Game Grumps Laughing Fits Compilation PART 4!

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I am loving it is an anagram for brilliant slightly open and they close [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] its to bologna you won't believe your eyes or your tastebuds Bologna this is once an extra man is for let us discover the mystery me Bologna radio are starts prize Wow and then there's like the [ __ ] made-for-tv like Cinemax version like pimento loaf Cylon version beat that [ __ ] I would like Tyson I'll beat it with a song from my favorite singer brandy I yell yell vez the freeze cracker fires like in the Eric Andre show where he's clapping [Laughter] [Music] wait anyway is it um what what the H oh there it is glasses boom is it now I can see the secret thing and get my foot oh thank you oh wow is that a [ __ ] thank you so much is that good was there a bug what are you talking about I don't know what up dog is well aren't you proud of yourself [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] we've got a copy of the Torah no they can't be both they can't be all right well I guess all the window I named this barricade Barracuda my favorite fish and my favorite song by my favorite band and hearty which is my favorite organ to pull out a [ __ ] lots of favorites today must be good day you think type we'll see you please because yes we'll say okay okay sorry she's one of those [ __ ] sexy engineers with a midriff band the engineer shirt 550 CB kicked on this is not the same hard slap or ticket and they're like check out my girls and you're like wow house party tutorial peachy peachy let's see that let's watch that video you might want to pause it for what second yeah did I mention you could whip out your penis by pressing the pk are you saying that like my dancing made you hard Wow orgasm that's an option wait so my penis is out right now so what this so what is it like oh he's probably at a point because it's the tuning of the third or whatever and then what and then the other teams like who he's probably gonna point so we probably do one thing I do not because you said like well you're in this position so you should probably point and then all have to point defend no I'm starting a sentence it wasn't laying way okay god I thought I was going the right way but I went the wrong way okay go ahead okay Tina Turner there we go Wow all right go ahead was at the end of our first yeah that was the whole okay to Unitarian a here we go do it alright I was walking to the store and finally I said hey what's in the store so then I told my friend who is stupid that one of my deepest fears is to walk on a Sherpa I don't know where they came from I'm pretty sure I'm not positive I'm pretty sure a Sherpa is a guide that will take you up a mountain yes so one would not walk on a Sherpa let's do it let's do another one okay one two three [Laughter] that might have been their best oh no he's doing it oh [ __ ] he's doing it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm straight [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah [Laughter] okay fun filled day all right cool yeah Alina Elena Cindy president Li Peng okay Kokoro okay over [ __ ] I thought that was bad when they send you gifts no they send return gifts so let's see let's see Zac what the [ __ ] did you send me cream soda oh that's delicious what is this uh Hellena [ __ ] okay great damn it nobody likes me do I have to I have to keep going I have to I dude I gotta make a friend man nobody wants to be my friend this is it's like it's like watching it's like watching it's like watching somebody love get their ass beat and you're like Brian defender do you think about it you can do something about it you could support me I didn't give me an emotional support I'm hurting I'm trying to make friends and you're the only friend I have and you're not even behind me on this you know I have 100% behind you Oh God have to make some money so I can get buy an expensive swimsuit for my girlfriend okay do you think maybe lay no shut out I'm so fired up with should've loved apply pressure to your grundle y'all come harder that way it's the easiest cuz it's the smallest prostate work your way up to someone RIT RIT RIT after eating pretzels pretzels get me aroused my name is Danny six making it my friends are pretty tight look I'm white I looked up online if pretzels were an aphrodisiac I read I read didn't find anything that's how old my daughter is wait [ __ ] oh man is the speed of my rocket ship penetrated the ink yeah that actually does make sense stunned disbelief obviously what the game wanted me to do don't press this button immediately and deliberately my name's Laura thirty-one in South Arkansas I finally moved up to the big city where my life is tuned in this summer [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] eligible I always forget that well when did you drop out were you junior the second one it was the wolf sophomore Aaron I was just starting third that does not bode well no I just I was starting my third year of course they didn't need high school I was a I've already completed my to fear of high school my second I've had no chance to tell you about the place where you'll be based welcome to 9-ball island you don't want to know how it got that name the base of operations for dudes here and one dude who had a major accident we call in the Cyclops everything you need for your work is there on the table and sorry about the other mess we leave our soda and OJ here okay stop by this camera take a ride on the wild side by taking a trip to the camera when did you swing by this OJ and there's an album to put on your photographs into of course