Ultimate Ranger Class Guide | Baldur's Gate 3

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[Music] [Music] welcome back Travelers I'm glad to see you made it I'm Colo and today we're going to be taking a look at the ranger class in balers Gate 3 we're going to be going over all of the skills and abilities that every Ranger will earn between levels 1 and 12 and then after that we're going to go to each individual subass talk about the bonuses that each one of those gives you and then that way you'll be informed about which route you want to take your Ranger I'm also going to be changing up the formula of this video a little bit rather than talking about examples of Rangers at the very end of the video I'm going to be including an example of each subass of Ranger at the end of that subass section so you guys will have to let me know whether you like this way better or the other way I figured I'd try out something new for this one so let's see how it goes so anyway we've done a little teeny tiny bit of a lore intro to the class but let's go ahead and dive in and answer the question of the day what the heck is a ranger Rangers are a marshall class made up entirely of high school aged human children that are recruited by a hologram to fight against alien monsters with the fate of the world hanging in the balance the Ooze is back no I had the wrong character sheet hold on Rangers are a marshall class made up entirely of adults belonging to various different races who were recruited by a hologram to fight against alien monsters with the fate of the world hanging in the balance glad we cleared that up joking aside they're focused mainly on melee or ranged combat using weapons however they are also considered to be half casters which means that they will earn some spells and spell slots with which to cast them but at half the rate of a full Caster so for example a 12th level wizard in balers Gate 3 would have access to level six spells and everything below that as well level five level four so on so forth at the same level a ranger will only have access to level three spells and far fewer total spell slots to use to cast them you're not going to be flinging fireballs and lightning bolts out of your eye if you play the ranger but that doesn't mean you're going to be helpless by any means either most of the spells that your Ranger is going to have access to are going to include things like party Buffs or general utility or Mobility skills with a few actual direct damaging spells thrown in for good measure basically you're going to be able to make your party run faster jump higher you'll be able to talk to animals or even make animals hate you slightly less which is nice there's a little bit of uh healing and dis disease cleansing and stuff like that mixed in as well each of the Ranger subclasses will all add their own spin on the character as well they're going to be pretty drastically different but they all share the same base of tools which is why we're going over the Rangers levels first you can either choose to track dangerous prey across fyon as a hunter tame and command a variety of powerful Animal Companions as a beast master or snipe your targets from the cover of shadow as a gloomstalker we're going to cover all those at the end in their own subass section and there's some very interesting interactions and lore tidbits that I learned from my research so there's some stuff that I think is going to surprise some of you guys out there I'm curious to see how you react to some of the things in this video but anyway that's enough teasing now that we know what a ranger is let's talk about creating one when you first choose the ranger class you're a immediately going to be granted a bunch of tools firstly you're going to get proficiency with simple weapons Marshall weapons light armor medium armor and shields so basically your Ranger right off the bat can use any equipment except heavy armor no questions asked which is great that opens you up to a ton of possibilities the ranger main stats also depend on how you're planning on playing it so for your main damaging stat you're going to want to choose either strength or or dexterity depending on how you're wanting to play if you want to use non finesse weapons you can go with a strength build so it's up to you you want to be a strength based Ranger or a dexterity based Ranger whichever choice you decide to make as far as that stat goes wisdom is going to be your spellcasting stat so you're going to want at least a little bit of wisdom for most Ranger builds I wouldn't recommend pumping wisdom all the way up to 18 or 20 but 14 16 wisdom depending on what kind of build you're trying to use I like to keep mine right around 14 like 14 in wisdom and then I just leave it there and for me that usually works out pretty well but there's going to be builds out there with different amounts and then Constitution is the stat that determines your character's maximum hit points as well as how hard they are to interrupt when they're concentrating on a spell which can be important depending on which spells you decide to choose as you level up concentration might be important to you on top of all the proficiencies you receive at first level you will also be tasked with choosing a favored enemy and a natural Explorer location this Choice can be confusing and intimidating for new players so let's take a look at both of these sections and see what this actually is it's not as bad as it seems but they kind of give you too much information on these screens so I can see why it confuses people first of all the favored enemy section is essentially you making a choice on which subject your Ranger has decided to focus their their efforts into so are you going to be a bounty hunter tracking down and then snaring targets or perhaps a ranger Knight which is a full armor clad Knight fighting on behalf of a royal family so there's quite a range of different lore options you can use as far as these builds go but the important thing is that you're free to make any choice here the lore stuff doesn't necessarily matter if all you're worried about is the gameplay implications you can just pick the bonus that you need and who cares about why you ended up getting it lorewise as you level your Ranger if you don't multiclass and you end up taking a ranger all the way to 12th level you're going to end up being able to pick three of each of these options so of the five available choices you'll end up with three of them it's not a huge deal this isn't something you need to like freak out about and completely stall your playthrough each one of these choices gives you a specific skill proficiency and and then also a secondary effect if one of the bonuses sounds like it would work for your group or if you need a certain proficiency just go ahead and pick that option your run is not going to be ruined by choosing incorrectly here unless you choose Mage breaker in which case just probably delete your whole account I don't know what to tell you because true strike is a joke and now there's somebody down in the comments furiously like no true strike is the best spell there ever was it's not it's not you you don't need true strike I did see a video the other day of somebody beating honor mode by apparently only casting true strike somehow no clue how that's possible but that person is a freaking psychopath conversely natural Explorer is your choice of which environment your Ranger prefers to be ranging in basically are you an urban tracker at home in the crowds of a bitty bitty of a bitty city street you at home in a bitty city bitty city big old Kitty anyway sorry at home in the crowds of a busy City street is what I meant to say or are you a wasteland Wanderer with an acquired tolerance for Harsh elements out in the open Wilderness once again each one of these options has a little bit of lore stapled to it but you can just go ahead and pick whichever bonus you need each one of these is very powerful there is really no wrong choice here if you can't decide or if you have no clue whatsoever you just don't care here the Wasteland Wanderer options will each Grant you resistance to one specific type of Elemental damage which is always strong resistance to fire resistance to cold or resistance to poison would be nice to have no questions asked you're perfectly fine with just going with one of those options if you don't care about the other ones or the other two choices are very strong as well though the slight of hand proficiency can be really great if your Ranger is your sneaky Thief character or if it is the send in a guy to disarm a trap so that if it blows up only one of us gets blown up character then having slight of hand proficiency is going to be nice using fine familiar if you take Beast Tamer it's a great option being able to summon some of these little pets is amazing some of them have really strong effects even in combat so definitely check them out don't sleep on these but once again don't get hung up on this Choice don't let this like paralyze you with too many options and you end up not making the class pick one of these you can swap them out later it's no big deal deal we'll get to that later on so there we go now we've got our Ranger made and we're ready to start talking about what you get as you're leveling your Ranger second level is a big one first of all you're going to get access to your level one spells you're going to get to choose two of them from this list and also you're going to get two level one spell slots with which to cast them a