Game Grumps MARATHON Compilation: SUPER MARIO 64

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[Music] hey welcome Mario my big-ass face this is like this this is designed to annoy you with the different mustache and sideburns colors oh yeah oh sorry interesting it's interesting that they go with the eyebrows matching the mustache rather than the hair it's like facial situation I guess so yeah pinches eyeball is this the game oh that's scary that's okay cool this revolutionary yo I'll bet it was I don't know whose games [Laughter] like in the old Looney Tunes where they like the pencil comes in this I'd actually like disintegrates a character and then just oh man new Mario I have never even seen this game oh it's gorgeous [Laughter] is that my girlfriend oh this is where she baked the cake yeah okay yeah who ever came from so I'm doing your research Thanks well alright so this was Super Mario World and much like ocarina of time like this was the time when I was away from video games I just gone to college and like I was all wrapped up in other things drugs and like I just never this is like where the gap for me in Nintendo is I like picked it up again when Gamecube came out so like n64 is kind of a mystery to me it's um it's a weird era it was definitely an aerial era where people were trying to figure [ __ ] out yeah Super Nintendo was like people were trying to make [ __ ] that already existed better yes I love Super Nintendo but this era was kind of like yeah what's the next step yeah well and the funny thing is I remember going to nobody beats the whiz in New Jersey and yeah we can skip this huh oh yeah this is like tutorial [ __ ] yeah I mean this is one of the first 3d [ __ ] oh yeah it was like okay okay I know this is intimidating but just it's okay up is now forward so here's a child's playroom for you to start in it no it really is that you know I've gone through phases with this game mm-hmm like growing up I was like yeah and then there was a phase where I was really like how this game was kind of lame but then now I'm at the point where I think it's pretty pretty smart game well that's the thing like I I was gonna say when I whatever when when I was in high school when this first came out like I remember seeing it like on display I like an electronic store and just being like totally overwhelmed I was like oh [ __ ] I can't I can't like Netan you can side-scrollers forever please oh yeah and these used to make my brother's sick yeah yeah me too me too well cuz your brother and I are closer in age so like maybe it's just our generation or whatever if you're just an old [ __ ] loser yeah I mean truly goes without saying but but that's the thing like um now having played Super Mario Sunshine which is essentially this just with much nicer graphics like you know thanks yeah you're right mark Mario's polygonal faces just a joy to look at well I don't know I could go into it okay fair enough you're like Matthew mitosis has done a pretty good analysis of it shout out to my boy Matthew mitosis is that as some kind of disease Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine review all right Matthew mitosis I'll watch it look it up you put a link on the screen Kevin because it's a YouTube matthew mitosis definitely sounds like something you could contract like if you were not really good at analyzing video not wearing a mask anyway like all the only place I was going with all that was that like this doesn't look intimidating at all anymore it actually looks quite [ __ ] amazingly advanced for 1996 oh yeah dude this I mean the way that Mario like right Haley good tilts into his run and [ __ ] yeah Wow yeah they [ __ ] thought of that well I mean they thought of that right away they must have they must have always been putting their best people on the Mario games right yeah like there's no way they'd neglect a Mario game that that being said of course we played [ __ ] super Mario's preschool party Yoshi adrift at sea for like 30 days oh my god oh god oh we've got a low bar going right now yeah I would I would go as far to say that speed runs of this game are beautiful really yeah are you speedrunning right now dude as you get up and down on the ledge like welcome to the finale of my watch this if you close all this funneling I've been doing has been entering in algorithms I feel like I did just watch yeah I didn't I just watched somebody beat a game in like four minutes one of the Mario games was it Super Mario [ __ ] I can't remember I just remember he was doing weird things yeah I think it was super mario world actually any like shoots a fireball and then he's like yes and then the credits rolled and I was like what yes world that that's like a [ __ ] I'm a travesty dude this episode is not gonna be ten minutes it's gonna be a little bit long sure sup dude what up said a king bomb yeah Oh would you hi Bob Bob um what's uh what do you it's a beautiful blurry a skybox you're looking at everything the light touches will [ __ ] explode o matic rain across the world Robert how dares grim a mountain by what I did is it what am i oh [ __ ] he got serious real quick no yeah doesn't that you'll never take his power starts hi I'm Bob what right do you have to enter my domain you can get behind him he's really fast I actually don't think you can he I don't think he can do any damage to you really yeah he's just a purely like getting to know your boss yeah but he can knock you off the mountain which is which is what's happening yeah so it's like I have to go all the way back up and I feel like this that's I mean we've certainly experienced it once or twice oh I love that vantage point where it looks like your legs are halting with his head see if we can try to get that again I think you use my incredible yeah I'm coming yeah I just bench a lot you know whatever Oh arm day again whatever wah wah can I be like you Baba Baba he's very sad oh [ __ ] yeah that's that probably the most overwhelming explosion I've ever encountered in any game yeah I mean yeah it's like triangles triangle is really dude Michael Bay would be really into that Michael Bay likes explosions I I decided it'd be cool to have a girlfriend that likes explosions a lot and you'd nickname her Michael Bay you racing a turtle right now yeah of course Wow what else would I do with a turtle I don't know I mean lick them and throw them up on the ceiling and watch and get stuck you know I have tried that have you yeah how did it go didn't taste good yes didn't stick good turtle died I'd I forgot to tell you yeah goes toast oh oh that reminds me uh boo why you poke your little flat biscuit you're [ __ ] kicking the [ __ ] out of this guy yeah dude like as someone who granted missed a lot of video games along the way I feel like being on grumps has really really taught me a lot holy [ __ ] you [ __ ] backflip jumped up yeah I mean whatever it's fantastic [Music] where you at Fifi like finally runs up and you're just it's just just just like getting louder as he approaches [ __ ] I'm so awesome I thought what better than the [ __ ] turtle ass what's a bass alternate all welcome back mario has taken a nap uh-huh he dreams when he naps here excuse me he's like no that's adorable it takes a little while it's white before he has no terrorists yeah you know when cats have REM sleep like eyes open a little bit and it's just kind of like this nightmare creature oh my god I met the twitchy estat recently yeah she's the best yeah she like when she relaxes she starts to twitch so she'll just be like hurrying and all happy to be around you and then it's like that's so cute it's [ __ ] adorable I would you know what yeah go on tell me how you'd have sex with the cat iron what I know we're doing this going on two years bro I [ __ ] I know where your head's at absolutely I can't believe oh my gosh and with the cat ah I have been pretty interested in this bike II can't think not not gonna lie yeah I'm interested in it too and not in a sexual way but definitely in a wow that's a spiky dick because he football deal so mochi has a spiky cat dick he sure does have you seen it please can you get boners if you're neutered are they unrelated yeah I think so you just can't fire off baby batter the least sexual oh absolutely oh say that say that to a girl once when it when like right at their like penultimate moment of lovemaking you're just like I'm [ __ ] shoots baby batter all over you she's like way into it she's like yes give me the [ __ ] liquidy almost children we're peace-loving bombs so we don't use cannons but if you'd like to blast off it'll mine help yourself I'm just gonna moonwalk in place I'm doing a little jig and practicing for the Riverdance give me all bomb Riverdance it's gonna be an explosive ending that was exactly the high-five that deserve seaweed salad is like when you order Japanese food and they're in the like bringing you miso soup stage like sometimes they'll bring you a little dish of a dish sometimes they'll bring you a dish sorry dish I was cleaning a different do you want to do next time I game works is it time oh god I'm getting worse at this as time goes on you're always a minute off it's that right every single time but whenever I try to compensate and I'm like I'll just wait the extra minute it turns out I was like 4 minutes off and it's only been six minutes we're peace-loving bombs so so well maybe you can like maybe you should use that as a measurement right so you're really good at measuring nine minutes right and you're really good at measuring four minutes at a time right so or we could fix our timer that's been broken for eight months no no no we're not doing that well next time on game grumps oh gosh okay I will make sure that Ross doesn't creepily stare at us through that window oh Jesus man what is he doing there hey Ross he does have a creepy stare but also beautiful eyes it's a real oxymoron Lee nice all right so there's a mama penguin here she is mm-hmm [ __ ] mama penguin they're here hey hey God my baby have you seen my baby she's the most precious baby in the whole world she looks so different than all the other Penguins I just can't remember where I left her let's see I stopped Wow very informative thank you so you just have to [ __ ] start bringing your penguin babies until she's like yeah that's really yeah can you just save time and chuck them off the [ __ ] mountain in her direction um you would think right I don't know maybe there's one yeah but it's not the right one I on to the red herring because it's like oh it's there she's right here you stupid idiot yeah and it's just like no it's not she smothers it yeah oh good oh that's Charlie's baby yeah that's Charlie's baby I don't know nothing like me I'll call [ __ ] you no I don't put her down is this her what about this yeah welcome back to cool cool mountain cool I'm out and going on the frosty slide for eight red coins are you really do it yes you got one that's one actually don't know where they all are [Laughter] Princessa pages are never seen but the Louise yes whoa whoa whoa God you [ __ ] ass sliding uphill all right that doesn't make much sense does it I was a sliding up no I did you see how I almost that's why they built that fence do you think yeah well baby from last topic in floating island I'd love it if they slipped in one [ __ ] head like just in the in this there there like it's in cursive people aren't gonna read it that closely Oh rune you guys want to see a master Mario player yeah log on a game grubs dotnet what's up you [ __ ] [ __ ] welcome to the speed runner Mario 64 download my long-play speedrun commentary of Marcy's 4 available now in real media format at slash HTTP colon slash ass slash monkey slash monkey [ __ ] a coconut and slash Mario slash jumping slash White's rule racist [ __ ] sweet oh my god like What did he say white rule it's like a real media so you can't like rewinding I think I heard him say that no it must have been something else it must have been like hight school or like that's like a oh that got banned or like a yeah a hockey team yeah the whites there you go nice did you like my little Mario voice I did of course I liked it oh my god I'm so [ __ ] good [ __ ] this I don't remember this game being this hard why did you God why did you create me with all these gifts we have some leave some gifts for the other people look I need I need all I can get [ __ ] weebs I have to share this planet with and plebs blebs know is it getting harder because you're more like miyamoto you wonderful bastard Oh God God God God I'm not even I'm not even I could guys oh this thing is open already because I already talked to the pink person I can just do I can just do it dude I can just [ __ ] do I'm gonna [ __ ] check this [ __ ] out come on yep there it is there it is there it is next time I get gross oh my god yeah maybe that'd be prudent get your chops up when you're finally ready for level 1 to plastic surgery is almost always a losing proposition it really is man unless it's like a small adjustment like oh I was born with a fucked-up chin or something right we know I have a normal chin yeah or [ __ ] up thumbs I don't know just as an example just throwing it out there nicely done are you might consider getting your thumb surgery yeah it's a get Lee cosmetic thumb surgery to get like huge boobs put onto him yeah doctor listen will you put tits on my thumb hello hello I think we might have gotten yeah I think there must be some static I'm the tits thumb guy just to make it easier for you to rule that was some Strider [ __ ] dude I did that all on my own completely on purpose granted it happened because you [ __ ] up like you were falling in your death but I'm giving you full credit dude thank you you can't refer to cunnilingus as blowing a girl Kenya that doesn't seem I've heard people call it head oh yeah yeah I've heard I've heard head referred to each time but like there's no we'll head to the female judge okay that's just a tiny penis hmm that's true well we should let like I mean you and our kind of [ __ ] chatterboxes when we round each other so it doesn't like there's very few like moments of silence we should force ourselves to have more moments of awkward silence because we're just so accepting of what the other one says all the time yeah it's like we never stopped to think how [ __ ] batshit crazy at all this nice no it wasn't it was perfect it's not at all the spinal damage that one would be concerned about getting shot into a brick wall from a cannon still too low Aaron it was almost oh please what do you know about Mario 64 I don't I don't even know what happened okay I know this is the seventh attempt at this there it is [ __ ] dead on that [ __ ] was that was really good it was really good I'm thinking how did you know that was in there was there a crack in that wall it's just the way the [ __ ] game is dog yeah but like okay Jesus I'll take that don't you know anything I guess not I told me I'm she's a wild piece of look Kevin how you doing we haven't talked to you in a while yeah let's go buddy that's good that was your um your thing yeah how was that thing did you see how [ __ ] perfect that shot that was astonishing Kevin did you see that did you like it that wasn't even the [ __ ] mission I was supposed to do Wow I just did a [ __ ] willy-nilly mission cuz I was like that looks like a star and then I did it in C this game was cool Kevin how great is Aaron awesome don't embarrass me thank you for all your compliments yeah I I totally agree with whatever you just said don't don't don't that's like writing a blank check like the movie blank check can you please put a zombie cheeseburger floating across the screen actually up and down turkey yes oh but he has to come down from the top of the screen gently and sink into the abyss like bottom of the screen on this I got to invent some [ __ ] floaty character someday dude it's as easy as just saying the first stupid [ __ ] thing that comes into your head cuz I had nothing to do with Bergy that was that was you and Barry collaborative effort yeah yeah I mean you could even make the argument that it was totally me and Barry just [ __ ] was along for the ride cute he would not have gone over I know Barry's Barrett's probably in the top two editors I've ever known personally in my life yeah and tell you where yeah yeah because it'll make him feel bad yeah yeah hello oh man oh here we are Super Mario Sunshine in a while I love it what do you like it are you having fun wrong oh you're right I'm sorry embarrassing Super Mario Majora's Mask Super Mario I know embarrassing I'm sorry it's majora x' mask I majored in math studies said I bet someone did major would ya word well I bet I bet someone actually went to college and studied masks in honor of Zelda like like their whole life is one big troll no I'd like to think that we're the first person ever to come up with that joke I better write if you can even call it that yeah it's barely humor how long do you think they worked on that shadow to get it to look exactly like lots of mocap say yeah late nights we've done it it's Voltorb yeah and stuff goddamnit nope ah no it's mine oh gosh oh no he's doing in no get to the coin oh you're dead so close meanwhile it was an optical illusion and you're like five miles below the ocean's surface stakes are low beep yeah dan was asking me what the the little guy with the camera is in the bottom right hand he was always watching always judging yeah we'll see like the the idea of controlling a camera was not like a thing right the player controlling again yeah that that was like a new thing and they thought it would be hard for people to understand it was hard for me to understand so I'd never played a Nintendo 64 game because of it so they gave it a character like the camera is the lakitu holding a camera when you press this you're controlling the lakitu it's like when I was scared to go to the dentist and there was like um to me tooth you don't have to be scared you dumb [ __ ] I might be paraphrasing that I don't so you're gonna get your teeth pulled and it's gonna look like me me too have you ever thought about your tooth being outside your body before it's pretty traumatic leave here we go leave me under the pillow for a nightmarish intruder to come into your house we call it a fairy to make it better for you but it's still terrified it's unquestionably a demon oh don't tell your porch you know though oh my God if I ever have kids I'm telling him about the tooth demon well the tooth demon has gnarled teeth yeah crazy long bone fingers and his ice-cold leave a quarter under your pillow to satiate his bloodlust it's all he has means something to us but not to him right I might die leave two pennies under your pillow so after the demon kills you you can put them on your eyes and buy your way across the river Styx I don't wanna embarrass myself or [ __ ] like three hours isn't that the second time you've done that so far I got a very early level like I'll do later hey babe oh no God that was to mind [ __ ] right in a row I've stepped right in some you step right into my trap as I know you would I warned you Reverend do you need to add the quotes yeah watch your step I wouldn't have like weirdly been like Oh am I your friend like interesting no yeah are you not the enemy Oh God wow wow that was like the one thing you couldn't do I'm I'm learning yeah it's okay no all right denied yeah something I've always wondered about bwahaha has anyone ever said that okay me just reiterate probably said this a million times I'll go on I am no all good well yeah you can take that demean generally that's fine I do mean that yeah I have problems I just wanted to be specific about something at least that's okay because I still love you yeah like very tough you know what we're really testing my love right now I just I had my eye on