Helldivers 2 - Making Helldive Difficulty Solo Automatons Feel Easy

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what's up Legends so as you may know we have failed our tibit major order but did just get reordered to go up against finally Conquering the malev and Creek so today I figured I'd make somewhat of a guided run for dealing with automatons given some pointers here and there which are actually very easy to deal with once you get the hang of how they work so we'll be talking through that as we go on with the game here we're going to be spawning here on the extraction zone for strategems my pick of choices is always the rocket pods for those tanks autoc Cannon for pretty much everything and the 500 kilo bomb as well for tanks and other big tanky armored units for primary weapon we're not using the breaker that's for my bug Loadout we'll actually be using here the scorcher as well as the stun grenade the scorcher can two to three hit a Strider without actually having to get behind it which is already a huge difference maker on top of that the Scorchers also amazing at dealing with Berserkers pretty much every uh every automaton in the game really it's it's one of the best choices I would say it's better than the Slugger which uh is probably the second best choice in my opinion uh so yeah we started here on the extraction Zone cuz sometimes there are factories that for for some reason around the extraction point so I wanted to start on the extraction point so I could get rid of that initial Factory so we didn't have to deal with it later on but uh in this game as we can see here there is no factories inside of the extraction point so we can go ahead and move on here to the first primary objective found something be getting in here quite aggressive looking to see if I can spot any side objectives generally you don't want to play very aggressive against the tomaton but uh personally I think I I've built uh decent enough confidence to go up against the automaton fairly aggressive but yeah generally you want to be playing kind of stealth we will do that later on in this game but first want to take these bots on pretty aggressively here for the first objective the stun grenades are also amazing for dealing with Berserkers by the way the stun grenades have been a fantastic addition for automaton play they can completely stun hulks which just make it extremely easy for dealing with them and since you don't need impact grenades to get rid of Striders thanks to the scorcher then the stun grenade becomes an amazing addition last reload oh didn't mean to pick up the arc thrower meant to pick up the ammo there so as always against automatons always about tactically retreating you don't want to overwhelm yourself you want to constantly be falling back giving yourself enough distance to deal with the Bots and take the fight how you want to rather than how they want to this is why the scorcher is amazing ready bam down goes The Strider fantastic fantastic choice if you guys haven't unlocked the scorcher yet and are struggling with the automatons I definitely recommend going for it you see they're not very good in this situation Sho devs can actually take not if I stun them but yeah Sho the devs can take quite a bit of scorcher shots but when you go up against shootter Devastators which are actually called heavy Devastators you'll actually want to use your autoc Cannon rather than the uh scorcher to deal with them the autoc cannon is going to be your primary choice for for hulks factories tanks basically the big guys and and heavy Devastators of course scorcher pretty much goes up against everything else leading us to have a very balanced load out that can take on pretty much any sized unit Hulk missed missed missed okay that landed I think no okay that the last one landed there for sure cuz he got staggered there I just need to land one more cuz it's two shots to kill a Hulk oh no what oh okay that that got scary I don't know how I missed some of those there have a taste of democracy slowly falling back towards my re oh slowly falling back to my resupply here as they push me back as I said you don't want to hold your ground against automatons you you want to be flexible in movement holding your ground is not really going to work as a solo player as a group Player yes for sure you'll have enough Firepower to hold your ground but as a solo player you need to know when to fall back I'm testing out this new uh keybinding that somebody recommended in the YouTube comments of actually um binding the strategem menu to the mouse button actually working quite well it allows me to call a strategem as I run as well being quite interesting so I'm testing that out in this game I it's my first time doing it which is why you'll see me every time I open the Str menu you'll see me sprinting it's because they're bound to the same key all right let's just sit wait here for the generator we see the radar station there all the way in the back let me rid of these guys and then pull the generator and get the hell out of Dodge yeah honestly I'll tell you guys the truth I think nowadays as I'm getting more and more used to automatons and I'm sure you guys will too automatons actually feel easier than bugs you just kind of need to know how they work the thing about automatons is you just can't play as aggressive as you can against bugs and you need to retreat relentlessly with no fear found something and a lot of fights just aren't worth taking like probably this one which does lead to less combat oh right I don't have the grenade H screw it I'm just going to leave that there I don't need uh samples although we could have Metals in there huh ah screw it we're making our way here towards the radar