Helldivers 2 - All Samples Easy Solo Farming Guided Run (Quick and Easy)

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what's up everybody today we're going to be going over a guided farming run where we'll be going after all three types of samples as well as as much metals and whatever else we can find in this short run first off what we're looking for here is a termined faction map where we will be going after this mission right here the blitz Search and Destroy I'm looking here for a daytime Mission so it's a little bit easier for you guys to see so it's not so dark um but also we will be wanting to do this on the suicide uh difficulty that is the number seven I would not recommend going for eight or nine as that will get dramatically harder and uh the amount of samples will not increase that much for it to be worth it also any lower difficulty is not worth it because we will not be getting the best sample if we play at that difficulty so we're going to be picking here Eagle air strike uh I like to pick here uh the cluster bomb for dealing with the masses as well as the trusty Shield generator as well as the rail gun to get us out of trouble for the boosters I like to use the stamina enhancement and for the body armor here's a really good one for these farming runs it's this one right here the trail B Trailblazer Scout which uh reduces the range at which opponents can detect Us by 30% making it a lot easier to avoid patrols and avoid unnecessary fights and just kind of let us go for the farm we want putting on here random helmet just so we kind of look a bit cleaner um yeah so the breaker shotgun is fine these strategems are fine stamina enhancement now we're going to be going over the run and I'll be giving you guys a couple of tips uh throughout the game play here so I picked to start off in the extraction Zone because because the map is obscured so I don't really know where anything is anyways and uh yeah I figured I might as well spawn here okay we started on top of the hill uh we're going to get the shield generator pack out as well as the rail gun oh and conveniently there's a rare sample already down here go ahead and get that now we're going to be looking here for basically as many points of interest as we can in these Blitz missions we have 12 minutes uh so you can kind of play it you can kind of play these missions two ways you can just run into points of interest grab the samples and run without pretty much killing anybody or you can play the way I prefer to play which is playing it safer which is actually clearing out the enemies because this will make it so that you get caught uh off guard a lot less and uh it will reduce the the numbers of enemies around that are trying to chase you down open up here with an eagle air strike to try to take out as many bug holes as we can let's get rid of as many bugs here as we possibly can got to be real careful with these Hunters these are the really deadly little guys we're going to try to get rid of this bug breach real quick oh I'm out of ammo thought I had just reload all right well rough start rough start but um we'll still get this back we'll get this back goes to show that you can afford a mess up here and there so it started on this side so usually the samples for these types of bug holes are over here on this little Hill as you can see there's two common samples only got one I tried to pick up the other one but I kind of messed that up God damn I am struggling with these Hunters we're almost done with this uh Bug Hole location uh so if you're just going for samples in these runs you don't really need to concern yourself too much with clearing out the bug holes uh I'm not going to you know care too much about Metals for this run but uh dealing with the bug holes is going to be fairly easy as you will see uh and that got pretty much everybody let me just get rid of these guys I generally like to clear out all of the enemies just cuz it just feels safer you can kind of just run in grab the samples and just get out but I don't enjoy that very much I actually like laying down some democracy rid of these bug holes and uh going to catch this resupply so usually these samples around these bug hole locations is uh surrounding the entire site so you want to check the edges of the site like this there is some rare samples uh let's look for some more here I don't think there will be any say hello to democracy um let me just give it one last look oh there's one there's another common sample here usually the outsides of these locations is where the samples are located so always check those out uh so we're going to go ahead and move to another point of Interest let me just pick up my stuff back and let's start moving so since the map is obscured sadly we don't have that going for us so we kind of just have to blindly run around and uh kind of stumble across different points of interest so you're going to start getting used to all of these different types of point of of interest and uh you'll start to realize where each sample usually is placed uh I'm starting to get a lot more knowledgeable and knowing where the samples are going to be located even though I still don't know uh all of them but if you clear these out carefully you should be fine usually behind the building or the bug hole whatever it is is where a simple is usually hidden I've noticed that uh is a reoccurring theme we got two samples here I don't see anything else laying laying down on the floor uh I see a satellite there through the fog we're going to go ahead and go for that because since the map is obscured uh I'll try to get this satellite to uh get a better idea of where the points of interest are so that I can more directly run at them satellites can be quite a Time waster for these missions as the satellites will usually take you like a minute or two and that's quite a long time for these missions seeing how they're so short but we're still going to do this just to show you guys how much easier it gets once you do clear out a satellite for these guys just shoot out their Lego armor and that's an easy kill remember if you're playing in a group this is going to be dramatically faster this is mostly a solo farming guide but if you're in a group this is still the fastest way to get the samples what you want to do is you go One Direction and your friend and the other hell diver kind of goes in another direction and you guys just clear out all of the points of interest in a map I didn't imagine if you did this with just one other partner you guys would get almost twice as many many samples I definitely would recommend doing this in groups but I am an entirely solo hell diver player or in other words I don't have any friends that play this game but these tips will apply to group play as well go ahead and turn this radar satellite 180° that going to activate the terminal now and we'll take a look at where the points of interest are okay okay they're all at the South part of the map seeing how all of the points of interest are at the South part of the map and as you can see they're kind of clumped up together then likely the bug holes are actually on the north side of the map away from the points of interest what I'm going to