ULTIMATE BERSERKER (Karlach) Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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blood for the blood God skulls for the skull a  phrase echoed throughout the Warhammer world and   one we will be bringing to life here today in  balers Gate 3 Berserker is one of my favorite   iterations of anything in any game become a blood  wild fighter lost to the Crimson of combat sign   me right the hell up today we'll be making a  fun dual wielding Barbarian Build since this   build is a little on the flavorful side we'll be  focusing on taking dual wielding rather than the   typical two-handed weapon which will leave some  damage on the table but we are also taking some   fun multiclassing to make this a viable honor  mode build for your main character or for carlac   however you want to build it out and this is  your first time my channel the way I do things   is by upgrading the knowledge of my videos so you  can decide if it's the right one for you so with   that being said we'll be taking Seven Levels into  Barbarian with Berserker three levels into Rogue   for the thief subass and two levels into fighter  this will enable us two full primary actions and   two bonus actions which we can use for our enrage  strike which is exclusive to the Berserker you   can also do six levels into Berserker and three  levels into Fighter for Champion for some real   crunchy crits if you'd like as well though this  is a very straightforward build and itemization   is really just using the items that come your way  with some standout ones here and there so that's   really the the tldw of this entire video if that's  all you wanted to know please feel free to shut   the video down and get back to spilling blood in  the name of corn before you head out please don't   forget to like comment subscribe each one of those  things helps me out in a huge way I've gone from   something like 89% to 80% unsubscribed viewership  because of your help but that's a number I'd still   like to get lower and every little bit helps  you can jump ahead to any part of the video   that interests you the most using the chapters  in both the timeline and the description and if   you need help with any other subject in balers  G 3 check out my playlist linked below and at   the end of the video let's get started here on  the best dual wielding bar zerker carlac build   in balers Gate 3 moving into character creation  there's going to be some standout races here but   as always please please choose the ones that are  going to make sense for you in your playthrough   it is a single player narrative game after all  the half Ork always stands out here since we   are going to be using melee weapons uh this is  not a throwing Barb build Savage attacks here   when you land a critical hit with a melee weapon  you deal an extra dice of weapon damage and this   goes really well with the champion fighter subass  if you decided to go that route with the uh class   split and also Relentless endurance keeps the  character up after they drop to zero hit points   they regain one instead of just going down and  I I just really love it the half Ork is made   to be a barbarian um humans always great because  increased car capacity and skill proficiency which   isn't too big of a focus here but it is a nice  thing to have uh the dwarf is good with the gold   dwarf because you're going going you are going to  get additional hit points the dwar I usually like   to really shout out but I think the big thing you  have to keep in mind is when you enrage you cannot   maintain any concentration on any spells and you  cannot cast spells so in large um I don't think it   is a um it's a concentration spell I had to put  it up on the other screen it's a concentration   spell so never mind the dgar is no longer a  recommendation for me in this build it would   be good otherwise I just Ed the potion of Colossus  um all the other ones are just fine you'll you'll   be fine with them there's nothing that's really  going to give you a ton of benefit because we are   starting off as a um fighter here and you can go  with Astron Knowledge from the gith which is cool   for proficiency and all skills of a chosen ability  so since we're not going to have a ton of Charisma   you can get Proficiency in Charisma skills by  clicking this button here like oh hey now I have   persuasion bonuses because I have um proficiency  and all that skill which is is really nice right   so it basically acts like actually having put a a  skill investment into any Charisma skills which we   typically are not going to do as a barbarian one  stand out here for the tling is the zarel tling   which is the what carlac is why I like teelings  is a that they get a cool resistance to fire so   they're going to take half damage from the most PR  prevent damage type in the game which is fire and   zaral teelings are going to get access to um two  smites The Branding Smite and the Searing Smite   now of course you can't cast spells but you are  going to have access to a ton of actions and bonus   actions so it's nice that you could actually  before jumping into a rage use a branding or   a searing Smite going into rage and still be able  to do something with your action surge or whatever   it is from your fighter characteristics so you  can actually get a lot of really good use from   stearing Smite and branding Smite the other two um  tling sub rces you wouldn't be able to use their   abilities when you're in Rage so they're not going  to be as beneficial here so go with whatever makes   sense for you our starting class is actually not  going to be a barbarian though it's going to be   a fighter though for the first level and the  big thing here is that this is going to give   us a really cool bit of uh proficiencies here  strength and Constitution of course but we get   access to every single type of weapon and armor  in the game and shields if we so wish our fighting   style though is going to be to weapon fighting  because we are going with this thematic route when   you make an attack with your off-hand weapon you  can add your ability modifier to the damage of the   attack that's going to be a pretty big Boon for us  if you do just want to go with a two-handed weapon   variant of this just go great weapon fighting and  you're good to go there and for your background of   course go with whatever makes sense for you please  choose a background that that really kind of leans   into the roleplay for the character you've created  are you some sort of Outlander from some distant   tribe that is a a renowned Berserker that has come  to civilization as a mercenary are you a folk hero   who has watched their family become slaughtered  and become a Berserker in instead and and you Rove   the countryside killing people that that that  that uh break the law or whatever