station uh radar station oh you know what no we got to prioritize here the detective Tower so this is how we're going to deal with this detective Tower fairly easy right so we're not caring here that it's calling for bot drops we're just sprinting right at it we're going to toss a 500 Kil bomb right on it and we're going to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge the bot drops will come and will spawn where I was but we're not going to the radar station now because since it called the bot drop to where I was then there's likely a crap ton of bots surrounding that radar station so we get rid of that detective Tower and we go do something else and then we'll come back for the radar station afterwards so that's the big thing about automatons as well you just need to know just when to leave dropping just get the hell out and go do something else and then you can come back later on when the uh when the enemy count has dwindled when they kind of left and went elsewhere or or despawned I'm not exactly sure so in this situation just get out go do something else you'll see when we come back here to the radar station right after this objective it won't be full of automatons just waiting for us go here for the launch codes also got the super rare simple uh Rock there but uh I'm not going to make my way there our focus is to win do all side objectives all main objectives as well as successfully extracting that's our focus of this game all right let's see if I can climb up here this actually kind of looks like I could n oh come on all right we're probably going to be facing quite a lot of bots here so let's uh slowly work our way in can you guys break that fence for me somebody shoot a rocket at me mag empty f is in my way o thank you there's a rocket Devastator oh got to be careful with that he goes down got to group here to my right use these containers here on my left to cover me as I deal with the group to my right how' you like the taste of Freedom oh we got a Hulk Retreat Retreat oh he's got an angle on me oh [Music] no damn it dude I I'm not going to lie to you guys heavy Devastator are probably the most difficult bot in my opinion I used to think the rocket Devastators were bad but these guys they're bad they're annoying so this is where the stun grenade shines right look at this that's it that's a Hulk down all it took was a grenade beautiful we got a butt drop coming though I got to get rid of this heavy Devastator before he gets rid of me again see if we can get a couple free kills here I think I got a rocket Devastator off the ship a hit one more bam down goes the hole all right we should be clear here oh no bad reload place I thought I got rid of the rocket Devastator but I guess I didn't should be clear here to get in and get the launch codes oh your still alive aren't you all right so these Bots are just kind of chilling here we're not going to worry too much about them we'll get the launch codes and get the heck out of Dodge let's get here a couple more samples I guess since it's free just chilling here all right now we're going to go back to the radar station that we wanted to clear out earlier we got a patrol group right in front of us so what we do just avoid fighting this is honestly the way to go against automatons I don't think they how did they not spot me I was right in front of them okay yeah that's the thing about automatons as well guys they lose track of you extremely easily they will lose track of you super super easily dropping a pin Southeast 100 m they're they're actually pretty dumb they're actually pretty dumb they'll lose track of you so easily yeah I think we got a rocket Devastator here I want to see if I can get rid of him first oh there's another one say hello to democracy oh yeah I want to shoot the ground on this guy because he explodes if you shoot him directly he could have killed me there but if you shoot the ground they just oh they just fall on their feet and you're good so we should use the autoc cannon against these guys right I've been using the scorcher but you really shouldn't autoc Cannon Two Shots gets rid of a shi the Devastator and that's the thing once you kind of get rid uh once you kind of figure out all the little counters to all the little Bots and you understand how they work as far as detecting you goes and losing you goes it actually becomes extremely easy I do genuinely believe automatons are easier to deal with yeah with automatons you'll be wanting to do a couple of things differently uh I do believe side objectives are even a bigger priority than the ones on the bug side of things you know [ __ ] like detective Towers anti-air imp placement strategem Jammers like you'll want to get rid of all of those before you really focus on doing all the main objectives because those are actually extremely disruptive feel like some of the bug ones can be ignored the automaton ones yeah you should probably get rid of them on site let's see what site objectives we got oh they're all bunched up at the top right got a CF artillery illegal br and I believe that's an anti-air placement quite easy and now we just Sprint all the way there and the best thing I recommend right is using this armor set that I'm using the Scout armor set and you can just pay attention to the red dots on the mini map and just avoid it you kind of just dodge the red dots dealing with automatons becomes very very very easy got a lot of red dots here I think it's that little glitch where a bunch of uh small Bots group up for no reason yep let's go shoot them why not ring their [Music] meeting what are you guys doing here man Freedom Forever these forests are mine mag's empty get some get some there one more still there you go all right uh