the on this the swirly electrical thing I couldn't you don't seem to be losing Mario's well Mario lives oh it's cuz you just got the free guy the one man yeah I forgot about you your strange terminology the strange is normal do people say one man no they've never heard ya know me freaky people that is my state of normalcy yeah free guy is how I was brought up free guy yeah man is what I wound up and free man yeah what oh but I think you just said one man well that's that's my combination I shoot free guy that's just much more casual though yeah it's just a free guy I feel like that's business cash yeah yeah oh my god a free man is very like yes well we'll call you in the morning to see if your reports instead turn out catch you later a free guy it's to me it sounds more like like some [ __ ] that like a really like a overly friendly douchebag would say like a bar like free guy can't believe free guy showed it's been a while free guy for ya that thing with the gunner you go away oh [ __ ] one man's here hey oh hello Mario sleepy hmm doesn't give a [ __ ] about what's going on I don't blame him i'm all hyped up cuz i just talked to my dad oh yeah how's he doing he's good I don't know didn't pay attention yeah yeah well it's the thing about my parents is they always um they always ask me about me and I'm like what are you up to and they're like yeah whatever so anyway yeah yeah a lot of parents are like that yeah like our lives are wild they boring and we lived through you Oh Spanish that window this one I would have never noticed that well well you have me with you that song sounds like fun is to be had every fun happens when this song plays meanwhile this would be excruciating if it happened oh he put some brutal change put some gold bond on rude old true yeah have you ever put gold buy medicated powder in your boss Oh of Cour you kidding me that is my [ __ ] bread and butter you have yeah dude I tell you ever go on a trip somewhere if you ever go to the nihon you honey a key mas yes go on mother [ __ ] in Disneyland Miki MA oh yeah oh yeah mother [ __ ] and I wear Nemo I like the way it tingles yeah I love the feeling of Johnson and Johnson on my Johnson nice it's I mean it's just it's true I've been saying it for years nice sweet Oh Wendy and don't turn that key Mario turn that [ __ ] key so you can get in the [ __ ] secret area oh [ __ ] is this a secret yes I see where'd you get the key from 11 more [ __ ] stars that's [ __ ] oh that's right when you when you killed Bowser he turned into a cake that's mean I should have remembered that yeah it literally just happened well you had a nice long conversation with your dad it was ten minutes yeah it was a ten-minute conversation with my dad I know I know but that was enough time for me to look at the titty drop read it and forget about everything I did not I have not looked at that in a long time [Music] how many TT drops can you see before you're like okay I get it it's titties dropping it's not I get it it's it's art it's [ __ ] hard every titty is unique and special and I don't mean every pair of titties I mean it's like saying ho majora can you see on the wall before you like like know every titty yeah I've seen Salvador Dali yeah whatever [ __ ] elephants with long legs lobster phones blah blah blah melting clock I guess we get over the melting clocks please the Mona Lisa I get it she's a girl fun I got I gotta say though I saw the Mona Lisa one time yeah not the most impressive painting it was just dark and muddy and come on [ __ ] rabbit I mean it was cool to say just oh [ __ ] did you just [ __ ] coffee grind that was a little coffee grinder move oh [ __ ] hold on a second Mario I know I didn't I just didn't know he could [ __ ] get down like that I mean not get this [ __ ] rabbit they did what are you supposed to be at him yeah well I'm doing my best okay I believe in you apparently this was this was how the original game was developed I think what do you mean just chasing rabbits yeah when they when they developed the game it was only a rabbit in like an open space and they were like this is this is not pleasant this is a [ __ ] this is a wild goose chase through to the sewage system while Babbage's yeah what the hell I [ __ ] clipped him dude I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day to bring in another varmint into the mix I'm not I'm not like I don't feel like I'm doing bad right should you like oh you have to oh sweet coffee grinder water come here oh you son of a [ __ ] you're gonna [ __ ] get in my hands right now you see that [ __ ] I'm gonna grab your golden bunny I'm gonna cover you in my piss and nobody will know anything's different shiny thing mine is mine Finders Keepers just take it gift it's a star what did it say at the end he said it's a gift from Bowser go have tea or something I thought it said now let me die that's fine you've taken my stop now you want to save down your bet better believe it [ __ ] yeah or like no no I can't ask to have it yeah to put you into this Damon face to the demon world yeah bunny did you bring the sacrifice you know I did [ __ ] wow you are getting Brad oh I'm not he's just a big bully that's all I know oh god stop it big bully beat me to the boiling Bob [ __ ] he's open to my shoe jump into my shoe just get my shoe on your face shoe face what you are you guys are a bunch of shoe bases Joe in the face yeah even if I fall in the lava at least I know I have the dignity of knowing that I had my shoe in your face oh I believe someone told me that the ho that's scary who someone told me that College Humor got their start by making foam shocker hands really yes as in like the two fingers up and the pinky up I know that college humor got their start by stealing other people's content is that right yeah they started making their own content oh that's good if the college humor used to be like like a funny image video aggregate okay so not exactly ceiling well they would upload it on their thing and get their watermark on that is stealing that is definitely stealing I don't know maybe new management or they were like that was their plan all along yeah it could be like all different people now I remember it was a big deal like people were rated like down with college humor loose - they were lucky bombs world basically Ebaum's world stole wait a second you need to tell me my mom you're bluffing me Oh like this see the the name of each level tells you a little bit about what you got to do so it's like it's like red-hot log rolling and you're like hmm well I didn't see any logs in that direction maybe they're in this direction oh they are this one's called going the volcano stupid hey idiot you're gonna love it please please please please yeah that was a close one that was an Indiana Jones shoe dude these floors are reminding me of like like floors at my friend's parents house from the 70s and [ __ ] oh so true friends bathroom really yeah the 70s were definitely a time for like various shades of orange and brown to be melded together yeah have you ever seen the houston astros old uniforms know one of my favorite uniforms in all of sports you lost me when you started sorry dude well you'd like this from an aesthetic point of view let me see if I can bring him up dude Kevin is way into baseball oh yeah yeah aren't you Kevin wasn't you just marry it then oh yeah Kevin why don't you marry baseball good point I'm just gonna assume he made a good point there yeah no he probably just put like hi oh no so there was there was this um in this level there was this old rumor that was just waterfall on the side heard lava fall I guess sure that um this one right here so if you fell off in a certain spot you could hit it and it would like make your butt all then he would fly up in the air mm-hmm and then you could just like do that all the way up to the lava waterfall and then supposedly when you got to the top you you could unlock Luigi oh my god but that's not true I tried it and I got to the top when I was way young and I was like oh and I like felt ripped off like I was mad at Nintendo right you guys lied to me it hasn't been super disproven perhaps yes you just weren't doing it amazing he's in the D s port of it so I unlocking characters before like unlocking characters became like a real thing was so fascinating to me as a kid like I remember in the early Mortal Kombat's like when sub-zero and like scorpion like you could find reptile yeah and her Mac the red one oh that was way later yeah but I mean like it was a it was a mind-blowing thing and like my mom would be like isn't it's just the same character just a different color here the [ __ ] brown rainbow uniforms oh that's clean yeah right I love them Kevin put him up yeah houston astros of the 80s I miss you look at that sexy [ __ ] Oh mom god it's ugly I would touch that with my penis you thought I was gonna say penis yeah I almost did in fact I'm gonna at Kevin edit edit penises okay not you Kevin I'm talking about the bullies yeah yeah [ __ ] you ready dicks wherever you want what he got love taps as he says uh-huh bye another man in a car and I just I'm just emotionally dealing he will be missed I should go talk to him right now yeah I said to him is it where's the hospital I have to visit you did I get those coins over there well all you need are the bridge ones and you're good yeah well I just I just wanted to see if it wasn't I didn't have to get yeah I just wanted to see if there was one that wasn't located directly on boiling hot lava Oh God oh jeez well there yeah hop okay I need to be very careful yeah it's gonna be tricky last coins how you gonna Hagen get them all without dying I need to get the cap yeah it'd be good they just swooped on in that's a lot to ask oh okay deep breath it's tricky dick yeah yeah okay now don't [ __ ] up starting now [Music] Oh God Oh let me get to swim in okay stop no no no oh god I have one shot at this do it do it I believe in you I believe in you we should fast forward son of a [ __ ] boy you weren't even close either you just dive-bomb straight into it straight into that lava it's hard oh I don't doubt it I don't doubt it I couldn't do any better myself but you are the worst thanks man true encouragement from a true friend just kidding okay I'm sorry I was just joking there yeah now our true friend oh yeah and I was joking about kidding yeah man I stepped on that [ __ ] switch it was so satisfying I was like popping a [ __ ] zit that could have done without the hard T on that [Music] hey nice tip tips is such a funny word to me is it it always has been yeah it is pretty it makes me giggle oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa I missed was sweeping you along writing your tip stain they say it's so like not sexy not flattering yeah just like tits let me see your dish well that's the thing like has the word tits ever been like uttered when the sentence was not referring to like show them to me show me your tits looks like you might have a little cancer in your tits Graham on my tits today that is amazing I wish all doctors did that do you want to go chicken see you in a chicken leg or the tit just a gynecologist is like all right I'm just gonna check your oh my god Magic Mike fingers Magic Mike fingers well yeah yeah cuz remember you were fixing the Burger Time cartridge and you got it right dude I I ran out of breath of thinking about it later and laughing again no Kevin kept that [ __ ] right in there Kevin knows what's up dude yeah you're a boy Kevin yeah nice tense situation going i am amped are you yeah you know when people say like i'm am but they really just mean like I'm scared I've never heard of yous like that but they use it you know they use that sometimes I'll say I'm I'm cramped or I'm damp yeah I guess I've never used it but bro I am damp right I've actually never said that but we should start okay like to start making it a thing oh man so damp do you see jared leto cut his hair I am dead I know I know it's the worst alright I need to uh I need to I just I I just full disclosure I just said come on baby in a in a hilarious voice that I made up by myself we did not sing three notes of any song because we are not allowed to sing we're not all what to sing anymore no more the rule this is one of our songs like opening the door jumping in the thing this isn't nearly would you doing yo I'm scared I'm scared don't worry fine just suck me as it was I give up Kevin can you add a toilet flushing sound in there thank you thank you yeah it would have already happened and would have been weird that it's fine whatever put in another toilet flushing sad and followed by a Wilhelm scream what the how we scream [Music] it's going to be very difficult for me when brought Ross and Brian are together often because Brian friggin Brian thrives on annoying me and Ron that is literally his food it well it's not just me it's it's everyone he loves in his life yeah like his wife I mean my god my god she must have the patience of a saint or just like no other options I would have left him years ago true truth to that yeah I would probably probably kill him in his sleep yeah there's a little pep yeah oh God if anyone's if anyone's getting the paps it's it's Brian there's no doubt about it we go to the doctor and get a pat yeah perhaps on your tip yeah how does mamrie's look oh they look good I thought I did good but I didn't do it good that's not what a pap is and that's not where it happens but it's not on the boobs oh it's not no what am I thinking of you're thinking of a mammogram oh yeah yeah I'm not a woman I don't have an experience to draw from well I only I was in the room when when girls in my life have been done no I only know because well from Naked Gun the main guy was mr. pahpshmir mom yeah well my mom was always very like very straightforward with stuff about that she was like it doesn't matter if if you find it embarrassing it's more important that you know the science behind things so you can be more sensitive to people oh yeah and she was like yes that has to do with the vagina and I was like I have to go I have to go isn't that a state oh look at her it's next to West vagina I'm almost positive what the [ __ ] was I gonna say oh yeah I remember between Bucky and to see go on I remember I was in a room with my pants and somebody else and this somebody else was like I think this is in like the [ __ ] 90s I was very young sure they were like I think seal is gay like a singer the singer okay not gay yeah and then I was like what is gay just like flat out like like this is the moment that my parents are dreading oh right right and they just sort of look at each other and they're like well how did they put it it it means that you like to kiss boys wow did they say it like that yeah and I was like I mean I don't know I've never kissed a girl and I like kissing my dad I like that no no I don't want to die I don't I don't it's not a thing that I enjoy no no my friends my family I'll miss them all [ __ ] get this goddamn monkey oh do I just sneak up on I miss them I think that's it [ __ ] [ __ ] monkey monkey that's the last time I'll let you [ __ ] with me monkey monkey you're dead your family's dead your friends are dead all the things that you love are dead yeah the Beatles I'm going to last one wait as Paul McCartney's though yeah there's two left okay I'm gonna take out the last two okay because if you like that three if you can't Pete best we'll see like original Beatles yes yeah just be like the scary shrooms hahahaha been there been there done that not sure I quite recovered still hallucinating don't like pizza who doesn't like pizza you know what I actually realized the other day who I am huge into pizza anymore or I'd say anymore it's just that well okay I love pizza but when it's good right yes I feel like maybe 20% of pizza is good I just thought I know I love cliffs did you just see me fall since I did it was incredible okay so I just [ __ ] on pizza and died in mario city 4 so this will be a very popular it's Steel Panther you know how I love them they're some of my idols and I watched them like I love watching people who I love and respect to deal with like situations that happen to all musicians and comedians uh-huh like sometimes you'll just make a joke and it won't connect you know and or sometimes you'll play a song and it doesn't sound right or whatever so I saw a Steel Panther performing at the hustler store on on Sunset Boulevard uh-huh and what was the story again what's the address of the hustler store isn't it just look for the mannequins what with the sluttiness and often and they just played there and it was an awesome show but like just to rev the crowd up for for whatever reason they were like yeah New York's got pretty big pretty good pizza but no one's got pizza like la pizza and like no one says anything it was actually it was an amazing example of like something that failed that they turned into the funniest moment of the show so goddamn funny I'm [ __ ] no it's just called mysterious mountainside they I mean your objective certainly is mysterious so is there just a part of the mountainside that is particularly misty is it that waterfall oh is it that star up in that waterfall did you see that is there one you saw did you see that water now check this out [ __ ] magic it's right there oh you sneaky bastard good job how'd you get in there do you have to take that cloud whoa dude bro how how'd you know I didn't uh I just it looked a little that weird different and I was like um wow I didn't even I didn't even say it maybe that's the thing because I knew it was a thing that mario64 does I am having immediate fun by the way this music yeah dude this is the this is the falling to your doom the wrong I did the wrong you gotta kiss you the [ __ ] skull oh I was not smart I was not menteng of that direction it's a little bit more metal than I anticipated well at least you know what you're going for [ __ ] dude oh it starts me from here oh sweet that's very nice of them ask me what I did this weekend I hope it wasn't chafing your ass nearly as badly as Mario must be dealing with right now I worked oh I just did a bunch of work good for you I did too oh all right yeah I [ __ ] did that [ __ ] would you work on I don't even remember okay are you at liberty to say probably answered some emails oh wow too riveting thanks for bringing it up Aaron what can I share something with you from earlier today what is it then well I sent you a text early in the morning yeah because I have to go out of town for one weekend yeah this and so I was like I won't give specific dates but I was like do you have any preference whether I go this weekend or the next weekend mm-hmm your response is it at 9:30 in the morning mother [ __ ] jesse eisenberg Jesus Christ [ __ ] dude [ __ ] face book movie [ __ ] Jesus can you [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] you know nope no punctuation random capitalization so I respond I have no idea what we're talking about right now 45 minutes pass I get a text from you goddamn created Facebook and [ __ ] lawyers and [ __ ] right [ __ ] Winklevoss twins goddamn rowing the boat [ __ ] your [ __ ] I can't even [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] him you see this [ __ ] I just watched this [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man I respond Aaron you're scaring me an hour passes respond mother [ __ ] you spider-man spider-man you putting the time [ __ ] putting the time mother [ __ ] build [ __ ] with his bare hands [ __ ] best friend [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg I'm very tired I'm just like no problem man I'll I'll do most the talking at the grump session today immediate lick response I'm talking like five seconds later no man I'll just talk about the Facebook movie all day [ __ ] man you have to be so interested