we have a radio so we can keep in touch with the outside world I feel like I'm at the showcase showdown of The Price is Right and here is your bucket in which to [ __ ] electricity can we please like I'm running out of gas stop shooting her damn it just nudges me into the [ __ ] take a right yeah okay I did it damn it master I'm like I'm liking the first Austin Powers movie we're just trying to be perfect to eat it on the [ __ ] web goblins like someone's you need to forget happens all the traumatized victims are in there and you kick the door any like food oh sorry my [Laughter] apples do we need to turn it off for a little bit and talk about it is does it mean anything putting your chips on top of ships 20 [ __ ] 3 mil your money back but it wasn't 23 so please give it the sound effects [Laughter] [Laughter] oh my god wow dude this might be a good time to tap out cash out can we create a card derp derp oh that's gotta be it like we're known a rider and edward scissorhands is like please i don't remember where it started I think it was just like walking down Chinatown or something and I just had a song in my heart and I didn't have words to the song yep so this is what happened I call it lady Depp alright okay [Laughter] it just came out of me one day and I was like that's just saying that's a thing now that's so if ever you're feeling a sign in your heart you don't know the lyrics why is it so catchy some rhythmic about each ghost like their dinner or lunch or whatever you guys eat that one if I can do anything for ya god damn it you want to sniff my balls Hey pac-man why don't you get on this sack man just like somebody just his bag man like walking on the streets and he's like hey man shut my [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] it goes they will yummy yeah they were tasty today with tasty tasty [ __ ] goes now you don't know [ __ ] about tasting goes till you taste mama's ghost oh my god have you ever tasted madness go solve some real classic Italian ghosts mmm she's she's she's real good you know she died of a heart attack so [ __ ] she died of a wife Oh food so good she'll make your lips smack I like it best when she cooked my chicken whack you better get back down on my tack mama didn't raise no fool jack I did that yeah dude nice farm oh we could start a new life Leah I hope my own baby helicopter mouth I guess maybe a turn it's turn it back towards you I tried that the judges are in the air [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] his parents aren't home and he's been fighting me over he's Episcopalian now we're gonna have to [ __ ] to Hershey I can't speak to the Uyghurs parents at home Annie invited me over I can't wait to get [ __ ] she comes over and he's like lemon squares and she's like [Laughter] I'm going back coming I should get back home its lucky Liam gave me a map of the reserve I need to go and find out I he should be over by the water [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] anti-aliasing it is I thought it was Anne she lysing splines articulating spline weird threat indicators as if I haven't noticed already yeah but alright alright indicator is a fireball coming at like I get it [ __ ] on it just making a gag no it's gonna be [ __ ] used against me and like episode 7 or whatever it's like the threat indicators this is what gear ups going downhill I'm gonna watch the next episode religiously we have been going downhill since before we started this is the story of a blue thing and all this blue it's amazing okay where my god don't throw bombs at me No Oh God oh my god man the game lag yeah look at mean even the blood can't even decide oh my god just shooting the pieces I love how the game decided that the minister yang dinosaur burger sandwich fast food McDonald's candle burger candle light burgers champagne and drink candle pour the candle on the burger Oh [Music] [Laughter] surfboard Oh night surfing swimming skateboarding what am i drawing right now people competitive surfing what am i drawing right now people what are these tiny little things stars what are they doing shining dead [ __ ] damn it what looks like that in the sky Orion no it's falling from the clouds [Laughter] [Laughter] Bay of Fundy I don't know [Laughter] son of a [ __ ] and then throw oh damn your son just [ __ ] up yeah that's okay okay all right he said mortal it doesn't matter he's made of rubber he was scared of falling down a bridge that was like 10 feet in the air and then you shoot the other portal at the end of the goopy goop done all right so now you just made them a little bit more apart which is not at all what I have where's the goofy goober that's it no I mean the swirly my gig come on dude you can't [ __ ] the swirly that's the squirrel you can't mix up those really McGee with the okay okay the other side you got it all right now go do your chubby business are you even doing anything I think so yeah suck on it whatever the hell thing you are I got it no you don't I got it I got it [Applause] let's try to snap your balls with laser eyes in war one of my favorite sentences you've ever said hold on can you hand me that laptop for a second oh sure yeah I just want to show you my impersonation of Sandra Bullock in the net hold on I just have to hack into the mainframe real quick almost got it [Laughter] just two more words here we go Wow you've done it you've actually picked up my computer you would have found out if you were an actual hacker you go Raptor Weiner boy I'm gonna go with John Jimmy dead dead dead dead stop my stance on it is that problem sorry I'm shopping here that's like something like when you've been dating a girl for too long and like you only half listen