few of the spells that are available in this level one spell list are ritual spells which means if if you cast the spell while you're not currently in combat it doesn't cost you a spell slot the three ritual spells in this list are long Strider enhance leap and speak with animals so any of those three is free to cast while you're outside of combat and that's great news because long Strider is incredible this thing increases your movement speed by 10 ft per turn until long rest and you can cast it for free on your whole party so just having a ranger in your group or a druid or anyone that gives you access to Long Strider is amazing to have especially early on when there's not that many movement speed increases but this spell stays good for the entire game same deal with enhanced leap while it doesn't last nearly as long when you need to be able to jump 37 mies across a huge gap having somebody that has enhanced leap in your group is amazing speak with animals I wholeheartedly believe that every single group needs at least one one way to access speak with animals and speak with dead because there are so many story things and Quest dialogue options and clues and hints that you can get from talking to animals in the area or talking to a dead person in the area so picking up speak with animals is huge I highly highly recommend it and like I said you can cast it for free outside of combat these are not the only good choices at level one though you can also use for your level one spells I mean you can also use fog cloud to hide any illegal activities you might need to commit in front of a group of people so if you need to steal something you drop fog on it everyone inside is blinded and heavily obscured so they can't see what you're doing in there and you can steal it and then get the heck out of there and I use this constantly there's actually going to be another example of this later on in the video that I'm going to tell you about Hunter Mark is also a really really strong option especially for certain builds for the ranger so make sure to check it out too you can use it to add add additional damage to pretty much every attack you make against the Target and then also some of your pets get a bonus from this as well later on you will also be allowed to choose the fighting style that your Ranger is going to use at second level this is a very big deal and you need to really consider your options for this one you can change this later on if you respect your character which we're going to talk about here in a second but the choice you make of this fighting style has a big impact on how well your character is going to perform so let's talk about what each one of these does basically if your intent is to dual wield hand crossbows or one-handed weapons of any kind and you want to do that effectively then I highly recommend taking two weapon fighting as your fighting style Choice the reason being this will allow your offhand attacks to basically deal full damage instead of pretty drastically reduced damage like they normally do with two weapon fighting you basically get two full full hand crossbow shots per turn and later on that adds up to even more full hand crossbow shots per turn or two full dagger stabs or whatever you're using so it's really important if you're planning on dual wielding highly highly recommend two weapon fighting if you do not intend to dual wield or if you're not sure what weapons you're going to use then you can choose one of the other ones for sure the other three are still strong they're not bad but two weapon fighting is really good good if you're dual wielding if you're just using a one-handed weapon and no weapon in your offhand so sword and board or uh just a Rapier and nothing else whatever it is then dueling is a great choice which will add up to a ton of passive damage over your playthrough as well archery is good it adds plus two to any range weapon attack rolles that you make but it's important to note here that the attack role is just to see whether or not the hit lands so this is not a damage buff this is purely an accuracy buff still good it's good to have but you're not going to be like pumping out huge crits because of this you'll just have more hits because of it and then last but definitely not least defense is a great allaround option if you don't know what the hell to choose here the fence is a solid choice no matter what this is basically going to be a passive plus one to your Rangers armor class as long as they're wearing at least one piece of any armor so your Ranger has access to light armor and medium armor and some Rangers even wear heavy armor the odds of your Ranger not having any armor on is almost zero you can you can certainly build a clothing only Ranger but the odds of that happening are less than the odds of you having some armor on so this is pretty much going to be a passive plus one Armor class bonus to anybody's Ranger almost at third level the Ranger is going to receive another level one spell slot another choice of a level one spell from their list and then also from this point on this is going to happen every level you're going to have the option to swap a spell that you know for a spell that you don't know from your list every level up if you want this is entirely optional if you're happy with the spells that you currently have no worries you don't have to change anything you're good to go but most importantly third level is where you're going to choose your Rangers subass so like I said before once we get done going over the main 12 Ranger levels we will come back to third level and we'll go over the sub classes fourth level is where your Ranger is going to get their first feat there are a few notable options here depending on your chosen play style if once again if you're dual wielding weapons the Dual wielder feet is a very good choice this will allow you to dual wield nonl weapons so if if you wanted to use two maces or two battle axes or whatever anything that's nonl but it's not heavy either this will allow you to dual wield that dual wield Spears whatever you want to do and if your Ranger is dual wielding melee weapons this feat will give you another plus one bonus to your armor class so little bit of extra survivability to make up for what you lose from not having a shield equipped it splits the difference basically sharpshooter is a great option if your intent is to be a ranged Archer style character and you just want to put out the biggest hits possible Sharpshooter is going to allow you to sacrifice some of your accuracy for more damage you end up with some big hits and big crits because of this feat for sure and as always ladies and gents if you don't know what to pick at the feat levels or you just are not interested in any of the Feats you are perfectly fine to go to the ability Improvement and just buff one of your main stats instead the main stats in balers Gate 3 are so powerful that even if you just picked main stats every time you leveled up your character would still end up being pretty freaking strong but for the ranger especially there's a few Feats that are pretty good so definitely look through the list before you make your choice and now as always it's a bit of a tradition at this time in the video for me to talk about respecing your character if you make a stupid ass choice and you hate the way your character is going you hate the way it's playing because this game sucks and because Lan's a bunch of F and a holes anyway and who even likes this game instead of that crazy dramatic ass nonsense you can just go talk to Withers pay him a little bit of gold and he will reset your character back to level one and let you rebuild it from the ground up you don't lose anything you don't lose any of your levels none of that it's called respecing when you respect as a ranger you're going to be able to choose your subass again you're going to be able to choose the favored enemies and natural Explorer locations that you chose before all that stuff's going to reset so if you mess up any of those choices you can just talk to Withers pay them some money and respect and fix it and then also worth mentioning since we're talking about paying Withers money is that uh Withers has pockets and you can pick them and your gold is in them and he doesn't care if he catches you he doesn't care there's no negative effects of getting caught here's a clip of me getting caught trying to pick pocket Withers by a character that was never going to get it unless he rolled a natat 20 and I got caught like 50 times in a row and he just doesn't care so if you want to pay him your money he basically acts as a piggy bank and he'll just hold it for you until you steal it back from him no big deal in this economy I'm not letting this fraking skeleton keep my money yoink give me that fifth level is huge for pretty much every class in the game and the ranger is no exception to that Trend at all firstly you're going to get another level one spell slot you're going to get two level two spell slots you're going to get to choose a spell and replace one if you want and now when you go to choose spells your list includes the Rangers level two options of these level two spells silence is a ritual spell so like we said before if you cast silence while you're not currently in combat it doesn't cost you a spell slot to cast just know as a little uh little Pro tip little life hack here casting silence on top of an MPC or another character is generally considered to be a hostile action so be careful where you drop this thing because