13 Advanced Helldivers 2 Tips for MAXIMUM Democracy

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greetings fellow Freedom spreaders Supreme star Marshall Fallout here and I've got 13 Advanced tips and tricks for you to use in Hell divers 2 and before we get going here's a free tip stop killing your [ __ ] teammates resources and currency gathered in Hell divers 2 is shared I feel like the game tells you that multiple times but there's still a ton of players out there apparently trying to team kill and grab super samples or whatever for themselves not only is that not a thing but it's unpatriotic behavior and Traders should be both reported and sent away for re-education the more you know anyway moving on tip number one use the rail gun in unsafe mode now I know you're not scared about doing that right because as a hell diver that would be cowardice AKA treason and if you're looking to dish out the maximum amount of damage and democracy it's unsafe mode all the way for the uninitiated the rail gun default fire mode is safe where you can charge up your shot forever and nothing bad will happen to you but your max damage output will be lower unsafe mode gives you the ability to fire more powerful shots at the minor downside of potentially killing yourself if you hold down your charge shot for too long I've done some testing and it seems like the max amount you can charge a rail gun shot for is exactly 3 seconds even at one frame longer and you will explode and die now I don't expect you to be counting out loud each time you shoot your freaking gun but the more you use the unsafe rail gun the more you'll get a feel for the timing of when you should release your shot currently the rail gun is one of if not the single strongest weapon in the entire game so squeezing extra damage out of every shot is the play tip number two where and how to find super samples upgrading your ship module gives you better and stronger strategems earlier upgrades only require common and rare samples but the best endgame level upgrades all require super samples making them extremely valuable here's the deal there super samples can only be found on missions where the difficulty is at minimum 7 AKA suicide mission and super samples are not scattered around the map wherever they are all super samples available on the map will always be found only in one location meaning if you found one super sample keep looking around cuz you've basically just found all of them super samples are currently not found in bunkers or ships or anything like that they are always found directly underneath a big weird shaped rock that looks like this kind of oddly shaped and topheavy my fire team usually calls it the dick Rock don't ask so while out and about on a seven difficulty Mission or higher always be scanning The Horizon for the dick Rock annoyingly sometimes the dick rock can be Blended together with other rocks making it a tad harder to find but the more you play the better you'll get at spotting them and on that note tip number three drop samples to consolidate them here's something I've been doing more of lately making sure all the samples that have been collected during the mission are going into the inventory of one player reason being no more mental math or gymnastics about who was carrying what samples or anything like that in the event that somebody dies hold down whatever the drop button is for you to drop samples and to make sure your team has one designated sample carrier that way if the designated sample carrier dies especially if they were carrying super samples everybody now has to work together to make sure their body is recovered so 100% of the samples are all back on the menu you do you but I find it much easier to have a dedicated sampler holder kind of makes you pay more attention to them getting Evac first at the end as well tip number four find the stalker Nest easier stalkers are vicious bastards and even though they're about as subtle as Danny DeVito stuffed into a couch as their camo mode can clear C be seen from far away they will straight up murder you if you let them get too close because of that shutting down a stalker Nest is always a high priority side objective fortunately for you and me stalkers ain't clever and will usually beine directly at you from wherever they spawn meaning that whenever you see a stalker immediately take note of what direction it's approaching you from and even ping the map in that direction if you need to the smart money says that the stalker Nest is in that direction and the Ping will help the rest of your team get a general idea of where the The Nest will be even if they don't currently see the stalker approaching you tip number five change your strategy keybinds for the PC folk out there your default strategy keybinds are also set to WD AKA your movement and if they're not yet too deeply imprinted into your gamer brain try to rebind them to the arrow keys instead of WD that way you don't have to stop moving when calling in a strategy you can run and punch in the code at the same time which can be life-saving if you're getting overwhelmed tip number six plan your artillery order and remember it if you find a sea artillery Cannon out in the wild that is huge because not only do you get extra XP for completing a side objective but you now have another offensive strategy to call in there are five different kinds of shells you can load into the cannon and the types of shells you get at a sea artillery station are all random you can tell the types of shells apart by their color and their in-game description you've got explosive which has a red top you have Napal which is a pointy Red Top you've got static field which has a pointy blue top you have smoke which has a yellow top and you have mini nukes which also have a yellow top if I'm loading up a sea artillery cannon with my team I basically always look for yellows and reds first if the yellow is a nuke I load it if it's a smoke I'd recommend saving it to be loaded later even though smoke bombs are helpful I find raw damage and blowing things up to be way more effective and way more fun either way when you're loading the cannon remember the order of what you're putting in as when you're calling in a strike the game won't tell you what type of shell is next on the roster you just have to remember the order that you loaded them in also if there's any OG Halo fans out there who remember flag juggling you can load the cannon Faster by repeatedly dropping and picking up the shells over and over you'll move way quicker that way tip number seven sport Tower info if you're on a termined mission sport Towers can potentially make things very foggy and hard to see