in the [ __ ] I have to say about the Facebook movie [ __ ] dude I just watched a year and a half ago [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man he [ __ ] over spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins growing treant resin or did the soundtrack [ __ ] this guy who invented Facebook I don't like died I can't think of who the [ __ ] invented Facebook all I could think is the guy who played the guy who invented Facebook who the [ __ ] invented Facebook and then in all capital letters two hours later Mark Zuckerberg what the [ __ ] I swear to God I had to wake up supremely early I was take their Iong reading though I didn't like I didn't want to call you out and be like what are you talking about anymore cuz I was afraid you'd stop so it's just like I'll just calmly keep responding with my own agenda I had to wake up way earlier than I usually wake up right to take barre to the airport mm-hmm and then on the way [ __ ] it back where the [ __ ] is all the way back I was just like so tired and I just I saw that's what you were texting that while driving know here's the thing that was all Siri that was insane but I was leaving the airport I saw this [ __ ] kid that looked just like Jesse Eisenberg it got me thinking about Jesse Eisenberg at the Facebook movie that I was just like [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg man and then I had my phone in my hand because I was I just started the GPS situation oh sure and then I was just like text and [ __ ] [Laughter] and I was really surprised that it stayed on track with everything and I said he's amazing can I tell you the voice I think you were talking to Syria now that I know that yeah that's how I imagined it was good exactly Wow Wow [ __ ] Jesse Eisenberg and [ __ ] [ __ ] Reza did the music trent resin or our ESI n-space oh our oh that [ __ ] no but seriously after I was done with that I was I was that was an actual [ __ ] text when I was like what the hell is the guy who made Facebook's name what the [ __ ] is his name yeah all I can think of is Jesse Eisenberg yeah it's and it's another burg name so it's close yeah and then and then finally like as I was [ __ ] like pulling into my driveway I was just like pops all cabs I'm [ __ ] I mean honestly knowing that I'm lucky you didn't just [ __ ] run over to my door and just start banging oh my god that would have been [ __ ] me like at my window just screaming Mark Zuckerberg I watched Ross's video finally like top to bottom about about that whole situation Ross is like surprisingly oh I love your little tippy toes yeah Ross is surprisingly eloquent when he cares about something yeah he's such a douchebag he is passionate about specific things yeah not the least of which is animation it's it's he's an interesting guy I'd [ __ ] well I have [ __ ] him it's not that we didn't invite you there just he was role-playing is you know I wouldn't roleplay as him I don't care it's like shut up Australian Aaron don't talk during I know why do you never look at me during what's a [ __ ] genius he certainly is huh I come on man let me [ __ ] goddamn it these guys seem so cute and friendly at first it's [ __ ] sucks you get more coins now yeah and a die I lose all my steez water skimmer over here yeah you're a bug that can walk on water big [ __ ] deal so could Jesus how do I get in there no no could go next time on game grumps it's time yeah let's figure it out off-camera and then launch your stupid ass hi okay okay the platform after like 20 minutes ly Kevin and make a compilation swearing is this [ __ ] control game dick can hate the way this game controls so much wow sucks check it see boom good job boom oh I'd do anything for your hot tits okay like camera whoo grinding my last gear here ended on this failure oh boy oh not this film huh okay okay I just go spin hey jump and not fall off the mother for as the camera swings around me hello Fred ah stay away okay I'm dead yeah we'll end it on that failure Oh stick with us we're getting better oh I could have just [ __ ] jumped in there oh my god alright I mean the gaseous I could have just jumped in there I'm a little saucy mm-hmm so you did it yeah I [ __ ] did it yay oh so happy or you got pissed I knew I passed at one point you were like [ __ ] this game and it's no redeeming quality [Laughter] the only thing I complain about about this game [ __ ] controls so yeah no actually to your credit even in your darkest moments you'll be like [ __ ] this [ __ ] there's a lot to like best racist joke go what best racist joke go sure that's a good idea alright that's racist joke go what what it what did the black guy say that Chinese kappa my god that's so racist [Music] yo why are you so Chinese and [ __ ] it started off really good alright best racist joke go okay where the chinese guy says to the black guy yo you why are you why are you so black that's racist joke go what did the black Chinese guy say to the Chinese black guy what hey Jim his name is Jim well you found all the cap switches haven't you did your green blue the caps you get from colored blocks really helpful hurry along now third floor is just ahead I did not find all thank you for your patronizing just else reading for Red Coins oh sweet yes now I gotta use the show okay cool that's cool though cuz like it's like a little you know scheme alright schemes like a girlfriend that keeps [ __ ] with you but is just cool enough that you stick around yeah it's it's annoying sucks but gosh dang if it doesn't suck my dick really just that mean the best kind of ever had buy me stuff buy me stuff I'm gonna talk about me you're so stupid and you never say anything cool I love you baby oh they're up here [Music] Jesus sneaky snacky oh there's a [ __ ] ton of them up here are you [ __ ] snowman oh [ __ ] is there another turtle shot hope so if there's not I'm gonna be super pissed get ready Oh time to activate the super you know what [ __ ] this level really yeah you're so cool you know where everything is now yeah but you're so close I'll just draw myself in the cold water yeah drying yourself again oh god that is sad it is there's something very sad about it yeah looping around a little with face first painting mmm to his death all right well this is your last shot this is my last shot yep I gotta go on you gotta eat got it going on like I can't say like the monkey because that's copyrighted you know that what are you talking about oh it's on like Donkey can't say it okay it's a copy written really yeah [ __ ] Nintendo license that [ __ ] they were like nobody can sue but what if it's on in that specific way in a manner that is similar to how Donkey Kong would have it be on yeah whoa excuse me sir boy how good would that feel if like you bumped into someone on the street and like um excuse me and then you jumped on their head killed them and then sailed into the air with your arms out and twirled around don't forget about the red cords up yeah [Laughter] and everyone thought you were a hero Oh that'd be dreaming there you go there you go Wow kinda makes you wonder why it took us 12 episodes before okay so is that the slide stop making me slide okay do you remember or the very [ __ ] polygon ik angular approximation of what an Ziggler would be have you ever seen that no looking like it's like a commercial for a game design Institute huh like game programming Institute and it's like some kids they they're played games and then like their boss comes in and how's it going with with this level boss boss things we we need to tighten up the graphics in level three right back to you which is like great and then they're like can you believe oh my god that's awesome I have to see this oh yeah it's a classic [ __ ] pandering 90s commercial yeah yeah we can't believe you get paid for [ __ ] designing video games yeah we make a living playing them the world has gotten cooler since the 90s I'll tell you what yeah it's really hard to make video games all right it actually is I'm sure not like tighten up the graphics by playing a video game yeah you know Mario myself out of this equation Aaron can you tighten up the playing on level six I'll do much you know what I'll do my best can you believe we get paid to do so pluck the prongs I've done yeah easy peasy making that [ __ ] happen he's gonna be so [ __ ] easy for me i plug for on Apollo for flour I [ __ ] fur on a flower of ours Lou yeah the front for honor power you can't even believe you you don't even [ __ ] doubt dude how drunk was Kevin the other night so funny so funny he was doing he was texting me and he was like I'm sorry I thought you were my girlfriend I was like Kevin you said nothing that indicated that I was you thought I was your girlfriend or there was nothing even girlfriend related you're like but I called you baby and I was like no you didn't say I'm sorry I called you baby like Kevin she's so drunk right now I loved it I loved it he was like I texted and I said but he was drunk when he was explaining yeah well he was drunk when he was explaining it to me I was like it makes less sense now did I tell you I texted I texted and and I apologize because he's I sigh I thought he was Paulette but then I don't even think I looked in a did text so I apologize for nothing yeah yeah I was like dude you don't have to apologize for thinking something like I wouldn't have known he's he's the best fo sho Kevin don't even worry about it brother yeah it would take so much more than that to piss me off oh [ __ ] yeah I don't know probably Kevin just [ __ ] being like hey [ __ ] you Kevin tighty [ __ ] Kevin goddamn it oh god oh god did I tell you about when I when I was at UH when I was in Hawaii and then we were Susie and I were trying to relax and I like right behind us we're like these really loud New Yorkers Oh perfect my people just like like you know like one of the big families yep and like friends that are also a big family just chitter chattering the whole time God it was just like it was just like man you know I'm respecting your space and everything but you're literally right behind us going like hey you know get it hey hey get me that pizza hey you're gonna bring over a slice of pizza yeah yeah hey ask-ask Janene hey if you want to soda you want to saw you know what I'm feeling a little thirsty yo can you get me a sprite oh you got me a sprite that was when I lived in Brooklyn that was like it's like the city version of like roosters that wake you up in the morning it's like 7:30 a.m. but then the funny thing about it was sounds of coming out for a while and then like one of them walked over into a different direction like the people sitting next to them we're like hey mr. raxin yes sorry oh my god amazing my dad just gets very excited when I come home Aaron weird and crazy okay I should have known I should have known where I was going no it's okay oh my when I come home my dad gets all excited and so like he'll like yeah I'll be I'll talk to him for like 45 minutes or an hour when I get home and then I'm like alright I'm gonna go lie down now cuz you know just had a cross-country flight he's like ok and then I go in there and like thirty seconds later he comes in Hey five more times at least with that yeah in yeah before he won't even qualify it with I thought of something he's just like like it like our first conversation never happened it's like hey the soccer games on tonight I'm like okay cool okay I think close the door oh that's cute yeah 45 seconds go by hey hey done oh it's so it's so sweet you're fine you know what just just use this time to follow him and see where you're supposed to go and then try to take it take him over at the very end yeah oh yeah you know you know me and more you could do a triple half gainer how the [ __ ] put inside of him god damn alright this times the one yeah I think this is the one I think so too [Music] he also like imagine it's not very super tight and I'm used to it and it's it was more annoying when I was a teenager and I was like look now I'm like yeah you can leave give me food and shelters with what exactly and now I just now I've just loved him so I'm like all right it's funny cuz he'll come into the room and I'm just like well there's one and like I just count every time I'd be too tired on account I want to count your ocular oh me too and blueberry dude oh my god I love those seasonal cereals yeah is blueberry season oh [ __ ] yeah it's only on Halloween bro god damnit get the same thing I feel like I'm going insane there would be a platformer or something you need to take it a little easier on this race won't you be fast you're getting wrapped up in the bluegrass music oh that's the sound of turtles man yeah let's go I've only heard turtles make one sound and it's the sound when they're banging it's the best it's so hot oh yeah they sound like people yeah yeah they do well they all make the same noise so big turtles are like that's it oh my god what doesn't [ __ ] there's no kids not pointed at it that pointed at the [ __ ] cameras not at the camp they can't see it no I didn't notice it either right I didn't notice it it wasn't there I play in camera man was there yeah it's been a [ __ ] it you did great I just spent the barrios holding up his fingers like two hours hours on that ship tornado for that NATO absolutely house please please please please mo God is there a way I bet you can flip around yeah see but all its it's just a one up right well I think there's another level that I can like help to get on that thing in the middle why not just take once because Dan it's much easier to do it this way don't you see I do what that woman is doing to me we've saved a lot of time yeah give it like a churchy reverb oh yeah there is so you just have to get to the top of the pyramid I think in life you just got to get to the top of the pyramid I think or maybe you just fly at him you maybe pose you up in the tornado and I guess he would have done that the first time [Laughter] neck snaps back so upsetting I have wings and a shell what am I to do Dan um geez well was that solved itself was it want me to do what can I do it I've never been up here before I'm nursing that she'll hop on the shiny shell I'm right where you want shred those enemies whoops all right thanks I'll just get another wing cap and lie into that [ __ ] bird nests hole okay oh is that all you have to do just fly into him I guess I don't know I'm gonna try uncle Friday oh he's got the star in his talons got get him nice yeah baby it went somewhere I guess now I'm in the quicksand now oh really Wow have you ever seen the old far side cartoon with the parrot that's standing over our lake perched on a branch above quicksand and like in the quicksand there's just like two hats and like the parrots saying something like rat no Jim you'll put me into oh no no wait stand on the thing yeah there you go alright oh yeah there you go oh the shy guys trying to get at me got it [ __ ] yeah I'm just gonna make sure that I don't [ __ ] fall in the quicksand ah dang it I didn't think it was there dude amazing to watch you land on the quicksand as you're saying now I just have to not land on the Chris s really a a meta experience for me yeah and the GI Joe they're like you've gotta like put your hand out and let the dog sniff it and like make sure that like it starts wagging its tail because it gets your scent and it understands that you mean it no harm and then you can pet it and then you'll be cool with any dog but like what the [ __ ] did fencer films turn that into was that they're like I don't know much about computers of oh we got in my house my mom pool couple games on they're not playing ti2 my dad who I've gone on record many times is saying he's a very sweet guy yeah but put some of those not exactly a man who qualifies his statements well so right of that I am aware yeah so um I guess he saw the new ninja sex party t-shirts we put out and I'm sure what he wanted to say was great job on the new t-shirts Dan like I think they're awesome by the way this is my size can i buy one I'd love to have one or something like that what he ended up texting to me was I like the new NSP t-shirt large extra large thanks dark colors please the laughter made me die like that's pretty presumptuous having I couldn't give me that [ __ ] yeah oh my parents are the same way that's so funny they're just like you're gonna I mean there's no yeah just giving it like we yeah we put you on this earth give me all the [ __ ] that you gave me a t-shirt yeah the last coin is over he's selfish prick oh this is the red coin mission yeah in the [ __ ] why I saw a doctor recently who told me that like I have stomach issues sometimes and like he was like well vegan diet can help with that and I was like well actually my stomach issues started when I was a vegetarian and he was like well not not vegetarian vegan because milk and dairy stuff are basically like liquid meat and I'm like oh well okay and I was like yeah well I mean I did try to like I'm just talking to him at this point like me conversation I'm like I did did I was a vegetarian at one point because I wanted to you know help animals and I didn't want them to be in pain or anything he was like I don't care about your hippie [ __ ] I just think it's good for you I mean essentially like he was like yes that's the humanist point of view but that's not what we're talking about [Laughter] it's really funny that's not what we're talking about here you idiot yeah yeah yeah like a weirdo yeah I mean that's where that's really nice for your [ __ ] but I on the other hand yeah I'm gonna have a steak for dinner tonight yeah and wash it down with some liquid meat oh that is not kosher at all you know what I'm I'm down with recently mmm is [ __ ] there was a door there since I've been doing paleo hey there's no dairy in that so I've been doing them almond milk oh yeah almond milk is nice do you know anyone who says it the word milk like milk like with an e milk yeah okay do you want a glass of milk and I'm like what the [ __ ] is that is that some kind of weird like Oh milk soy milk like I want to get up in people's faces where they like in Philly when they say bagel bag of you won't bagel with cream cheese and I'm like what what do you matter they all count baby they all count fingers sorry oh no it wasn't the right one Oh two thirds but that extra one third is the one that's really gonna surprise that's the one that shocked yeah in fact you could just put your pinkie up and call it the shocker yeah have you ever have you ever seen where you switch you switch the fingers that's up like like instead of the middle finger you put the middle finger down and the ring finger goes up oh yeah that's called the showstopper the shape stuff let's get this show on the raw for some reason my pinky is the one that always has the longest sharpest nail why just a magic cut them even layer but I never I haven't cut my nails and fry just like them is that gross it's not gross it's just a sign of stress yeah I just like it okay it helps me relax from the unbelievable stress I'm I think it might be up here oh nice maybe this is the one I went through before no this is a different one yay finally a place I can relax yeah he does have a nice yeah we need when he punches he does have a slight like downswing to it like this [ __ ] you wait like can you punch a few times [ __ ] mouth don't tell me you're not a guy making a pizza I tell you when to make it a pizza I see you towed over there intangible [ __ ] you up as soon as you're tangible as soon as your own intangible no I didn't mean to save and quit now I don't want to see Mario stupid face again ah I want to go back to my world do you think he cries like Mario why don't you like Harvey goldstein [Laughter] you raise this bastard Maya get the coins forgot what I just said now kill your dad kill you when