you might get a bunch of Druids and teelings killed because you tried to silence kaga and didn't realize that that was going to piss off a ton of people and they were going to start a freaking Giant slaughterfest in the middle of the Druid Grove you might do all that how do I know about that that's a really specific example don't ask me how I know about that thanks Spike growth is probably my personal favorite option on this level two list uh and I highly recommend it for pretty much anybody any character that gets access to spike growth I love taking this spell it's great basically a bunch of Twisted Vines covered in Thorns bust up out of the area that you choose and and anyone walking through that area gets slowed down by half because it's difficult terrain which makes sense cuz it's a bunch of freaking twisting Roots covered in huge Thorns it deals piercing damage the whole time that targets walk through it and let me tell you a story about how the AI in this game will just walk right through this thing and you'll be freaking piling bodies from floor to ceiling from people walking through Spike growth and basically just self deleting as as they walk through it's incredible I love it and on top of all these fancy new spells that your Ranger gets you also get this little thing called extra attack which means that for every action you have there's an equal and opposite react no I'm sorry it means that your character can perform two attacks per action from this point forward so basically that doubles your Ranger's potential damage per turn not completely doubled but it adds a ton of damage per turn at sixth level you're going to have another favored enemy and natural Explorer selection from the same list we saw before the one you chose before is already xed out so just pick one of the others this time no big deal just like before Withers is always there if you mess up you can change this at any time seventh level will grant you one more level two spell slot and another spell from your spell list as always you can replace one here if you wish that's still optional like before and just know that every subass is going to get a bonus here as well we're going to cover those later at eighth level your Ranger will earn the land stride difficult terrain passive which will make your Ranger immune to the movement slowing effects of difficult terrain so now if your Ranger was walking through Spike growth as we discussed not what half a freckle ago you would not have your movement speed slowed by half what it doesn't do is make you immune to getting stabbed by Thorns as you're doing this so you would still be taking damage or if you're walking across a patch of ice you won't be slowed but you might still slip on it it doesn't prevent you from slipping or suffering all of the negative effects of these difficult terrain zones you just won't be slowed by difficult terrain anymore and as a passive ability that you don't even have to think about this is really strong to have just watch where you're walking don't be slipping all over the damn ice and at eighth level you will also be allowed to choose your second feet so just like before look through the list pick what you need or bump your main stats and let's move on to ninth level here you will gain two level three spell slots and you'll be allowed to choose a spell and replace one if you wish and now you have access to the entirey of the Ranger spell list so your level one two and three spells each one of the level three spells is powerful in different situations but conjure barrage is a great Ranger specific option for Cle multiple targets at once it does a cone of damage based on your weapon damage just be sure that you don't cleave into a pile of your own pets and kill them all lightning arrow is another Ranger specific spell that I think is pretty cool it adds a little bit to the magical Archer kind of situation and then just like with Spike growth the spell plant growth is another insanely good spell that I love this one is very very similar to spike growth but there's a couple caveats here first of all it doesn't do any damage but it also doesn't require concentration like Spike growth does so once you cast it you don't have to worry about an enemy interrupting your concentration and all the plants disappearing the plants are insanely flammable so if fire even touches any of the plant growth area the entire area will immediately bust into flames and be gone it'll do a little bit of fire damage to everybody that's in there but the plant growth effect will be gone it burns up immediately the movement speed is no longer slowed but speaking of movement speed being slowed plant growth counts as difficult terrain but instead of reducing the movement speed of everybody Inside by half it reduces it by 75% which is utterly ridiculous and even though it doesn't do damage itself you can easily cast another AOE spell into that area like hunger of Hadar or something else that deals damage and then the targets are moving at 25% speed through those are like get the hell out of here you can do so much damage to somebody with plant growth plus something else that it's like a whole strategy on its own definitely don't sleep on this spell just know you can't put it anywhere near fire if there's a candle on the ground and you spawn this it will immediately burn up I've done it before if you put it over a torch boom plant growth is gone and you did a little bit of fire damage and it cost you your whole turn it sucks when that happens don't be me Travelers be better than me okay shouldn't be too hard I'm not setting the bar super high nth level will grant you the hide and plain sight ability using this one causes your Ranger to stand very very still so still in fact that they become invisible this increases your stealth Rolls by 10 as long as you carry on continuing to don't stop never stopping as long as you stand still is what I meant to to say that's what that means as long as you continue standing still you can just get this plus 10 to stealth roll so basically what this is is your Ranger is standing somewhere where they're not supposed to be and someone's about to see you you can quickly click this and oh oh don't see me oh and then as soon as the person leaves you and you get the hell out of there that's what that means you will also get to choose your third and final favored enemy and natural Explorer bonuses from those lists that we've talked about 100 times before now you're going to have your third choice on each of those 11th level brings with it your final level three spell slot totaling out to three and you'll be allowed to choose another spell and replace one if you wish there is also a very powerful subass bonus for each subass at this level and we'll talk about all those here in just a second and without further Ado ladies and gents we've made it to 12th level level you're the rist some [ __ ] there ever was at this level and uh 12 level is kind of boring as a ranger if I'm being honest you get another feet so your third feet and you can replace a spell if you want and that's it it's not very flashy but that feet might be very very good so it's still a really good level and with that we've seen every bonus every skill and every ability that all Rangers get as they level from first to 12th level so now we're going to head back to third level where we can uh look through the clues and track down our first subass the hunter I'm so sorry Hunters seek the most dangerous prey in fyon from ancient dragons to massive hordes of Undead and Excel at slaying them all Hunters are probably what a lot of people imagine when they think of the Ranger class in general these are the guys and gals that are out there tracking down a beast looking for Footprints and a bloody piece of fur on a tree that I saw let me let me lick that thing and oh it tastes like a centaur blood like I mean that's the guy right that's the freaking Hunter they track down these vicious beasts whether it be actual beasts animals or if they're hunting zombies whatever these guys are here for the hunt they're the hoter and they're going to hoot if you know what I'm saying the G characters that you may or may not meet during your adventures in balers Gate 3 would actually probably fall into this situation as well because they're vampire Hunters as soon as you choose the hunter subass you will be granted another Choice kind of just like the favorite enemy and natural Explorer thing this is going to be the prey that you're specialized in hunting Colossus Slayer which I I take very personally and my feelings are hurt this one is a passive bonus that will add an additional 1d8 damage to any weapon attack you make once per turn against the Target that is not at full health so that might sound kind of weak but as far as sustained damage goes this is very powerful if your party is built around deleting a character off the face of the Earth in a single turn then this is probably not the hugest deal it's still going to help as long as one of your Rangers attacks against that Target is made after that person has already taken damage not that hard to set up but if your group is not out here one-shotting bosses then it's pretty safe to say that the majority of the time that most difficult targets are going to be spending in the fight will be spent at less than Max health so that's going to add up to a ton of damage over time and don't forget the fact that your Ranger gets two attacks per action after level five so even if your Ranger is the character that goes first in