Danny RAGE Moments - Game Grumps Compilations

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I had completely forgotten how harsh Danny can be on Arin. Wow!

Hilarious, though.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RoccoRollo 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Watching this made me really miss the Grumps swearing. It felt a lot more genuine in their responses and their jokes.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/havokpus 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wiikendwarrior84 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yes. Let Danny Rage moments just wash all over me.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tronz413 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh no sorry wait how with what what does what to to goes yeah am i on top or the bottom oh this is terrible oh you have to tilt [Applause] for the progesterone I have first-person view now Oh God oh did I go the right way did I go okay here I go now I got it now I got it under control she's a hit a speed strip what go up the stairs going up the stairs I'm ahead of you that's all I know okay I'm sorry I have to leave you no no oh there we go there we go do oh no I'm getting laughs that's what's happening oh is this the most impossible [ __ ] to control or is it my imagination it's like the most sensitive oh god we do empower girls yeah by making them feel like the most in it ya know what helps well I found not pushing the gas yeah just kind of depressing it slightly [Music] [Laughter] the dropping banana peels like these horrors don't think it's hard enough who knows we'll never see her oh no no just I can't damn it how the [ __ ] you supposed to make that turn when you're going oh Jesus I am frustrated getting frustrated Freddie right now if you end up in like a dead-end hallway you are false god damn it oh you can do it can't no one faith in you yeah oh god I hit the banana I know I just I just I'm try like just try to go straight just try I'm trying can't like it you can why can't I turn so sharp you have to finish this I'm going backwards [Music] oh god the basketball court [Laughter] oh god someone [ __ ] shot me is over the only ones still racing [ __ ] you [ __ ] shake your Wemo I mean why because it'll give you a mirror nice I'm like I'm like the first Austin Powers movie come on dammit bro I've never I'm so angry if I can turn the controller upside down anything I just want to [ __ ] action girls you guys are the no no we're done no we're never playing this again that was a horrible I had like three different panic attacks I can't believe you I'm so frustrated I this is how you must've felt after battle kid dude we're gonna do this oh [ __ ] what are you [ __ ] it's like it's like watching someone pick up a dollar of the street and get hit by a car and then being like immediately like [Laughter] excusable well you know that would that's a vowel [ __ ] I should have bought a FAL see what you can't now no I already spun no but you can just pick one and then it buys one for you oh yeah it's a [ __ ] video game oh never mind then like control rumbles a little witness is that kind of [ __ ] games don't give me your [ __ ] money false damn it vana nice week a spin yeah I just want five minutes into this episode all I've done is lose two turns that's fun everything's good man now what I don't know what it is I know what it is I totally know what it is I hate you son of a [ __ ] just please please just give me one no I'm so angry oh my god human I'm [ __ ] irate oh oh come on this should do it why would you buy the goddamn it turns very [ __ ] informative guy yeah Oh which one am I oh it's B so B and then look and maybe and then hook wait what the [ __ ] how are you getting them out of that I don't know wow this is a hell of a game yeah sometimes it just doesn't desert okay okay I am [ __ ] riveted right now this is stupid this is the worst dude what [ __ ] I have a very unresponsive tissue box and say yep this is the dumbest idiot I've ever I'm just squeezing hands I got +4 oh wow wha I guess I'm stupid you are stupid thank you for I didn't say it I'm not the one who said it alright did you enjoy that [ __ ] let's try this other goddamn piece of garbage that we've got lined up for you are you joshing me with this nonsense what's going on I don't all right [Laughter] jerking off looks like I got I think I got it this is where face cam would come in handy so you could see how hard we're [ __ ] try thank you I hope Guy Fieri actually like slips on a banana peel and accidentally like Falls up his own ass yeah she's winking at me very subtly though yeah I am played by the guy who played Titus's brother okay okay can we leave a little bit of epicness to this