I first moved into Philly I had no money and I'm like talking like none like 20 hours in the bank account and I moved in there and I had no job and I had no idea how he was gonna survive barely making rent and so I was like man I wish I had furniture and then like the day my humble desire yeah and a day later like I see this beautiful couch just on the street and I was like oh it's like a dream come true so like why would someone throw away a couch this nice so I I I get my friends together and we all bring it down because I lived in a basement like a resident evil looking basement not my best time in my life and it's in my room for maybe two days and all of a sudden I'm like what is that terrible odor and it was like it wasn't just that like the couch had cat pee on it it was like someone had like wrung out a cat of its pee and mashed it all into the couch but like when it was on the street you couldn't smell it because of the wind you know like but only when it was an enclosed environment ie my apartment and this apartment was already basement II and gross and so it had no sunlight and I was like great now I have no sunlight and everything smells like you're that's awesome did you get rid of it no I I just had an orgy with like 40 girls that were like oh my god I love you derpy smelling things yeah [ __ ] I got rid of it good story yes ruff that was when I had a remember remember I told you there was that giant cockroach living in the like the hallway of my apartment not not in my own apartment but like in them in the main hallway and he would just live on the wall and he was so huge that like he was completely unafraid that anyone or thing could kill him he would just sit there every day and I named him Kevin oh yeah Roach Kevin yeah well cuz I like I was like have you ever told Kevin that's I don't think Kevin did I ever tell you that I had a pet Roach named after your namesake well you literally just did yeah and he was he actually got cute after you name things they become cuter oh yeah attic Roach in the bathroom called Charlie when I had lived in it was in Florida Wow oh god they get huge down there oh yeah well plus we lived in like a little of [ __ ] nowhere so it was just like whatever yeah yeah just kevin is like this antenna would twitch a little bit and Oh Kevin actually I'll see you already this is this is like I don't even know if this is like sad for this is where my life was at or like we're sweet but my landlord said like I'm so sorry I like I got a guy we're killing that roach tonight know what so I got a glass and I put him outside I like drove him to safety I was like live your life go Kevin be free yeah and I like he was one of the giant like slow moving ones so like even after I like let him go like he didn't like just run out of a glass he was just like this is worried yeah looks cuter like oh my god my mom I come from a long line of family members who don't kill anything you know we just put we just banished them to the outside and my mom this is gonna sound like I'm making this up for dramatic purposes but it was it I swear to god it was true like we caught a mouse [Music] my mom doesn't believe in like the the glue traps or the snap traps just because they're they're horrible and that well snap traps are much more humane oh god yeah I agree it's just an instant it's like God yes but so there are these traps called the havahart traps and they're just like a little cage that it catches the mouse and like so my mom caught one and it was like totally freaked out it was like running around like like like so scared it was like I'm definitely dying they it's all over and then like we came and we picked up the cage and it was like oh here comes the death like you could see it in its face and we drove it to like the woods and hey great job we drove it to the woods and let it go into like a little pile of leaves in the woods so it could live out its own mousey life and we let it go and it runs into the leaves and like starts to burrow in the leaves and then before it goes I suspect to ask my mom I [ __ ] you not it like turns around and like looks at us like just like a thank you like goodbye my human friends I'll always remember you and like looked at us for like ten seconds and then like turned around and ran into the woods and like hocked up a [ __ ] disgusting the disease yeah yeah then is immediately swooped up by an owl and gives hantavirus God so Ross who has been in a terrible sleep schedule lately she's really yeah he keeps passing out during the day I'm [ __ ] himself over and like every day he's like I just have to stay away through the day I just have to power through it and then I'll go to sleep at night no beer no schedule I'm like then it's stay awake man stop going to sleep and he's like no I'm just gonna lie down for a second I'm like what did you just tell me just pump your body full of gross energy drinks that'll probably make your lifespan a lot shorter right and then [ __ ] sorry right before we started the last session I was like all right Ross when I come out here I want to see you awake and alert don't go to sleep and he was like oh and then I I come out he's curled up in the beanbag chair totally unconscious and I'm like Ross Ross and I wake him up and he's like huh I'm like what do you have to say for yourself things like do you think do you think if someone was afraid of Obama they'd be called Baretta phobic I was like okay that's the joke that only works in that circumstance I know I know if he came up and just said that to me I'd be like Ross you suck but in that context it was super adorable did you really what went wrong no I'm sorry to talk about on the show sorry I said it I had a pate yes that's what it does God have a flan for music whoa that's [ __ ] with my head cuz it feels like you're going uphill does it really yeah awesome MC Escher [ __ ] that's going on right yeah it is with your skis as you would say [Music] yeah what you say it is what I say but like I never think about how dumb it sounds it sounds pretty dumb yeah I'm not gonna lie but who's got time to say the word style when I could easily say a one syllable word our director while our frequent director Ryan umetani write recently came over and we like watch some cartoons or whatever and then and then as he was leaving he was like yeah it's missing with my skis and I was like whoa yeah somebody else's somebody's been hanging out with Dan somebody's picking up his stupid 1990s New Jersey terms usually there Tracy Bonham speaking of sweet nineties things a great song it's pretty good it's very well written oh yeah we can sing again yeah we can sing again everybody we don't know why we don't know why we couldn't or why we can now but it's cool snowman's lost his head oh that's the head that was over the [ __ ] that's the head what are you talking about there's a head uh-huh that's really it where is it up ahead yay sometimes I think like you know Dan's like you know he's on this game this is one of those times where I'm like Dan is on this [ __ ] yeah unfortunately his game sucks oh yeah there it is yeah I need a good head on my shoulders do you know of anybody need of a good body please I need a good body yeah oh so it's following me oh okay oh look who's a little ahead of himself then there are times where you on your game know died you're so dumb am i doing it wrong I don't think I'm doing it wrong over there and then jump a god you can't [ __ ] make contact enough I'm doing something wrong and I cannot figure it out in my infinite wisdom I cannot father speak to me from beyond the grave I'm feeling like a stupid okay what's the name of this one wall kicks will work yeah let's hit the pause on this place I got it done alright hi welcome back I [ __ ] looked up video yeah and when Aaron saw the video his first reaction was I'm a [ __ ] idiot so I'm curious to see what this is oh [Applause] it's too high I'll never get there I got there boy oh boy but we did notice Dan you noticed that that particular video had many more thousands of views yes that walked through all by the same guy so perhaps yeah perhaps a lot of other people have struggled with this one too they've struggled with the realistic notion that okay so now it's time for the hundred coins 100 coin mission on cool cool mountain I'll bring up the walk now of course dude I believe in you just gonna bring up that walkthrough look no no there's so many [ __ ] coins in this slider here it's like the Swedish Chef from the Muppets he's just in like the development meetings of Indiana Jones in the Crystal Skull who should we get to take the torch from Indiana Jones Harrison Ford's get a little long in the tooth thing is like god I just love the [ __ ] like first Magfest we did together and like the John's cheese nips controversy oh yeah is like like I mean I don't know I never got upset at anyone for like being like oh my god things you know just conspiracy theories all these crazy things but like none of which were ever correct and like the my but there were certain ones were that were just like super ridiculous uh-huh and that was my favorite one of all the ridiculous ones because someone apparently someone apparently gave John some cheese nips at a panel that he did yeah though and later we were at the same panel and I just saw a box of cheese nips down oh sweet cheese nips people were like like everyone's going crazy and I don't know why but like when you're up there you can't you can't make out what people are saying like you can hear one voice but when everyone's yelling at once it just sounds like this garbled mess yeah so like everybody's doing those our jobs and like what who like so like I eat one and people like so funny then then when I finally like heard what they what they were saying like we Afrikaans yeah when it calmed down I was like alright I'll save him for him and they're like reading way too much into everything so bananas if it was like something like horrible and they were like just trying to tell you they're [Laughter] stupid did they just put a coin arrow on the arrow listen you know I never [ __ ] I can't if I could drive this home enough someone was telling me that like the guy who was in charge of sonic boom is actually quite proud of it real and like thinks it has been a big success and I'm like well I see not have like years and I I have to end access to any form of media I had mixed feelings cuz like on one hand I was like man I hope like I hope we weren't like making people feel bad about their game you know that they worked super hard on I said hard on but like at the same time cuz I I never had a problem ragging on the game what we were doing it because I was like even the people who worked on this must of knowing that like this [ __ ] is ridiculous just because like they didn't have enough time to work on it or like weird deadlines or [ __ ] right no yeah I talked to them there was a guy who worked on key way that emailed me actually quality assurance yeah oh and he was like it was like yeah you know like QA gets a lot of flack but like these are all problems that we saw when we were working on it and just yeah yeah you cared can't do anything if you're gonna get ignored yeah so oh that poor guy yeah it was like we all worked super hard on the game but course he did you know nobody listened to us yeah cuz I'm sure they're all good people like that's the that's the [ __ ] thing that like that's the problem like you get you get a lot of nice people working on a bad game that gets [ __ ] up by like bureaucratic red tape and all that [ __ ] and it's like [ __ ] man I don't want to be [ __ ] on these nice people but like this game speaks for itself and how bad it is and like everyone else is just gonna say it anyway the internet so we might as well just be honest do that wow did he approach you yeah well okay okay can you give a like a safe version not really great yeah he approached me at the end ok did you did you have a good laugh with him about stuff yes I had a great I had a great guffaw were you like it's nothing personal cuz that's what I'd like to say to there a sonic boom team I don't don't think I I think that goes without saying you know right probably it's not like because well I think that the main thing was that you made a joke about it right so you were like assurance no yeah that was really funny yes um but you know that sort of that sort of casts Quality Assurance is like oh they're the ones that [ __ ] up right right of course he was like I would just want you to know that we're not the one to [ __ ] it up right Wow wow that's first of all that's awesome yeah secondly it's awesome because I made that joke while we're watching the credits which means he watched every episode of Sonic yeah but yeah and I mean just by default wouldn't I'd be pissed if I worked on quality assurance and they weren't taking my advice because of course you're gonna get blamed for that [ __ ] yeah yeah absolutely it means in the [ __ ] name yeah like oh you assured the quality that was you that did that oh yeah didn't I say it should be spelled kwal ity or KO ala iti why Quality Assurance koala yeah the cutest type of assurance there is mmm I would snuggle that koala teaching boss because I have some boss that I'd like you to touch I will use it to the best of my ability for you trying to meter something out there's always what you could tell there's gonna be one syllable like by a bit look a clam open up Hey pry open that clam and get this the [ __ ] never mind Reggie's gonna say snatch that from the clam there's a double entendre clam it from the snatch [Music] water just go like boom for a second did you felt like it did might have just been on our screen there I think it was on all of this great news man can you confirm at home yes or no did the screen just go blue Kevin give me a wire end great I thought so me too I trusted your instincts Kevin oh [ __ ] god damn it [ __ ] whoa geez elementary school I don't know I think about it sometimes you ever think about your elementary school yeah all the time actually why I don't know it's just a very innocent time yeah Sam a lot a lot of fun I remember I remember a house party my friend had while I was in second grade and there was a really pretty red-haired girl and I I wanted like the deejay was we had a game where we were like throwing balloons to each other like water balloons and whoever what whoever his water balloon pops like that team lost so I kept like nudging my way over so I would like be opposite her and she would be on my water balloon team and she was and then we threw water balloons to each other why while heaven is a place on earth by a Belinda Carlisle played in the background and I was like baby do you know what that's worth whoo heaven is a place on earth they say in heaven love comes first anyway it's just a moments like that and now she's your wife she is not but she's my friend oh really yeah we were still bud stay Wow yeah did you ever like no penis about that story with her Oh God I don't know actually I should I feel like I did tell her yeah because it's like we were young enough and like even if like we did quote unquote end up together romantically in second grade it's still like innocent enough that like I wouldn't have known what to do anyway yeah so it's not like it wouldn't have been weird you know like I feel like if you hook up with someone in high school and you like talk about it later with them it can be kind of like uh-uh yes I do remember that dry tucking hand job I gave you at the Jersey Shore no it's just off the top of my head like the at 3:00 a.m. what my friends were watching but like it's innocent enough in second grade where you can be like yeah remember that yeah yeah she's like yeah whatever happened to us okay whoa Aaron that is not a sexy voice you're not gonna convince any girls that are on the fence with that kind of voice what are we doing last time we stopped we're not spaghetti what what are we doing that time I remember we were [ __ ] up somehow but that really doesn't why you're doing a lot of stuff yeah dude I'm trying to get all the stairs what would haven't we gotten yet a lot but I haven't even gone to the haunted place yet cuz I don't even know how to get in there there's a haunted place I gotta look up how to get in because I don't remember you gotta do some dumb [ __ ] that I don't my face whatever it's so funny how I mean that really is your view on video games in a nutshell like I'm having such a good time this is [ __ ] just like in a heartbeat good dude the games got to prove itself if I'm if I'm gonna devote my precious time to playing a useless piece of [ __ ] it better be the best useless piece of [ __ ] I've ever played right you say as you go ass first into lava four times no I'm just imagining like lasagna on fire and you're just like okay okay yo that's sacrilege right there bro claim that your lasagna bro bro bro listen listen pour awesome don't you hate people that refer to you as bro and you've never met them before no I love that do you like that yeah it makes me feel like I'm right at home cuz I call my bros bro yeah that's what I'm saying like shouldn't that be even slightly earned bro bro bro you got any stamps oh you guys I'm gonna stamp on this bro I'm losing out on these [ __ ] a coins uh sorry I'm Italian ah I forgot oh no no no no climb climb okay oh oh cool okay real calm one and huh here's the star right there no need to jump around okay oh oh now I just have to get this [ __ ] yes go on I mean I already got it so I can go ahead and die yeah do that see if I could speedrun this what do you need to get nothing Oh God it's the end for me that's speedrun complete do I have to go inside the pyramid that is the question is the question I'm waiting for an ad to load thanks YouTube oh I got quite a hankering for KFC right now though I'll tell you that I don't [ __ ] oh look at those nuggets look at those Nuggets just tumbling just tumbling down can't have fried food oh the colonel just kidding [ __ ] is gross I know then how do you KFC Aaron that's their hashtag that I guess you can tweet thank you Dan yeah how do we you KFC I don't know I guess I [ __ ] put it in my mouth and then have violent diarrhea later yeah can we please like post fist this with like crit KFC is gross pretty yeah yeah at all free advertisement for them oh yeah alright so okay what the [ __ ] to do and it's stupid yay its dominance stupid and I don't like it okay let's push me oh cool and then I'll [ __ ] do this anyone try and like that [ __ ] pleb yeah Aaron we were watching me we were watching a walkthrough of it and the guy couldn't do like a basic function of the game and Anne was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with this [ __ ] [ __ ] this guy and I'm like wow I can I can see the irony the air is thick with this yeah so what was confusing about this to you hi Jesus okay it's stupid alright so here's the star that I already got up here right so the [ __ ] drop down here [Music] and there's another platform there oh [ __ ] I wouldn't have even seen that exactly at what great great I didn't see a super-great okay [ __ ] this game [ __ ] more oh not a legends are we it's a [ __ ] piece of garbage are we there are we though favorite game is Mario 64 there I said it yeah wonder what the top comments gonna be on this video with 40,000 thumbs up [ __ ] i'm fleming all over i can't even get up there normal [ __ ] function [ __ ] i can't remember what comedian it was might have been was his name Christian Finnegan or something it's [ __ ] funny though he was like he was wishing a girl in the audience happy birthday and he's like listen I think it's wonderful that it's your birthday we should all treasure the fact that holiday 26 okay so 26 years and nine months ago exactly your father took his throbbing engorged penis and