it is please   choose something that makes sense for you and your  character and what you're going to be playing in   bers Gate 3 gildard is always my kind of go-to for  a Min Maxi option because it gives us both insight   and persuasion to great things when it comes to  conversations in this game and in that same note   here for our skills let's go ahead and take a look  at this I think intimidation is a pretty good one   because we are going with Barbarian and Barbarian  does have a lot of really fun um dialogue options   that are often times linked to intimidation so  having a bonus here can be cool because we are   going to really sack this uh characteristic um if  you are making carlac though and she's not going   to be doing a bunch of talk you could probably  just drop that but survival and perception are   two really great skills here because this allows  you to just kind of see these things in the Game   World you won't have to worry about failing those  as much as you would otherwise um you could also   drop that and maybe get Athletics here so that  you're better at shoving just kind of think of   this character and what their role is going to  be is it my primary character that's going to   do all the Talking well I should probably have  one conversation um specialization here or is   this carlac who's not going to do any of that  or any other character that I want to make a   barbarian well then just go ahead and put those  points elsewhere so that you don't have to worry   about any of the conversation portions of the game  so when it comes to your stat distribution here's   where we are going to be going with 17 strength  14 dexterity and 16 Constitution this will allow   us to get the dexterity bonus and Constitution  bonus into our Armor class remember we are a   Barbarian so as long as we're not wearing armor  we get the plus five here but we are also going   with fighter so as long as we're not wearing  heavy armor we can still benefit from all the   things of being a barbarian minus our Barbarian  unarmored uh situation we'll talk about that in   just a little bit here but while we're going  with 17 strength even if you're going with a   um honor mode build here is yes betting on the  anti ethyl's hair is not necessarily A Surefire   thing but it is a Surefire thing to get the plus  two to strength um potion in act two and if this   is not a spoiler for anyone who's never played the  mirror of loss you can guarantee getting that pass   through by simply using the book The necromancy  of th you can push yourself through that and you   can use that knowledge and give it to the mirror  and get your bonus from it so it can be a little   funky going through that whole process because you  kind of have to navigate that and what it's going   to possibly do to your character if you fail all  of them but you can just kind of use remove curse   so it doesn't really matter right um if you're a  veteran of the good fight you know how to really   navigate that better but either way I would still  stick with 17 strength because there's a lot of   ways to get just one more strength into your  character through a lot of other means So i'   Pro I'd go with this 17 strength 14 dexterity 16  Constitution we put two points into wisdom here   so that we don't have any issues with any kind  of um Cc or crowd control effects early into   the game now I've put eight Charisma which makes  this a little bit Wilder for the main character   right it's a little bit harder to do any kind of  conversational things so if you want I mean you   can kind of take one point away here to just have  16 strength and if you're more confident that way   with 10 Charisma this allows you not to have any  penalties on any of the conversational skills like   persuasion intimidation deception what have you  so go with what you're comfortable with there's   plenty of ways to navigate this and have a lot  of fun just remember that every two points over   10 you get a bonus to the ability check right so  strength at 16 gives us a plus three going up to   17 doesn't get us anything until we get it to 18  right at got to be an even number that'll give us   of the plus four so there's a lot of ways that you  can kind of navigate this but either 16 14 16 10   10 or 17 14 16 10 is the best way to go about it  in my opinion jumping right into the progression   here at level two we're going to go with Barbarian  I think this will be probably the first time in   a build video I'll actually recommend respecing  halfway through and it's because we went one level   into fighter to get us the bonus to our armor to  not to our Armor class a bonus to our damage from   the two weapon style and we're doing that because  if you're jumping into honor mode with this we   want to have the advantage of as much damage as we  can from this character since we are kind of quote   unquote nerfing them by not taking twoand weapons  or throwing whatever it is so I'm trying to make   this uh work the best I can so our first our our  first actual level up goes right immediately into   Barbarian where we get rage now remember here with  rage you're going getting two extra damage with   melee improvised weapons and throwing of course  and your gain resistance to physical damage and   advantage on strength checks and saves but you  cannot concentrate or cast spells and I did   not mention this but the dragon born would have  been a good option for a race because they get   a resistance to a specific element in DND D they  can use their dragon breath attack while enraged   I have not tested it if you can use it in B Gate 3  so if you if you know if you've played a uh dragon   board Barbarian go ahead and let me know in the  comments below if you can use your breath attack   but that's a really cool way to do a little bit of  damage um with this kit if you're go Dragon board   and of course we get unarmored defense while not  wearing armor you add your Constitution modifier   to your armor class that is good I mean and this  is going to be super straightforward man like   we're just pressing accept a bunch of times more  or less at level two we're going to get access   to Danger sense you have advantage on Deck saving  throws against trap spells and surfaces it's okay   but the big benefit here is you can't be blinded  or incapacitated um to gain this benefit you can't   be a oh whoops I was wait as I read that out loud  I was like that's new I don't remember them not   I don't remember them getting an immunity to that  it's it was saying to gain this benefit you can't   be planted or incapacitated so ignore what I  just said I was like man stupid strong but we   get Reckless attacks so until your next turn you  have advantage on attack rolls but enemies also   have advantage against you so this is kind of a  bit of a double-edged sword right using this