combat which is very likely based on the bonuses that you're going to be getting as a ranger as soon as they hit that person once their follow-up attacks will trigger this so you can even trigger it on your own first turn as long as the first hit lands if your first hit misses and the person still at full health then sorry for your bad luck but long as you can land a hit colossal Slayer is not bad giant killer is an interesting one if a large or bigger creature attacks you you can use your reaction to retaliate with a melee attack the target must be in your line of sight and within 5 ft of your Ranger when they attack you for this to be able to be triggered so if you're making a melee focused Ranger which is perfectly viable you can absolutely do that you could get some decent use out of this and anything that allows you to deal damage to an enemy on their own turn is ridiculously good so there's nothing wrong with this but the problem that I have with it is that it has requirements that are just not nearly as easy to meet as the other two options firstly the enemy attacking you has to be large or bigger let's take a look at the size categories chart from the balers Gate 3 Wiki you can see that large means ogre or owl bear size so the vast majority of enemies in this game that you're going to be fighting are not that big most of them are humanoid sized so it's just not going to meet those requirements now there are a lot of larger bigger enemies in the game I'm just telling you right up front I would put money on 70 80% of the Encounters in this game not being larger bigger and it's probably higher than that that's one thing you got got to look into secondly not only does the creature have to be large or bigger it has to be attacking your Ranger which is not usually something you want to be happening anyway it has to be in line of sight of your Ranger when it's attacking them and it has to be within 5 ft of the Ranger when it's in line of sight attacking them that's a lot of restrictions on a damn ability when you can just pick one of the other two instead and probably get 10 times more use out of them so it's up to you I don't recommend this one but there may very well be something I'm overlooking here if so let me know down in the comments because to me this one is just hilariously underwhelming basically if I've overlooked something that's large or bigger with this ability you can let me know by attacking the comments section and I'll retaliate by thanking you for doing my job for me the third option hoorde breaker is the rule of cool ability this one is great when you're in combat against multiple enemies that are very close together there are two versions of the hord breaker ability a melee version and a range version they both function pretty much identically except one of them has to be done in melee and the other one can be used at ranged which is pretty neat when you use hord breaker the targeting is kind of confusing it brings up kind of like a concentric circles looking Bullseye kind of thing you have to Target a creature and then every other Target within a 5T radius of that creature will be marked for a follow-up attack and I know what you're thinking holy cow you can freaking shoot this thing over there and Mark everybody and just do like 50 follow-up attacks as long as everybody is standing together no you wish that's how it worked and so do I and that's kind of what I was thinking too which is I tested it out so no every creature within a 5ft radius of the target when you use hord breaker will be marked for a follow-up attack you only get to follow-up attack one of those marked creatures but you do get to choose which one you want to follow up on so that's pretty sweet having options like that is nice anything in this game that you can use to perform multiple attacks in a single turn is always going to be strong hord breaker is no exception uh you're going to end up getting abilities that overshadow this later on for some builds but this is really really strong to have your Hunter will get their next bonus at seventh level and once again it comes in the form of three options from which you'll have to choose one Escape The Horde will passively cause all opportunity attacks made against your Ranger to be made with this Advantage which is nice that means if your Ranger gets surrounded you can much more effectively Escape that without getting killed by opportunity attacks while you're trying to run you might still get hit by them but they're made with disadvantage which is a considerable debuff steel will is a passive ability that will grant you advantage on saving throws against being frightened like I said before any kind of passive resistances or crowd control immunities or advantage on saving throws against certain crowd control effects anything like that is very strong to have in this game this is no exception just like those and the third choice multiattack defense imposes a minus 4 penalty on any followup attack roles that an enemy makes against your Ranger after the first one so if a character attacks your Ranger and then they have the ability to make multiple attacks per turn they have extra attack those extra attacks are going to have this minus four penalty on them so this is defense against you getting attacked multiple times by the same person per turn really good to have this is going to be quite a bit of damage mitigation built in just for having this whatever your group needs your Ranger to be able to do that's what you should choose here and then also Withers is still there if you mess this Choice up go talk to the freaking skeleton and change it and finally at 11th level the hunter will receive a pretty substantial upgrade again Vol and Whirlwind attack are another pair of AOE abilities that you're going to get that basically function identically to each other again Voli will let you target an area within 60 ft of your Ranger and shoot a vol of arrows basically raining arrows down on everybody there and it'll make separate attack rolls against each one of them potentially causing fantastic amounts of damage depending on how many people are standing there and Whirlwind attack is essentially exactly the same thing but instead of targeting an area away from your Ranger it'll do a whirlwind attack around where your Ranger is currently standing with your melee weapons and do the same thing each Target in that area is going to get a attack roll made against them and it's just normal attack rolls it's important to note that both of these will hit neutral MPCs and enemies but won't hurt your party members unless there's a place where you just can't use an AOE version there's no drawbacks to just using these instead of your regular attack so the hunter is a freaking AOE damage specialist you got hord breaker available to you you got Bali you can do multiple other AOE abilities that all Rangers get it's this is the AOE King of the subclasses basically and as far as my pick for a hunter character from outside of DnD I considered discussing aloy from The Horizon games but I just couldn't shake this thought that there was a slightly better option available which coincidentally is pretty much the life story of The Horizon games in the first place but that's not important let's not talk about that if you want to talk about a character who studies tracks and hunts various beasts both animal or mythical it would kind of be a joke not to include geralt of Rivia he uses low-level spells to give himself advantages in combat he is proficient in a huge array of weapons and he loves spinning in C cires doing AOE attack so he's perfect geralt also makes excellent use of various hunting tools such as Elixir that give him different supernatural abilities custom grenades that have different effects which can drastically turn the tides of a fight and in that same vein make sure that you don't forget to take advantage of all the custom arrows that you pick up on your Hunter as you're playing because that's essentially your Batman tool belt or geralt's bag full of goodies that he blasts people with make sure you use all the tools you have available to you because some of those arrows can really come in handy in certain situations the real endgame boss of balers Gate 3 is attempting to remember to use your consumables that's the one I haven't figured out how to beat yet and for any of you who are pissed off that I chose geralt and didn't choose a specific hunter from something that you like or that you have seen before let us know down in the comments because I want to hear about all those things I genuinely love nerding out about the different lore stuff that you guys teach me from books and comic books and different other RPGs that I've never played before so feel free let me know about what I missed out on and with that being said we're going to head back to third level where we're going to have to tame our second subass the Beast Master look at this point you've made it this far into the video you know what you got yourself into you know what you're here for Beast Masters bind themselves to an animal companion sharing an intelligent bond that flourishes in and out of combat okay so when I mentioned the hunter subass earlier some of you probably had an image pop into your minds back from a simpler time when everything was easier and video games were about having fun and the only responsibility you had was making it to raid night on time and then all of a sudden your freaking best in slot weapon drops and then this [ __ ] rolls on it because Hunters can