you killed her I didn't kill her no dude I didn't why would you even say it that's weird what I did kill her yeah maybe she's not here because you murder her that on the record I didn't even know I've never even seen her oh man I've never had my nips twisted what really yeah that sounds terrible oh dude it's awesome I don't know I'm not super into that bro bro you need to [ __ ] open the book of in your life to the page of nipple-twisters so you skip that [ __ ] and I bookmark yeah hold on I'll make a photocopy so like there's a another song from that album where he's like let's get to the point let's roll another joint what they couldn't say joint so it's just like play it backwards so it would be like so let's get to the point let's roll another that's like wow I would have never noticed another knee ouch oh they did it with a ton of songs [ __ ] it was that one it was that one goddammit I hope maybe I can still do it maybe I can I can try I'm gonna try never mind Aaron you are grinding my gears now what looking down from Market Square she's Dani oh my god he said underwear sublime they couldn't say punk ass oh yeah what during Santeria but it's straight down Sancho's throat something I've got something for ya that [ __ ] is nice oh I mean that [ __ ] is it's nut do you see what might I did to my knee Oh your actual knee not your yeah yeah it looks terrible like I I was carrying around some [ __ ] and I pinched my knee and that it just started like bleeding internally so now it's just black yeah it looks gross it's pretty gross and it feel it hurts yeah I'd imagine it does it feels painful yeah don't don't much care for pain in most places on my body do you want to do want me to kiss your boo-boo and make it better you [ __ ] [ __ ] you'd get an infection first of all and second of all very very rude of you first of all I am concerned for your health second of all what a dick thing that oh my god all right here we go this is the secret right here there's a window right now [Laughter] I'm telling you man it's tough it's always the opposite if it's easy for me at home it's hard for me here if it's hard for me at home it's easy for me here weird [ __ ] bizarre so I get bought the best I have the same problems masturbate right here gross alright so the blood rock is what I wanted the [ __ ] spiderweb eyeballs what's wrong with them they're cute yeah it's it's an interesting way to like combine the motif of the two gross [ __ ] inhabitants of this place that's true bro mm-hmm it is a motif as it isn't it oh yeah it's motif isn't it is that what it is isn't it oh yeah it's a great motif as net isn't that oh it's just a harmless little bunny as now if you had a chance to change your motif would you would you would you would you change the tire girl if you wanted motif I certainly did if you had a chance to change your font Times New Roman like an ariel comics and watch out for the windings they do it mean anything no a thing nothing unless you need like an email clip art clip this [ __ ] is [ __ ] thank God I'm sitting down oh I dropped down in order to get the blood rock so I man that's okay well I gotta make my whoa whoa hey they should mark that cuidado piso mojado all the spanish-language signs you see around LA I love reading in like a valley girl style English accent um cuidado that's crazy I love foreign accents especially my dad's Oh God he said some [ __ ] funny [ __ ] really yeah oh yeah you just you just saw him recently yeah yeah well yak I was hanging out with him he was giving me the rundown of what he thought of the new ninja sex party album yeah it was it was very he was like would you like a critique you're gonna give it to me anyway Ivy Lee there's no sense in me saying now he was like I like 69 69 is the best song you have ever done and I was like that's really nice I'm so happy he's like on the other hand abstinence patrol that sounds like star bomb I'm like what's wrong with that he's like oh man oh dude will you a dictator you're trying to turn everybody into Oh God you know what what that's a new word I love dictate dictator like it's a potato there's DLC coming out sometime soon d clicking [ __ ] I'm sorry what what is the LC sensor downloadable content oh yes of course I love their like stuff like that it's just like so engrained and like gamer vocabulary and culture it's just like you know you don't even care or at least like you're not like whom a you're not in that community like as hardcore as I am I barely play video with this job like when I say something so basic like DLC you're like loving [ __ ] I never thought to make a joke about it yeah I never dreamed that someone could be so ignorant as to so I said we weren't enjoying this menu two minutes of sorry's to accept people are into that I don't know I don't know yeah all too often I've gotten the YouTube comments / private email I'll attend can you guys linger on the menus a little bit longer uh some people like that what I want the statistical