to   really hit a hard target can back fire and hurt  you so just make sure if you're using this you're   not right up against a bunch of enemies and it's  in honor mode and if you get slapped around it's   really going to hurt you we're just going to  keep going forward choosing Barbarian things   we're going to choose our subclass and we're going  to go Berserker wildart is a really good Barbarian   and in my opinion it's my favorite Barbarian um  because it just they're so tanky but we're going   Berserker here because we are a Berserker now  we get a special type of Rage called frenzy so   we get frenzy strike and enrage throw which is  awesome but you gain resistance physical damage   and advantage on strength checks as well and this  is just overall a little bit better of a uh rage   and that frenzied strike here is as a bonus action  make a melee weapon attack with your equipped   weapon you will cause a stack of freni strain  on the Barbarian so this is something to keep   in mind freni strike is is kind of like the big  thing here right using FY strike adds a penalty   to attack roles every time stacking so that you  miss more often this adds up until the end of your   frenzy so this is good because we get basically  we we weaponize is a bonus action but this is   me telling you now yeah you're going to get two  bonus actions that doesn't mean they both need to   be frenzy strike you don't need to do six or four  or nine or a million rounds of melee weapon attack   damage in a round think of this as you have now  once we get into thief the ability to use frenzy   strike as one bonus action then jump with another  bonus action or use a potion with a bonus action   you can do anything else with that bonus action  that allows you a little bit more turn utility   and better action economy because that's how you  actually beat honor mode so we've got that let's   press accept here and we can talk about level  four very quick which gives us nothing other   than a feat so let's talk about some fees so when  it comes specifically to this build we are going   to go with dual wielder because we were this is  the only feat we get in the build you can use two   weapon fighting even if your weapons aren't light  that's a huge Boon also you gain plus one bonus to   Armor class while wielding a weap weapon in each  hand and you cannot do a wield heavy weapons it's   just Nic here because it's going to be a free AC  to us and we can now use things that don't say   light so that allows us to dual wield long swords  we can use a mace and a long sword a mace and an   axe you can use any combination of one-handed  weapons so it's an absolute crucial pick for   this thematic crunchy build another one if you  wanted to stick with your two-handed weapon would   just simply go with great weapon Master if you  didn't care and you like hey you know what I don't   need the benefit of dual wielder Savage attacker  would probably be another route I would take and   I really wish I could squeeze it into this build  and and you can right you just sacrifice levels of   one thing or the other and I've kind of gone this  route deliberately because I wanted um uh all the   benefits of dual wielding because that's the kind  of theme of the build overall so dual wielder is   what we're going to go with ability Improvement  of course is always really good um and you can   also go with athlete here just to get a a point  into strength if you wanted to kind of get jump   distance increase and when you are prone setting  up uses significantly less movement but and we   are going dual wielder as our sole feat for this  build jumping back forward into this we're going   to now get level five with Barbarian which gives  us our extra attack and also fast movement the   nice thing about fast movement unlike maybe the  monk the Monk's movement stuff hanges upon them   not actually having any kind of um armor on for  the Barbarian it's just they cannot wear heavy   AR armor which would prevent them from raging  anyway so it's nice here you can still wear   light or medium armor with this build without  a problem and we get that extra attack now you   could have gone just five levels into Barbarian  than one into fighter but I wanted to maximize   our damage as much as we could and probably the  real gamey way to do this would be to take um as   soon as you get that that previous level Respec  entirely and just go five levels into Barbarian   so you're not spending a whole level without extra  attack it's probably the best way to approach this   but I think that you still have the fact that you  can do a bonus action attack and a primary action   attack as a Berserker I don't think you're going  to be too far behind the power curve just simply   waiting One More Level and at this point at level  sixish or so five or six you're just about kind   of clearing out act one before you jump into act  two so make sure you kind of mop up as many Quest   as you can to make sure you maximize those levels  before progressing to the harder portions of the   game and here level six with Barbarian where you  can stop if you wish and go into Rogue but we're   going to get Mindless rage and this is a big  one and why we're why six I think is the big   stopping point for them if we didn't go further  while frenzy you can't be Charmed or frightened   and calm emotions no longer ends your rage  the first two of this are really important   because you just don't want to lose control of  your character through charm or frightened the   only thing of course to deal with then is hold  person which you will probably deal with quite   a bit but having those two shut off for you is  a really great situ situation and lastly we're   going to get one more level here into Barbarian  which grants us feral Instinct it's the reason   I'm taking Barbarian to 7 because this basically  gives us a free diet version of alert alert is   a plus five bonus to initiative and you can't be  surprised this is just simply a plus three so it's   a really great just free feature added in and the  nice thing too is since we've taken an extra level   of Barbarian we've scaled with the Barbarian hit  points per level so this gives us actually more   hit points had we than had we gone a different  route and at this point we're going to accept and   now we're going to Branch out so we can Branch out  here back into fighter and just get action surge   online that's probably the easiest way to just  kind of do things the other route here though is   jumping into Rogue and getting access to some fun  things through this concoction the nice thing to   too is this does give us sneak attack and we can  use sneak attack as long as we have advantage on   the Target and we're within 5T of a bro so if as  long you don't have disadvantage you can still do   this so it can actually be a pretty