please oh [ __ ] here we go it's not what she said but look close enough full of money no don't take a selfie right now I got him there's no time you gotta make sure I get this one this is gonna be great we're such an ass this is gonna be great on the mantel losing [ __ ] precious life economy back it's Ganondorf when am I ever gonna see Ganondorf again there we go oh my god I love that girl me too he's such a sweet horse isn't he he's a badass he's a nice guy he's one of those creatures whoops sorry I really feel I feel connected to him there are certain games like this where like you do really feel like sort of grow attached to your trusty steed yeah he's been through he's been with us through the hard times yeah you know he's he's a he's a good horse a good friend top aggro doesn't know how to back up yo yeah he's all about moving forward full force that's why that's why I love him so much because he's he's all about the future that you and he shared together I think you need to get a running start so you can well he's a shouldn't yeah dude oh no no not this you [ __ ] you never told me oh that sucks Oh oh god don't touch me I'm not in the mood to be touched right now I'm here for you [ __ ] yo that [ __ ] sucks god damn it why did we just have a conversation did you just have that conversation of like why we love him to get me all but yeah I do love them oh god damn it no yes I'm sorry what kind of how am I supposed to read that alright yeah go for it man guess all you're just gonna you're just gonna saw em guard nice you dropped your blistered feet dude yeah I know oh my god I can't believe you how could you let that happen I don't know I don't know Aaron alright play this game I'm so done with it oh you defend it but guess what three damage and the town is liberated ya know even care was like yeah of course I well now you gotta find a new a new path and like I find any game to play hey come on don't be like that oh we're done oh my god my life sucks you're still technically winning though you have more money than I do Oh your salary went up to up I got a bonus though the old [ __ ] we were doing doesn't even make a goddamn dent on the crap you can still take some towns dude this isn't the end of it you see how big the world was we could just leave I don't want to play this for like baby episode I want to play this for one more episode wait hold on I got to take out Oh Cyril oh [ __ ] I think the magician is gonna take me out though don't try to get me happy about this [ __ ] you how [ __ ] dare you you know I think if you give him a bunch she probably comes back and gives you something nice maybe you play a one did you please donate to this town course 198th of my wealth take it we stay the night of course sleep is important for your health I'm gonna stay in my town don't touch me I'm [ __ ] in a coffin you gonna take cookie shot against you and [ __ ] what else do I have to do in this world well you should level up so you can lock your back rows you know what [ __ ] you wasn't directed to you guys this director didn't like the for the last like [ __ ] 30 times you know you're gonna lose I can shoot look if I can just go first I can beat him but I it's just how much you're making right now that's the weather Dominic makes sound like a ground something totally different Aaron wins you're making bad decisions going to Zhi Shan all the time great when you could easily take two turns to level up go back to Zi Shan win it have a town win another town and you beat the same level that I'm at this time I think we're [ __ ] at I know I could do it you know it's like trying to try to jump into a painting it's not even really there god damn it Aaron no I can do it they showed you the bridge they were making just goes to me man alright I trust you did it why would I not trust a man in the exact position they're like pretty to look at and that game is the most that the game is the saddest game to look at I've ever seen Holland [ __ ] you know it's it's good good it's just it's sad well that I'm sorry I said [ __ ] you I didn't actually mean it no that's okay I don't think I mean it when I say things they're really mean to you that really get under your skin and genuinely hurt you I honestly can't remember time you've ever pissed me off really except for just now when you said [ __ ] we are done in rings I immediately apologize too late bro you know it really pisses me off wouldn't go back on your word you know I thought is the original Chinese Qi Penghu that's where Japan comes so you knew the answer to your own question yet you posed it twice to me well I had the question and then got snip snappy with me when I did not know the trivia I swear to god dude I will [ __ ] karate chop you in the head I wasn't posing