stops when I watch the show for friend some people like doing that stuff I don't know God really all these boss fights are just bridges to get to that sweet menu then okay then I need you to cool out chamber of the seal gonna do chamber the seal just had beach balls everywhere my own personal heaven are you about to explode beware or I shall call yet more incredibly weak enemies with their skin practically falling off yes dare you fight this house of cards I never understood the word goods goods because I feel like that's you know that's that's kind of like a let's open to interpretation right that's like a opinion thing like are they really goods well I mean if you're a salesman and you're trying to make a sale of course you'll call them good oh yeah these are goods yeah actually I'm today I'm selling greats yeah yeah and then he just pulls out like a steel grade my friend Mariah from from New Orleans sent me a picture of this poster she found down there for what the hell is it called a festival a music festival yeah a it's called creepy fest uh-huh you have to hear some of these band names um oh man I'm excited okay I love I love weird band okay creepy fest 2015 featuring swinging dicks Oh Jethro skull uh-huh donkey puncher Oh auntie queens first Jason the unnatural zest killer hearts blade what FS you pee blood [ __ ] good that's a good one naked intruder all right we all suck swallow to fly yeah and Betty White tit [ __ ] well at least they know their comedic timing I want to fly down to New Orleans just the Betty White Ted [ __ ] its those bands were like you know in the future they're like be WTF you know oh yeah we should stand for anyway - [ __ ] no where's the wish did it be with jibt [ __ ] yeah meanwhile it absolutely stands for but yeah [ __ ] yeah what else would you stand for [ __ ] between what time is the best there's nothing there's nothing better than like a joke that requires fast timing where you take yeah speed WTF what does that stand for it's something like black witch tissue cluster farmers nailed it whoa oh she's Watchers oh geez oh you guys better you guys better get your act together and start we're all prepared so merciless can we I just want to use that as Starbucks no yeah where's like can I get a mocha frappe latte CH you know and they're like no we don't we actually don't have the mix for that today anyway tit [ __ ] all right what about a soy latte I think you're gonna just work it in like quietly like can I get a tall no make a grande mocha buddy wait tip [ __ ] Frappuccino thank you oh nice okay mmm you know what I should do I should really like attack his scythe with my soft body what were you even doing in that wheelchair you silly Billy just trying to get a better parking space seats at the Lakers game oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] did it again sold my remaining blood while the [ __ ] is wrong with me it's always when I take a sip of a beverage there's a lot of [ __ ] you can do with Kwanzaa is there yeah you can use it as like a coaster you can use the dislike well used to know all the names of the different like rituals and stuff like ah thank you dude nice well you know it's it's like a recent holiday it was created in like the 70s no [ __ ] yeah I had the same thought like at the same time like we both kinda jizz like when in the silent with the [ __ ] are we doing but you were doing really well with the boss cuz your mind was like chilled out and occupied it's like when you concentrate on this you're like oh you must accept your dad come on brah huge [Laughter] it's very lonely let me get back let me get back let me get back to the days when I was happy it's very good that's a blood stain on a piece of papers going right on the fridge I love it that's great you did a great job would you pay money for this no it's totally cool like earth money it's great you don't want none of a piece of it this is the good ending wait dude I have to like present him with the unbuilt I don't know I think I just have to have them get the whole [ __ ] out of here I'm gonna had to use them before I fight them are you serious yeah maybe I don't know back that did not feel like the good ending dude I gotta be honest you know it's it's it's like this is just a list of names right but these are all people these are all dudes that are like in their apartments right now like [ __ ] jacking off or eating American noodles yeah he soo Kim he's a he's doing about - Kim that's him that's my impression of him jerking off in his apartment I guess I guess I'll just have to beat the whole game to get to the to get to the boss oh my [ __ ] god really yeah well I mean yeah it's not a big deal it's a bit just cuz I could just blast through this game again you get pretty quick really like off-camera no yeah no like right now and then finale really yeah I'll totally we're just gonna do it like a 75 hour episode no no no I can do it really quick now I mean you saw how quickly I did the the first playthrough