fun way to  add a little spicy damage into this build but   it's not really the primary focus here I'm just  going to go ahead and take Rogue now so we can   push through and get these bonus actions online  to have a little bit more fun with us also too we   do get the the ability to have [ __ ] action Dash  so remember we have all these bonus actions right   so if we're s super far away from someone we can  use [ __ ] action Dash Sprint up to them and then   then still have an additional bonus action for  our enraged strike and that action our primary   action can still do all the damage it needs to  it's a really great way to do things here we go   go ahead and take that Thief subass going to give  us that additional fast hands bonus action uh we   also get this you know you've mastered the art  of falling and game resistance to Falling damage   but that's not what we're going to choose so  you simply just accept that and our last level   here goes into fighter and this gives us action  search now of course like I said you can simply   take six levels into Barbarian and jump two more  levels into fighter in which case you would take   champion champion gets the passive ability to make  it so you don't critical hit on a 20 anymore you   critical hit on a 19 and a 20 with your um weapon  attacks so if you want to take that route you   definitely can you just miss out on the Barbarian  um you basically miss out on two hit points and   you miss out on the uh Barbarian feral instinct  which is that plus three to initiative and can't   be surprised so this is our character let's jump  into some gear and what this all looks like put   together so putting this all together let me talk  very quickly about sneak attack and in Reckless   attack and how all this kind of click in because  sneak attack says you have to be deal damage to a   foe you have advantage against right and I brought  this up very quickly when we're going through the   progression but I do want to focus on this little  bit and it's perfectly this is highlighted must   be wielding a finesse weapon in main hand not  offhand so if you want to use sneak attack build   it into the character just remember you have to  have a finesse weapon and finesse doesn't mean   you have to have deck it means it can use decks  rather than strength so this whole build can be   built around dexterity if you want it's entirely  a viable option I just want you to know though you   can use sneak attack and it can get the advantage  from Reckless attack to then trigger um but just   know that sneak attack will only happen once a  turn and again it needs to have a finesse weapon   equipped but outside of that we have our Reckless  attack we have our frenzy that we can turn on just   kind of go fist to cuffs with things um we have  our frenzy strike that is a bonus action and we   have our second wind which is a bonus action so  remember like I said that's just another thing   we can do with our bonus actions uh and we have  action search which is just going to straight   straight up grant us another uh action and the  nice thing is it recovers on a short rest that's   one of the best things about this ability let's  just click this bonus action button just give   you an idea of what we can do here uh we have the  ability just to jump we can do our shoving here   and there's I think there's a specific ring that  gives you an AC when you shove something which   is pretty fun you can pommel strike something  depends on what weapon you have equipped right   in this case we have got a two-handed weapon which  we won't have in just a little bit but you have   these dashes you can do because of our cunning  actions there's all the potions we can use if   you have special boots like the ones I'm wearing  you can use brutal leap so there's a lot of fun   stuff that you can do with bonus actions and this  gives us so much viability to to just kind of do   a lot in one turn and not feel so relegated to  smash things face in only do damage only do melee   whatever it is you can have a lot of fun through  a lot of different items now let's go into some   items so when it comes to items let me first talk  about the items I unfortunately don't have on my   character and the first one is the defender flail  now this is a really good one you're going to get   access to this in the crash in the mountain pass  reduce incoming bludgeoning piercing and slashing   damage by one Armor class plus one and it has  tenacity the cool thing about the steel physiology   is that it is going to work here outside or um in  addition to the already um defensive benefits of   enrage so this adds on top of it this is a really  good early defensive one that you can use uh you   do have to have the wielder feet to use this in an  off hand right but you can have you can have this   in your primary and it's a real great weapon  to start the game out and gives you a lot of   really good defensive characteristics and in the  same location you can get the knife of the under   Mountain King the wielder scores a critical hit  when rolling a 19 uh this is an old version of it   but basically it's saying that it just reduces  it by one um when they roll two damage or less   roll the dice taking the highest result and then  Shadow Blade you have advantage on attack rolls   against lightly or heavily obscure targets when  using this blade and it's a plus two so you get   this really early in the game you can use it in  your off hand and you can stay there almost the   entirety of the game jumping into act three  though or I'm sorry finishing off act one we   have the blood of Le of Leander it's going to be a  really good mace it's also going to bring you into   act two and it's really going to be awesome in act  two um it's also going to keep you up right once   per long rest when you would when your hit points  are reduced to zero you instead regain 2 to 12 hit   points allies within 9 meters also regain 1 to six  so a nice little free heal you get leander's light   that illuminates things within six meters and in  combat fiends and Undead standing in the light are   blinded unless they succeed to Constitution saving  throw I said that so fast unless they succeed a   constitution saving throw which is going to be a  huge part of act two and into beginning portions   of act three weapon enchantment plus three which  is awesome and you get a free cast of Sunbeam once   a day it's a really really good weapon that's  going to carry you through act two now into act   three we have two big items that I again don't  have one being bloodthirst which you're going to   get from Orin the number you need to roll a crit  hit is reduced by one again and Main hand only   exploit weakness creatures hit with this weapon  receive vulnerability to piercing damage so you   can instead put this in your off hand which gives  