it to you as a question that was I was just saying I had that question I'm gonna wait until you sleep tonight and then let my flaccid dick and balls dangle over your face in a classic Roman soldier helmet [Laughter] it kind of made me feel like oh maybe I can be a good musician because the people I love the most weren't good at it like right off the bat you know like I'm sure it would have been cool for you to see like some of your favorite artists in like a really like early stage oh I'm sorry am i boring you am i [ __ ] sorry I'm just sharing really deep childhood emotions with you no no [ __ ] figure out you're rock blast [Laughter] alright we're off to a bad start that's fine give me the [ __ ] job you like yeah yeah like 10 pixels tall you don't give it [ __ ] here comes the time to start breathing real deep no chill in out nice and chill bruh yeah yep yep yep nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope next time I'm game how is it that I didn't tired of this how is it that I did it last time is so easily so easily and then this time next time I get reps we will have already accomplished that part oh sure about that yeah how about it hey are you the one getting upset how about that Batman I thought you were not so girl I'm totally chill Batman he stole your arrow oh he he's dead to me not only is he dead to me he's dead too these Tiger world everybody yeah this guy's got to stop I mean we I mean really really now [ __ ] tilting over dear friends with you this guy who has got to stop I was I was getting salty but but like loud enough so that he hears it too oh yeah that's a yeah two five that's the way to do it that's the way to do it that's the white weak people way to do it in movie theaters exasperatedly yeah a lot of people talking in this theater jeezum crow okay well pickles going on maybe I have to on here no I got a killer heaven but yeah Oh [ __ ] yeah the goopy ball slugs but that was my thumbs dude that once again my [ __ ] thumbs alright pause the episode Kevin okay we did it you did it oui baby oui gether I watched how you did it again okay [ __ ] god [ __ ] damn my life dude oh my god you see this happening right you see my [ __ ] the big ass just sliding off the side you know I just [ __ ] do it yeah second please Jesus oh it's so angry right now this get past this this Sandeep it for you oh just so there's no more no more falling up the down there's a way to do this that I can't think of arrows just arrows arrows a rose I don't try it I hate puzzles you never trust me what I'm always giving you the proper advice dang it I do this is I mean like this has never been harder for me than it is right now in any video game oh my god oh my god why don't you just let someone with no hands play so came in Oh what if I okay it doesn't I can't it's part of the process oh god I've dropped out and I can't I mean you're seeing what happens with my thumb right we do like it just alright maybe if I just like walk super still trying to watch your thumb no no you have to you have to I can't oh my god and it's not okay I have a problem okay that was probably better it's probably smarter wanker thank you likes you Dan Thank You Aaron my friend [ __ ] dude huh okay stop being such a not good at this person Aaron I could actually body slam you right now I mean not physically but like wish you emotionally here in the weird spots yeah that's um typically the rule of Mario oh you are so all I gotta do is complete the stage I bet you are easy I mean Kondos oh wow you really do have to go in the place no I know it's good I got this snap into a slim jim don't you just like you see me get out of like car doors in like tight spots Oh God Jesus guys [ __ ] chill out Wow so if you make those there's a spring spawn here you give it a shot okay wha hmm Danny champion it says it right there thank you cool off those tits ears my tits are broiling right now hmm yes I wonder if you're okay I don't feel okay no yeah [ __ ] very hard no he's [ __ ] very hard you know what I'm saying no other way to [ __ ] dude he's getting so angry he's like [ __ ] the controller yeah I'm first of all I'm making love to the controller all right I never Hank oh whatever you want that was just a dick and I Bowl I don't Hank I get so angry that I forget like what I'm supposed to do next yeah yeah you get so lit caught up in the yeah at the blind at the blind rage no see now I'm alive forever in the hands to Aaron because I'm ready to destroy all of your property oh my gold and run whoa whoa and play okay okay I think you can do it okay well let me turn it up a little bit for you are you [ __ ] kidding me you can do it dude yeah absolutely what I mean there's no way to speed up my run what how what how no there's a way to do it there's