EASIEST Helldivers Loadout - DEATHLESS Solo Helldive Full Clear

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what's up guys highway back here with another hell divers video so the last load out video that I had made uh I had some criticism because I didn't fully clear the uh fully clear the mission so this time around I'm going to try to fully clear it's going to be a little harder because um I I can't see the uh because of this map effect I won't be able to see all the Outpost as I go um but I'm going to try to do it anyway we're going to start here and we're just going to work our way around the outside the map so the load out that we used before was the shield generator the two Eagles and the grenade launcher the idea behind this build is for it to be very little skill for very easy we're using the breaker and the impact grenade and the uh Redeemer and our armor is the one that gives us a 50% chance of survival when uh not taking damage now since I've made this video use stamina booster since I made this video I've actually tried out a lot of other loadouts and I EV actually tweaked this one a little bit but because the idea behind this video is to do a full clear using the exact Loadout that I had put forward in the previous video I'm not going to change anything I'm just going to go straight into this the exact same way uh except I'm actually going to try to collect samples and actually try to um you know clear more clear all the objectives and the uh the uh primary of course but yeah so what we're going to do oh I dropped kind of close to an outpost hope didn't hear me we're next to a spce F so that's going to be our first objective that we go after our load out stuff all right so we're going to try to hit the sport spe right here and then we're going to go I guess for that Outpost and then work our way over to the um work our way over to the primary let's see if we can't just knock it out real quick that's that taken care of all right there's our first bug breach of the mission bug out Spott okay large Outpost so I talked about this in the comments all you need to do for these is just run circles around the outside of them I'm going to call resupply in this is going to be a little lengthy fight here I'm also going to call an eagle in right herey remember to always be focusing on clearing out um Hunters I see a hell bomb here I'm going to use my advantage keep an eye out for hell bombs as you go around they can do quite a bit Sho it now oh this charger has me stuck we got the Titan with it here's another Eagle here and now we should have some room to actually clear some of these bugles so we're going to drop down to try to do that so to answer why didn't I do this on the other Loadout video right uh cuz I have been asked that plenty of times right the reason why it's not because you can't do it with this load out or anything like that it's literally just because I'm already maxed out I have everything the purpose behind uh that video was to quickly show the load out off and kind of let people be on their way and to do a am I going to die here I don't think so now I'm in a really bad position here cuz I've got two Chargers on me with no stems how about a nice cup of Li and this build is not good for fighting Chargers that is one thing it definitely cannot do all you can really do is strafe around and lose them when you eventually clear the objectives faster and they can keep up with you I just got that one Bug Hole over there and then I called a resupply in I've already forgotten where it was I think it was over here sadly but uh I need to get my stamina back do that while I only have little bugs after me come on going to parkour up this side climb these rocks right here uh I see my supplies right there on the ground hopefully I can beat these bugs to it I have a little bit of missing health so what I can do is I can actually grab these and then hit the stem and then I can uh get all my stamina back to start running towards that primary objective going run this charger into this rock hopefully lose them through all these tall rocks here as we approach our first primary uh there's the uranium grab the super samples while I'm here this isn't the uranium never mind I'm tripping I don't know why I thought that was the uranium there's the uranium over there just trying to get away from these bugs so I can Circle back to that primary objective out over here too now because the bugs are all behind me I'm wondering if there's no resistance in this Outpost there is so we're going to come back to that as well uh we're going to go around towards the primary which is right here dropping a p South 100 m all right 5 minutes into the mission we're looking pretty solid I need to get my stamina back all the little bugs that are still after me here stalker layer okay I'm switching my priority to go deal with the stalker layer which I think that's it right there actually last thing I want is stalkers chasing me around while I'm trying to kite a bunch of baddies say hello to democracy Hunters are generally a more common threat and more likely to actually kill you but stalkers if you let them go unchecked will absolutely ruin your kiing and ability to clear objectives with this build all these samples over here all right stalker layer taken care of destroyed we're being chased by a few Hunters here going to keep clearing as I go that's two secondaries a large Outpost and that's it taken care of uh good pacing by this point I generally like to have a primary done as well but we're right next to the primary so I'm not really that concerned that's a lot of small bugs over that way that's a lot of hunters right there now I've made a very big mistake here I actually didn't rearm my Eagle before I approached this get some get some so I need to use these bombs so we can start rearming sh can start rearming I guess say hello to democracy I thought this Hunter would be dead from my point blame breaker shots he didn't die whoo whoo whoo oh that bomb at all right so we called in the bug breach over here we're going to try to just Kut them out and then Circle back to the primary and see if we can't clear it there use these rocks to get