you true strike repost when a creature misses you   with a melee attack you may retaliate and gain  true true strike what's cool about this is is   that true strike is a primary action I think it's  actually an action and a bonus action but either   way it's an ction spell so it it it's not always  fun to cast the nice thing is if you put it in   your off hand you just have this thing AutoCast  for you as a uh reaction that's pretty sweet   that's a great way to uh get that online for you  and you get of course that improved critical which   is great and the last weapon you're going to get  from cdor uh cdor is the uh rap CID now this is a   dagger again gain a plus one bonus to attack rolls  damage and spell save DC for every foe you slay   up to a Max of plus three so getting this to free  plus three bonus to my Attack rules and my damage   is sick and Sweet Blood letting possibly inflict  bleeding when hitting a creature with this weapon   while hiding or invisible we're not going to be  doing the ladder uh so that's not as awesome but   having that free damage bonus is really really  cool so we can use this in our off hand with   something else in our primary now on that note  though let me go through the items I do have   and that list is long so let's go through this uh  we'll start with our weapons of course first and   we'll go through those and there's a lot to really  choose from with this character pretty much as   you're leveling up choose any single-handed weapon  that you really like and go with it until you get   the dual wielder feet you will be relegated to  using light weapons um but you can eventually   get into versatile long swords like the sword  of the emperor here in act three this weapon   deals an additional 1 D4 against shape-shifted or  polymorphed creatures which you will deal with in   that act but the wheeler has a plus two bonus to  saving throws against spells giving you a little   bit more defensive characteristics um blade of  oppressed Souls is something you're going to   get at the end of act two in the basement of the  moonrise Towers but it just gives you free psychic   damage so it's a cool source of psychic damage and  it has this ability here crowning strike unleash   the whale of the Dead that fell to your blade and  impossibly instill crown of Madness in the Target   it does thunder and additional psychic damage um  equal to your proficiency bonus so it just gets   your free proficiency bonus of psychic damage  into the target so it's a nice way to kind of   drop a big bomb of an attack and it replenishes  on a short rest so you can use this in conjunction   with your action surge to then replenish both on  a short rest which is really really cool most of   the abilities that items have attached to them are  on short rest most of them now in addition to that   too we have F lve which you'll just get in Act One  the very beginning of the game in um your in in   the underd dark it's a long sword it's finesse  it's versatile it's really really good and it   gives you this really good Melody uh which either  can sing to buff things or shriek to debuff things   and also have them takes Thunder damage I believe  it is yeah one to four Thunder damage um extra in   damage when they get hit it's a really awesome  weapon you'll probably use the majority of your   game into act 32 we also have the hand maiden's  mace which is just going to set your strength to   18 so if you did take more of a dexterity based  character you can get this weapon and it just   gives you a free uh 18 strength on top of whatever  your decks is at so this is a really cool way to   kind of spice into both directions if you want  another cool weapon here The Twist of Fortune   I I really like any kind of Mace in this game  because usually it has tenacity attached to it   um well the Morning Star does The non- Versatile  ones do as well like we took a look at the flail   right the flail has it or there's the other flail  that adds Elemental damage which I actually don't   have on me but that you'll find that in act three  as well you just choose an element and it does   that element's uh um damage but tenacity is nice  because when you miss an attack you deal a set   amount of damage anyway and I think it's two plus  your proficiency bonus I'm not sure but um in this   case it just says six but just read whatever the  tool tip says when you roll two or less with the   weapon damage die roll it and take the new result  so this just gives you a lot of really consistent   damage and you have blood money here strike out  gridly dealing an additional four piercing damage   per 300 gold that the target possesses the  gold will be consumed so just so just uh be   careful when it comes to that you don't want to  use that really you get this in act two from uh   the tollkeeper also act to is krick's Warhammer  which is just a nice Warhammer that just gives   you 1 D4 psychic damage just a cool one to have  uh the sort of Life stealing you're going to get   in the beginning of act two you get this from the  quartermaster on a critical hit the target takes   an extra 10 necrotic damage as long as it isn't  a construct or un undead you gain you also gain   10 temp hit points it's a really good sword that  will last you throughout that whole act when you   before you jump into items that'll give you a lot  of other really good temp hit points and also just   one that's really good that you get from the glob  Goblin the globlin the goblin Camp is the faith   breaker it's a simple plus one Warhammer but  what I really like about it is just the massive   damage you get from absolute power because it does  thunder damage and force damage two of the least   resisted damage types in the game and it pushes  targets back really really like this it's one of   my favorite early weapons to get and you can just  simply use this in your main hand with a dagger or   a shortsword in your off hand and be pretty good  up until the point that you get um maybe the the   dagger of the under Mountain King or whatever it  is it's just a really good high damage weapon that   you can get very early in your in your playthrough  but also we have two other really good ones I like   the near Luna this is the throwing spear that  people typically use but you can also just simply   use this in one hand because it is a versatile  Trident um another weapon too that I didn't even   think to Showcase is the uh saluna Spear of Knight  here uh you gain advantage on wisdom saving throws   and perception checks which is what whatever but  gives you a cast of moon beam which is nice but   you can't use that while in Rage keep that in mind  and it does give you Moon Mo which is not as crazy   but it does a quite a bit of good bit of damage  here there's the evil version of this that I've I   I don't know how good it is if it is any good