not no it's super easy okay somebody had to have beaten it somebody dude Wow Oh Oh God dude you're getting there you're getting close Aaron dude you were gonna do it this is stupid hard I'm already getting salty come on immediately annoying oh okay [ __ ] reaction all right okay here we go here comes a head haha whoa hey got farther Oh God [ __ ] balls you're doing good dude dude just trust yourself man trust your instincts my instincts are telling me to throw this controller through the [ __ ] screen dude you're a musician man hey there we go if there's my combination look inside yourself you have to sweat the [ __ ] needle dude Wow enclose - oh yeah totally I'm almost 1/64 through the level dude nice holy crap man what happened you had it so good the first time I almost have to like memorize how many times you have to hit it so like one one say what what I gotta hit three there we're so close Aaron this controller is getting mashed into your skull it's fine they sell them now I think you you Aaron I do you choose Oh easy do you really think I can do this in the allotted remaining time yep yep I'm gonna give it five more tries yep go ahead and then I'm gonna hand this controller to you and I'll do it in one try if you do you I quit game grab that simple I can do it dude do you cannot I can you cannot I can I would I would stake my life on it okay here you go here yarn for my entire life riding on the jump button the B yeah baby good luck lunch damn it [ __ ] goddamn it no no no shop shop they tend to forget what we got I was getting trouble because my list isn't all that it's supposed to be if man for any reason you don't like my list I'm cool I'm cool please let me leave this dialogue is always perfect I'll keep that in mind so you want to buy something definitely not no let me see your sickle collection Oh a special spiritual map of Greenville why not I can afford it dude check in your life this guy is the reason we invented smartphones can we skip this uh-huh yep oh thank god it done I could not like I physically hated that story I felt it in my whole body come on show me what for bro hold on turning oh babe you're being really Albright now I feel like it should curve it like I did no I'm so annoyed right now I'm sorry if I blew out your ears I'm gonna need you to stand yourself I'm gonna get you get you okay I'm gonna love every time okay great that's actually a bad idea oh [ __ ] looks like I'm not even gonna need to play don't worry just Twinkletoes around guys whoa whoa he caught me off guard dude look I can't fault me for that yes I can no you can't absolutely no stop [ __ ] you Mario okay a truly terrible star we go no no no you can't hit that what because he's serving to me [ __ ] oh all right okay no stay in the back Aaron I don't know he faulted though see I did good oh my god give me a key Aaron Aaron but oh [ __ ] we are legit [ __ ] I don't know how to play tenor yeah no [ __ ] all right do it hey no sorry okay yeah you're a [ __ ] disaster oh my god are you just gonna not let me have it anymore to get the ball almost gonna hit it but then I remembered you yell at me once yes please actually I'll yell you every time oh boy I'm sorry I'm pretty sorry Terrence I'm a neural net processor a learning computer cloak cloak moves I don't want to use it you have four and a half hearts let's see how many you have at the end cuz didn't use the cloak three and a half maybe two and a half maybe only two why bother listening to Dan he's only filled with great ideas [Laughter] Brandon understand the stubbornness it doesn't get angry when I refused his help this is another excellent chance to use the cloak and spare yourself much humiliation it's okay I can get a good handle on these [ __ ] green things I might die oh boy yeah I really really do get mad it's it's a deal although I did watch back our-our Nintendo are any asset tennis episodes yeah especially episode two holy [ __ ] I'm barely hold it together city partner it's so funny though whoa why oh Jesus why did that happen that was like a like a [ __ ] week Kirby I'm sorry I'm sorry [ __ ] is this game it's just like pick the thing me why did it nothing I did it but nothing worked I did it use you gotta figure out how to do it what are you [ __ ] talking about iron you gotta figure out how to do it it was foundation foundation foundation their shoes eye shadow what's happening okay that's mascara help I'm trying it hey Jo Ferrari oh yeah looking good looking [ __ ] good this is bumming me out choose mascara I'm getting bummed I'm getting close black line on the top of the lid do this it's because you're not [ __ ] jozu dude why don't you just say the [ __ ] thing you prick I told you how to do it you just weren't listening I did already it consistent