I want to clear up a rumor I've heard here that sport Towers can only be taken down with strategems which is not true you can actually safely destroy sport Towers from very far away with weapon fire including the almighty rail gun destroy destroy it from far away if you can and don't get lost in the fog oh and be aware that light fog can also indicate the presence of a lurking biot Titan nearby usually in a bug Outpost so be on the lookout tip number eight bring anti- boss strategems in this context I'm using the word boss to describe two things tanks on the automaton missions and [ __ ] bile Titan terminats not having a way to deal with these damn things quickly can put you in a tight spot so I recommend one if not multiple hell divers on the team have specific options to deal with them immediately my hard recommendations are the orbital rail Cannon and the orbital laser both have ups and downs the orbital laser last for way longer and has extremely little chance of screwing up while dealing damn good damage to the biggest Target on the field if it kills a Target and has time remaining it can move on to the other targets which is nice the downside of the laser is that the default cooldown time is pretty long 300 seconds and it has a limited number of overall uses the orbital rail Cannon is a oneandone shot and the upsides are great great it'll lock on and fire almost immediately rather than dragging on like the laser another great upside is that the orbital rail Cannon has a shorter Default cooldown Time 210 seconds and best of all unlimited usage which is awesome the downsides are the rail Cannon doesn't hit as hard as the laser and can't hit more than one enemy if it finishes off a Target early between the two I think I like the orbital rail Cannon a bit more due to the faster cooldown and unlimited usage I usually keep it in my back pocket as an instant Fu card to throw it big and yeah even if the bile Titan isn't killed in one hit I can just mop it up with a few overcharged shots from my regular rail gun tip number nine mortars make defend area missions a joke this is becoming more and more wellknown but it Bears repeating even though highlevel automaton missions are damn tough the defend area missions are a complete joke if your entire team brings both the mortar Sentry and EMS mortar Sentry the mission puts you on top of a giant Hill where the robots have to make their way to your position and with all the mortars firing non-stop they'll barely come close to reaching you even on the highest difficulty levels if you're going to do any automaton operation be sure they include a defend area Mission tip number 10 bring anti- Outpost strategems in addition to force feeding bile Titans A Fistful of democracy from orbit you'll also want strategems for efficiently shutting down Outpost locations AKA robot spawning buildings and Bug holes yeah you can throw grenades into the holes or use the grenade launcher but the former requires you to get pretty close and the latter means you won't be able to equip the mother [ __ ] never going to take it off cuz it's so absurdly good rail gun and Lord knows that ain't happening even though it's unlocked very early the eagle air strike is a rock solid option that I've been leaning on hard even through higher difficulty levels again why run into a base and get bent over by 20 robots with chainsaw arms when I can destroy their Spawn from downtown with an eagle air strike then walk in and mop up whatever's left and even though you only have three initial uses you can just reload your Eagles and you're good to drop more tip number 11 use drop pods offensive when Reviving a teammate in a high difficulty Mission I want you to remember these Immortal words I now come to live by safe or hot if your teammate requests safe I drop them in far away from combat as they probably want to regear up and things ain't that wild if they say hot then I throw their revive at the biggest godamn threat on the battlefield the plan being as they drop they'll land right on top of the damn thing's head and kill it on the way in drop pods as an offensive tool works way better than you might expect and I hard recommend players pick up the power steering upgrade from the ship module that way when you drop in you have more control over where you go and you're more likely to crush the giant threat on the way in tip number 12 lfg baby if you're a solo hell diver God love you or you don't have a routine fire team you could just use the in-game quickplay feature but Lord knows what you're getting into there instead you should check out the official hell divers Discord Channel # not anad as it has an lfg Channel which you can use to find like-minded fire teams as opposed to just random ones better to drop drop in with a group that are all on the same page about what the overall goal is rather than just hoping the team you're joining wants to farm super samples or whatever the heck it is that you're trying to do out there tip number 13 use different strategies for different enemies here's what I've learned after spreading freedom and liberty across both enemy factions at Hell dive difficulty my general movement and positioning is different depending on if I'm fighting bugs or Bots with bugs I find that both non-stop movement and wide openen spaces are huge for Success bugs have a notably weak projectile game and even though Chargers are deadly out in the open I can just stop them dead in their tracks with a rail gun think Zombie Land tactics out here just non-stop cardio keep running and shooting wide out in the open with automatons though Wide Open Spaces are almost a death sentence turrets tanks and those little bastards with the rocket launchers Will Blast you a new beeh hole if given a clean line of sight I like to lead him into the jungle to obstruct their line of sight forcing them to stop shooting and make their way to me where I then destroy them with a breaker shotgun 90% of the time it works every time if you have any advanced tips to share with your fellow democracy spreaders be sure to share them down in the comment section thank you very much for watching see you next time [Music] peace what
Channel: Fallout Plays
Views: 292,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers II, Helldivers 2 Tips, Helldivers Tips & Tricks, Helldivers 2 Tips & Tricks, Helldivers 2 Guide, Helldivers 2 Advanced Tips, Helldivers 2 Advanced Guide, Helldivers II Tips, Helldivers II Tips & Tricks, Helldivers 2 Best Tricks, Tips & Tricks Helldivers 2, Tips and tricks Helldivers 2, helldivers, Helldivers Tips
Id: BRGI_bQAa1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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