Helldivers 2 | Two Meta Loadouts for Automatons | S Tier when Paired TOGETHER!

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okay what up hell divers it's your favorite Asian robot right here hopefully one day I'll be your favorite hell divers 2 content creator and today what I'm going to teach you guys is the automaton loadouts that I would consider best all right now although I use the word meta I want to be clear up front meta simply means the most efficient these two loadouts are actually the most efficient at taking on the automatons and they are best when paired okay it's not like this one load out will get you through everything no automatons don't work that way they're not like terminats okay automatons are a different type of faction they're a whole different animal and it is best if you have one of each of these loadouts on your team so pair up with a friend all right and you guys will have good results all right now how are we going to do this video this is a discussion and information type video you're not going to see a lot of gameplay here because I find that there's no point in me showing you a 10 20 second clip when realistically what you need to be seeing are the streams where we use these loadouts and so you can see how they function in different situations the links to the streams where I'll be using this Loadout is in the description of the video okay so you can go check that out you can go see how that functions and how they work together all right now the first load out that I'm going to talk about is the autoc Canon Loadout this is the first Loadout in the set and I'm actually going to go through this first I'll teach you all about the Primary Weapons armor the strategems everything as you can already see from this picture in general you're going to have the autoc cannon The Shield generator the eagle air strike or the 500 kgr bomb depends on the mission and the last slot is a flexible slot that you can use with anything all right I tend to prefer the autoc Canon turret but the choice is yours okay let's go over and discuss that load out right now okay ladies and gents let's talk about the first load out which is the autoc cannon Loadout for those of you that need a reminder this is what the autoc Canon Loadout looks like and I'm going to discuss the primary weapon secondary weapon grenade the armors and all the strategems in this video so let's get to it okay for the autoc Canon load out my suggested primary weapon is the last 16 sickle this is an extremely efficient weapon against the automatons you can take out most targets by aiming at their weak spot I.E the head all right any of the Little Guys the normal uh Marauders Raiders whatever you call them the little automatons you're going to be able to take them out with a sickle as for the Devastator types and the hulks obviously you cannot take them out with a sickle but for the Devastators their weak point is still their head you can actually take it out with a sickle as for the hulks you can actually shoot their back with the sickle and still take it out so the sickle is generally considered my choice as the primary you can use other stuff like the scorcher the scorcher is great for scout Striders okay but most of the time the Scout Strider is taken out with your support weapon instead of your primary so you don't have to bring the plaz one scorer if you do not have it and honestly the the other choices are all it depends on your flavor what you like all that kind of stuff but me personally I find a sickle to be the most efficient even on a hot planet like otou we have tried out the sickle and it has done absolutely well okay so the sickle is my choice against the automatons now for the secondary weapon I just tend to bring along a good Redeemer um set to semi-auto of course the Redeemer basically is the same as The Peacemaker except that it's got double capacity same damage same stats everything some people do prefer the senator but the Redeemer is my choice grenade wise impact grenades are my choice if you need to destroy a fabricator just throw the impact grenade through the door okay but there are other ways to destroy Fabricators and most of the time you''ll be using either strategy or using the autoc cannon to destroy them so or so realistically speaking the impact grenades are mostly for anti-tank or dealing with certain objectives or if you've got one of those Cannon turrets you can uh impact grenade the back so that is what the grenades are for okay so that is about it now for the armor here's what you're going to need for the armor I tend to prefer the trench engineer c35 set for the autoc Canon this one provides amazing reduction in Recoil the 30% when crouching or prone is beautiful do not underestimate how good this is with the autoc cannon then increasing the amount of grenades you can carry by two is a godsend you can delete so many tanks and so many structures just by having this so trench engineer is my go-to for this autoc cannon load out this this is what exactly what you'll see me using on stream this is exactly what we utilize okay helmet and Cape is whatever is your taste you can you can adjust accordingly in fact I'm going to quickly take the chance to change to my orange Cape because I always forget okay now let's talk about strategems here for this build there are three strategems that are necessary for the build and one flexible slot the three strategems that are most necessary are obviously um the Where's the auto Cannon okay the auto Cannon is a fantastic weapon this thing although you know it's showing you blowing up the Scout Striders you can actually blow up the Scout Striders by hitting them dead on but it's the explosion that will actually hit the little guy in the back so try to aim a little bit higher if you hit it on a high point the Scout Strider should die it will not actually penetrate their armor though okay because they're heavily armored at the front now the other thing to take note of is that for the autoc cannon because it's only got medium armor penetration it's good enough for the Devastators but it will not kill the Hulk unless unless you smash the head however you can also fire at the vent on his back and he will die very quickly you can fire at the vents on any objective and deal with it you cannot deal with the drop ships but honestly while they're about to drop their units you can actually fire at the underside of the drop ship and kill several units before they