plowed it into your mother's quivering vagina and everyone in the audience is like Oh God so funny truth man I love it that's why anytime anyone's I guess the miracle of life I'm like you know how that miracle started we're just a bone session yeah sweaty wet blue geing and just that [ __ ] like just that [ __ ] like I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it you're over [ __ ] you too babe I won't [ __ ] do it where you want where do you want it answer me I don't have enough time to make a decision yeah yeah that's how it always happens by the time the girl like tells you where she wants it you've already just like 30 seconds ago say where you want it you've had that like have an explosive what what the explosive one that's just like muscles are flexing Morris of course good it usually happens with someone you're in like a serious relationship with oh yeah or some dirty backwoods hooker definitely one of those two nobody in between never nobody you're like kind of friends with yeah yeah yeah let's give this a shot it's hot no no it's got why dammit why were you jumping over it you know it's got a place to be so I'm betting we get this year right yeah I can't go downhill I'm gonna lose the coins that was two coins that I could have gotten that I will never get back correct how many do you think you have to spare coins yeah I always assume like five no they're not a whole lot you know it's really not think you've missed five so far I'm just a simple math baby just think of you bro yeah what I already got the star no I'm gonna get sucked in now [ __ ] this next time on [ __ ] game grumps wow my ass [ __ ] my dick [ __ ] my [ __ ] I'm I don't want to do any of those things I gotta choose one I don't see no D none of the above hello Hey alright so [ __ ] we just had a little break but now I'm back baby yeah I'm ready more and I'm gonna get the hundred coins or whatever the hundred yeah the hundred coins I'm as sharp as a tack your finger and you'll be able to measure your blood sugar content nothing it was just random it's like sharpest attack baby hope you'll be able to have an old Chinese person gently insert me into various parts of your body to clear the meridians of Chi here's some [ __ ] I've never done acupuncture I wish I could I did it once what really yeah like like the whole kitten caboodle with a million pins and yeah yeah it was interesting there weren't they that's what I thought it would be like but like it was it was a weird experience cuz it was when I was having like back pain like in my early 20s right and like I what the [ __ ] happened I expected it to be what you were saying like a thousand needles in my back but actually they just put two into my wrist and I felt like my whole back open up what yeah yeah and I felt great for exactly 12 minutes and then all the back pain came back and I was like god dammit huh yeah so that's weird yeah don't I can't honestly say if it was effective or not Bryan thinks it's total [ __ ] but he thinks everything's total [ __ ] yeah well he thinks you're told yeah I think he's total [ __ ] agree to disagree I guess yeah so I mean who [ __ ] knows but it I did feel something for a very brief period of time but then it faded very fast interesting yes like we've said so many times before there's some there's so much stuff out there on the internet it's very hard to separate oh to figure out what's what the wheat from the chaff as they say you got to write a book and cite your sources bro yeah I will so do that yeah and get back to me my books can be called sweet butt sex and my sources could be Aaron Hanson just I'll get in touch with your age that are get in touch yeah I'll have my manager get in touch with your manager who happens to be the same manager and he can arrange the but sex we like you know what I'll talk to they'll talk to his manager and then it gets on the phone with himself yeah he's like great news I think I figured something I think we could make this work [Music] if I wrote a book it would be called why dan is my bestie oh there's the turtle shell fun well you know we were looking for it in the lava one we know we knew about this one wait no there's the turtle shell this will protect me from Harlem I was doing really well you saw that right I saw you were doing really well I wasn't [ __ ] up at all yeah and the [ __ ] turtle shell ruined me yeah I mean you were yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] it was a total fuck-up free experience I was right up until the [ __ ] up well you know sometimes when I'm playing I have slight fuck-ups right just just a hint of a [ __ ] where it's like um you know when everyone's like oh this is going well you know what I mean oh I do yeah of course we do you [ __ ] do a show with me every actually I don't know what it feels like can you describe it I don't know if I can maybe get this coin coin get this [ __ ] coin and into the sand of breakfast that the edge is fine you can go into the edge where did it go it's going it's totally got yeah you like that [ __ ] yeah you see how [ __ ] skilled that [ __ ] was god damnit [ __ ] I should be entered into a Guinness Book of World Record this is the word it's considered briefly going for an alternative word there my brain thought better of it and I thought better of it I mean nothing happens who is gonna say like [ __ ] do something with [ __ ] it's not a it's not even a joke not even attempted a joke yeah sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you eat a mounds yeah ain't that some [ __ ] hey alright extra coins haven't seen those before you've never busted up that shy guy I have have you yeah god I really do zone out for long time that I busted up the shy guy Kevin and if you don't want to find the footage then whatever that's up to ya then show a screaming goat you don't want to show that footage then show us your favorite band do I hate that bad you don't know what he was gonna show you maybe it's your favorite [Applause] my favorite band alright we're gonna take a quick pause no no we're not we're not no we all right alright I can do this Dan I know you can there's no doubt in my mind about they can do this Saul said wool unfortunately we're doing a show where we're supposed to entertain people instead of enraged them like Rage Against the Machine yeah except now we're the machine because we're so well-oiled I love being lubricated yeah that's one of my favorites one of my favorite states of being lubricated yeah yeah I want to invent my own form of like some kind of spiritual something or other uh-huh you know just kind of like Aaron is you know what I mean yeah it sounds really good cuz then they'll be like hey you need to think more clearly about [ __ ] need to think more clearly about like I don't know [ __ ] pop-tarts and then like I'll just have a course where it'll be super [ __ ] spiritual and I'd be like the pop-tarts actually affect your chakra chakra is another thing that Brian thinks is total [ __ ] it's really funny oh yeah they used all those words around him like he'll get so mad it's the best conversation of something else and I'll just be like ya know that really brings me like a lot of happiness yeah it's it's like this one time when yeah when I align my chakra like perfectly it in in accordance with the seven sons I've just figured that up but it sounds good he will go nuts huh okay yeah all right Wow sounds stupid yeah yeah no it's okay I mean if you want to believe in [ __ ] that's okay I know exactly what I'll say man he's such a scientist [Music] just because he's a scientist doesn't mean he needs to be a dick Oh God I have told him that exactly a thousand times Oh what fresh hell awaits me in this game grunts episode oh no that wall this wall maybe I'll look again and blink twice yes blinked why does he do something he does something right after like two minutes or so he like falls asleep he goes I'm tired oh all this standing after like three minutes that he starts dreaming and he's like he's like oh man yeah Oh spaghetti does he really say that I love it he's a fat Italian meat beefcake I love that he dreams of lasagna oh I wouldn't you would not you I mean any of us can its and do I dream of lasagna all the time because I'm on [ __ ] paleo and never mind that I lost 10 pounds that's really impressive thanks for the applause and it's not gonna Kevin Oh Kevin could you put in a bird thanks buddy store-bought ramen from comb beanies it's [ __ ] delicious it ain't Top Ramen right [ __ ] yeah well good thing you owned it no it's not Todd Top Ramen is the [ __ ] cheap ass [ __ ] that we get in America but likes to their version of the cheap ass [ __ ] is still getting so good really it's so good Wow [ __ ] I can't even begin to tell you how [ __ ] good it is because it's just it's making me tear up I mean the cry a little bit cry a little bit what with the crying and such tears coming out of my eyes tears all pieces of water h2o H that's how you say in other languages h AC h e h2 I that's how Ross says it because he's a dumbass Russ Russ says some very interesting like little things that betray the fact that he is as American as a [ __ ] boomerang on the back of a kangaroo which is to say Australian yes well he's completely he's like hello I'm Ross until he gets around another Australian and then he's like Oh crikey hey going hey go mate hey again hey you going oh I got the Vegemite all stuck in me pain no likey do we even have Australian fans aside from views warrants they believe use Australian fetus varnas is Australian is [ __ ] I don't know if we do we must well because I asked because like I mean we could let YouTube's algorithm is like it keeps it away from other countries that's it really yeah like we were more likely to have American fans because we are in America well son of a [ __ ] but what if we want other fans from other kind you gotta upload in those countries fine in the [ __ ] algorithm does it [ __ ] blue coin but he knocked me off how do we upload in other countries you go to another country and then you upload impossible it's just more likely than you think what can we upload from Japan sure and then get crazy Japanese fans I don't think that would be very smart because we don't speak Japanese um you don't speak Japanese watch this okay Kevin put in a bunch of Japanese like a project Wow how did you learn all that I know it's because um Kevin put in more Japanese please Wow I don't even understand what you're saying I can't I don't have that kind of knowledge in my head obviously you don't Aaron but our new YouTube friends in Japan in the me on in the Niihau ya-ha-hoo go go no no don't fall whoa oh I thought would fall what happens I thought this is just occasionally like wobble for no reason well because I hit a thing oh god no come on exactly what just happened before Oh what happened [Laughter] don't be sad trying okay don't be sad I'm here to support you even as the mobs gather their pitchforks super-nice oranges dan yes super nice of you but I'll actually don't care oh oh goodness I don't mean to be rude or mean or anything I'm just I don't want to waste your time and mine by making you think that I give a [ __ ] that is such an amazing thing to say as I would listen I'm doing you a favor by clearly stating how much I do not care about you and your position on anything am I is this the ferris wheel down here I think this is the ferris wheel oh okay yeah or the merry-go-round I'm sorry not the ferris wheel favorite isn't faraday the guy that invented fields no Aaron God invented fields we got a method peanut you just run out into it no that was George Washington Carver you just run out in like an open grass field did you like who is responsible he's like guilty oh here we go this is where I need oh nice ok I think from now on whenever you you suck at video games I'm going to like just give like an unrelated compliment so it's like all backhanded uh-huh I think you're gonna like fall off the ledge and I'm gonna be like dude you are an outstanding animator you should do more of that yeah that would be a really good use of your time you get crushed by the [ __ ] sedentary confidence again I'm like oh man your beard looks great God it suits your face I got all the oh thank you it does actually yeah well I'm glad we came to that conclusion yeah separately from each other I didn't influence you at all except by rocking the sick beard yeah and then being terrible sick beard sounds like the worst pirate please don't make me [ __ ] cabin up with sick beard and die ok that was being less careful because I knew I would fall down here that's my excuse you can choose to accept it or reject it however you would want your feet are looking really well groomed lately thank you yeah paying compliments you've been super nice to me lately just like yeah the worst you play like the nicer I get my god have my children you're so talented I want your gene I mean that's the thing right like this is probably like the least important skill to have and yet it's the one that I'm most criticized for what weights like I'm not good at Mario 64 oh [ __ ] [ __ ] call the New York Times yeah meanwhile I like I like get off play bar a 6-4 and I'm like ah man I'm gonna go like some voice acting for professional cartoon now yeah meanwhile on the streets extra extra bucks we know we know we know chimney-sweep Tom I'm sorry I've got these papers I have to get sixpence my legs selling papers on the street with bad legs it's now it's do the papers I can't [Laughter] so it just comes up and kicks out his legs yeah where is that yep there it is time runs all right let me know please oh my god yeah right I do not want to die I've accomplished so much you did it Thanks oh it's I think it's over here and I was too close to the bike to laugh at hard at the audio capture for a second of the way a file of my like gasping laugh was sorry Kevin probably have indignities now how do I get up there this one's called hot pickle no he says hot pickle whenever you forgive me choose the level pickle why I think he's I think he says here we go like here we go or so I don't know I've never ever looked into what he actually says because I don't want the illusion to be broken from oh my god it totally says [ __ ] hot pic no I want I want that to be a thing every time someone says here we go like that like Heath Ledger Joker and Batman he say well there was a sign that told me that I could sneak behind them and punch them huh so I'm sure that'll go over well Kevin you can you can feel free to add that in some way God knows the [ __ ] the the the funniest one was the episode where we were racing the the Cooper oh yeah I heard that was that was the thing yeah well like the funniest part to me was we couldn't remember we couldn't find the flag and apparently right at the beginning of the episode I had said like hey look there's the flag up there and you were like no that's not it's not it like we specifically said it and then like when you find it and it's there I'm just like oh my god it was but there the whole time but I don't like give you a hard time and people were like man Dan is way too nice he like I would have ripped our in a new one and it was just because I had forgotten to that I had pointed it out I was like oh no I would love to have ripped in yeah you put that in to cap fun that we have yeah I just walked up to a door oh yeah Oh reacted to the star pound yeah so this is this is the final Bowser what is this an ally no no no no no no I say no seeing egoraptor approaching the door reacts to the star power god I wanna you know I want to do that one time in my life why don't like it don't you know who I am because I'm totally not that guy but I've wanna have like one story that I can be like no actually I did do that one yeah yeah but like something over something stupid like a stick of gum or something no absolutely looks like this gum was supposed to be on sale he's like oh I'm sorry the sale into two days ago don't you [ __ ] know I am [ __ ] an eagle Raptor internet celebrity extraordinaire you do not talk to me like that I'm sorry sir yeah like I'm at Starbucks and I like get like a panini or something and I'm like can I get some ketchup packets and they're like we don't have ketchup packets [Music] take off my sunglasses you may not you may not recognize because I was wearing sunglasses I'm sorry I guess you just don't understand I wrote an internet song about dinosaurs and lasers in 2010 I'll just you can just bring the ketchup to my car I'll be waiting over here in the handicapped spot and Abraham said unto Moses bro dude aliens way too many [ __ ] bats damn it son of a [ __ ] it's hard if I don't all right [ __ ] christ it's all I'm just impatient and I want it to get done and it's just that's making it worse boy you really you really got defensive when I said nothing oh this makes it much easier yeah I'm just like I'm just sitting there and you're like would you shut the [ __ ] up you jerk Joe my best bastard please don't fall on the Vieira show you know always guaranteed to happen yeah yes all the way the [ __ ] over there how am I supposed I'm in the air son oh the wind I think blows you out in that direction now it's the cannon okay next time I game gross we'll figure that out Hey oh my god promise Oh so the latest news is that we are allowed to sing on the show but only for ten seconds so we're gonna get through as much of this song as we can wait wait wait let me set my timer no summertime oh I'll get the clock ready get the clock ready and okay okay okay Jesus we might have gone over by a second [ __ ] up we might get sued alright sorry the outfield your song is too [ __ ] good I don't think I've seen a single red coin in this lovely yeah me neither has it just been a while no I don't want Oh get away from me oh I don't like you I can't get up here I can't that is agonizing Oh go back to the sandy place sandy please yep and I can do right here baby oh god I'm falling oh no this was a poor idea poor choice what's the O and he's the Koopa shell correct ah well it's good that I died then because I can get it back good it is good yeah now go up the jams okay boopity boopity me daddy yeah and just keep jumping when you run out of steam there you go yeah that seems like hard to get right thing to do yeah seems like not the way skateboards work boy that Cooper really wants a shell back no no no I was there I was there I feel it in my bones as much as you do viewers oh there's a big hole over there cool ready to be the [ __ ] mistake I'm an [ __ ] bro your ass yo I like to [ __ ] things out my mouth we had an arrangement all right there you go is that a spider that's the ladder I'm supposed to go home yeah do this the careful way okay and not the way that I was thinking of doing it and putting myself at risk oh no it's just a black ball mmm except my game room huh those haven't even [ __ ] done anything yet okay wander around like an idiot all right well yeah let's do that let's finish it this I mean it's easy to get there now that I know what to do [ __ ] I went the wrong painting damn it god damn it's it's it it's easy to get there now that I know what I'm doing I can't get there I can't it's too hard [ __ ] will take way too much time no my god you got this I'm just rushing I'm just rushing that's all I'm just I'm from Moscow so I'm Russian stop it Goomba just stop it just let me kick you in communist Russia Goomba stomps you ha ha ha ha joke Oh God make me laugh did I just backflip out of being squashed in communist Russia you're good at Mario [Laughter] what of confidence accepted and appreciated oh boy okay [ __ ] you boo boo you can't even kill you with the [ __ ] turtle shell I went on the wrong leg [Music] [ __ ] I have to restart this [ __ ] stage cuz I'm an idiot no no I didn't want my back I wanted to kill myself I didn't want