use everything so this is a hunter weapon oh man oh I can tell you one thing for sure the Beast Master Rangers pet is definitely going to be putting in some work so if you want your Ranger to have a loyal animal companion by their side at all times then this subass is really your only option all Rangers can use fine familiar and have a small animal friend but the Beast Master kicks things up a notch the first bonus you're going to receive at third level is the summon companion ability when you use this you will be given five choices of Animal Companions to summon whichever one you decide to summon will last until you long rest and the summon skill resets on short rest so if you need to change which pet you have out you have the ability to do that after you short rest what you can't do is summon two of the main pets at the same time because the second one will replace the the first one when you summon it however there are some things you can do later on that we're going to talk about later on that will result in you having more than one animal companion following you at the same time because what's better than having a loyal animal companion following you around having a whole freaking Zoo following you around tearing your enemies to shreds that's what's better the pets that you're going to be summoning at third level are very basic versions of the pets you're going to be summoning at max level there's going to be pretty big bonuses for each pet at fifth 7th 8th and 11th levels and some of these are pretty drastic gamechanging bonuses these pet upgrades are the Beast Master subass bonuses so as you can tell the pet is a massive portion of this subass whenever you're playing it the bonuses that every pet Shares are pra scent which each pet has immediately at level three this will add add a 1d6 bonus to your pet's damage when they attack a Target that you have marked with a hunter Mark so this is what I was talking about earlier not only does Hunter's Mark increase the damage that you deal with each hit against that Target it also increases the damage that your pets deal with each hit against that Target so Hunter Mark can be a big deal for Rangers at fifth level each one of the pets will get companions Bond as a passive ability this will add your Rangers per efficiency bonus to your pets Armor class damage and attack roles and for anyone who doesn't know what proficiency bonus is or what that means this basically translates to a plus three or plus4 bonus to all of those things so it's going to be really great to have seventh level will grant your pet the exceptional training passive this will allow them to use Dash disengage or help as bonus actions instead of actions as you you can imagine this is another very powerful upgrade both to mobility and party utility for your pets because now they can help down teammates with a bonus action you kind of turned them into the freaking dog from Remnant 2 you can have your pet go over and res your teammates eighth level is a passive health and armor class bonus for the pets some of them get you know stat Buffs it's just going to be a passive buff level but 11th level is a massive one not only is every pet going to get ACC access to the extra attack passive which functions the same way that it did for you now your pets are going to be able to do two attacks per action each of the pets is also going to receive a new ability at this level and some of them are incredible so that's the general pet overview but that's not nearly good enough now we're going to go back through each pet individually and show you the actual skills and abilities that each unlock because the tool tips don't really tell you the whole whole story about these animals and some of them are way better than they seem upon first looking at the tool tip some of these pets that you may never have even thought to summon might end up being your favorite ones because of some hidden interaction that they have so let's go through them one by one we're going to start off with the bear companion the bear starts off with a basic claw attack and goting Roar on top of decently high strength and Constitution stats which make it very tanky and an excellent meat Shield especially this early in the game if you just need a straight up body on the field to soak up damage for your party the bear is great to use for that at fifth level the bear will gain a sick ass helmet look at this thing also the honeyed paws ability which is a ridiculously absurd cartoony idea for a skill your Bear's paws are apparently so sticky from eating honey all day long that they can make an attack against a Target and their sticky freaking honey fingers get stuck to the weapon that the target is holding and pulls it right out of their hand and disarms them that's the description that they give you for honeyed Paws oh bother if the target happens to not be holding a weapon then they may potentially be knocked prone by these Sticky Fingers instead your Bear's fingers are so sticky that it sticks right on them and pulls to the ground if they don't have a weapon this is a very strong ability especially this early in the game being able to disarm targets is very strong and being able to knock Target's prone is very strong so this one's great to have no matter how much sense it makes which is none at 11th level the bear will get an even sicker looking helmet look at this thing oh my gosh freaking Battle Bear and on top of the extra attack upgrade that it got it will also get a health Armor class and strength increase and also now you can use the UR sign reinforcements ability to just casually summon another bear to help you fight yeah that's correct ladies and gents the bear gets to summon a whole ass other bear at level 11 you don't get to directly control the second bear but you can still buff it and heal it and it's still on your team and fighting for you so it's more Health on the board for your side this is amazing I mentioned earlier that there was a way to summon multiple pets at the same time well this is one of them just right off the bat now you have two bears out is that a zoo no that's not a zoo but it is one of the pieces of the puzzle of putting together a zoo what the f am I talking about piece of puzzle Zoo just disregard everything I just said this is one part of the zoo because bears go in the zoo you know what I'm saying I've been to the zoo you know what else goes in the zoo monkeys I wish I could summon a monkey anyway any of the secondary animals that your pets abilities summon and there there is another example of this that we'll talk about later any of those temporary pets will last until long rest and like I said before the ability to summon a new companion resets when you short rest so if for instance you summon a bear have the bear summon in reinforcements and then you take a short rest and summon a different animal instead of the main bear the summoned in reinforcements bear would still stay there so you would have whatever new pet you summoned in plus the bear you already summoned the secondary bear the one that you're not allowed to control now is this going to be worth using up all your short rest to do no absolutely not there might be a freaking build out there that can abuse this well enough to be worth using up all your short rests but I very seriously doubt it what I will say however is that let's say for instance you have both Bears out and they're both still alive and you need to short rest anyway for some reason then yeah why not use that to your advantage and end up with more pets out for a little bit because you were going to short rest anyway say the Warlock needs their spell slots back well you can short rest the Warlock gets their spells reset the ranger gets a fresh pet summoned out and now you get to have two different pets or whatever you can do different combinations different things so it's an option that you need to know about because it might prove useful to you at some point anyway that's enough about bears let's talk about bores the boar companion is quite a bit less tanky than the bear but a little bit more offensive than the bear first of all your basic Tusk attack deals a bit of slashing damage but this guy really shines when you unleash this bore charge right through a freaking group of stacked up enemies it deals damage to everybody that passes through doesn't trigger opportunity attacks on anybody that passes through which makes it a really good Mobility option and it has the opportunity to knock every Target that it hits prone which can set him up to even more damage damage followup attacks which is great so the bore charge is excellent to have especially for this early in the game any kind of AOE damage you can do at level three is going to be strong at fifth level the boar gets a cool hat but it wasn't the color hat that he wanted so he's pissed the rage ability will send the boar into a rage this will increase its damage by plus two slashing will grant it resistance to physical damage so pretty drastically increases the Boar's piness at this point and will grant advantage on strength checks and saving throws also while the boar is Raging it has access to the frenzy strike ability which is basically the same as a regular attack except it's a bonus action instead of an action so the board gets to attack twice per turn at level five just like your Ranger does as long as it's raging and the fact that this thing gets an extra attack this early on and the rest of your pets don't get it for another six l levels and then the boar gets to attack