even land so the autoc cannon is pretty much Universal the downside is that you have to carry a backpack which means you will not have shields once you get used to it though it is absolutely fine against the automatons you will see me using this on stream I promise you again a lot of people don't feel comfortable going in without the shield but you got to get rid of that crutch once you get rid of that crutch you realize that automatons are not difficult to fight and the autoc cannon is a godsend weapon against them okay so do not hesitate to use this it is very very good all right the autoc cannon is a must have for this load out obviously it's literally an autoc Canon load out right the other strategy is the eagle air strike this is universally useful great for killing tanks great for destroying Fabricators do not go in without the eagle air strike the substitute for that is the 500 kgam bomb but I only tend to use this against the in the missions where I have to destroy the command bunker okay um it's really your choice between the air strike and the 500 kilogram but I prefer the air strike the air strike does way more against the Bots okay um other than the air strike the last thing you'll need for this load out is The Shield generator relay a lot of people underestimate how useful this is but take a look at the cool down time 90 seconds you can call this down very frequently to get some nice cover plon yourself down in side and shoot out at all the automatons using this with the autoc Canon is absolutely deadly when you've got a bunch of Devastators trying to smoke you drop down your Shield generator smoke the Devastators walk away from the fight you can also use it as a distraction because guess what when you drop it down behind you while running away the automatons will fight it instead of fighting you gives you a lot of good getaway time especially because you're running medium armor so the shield generator is one of the most underrated strategems and it is so so good against automatons especially you the autoc cannon guy being able to set up your own cover and then snipe your enemies is godsend do not underestimate this you can call it in an unlimited amount of times but it will only last for as long as the shield uh bubble lasts and then after that it's done all right but it's on a 90c cool down spam it whenever you like okay these are the three most necessary strategy and you'll notice that in the image I have one extra strategy there okay that one is your Flex slot you can bring whatever you like in there um a lot of the time we like to bring in orbital lasers but this is only because it helps us take care of certain objectives without us actually having to fight the objective so do not hesitate to use the orbital laser the other option that I really like is the um and which you'll see me bring along quite often is the autoc Canon Sentry the autoc Canon Sentry is your friend and guess what you can put it down inside your Shield generator and it will shoot out at automatons do not hesitate to use this at bot drops all that kind of stuff because you will have a fantastic time okay the autoc Canon Sentry is your friend and it's on a simple three minute cool down use it freely you'll get a lot of uses about of this like whenever you're in the field honestly whenever there's a bot drop um I like to just have my autoc Cannon down it covers me kills the Bots and I just chill out and snipe them so yeah you can even stand on top of your autoc Canon Sentry so you can autoc can Canon while you autoc Cannon all right now that's one of my favorite things too okay that is about it for this load out like I said the last slot is flexible you don't like the autoc Canon Sentry bring along whatever else you want that should cover it for the autoc cannon Loadout I know this is a long explanation but this is an in-depth explanation that I want you guys to have and understand okay let's move on to the next load out right okay fam so the next load out that we're going to be talking about is the ark thrower Loadout like I said that this pairs with the autoc cannon and they both have different roles at the end of this after going through both loadouts I will explain in depth the um differences between the two loadouts and why these two loadouts are used in the field together as part of the team now you'll notice from this image already that the that the arc thrower Loadout has Eagle air strike pretty standard Ark thrower personal Shield generator and the orbital laser the last slot is a flex slot okay but the orbital laser is highly recommended for this one now let's go to the explanation section and we're going to talk about all the stuff in here and why it's used okay here we go okay ladies and gents let's go through the ark thrower Loadout for the automaton meta um for those of you that uh don't know about it all right this is the arc thrower Loadout in general I'm going to go through all the stuff in here I'm going to talk about the primary secondary grenade the armors used and then the strategems apologies if this is a bit long I know the autoc Canon one was long but I like to be in depth with my discussion so that you understand the reason reasons behind every choice okay let's get started starting with your primary weapon The Arc throw a load out um my personal choice is still the last 16 sickle but here's the kicker for the arthow loadout you can use whatever you want as your primary weapon plasma Scorch is still a popular choice some people even use the Blitzer but to be honest you can do whatever you want why because the arc thrower Loadout is much more flexible than the autoc cannon Loadout you should use whatever primary you feel effective with as long as you're not in trouble from anything that comes up against you make sure that your primary Rippon can help you counter whatever threats come against you me personally last 16 sickle or PL one scor would be my choice but with this build you can literally use anything you like so if you want to play The Arc thrower build your primary weapon effectively does not matter use whatever you find effective against automatons for your secondary p19 Redeemer standard Choice grenade is impact standard Choice same thing we discussed in the autoc cannon section all the same reasons to bring along this equipment all right the only difference is that the primary is your choice it's completely flexible now for the armor set okay um my recommended armor is the fs 