these uh Hunters stuck these Chargers suck rather adjust my my arms here drop down then we're going to climb these rocks again probably going to run into some bugs here oh we're good they all went that way and hopefully if I run this way I can kind of lose them once [Music] again actually going to prioritize the supplies instead this going to be a bad decision but we'll see I have my Eagles got to remember that this be exactly where I'd want that hell bomb or an eagle and it's also where I would want to have the Scout armor cuz you can escape these guys much much easier in Scout armor as opposed to this armor definitely a oversight in my original build however again it's supposed to be like low skill floor and this will like save you from a lot of situations you shouldn't survive in um so that's why I was thinking to run this but honestly even with that in mind I still think the Scout armor is a superior armor to run for this load out lot of things that could be better um especially now that the uh new war bond progression stuff has come out but back in business it was not out at the time and here comes the C I don't know everything in this game you know I started playing it I didn't play holders one so I still got plenty to learn but all right we're going to look for an entry point here now that we've kind of got some distance on the bugs they should actually lose us as soon as we get through here uh maybe not cuz there's still hunters chasing us but we're going to get around here and then we are going to look for an entry point to clear out these eggs and grab this sample while we do hopefully it'll be a little more clearer than it was before throwing grenade to say [ __ ] just go in Ates remain reload destroyed all right feeling pretty good about our pacing here like I said P another eagle and I'm going to rearm after that get some get some let's head to this objective next start the rearm oh there we go our resupply in deep can we have an outpost over here to clear as well might let to do that so that's actually uh I really wish we didn't have this map atmospheric uh spores thing um usually I don't actually mind it too much cuz all you need to do is find a radar Tower and you're good for the rest and most of the time these missions have the radar Tower but in this specific instance I wanted to fully oh loc never mind that's good so when you look at something and ping it in the distance you can actually identify it and uh mark it on the map and Discover it on the map so you can make it over to it what I was saying is the reason why uh I'm actually pretty upset we have this map atmospheric uh spores on the map is because specifically when you're trying to make a video on full clearing everything makes it pretty hard to actually do okay nice so when the Tremors happen and you have the shield and easily just run around all the bugs are distracted they're they're kind of like almost like stunned I maybe should have tried to go for the uh uh objective during that but okay so here's the situation with this we're going to approach and we're going to try our best to kill them all before bug breach I can almost promise you we won't be able to do that but sometimes you get lucky fire in the hall we actually managed to do it that's good all right now we're going to call this in you know I threw a resupply in and I never actually went to go get it that's so silly a me um all Eagle is rearmed we're see if we can do this nice and quiet really hard to get it all the way done quietly before a patrol comes like knocking and looking for you but sometimes you can and make it happen after this we're going to knock out that primary over there and then we're going to head this way to this secondary and then there's one more somewhere it's probably going to be over here somewhere we're going to hit that primary and then still have plenty of time we've collected a few samples I'd like to get more than what we've gotten so far but nice a tip for that um when you're doing it solo all you need to do is turn it until you hear that little sound that means you've got it lined up you don't actually need to look at the terminal to complete it my resupply is back don't want to call it in yet I see two Chargers there not ideal for sure what would be ideal is if like a Tremor happened right now that would be interesting we're just going to try to rechargers here actually I want those rare samples oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm probably going to die here I need to get over here and call a eagle around this corner un democracy there's way too many Hunters there for me to comfortably deal with those need to be addressed sooner rather than later if that charger would charge at me that would be good he's not going to to fire these eggs we need two more [ __ ] I didn't realize we missed oh I'm dead not my samples no okay I didn't die here we're good I'm going to try to call another Eagle in around the corner here watch out for these spiky plants I don't need more slows on me on Eagle management is really important for running these solo things uh with this build making sure you always have them ready we need to kill like what was it two more eggs in there might even be something I employ my Eagles to do but maybe not I'm going to Eagle all these guys there we go grab the sample on our way out right destroy now we're going to head this waywest need to go there on oh I was closer but I have my breaker out we do actually need to resupply as well so I'm going to uh circle around these guys and if I can manage to give them the slip we're just going to call a nice pleasant quiet resupply in and uh hit that see all these points of interest good opportunity to grab more samples if we have time so far we're making really good time uh we have two secondaries and one primary to do in 24 minutes uh I want to do this actually going to hit this uh this Outpost I'm going to resupply before I do but my to I want to run that way I don't want to run towards that Patrol over there keeping them out of this fight would be ideal bug Outpost this is actually clear because of how many bugs we chasing me can't believe I didn't clear that bug hole over