Magic Missile Build Breakdown. The True Power of MMM! | Baldur's Gate 3

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all right in this video we're going to be doing a build breakdown on my previous challenge run where I beat the game with only the spell magic Missile tactician difficulty and solo I think that these couple things made me approach this build a little different than most people who make a magic Missile build because I had to take on everything myself this challenge was a ton of fun and I just figured a lot of people would want to see maybe the gear I was using and what I ended up with and what I felt really helped me the most when it came to those really difficult encounters one thing that I think makes this build really special is that you get 95% of the gear you need to make this build function within act one and two meaning by the time you hit act three you're going to be pretty much at Pinnacle build doing a ton of damage and it's honestly a ton of fun so without any more delay let's get into this now to start things off we're going to be going through what classes I ended up choosing and how I went about it at the very end this character was a level 11 Wizard and a level one cleric but I started off as a sorcerer Sorcerers do a lot of their damage modifiers through Charisma to me any build that scales their damage with Charisma is really good and versatile for the beginning of the game and just being able to make a lot of money trade for what you need to I would highly recommend going sorcerer to start honestly if I didn't need the little extra damage that comes from Wizard later on I would have stayed sorcerer just because I do love the theming of it too and I thought that a lot of the voice lines I got were really funny and entertaining but at the end of the day a level 10 wizard gains a bonus that is just too good to pass up for me however let's start off a sorcerer and show you guys the stat spread that I went with starting off my run this is the stat spread I ended up with a quick reminder for this build strength will be used mostly for jumping distances and for the amount of stuff I can carry but considering you can just right click Send to Camp it's not that big a deal if you get over encumbered dexterity determines your turn order and where you are placed in it and so getting a decent amount of dexterity is never a bad idea I wanted a high Constitution because obviously I was solo however if you're playing with a group of people or just with a full party you probably don't need High Constitution like I went with now I went really low intelligence because I intended on getting a crown that gave me 17 intelligence for wearing so if I ever needed to make checks I had that covered and wisdom I left at 10 because this game has a lot of situations that call for wisdom checks honestly I probably would take one out of there and put two in here and buff my wisdom now knowing how many situations I ran into where I almost died because I got either stunned or something because of a wisdom check and then of course we max out Charisma as far as we can go now skills and proficiencies obviously we're going sorcerer so we can talk and deceive or whatever so if you want to intimidate more than you want to deceive just make that decision for yourself and then Arcana checks are a little more often than religion checks so I would recommend leaving that there for subass I would recommend storm sorcery being able to fly and move around combat is way too good the amount of times I use this to get out of a really bad situation and put myself in an advantageous location was so helpful it also kind of is like a free Dash so you might as well use it when you can also storm sorcerer comes with a lot of cool spells obviously that I couldn't use but if you took off the limiter of spell limitations obviously storm sorcerer comes with some cool stuff spells obviously we're sticking with magic Missile and for your second spell I highly recommend shield now if you're not going to be solo using magic Missile maybe something like Thunder Wave tossing people off of cliffs whatever you want now for cantrips this is a weird one but I would recommend grabbing light and just holding on to it you don't need it right now but later on you're definitely going to want it Mage hand there's a lot of situations where Mage hand is helpful especially if you're solo activating levers while you're still fighting everything else is up to your discretion if you're going to be doing damaging can trips go for something like bone chill gives the enemy disadvantage Firebolt is really good for taking out structures and such again anything you want here now a majority of the levels that we get the only things that we're going to really be taking note of is the Feats that I take and at level three I would highly recommend getting the metamagic Quicken spell this is probably the only one that I ended up using through a majority of my run the rest of them are all up to your decision subtle spell I think could have been good if ID grabbed it but not that big a deal again everything is your decision and when hitting level four we gain access to our first feat which is really important for these builds for this feat I would highly recommend starting with dual wielder this seems kind of out of place in a magic build but the main reason is we are using two weapons and we want to be holding both of them at the same time so we get the Buffs from both of them also dual wheeler gives an additional Armor class which is pretty good especially cuz eventually we're wearing heavy armor which puts our Armor class up to 22 which is quite good now level five is where I recommend you start your one multiclass of cleric adding one multiclass of cleric and making sure to choose the right subass will give you access to Heavy Armor me I went for tempest I figured it fit the mighty missile man and what I was going for and the storm sorcery sort of combo with it I went for tals because I figured it fit the craziness of our build and then I would recommend grabbing Sanctuary being able to make yourself basically untargetable for a turn can be really helpful in a bad situation from here on out though we're going to be going back to sorcerer all the way until we reach our next feat all the choices up to this point are completely up to your discretion I highly recommend making sure to grab counter spell that will is just too good to pass up in so many situations now at level eight sorcerer level 9 player we're going to gain access to our second feat here is where I would recommend going for warcaster there is a bow that we're going to be grabbing in act two that lets us cast haste from it and so holding on to concentration and having advantage on those checks is way too helpful for this build also if you are using damaging spells like wall of fire you want to be able to keep wall of fire up so warcaster is a must in in my opinion now we're going to continue with