20+ Helldivers 2 Tips and Tricks to go from PRO to a GOD! | Myelin Games

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welcome back hell divers last time I made a tips and tricks video I went over everything I knew about the game it was 50 plus tips and tricks and I think it was actually more than that I just stopped counting at 50 and then I read through the comments on that video and also on Tik Tok and other areas that I was posting and I've learned more since then I'm now 70 hours deep into the game so if that video was like newb to Pro this video is like Pro to godhood and there is some crazy stuff like secret rare variants of enemies which I actually have footage of um hel hidden helmet stats uh smoke and stealth mechanics so see how many of these you know of course any corrections are welcome in fact sometimes during this video I'm going to challenge you to get me footage of these certain things because there's still a lot of disagreement on some of these aspects but yeah let's get into it right let's talk about variance in enemies this is a charger but it's a charger variant it is a charger Behemoth the normal Chargers don't have this heavyduty armor but if you catch one of these guys like as a Pokémon if you get killed by them it will say charger Behemoth they have additional armor I don't know what else they have I'm assuming my health I'm not even too sure whether you can shoot off their front legs to get that weak spot but really cool and you guys actually pointed this out to me I had footage of it in my last tips and tricks video and multiple comments like what the hell is that at this Tim stamp I'm like I don't know what you're talking about that's a charger and then I went back and check the footage I'm like wait a second this is not any normal charger this is called a charger Behemoth and I don't think I've seen it again let me know if you've encountered it before but super super cool there are variants of enemies I'm not too sure what spawns them this was only on a level four difficulty uh I'm not too sure if they come out towards Wards the end of the match there was still 19 minutes on the clock here so it wasn't kind near the end it wasn't a hell di difficulty is it night time is that the moon in the background is this like the version of the sun going down don't know really cool though different variants of enemies you notice it a lot with the automatons is very easy to notice the different variants like the The Hulk uh gets like a flamethrower and like a rocket version but really tough to notice the charger variants right let's talk about bile Titans and using the rail gun this is probably the most common thing you see with the B tons is just you can you can one tap it in the head with a charge shot uh from the rail gun on unsafe mode it's probably the the most common thing you see people say like they're very easy to take out and yes ra gun is obviously extremely effective but this is kind of the myth busting I was doing because I think it is in well in my experience it is has been incredibly inconsistent yes sometimes I One Tap them but other times I do not one tap them I shoot them when they spew when they uh when their mouth glows green it stops the animation it stops the spew and you stop that sometimes the head will just pop and other times it will not and this is my challenge for you I think a bunch of stuff is happening with BTS I think there's a potential for them to be like charger Behemoth and they like a variant of bile that just have more health I also think that maybe the B that come up during the bug ambushes uh uh actually have less Health than maybe the boss bug Titans that the bile Titans when you do missions I also think there is likely a crit Stat or a hidden crit stat that could be tied into the rail gun or it might just be tied up in general to the damage because of the inconsistency with head shots it might be tied up with how much you charge the rail gun like the more you charge it the higher crit chance it has uh or I mean obviously it probably does more damage that helps as well but yeah there I think there is a lot of Randomness in this game built in which makes it feel so good cuz you get all these epic moments sometimes you'll have single shots on ball times their head just pops and other times they just eat it up for breakfast and keep chasing you down I do think that's intentional I don't know exactly what's causing if you if you can show me B single shot on a ball ton every single time and it heads pop in a live environment I mean I'll bring I'll bring the twitch audience over we'll watch you do it cuz anyone can put a montage together of just single shoting them you just by yourself one-shotting bile Titans with a rail gun in unsafe mode and consistently do it uh I'll I'll give you some subs okay now what was way more consistent for me is actually SHO shooting a rocket at their abdomen when they do their charge up I got that to pop way more consistently with a rocket launcher and the cool thing that it does is if they don't die and you destroy that they can no longer spew at you so then they only have one move sent which is like they got to get nice and close and then stomp on you very cool okay hidden helmet stats if you go to your helmets you'll notice that it doesn't actually have any stats on the helmet itself however if you col if you check your overall armor stats and then change your helmet you'll see that some helmets actually impact that this helmet actually increases the speed and stamina regen stat is it a lot no it's like six points on the speed stat so of