let's make here make our way here to the CF artillery should be quite useful for us if we remember to use it I always forget to use it it these are also pretty easy to do grab all the shells Bunch them up before you toggle the terminal you should be good to go I'll still probably end up facing about one or two groups here as we're loading up the uh artillery they should be nope dude they got to do something about autoc climbing I really wish autoc climbing wasn't a thing in this game I wish you kind of had to press a button to climb throws me off all the time yeah what about you guys do you guys think that uh automaton games are harder than permanent games I feel like it's the type of thing that it looks it looks extremely menacing it looks very scary but the more you kind of get the hang of how the Bots work the easier you realize the more you realize that they're actually quite easy to deal with their patterns are a lot easier to understand as well bugs have a lot of uh inconsistencies let's say Bots don't have as many here with the Hulk first always deal with the hulks first one shot two down goes the Hulk focus on the Devastators next got another one we can reload here behind this box almost came back at me that should do it I think we need do we need two more shells or one more shell two more shells I think right we got three four here oh we got a whole group coming we got multiple patrols coming oh wait why didn't it call my uh oh I'm getting jammed okay I think I'm in range of the anti-air imp placement that's why say hello to democracy I think that got rid of a couple of uh Devastators all about using cover here poking them apart one by one it shouldn't be much of an issue I've been trying the quazar Canon as well a lot against automatons but they just they simply aren't as good as the autoc Cannons oh oh no way dude that was a bad move by me re on I've requested this before but Arrowhead please give us a booster that reduces is flinch please Flinch in this game is insane either that or they should make it so that heavy armor has less Flinch somebody in the comment section once brought that up and that's honestly a pretty good point heavy armor as it stands in my opinion is just not worth it but I think if they reduced the Flinch if you're using heavy armor I feel like that would be a huge tempting Point huge selling point to use uh heavy armor against automaton seriously no I want the explosives first we'll leave the mini nuke for last probably won't use these I mean I always forget to use them anyways you see that look at these little Bots right they're blind as [ __ ] I'm telling you autom so yeah automatons they're really just they're pretty dumb once you actually realize how blind they are and how deaf they are you actually come to realize that they're very easy to deal with I aons though wait let me just get rid of that the thing about automatons is that uh they just have those on hit Rockets right they have those one hit Rockets they have those units that just explode in your face they have charging hulks that can pretty much one hit you so that can be annoying and very deadly but other than that amatons really aren't uh that much of an issue to deal with by the way these you don't have to shoot the heat sink with the auto Cannon you can just shoot him dead on should be one more to go I think yeah one more to go okay two out of three right I can't use stratagems of course as they're blocking my stratagems ow where is this third one oh there it is Bam that's it we get the [ __ ] out of Dodge now and I believe that's all the side objectives that we have now completed and also my level in Creek is good for this right we just lose them in the woods boys run into the woods and they'll lose you isn't it kind of crazy how scary hell divers actually are someone pointed that out on Reddit the other day hell divers are crazy dude they just walk in blow up an entire base full of automatons and get the [ __ ] out all on their own it's insane we're the truly scary enemies dude let me see if I can creep up here there's usually a couple of small guys protecting fuel as this one right here oh doesn't go through that awkward hopefully none of them will call for a bot drop these guys they can be scary they explode if you shoot them oh okay does a stun grenade actually kill oh no I think that that just made the little guy blow up and that's why they died he since you're stuck there buddy can you stand still for me the [ __ ] stand still what stop it what are you doing God damn it oh there we go deoy equipage okay now we're good should be able to complete this before roll arrives hopefully go ahead and turn the first one what oh right forgot there's the little a little puzzle before we can start turning them okay yeah the other thing about automatons is they actually have fairly easy to deal with uh units as well pretty much all of their units are very easily killed they're just pretty deadly wor with their RNG Rockets but honestly other than that tomaton don't have too much going for them finish that objective get the hell out of Dodge let's run into the ICBM and we're going to be extracting the game we're going to be calling in for extraction once we uh complete everything we're not going to be waiting down the timer we'll just be calling it in I'll show you guys how to very easily extract without even getting close to to dying unless you get unlucky of course yeah mostly with with automatons it should be pretty clean to uh run from point A to point B without anybody really stopping you the bugs have a lot more Scouts going around it feels like rid of these little guys I think they're protecting the entrance to the icdm oh no they call for a bot drop not good I think I'll