sorcerer and choosing the Spells and things that we want all the way until we hit Level 11 and that is where I changed from sorcerer in cleric to Wizard and cleric now if you don't want to change classes I think it's completely okay to stay with sorcerer honestly I was kind of tempted to because I love having high Charisma being able to talk with people and I love getting better trade results but at the end of the day it was about damage for me and I needed to beat this game with this guy so I switched to wizard here you're pretty much going to be sticking with the exact same spells you have before I of course went with a lot of utility spells and then just magic Missile I wanted things like enhance leap and feather fall cuz it's just fun to jump around do crazy stuff Shield is very important for my stat spread this is where I ended up leaving it I ended up having plus one intelligence from ATI ethyl's hair and I ended up having two extra strength from drinking the potion of strength now at level two it is very important to go evocation because the buff that we get comes at level 10 only in the evocation subass everything else from here on is up to your decision choosing whatever spells you want whatever things you think will be fun again making sure at level four to get the dual wielder feet and then at some point along the level up Journey making sure to put that one level into cleric for heavy armor purposes and of course again at your next feat making sure to get War caster for that advantage on saving throws now at the end of it here is the stat spread that I ended up with with that Elixir that gave me the two extra strength and the one that came from ATI ethyl's Boon and here's the detailed view in case you wanted to see any of these stats now let's start going through probably one of the most important parts of this build which is the gear starting with our weapons here the most important in my opinion and one of the earliest to get is the spell sparkler this staff States when the wielder deals damage with a spell or cantrip they gain two lightning charges lightning charges State lightning courses through you you have plus one to attack rolls and deal an additional one lightning damage if you gain five charges they are consumed the next time you deal damage and deal an additional 1d8 damage and of course every magic Missile we're casting a minimum of three missiles which means we're getting six charges causing that 1 da lightning damage almost every time we cast the spell next is the sword filar Lou I don't know how to say that the main reason we're using this sword is for its special ability to shriek when shrieking all enemies within 6 M range take 1 D4 penalty to Charisma wisdom and intelligence saving throws and affected creatures receive an additional 1 D4 Thunder damage so every magic Missile is adding an additional 1 D4 Thunder damage this sword is very important to this build now starting with our ranged weapons we have this crossbow near misser it basically just gives us a level three cast of magic Missile built into the crossbow that's the only reason we're using it more magic Missile the next one I want to bring up is the dark fire shortbow dark fire short bow basically allows us to just cast haste now the one thing about this Hast taste is yes it lasts 10 turns but when the condition ends we become lethargic which can be pretty detrimental in the right situations but having haste is just so worth it that I would highly recommend grabbing this short bow and lastly one of the final pieces of gear that I actually picked up for this build is this bow that gives Celestial haste which is five turns of haste but it does not cause you to go lethargic very helpful honestly most of my Buffs only lasted five turns anyway so five turns of haste was on honestly plenty for me now let's go over the armor I went for the Helm of baluran honestly I didn't even fight the dragon I just walked right past him and grabbed the helmet because it's so good it heals you every turn gives you an additional Armor class makes it so you can't be stunned and then people can't land crit hits on you super good helmet next I wait for the cloak of displacement at the beginning of the wear's turn the cloak activates granting enemies disadvantage on attack rolls that Target the wearer this effect lasts until the wearer takes damage honestly this cloak was amazing with our 22 Armor class we almost never got hit because they always had disadvantage on us it was crazy I would stand in the middle of a group of people and almost never get touched I didn't show a lot of that combat in the video because the video was getting so long and I just really wanted to condense it make it easier to watch but I'm telling you near the end of this I never got touched it was crazy next talking about this armor obviously reducing all incoming damage by two and gaining resistance and blade Ward just permanently is so good if you do get hit this chest piece is a definite win next one of the most important pieces of gear for this build is the gloves of belligerent Skies when the wearer deals thunder lightning or radiant damage inflict two turns of reverberation now reverberation affected entity has negative one to strength dexterity in Constitution saving throws but the more important part when the entity has five or more turns of reverberation takes 1 D4 Thunder damage and Falls prone we we'll talk about these gloves in Just Another Second here but but just take note these are very important next are these boots when the wear inflicts a condition upon a hostile creature also inflict two turns of reverberation and this sword is applying a condition when we simply walk within a certain radius of them more reverberation Stacks more damage more chance for people to get knocked prone it's just all good things with our necklace this is by far the most important necklace to this entire build to me which is the ability to shoot an additional magical Dart every time you cast magic missiles so your level one magic Missile that shot only three magic missiles now shoots four magic missiles it almost turns all of your level ones into level twos level twos into level 3es it basically just makes things bigger and better very good necklace to get and honestly super easy to get really early on going through the remainder of the necklaces I have this one I have just for Missy step but honestly if you learn the spell you don't need this I use this whenever I just needed to get places I was just had it on me but the other two that are really important is for spell restoration these can be used after every partial rest and long rest and trust me I abused the partial rest mechanic like crazy and these necklaces helped me recharge so many spell slots they saved me so much time definitely look these up and where to get them they're very helpful for any spell casting build allowing you to cast a lot more spells and do a ton more damage just for simply having them now let's