but  that does exist this weapon though back to this   this weapon will return to your hand when thrown  which is cool but when thrown the weapon creates   an explosion that deals 3 to 12 Thunder damage so  in a pinch you can actually use your enraged throw   here to just have this do Thunder damage and a 20  foot blast um for you that's always really nice um   and that will also knock things prone because it's  an enraged throw uh dealing additional damage and   knocking a prone oh where's this okay you also  gain a 10-ft bonus to movement speed and jump   distance equipping this weapon gives you immunity  to Falling damage this object shines with light   it's a plus three it gives you two other really  awesome capabilities in Zephyr flash which is a   thunder charge basically creating an air Vortex  that blasts foes and possibly inflicts bleeding   for three turns and Zephyr break which you just  shoot a big old gust of wind and possibly knock   them off balance both replenishable on a short  rest just to kind of show you you press this   button and I would do damage in that line or I  press this button and it's this big old line of   uh Zephyr break so there's a lot of really fun  that a lot of fun you can have with just simply   that weapon another really good one is one from  balers gate 2 is balm it's great because it is a   really cool just simple damage weapon plus two  it has a whirlwind worldwind attack built into   it making separate Attack rules for each time it  hits which is really cool and you get perfectly   balanced strike so you can actually use this bonus  action rather than your typical bonus action and   what I mean by that is let me show you so here's  my typical bonus action attack with bellm 9 to 14   you have to click this little button right here  to have your character use when you go to attack   it'll use both their primary weapon and their  bonus weapon if this button is set like that if   it's just set with just one sword then they're  only going to use their primary attack and I   recommend you always set the character up to just  simply use mainhand attacks and you choose how   the offhand attack Works no matter what weapon  you have equipped but especially with this one   because like I said here's the offhand attack  of bellm natively 9 to 14 but bm's special is   this one perfectly balanced so you can see this  is 11 to 21 versus 9 to 14 so definitely go with   this because it's just going to get so much more  additional benefits here it does a lot more damage   and you can use this per turn it's not on any kind  of short rest or anything like that so you can get   a lot of really cool benefit you could even use  this and then this if you want it's entirely up   to you or use enrage or use freni strike and then  use perfectly balanced strike whatever you want   to do however you want to do it you've got plenty  of ways to to break that up it really fits well   into this build now outside of that when it comes  to gear really you have a really set path of non   armor Barbarian gear throughout the game just use  it you'll you'll see it it says hey it's got zero   AR it does not count as a medium or a light armor  just go ahead and use that I'm going to show you   some standout ones but stuff like the mighty cloth  that you'll get in act two is really good you gain   bull strength which is awesome here bull strength  is going to give you advantage on strength checks   and your carry capacity is doubled and increases  your strength score by two to a Max of 20 so why   this is important is that if you get something  that brings your your strength up from 17 this   brings it to 20 but if your character already has  like say 19 strength or even 20 strength this will   not give them any benefit so just keep that in  mind it's really good early falls off in the later   game unwavering bull you cannot be pushed against  your will and you have advantage on saving throws   against being restrained and you get a free charge  built into this through through a class action   lawsuit which is really nice you just simply bull  rush things only available when you're raging   though and another really good one is Adam Mantine  scale Ma you don't need to wear no armor you can   wear armor with this build there's no problem with  it in fact a lot of times you can actually outpace   the benefit of the armor class from your dexterity  and your Constitution just simply play the way you   want choose the item pieces that are going to fit  into the character the way you want to do them and   I wanted to give you some armor and non- armor  ways of go approaching this character so that   you can really kind of do what makes sense for  you the best one is going to be eventually bone   Spike gar because this just gives you free 15 hit  points whenever you enrage reduces all- incoming   damage by two and when something hits you the  attacker is going to take six piercing damage   so it's just free damage you get free hit points  and it reduces damage it's a really great ability   here um really good armor piece I mean um when  it comes to gloves you have a ton of options uh   you can stick with low strength and use elixir of  cloud strength or giant or Cloud giant strength or   Hill giant strength you can go that whole route I  I just didn't I don't like really talking about it   because I think that it can be very overwhelming  for new people coming to the game and if you are   also playing honor mode and you don't want to  go through the gamey portion of creating herb   lists and all this other thing I just wanted it  to kind of be something a little bit more on the   rails so you can go those routes that does open  up your glove slot a little bit more but here's   some ones that kind of Stand Out initially you're  going to get the bracers of Defense in act two I   believe you gain plus two bonus TI Armor class  as long as you are not wearing arm or holding a   shield so that would put our AC right now up to 23  which is pretty sweet um Legacy of the Masters is   medium armor gain plus two bonus to attack and  damage wol with weapons always nice if you're   taking the armor route a another set of medium  armor is the gauntlets of surging accuracy when   you use action surge gain one D4 bonus to attack  rolles for the rest of your turn so the way you   would use these is if you had these equipped you'd  use action surge at the beginning of your turn and   then you have one D4 bonus to all of your attack  s the rest of your turn in act two if you turn in   enough of the infernal iron you'll get the flawed  hell dust gloves which are not armor armor pieces   which is nice right this does not count as armor  your weapon attacks deal an additional one to four   fire damage that's great the unarmed portion  of it doesn't matter um but we just want the   one to four fire just free passive fire