course we had to do a running race I put on a a helmet that didn't impact that speed stat a friend put on the helmet that did impact that speed stat we had the same armor on we did a running race was it noticeable no it really wasn't I don't know if it is a visual bug with the stats or something left over from the development and if stats are meant to be on helmet but I think when people talk about the hidden stats of helmets it is so small I do not think you will notice it right I had a lot of disagreement about this one both in my twitch chat and in YouTube comments about strategems and where they track or they don't track so I've got some better footage here's what happens if you throw a uh red strategem out of friendly or an enemy it will stick to them however if they then move the red strategy will hit in the place where it first landed okay you can see this with this Eagle bomb the person moves away the eagle bomb lands in where it first landed where where it first made contact the really cool thing is if you accidentally get stuck by a Precision strike by by a strategem and it's on your backpack because they seem to stick to the shield of the backpack cuz it's like an object you can drop your backpack and avoid being killed now blue strategems friendly strategems tend to track with the exception of reinforce rainforce almost acts like a red strategy and it will actually just go down to where they first uh where the initial contact was made other blue strategems like a Gatling gun or Sentry turret um even resupplies will actually track if your friend gets stuck with these if they don't want to die they need to drop their Shield backpack if that's how they got stuck if I'm assuming you can get stuck even without the shield backpack it's definitely easier to get stuck with the shield backpack but um yeah it's it's game over if you don't drop that backpack right this is the correction on my behalf uh last video I said that the timer is a bit of a suggestion and when the timer runs out and missions you just lose strateg JBS and you can still complete missions now this is the great thing about this game there's a lot of new Nuance here and that's not quite true there are a couple missions that if you run out of time you will automatically fail them and you actually can't complete them after the timer even though you don't have strategems uh the Evac of the civilians and the blitz Mission I believe it is we have to destroy is it Blitz oh you look just be aware there are a couple of missions that you will automatically fail if you don't complete on time now oppositely there are missions like destroy the eggs here where you can complete it after zero you can be sitting on zero you can have no strategems and you still can complete the main objectives and pass the mission so a little bit more nuanced than what I originally said right here's a nice glitch for you if you are holding a grenade so you press four on keyboard and mouse and you only have three grenades and you pick up uh a grenade box in the wild you end up having five total grenades you have to be holding one so not not um don't pull the pin like not the Qui not the quick but like quick grenade throw button but actually select the grenade I'm not too sure what it is on on controller I think it's four on keyboard and mouse so it's in your hand but the pin's not pulled and you pick up a grenade you get five it doesn't work if you've only just got three in your inventory and you don't have it in your hand you'll just get the max of four pretty nice because sometimes I always find that I'm I'm just one grenade short for a bug hole so you can stock up on grenades you could overfill them basically okay this was actually from a comment and they said if you crouch down and then interact with the salute you can avoid the emote animation alt together pretty cool so if you are in a bit of a pickle and you want I don't know pick this up as you're running through guess you could duck down just the last minute open it up and then get out of there right I wanted to test can you be a TR ater and Evac would the Evac leave if all your friends were there would it go away uh could you even get honored so in this clip I became a traitor I got everyone nice and close to the E the Evac ship I got them to get on it whilst I was being bombarded if you don't know if you haven't seen my last video once you get the traitor um debuff you get orbital bombardments and it we about to find out either you can jump on the ship there you go you can still Evac as a Traer now I knew that you could throw grenades back at enemies like the automatons but did you know you can throw friendly grenades back at them right this was another comment when you have the supply backpack you can juggle the backpack to get more supplies so I'm holding the supply backpack and when I go to the resupply I will get like a little brick back now what I can do is then drop it I can give it to a friend they can pick it up and then then they can hit the resupply again and this will fill up another brick of the supply backpack so if you really want to uh never worry about Ammo again you can do this with a team okay I spent a long time on stream doing this like detection stuff to see when enemies would detect you I think the most important thing to say is that obviously line of sight impacts enemies detection but also prone running or uh Crouch walk also impacts enemy detection from the small amount of tests that I did I need to like spend a whole video doing this but I had the stealth perk on my armor and I got within 16 M of an enemy