there about that one there we go nice just going to get my stamina back we're going to circle all the way around again and head towards that secondary objective so I actually doubt this is going to be a proper full clearer um cuz I'm not going to be able to hit all the outposts with this map issue cuz even with the radar station iten tell you where the outposts are usually when you do a full clear you don't want to have the atmospheric spores there cuz you can't actually see where everything is oh that's nice see how the bugs kind of get stunned a little bit doesn't last for super long but it lasts for long enough that you can actually get away and give them the slip when you have the shield on cuz uh you do not get affected at all when you're running the shield so you're playing on a map that does the Tremors then definitely consider the shield to be buffed in that situation normally it kind of knocks your stamina down and stops you from doing much but luckily it pretty much completely stops the bugs they they just they just get hard stunned Eagle one armed and ready all [Music] righty they haven't completely lost me yet probably I'm not wearing Scout armor but like I said I don't claim to know everything I just know a decent amount of things got a light Outpost here I'm just going to quickly knock out all that in administered I'm going to circle this way I see a nice uh a demy nice kiting Rock here to use that's some good separation we going go this way for this uh this pod right here not this bad boy out more samples tagging map West 300 M pretty much always have a patrol walk in after you at the very end of this objective unless you're playing with randoms who are distracting the bugs but might get lucky here who knows is this guy really alone all right that's another one down we got half the mission time plus the 2-minute extraction we just have the one SE artill to deal with now the sea artillery in my opinion is the hardest secondary to solo you will pretty much always have bugs creep up on you and then you got to kite them away and come back and just it can really be a time sync uh even when you're playing with randoms the trick is to not start the um you don't want to start the terminal until you have uh gotten enough shells gotten five shells next to the the gun if this is clear that would be really lucky it's not clear I already see that looks like a charger but yeah it is a charger got to let that Patrol walk by really wish they would just come this way and then leave that sea artillery open that a b Titan I heard so basically I don't know so basically with the um sea artillery you just want to try to do it as quietly as possible I mean that's pretty much any objective when you're solo hell di you want to use stealth to your advantage um the SE artillery can really take a uh take a lot of time to properly do you just want to stack five of the shells next to the gun before you hit the terminal cuz the terminal is going to attract bugs and then once you get the five shells next to the gun you can uh load it a lot easier this uh Patrol is really just chilling around this secondary a feeling what it's going to have to happen here is I'm going have to fight the patrol and then um like get a bug breach summoned on it run far away and then run back we still have plenty of time so I'm not rushing anything exactly but like I hear bugs on the other side of that rock and I don't like that I have to climb a hill get to this objective so it means I don't know where the patrol is yeah there's patrolling around the objective so I'm going to have to probably clear these guys which means they're going to call in a bug breach and like I said I'm going to really have to run away and then back unless I don't was a really good Eagle Strike so if you switch to your secondary while the shell is coming up off the ground you can actually like throw it like that that helps you get stuff over a lot quicker I don't even know if I can use that anymore then now that's up there I probably have to Vault it gets it way way quicker over to the Loading spot I just need one more all right that's five we hit this now we run over here and we got to load the shells quick all right on our way to our last primary now so I'm not sure if I've already said it this video but when you are looking to extract with samples on solo you definitely want to wait for the timer to completely run out the reason you do that is because it'll automatically call down the extraction Pelican and while that Pelican is coming for the 2 minutes instead of having to stick around the extraction point in like a to a small circle you can run around the entire map pretty much and then when you are finally ready to actually extract when you run back to the extraction Zone it'll be uh mostly clear of uh of bugs so we'll be able to run pretty much straight onto the Pelican and we get to go that was AOL or just okay those are just idle bugs uh you know what I'm not want to over here and like resupply be honest going resupply like right over there send oh I'm stuck in the Rock bu are probably going to see me maybe not like to clear this oh there's a charger there I don't want to clear that all right let's just take a long Circle back around to that primary uh uh what do I want to do kind of lazy but guess we'll do it anyway actually I'm I'm very lazy I'm probably going to get spotted here one way or another but I don't want to make this too long of a rotation like we have plenty of time but I don't want to spend some time looking for outposts now if this Mission had the Outpost presence that I could see on the map here definitely could have properly full cleared it but because I can't see it I mean you know I have to like rely on my visual P unless someone knows a trick if anyone knows a trick for being able to spot uh like bug presence when there's the atmosphere explores let me know it' be very helpful for when I make these videos but most of the time I don't actually need it because for being honest clearing out The Outpost is almost strictly like a video or challenge thing yeah I've been spotted by a brood Commander now we're going to get our stamina back do we have our Eagles