to kill that thing you want to kill yourself just kill me kill me he's too weak to hurt me I can't die put in this hell really good when I'm trying to die Wow you kid thank you one [ __ ] during the camera work you killed him no no he was throwing [ __ ] at me well you're in charge of the camera now looking him down in the court oh my god [Music] I'm sorry God the screen just goes black crazy pills goodbye well you may not have accomplished anything Garrett but at least you got to have a [ __ ] nervous breakdown I went in the wrong one again [Laughter] [ __ ] this game [ __ ] this game what was I gonna text to shoot suit Susie oh yeah yeah hey Suze I won't be coming home tonight take him out back and give him some chocolates delicious chocolates yeah it sounds nice you can't wait you done you're done with the hundred Commission [ __ ] it dude just [ __ ] that level I hate that level I wish I were dead every time I play that well it's just [ __ ] garbage dude I hate it and it's because I'm bad at it there I admit it maybe it's not a bad level maybe it's the greatest 64 level it has ever been and I'm just a horrible terrible person who can't [ __ ] live up to his own insecurities if anyone has any footage from episode one because I believe I asked is this gonna take a long time and you're like [ __ ] no dude I'm gonna tear through this [ __ ] I'm pretty sure I was being facetious okay okay okay Oh bouncy Bach the box will protect me alright bouncy [ __ ] box I'm so glad this is the last episode of this session yeah this is actually the last episode we recording before we go to Japan so so you can get a nice little couple weeks off I'm gonna come back to this [ __ ] Mario like this episode is just gonna be like rage and then the next time it's going to be like hey guys you're all Zen is [ __ ] the most Zen centered show five minutes later camera why do I do it every time why is it a thing that I do and there's coins inside hot pickle hey everybody welcome back welcome back to game grumps I'm [ __ ] Mario Herron I'm a [ __ ] a Mario games seem like it's going faster than it just because blood-borne it seems really slow in comparison thing is because we're insanely tired out of our minds so this is our first session back from Japan yeah and like we started with blood-borne did seven episodes of that we were pretty [ __ ] up but we held it together based on just running on fumes but now the fact that like our bodies thinks it's 16 hours in the future and we're just hot messes right now from our trip we are friggin exhausted so get ready for the night woah you get ready for the next seven episodes of Mario to be yeah just a touch [ __ ] stupid rupee you know little droopy droopy dog but we have so many stories to tell about Japan [Music] Jupe the impression of mario we are off to a solid start I haven't have I seen this room have we been here thousands of times and I just remember it was old Kolby droopy dog he never said babe and I'm pretty sure he never said that it's whatever dude I've seen its way more droopy episodes than you have I've seen some [ __ ] I'm trying yeah come out of Droopys butthole okay you know what we're gonna start over we're gonna start the olih back to Gary awake welcome back to troopers [ __ ] dammit start it over here's a little trivia for you night a weird time go ahead here's a little trivia that I learned say it to my face and ears so I was like [ __ ] I was like so in Japan they call it Nihon right they called you nice good to see you've lost none of your farm they call it a Nihon they called Japan itself Nihon yes okay so that got me thinking why the [ __ ] do we call it Japan and why the [ __ ] are they okay with that well if they call it Nihon every country has its own names for all the other countries in France the United States is it that unique what really yeah that's how you say the United States what does that mean it probably means the United States in French that's exactly what I just [ __ ] said well no I mean like the actual words put together oh well I mean like like Germany is a la Manya you know like it so what does that mean and why is it there how should i goddamn know that all right well here's the thing Japan I will bodyslam you if you get saucy with me like it was slowest bodies I'm not getting saucy with you I miss being informal it'll actually just be an excuse for me to [ __ ] tuck my hand under you and lift you gently off the ground and then lay on top of you okay the information I was gonna lay upon your [ __ ] thick skull yeah all these flavors you chose to be salty okay the thing that I wanted to tell you was Japan yeah they call it Nihon right in the Japanese language you said this so why the [ __ ] are they okay with calling it Japan Aaron how many times can you say the same [ __ ] thing and I'll be like in two different countries cultures should I be shut up shut up once prefer [ __ ] in your life so damn sorry yeah right say yes I'll just not go on with that sense of friendship over but anyway uh-huh Japan alright friendship back so as you know that Japanese language is made up of a bunch of silly looking characters yes they're called kanji yes they come from Chinese right that's where they originate from right so the characters for Japan are always the same in those two languages but in in the Chinese Marco Polo came back from China with the the characters for Japan which which is pronounced in the Chinese the original Chinese Shabangu oh that's where Japan comes so you knew the answer to your own question yet you posed it twice to me well I had the question and then got snip snappy with me when I did not know the trivia I swear to guy dude I will [ __ ] karate chop you in the head I wasn't posing it to you as a question that was I was just saying I had that question while I was there I'm gonna [ __ ] and I looked up the answer in fact I prefaced the statement saying that I looked up the answer I'm gonna wait until you sleep tonight and then let my flaccid dick and balls dangle over your face in a classic Roman soldier helmet Oh God boy that was tantalizing can you please do all the dangerous coins first so if you're gonna fall and die it'll happen at the beginning what okay okay no absolutely not what do you mean Aaron how many episodes can we do a 100 coin mission and not even come close to accomplishing it like that we do this all the time and people get so angry the tough hard-nosed game is difficult I don't doubt it I really hate it but like I knew I subject myself to this game that I do not enjoy and when I publicly do not enjoy it it makes other people upset yes the point well because you enjoyed it at the beginning I did and I enjoyed it and continued to enjoy every minute of it not the more angry yet probably the more I enjoy it - it's true - oh you did it you got like 12% there keep going [ __ ] we're not ending this episode until you get a star oh my god are you [ __ ] kidding me I am I don't even know how to get all those many coins is that then why in god's name would you take this on because I have to it's my job pretty sure I'm pretty sure if we left off the hundred coin missions no one would be upset are you sure actually no but I think so well then [ __ ] it I'll just fight Bowser then I don't give a [ __ ] no no not fight Bowser do all the other missions that are unique and interest Eretz that's it it's all 100 coin mission I mean mostly there's some secret ones that I don't know that I was gonna look up later after I did the hundred coin missions but your [ __ ] demand Issei how come I can't get up there anymore I used to be able to just get up there lickety-split I'm Adam and eseni well you do like 15 like unsuccessful back flips it around people are watching this taking time out of their day to watch this get up there no I can't cuz you're small or big no okay what the [ __ ] happened I see coins over there Oh another place Oh God make it make it make it make it make it no I'm a failure a failure my mom will never love me again she might know hold on let me get her on the horn she would people papa feed him rat I why I see where Aaron gets his golden voice from I might die do you still owe no marette don't know I that was me this is mom okay hey sorry I know what do you think of your son right now I don't know I don't really care much for him anymore cool well I'll catch up with you soon all right I'm dead well that was me that was not yeah it's the timing your hold on do you want me to pause it and I'll show you where they did it were that is no it's up here I just need to get the [ __ ] green she'll like an ass it's just it's impossible because the [ __ ] controls in this ass game yeah our ass is [ __ ] this [ __ ] ass game [ __ ] sucks hey [ __ ] hate it I want someone to put together like a compilation of it's slowly dawning on you how much you hate this game because it definitely started out with like oh yeah dude this is a classic I've gone through phases with this game mm-hmm like growing up I was like yeah and then there was a phase where I was really like how this game was kind of lame but then now I'm at the point where I think it's pretty pretty smart game I mean the way that Mario like what Hayley gig tilts into his run and [ __ ] yeah Wow yeah they [ __ ] thought of that well I mean they thought of that right away that wasn't even the [ __ ] mission I was supposed to do wow I just did a [ __ ] willy-nilly mission cuz I was like that looks like a star and then I did it in C this game was cool hi okay okay Aaron got this on the platform after like 20 minutes Lea Kevin and Meghan compilation is swearing at this [ __ ] control game dick can hate the way this game controls so much do I passed at one point you were like [ __ ] this game and it's no redeeming quality [Laughter] it's the only thing I complain about about this game [ __ ] controls so yeah no actually to your credit even in your darkest moments you'll be like [ __ ] this [ __ ] there's a lot to like scheme alright [Laughter] [ __ ] drop down here and then there's another platform there oh [ __ ] I wouldn't have even seen that exactly what great great I didn't see a super-great okay [ __ ] this game [ __ ] more soil not a legends are we it's a [ __ ] piece of garbage are we there are we though favorite game is Mario 64 there I said it and then my mom was just saying that for the [ __ ] for the brownie points oh sure I always hated this game we put up an episode that was like eight minutes long because we'd need to get our timer fixed because us trying to do math especially when we're distracted is a disaster what's so hard about adding [ __ ] 10 I don't know it must be hard though because we [ __ ] it up of what time wait did we actually air in a minute at the scene yeah like eight minutes in like 40 seconds or something I thought we like we did like a little podcast E but at the end though to make it longer maybe we did and Kevin forgot to put it in oh is that right Kevin did you forget to put that in I will rock your world with my gonads so Kevin learned that he can be sassy because we've already said the words that we respond with so now he can be sassy what do you mean well there was this one time where he's very proud of this by the way okay where he was like making fun of his music and then I was like put up your favorite bands and then I was like that band sucks and he put up star bomb oh damn that's pretty good Kevin yeah of course I seem to have been caught in the crossfire so f you brother whoa [ __ ] I'm running around and you just found a thing tick tock clock a [ __ ] clock face she's back flipped into the class pull yelling at me for running by it but you know what I don't care [ __ ] no just like in the last unicorn you walked inside the clock what was I supposed to know holy-shit played this game that's for damn sure alright so I'm in a clock right now yep this is the probably the third time I played this level what what you've never played this I thought no yeah Hara what the [ __ ] you talking about I'm too delirious myself to decipher when you're being weird and when you're not just assume I'm always being weird okay I'm delirious yeah and you're delirious and they're a band yeah and you're Denis Leary as wrote the song after all which is a catchy ass [ __ ] techno song cooler thank you it reminds me of a cruise I went on and I met a weird lesbian [Music] well then it's true I did what was it an LGBT no she just was god [ __ ] dude [ __ ] this game oh yeah no it wasn't she just was the only person who was my age on the boat and she was actually kind of nice but she was weird she would just say a weird person I can't see what her sexual orientation I guess I was thinking that saying that because I was gonna go into how she was like and met a really unique carpet muncher is that offensive I don't know if that's an offensive term I guess it was just because it was a surprise cuz I didn't realize it oh yeah yeah and then I was like oh and she told me about how she was trying to hook up a girl on the boat and I was like oh yeah knock and that was really sweet and I was like you could do this and that but I was like a kid so I think you could hold it for him have you tried that just tell her you like her the kid logic with romance is the best yeah it's so nice what if you got her like like a like a lollipop yeah give her a fudgesicle she'll like it but don't put it in your pocket they mouth you could put it in your pocket afterwards if it's yours and you don't mind that kind of thing because I don't my little nephew Nash is still Wow well you're just through it'll my little nephew Nash still hasn't quite gotten the hang of life and doesn't realize like what's actually a secret and what's just very common knowledge but he'll present everything as if it's a secret so be like Uncle Dan I got a secret I'm like what is it mash is like chickens go clock it's not it's not a secret Nash I don't mean to burst your bubble what if it [ __ ] is yeah what if it is and you don't even know oh I mean I go along with it I'm like no way stop I think I think I think we're getting there the fact that you managed to fight through your exhaustion to to find your rage place it's really impressive to me oh I hate this game I hate it so much it's I don't care who knows it okay I'm supposed to go down yeah do that's why a little too dad a little fart a little too far down is it next time I game gross time I believe it is is it hold on no it's not it's not you're a minute off Oh every time every time god I could [ __ ] I could I could microwave [ __ ] as long as it needs to be microwave for nine minutes exactly and I'm like it needs to be microwave ten minutes and you look over at the microwave and it's 8:58 not like yeah oh no you are so bad I know I know I'm so bad I'm so bad at this why is it my job to play video games I love video games and they're fun but this one isn't No stay up there turn around like a normal [ __ ] human being and now I can goddamn [ __ ] gyroscope hey why didn't that one move why are they moving out of sync now I've like I've got idea for you fans at home here's something you may not have tried if you did if you have a problem with the way irons playing this game or you disagree with his assessment that it's not a good game why don't you let us know in the comments why don't you let us know by liking this video yeah if you hate the fact that I hate this game comment and subscribe that I'm horrible at this game yeah you should like this video totally but that's some hardcore reverse psychology on everybody think we got yours I want to tell you a secret guys I hate Mario 64 chickens go cluck [ __ ] you welcome back to aaron has a creeping nervous breakdown I yeah accurate okay I'm playing [ __ ] Mario shits t4 dude it's not our fastest Ridge ever you are so done with this game amazing what was I gonna say I can't remember I my overarching thought on all this is that like I have never seen it's gonna be interesting for people who marathon this playthrough because I've never seen such a complete turnaround with you towards any game during the course of playing it like Wind Waker like had its moments where you're like this is a little grindy this is a little boring but like nothing like this it's cuz this game is garbage Wow say it again Aaron I'm sure people love to hear it I just want ok that's my opinion mm-hmm ok that's just like my opinion man but it's garbage yeah that's just like my factually based opinion yeah that everybody knows is true as I bring those I'm a I'm a game design genius and I know because I made one video about Megaman that I am but I know it was very good thanks but it was one video I gotta go that one if I don't [ __ ] make this jump and I'm pissed as [ __ ] oh ok wow you've been granted a reprieve doesn't mean it stings any less it was still a failure dude don't be so hard on yourself off the wall you piece of [ __ ] Mario spaghetti eaten [ __ ] ok [ __ ] lasagna ass [ __ ] blue and red we are officially putting on our [ __ ] like get or done hats and we're just gonna [ __ ] plow through the rest of this game I love the word plow me to stomp a little Bob especially when it's referring to the making tough yeah I'd plow that I'd give it a plow and geez do you prefer plow or smash did you let smash that like I'd give it I like slam slam is pretty good yeah give er give er a slam especially because the Onix song what you never heard Onix just let the boys be boys Sam never I think you said that exact thing on this show because it's [ __ ] slam bionics whoa she just classic did you haven't you ever heard cheese nipples by the loops free Barb's I mean come on it's cheese nipples by the front part as a matter of fact I have I just bought the the fruit barks anthology features prominently the entire cheese nipple demo sessions well though that make me look like an [ __ ] yeah what is it about this [ __ ] stage okay here we're looking it up we're looking at up here comes the pause oh poor no look it up no I'll [ __ ] I'll get up there I know how to get up there I just [ __ ] do it there he [ __ ] goes up on the yellow blocks and now he's climbing the blocks and he's [ __ ] going on the thing and now he's going up a little bit more there's the spinny things I can't watch cuz it's hard there we go and now he's up there get your like live tweeting this up the [ __ ] thing then he's climbing the pole he's gonna sound horrible with the music overlaid at different times and then wait where is he now well wait he just jumped over the cheese oh he's at the blue but we already did this one dude like why is that star yellow Oh God I'm fresh out of idea all right let me how about you go to a hundred stars instead of 120 I could just yeah whatever well I'm trying to at this stage I don't I don't have the mental capacity much longer thank you I can't hang I'm like I'm like a [ __ ] hook that's defending his are the wait your analogies are the best I just fell asleep did you in between episodes yeah good while you were looking up there I'm glad you found some joy oh yeah it was very peaceful this is very relaxing music to go to sleep to just give up on the thing I like I like what I'm trying to sleep like and I like get into my cozy PJ's Wow I get my mug of hot cocoa and then I put on some frantic blue guys listen to you screaming in my ear for two hours that's exactly what that music is oh boy oh yeah it's just someone [ __ ] banjo picking like a [ __ ] crazed weasel why why did it failure call themselves failure I don't know I thought it was a pretty cool ironic name Kevin can you loop what just happened with like my nose in the wall and it going like it like 10 times please thank you hate this no why why would you do that just grab the [ __ ] legs you've got a damn [ __ ] red and blue plumber No why did you walk off the edge like that you [ __ ] crap eating son of a [ __ ] Jesus stupid and I'm trying to tone it down I'm trying say four words because I was I was gonna go way [ __ ] worse than that yeah no I was gonna go some hard offensive [ __ ] we gotta go some absolutely racist yeah just some some tumblr bait like for sure jump on these [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ticket god I I I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't feel anything in there yeah I've I feel something the overwhelming urge to leave this room and bang my head you feel that yeah yeah listen man whatever your whatever frustration you're feeling in your heart mm-hmm I'm feeling first of all all over my body including my peepee and second of all [ __ ] this [ __ ] oh man look man I'm up here I'm up here the [ __ ] flattest shits moving don't don't don't don't don't this is my favorite where you get super confident at something and you're like [ __ ] yeah I got this and you're like don't know just a very honest I'm not the man I thought I was hey so this here's a for anything I found another level yeah justice I'm sure everybody was like waters nudua Rainbow Road we didn't know it existed first of all know it existed and ya hear the siren was so ready to be done with this game but nope [ __ ] six more bastarz full of rainbows only is the whole levels of water most piss oh this is beautiful it's oh is it I love it oh no okay no all right that's that's probably not good look at this nice little got a nice little groove going does it a groove just calmly going through a rainbow in the sky this is this is wonderful this is I guarantee you this is not a calm level I mean was I in the wrong there you can't even muster the strength to be angry anymore was that was that a just kid in the [ __ ] get in there I don't have time for your sass oh my god okay you have time for your own sass not plenty of [ __ ] [ __ ] to do other than watch you [ __ ] fumble around a goddamn brick hole you to come home and Susan's kpa it's wrong baby you're gonna be like I don't want to talk about it yeah I don't want to talk about [ __ ] Mario anymore no no no jump jump back on top there ear you why why it is amazing it's not right this is amazing to watch this whoa easy [ __ ] way to the cheese bun spongy s she's looking [ __ ] going all back and forth there yeah where am I even textures are weird yeah this looks like a game that was made and like well the year that this game was made in 1995 I believe yeah I was gonna say well like I was gonna I was like man looks like a Windows 95 screen saver but guess what Oh oh damn sure it was made in Windows because max weren't the standard back then there's my that's me doing a jackoff hand yeah are you sure people can tell I am saucy as [ __ ] I mean like I will [ __ ] on everything ever there's no room for the spaghetti on the plate you're so saucy your [ __ ] local restaurant that you love [ __ ] that place it's garbage yeah you're fit think of your most favorite family member [ __ ] them yeah they suck they don't know anything god what a crock of [ __ ] just get you know what [ __ ] you Dan I've been I've been meditating yeah me too I've been I've been trying to get in so that I don't get so angry at Mario really yeah how's it working well find out but right now I'm feeling pretty calm even though I've been jumping into this wall yeah I guarantee you a couple of people watching all right calm yeah well you know what maybe my calmness little carry on to everyone else you know what I mean okay because this this level I remember was super infuriating yes and I remember watching it was amazing to watch and feeling good yeah feeling good feeling spry yeah that's cool there you go they say I think I'm like cool if you've gotten angry you would have fallen off there you think so yeah like like my dad who I saw I went to visit my parents for the past few days yeah and they're they're great everything's cool with my mom my mom had an amazing moment where she was like she was telling me that my dad is the one man that can turn lemonade into lemons look who was like he can make like a good situation bad just because he's like a negative attitude sometimes huh so she was like you're the only man I know who can actually take delicious lemonade and turn it into lemon so my dad's response was sugar is bad for you [ __ ] best Oh didn't do that last time yeah but you know what I'm back on yeah it's like kind of like cool everything's cool you're like you're like that you like that Harry Krishna guy on the streets of Tokyo that we met who like who like gave me his card his little card and then was like donation donation I don't have much money and he was like coins are okay and so I gave him all my coins and then like he was like nope and then he gave me the coins back and took his card it was not enough money for for Krishna yeah well maybe he was just teaching you a life lesson like that's that's life yeah yeah sometimes when you give people give back sometimes when you give it's not enough and you're an [ __ ] what a douchebag if he wasn't six foot seven I would have been like [ __ ] you man yeah he probably wouldn't have understood it though that's true he spoke very little English yeah in fact the only word he said with any confidence was donation he seemed very clear in that donation yeah so much we're talking about Daniel Coughlin yeah so for those of those of you who haven't heard us talk about this guy Daniel Coughlin is an amazing Japanese guitar player like an acoustic guitar player who plays in one of the parks in Tokyo's and we know Parkway no park yes and Aron met him there and fell in love with his playing and the only English thing that Daniel was this is what happened okay I listen to him play beautifully and I was like oh man this is like Heaven Sent like it stopped me in my tracks and I turned around and then I watched him play and then I was like I have to I have to get a CD and he had like a thing of money and a stack of CDs and it was like twenty third two thousand yen for a CD and I was like great so I put two thousand yen and I bent down and I took one of the CDs and then like as I looked up he was like looking down upon me and well and and he was holding what it was like I'm proud of you well I got Jersey there first you were talking so I looked up generosity in the apartment 3d you're nothing but a ho okay sorry go on it's that just the cool it's it's it's a bastardization of something from Goodfellas oh yeah it's Janice Jenn it's Rafi okay sorry go guys so I look up from the the bin of money and CDs and I see him looking down upon me like a god with his flowing locks handing me a pamphlet promoting his music and he just says and I was like oh thank you and that's this and you checked his Facebook and it really didn't have much yeah it didn't look like he was updating it really fair enough but go on with oh no but like one of our running jokes we didn't get to wano Park because it was raining a lot of the time that we were there but one of our running jokes was the hope that he would be there and Aaron would go speak to him again and his English would have improved only to the point where he could say that that phrase is better so he'd be like hey man it's great to see you again like a Japanese and he'd be like I had a face [Laughter] excuse me should you do it at your golden voice excuse me I am currently in possession of a Facebook page promoting my music oh wow so you you speak English well you know what's gonna happen tell me on these on these episodes what's that since I'm all like Tom people are gonna be like you know Jeremy I know it's gonna happen as Barry was just showing me the the best stuff stuff the other day and and he was like wit some of the funniest moments were when you like raged in Mario he like showed me a couple of no [ __ ] you're telling me well I feel like I got like front row tickets to the Rolling Stones and the Beatles at the Hollywood ball it's it's an incredible thing to witness firsthand oh thanks oh geez it's the best thing about my job it's not so bad it's not so bad because I know how to anata calmly and coolly get back in the cart but yeah it's it really is true and I mean it what's the objective swinging in the breeze I guess take your pants off oh yeah just that easy you can that'd be great [ __ ] go dick out and then the stars just like I don't know I'm supposed to go in this I think you wait there's a can in there isn't there yeah but I need to get what's that you know what I'll just look around check it out I have that ability how is there so there's a kid on there I don't know man hello that's kind of you with a cannon she's [ __ ] up dude yeah oh [ __ ] you're right that is where the cannon for sure check this [ __ ] I promised someone I'd ask you where that's from but I don't know I just made it up seriously yeah that's not from anything no you're a [ __ ] genius I I did I did and I'm bored on a plane AMA uh-huh yes yeah see there's a carpet down here too I'm a [ __ ] genius wait I didn't want to go this way it might have been slightly uh might be slightly inspired by Max's cartoon max Gilardi yeah he did a he did an invaders in cartoon all right one just goes but that's a he's a talented fella I just my god that's my favorite go to like goofy voice me too might mind - I should say because it's what inspired both lemon and Bill ooh I'm not familiar with those characters were they from before you were any good totally getting are you are you don't know II totally know you know they were where they're like grunt faces came from right yeah yeah well lemon is yeah actually changed his face in the last episode of lemon in bill to be more grump like because I said I thought he looked a little too like like he had a problem you know this one he just looks mad but and the other one and the ones before it he looked kind of like like maybe he needs to go see a doctor oh sure yeah I have that look often yeah it's weird nothing just hanging on a flying carpet and everything and you know not a big deal or anything job rainbows flying through and whatnot it's so weird to watch you do voices because like I'm not I'm not a very good voice actor but like when I see voice actors do stuff I always expect their faces to be doing something crazy like like it can't just be that like you know you think I'm gonna speak in a different voice and then you do it but apparently it [ __ ] is yeah trying to chase down the green mushroom stop turning down no it's just been weird everything wasn't [Laughter] such an [ __ ] the bill I'm trying to [ __ ] figure out where to go and I don't know they get cool hey everybody I'm okay sorry I was about to do a markiplier impression and then I'm sorry Marco Pilar anyone who caught that reference yeah what was that today's the grub Kade today that was the first crumb kid with Mark and I clicked the moment Barry was like did you see the new crumb kid intro and I was like yeah I made it and he was like not did you see it oh I didn't know I didn't know we were doing a show with Mark a Pilar so I went into his room and I was like hey man I'm sorry it's about your name Ryan he's like oh no it's hilarious okay here's another fun story from Japan I actually was like a little sick I have stomach problems in general so sometimes they just lay me up and so I didn't end up going on this side trip wait but it turned out to be a blessing because everyone who went especially berry got [ __ ] horribly food poisoned okay so we are he was laid up for days yeah well he got it like late like I got it immediately like that day we were on like a we went to kiyomizu-dera which is like a Clearwater spring in a temple mm-hm and it's beautiful but we didn't anyway I was like I'm not going anywhere and everyone was like aw come on man I'm like I feel horrible and it was one of those things were it was like riding the line where it was like maybe I'm okay but yeah like I should probably sit this one out and when we were on the Shinkansen back home I was like man I feel like I'm gonna vom so like I I fell asleep and then we made like a sudden stop and I was like I got up and I brought a bag with me because I knew I [ __ ] knew [ __ ] knew and so I [ __ ] like went to the bathroom and they were both occupied and I was like well here goes and I just vom straight into this [ __ ] plastic bag and it's like in this pretty nice attendant was like oh like like she didn't speak any English but she was like oh and she was like is the movement like bad and I was like I was like no it's something I ate I just felt girl and she I went to the bathroom to like to like pour the bag and then I walked out she was still out there and she had like this piece of paper that was like in English and had like pictures on it and she was like pointing at it she was like what's wrong and I was sake I was like don't worry about I'm fine line good to see you again everybody did I tell you on my flight back to California that there was a couple next to me just couple what I can already tell this episode's gonna be good there's a couple just making out next up oh yeah yeah for the whole [ __ ] flight my god just I guess they were a new couple which is fine like I'm not even against public displays of affection but like put a cap on it man like no one it was like they were showing off like look at how in love we are which is gross yeah so I kept trying to like make like gross noises so they'd stop like it would kill them it was like it first it started off like like a little quick things like that uh-huh and then eventually it got to like full-on like yeah nothing stopped him now you think at the end of the flight they're like thank you so much for making those noises my girlfriend is so into like the sick thing the sick the um yeah I bet they were like that guy was really food just slurping on each other at least they didn't have a [ __ ] halitosis mouth oh yeah you you get people with foul breath yes we have good luck with people next to plans you next to us on plans yeah I the worst luck I don't I don't understand the only one time I had a good flight was how man I wish I could remember the story but essentially essentially what happened was like it was it was very silent for like most of the flight and then we were getting close like we had a really good conversation she was like a pretty girl and it was like very pleasant right and and then she said something that was like so like oh I don't want to talk to this person anymore really like some like weird like political stance or something I'm like yeah it's really cool I've always wanted to go there I'm actually a scientist III study you know beach patterns and and how they form I hate black people it was something like yeah it's just like something is like some complete like deal-breaker like whoa mmm that we wanted well no I don't think you can make it oh you're actually like threaded the needle quite impressively through everything there wasn't it was a colossal incredible failure yeah Oh like that would have been oh that's a good way to break a coccyx yeah that's your ass bone well at least I got the the pink wait I don't have to do this what do you mean I don't have to do this watch I can take a shortcut home sweet did I tell you my friend broke his coccyx it's a terrible story it sounds like it hurts yeah he had to wear like a diaper cast oh yeah yeah not good not good in school no in all girl's school geez why get transferred for one day 64 is a very relaxing game it makes you feel you do you feel centered Melfi [ __ ] Jarvis Gannon yeah so he's been the guy dude Jarvis Gannon is the guy who's we get our walkthroughs every single time it's like Dan I need you like this up for me because I got it which by the way is because he's the one who has the phone I'm not I'm not I'm not a diva Dan look this up for me not too sweet you know how I like him yeah but yeah Jarvis Ganon's the man but it's funny because like he did I don't mean to be mean or anything um see this walkthroughs and like he's just about as good as I am at this game like every so often I'll just like die and then he'll restart the level it'll be like sorry I died there you're making a video that you can edit later it's really funny because like every time you start a new one you're like God thank God for Jarvis guy like two minutes later like men that's exactly how people must watch this we're doing a show and it's like whoops you know well the value of the shows of talking over it so if I die you know whatever haha but like what are you doing walk through and you die it's like well I might as well start this over so that it's not like no time or anything and say I know I love it I love that guy he has helped us out for yeah he's amazing we've made it to episode 60 something is this yeah something like that this couldn't be episode 64 could it or nothing that'd be great it's episode the 64 mario 64 64 it's an episode of sick man we'll talk about that episode Oh oh my God my ass is bleeding whoa and what it's just the fact no no no don't know you Mario Mario you did it again you did I mean everything's everything's everything's dandy yep yep I was I was scanning your face before you were losing it to see the moment where you'd remember like oh no wait I'm trying to be so have you ever seen Michael Caine doing a Michael Caine impression no is it amazing it's really it sounds incredible he's like you know it touch I thought like this and you know people are like I do in Michael kind impression and then it's more like and I all Marco kind that's amazing yeah it's pretty good you should watch it look it up here comes the time to start breathing real deep no chill in out nice and chill bruh yep yep yep yep nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope next time I'm game how is it that I did it tired of this how is it that I did it last time is so easily so easily and then this time next time I get reps we will have already accomplished that part oh sure about that yeah how about it hey are you the one getting upset how about that bad man I thought you were not so girl I'm totally chill Batman so I feel like you know what it's funny like my sister and I went travelling one time uh-huh and I'm I'm pretty chilled by nature and she's pretty chilled by nature but I remember like bad [ __ ] kept happening to us and she was like she was getting pissed off and I was like down it's gonna be okay like there's no reason to be pissed and she was like no it's because you're not being pissed and someone should be pissed about it so I feel like maybe that's what it is like if you get super zen-like I'll just have to pick up the anger if it no come on look it looks like he's eating me Oh delicious I don't like pastrami Wow secret secret stage is it like to have to get stars on the stage or is it just him it's just it's just I just had to get to the end and then I fight him as far as I remember oh [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] is right Dan oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell oh my god we're [ __ ] with physics spelling that phu SI k ing as i see you want to know a little finger q about big feel like i'm doing things very meticulously for a point where I'm probably just gonna die totally but still do die it's just another pop it's just an it's it's the buna verse it's just another possibility right you know and you just have to accept the universe as it comes matter doesn't matter okay Michio Kaku I'm just excited I'm excited that we're um that we're here at know we're doing this I can't believe we're finally a Bowser I can't believe the year finally well I won't divulge that to the audience but what nothing I'm just you know something told me in Ernestine and I want to you know I don't want to I want to I want to come out the closet for you you know I feel like it's your right and your privilege to tell everyone