three times per turn when everyone else gets two it's very strong 11th level will buff your B's stats a little bit more and Grant them the kick up mck ability this one says in the description that you will slather a Target in mud slowing them down that description is hilariously inaccurate when you compare it to what the skill actually does so let's take a look at what this thing actually does this ability will have your boore turn around backwards and kick up an absolutely massive tone of mud onto anything and everything that's in the area this ability is likely way more powerful than you imagined when you first read it or when I first read it to you because not only does it slow the target you can slow a ridiculous amount of enemies with this thing and it uh doesn't require your boore to Main maintain concentration on like a lot of slow effects so this is really really strong to have access to just be careful not to blast it all over your freaking teammates because it can slow them too though watch where you're kicking this freaking sand next up we have the dire Raven companion and this is the one that I think is going to shot quite a few people when you find out what kind of nonsense this thing is capable of first of all right off the bat this this is a controllable Allied unit that has the ability to fly and you get access to it at third level that right there is worth a ton flight is not easy to come by that early in the game there's a few sub classes that get it a few classes that get it built in but not that many so anything that can fly at third level strong it's not as good as having a full party member like a druid that can fly or a storm sorcerer that can fly fly super early on but it's better than having nothing in your team that can fly so that right there is worth something the dire Ravens beak Attack Just deals basic piercing damage and the ren Vision ability has a chance to Blind your target which is very very powerful especially for this early in the game but it stays strong for the entire game The Raven also has built-in Proficiency in perception which means that it can help you and your party detect things that they may not otherwise have seen which is nice the wolf companion also has this I believe and proficiency with Stealth at fifth level the dire Raven will get a beak attack damage buff a few stat increases and the bad Omen ability this one's pretty crazy The Raven will basically hurl a feather at somebody and it deals a little bit of piercing damage and has a chance to curse the target a cursed target has any attacks made against it will be made with Advantage so so this can be used to set up quite a heavy turn of burst damage against a single Target or if you're in a boss fight or something and there's one main target you hit them with this curse and then everybody has advantage on them for up to two turns which is great 11th level is where the dire Raven gets stupid this is like borderline overpowered potentially bugged and may end up getting fixed I'm not sure if this is working as in ended then this raven is absolutely busted and is like Far and Away the best pet you have available firstly on black wings is a is an ability that the Raven going to learn that will allow them to summon two level three Ravens to assist you just like the bear from before you don't get to directly control these other Ravens but just like the bear from before if you short rest and summon a new pet these other summoned Ravens besides besides the main one will stay so for instance let's say you wanted to summon a bear have the bear summon in another bear then you short rest and summon in a raven have the Raven summon in two more Ravens and now you have three Ravens and a bear and then you can use fine familiar to call in another Raven or a frog or whatever and have five pets out just like that there's your zoo it may not be the zoo that some of you were imagining but you can absolutely run quite a few pets and you could even go one more short rest and summon in a different pet instead of keeping the Raven out if you wanted whatever you wanted to do like I said before I don't think it's worth using your short rests like this but if you're going to short rest anyway you might as well squeeze in another pet one thing you cannot do is for instance you summon in a dire Raven have him summon in two more Ravens if you short rest and summon in another dire Raven and try to have that one summon two more Ravens it doesn't work the two new Ravens will replace the other ones you can't have 10 of the same animal out you have to mix it up a little bit trust me I tested it it doesn't work sagge I was hoping for that too your Ravens are also going to have the Raven sight passive from this point forward which makes it to where they can no longer be blinded which is really nice because of the next part you remember how I was talking about how cool it was that the dire raven could fly so early on well the dire Raven learns a fly upgrade at 11th level and you're sitting there thinking how in the hell do you upgrade fly what would you change about fly what do it Fly further can fly more often nope none of those things so here's what happens when your dire Raven uses fly from this point forward the destination that it flies to will have a full cloud of magical Darkness spawn just for free just because the Raven flew there now that that sounds crazy already Okay so this raven can spread Darkness now holy cow that's crazy all right here's the deal fly only only requires movement speed to use in the turn and you can just use it whenever you want when you're outside of combat so you can literally speed buff the hell out of your Raven put long Strider on it you have your Raven itself use Dash as a bonus action which it's been able to do for a long time by the time you get to 11th level and that doubles its movement speed so now you have a ton of movement speed and instead of flying a super far distance you make a bunch of tiny hops boop boop boop boop boop and each one takes five or 6 feet of your movement speed and you can cover an entire room in magical darkness that blinds and heavily obscures All Creatures inside of it and ranged attacks cannot be made through it so you basically have a freaking Raven that can hop scotch across the room spreading a giant ass rang damage force field and that's not even to mention the interactions that your own party could have with this you have a way of Shadow monk that can teleport from Shadow to Shadow here's a freaking pile of Darkness right there boom there's you a shadow you have a uh group full of warlocks with Devil's sight that can see through magical darkness and eldrich blast people through it still well you got a dark room to shoot into and it's like fish in a freaking Barrel in there and you guys are much more cre creative than I am I cannot wait to see what you guys come up with this a freaking ridiculous ass pet this thing is so busted it's crazy our next companion is The Game's third goodest boy the wolf companion comes stock with a bite basic attack which deals piercing damage but also the lunging bite which has a chance to knock people prone does a little bit less damage but you can use it to knock people prone set up follow up attacks it's pretty good the pack tactics pack passive will also Grant the wolf advantage on attack rolls if one of the wolf's allies is within 10 ft of the Target that it's attacking so this is going to serve as a small but pretty substantial damage bonus over time just by having somebody that's fighting close to your wolf that's that's not bad fifth level grants the wolf some face blades and a nasty mouth bite upgrades to infectious bite which deals purely necrotic damage and potentially inflicts septic upon the target septic is a disease that will reduce the victim's Constitution by one and give them disadvantage on Constitution saving throws for up to three turns and uh just in case you thought Captain Sticky Fingers was ridiculous when we talked about them earlier the wolf's 11th level ability is Lupine slash this one is a conal cleave attack that has your wolf spawning a magic IAL sword of pure Force damage in its mouth and doing a freaking back flipping sword slash attack hitting everyone in the targeted cone in front yep that's right your wolf has a magical mouth sword cuz all the cool kids were doing it so why not but more importantly something worth mentioning is that now your wolf has access to lunging strike which is still a physical attack has a chance to knock people prone deals piercing damage so you got piercing damage necrotic damage and force damage available and uh Lupine slash is a small AOE ability as well so you can hit more than one target with it which is always nice so your wolf has access to multiple different elements of damage which is great because you might run into a Target that's immune to necrotic damage and being able to deal Force damage to that Target instead is great that's always nice to have different elements you can use and for our final animal companion this one's also a wolf a wolf spider so yeah Arachnophobia warnings all around this one's a big old spider ladies and gents this one comes with quite a few tools right out of the box its basic attack is venomous bite which deals piercing damage and has a chance to poison the Target and poisoned is a debuff that will cause the target disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for up to two turns the web ability will allow the spider to Target an area and blast a net of webs all over that area