to what she says and you know what I'm not gonna that doesn't always happen it's just sometimes if you're dating somebody who's not super interested yeah like it's just like one of those moments where like you're like looking at stuff like a Gamestop or whatever and she's like [Laughter] and she could literally be say between games Aaron and I came up with this character racist bassist who's just like oh I like this little exchanges they'd change course [ __ ] it's just a guy who [ __ ] who who doesn't care for most races and also plays bass and he's he does both at the same time [ __ ] that noise that's like something a black person would do man I really hope this accountant doesn't Jew me out of my money it'd be cool if racist bassist had like another member like like bummer drummer who just says depressing [ __ ] like Francis bassist is like oh man too many Jews at today and bummer drummer would be like yeah it's extra tough cuz my wife left me you know I really love that Chinese food but who wants to [ __ ] them boom boom boom yeah dude it's because I'm here oh I can see the ball better through my slanty eyes it's just tough to get a bed in the morning [Laughter] what are you doing you're just sending these balls all willy-nilly man you know [Laughter] this concert this concert might have happened at a bad time because um all my dog ran away from home today can you take a tiny running start wow that is the worst sorry I was just trying to be efficient and like getting my cops shot dude we're gonna do this Oh what are you [ __ ] like it's like watching someone pick up a dollar at the street and get hit by a car and then be like immediately getting up and be like hey excusable sweet did they have bees in Egypt if they had honey then yes they did have bees maybe it wasn't from he gem to me it was like Tibet they have bees in Tibet I don't know maybe it was like beat out you think that's the Gabey nightclub I think it's like it's like if a guy said way you go and honey it's like it's like get away from me yeah yeah well I think it's probably because a that would be like said to like a straight guy sometimes to which which is like oh you know huh force is playful but you still might want to [ __ ] me at some point in this episode we were talking about mortality I think he's just a nibble just a boy to get that [ __ ] that's one of the first times ever where you have cracked yourself up like I crack myself like one of the guys from that band like not making it did you just his parts from the I would walk five thousand miles songs where he's like just to be the man fives and [Laughter] froggy I swear to [ __ ] god froggy holy [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] Oh froggy Oh froggy Oh frog frog frog frog frog frog II what smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart that's as fast as I can do it one for ya wow he just became the wall it's fine I'm not a religious man but if hell exists oh there's got to be a way to the mental image that came with that you sayin that was just so much resignation and your voice but also like a hint of like I always knew it would come ring home it's 45 minutes later I'm looking at the clock and it was so pissed if I don't catch this [ __ ] do it [Laughter] [Applause] holy [ __ ] you still in yeah check out this Fox he's a friend no hey check out this living raw meat he jump flips for joy as I stab him in the [ __ ] temples 15th one's a charm brings back the good old memories oh he's gonna do it again is he gonna shoot a laser oh he's gonna shoot a laser now remember Blankman [Laughter] [ __ ] Blankman dude do you think they make people at Guantanamo Bay [Laughter] he's my razor claw he's my favorite Renaissance artist Leonardo DaVinci that is a door I'm gonna throw everything that I've ever caught was it like to this exact moment it has everything to do with all of the accomplishments that have ever happened in my life oh Jesus god I wish stick responses you imagine I feel like Snickers probably has some cash just lying around just a little is that Mars is that who runs that company Mars Yeah right Mars is M&Ms I know that oh yeah then Dave they're doing pretty well for themselves yeah well I don't know man I don't like M&Ms I'm not a huge fan oh well then they should probably be shaking in their boots noted Internet douche bag I have that on my tombstone noted Internet douche bag I think you you know what I earned I'm gonna say I got a good feeling about this he just stands there blankly can't place you oh good I Rosaleen I'm gonna Jeanette pop pop polly sandra willis now that's about yeah I want to say Rachel Rachel it's Rachel it's gotta be Rachel no not reaching out Sabrina Sabrina Meredith Jill Jessica yes yes it's definitely Jessica it's not just um is it had a amaro fujibayashi not even close okay now um you know I honestly I don't I don't remember you know is it Erica I don't don't remember no no is it a sue so it's got to be sue no Camille no okay Camille Annalise I got the news Camille Frankland yes no that's also a man named Jeanette I already said Jeanette Zelda [Laughter] that was our longest and stupidest joke ever Jesus Christ oh you're right there victory throws rug and now to release him in so he could be caught once again Oh is there a fourth one of this yes awesome Oh cutscene Christy asked me to check out that stuff and we're ever been able to find it at all Nicole let's get advice did you call it vague yeah it really is oh she does you talking about him yeah and that huh that is pretty interesting why not as interesting as this yeah what about the stuff I checked out the stuff what'd you find end of cut see it was just like him him yeah man whenever