deal with this bot drop why not come here see if I can stun them all the stun grenade is actually insane isn't it see how long they was done for oh no dude the suicide bomber I hate those kamikazi guys reinforce yeah that's pretty much the biggest threat from automatons just kamikazi guys and the uh random Rockets other than that if you can minimize those types of deaths then you're pretty much good to go for dealing with automatons if you hug this rock right here should be able to just run into the ICBM nobody really spots you and you can do the entire ICBM without even being spotted which is quite nice I thought it was quite weird that they gave us a major order for clearing out the mevin creek seeing how the malevolent Creek is already at 90 plus% is it just me or do they want us to win maybe they uh maybe they got something in store once we do win I don't know CU they pretty much gave us a free major order here I feel like should be done within a couple of hours by the time most people even see this video Mal Creek will probably already be liberated I'll make sure to do my part you guys do yours and we're all good baby yeah pretty much dealing the automatons is pretty much just this man it's uh it's also why I don't really upload too much uh automaton videos is um you know there's a lot of stealth play there's a lot of avoiding engagements you know automatons is really just about knowing when to fight knowing when to extract you know whereas with uh bugs you can actually take a much more proactively aggressive approach where you just constantly engage and you're constantly fighting and it's a very effective strategy to do so with automatons though it's about knowing to keep your distance working your objectives really only killing the ones you have to oh they're coming right at me why are they coming at me who even spotted me I wondering a the they're actually coming all the way over here they're kind of late yeah what do you guys think from a viewer point of view do you enjoy watching automaton games or do you mostly prefer terminate games generally I'll focus on terminate games as they offer more combat and a more constant action type thing for automatons I feel often times there's a lot of uh dead time since there just isn't as much combat as it's just not effective to do that I'm thinking of keeping most of the game play mostly related to terminats since there is more of a constant action type thing and maybe for tomaton focus more on releasing wow that is a lot of bots focus more on releasing tips based type videos as uh as game plays and automatons can be quite Bland I feel like I don't know what you guys think all right we're going to be going here into extraction mode pretty much going to be extracting here for free the automatons make extraction quite easy actually as we've said a couple of times already in this video they are quite dumb blind and death so you can pretty much call for an extraction find a comfortable place to just kind of prone and remain stealth and you're good to go going to go ahead and show you guys that here against bugs is a lot harder they smell you out they sniff you out and they get you out of wherever you are but automatons you can hide very very easily all we got to do here call the extraction find a rock for us to hide behind and we're good to go I'm not even going to resupply here I was thinking of resupplying in case I get caught but I don't think we need it we just kind of go to the edge here of the extraction point should be about here oh these green little things do damage to you I keep forgetting that find a nice Little Rock to to hide behind and it's chilling time now we just kind of keep our eyes on the mini map and if a group of bots kind of makes their way towards us we try to throw a grenade to kind of distract them away sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't with the whole nade distraction thing I don't know exactly what it is that makes it work sometimes and sometimes it doesn't as we can see here there's none of them even near me although that little Patrol group there on the mini map does seem to be making their way towards me let's see if a grenade will maybe distract them I think I'll let them get a bit closer that kind of called their attention but they didn't fall for it they're still coming towards us as we have this little this nice little rock protecting us we'll just use that as cover we should be good it's good to know that they also walk in a linear path they don't kind of scatter around and Patrol everywhere they kind of just take a linear path and follow it through but once they're past us here then we already know we're safe and the Pelican one has already arrived so this was a pretty easy clean extraction entire mission was pretty clean I mean the only deaths we had which actually we had three were you know those rough one hit mechanics or well in some cases I just stood still like a [ __ ] and got shot by the Shield Devastator but other than that the mission was pretty easy very very easy to deal with complete so yeah hope the video kind of helped you guys understand a little bit more how these automatons work they're actually as I said earlier they're much more consistent than bot or than bugs they're not as inconsistent uh they have very fixed patterns and once you kind of grab the hang of them they become very very easy enemies so get out there boys and let's liberate this malevolent Creek thank you guys for watching and I'll be catching you boys on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 202,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: SYLXkToRvlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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