don't get discouraged and that's how that's how all these these and you know I could actually strangle you right now and just watch the life choked away from your face you get no I wouldn't even think twice about it it's true it's called getting tilted then you can't get tilted you were the most tilted person I know in these circumcised the tilt I have the ability to harness the till I don't actually get tilted that does not up I use the tilt to my advantage it's the office it's my secret dude that's why I'm always getting angry because I don't want the tilt to affect you is that you see you get quiet and you get seething when you get tilted me I burst with energy and it creates a and then in endorphin and adrenaline filled state I I can actually sculpt [ __ ] right now but you really I wish I could but there you should be filming me doing this so people could see that rotating my hand in a clockwise motion sometimes makes it succeed wildly and other times hence we careening back on top so I can see exactly what you're doing cuz of the circle match button you're not doing anything really like I'm just standing on the target and then it works oh so you don't push a button no oh well alright am I got 22 yeah good for you I'm figuring it out dude I'm actually gonna oh my god I almost said some terrible girls dude would not have been able to take back gotta get the curls gotta get the girls and yeah yeah here oh my god I'm gonna make it dude tear my [ __ ] hair no it's okay I'm having a good time I couldn't be happier for you two beginners I can't anything what that sounded like that's me strangling my mouth do you see what I'm saying I get it but it doesn't feel good it's no no of course it doesn't feel good losing feels terrible football's an emotional game dude it sure is especially for me having grown up with the game I know as I've done that to you a couple times what like trying to trying it like what the [ __ ] oh I say trying to help a situation with relentless optimism it just makes it so much worse like when I don't know but I you know how I knew it because it happened with the reverse situation and I was like oh man I I've done this to Aaron and now I understand Oh like you were upset and I was trying to yeah make me feel better and I'm just like oh it's Mario Party because I was getting like super frustrated at the beginning and you're like it's gonna be alright then you're gonna come back see you're coming back already and I was like you know what like I really appreciate on some level what's trying to happen here but at the same time his being nice to me is only shining a light on the fact that I'm angry and reminding me of how angry I am and it's making me more angry yeah I got it yeah it's interesting this one's hard no [ __ ] I can't go back no [ __ ] I went out of the thing I got I lost the thing [ __ ] goddamn it I wanted formula but it [ __ ] up Mellon caller ID and now I'm out of is that a real word no dude I'm out of the [ __ ] thing god [ __ ] damn it that's [ __ ] dude I had it written down it just [ __ ] up oh I'm sorry that's infuriating that's happened to me before [ __ ] you can come back [ __ ] this game I'm Aaron now that was fun we did her best hey it looks like you got the highest score couldn't make a good word I [ __ ] knew it was formula you just did let me delete you pieces of [ __ ] well it's the least you got the highest score that's pretty cool off that wood it hits you then [ __ ] platform this is a friendship ender yeah man how did that I'm sorry I don't wanna yeah it's okay and you're into my cult Wow how about that I don't understand this game got to skip ahead it's pretty sweet closer to go it's not it is closer to go I need properties Aaron well you don't sugarcoat that [ __ ] know something you [ __ ] rolls eight doubles in a row I'll kill you eight doubles I saw I don't know about eight your counting is severely aw you're buying up the [ __ ] railroad or Sam but a [ __ ] broke dude they do that [ __ ] kidding me that's a weaker one of the two that's a lot of money though is it one hundred and eighty dollars I could have been worse at this stage in the game is [ __ ] a lot now I can't buy any houses neat dude that sucks don't worry I'm gonna give it right back to you let's roll you're gonna owe me $40 you are a stupid man there's $40 oh I just got fought wolf to community hundred and $20 Community Chest just locked me yes dude [Laughter] that's the kind of rage that would happen if like your your wife cheated on it's over it's that all my community just eat with you know I gained eight million dollars for no reason this is a fun [ __ ] game I love I this is one of my like top ten games of all time launching frogs I'm astonished that this was not more popular I