any nons spider creatures walking over the webbed area will have their movement speed cut in half and will have the potential to become in webbed while they're moving across it becoming in webbed will root them in place give them disadvantage on their dexterity saving throw and cause all attacks against them to have Advantage which is excellent the webs are also super flammable so just like we talked about with plant growth earlier if you shoot fire onto a web surface same thing it busts in Flames it'll deal a little bit of fire damage but the person won't be stuck in the webs anymore the wolf spider as well as pretty much every spider that you're going to encounter enemies and everything is immune to the webbed areas on the ground because of the web Walker passive that it has access to the webs are not going to slow the spider's movement speed and it cannot become in webbed by them it's totally immune to the effects of the webs the wolf spider also has dark vision passively so it can see up to 40 ft in non-magical darkness which is nice at fifth level the spider gets some stat increases and the Cocoon ability this will allow you to attempt to wrap a Target up in webs completely basically rendering it useless Until It Breaks free but the target will have to make a dexterity save against this so an in webbed Target is going to have disadvantage on that saving throw so that's you know you can use the skills to stack on top of each other and in webbing them increases your chance of cocooning them and wrapping a Target up in a cocoon even if they only stay in it for one turn if they miss a whole turn because of this that is a potentially ridiculous amount of damage that you just prevented against your own party you could have saved your honor mode run with that anything set up a freaking huge burst of damage on somebody else while you don't have to worry about this one target whatever it is there's a bunch of options where crowd controlling someone like this would be great at 11th level the wolf spider will gain the eight-legged Waltz ability which will grant the spider a movement speed buff and resistance to poison damage when they start their turn on a web surface so now not only is your spider immune to the effects of webs but it actually gets a buff from being on webs which is pretty sweet you'll also get access to the bursting brood ability which is kind of a strange one because this is your spider basically attempting to launch a ball of tiny spiders onto the target which will infest them with tiny spiders this is horrible to imagine it makes me think of that dude from the missed and I'm going to post I'm going to hopefully have it right here I'm sorry that you're watching this I'm not going to put sound on it because copyright but this guy is saying something like oh I can feel them inside me or some [ __ ] like that uh no thanks anyway an infested Target will take piercing and poison damage each turn and anyone who attacks the target with a melee attack can also become infested which is not necessarily great that kind of sucks for your own party members like you don't want to shoot this infestation onto someone and then have your Barbarian run over there for a barbarian maybe there could be benefits where taking damage can keep you raging stuff like that but you know infesting your own party members with spiders is not really a great thought notably the piercing damage and poison damage are both buffed by your companions Bond and prey scent passives so infesting somebody with this attack can do a pretty good amount of damage it can do quite a bit of piercing and poison damage per turn but also the infestation is immediately removed if the target takes fire or acid damage it gets rid of the infestation cuz it kills all the little spiders that's worth noting too one strange thing about the bursting brood ability is that apparently when you do the attack roll for this ability it uses the spider's strength stat instead of its dexterity to calculate the attack rle and every other attack the spider uses uses its dexterity and the spider has 18 decks and 12 strength so its attack roll for bursting brood is considerably harder to land than any other attack it can do so just keep that in mind and with the wolf spider fully covered we've summed up everything that the Beast Master Ranger will earn during their Adventures so now the burning question who gets the honor of being the face of the subclass well who better than the Beast Master himself Dar yeah that's right ladies and gents we're going all the way back to the '90s for this one there's actually apparently a book series about this character and a movie that was made in the80s that has super good reviews but I've never seen it and I grew up on The Beastmaster TV show so this is what we're going to talk about Dar is a character that pretty much fits the beastmas mold perfectly he lives in the wilderness using his wits and trained body to survive the elements but most importantly he has the ability to communicate with and receive information from his various different Animal Companions yes he was was technically granted this ability by a demon which might technically technically actually might actually make him a warlock but you know what his title is Beastmaster the show is called Beastmaster so I'm giving myself a pass also that demon that gave him his powers was played by this chick from Lost look at this I bet that's a memory she wishes that I hadn't just brought back up on the Internet Dar has a tiger an eagle and two fets help him out in combat and he can actually see through the Eagle's eyes which is pretty sweet and the ferrets he sends into little tiny cracks and crevices to go steal keys for him and other small objects they do Recon for him and stuff too back in the Zena and Hercules days back before everything in life was so gloomy yep that's the segue we're going with so let's go take a look at the Rangers third subclass the gloomstalker emerging like a horrible gift from the envelope of darkness and Shadow you Ambush and put down your foes before they can even Scream the gloomstalker ranger is your sneaky boy option if you've ever played Skyrim there's an almost 100% chance that this is the character you played in Skyrim and just like the Skyrim sneak Archer the gloomstalker can be incredibly powerful Bouch at third level you will receive disguise self which is a ritual spell that you can use to change your character's appearance at will which is useful for multiple things firstly if you're playing one of the normal humanoid sized races in the game there's certain cracks and crevices in the open world that you just can't fit through as a character that's that big but the smaller races like gnomes and halflings can fit through them so if you use the sky self turn yourself into a gnome real quick you can squeeze through the crack in the wall get to the secret hidden whatever areas behind there and then you can switch back to your normal appearance if you want and since it's a ritual spell it doesn't cost you anything to cast outside of combat like we already said before so this thing's really great it will also allow you to use speak with dead on characters who you killed because normally they won't talk to their killer you disguise yourself they don't realize it was you and they'll answer some of your questions and you can get some Quest information and there's also Al a couple of items in the game that have bonuses that they Grant to certain races like gith Yankee or dwarfs get certain bonuses from gear and for some of these gear pieces that have racial bonuses you can actually trick the piece of gear into thinking that you are the correct Race by disguising yourself to be that race it doesn't work for all of them but it does work for some of them so it's worth checking out the gloomstalker also gets 80 ft of vision in non-magical darkness past passively which is great and the umbrell Shroud ability which can be used to become invisible for up to 10 turns requiring only that you be obscured when you cast it which is not hard to do there's Shadows everywhere you'll learn too if you're playing a ranger and trying to be a sneaky archer in this game you'll learn to start turning off lights as you walk past you'll put out candles and torches and stuff to basically blanket the whole place in at least a little bit of Darkness that way you're obscured no matter where you're standing basically it'll become second nature umbrell shroud costs an action and you can use it once per short rest so this is a nice tool to have it's not always going to be available but when it is it's pretty sweet but wait there's more dread ambusher will grant you a plus three bonus to initiative rolls which pretty drastically increases the odds of your Gloom stalker being the first person to go every combat encounter which is excellent there's also a couple of other things you can do to boost your initiative roles even higher and basically you'll guarantee that your Gloom stalker goes first every time which is kind of that's kind of the Gloom stalker's whole thing is going first in combat speaking of on the first turn of combat only the gloomstalker ranger gets a 10t bonus to their movement speed and they'll be able to use dread ambusher as an attack which will deal an additional 1d8 damage on top of the normal damage would have done they can also use hide as a bonus action but the important thing dread ambusher this is the defining feature of the gloomstalker Ranger once you get the extra attack bonus and you can get two