whilst crawling my friend here also sorry they did not have the stealth armor they had like heavy armor on or something else they didn't have the stealth perk and they also got within 16 M of the enemy and you can correct me if I'm wrong here but I think that that stealth perk only impact acts uh movement either jogging or running or like standing it didn't seem to impact when you're crawling so if you don't have the stealth perk on your armor be aware that you can use uh crawling and prone to get around enemies a lot easier without them seeing you right I think that the shield generator is probably the best strategy in the game I talked about how it blocks a lot of things they didn't have footage last time but this is it blocking a charger you don't get all that um like interference on your screen don't get knocked over knocked back it is just a s s tier strategy okay this is another comment from you guys uh impact grenades on the back of the automaton Grill do uh pretty decent damage in my experience two grenades seem to blow everything up these turrets only took two impact grenades I also use it on a tank which is really nice cuz sometimes you're just out of the equipment you need and you can use it to destroy the factories you do kind of have to be right on the tip just the tip right on the edge to blow it up it is a little bit harder than normal grenades but you can use it for factories too right I wanted to test the antimaterial sniper I had a lot of people say this is really good for automats is a really good weapon I don't like it at all um you can shoot the we we spots I think it took about four shots on a Hulk the Hulk actually has an animation which I hadn't seen before and it lights up I guess this is similar to the bleed mechanic on the charger and if you leave it long enough it will eventually just explode once it gets those like it's on fire you can also shoot the Hulk directly in the front in the face plade now that is really good I will admit that is a nice strategy I still find that the sniper the antimaterial sniper just it needs something to make it a little bit more user friendly I think it has too much weapon sway um maybe it was probably too overpowered if it was too Snappy but with all the stuff and explosions and and things impacting your aim I still find it not to be the best weapon out rather just probably use an auto Cannon however it is kind of nice when you get those head shots and interesting thing to note obviously you can use it on the back of Tanks as well I think it took five shots to light up the tank however the weird thing with the tanks is that you could set at a light similar to The Hulk and it would catch on fire but it never blew up the Hulk once it was on fire it eventually just blew up it had like a timer on it whereas the tanks I found I think it took five shots it lit up the tank but then tank just kept on going I had to go in there and finish it off not too sure what's going on there okay smoke we played around with smoke for literally hours to see how it would work and the what did I come up with I don't know it is very inconsistent we did did hell diver missions with smokes only you can have orbital smokes and you can have Eagle smokes you can have two lots of smokes you have a smoke grenades I was running a full smoke kit I will say that even though it is inconsistent like some enemies I feel like still see you through the smoke it definitely worked at disengaging from the enemy especially in something like hell divers difficulty where they just seem to run after you the entire way across the map I found to use a uh I found the best thing to do is actually use all your stealth techniques together you use the smoke to disengage you then try to get behind cover you then start crawling and that really sent the enemies into like the like Search and Destroy mode they sort of got disengaged they got deag gred and they couldn't find you and sometimes they would reset back to their like Patrol positions right there was a comment on my last video that when you activate the terminals the the SE terminals that it doesn't actually spawn enemies because my advice was to get all the canisters close to the terminal before activating it and that uh this would prevent them from essentially spawning in coing grief now when this when I was trying to test this uh a patrol walked past and so I still am not sure whether it always triggers a patrol to go past if you've activated the terminal already or if that was just pure coincidence in my experience I have found when activating the terminals uh for the artillery a patrol go close by I don't know though if that is the activation of the terminals or if they have just generally set it up that patrols go near points of interest there you have it that is pretty much all of my knowledge about this game if you've got any other tips and tricks let me know and if I get enough I'll put it into another video thanks for watching if you like to support the channel cannot leave a comment you can leave the word charger Behemoth as usual has been a Pledger this is m games peace
Channel: More Myelin Games
Views: 60,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myelin game helldivers, myelin games helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 for beginners, helldivers 2 advanced tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks ps5, helldivers 2 beginners guide, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 best weapons
Id: jORs6ntVRoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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