do is even though I only need to clear out two more holes I'm just I'm not really going to care about it I'm just going to chase after the points of interest and just kind of show you guys a little bit how these points of interest look like but yeah as a tip if you see all these points of interest grouped up like this then the bug holes will be at the opposite side but these buildings usually have a place that uh has a couple of common samples usually like in a little hole which is right back here common sample another common sample and three rare samples pumped up and that's pretty much it for this type of point of Interest we move up to another one as you can see if you just kind of patiently kind of kill the bugs you're you're you're fine you're more than fine you honestly don't need to run around like a maniac and risk your life it is it's just going to be a lot more dangerous if you do that cleaning out the the bugs is quite a lot easier cuz usually in these Blitz missions you don't come across many Titans at B Titans you'll maybe see one this difficulty regular maps in this difficulty you see like three or four but uh these Blitz missions you'll maybe see one at Best there's no problem in clearing out all these bugs and we got pretty much everything there I think we got some medals as well right I wasn't paying attention to what I looted I think we got either some medals or some super credits points of interest usually carry one of either here's the other point of Interest get these little guys out I hate that that happens I feel like that's a bug where you take the brute Commander head head off and he still calls for reinforcement I feel like that's something that's not intentional cuz it doesn't make sense okay so we got kind of a swarm here there is a little point of Interest thing there on the floor that I want to loot so we'll try to clear this out how' you like the taste of Freedom Buster bom climbing in clutch 20 kills just across the bomb alone and that's pretty much everybody all right I thought there were would have been more survivors what we got here oh flamethrower no no I don't want that two points of interest here close together I would imagine one of them is going to be the point of interest that will be carrying the super uranium which is the best sample uh okay this is a tiny point of interest just a common sample here is it oh I'm stuck I'm stuck yeah okay so the other point of Interest this Little Rock right here is going to have these super samples in it it's called super uranium um The Rock will always look like that always no matter the map no matter whether you're playing automatone worlds or terminated worlds it will always look like that so just keep an eye out for those as you saw in this gam playay you can also just kind of get the satellite conveniently I'm only missing one bug hole but I'm not going to worry about it though I'm still just going to keep going for uh samples so there's quite a few here like I said behind the bug holes usually has quite a few samples and I just realized for the first minute left oh I want that sample I will die for it the first bug hole I cleared in this map I actually didn't loot behind it so as you can see we're coming down to 48 seconds uh one quick Tip since we're not going to be completing the bug holes for this run if you do complete the mission if you do close off all of the holes I do not recommend calling down for the extraction and rather just let the time run out just like I am doing here you let the time run out just like I am doing what will happen is you don't need to be anywhere near the extraction point you don't need to be near the extraction point so you can actually just continue to loot and to run away from enemies and stuff and generally speaking it's going to be a much better choice it's also going to give you more time for looting as much as as you can there is a lot of bugs just want to make sure here that I don't die because at this point we don't have any more reinforcements but we should still be able to grab here these samples pretty safely got a couple more common samples blow that door open there should be more in there what we got more Super credits and I think that was requisition all right I'm going to clear out these bugs because I don't want them calling for reinforcement right towards the end of the Run we got a minute and 30 before the uh shutter arrives and we're pretty far away so let's make a run for it we're up to 18 common samples nine rare and three super samples believe we also looted two medals if I'm not mistaken I could be talking out of my ass but I believe the first uh hit Supply we opened up had a had Metals in it got a little bit more here of one more common one more rare and I looted something else there at the bottom that I didn't quite catch what it was I don't know if it was a metal requisition or it was a metal so we got yet another metal and uh yeah if you're going for metals of course you'll want to go and close the bug holes as well from my experience uh by the way you can also close the holes at this point so I could technically run to it and go close the holes the very last hole and it will still complete the mission the mission's not over until it's over until you extract you can still complete the main objective so keep that in mind if you run out of time we're actually quite far away which is not not ideal because um you'd want to be close to the extraction Point you'd want to be close to the extraction point because the extraction Point always has samples around it so that's another tip clear out the extraction area because there's always common samples and rare samples just laying around let me see if I can grab one or two here before we go there's a rare one um anymore I know there's going to be more but I don't see it it's leaving in 10 seconds so I'm not really going to take the risk and I guess I'll just be leaving here nothing there all right as you can see the mission was very easy we only died once uh because we did a huge mess up but we didn't even really come close to dying at all other than that big mess up um it's just extremely easy to do not much sweat it's a lot easier than running around without killing killing it's better if you just kill everything and make it easier for yourself so you don't risk spending like 10 minutes trying to grab samples just to die towards the end we got also 90 XP we could have easily completed the main objective uh so keep that in mind shameful return I'm sorry I was going for samples yeah I should have done the bug just to show you guys but as you can see 19 common samples 11 rare three super samples and couple of metals I should have grabbed the last bug hole but anyways I hope that helps some of you guys out uh hope could learn something from this uh I just wanted to show this because I had a couple of people in my comment section below asking how I farm my samples and this is how I do it so thank you guys for watching and I'll be catch you on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 358,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: O53c8DcTvIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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