I think of him I think meanwhile they're just talking about the music artists him that's real fire I thought is decorating that's real fire hold on I need to go in for a second opinion moving hard eyes have was like whoa what I cup I spill I cup I see you peek are you [ __ ] serious Aaron is that what we've got to that we're at in our friendship I see you pee as the second time we've got you with like a [ __ ] elementary school you got me yeah you got me it's boron you [ __ ] [ __ ] harsh science classes you don't even know phosphorus you're not gonna pass the class you won't be prosperous what is happening I don't know actually I got you to safety bro how are you supposed to get to the bottom let's are you supposed to call the private horse I am bro I just nailed it nice oh man while you and I make a great team toad the era went the way it said it would the wayside oh they carry on my wayward son oh [ __ ] they'll do be peace when you were done know there'll be peace when you are done a commonly misunderstood he's actually just talking about frozen peas bubbled up like a goddamn sprite drink there'll be peace when you are done boy how good would that feel if like you bumped into someone on the street and they're like um excuse me and then you jumped on their head killed them and then sailed into the air with your arms out and twirled around don't forget about the Red Coins up yeah that's my deep dark secret let's keep working professors I had died of cancer that was a particularly unfirm despot of Gela that needs to be in the refrigerator it was already too late when they found it professor bunker told me we figure maybe this out it with dr. doodles and professor Baca it's like his imaginary gorilla friends would you like some floor jello where's Carl results just came back I took care of it it's like a gun with a silencer Hey look we have to operate on this boy immediately like puts the pillow over his face like dr. Gasol's been infected by a new strain of gill oh [ __ ] you know that's some drama llama you guys go and help him like as the planes taking off you just hear the distancing it's called a double tap my ankle whoa her head looks really tiny [Laughter] come across on the capture [Laughter] [ __ ] laser wall [ __ ] you can do one what was he like looking up at us oh I love it is a here you see that [ __ ] I got a kiss on my nose I'm going to make a cake you know what I mean really go fishing for some clams you totally get it right yeah these tacos are going to be devoured it's Taco Tuesday hmm I can just smell the fish one of us was banned to take it too far I love vagina oh oh damn it get your [ __ ] [ __ ] back no you don't that's my [ __ ] gotta learn to be a better shovel knight ah yeah I did it get my [ __ ] back my airship get might know my other [ __ ] too both of the [ __ ] [Laughter] a good idea how how will it stay lit like my part is by making sick memes dude damn it that's going in the files oh here we go again oh goodness no dick bag what's up all right here we go yeah but there oh stop play what's going on in this limb goddammit every time with that we started with 3000 gold we are currently in the 1000 they live in water breathe through gills and have a swim bladder however they do not have caudal filled fins and have a long snake-like tail they also have a neck and snout that points down yeah they're fish goddamn beaver we're straight up fish what the top of the waterfall there's a beaver Wow and they're monogamous and they mate for life damn dude who knew that I knew it really yes heron you knew that all along of course absolutely just like a hugely long internal debate that was the truth do I really want to go down this road I mean what does it say about me as a person should I say yes will he ever find out I mean what is this a friendship ender if he does find out how long have I been standing here thinking about this yes I got a Spotify playlist but it's mostly sounds of total [ __ ] changes any done oh look it's the Purple's you pride yourself at does that do everything you want it boy I got sucked up into the where they going Wow Erin I've never seen you knock yourself out with an on joke like that adventure you bro what luck okay excuse me excuse me infinite anger I am straight forty-fives you know that song by them yeah yeah that's a good one [Music] yeah I can't think of how it goes now that I yeah I'm trying to remember it oh and I know I like it 45 yes it's I'm serious like [ __ ] listen to this and remember how I'm saying it Oh 45 he says like that who do like your own you are embarrassing Oh God so shameful oh my god Aaron all right anyone at home if you want to do a fun experiment go on Spotify put on the chorus of old 45s by Chromeo and play it back to back with the rendition of it before we even figured out exactly what it was and just tell me what you really think I'm sure someone will remix it to make it sound perfect like man Aaron [Laughter] come back to me yeah this one stand there oh my god Aaron I'm trying I have never I just wanted to get it done you know wait never met anyone in my life like you you are absolutely one of a kind [Laughter]
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,152,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, game grumps compilation, game grumps best of, game grumps highlights, game grumps emotional, dan avidan compilation, egoraptor compilation, game grumps laughter, game grumps laughing fit, game grumps funniest moments, game grumps funny compilation
Id: yrU3K9yZUio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 42sec (4062 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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