attacks per action your gloomstalker gets to start the fight with three attacks and then if you're dual wielding hand crossbows or dual wielding something else you're using bonus actions for additional attacks too so you can do a ton of attacks right off the bat as a Gloom stalker and the name of of the game is to try to pick a Target and delete that one target immediately before they even knew what hit them you want to start combat by killing somebody as a gloomstalker if they survive your initial opener that's bad that's the worst case scenario is a target surviving your opener as a gloomstalker now you're still going to put in a ton of damage on that person to start with they're going to be starting on the back foot but you want to just take them off the board completely the easiest way way to prevent a Target in this game from dealing damage to your party members you inflict dead on them that's what people say you want to talk about crowd control the best form of crowd control is death a character who can uh pull the old yeus the leitus combo before the fight even has a chance to get started the enemies are already screwed and trying to catch up it's great it's an excellent position to be in with certain builds and certain items you can actually immediately go invisible as soon as you kill somebody and that right there can lead to your gloomstalker being able to walk into a room solo and just chain together a ton of free kills that the enemy doesn't even have a chance to react to If you kill somebody and your Gloom stalker goes invisible and you're far enough away where the enemies aren't going to find you you can just walk away let combat reset sneak up on him again pick off a different Target turn invisible walk away do the same thing over and over again you can clear out a whole camp with just the Gloom stalker themselves for almost no risk and also as much as I keep mentioning you know using hand crossbows and using archery for this you absolutely can play the Gloom stalker as a dual wielding daggers assassin kind of character it will work just as well but ranged it has other advantages as well that it gives you namely that you're uh not standing right up in your enemy's face which is usually not a great place to be at fifth level the Gloom stalker gets Misty step as has an always prepared spell this is one of the single best spells in the game hands down because in a game with strategic combat like balers Gate 3 has where movement and positioning are so key to the flow of combat and how an encounter is going to go having an ability like Misty step that grants you so much Mobility it's ridiculously strong so you're definitely going to love it for sure at seventh level you will obtain the iron mind passive this one will grant you Proficiency in wisdom and intelligence saving throws both of these are great to have because there's a couple of really tricky crowd control saving throws that you may end up having to make especially towards the end of the game a lot of the enemies that you're going to encounter start to use crowd control abilities against your party members and stuff can spiral out of control very quickly if one of your party members gets dominated and starts fighting against your own team or something like that uh guess what that super powerful character you've been putting all your gear on the entire game well the enem is controlling that guy right now and uh he just did two attacks per action into your Ranger's face it's not a great situation you want to avoid your characters becoming mind controlled or crowd controlled if possible so having a passive bonus like this is always great ninth level funnily enough is actually going to give you one of those crowd control abilities fear this spell causes a magical jump scare to happen right behind you potentially scaring your enemies they might drop their weapon and spend the next few turns trying to run as far away from you as possible this thing can be nice even though the Gloom stalker is mostly about you know deleting a Target off the board like I said before having access to a crowd control ability that you can actually hit a couple of targets with it's nice this is good to have and the absolute final thing that the Gloom stalker gets is their 11th level bonus stalkers flurry once per turn when you miss with a weapon attack you get to call a mulligan and attempt that attack again for free this is the my fingers were crossed ability anything in balers Gate 3 that gives you the option to roll a bad roll is insanely powerful and stalker's flurry is no exception missing an attack on a character who is built entirely around a super bursty opener sucks this character just has the ability to say ha just kidding and shoot him again now if you miss it again sucks to suck I guess get good but you got another shot and before we talk about my choice for gloomstalker class president I want to mention a very popular multiclass option that you might be interested in if you enjoy the sneaky assassin style of play whenever people talk about the gloomstalker they usually talk about gloomstalker and Rogue multiclass and I say Rogue because people multiclass Gloom stalkers with assassin Rogues and Thief Rogues just two different builds that are both good for different things but both of them are very viable assassin Rogues get a passive that resets their action and bonus action when combat starts so if you start combat with an attack normally you would be starting without your character's action because you already used it to initiate combat with that attack the assassin gets that replenished so just like an assassin would you're not there to talk you're there to sneak up and stab someone in the neck while they're not looking so you sneak up you stab them give them the old stabby stab combat initiates you get your action back and now you get to go again well as you can probably imagine the reason why that works so well for a gloomstalker is because the opener is everything for the Gloom stalker this basically just gives you another attack assassins also get advantage against targets that haven't taken a turn yet though if you're the first one attacking no one else has taken a turn you have advantage on everybody Rogues as a whole get to perform sneak attacks against characters that they have advantage on so this would allow you to perform these sneak attacks which is just additional damage and the Assassin gets guaranteed criticals on surprise targets so you would be doing a guaranteed sneak attack crit and would get to roll all kinds of bonus damage and then your Gloom stalker additional attack and then multiple attacks you get a ton of attacks basically the Rogues alternatively get an additional bonus action per turn so you can do two attacks with your action and then you get two bonus actions per turn so you can do two offhand attacks or drink two potions per turn or use your hide bonus action and drink a potion or make an offend attack whatever you get an extra bonus action it's good for pretty much everybody and as far as a character to represent the face of the Gloom stalker subass allow me to introduce the end the father of sniping from Metal Gear Solid 3 this character is said to have been infected with a parasite that drastically increased his lifespan and during these extended years he invented every sniping technique known to man he is also so talented with camouflage that he can literally lay out in the middle of a brightly lit open field and he's nearly impossible to see even with thermal vision because he's got a little bit of a a connection with nature as well the parasite allowed him to survive through photosynthesis alone for extended periods so his body basically reacts to sunlight like a plant and he can kind of control his body temperature to more closely match the ground around him and become one with the area to where even thermal goggles can't see him very well the man is a super stealthy sniper with access to very limited basic nature magic so for these reasons we had to chop you wait a second for these reasons I've chosen the end as the ultimate Gloom stalker and that's all travelers that's every little thing there is about the Ranger in balers Gate 3 if I missed anything let us know in the comments absolutely if you have a better example for any of the sub classes like I've said before please let us know because there's bound to have been a better example for each one of those but I'd love to hear you guys thoughts if you've enjoyed the video leave me a like And subscribe to the channel if you want more content like this or if you're just a self-loathing masochist I don't judge either way if you loved it so much that you just want to Chuck a bunch of money at me there's link links down in the video description to multiple different ways that you can support the channel and I thank you in advance for your kindness and your terrible priorities if on the other hand you hated this video and yet somehow made it all the way to the end there's something wrong with you and you should probably get therapy but secondly uh leave it a dislike so that I know to do better in the next one I guess thanks for watching anyway as always Travelers I am glad you got to see me do your best to stay alive until next time see [Music] you
Channel: Panic Rolling
Views: 15,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DWyzSysFWt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 45sec (4845 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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