34 exterminator but this is a super store armor set so if you do not have this you can use whatever else you want but the reason I use this is for the 50% resistance to explosive damage spicy Rockets will always hurt you a lot this can sometimes save your life against a spicy rocket okay the other choice that people like to use is the Ser uh sorry the hero of the Federation which is somewhere here savior of the free or hero of the Federation the 50% chance to not die is pretty fantastic so this is often used if you want to go Judge Dread mode um effectively it's the same thing so this one just comes with recoil reduction but because you're using an arc thrower you don't really care about recoil so you can absolutely use hero of the Federation instead and look pretty badass while doing it all right so it's really your choice or you can use any other medium Armor Set uh light armor sets are also permitted for this particular load out but it's like I said it's really your choice you choose what you feel comfortable with but me personally I would recommend either exterminator or hero of the Federation okay so that's about it now um helmet and Cape is to your taste now let's talk about strategems this one has three must have strategems and the other one is a flexible strategy just like with the autoc cannon all right so as you would have seen in the image uh the arthow personal Shield Eagle air strike are pretty much must haves let's discuss them and let's discuss why they are must have obviously the ark thrower is the main basis of this entire Loadout The Arc thrower is fantastic against pretty much all automatons but you are going to struggle a little bit against hulks Devastators take three bolts of lightning unless you score a lucky hit on its head so all Devastators are three bolts of lightning so please be aware of that no matter what kind of Devastator it is three bolts of lightning Berserkers five bolts of lightning all right but they are melee so you don't have to worry too much about that most automaton trash mobs will just die in one hit so the ark thrower's main role is to be a front line now this will be discussed more in the um section after this where I talk about the role of each of these loadouts and what they do and how they compare and why they pair up well but the arc thorough guy is going to be the front line all right get used to it you're going to be the first one into combat this prevents you from killing other people with your Arc thrower and also it allows you to draw fire which brings us to the next Point Shield generator is a must have for this Loadout because the arthow guy is going to be upfront and personal having a shield generator is going to save you quite a lot because guess what your arrow has a limit of 50 Metter the robots can shoot you from Beyond that please ensure that you are able to get to your effective range this means all right you're going to need a shield generator so while the autoc Canon brings the extra cover that they can plon down anywhere every 90 seconds you are going to have a perfect personal Shield generator with you and it is your job to be brave if you're hanging out in the back you're already playing this wrong all right your range is the short your range compared to the autoc cannon guy is short so you know what to do all right Eagle air strike is brought along for the same reasons that we bring it along with the autoc cannon Loadout you are going to use this against Fabricators tanks most of the threats can be dealt with using an eagle air strike it is absolutely fantastic do not sleep on this it is so so good all right the alternative of course being the 500 kilogram bomb but again unless you're going to destroy a command bunker as your main mission objective the eagle air strike tends to outperform so we often use the eagle air strike instead okay now there are other honorable mentions but in in general we've tried all of them the eagle air strike and 500 kilogram bomb does the best and there's no reason for me to tell you about other stuff because that's just going to waste your time okay the last strategy is flexible for this particular load out my personal recommendation is the orbital laser why this will take out a heavy automaton Outpost or it can be used in a totally messed up situation you can take out detector Towers you can take out a lot of stuff with this all right and it is immune to the AA defenses which means you can use it to take out AA defenses mortar placements all sorts of things do not hesitate to use the laser and abuse the laser all right sure you've only got three uses but it is best used against the base or if you're really really in trouble you can throw it on the automatons but again we don't really do that we mostly use it on a secondary objective where we really need everything beam to death all right so this is where it comes in it is extremely good in automaton runs but remember that you've only got three uses and the cool down each time is 300 seconds that is 5 minutes so time your use as well know when to use it and abuse it all right but again then your last slot is totally flexible whether you have it don't have it the build will still be effective so make sure you use whatever you're comfortable with all right if you want to if you want to put a eagle a 500 kilogram bomb go ahead go right ahead you want to put in a barrage go right ahead it's really up to you okay you answer to nobody on your last slot do whatever you want with the last slot okay in fact the barrage has been used by some people and is pretty effective okay that is it for the arthor loadout let's go talk about okay how these loadouts compare with one another what their roles are okay so that's going to be in the conclusion section see you there okay family you sat through my explanations on the metal loadouts now let's do a little bit of explaining all right okay what you got to understand is that both of these loadouts have different roles the autoc Canon load out which again you will see me do in the streams is the sniper load out you stand way in the back kill the Devastators first okay your job you see a Devastator or you see a Hulk you better kill that before it even gets to your Ark thrower guy your Ark thrower guy's job is to draw fire your job is to support him if you're not supporting your arthor guy and your arthor guy dies that's on you all right but if your arrow guy is in front lining for you that's on him okay this load out