was it was only like it was only like 60 some episodes I'm [ __ ] believable and I get my bearings straight we'll have the Bering Strait yeah so these little guys just cut oh yeah so that's that's actually the UM the Beast cutter was the name of the instrument they used my circumcision did you impress yourself yeah that's [ __ ] funny things like we talk so random [ __ ] on this show a lot of times you don't know what you're saying until it's already out of your mouth whoa where'd that come from not only not only was it was it called that but it was called that when it cut you yeah like before it was just the circumciser but when they got you they were like ah [ __ ] disease why did you choose to sing it as Kermit I don't know it's easy on the throat I want to touch everything with my boner including my boner that's the point it's gonna be a very difficulty painful if you had a boner and you wanted to hug this girl with your boner then you would have just done it I'll [ __ ] you're right you're absolutely right you are the Love Guru I'm going to take a dip in the dinner in the pool of blood now she's the sticky-fingered filcher from Berlin down to blue yeah yeah wow that's still in there I haven't seen that show in a long time she'll take you for a ride on census in slow boat to China tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego where in the world is Carmen Sandiego oh man I don't even think I've ever had a bonbon oh they're good are they but then again I do hate myself yeah I'm sure it's actually very stressful other than through Wow yeah rot there's not a great place to fight this guy now can you can you lure him out I don't know I'll just become more careful fine is a solid chunk that forms in cold blood that too much to ask my Amazon wishlist and contains a blunderbuss created at the worst line of work oh god why can't Kevin why can't you buy me anything specially crafted to employ quicksilver techniques it's only $6.99 it's not $700 it's less than just like I'm less than your girlfriend apparently make several game rooms hello snail friend next noise just come on whoa why are you over here hey doll I I wasn't I wasn't peeing I wasn't peeing pooping at the same time there's like the little guy who's like help don't worry bro I got you yeah I'm taking care of biz let me tell you something I'm looking at you right now you know what I know everything's gonna be okay look into my eyes right now in youtube [Laughter] he spotted you when all is melted in blood all is reborn projected tagline for KitKat bar my favorite Nursery Rhyme the same exactly I know really good call why is violence always the first option it's true it's just uh it's just what I know it's what all the buttons are dude there's no press x2 diplomacy press X to talk about feelings press X to figure out if it's really worth it hey mom would you put my lunch day liquid medicine concocted at Bagan worse calms the nerves can anyone in these woods cause frenzy or was it just those dudes good quests I don't know and by that I mean good quesadilla yeah yeah thank you for handing it to me and in a silence yeah and very discreet manner no I appreciate it fortunately I blew my own cover on that so now everyone knows I'm a huge quest fan if I like a quiz ideas too I like a tribe called quiz oh me too a tribe called quesadilla do they changed [ __ ] jazz bass trap in the early nineties and their Mexican restaurant yeah incredible yeah half of their lyrics are like why did we name our tribe this I want to go to like a gun shop uh-huh and then I'm like oh what's that gun and he's like oh that's like a Beretta and it's like oh it's this gun it's a guy that's 45 and I'm like ooh what about this bullet should I look into those bullets and he's like yeah those bullets are cool but the power of the bullets greatly responds to the amount of blood tinge within the user okay i'ma go when they sell hot beverages in like Starbucks and McDonald's it'll say somewhere on the cup most likely caution the contents of this beverage is extremely hot have you seen the photos of what of her burned hoo-ha I have not as a matter of fact I did not seek that out it is pretty bad yeah I would imagine so I was like holy [ __ ] mmm cuz I thought it was like it was like a vanity case kind of like oh you know yeah it hurt but no it was like no blistering hot coffee is not good pure destruction oh no rained upon that hoo-ha that's what I do hey baby I was wondering if you're not doing anything later I was wondering if I might be able to rain some pure destruction on that hoo-ha [Laughter] don't worry I know this [ __ ] level backwards and forwards I'm about to die she will dan oh boy everything takes such a [ __ ] vicious swing in this game yeah it's never like hit it's always like see I'm [ __ ] I'm just racing through the forbidden woods right now cuz [ __ ] this [ __ ] okay oh I didn't expect that to happen Oh looks like someone's in the dance case I wanna see you do it doggy Henson