go through rings I would say one of the more important Rings is ring of absolute Force if the wear Bears the brand of the absolute they deal an ADD additional one Thunder damage with thunder spells and attacks and because our sword is applying a 1 D4 Thunder damage with every attack basically it's turning it into a 1 D4 + one because of this one additional Thunder damage next ring and I would say honestly the most important the Calis glow ring the where it deals an additional two points of damage against an illuminated creature so in order to cause this to trigger every time for me because I'm already in melee range with the sword I just make sure to use the glow spell on my weapon so I'm glowing and I cause all the radiant damage to trigger the crazy thing about this ring is it says whenever you deal damage against an illuminated creature but it seemed to trigger multiple times it seemed to trigger off of the sword damage off of the spell sparkler damage it almost doubled my damage output purely for having this ring very very important to have this ring now all the other gear I have was utility based gear for slide of hand if I wanted extra Armor class invisibility blur but then also these gloves that boosted my dexterity and slide of hand checks basically allowing me to perform all Feats I needed to do lockpicking and such now talking on elith head Powers I would say there's two that I want to highly recommend which is cold the weak very important one to grab if you can as early as possible and the other one which obviously you don't get till about act three is free cast allowing you to basically cast spells for free is beyond broken so uh these two are highly recommended everything else I would say is up to your discretion I liked having things like force tunnel and black hole just for fun also charm also is a status that you can affect people with that affects the boots that you're wearing causing more reverberation Stacks so charm isn't a bad choice either now lastly I figured I'd show you guys all my status effects in case you're curious about things like how I'm gaining the 20 additional hit points I have seen visibility from volo's eye there's a ton of stuff that I have just because of all the choices that I made throughout the game now I figured i' show you guys a little bit of combat with this build and show you what I go through to make it function the absolute best it can I always start off by lighting up my weapon which again is triggering my ring allowing me to do radiant damage then I will equip one of my haste bows cast haste on myself replace it back with my magic Missile bow and then cast The Sword shriek enter turn base and now we have all of our Buffs active we have four turns of haste I probably we could have done that a little faster to keep all five and we have five turns of the singing sword and now we're ready to get into a fight here with haste our movement speed is obviously really crazy so we can just move extremely far and get into a lot of fights here and of course moving within range cause reverberation because of our status effect and now we can cast something like probably just a level one here and of course I kind of expected that but that's normal and that's why we have haste and there you have it that was a level one magic Missile that did over 65 damage killing an enemy now the damage feed is really hard to digest and understand but basically we cast a magic Missile which is gaining the additional four from our intelligence of empowered evocation so it did seven damage which then caused radiant to trigger which then caused the sword to trigger giving an additional two damage from the absolute Tempest ring which then also gave it the intelligence modifier plus 4 giving us eight Thunder damage which is nuts and then giving us an additional two radiant on that magic Missile then again we do that cycle a couple more times then we start getting to our lightning charges which is also adding to radiant every single Lightning Charge here which is ridiculous and eventually we hit a certain point where we lose our lightning charges and reverberation charges causing the additional explosion of thunder and lightning from those charges going off and then once they get low enough health Co the weak triggers causing more lightning damage causing more Med damage the sword it just starts piling up in really really ridiculous ways it's really interesting to see all these numbers pop off honestly and again now that we're done with our turn we gain displaced which makes us basically impossible to hit it is very rare that I get hit with this build but watch I'm probably going to get hit while I'm trying to show it off there's a miss and a miss critical miss another Miss okay yeah they can still push you though oh look at that more misses now one thing I will recommend is if you're dealing with someone like this wizard who is doing things like shield and or counter spell uh just walk close to them walk away they're probably going to miss you and now they can't cast counter spell so uh yeah and now we can just go probably three on you three on you maybe four we'll do two on you and uh they're they're just kind of gone and that's what this build ends up looking like you're impossible to hit you do stupid amounts of damage we'll do like two more on you we'll throw two at this guy just because oh look at that he missed he missed oh and see and then whenever they're going to hit you just shield and you're good oh he got the tenacious still got the one damage out okay okay I got hit once again a wizard I think she's going to cast counter so we're going to take the opportunity attacks that's fine we got hit okay and now uh let's see two one two let's do three on him and a level two should do it so there you go that is uh my mighty missil man he feels Untouchable uh by far the most damag output out of any build I've ever created for how easy it is to use obviously pre-buff is a big part of this build and making it function its absolute best but you saw there uh I only lost five of my temporary hit points I didn't even lose any real hit points all from uh this guy hitting me twice so I hope this video was helpful I'm absolutely obsessed with this game and I can't wait to keep making builds and videos about it I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope it was helpful for your future build crafting anyways thanks for watching I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: AbraHamSandwich
Views: 126,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 ps5, balders gate 3, baldur's gate 3 story, baldur's gate 3 classes, baldur’s gate 3, baldur's gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 tips, boulders gate 3, Challnge run, challenge, solo Tactician, magic missile build, bg3, build, Magic Missile build, romance, shadowheart, op build, over powered
Id: AOpuh-vL-qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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