is a support based load out that also takes on the sniper rooll why not the rail gun why not the anti-material rifle because the autoc cannon outperforms both both okay the autoc cannon outperforms both some people say well I could have a backpack if I take the other choices yeah and you're going to die antimaterial rifle does not do well against Scout Riders this does um antimaterial rifle requires very good aim and without aim assist it sucks ass okay I've had a lot of trouble with it on mouse and keyboard and I can tell you that unless your aim is perfect or you're cheating um you are probably going to suck okay that's just my honest take on it if any of you like the anti material rifle go ahead but I I'm going to tell you right now the autoc cannon fulfills the sniper roll way better because of the extra explosive damage that it has okay make sure you are sniping targets please prioritize the Devastators please prioritize the hulks you're the guy that takes care of them if you're not taking care of them you're wasting your time shooting trash mobs you're you're not doing your role shoot the trash mobs after you take out the big targets okay that's what the autoc cannon is for that's what you have a range of O of practically unlimited all right you've got practically unlimited range on the autoc cannon that's what it's for okay take those targets out now let's talk about the uh Ark thrower role The Arc thrower loadouts role is basically to Frontline I've already mentioned this in the autoc cannon section but you need to be upfront and personal when you see me play the ark thrower I'm the first one to charge in because my job is to draw enemy fire you will also die the most but if you are not drawing enemy fire okay to let your sniper guys do their sniping then you're also playing wrong because your job is to get in there and say hey look at me hey look at me I'm and then while you while you're zapping away at the targets and dodging shots okay you are taking enemy Fire by drawing enemy fire they're not going to be shooting your autoc Cannon guy who doesn't have a shield and he can just Crouch snipe snipe snipe all right so when both of these work together the Synergy is amazing okay arthow a guy gets rid of all the close-range threats smaller mobs autoc Cannon guy focuses on those big Heavy Hitters absolutely deletes them and when you have that kind of synergy going you will see some pretty sick results but do take note one thing the arthow guy if they're running hero of the Federation armor is not going to have six grenades so when it comes to a grenade where uh to something where you needs the grenade let the autoc Canon get take care of it most of the time your grenades are for emergencies and when you really need to get out of a messed up situation let's say a bot drop drops right on you AR thrower guy throw throw the grenades on the entire bot drop it's usually gone or a tank drops on you and you really have no way out start throwing start yeting those grenades on them all right it will take out the tank so that's the arc Thor's role remember you have to be brave you're going to play this role then you either are a tank Main in OverWatch or you are or you are somebody that really really likes to be stuck in okay and try not to have two the same role on the team unless you have a four-man Squad um we actually did a little bit bit of testing and it's actually better to have one Arc thrower two autoc cannons than to have two Arc throwers one autoc Cannon just so you know the sniper roll is much more crucial against automatons which have Superior range Firepower so if you if you have a full Squad of four two Arc Thors two autoc cannons every mission is GG we've done it we've seen it all right so do try that out and that brings us to the end of this video I hope both of these loadouts will help you guys I hope both of these loadouts will help you guys with the automaton War if you guys need to see examples of gameplay please tune in to the streams I'll be fighting against the automatons I'll be leading the charge on the front lines so be there if you want to see how we fight against the automatons be there I promise you I will show you what we do how we overcome the challenges and remember Bots are not that scary all you need is the right technique and that's it there will be situations where I play with randos there'll be situ like in case none of my squad members on if my squad members are on will game but trust me I will be more than happy to show you guys the techniques for dealing with automaton so do tune in to the streams if you want to see the gameplay because like I said you're not going to learn anything from a 10-minute video or whatever like that's really not going to help you because there's a whole variety of situations you need to take into account okay so you want to see that come to streams the links are in the description of the video to the streams that are already done you can always subscribe and come to Future streams as well if you want to learn thank you very much don't forget to like share and subscribe and if you guys want to support us well there's a variety of ways you can do that but here are the top supporters from March we're going to give a thank you and a shout out before we go all right let's start let's start with March's top supporters okay here we go for March's top supporters we have our top Tipper is n top tippers BBS Fang as well uh top Super chatter Teddy lasso uh top Super chatter list includes wishless Destroyer Arcane silver John McKinley rnbo Lord J Chanel name Top Channel membership gifter is Lord J and Top Channel membership gifters are Vinnie and n you guys so much all right um let's also talk about channel members here we go our top channel members are Teddy lasso and N at the only fan level Arcane silver 300 and death D 982 at plus Ultra thank you guys so much you guys are amazing thank you to our Prestige and honor robots as well I hope you guys will enjoy everything that we've done so far all right thank you for keeping us running and I'm going see you guys in the next one y'all have a good one and see you on the automaton front don't be fighting terminat now all right major orders out there let's go kill some Bots
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 56,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: loaiWdBHQew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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