in the 80s was like just no one no one did it better he was a bro yeah he's no definite bro a bro or a pro he was a bro a bro Pro he was a bro Pro bro Pro you gotta use this go pro got a film it on the pro pro pro bro I knew faci you take over his head do it would it be yeah I meet two pooping the night brands with the farts bothers me I did buy her rotten stench best thing now you're all set to hunt and kill that was the unused tagline from McDonald's kill to your skills with defiled scum McDonald's the night fills with the files come come join us don't forget after death a substance in the blood hardens of course garlic bread with that we should read all of these things as if they're menus on like menu items on Olive Garden how is the steak tartare here hmm oh it's a solid chunk the bones of cold blood a swift blast from this weapon will render any Beast useless sounds good cool I'll have that don't hurt that poor old Rasta woman no no mind me a can buck I gotta find this [ __ ] I think he might be like behind maybe he's hiding inside that bad guy go check it out excuse me sir got serious that you disguises the act oh my god Oh jeezum Zam all right well Wow wasn't there I don't think that's here how's your chicken oh well recognizable by his withered feathers a really good god goddamn [ __ ] these [ __ ] Jesus good god yes damn one must pinpoints its location reach in and wrench it from the hosts bosom that's how we make a flank steak eat your own real how was your pursue Meruru chalice oh cool I'll have the favo schloss grados yeah that's actually worse than the thing that you said before how are your fidus that was the same yeah as at the end of our [ __ ] second star bomb album when the fart sound plays oh god I think they just pitch sampled the um you know the the Howard Dean scream well just the way that things lay your French brains you're a man who makes your living off your voice yeah I got it I got it protect it and that hot harem of yours that hot what from your yeah your satchel your your your cash and prizes my dick no the undercarriage my grundle yeah no the sack oh my balls that's the one oh so this is where it's used in a holy ritual yeah yeah yeah that's what I call it mom get out of and it's people like I don't expect like people who are like you by the way I use my sages wrists on my dangling upside down rune etched in one's mind that's the true symbol sucks for you but really awesome and beneficial for me don't yeah sure is Wow it's straight-up died if you want to get the shiny thing in it mmm-hmm all right it's gonna yeah okay keep moving I'll just leave it to the birds them that was the perfect Howard Dean the house whoa whoa dang it dad maybe you can talk to my assistant real quick Oh God Oh wha what is happening Oh No Oh No I feel like ratatouille would have been a much less popular movie if look like that everyone's favorite friend when we got lethal blood dammt blood gems on the line nothing [ __ ] compares I don't do what do they do nothing not a single thing okay I showed you the Eric Andre show right yeah she's so [ __ ] hilarious he has Audrey Peebles on and like his first question is like god I can't remember the quote but like it's like John Wayne once said I believe in white supremacy until blacks are educated to the point of responsibility why did you retweet that she's like I did not expect a boss battle god Jesus living with failures multiple boss I can't believe smash somebody did to my boss Claire it's a sunflower yeah you know we love you nice [ __ ] four-hole dudes who are like fully devoted to doing it that they're also failures so yeah that probably explains a lot to do you think I think these guys use head and shoulders to in one I'm just imagining a world where you're like yeah Darth Vader's Luke Skywalker's father you tell someone and they're like what I've been holding out and watching Empire your shoulders looking really good today thank you you're you're like head mouth hey did you do something different with your weenus face did you comb your tumors why are you freaking believe Maria why Maria geez she is absolutely no joke gorgeous - bless us yes it beingness le le Ellen Ellen free Ellen frees one thought whoa whoa I guess we're waiting eat the poopoo assigned it to PlayStation [ __ ] [ __ ] Brent Brent is playing battlefront in the other room you [ __ ] kidding this [ __ ] oh my god oh we bring them microphone as we go chastise him this [ __ ] he's gonna get signed out he's gonna be like oh like are you doing that now no I'm not gonna fight we're doing an episode okay I'm not gonna chastise Brent kidding I think that's exactly what game gross is all about yeah these mics actually have some good length Brent [ __ ] believable break this is unacceptable a freaking disgrace love you be alright and we're back God all right so that's not gonna happen again that was really funny this is like what is what is happening here this has never happened to me this show is such a goddamn