damage  but like I said you can pretty much stick with   these the entire game if you want you can get  the bone Spike gloves in the uh sewers which   I don't have on my character yet really just  use whatever you want um you're just going to   come across so much stuff with this build that  you can just use whatever you're you're you're   comfortable with um ultimately you could land on  the gauntlets of Hill giant strength because you   just set your strength to 23 if you want to take  that route remember we don't have a ton of Feats   to pull from and this is a really easy way to go  about it I just will say that getting this does   require you to do the House of Hope in an honor  mode that can be pretty scary so keep that in   mind when it comes to helmets we have the horns  of the Berserker gain plus two bonus to attack   roles when attacking creatures that have already  taken damage and unarmed and melee attacks will   deal an extra two necrotic damage as long as  you don't have your full health if you don't   have any if you didn't do any damage this turn  you take one to four necrotic I mean there is   neither here nor there you can pretty much use  whatever head pieces you want if you want to go   armor route use armor head pieces but you're not  going to find a ton of really good ones until the   later acts of the game anyway also in the uh  you don't have to go to House of Hope for this   but you have to kind of start your way into it  is the mask of Soul perception this just gives   you a plus two bonus to attack roles initiative  roles and perception checks the four the first   two on this list being better than the latter so  this is a nice way to just kind of increase your   attack and initiative roles you can also if you  do that the House of Hope get the hell DUS helmet   you can see in magical and ordinary Darkness so  you can't be blinded which is really awesome and   the wielder has a plus two bonus to saving throws  against spells and you can't be crit hit the class   action of emulating gaze will work when you are  enraged class action are not spells so keep that   in mind so you can do this this while you're  in Rage which is pretty fun um we outside of   that too we have a back piece flesh melters cloak  whenever you take damage you deal one to four acid   or just simply cloak of protection Armor class  plus one saving throw plus one those are probably   your two better bets um and you get them both  very early in the game so you can go you can be   pretty happy with both of those uh as far as your  boots go just go with any kind of Mobility boots   uh really good early ones are dis disintegrating  nightstalkers night Walkers uh you won't be able   to use the Misty step if you're en raged but the  C web be in webbed and Tangled and snared is very   nice because you also can't slip on Grease or ice  but eventually too you can get line breaker boots   I almost said linebacker line breaker boots  once per turn when you dash which you'll be   able to Dash as a bonus action right you gain  wrath for two turns and wrath increases damage   with melee weapons by one for each turn remaining  so you can cast this you get a plus two bonus to   your damage which is really cool so anything that  causes wrath can be useful in this build um for a   little bit longer than than other builds I'd say  but I'd say the probably the best ones to fall   on are the bone Spike boots you have a plus one  bonus to Armor class and saving throw as long as   you're not wearing armor or holding a shield so if  you take the no armor route this is the best way   refined vaulting jump distance increased by five  and you get brutal leap which is cool because it   knocks things prone so you leap into them knock  them prone then do your primary sources of damage   and since we have extra bonus actions we don't  need to worry about this exhausting anything uh   for our necklace the the go-to is the Amulet of  Greater Health uh before that you get the Parry   Optive wound closure in um what the hell is it  called in the mountain pass which would make   it so that anytime you get healed you get the max  amount of healing from any source which is really   cool but this is probably the best one uh don't  I have something else in here yeah there's this   one too face semblance amulet you have advantage  on intelligent intelligence wisdom and Charisma   saving throws which you natively are terrible at  this helps you to kind of uh maintain control of   your character a little bit longer but you get  this in act three unfortunately uh as far as our   other jewelry goes though you've got the spurred  band during combat when the wearer starts to turn   with 50% hit points or less they gain momentum so  gives them a little bit more movement but simply   stuff like the Ring of free action is really good  you ignore the effects of difficult terrain and   cannot be paralyzed or restrained I love that  or The Crushers ring you just simply move an   extra 10 feet a really strong ring right there  or you can go with the killer sweetheart which   guarantees critical hits or even to the Ring  of regeneration for some extra healing whatever   kind of makes sense for the character you have in  mind and the setup you're going with and lastly   the last little thing to talk about here I think  right as I look across the board is the Drake fire   shortbow which you'll get in act two from Damon  if you did not kill him at the emerald Grove and   this just gives you resistance to Fire and cold  if you're putting this on carlac she already has   resistance to fire but this nice to just give you  give you access to resistance to cold and it gives   you a free cast of haste that you would um that  you will break I forgot that that this is going   to be a concentration ability so you will gain  haste for 10 turns armor class become faster but   it's concentration so when you jump into enrage  you will end this ability so keep that in mind   this will Target yourself or an ally though so  you can cast this on someone else just do it all   before you go into a rage so let's put this all  together and show what it looks like in combat   all right now jumping into combat let's have some  fun look it's pretty spicy with this just to kind   of show you what we've done we've ahead and  taken one of those uh Soul coins just to make   this look really damn cool right her weapons and  arm attacks deal additional 1 to four damage when   she is Raging or when she is uh when her hit  points drop below 25% and I have an elixir of   blood lust I've also taken a potion of speed so  those things are active right now and it's going   to kind of uh change the overall presentation  of what this character can do in a fight but I   also want to kind of show some ma Min Maxi kind  of stuff so let's have some fun let's friend first and we are now in our