wish there were more Oh get in there yes get in there yes Oh God oh I have so many points right now yes well you are hard to deal with when you win I'm just so congratulating them on what are you really uncool all right here we go Timmy tower is the most relentlessly uncool of all the TV's close just pushing buttons like crazy that's a close one yeah gotta tell you not super feeling this game oh yeah yeah why I'm just I just don't like these types of games very much no I see yeah it's just they're [ __ ] they're all based on each other and I'm not good at any of them you know and everybody else's just plays a ton of this [ __ ] if you believed in yourself would you shut the [ __ ] up do you remember a time tell me about the time you remember that we've had Smash Brothers yeah I remember you were my friend when I played smash brothers once that is true that is true I do remember playing it once where Ross would only pick one particular character and do one particular move blue Kirby blue Kirby and then he would just like you would eat you yeah and spit you out off the side yeah over and over again uh-huh he still does that right yeah yeah yeah yeah this is one move hit and he wins what's three what god [ __ ] are you handing me god damn it what the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away you're gonna get it for 40 bucks I hate my [ __ ] life Wow nah Polly you suck all the goddamn dick rules yeah it sure does oh man oh my god oh my god you just got a light blue one you just got the light blue oh no oh i miscounted whoo yikes [ __ ] you bro if this announcer died like tonight I would feel nothing Oh oh no it's Community Chest oh my god I can't deal with this I can't deal with this game you inherited hundred dollars oh that's wonderful hey ma'am hey I can't get enough of that wonderful Duff my like bleed more dollars for Padre oh my god you can win an auction by one dollar oh no it's driving me crazy to know that yeah but what property is worth more than $350 no with the one you got for 40 just anything with this they are like oh those treasure chests are my worst nightmare give me a three give me a three let me give you three out of four or else all burdur your whole family Aaron you are so dead to me as a human being why is four always your bad number nightmare fours and treasure chests every time you've rolled a four in a night maybe I'm gonna see them in my dreams at least I've got a get-out-of-jail-free card Oh No god help me thank you thank you so much for oh my god what hell awaits me oh no all right the double whammy of a chance at a four roll Oh Oh all right all right all right yes all right yes Aaron all right let's start making things happen okay oh god no no no is it six okay thank you get me past income tax that's all I [ __ ] care about no income tax I hate you there needs to be an economy in the game for us to [ __ ] even play I need this I want you to have money I need to stamp your face out I don't want you to not have money nothing happens did you just that is amazing jeez this is like [ __ ] lose a turn wheel of fortune all over again please don't don't make me lose money okay sorry I yelled like that go straight to LA Street income tax [Laughter] [Music] no there's nothing this game we're playing with [ __ ] dog food on this kid I [ __ ] hate monopoly we're never playing this again hundred dollars advance to Illinois that's right [ __ ] there yeah oh my god Jesus two times in a row it's trying to [ __ ] me but it just I haven't it's [ __ ] me so hard in other ways that I haven't been able to get to the point where it could [ __ ] me with that guy that's income tax alright are you I hope you [ __ ] die I hope you die tonight like screw damn it certainly feels that way which one do you want to sell Oh swimming in human fecal matter it's enough to buy Park Place you roll a six I'm gonna kill you okay cool thank you it's actually contemplating murdering a friend go to jail don't you know Oh No let me take the shot [ __ ] it I'm a hundred points behind you the magnet was the most distracting that would add okay yeah but I want to win by the most points possible what a douche let's do it great job baron hey man ya know you did it you really did it you should be absolutely proud you're not an [ __ ] and it's it's I'm happy for you you get to go through your whole life not being an [ __ ] oh well I didn't mean to hurt you in such a way then no you know what it's okay I as soon as the scores were off the screen and the game was over and I went we went back to the screen I was like oh yeah nothing matters yeah I mean that boy what could possibly matter it's not like this will live forever online in front of hundreds of thousands of people well take joy and always watching judging