adventure you just never know I need to pick up my polls the new saga is out and I desire your company it's unfortunate it sounds like the Aaron Neville megaphone from Family Guy you know Aaron Neville the guy seems everybody plays the fool yeah yeah well Peter has like an Aaron Neville megaphone where he's like okay listen up everybody also there was a band when I was a kid called but trumpet they had a song called you're ugly and oh yeah the only live boat yeah you gotta do you have to ask that the the one line I remember is you're ugly because Wow find a column oh [ __ ] I was exciting I have to go back over there to pushing too many pencils column what's the matter pushing too many columns ah [ __ ] cheese you are a master at that voice look at the black see I I just had a flashback so like I think it was our Dead Rising playthrough we're like Queenie and then like there's like 10 seconds of silence and they're like queenie with a penis I have staked my career on this man's comedy chops good times brother oh yeah I'm definitely hit or miss no I mean that's a [ __ ] head I made yourself left Aaron's phone somehow in almost 2016 doesn't understand the word IMO it autocorrects to him yeah so what did you just write to Ross that's a good idea imp nice this guy's no [ __ ] joking work Oh God same reaction overdose yeah we got this oh no it's just like in my underwear [Music] Susie there's this thing that Dan does that makes me laugh all the time it's just like what is it I was like how'd she like yeah I mean laughs that's awesome and that is not my joke that is your joke what that was from the sonic boom playthrough what no sonic 3d where it was Amy like turning the crank and her skirt was like going left to right that was totally you buddy this [ __ ] guy SSC lady oh oh oh oppa YouTube style oh my god is that a thing that is so good so clever was that like a youtube rewind or something oh I knew that last year's youtube I knew it who the [ __ ] would be on that thing Ross just kidding he's kidding I'm sure it was fun he was uh yeah I really loved sigh they were like when they tried to get me to be on YouTube rewind the year before in that one mm-hm they were like you get to meet psy and I was like no the guy who sells pistachios pistachios side yeah oh cool and oil earn I'll use that to bury myself yeah whoa whoa that's now Lone Star you realize that evil will always triumph because good is dumb it's a great film it's the best it's such a great line yeah I just love the like that whole scene where he's like may the best man win put it there no what is with you man come on so Lone Star there's nothing that makes me laugh more consistently yes then when I watch the episode of Herodias where I sharted myself it's classic and you say you use the term [ __ ] farted yourself it always makes me laugh because I never ever occurred it to me to actually like say out loud what just happened that shark oh yeah is short for [ __ ] for oh yeah it absolutely is my favorite part of that it's like obviously you you make that connection in your head but you don't make it like phonetically my favorite part of that exchange is when I ask if this counts hasn't guessed Crump's so yeah I'm just imagining the scenario where my kid is like 11 and he like he really understands like what's going on with my work mm-hmm and like what I've done in my history right and he can just [ __ ] he can just be alone in his room Google [ __ ] gamegrumps Google [ __ ] which is which is made for his demographic yeah and just then just watch his his old man yeah talking over [ __ ] video games and then I'll be like dad did you prefer the one year you were an animator the 35 years you've been on getting close yes they are exploding fire and you're on fire and I'm not talking about your hot twisty hips dance moves you're on fire you are actually engulfed in flame yeah Brian did want to do a ninja sex party song like that called you're literally on fire whoa kind of a period et Regis Philbin do not be a side [ __ ] I got even more [ __ ] blood vials yeah [ __ ] with me game don't sauce me with your south you are definitely getting saucy right now you are definitely getting chunky south right now yo you got a dip a chip in that chunky south yeah take it oh god I don't know why but it's making me think of the opening to the Eric Andre show where Jesus is fighting Buddha he's like yeah Jesus get Buddha yeah get him Buddha Jesus monocular used to view things up close it's one killer thanks for joining us everybody this might be the end of blood-borne depending on whether they come out with more DLC stuff DLC dick lickin chicken
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 3,088,078
Rating: 4.8485003 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, laughter, bloodborne, bloodborn
Id: tDuLcjdbx-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 32sec (7952 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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