special mode and  as you can see we can still do stuff like our   Zephyr flash or our Zephyr break from our weapon  so I can just open up with just knocking these   things all around as part of just one of our  simple actions and since we've already done one   of our bonus actions here we can go ahead and do  freny strike or we can go ahead and do perfectly   balanced strike and not worry about uh taking our  friend strike stuff into consideration so let's go   over here and let's just do like one actual melee  attack right you know we'll even use Reckless   attack this is only going to use our primary so I  just went ahead ended 1341 we can do it again and   we can do a bonus attack there we go or we can go  ahead and use zepper Flash and come over here and   launch all them and we killed someone so now now  we have a whole extra action that we and this is   not honor mode honor mode typically wouldn't give  you a bunch of uh extra stuff attached with this   um ability but it's we're we're uh we're going  to have fun with it regardless to show off some   stuff and hey you know what action Surge and she's  got one hit point let's just let's just finish her   off and then come over here so in total what we  were able to do here was 1563 so what 24 damage   a little bit less than that maybe actually just  about a little bit more pretty much about every   swing around 24 damage right and that's one 2  three 4 this is our zeper flash so let's consider   that five six for our perfectly balanced um uh  bonus attack seven eight we did total of eight   hits in this whole entire turn now you're not  going to always have blood lust up and you're   not always going to have action surge up so you  can maybe reduce four of those right so that's   four you've got a lot of damage you can actually  dish out and we deliber I deliberately kind of   set this up so we were just kind of spacing these  attacks out I could have just been focusing one   on a single Target and doing a ton of things and  I don't have all the really cool items that you   maybe can jump into with the uh rap CID or the  bloodthirst and really ramp up your crit strike   damage so that you're critting way more often  you've just got all these really fun really cool   crunchy ways to do a ton of damage and on top of  that too here I'm going to go ahead and end turn   and end turn this character is in the middle of  a lot of stuff so maybe they'll take damage maybe   they won't okay they won't um no I'm just going to  let them take it four damage there she has 152 hit   points so she is innately very tanky because of  that and there's tons of ways that you can really   manipulate this right like I didn't go with the uh  the elixir of cloud giant strength which I could   have gone right there and I would have been doing  even more damage with all my stuff so you can   see that this build in and of itself has a lot of  really cool and fun ways to do damage and it has a   lot of fun ways to use their actions that are not  strictly damag related and let me show you that   once we get it back around to my character's turn  and that we can actually simply go hey you know   what we're in kind of a pretty spicy spot over  here why don't we use one of our cool jump actions   or whatever it is to maneuver around or there's  someone who's really far away from us how do we   close that distance as fast as we can let's take  a look at that here we'll wait till this piercing   shot goes off I just want all this stuff to kind  of go off for whatever reason don't a thank God   don't ruin my video dude so you know what this  guy's all the way over here we could go ahead   and jump or we could use our brutal leap yeah it's  going to provoke some opportunity attacks that's fine they unfortunately saved against that  but then we could do a frenzy strike on this   character and boom we've hit them there we  can then do even more of these and hit them   there and do it again and they're dead and we  have more to do my character's like Locked In   Like A that weird animation bug lock where it  takes a second for things to click in there we go ah of course it's a Miss ruin the whole video  restarting it and we still have more actions here   so we'll go ahead and use piercing strike cuz  why not just to show off more stuff that we can   do we'll do it again so we're just really ramping  all the fun stuff that we can do on the character   and spreading it around your Berserker your  jumping from place to place you're doing all   this attacks and all this damage you get to have  a lot of fun with it so hopefully this gives you   a really cool way to use a dual wielding character  in your next playthrough or maybe you didn't want   to stick with the typical throwing Barbarian you  don't even need a dual wield you can just simply   jump into great weapon Mastery or two weapon  fighting and take that route to give plenty of   advantages there's a lot of different ways you  can approach this so go ahead and let me know   in the comment section below if there's different  ways you do this or maybe you said hey you know   what you showcase this item but I think this  item would be a way better thing to use in that   case whatever it is go ahead and let it be known  below I'm always down for as much information to   be disseminated out as possible but guys thank  you so much for watching here today I do have   a build in mind for a kind of Honor mode death  knight I have a death knight right now but it   relies on the five levels of packed Blade with  warlock which does not work in honor mode so if   you want to see that go ahead and let me know in  the comment section below I have another video in   mind where I just kind of walk you through how  to maximize your actions and bonus actions in   combat um so again just let me know if you want  to see any of those types of videos we probably   have about one or two more weeks of balers gate  content left until all the new games come out and   people want to play those and don't want to play  balers gate anymore so trying to get in as much   stuff as I can in the meantime but as always thank  you so much for watching have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 68,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE BERSERKER (Kharlach) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, barbarian build, baldurs gate 3 barbarian, bg3 barbarian build, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 barbarian build, baldurs gate 3 karlach build, baldurs gate 3 karlach guide, baldurs gate barbarian build, baldurs gate best barbarian build, baldurs gate 3 tips, barbarian build baldurs gate 3, bg3 berserker build, bg3 dual wield berserker, bg3 dual wield barbarian, bg3 two weapon fighting build
Id: 9niB4F7sPa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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