that you're gay gay gay gay gay good so I'll just let it just let you choose the time and place for it let the chips fall where you gay welcome to the 100 [ __ ] percent victory episode of the game room see ya okay bad bad moment for men everything's great yeah everything's good it's just another we are in the process of nailing it to them it's just another way the cookie crumbles it's cookies crumbling like a [ __ ] don't say that word that's a bad word but yeah you could say [ __ ] you can say [ __ ] you can say ass I remember [ __ ] that's where you lead with it yeah I don't want any cursing you can say [ __ ] but only in the proper using the word curse you can only use it in in the case if it's like [ __ ] you or man this is [ __ ] what the hell is happening this game is [ __ ] me the worst [ __ ] is absolutely the worst it is the worst right well aside from like racial [ __ ] yeah racial [ __ ] gets like a special category yeah yeah racial [ __ ] is like a powerup for squares yeah yeah I don't know it's weird it changes over time certainly [ __ ] was not you were not allowed to say it when I was a kid it was a big deal to say [ __ ] but [ __ ] now is just kind of like hey bad batch I say to you guys every time I see ya yeah like I remember I mean they'd never say it on TV certainly and then Beverly Hills 90210 was the first one to be like she's a [ __ ] and everyone was like yeah that's part of the reason that show was so [ __ ] cutting-edge and popular at the time it was it was willing to like ride that line and now sometimes I feel like I hear the word [ __ ] on TV you do yeah well that was a that was like a major part of South Park it was the episode where like they found out from the censors that they can say like [ __ ] as many times as they want because of like the timeslot or something really yeah so they were like well then and they miss an entire episode where they just had like a [ __ ] count oh I do sort of remember this now yeah those guys give them an inch take some [ __ ] oh my god you are so in the [ __ ] zone right now tell me it's hurting my junk check this out so happy admit I just wanted to look cool you did cool right up until the time what are you trying to look cool like the dude is like check this [ __ ] and then cliff dives headfirst into like a Ledge that's two feet below the cliff oh all right so this is what I was trying to oh but oh that's a sneaky cry told you it was sneaky as far that's the sneakiest coin i ever done that on camera but no I I didn't see it okay all right wasn't paying attention said okay nice and chill let's get that camera good and say oh you bet all right here we go finale times this it is this Bowser Bowser I fell into a tie-dye oh you again oh wait give him a good voice with that stretch fine Mattie oh you're getting well that is fine I've been looking for something to fry with my fire breast your star power is useless against me your friends are all trapped within the walls and you'll never see the princess again I love a good wha ha ha whop ofof ahh whoa whoa what you did you pulled like the King Kong vs. Godzilla oh yeah there we go so long damn dude oh why my [ __ ] dick I'm coming at you at two miles an hour Oh Molly oh you're gonna get it oh well you went into my tummy and I know don't feel good could be your girls oh you got my tail Oh [ __ ] up all my fall off the edge now oh no I'm just a with you fro who is on [ __ ] church organ I think a phantom of the opera' in here same guy who's playing the bluegrass yeah yeah yeah he like had his face burned by like Bowser's fire and so now he puts on a mask you plays Oregon okey-dokey Oh down slow down this is for all the monkeys and the bar oh oh it's a star now that's what that is [Music] I got electrocuted electric I got electrocuted oh [ __ ] it's like way out there yeah yeah damn it don't [ __ ] do that again don't do it again how about this again you did it again yeah you cool damn it yeah I think you need like three or four big swings can't take that much pressure one and two and three are you dead stop on that tums okay he's dead you just straight dead man that really that's really sad yeah you're just kind of sitting there oh god this is just have a game ends credits roll oh no it can't be you really beat me Mario I gave those strokes power but now it's fading away uh I could see the peace returning to the world okay standed hmm it's not over yet oh it's not good come on Tropes let's watch the ending together oh you did it yeah yeah buddy yeah I mean it's alright Shh come on be happy to them to be happy oh wow hey daddy yeah I just drops uh-huh we did it yeah dude way to [ __ ] go thanks oh let's see what non-sexual reward you get from the princess this time she gives you she gives you that cake dude oh that's right she's like I begged you chick here you go and he's like oh you meant there okay cool I guess I'll put my penis in this hey she's bad oh she's pretty yes finally reappeared just like falls on the ground like it feels like it's for the hundred years we did stuff too I guess apparently one of them gives you a star and I just I just didn't know great oh you can actually hear Thank You Linda who did the voice miss Linda the executive producers wife rate and it's all thanks to you Mario he's like where's my kick beach girl kisses me on the nose I'm gonna spin around in a circle and yell here we go see how that works out let's bake a delicious cake he's like oh yes yes a bigger cake yes what was he like looking up at us oh I love it is they yeah you see that [ __ ] I got a kiss on my nose I'm going to make a cake you know what that mean gonna go fishing for some clams you totally get it right yeah these tacos are going to be devoured it's Taco Tuesday hmm I can just smell the fish one of us was banned to take it to vibe you know hmm I love vagina Oh Daiki [ __ ] okay Mario look at all the different places you've died that pitch yeah we we'd learn whatever we will have samples Sam P says should we stay sure wasn't we dankey leg okay why is mario there now yeah I just thought she was faking it I remember [ __ ] sharks in this game yeah well thank God I didn't see him don't care for him don't care much for their pool agonal this [ __ ] blew us you sure did yeah good old snowy the man for anyone wondering what that sound is that's Aaron [ __ ] compulsively opening and closing a plastic lightsaber I do that all the time yeah forget I do it I know six people people watching this are good just gonna hear like it's like a Darth Vader lightsaber the SGI n64 project staff do you think they're still together yeah can I call them do you think they still go and get beer on Wednesdays the QE we have a Japanese friend with that last name bro yeah they're good people those four Kiwis yeah Leslie Leslie Swan that's that's who was that was Princess Peach Mario you did it oh you're very close it was I [ __ ] knew it he said Linda yeah super close yeah Wow the e ed staff it'll need staff there's actually a dude and we're just doing an f-zero called mr. Eid yep and it's it's because of that needs a Starman bow oh really yeah nice and his stats are EAD for his his with like all the stats are like a 3e nice goodbye man you [ __ ] those credits really took me on a ride like this game was a [ __ ] journey yeah but now it's over final thoughts iron wish I were dead thank you so much for playing my game yes it was all of me who made it [Laughter] thank you so much for looking at the Mackay's oh and thank you lovelies for being with us on this journey this is a fun one you notice how nobody's eating that cake cuz they're busy doing something else oh [ __ ] eating dinner first yeah playing pin the tail on the donkey Wow alright so time to figure out what the next big-ass playthroughs gonna be a second coal running blood-borne series that's your dream scenario I'll work on punch-out and I'll work on a Link to the Past - it's gonna take me a little time oh yeah yeah I'll get to work on that you know what chicken butt okay alright goodbye everybody goodbye love you I don't [Laughter] [Music] what's up you pesky penises hello hello and welcome back to game rooms I don't know why we're playing this what what is this this looks like Mario 64 doesn't it is it not is it Mario 64 hey what's happening it is okay oh great dan yes I want to introduce you to a little something called the green diamond challenge the green diamond challenge this is this is a over a decade old challenge really I mean it was you know founded in 1864 before the advent of man really so here's the deal right hey there's a one up there's a one up right here nostri alright and it's gonna try to catch me no matter what the one up is gonna try to catch it yeah okay follows you this particular one up from this tree follows you okay like crazy okay like like a [ __ ] madman go on like a green demon alright and when this one up is following me he's gonna be very hard to avoid hitting it okay but I have to collect all eight red coins without getting the one out without getting the 1up and I've never done this before I've only seen people do it you've never tried it before you ever even try okay well that's exciting there's four levels in this game that support the green demon challenge this is the tree okay well that's very realistic and the zero is not the tree okay this true you are not the psychosis is the tree okay Matt Ryan put up a giant Fairs damnit I could get out of this like make someone Gabriel died okay sorry well I can't apparently can't just cancel out of a [ __ ] mission that actually makes this more oh this is the stakes are wildly high okay cool now just kill me just boy I forgot how good this game looks oh man it just it's a masterpiece it was in 96 okay this time it's gonna be easy it's gonna be real gonna be true it's gonna be hot it's gonna be blue beautiful it's gonna be hot yeah it's gonna be easy breezy beautiful huh I got it I got to practice jumping off trees for okay so I don't want I don't want to do I want to make it spawn and then just jump right off yeah you got it's got to be fast I'd be like and then it spawns on them I don't want to do that right well then I'm out of there okay so if I just get up and then jump off I'm out of there okay and then I can run to it all right good luck do you know where the coins are yes so roughly well I'll figure it out as I go all right here we go I like this who thought of this these two Japanese dudes goddamn it here we go oh no you didn't get it okay cool [ __ ] Matt Ryan hit it with the fam okay it's too hard yeah and and do some kind of terrible sound effects too every time the failure thing comes at me like do the animal do the animal from Muppet Babies how did that kill me Muppet Babies will make your dreams come true oh my babies will do the same for you when your world looks kind of weird and you wish that you weren't they year the room no maybe when your room looks kind of weird wish that you weren't the year just close your eyes and make the voices man I can't do Miss Piggy my baby my baby baby boy that's way up there is she saying the cartoon I was thought she's saying the car no I I think they say dreams come true well I looked up the lyrics last night oh really yeah I got that Muppet baby shirt from so metal apparel oh this is this is some extreme sherry here [ __ ] got it oh god it's after me it's after me after me answer me oh you're gonna regret not getting that coin on that one well mmm there's no one over here it's not my fix Jesus okay okay okay okay okay watch this watch this watch yeah yeah nice okay [ __ ] you that's two yeah holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my god so unnerving everything well it just passes through every it's just like man you're not gonna do how many was that I was three oh good lord yeah eight dude not even halfway there okay there's one up there okay I just I got a drop down to get [ __ ] Shh how many do we have five you're four four or five five I [ __ ] Brian is hot missed it okay keep going keep going it's okay well I got some sweet distance between me and that and then mush I'm hoping you're gonna turn around it's gonna be right [ __ ] now it's the [ __ ] you can't do that oh my god that's not fair coming sentient no it's learning it's in their own that process [ __ ] alright alright this time this time I got this is the wines of the one again you can slide and get a coin [ __ ] you always / correct exactly I'm sorry no don't apologize watching me in a different way - and it's just confusing I don't know it's hard oh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that was intense [ __ ] I got it it's not the demon where is he I don't know did you now follow you down there it's taking this sweet time unless that was him that wasn't him playing he's right there okay I don't want to get that one oh [ __ ] it's like look it's hard enough I might as well just [ __ ] yeah all my losses nice you got green no no no all right you got one more chance dude one more chance so my butthole is puckered yeah I could tell if you tried to slam anything into it it'd be a closed door thanks it adds up that is an 18 plus Club to a 14 year olds maybe I shouldn't bring 42 year-old the metaphors about my but the good news is you [ __ ] that up so quickly thank you got yourself an extra bonus shot Jesus fine eat me just eat me bro oh yeah I'm sweating the fingers are numb I can actually see you beginning to glow from here but palms are sweaty I have a good feeling about this really mmm okay so I should get I should do it the same way I'm doing it mm-hmm fall down here get that one go back up get the bobbum one or the Chain Chomp one yep the two that are easy then the cage one go up get this oh [ __ ] what it's okay it's okay you know the basic plan this one it's nerve-wracking here's to nope it's not it's not to oh god oh god no no no no no steak steak Maddon Ryan can you throw in some [ __ ] tire screeching car turning around sound effects like the spinning out of control like [ __ ] [ __ ] cheat job [ __ ] do it damn he done you done it's so hard I know I know well I did believe in you on the plus side thanks look hell I was reward well it's all about you is way that change have looks ridiculous in this freeze ray hey I'm under him and I'm gonna eat ya we're only 3/4 of the episode well I had to figure out where they were ready to take our first shot yes you're right I'm sorry no don't be busting your chops I do what I can it's I just I just want to make an entertaining show I'm in panic mode okay Oh God okay good luck homie your naivety go up the flagpole by the time that they hit okay here we go Oh got it awesome okay you have to get one red coin that's your challenge good luck man I feel you thank you so much my friend holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I already messed up real bad I don't know what I don't know what I don't know what i'm gonna do myself good luck babe make it imma good no no no [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] Mario you picked a [ __ ] Mario you don't listen to me you never listen I swear to God I told you to go to school on time l told you eat your beans I'm gonna do it so now what now we know what happens when you jump from the flagpole onto a ledge get up from the ledge get back on the ledge get up from the ledge to get back on the list yeah I know yeah I get it I get it Dan it was a stupid move gonna have to be I get it you can stop teasing me could be an alternate technique thank you appreciate it mm-hmm [ __ ] feedback is so valuable to me my friend you once called me your friend we're still friends but now we are considered enemies oh really that just happened no okay cool trying to make it traumatic yeah I understand well this will be the last try for this episode I have to end up up there though I have to yeah so just oh I know what I can do I'm up real fast oh [ __ ] there you go it's not what I wanted to do perfect it's not what I think that is that what that's what I wanted to do this might be a little bit behind you no it's not watch watch watch I will show you how to do it and then will next time on game grumps I know exactly what I'm talking about I'm a [ __ ] idiot then I didn't think of it before but now I thought of it I'm a [ __ ] genius okay watch okay don't don't don't look away don't close your eye don't [ __ ] check your phone I got a picture my friend [Laughter] here we go my friend I like more than my friend earn you waste my time to mow your toe oh my good lord here we go watch watch watch my god watch my back okay good yeah okay it's fine friend kidding me Wow you showed me I was a fool I I'm not wrong am I wrong I don't know I don't even know you're trying to do I was trying to get a little way up on the jumping but it didn't work hold on yes that's the way to do it okay and then I just start jumping across to these boys girls hodo this one maybe map out a little this one and then I fall to my death yep all right Aaron's gonna do pretty well at one of these I believe it was this the game what was it Super Mario Sunshine where I asked if it if you'd noticed that his hair was brown and his mustache was black and you're like yes it drives me insane did you notice how Mario's mustache and his hair don't match yes I hate it yeah it drives me insane that was a long time ago yeah I might have been sunshine it's my like biggest pet peeve is it really I hate it wow I hate it just pick a color my hair's kind of like that though my beard comes in kind of like darker than your regular hair no it comes in light lighter lighter but it's two different colors is what I'm trying to say well that's fine but he's a cartoon character oh yeah with a limited palette why are they wasting palette options I just drive it drive me insane oh yeah welcome back to game rooms if we didn't hi I'm Aaron's Aaron's trying the green demon challenge on this one more time here we go get up go go go yes yes yes I've done it and I've achieved possible got the stress Oh God Oh Lord no Oh your new goal is to get three if you get three of you the goal is to get eight Dan its Sogeti yeah what's your problem you don't think I can do it Oh plus I was really cool them to create a one-up that follows you around oh my god come on did you see those [ __ ] sick moves - it was I was moving around like a sick jerky yeah Matt Ryan can you play just enough of eye of the tiger for us to not get copyright strike I'm it I'm like the I'm like the ice cream on the bottom of the carton and you just you're just scraping and and no spoonful is satisfying enough and you just keep scraping but you'll keep like losing a little bit to the bottom so you just have to keep shoveling in your mouth and it's just little trickles yeah and you want more but it's too late to go to the grocery store mm-hmm you just can't just can't make it happen yeah that's what it is it is what it is oh [ __ ] my pants [Music] holy [ __ ] oh nice that's my [ __ ] dick I hate myself right now I'm not lying I don't care I just want this to end hi we're so dead okay Aaron's a broken man and you know what I commend you for trying for five episodes I couldn't do a single one you got half a one okay um next time thank you Bruce we hope you had fun we're gonna do something different now sucks sucks stupid I don't even like video games well well well the truth comes out everything I've said about this game whatever it's a creative game it was way ahead of its time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: uko_moonchild
Views: 647,045
Rating: 4.7515745 out of 5
Keywords: everycopyofsupermario64ispersonalized, game grumps, best of, super mario 64, mega compilation, sleep aid
Id: ydjpHrgzsz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 11sec (14171 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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