our Eagles are kind of lacking we only have one but that might be all we need for right now I should have called a new one in there's a hell bomb there that's definitely good to know keep bring it in to the point of entry with Little Resistance and clear some of this up those samples man I was really hoping that would just finish this objective off but that's okay okay I guess use our one here demra the 500 PG on that corner just use our bombs to pretty much clear out some of the rift ra how' you like the taste of Freedom just getting rid of hunters want to get another entry point over there so I can get those last five eggs get some get some then I can go look for goodies throwing grenad outposts and samples there's five eggs here Freedom triumphs over tyranny once the extraction [ __ ] your request we've cleared all the objectives and now it's time to just get some points of interest and outposts but at 10 minutes remain that's about all uh not sure I might fast forward uh this part you guys might not even hear me say that because honestly this part of the mission's going to be pretty pretty slow I mean it's already how' you like the taste of we're kind of just taking a Victory lap here you know what I mean oh yeah we grab samples and and whatever else we find over here I guess we have all the time might as well right cuz again if you want to actually extract with samples it's really really hard to do when you are uh when you're solo and you try to call the extraction down way better to wait out the time and just take your Victory lab won be too humble with the bugs they're about to Humble me here in a second though cuz I got greedy fine maybe not wanted that rare sample down there at the very least it's hopefully demonstrates that this build is like you can actually full clear with this build and do everything uh I even did it with more time than I usually do uh oh I got to remember the charger switch back to your breaker man there we go get some get [Applause] some yeah most of this is probably just going to be fast forwarded cuz nothing too interesting is going on here again we're taking a Victory lap at this point just checking pois and having a whale of a time with the bugs Let's uh go this way see if we find an outpost or something uh there now if you're really worried about extracting with your samples and you're not confident that you can do it running around the map um another thing you can do is actually just drop your samples off by the extraction and then pick them up as you enter the Pelican I guess I'll check the extraction for any samples that's sometimes a good thing to do cuz when I get here I'm not really going to be hanging out going be heading straight for the Pelican and getting out pretty good on samples 1759 or 7 1756 rather not 9 y stretch my arm out real quick one thing I don't like about my chair is the positioning of my armrest will sometimes cause my and to fall asleep like kind of messes with the circulation there there's probably an outpost over here right right over this way nothing you see what I mean though like I'm kind of just there might be a trick out there I'm unaware of I'm I'm probably going to dig into it after this video but um finding the Outpost I guess what I could have done if I really wanted to been Max it is I maybe could have screenshotted the uh starting screen like when you're still on the Destroyer cuz it does show you the presence there even when you have an atmospheric Spore thing I could have uh I suppose done that that's going to be the primary nothing over there because if you screenshot it and just put it up on like a second monitor or something like that you can actually refer back to it and head towards those areas um to clear them out but Al also I could have counted how much stuff we've cleared out as well I know that's clear down there I've kind of watched like this whole map at this point I don't I don't really know where else to go so I'm just going to go towards the next Direction or at least like towards the in between of the extraction and over there Super Destroyer leaving low orbit emergency extraction shuttle deployed wish I could use the sea artillery during the uh extraction phase ETA team at is 1 minute 30 seconds di you are moving outside the mission area ETA tus one minute di you are moving outside the mission area G tus 30 seconds as I said before we have the entire map to cut around here instead of just the very small extraction Circle that you would normally have pelic one approaching pickup how about a nice cup of liver tea pelic One landing sequence initi where you're standing please don't kill me Pelican and there you go with this build we have now completed pretty much the entire map again without the spores like if I knew where all the outposts were we could have done that too but has completed the whole map ran around did some pois grab more samples think we had like a total of what like probably close to 40 I don't know we'll see oh we did miss one Outpost man we missed one Outpost wonder where that last large Outpost was I don't know but I as you can see we had plenty of time to clear it anyway um really easily done uh and this build super simple let's see that's what that's yeah 39 um right yeah 39 samples uh but yeah super easy build I you just kind of run around and kill Hunters with your breaker and uh use your Eagle smart and that's it that's the video anyway I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you enjoy using this build I'm going to make new updated builds now but I just wanted to show that even though this build is 38 even though this build is a little bit outdated it's still doable and I did this no deaths like No Death full clear I mean it can't get much better than that this actually my first no death run so kind of kind of cool uh anyway thank you guys for watching and uh follow me for more stuff I'm going to be doing more solo hell dive stuff and uh yeah bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Highway
Views: 59,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers
Id: ZqJVT5-rYyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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