judging watching were there reluctantly craft at the starting line huh their engines are pumping and thumping in time it's my one weapon we've officially played too many vs games now where I'm full-on like tilted immediately like something about the quality of your like haha yes or gotcha it all immediately makes me like filled with hate and existential dread oh it's fine I don't want I don't want to give that to my friends that's too late now but also damn this shit's good this is also year six of me doing game grumps and that [ __ ] started in year three [Music] [Laughter] again don't chew ice into the thing just matter everything now Johnny Tran is gonna take some good photos oh it starts you so far from it oh my god to die Wow em Sheldrake from Twitter says hello oh dude I'm [ __ ] good I tell you I like [ __ ] things oh my god hello cheese sandwiches at the Thanksgiving codes aside what just [ __ ] go Zen dude why do you got to be so stressed out about it all the time [ __ ] infuriating it's like 3 2 1 [Laughter] that's a good one well that's how I feel every [ __ ] time because you're just saying I got this no no I can't get there in time you oh my god this is the closest I've ever been to just kicking out and seeing if my foot connects with you [Music] share a secret with you oh my god what did you know this stuff already no okay I don't know it have you been playing this game while I was out of the room oh you sure yes absolutely 100% sure okay because you are absolutely incredible oh you got that one that was good I did I did get that one I was fueled by hatred Antwerp I love it I've been there really yes no that's so unfair oh [ __ ] oh my god okay Dan yeah I'm gonna let you in a little secret what's the secret Erin all right we're gonna play again okay okay I'm not gonna I'm not going chime in all right okay you ever heard of stereoscopy oh yeah gee do you do that do you like cross your eyes yeah I can't I I wanted to try that but I couldn't get like I mean just like like a toe touch it doesn't make you small you're on the solid ground nah LA was [ __ ] if you if you touch your toe and lava it just permeates through your whole body seems like a gun I wish there was a phrase for that little horse [ __ ] for me know why because why don't you wait for me and then [ __ ] it let me have the mushroom because it's not worth your time [Laughter] yeah if you really examine what the [ __ ] are you doing I don't know my god okay just relax I got excited because the p-block was counting down and I was like I gotta go I gotta go oh my god I just wanted to find out my hubris much less my going with that doing any of that excuse me Oh hurry oh hello cool cool lat well I don't know I don't know what I make it go back down [ __ ] catch you've assumed any more lives than you sorry yes I know I know I'm alright no you're good you're good Jesus Christ skills yes it's only because I'm so used to you [ __ ] slaying me no I can't get back there it's okay it's okay doesn't matter if we survive or not what really matters is that we're still friends I'm gonna take all your lives can you do that I don't know if I can I will know what happens I wasn't holding the controller oh no oh [ __ ] I was gonna leave it for you but I couldn't move wood and was there it's okay I've never been mad whoa okay it was the longest moment of game room sighs yeah it was like pure concentration I was like I can't say anything I'll say Quinn's kiss oh god I'm so few lives now oh okay friendship high five everything's okay everything's fine we're good we did it doing this together everything's all right I didn't accidentally kill you like one time vitamin D vitamin K for Dylan for cream all right you know what I think maybe could've warned me before that [Music] I'm just happy no we didn't get the [ __ ] medallion you know well that's what happens when you sass me no we're going back no no I'm dying I'm dying we can't do this kill yourself no do it join me in the afterlife whoa I refuse we gotta get that medallion we missed it oh it's something we're losing the power why do you watch it you're silhouetted bodies sink down into the feet yeah whoa tied up Bravo [ __ ] yeah Bravo I'm sorry but I really had to why would you be sorry it was my masculine we're in a competition all right well sometimes you get all upset to my I don't want to compromise the friendship I don't know how you do I've seen it happen I can't even look you in the eye when I say it cause it's so true it's the classic truth-telling
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,499,684
Rating: 4.9452157 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: yS3sdqJGxik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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