Way Of The Shadow Monk - All Attacks And Abilities - Baldur's Gate 3 Subclass Guide (Full Release)

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This got reported for not being relevant to BG3 Builds. And I kinda agree, and kinda see value for these kinds of videos on this sub. It's more of a mechanics showcase than anything, which I suppose could help as a build resource or to inspire character builds.

I won't take the post down, but others scrolling through please feel free to reply to my comment and share your thoughts on these kinds of posts going forward.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Phantomsplit 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2023 🗫︎ replies
hey guys Omaha here today I'm going over the way of the Shadow subclass for the Monk and showing you all the Spells and abilities if you basically want to be a ninja and teleport from Shadow to Shadow and strike your unsuspecting foes from behind or shroud the area in darkness and move long distances in your turn to vanish Without a Trace or relocate this might be the subclass for you so before we start the video I just want to thank each and every one of you who has subscribed to me so far uh I've never thought I would have made it this far this fast I think a thousand subscribers in two and a half weeks truly blows me away and I couldn't have done it without you guys so thank you so much keep giving me feedback because I want to get better and better with each and every video and I hope I can continue to make great content for you guys in the years to come so without further Ado let's get on to the video alright so as a monkey Channel your Cosmic Enlightenment by deathly dodging and efficiently disassembling your foes through stunning strikes and a whirlwind of martial art attacks as a monk you're gonna get weapon proficiencies in simple weapons and short swords so that's gonna add your proficiency bonus to attack roles of those weapon types basically going to make it easier to hit and then you're gonna get the class action Flurry of Blows punch twice in quick succession so that's a melee attack it's a bonus action and it uses a resource called key points you're gonna start out with two of those and they replenish on short rest key is the magic that flows through all living beings you can use keep ones to fuel your Advanced monk techniques and then here's Flurry of Blows 8 to 14 bludgeoning damage it's gonna use one key point a bonus action then you can follow up with the main hand attack since that was a bonus action and this is an action and then you're gonna get the class features key points which is a replenishable resource that you use to fuel your key abilities an armored defense your reflexes are as effective as any armor while not wearing armor you add your wisdom modifier to your armor class so you can see here all I have on is monk robes and leather boots and my armor class is 16. I've got 10 for bass plus three for dexterity and then plus three for wisdom from an armored defense martial arts dexterous attacks attacks with monk weapons which are the weapons you're proficient in and unarmed attacks scale with your dexterity instead of your strength if your dexterity is higher so that's going to allow you to forget about strength if you want to and go all in on dexterity or you could still use strength and you can go with like Tavern brawler which is pretty good martial arts death strikes attacks with monk weapons and unarmed attacks deal one to four bludgeoning damage unless their normal damage is higher that's just going to guarantee you do at least one to four bludgeoning damage when you're using unarmed attacks or your monk weapons and then martial arts bonus unarmed strike after making an attack with a monk weapon or while unarmed you can make another unarmed attack as a bonus action you make an attack with a monk weapon or while unarmed gonna get a new bonus action called unarmed strike four to seven budgeting damage swiftly striking enemy as a bonus action then you're gonna apply your ability points keeping in mind dexterity is probably your most important ability and wisdom is going to be used for your armor class if you decide to go that route all right when you get to level two you're gonna get that Health increase your third key point and unarmored movement your movement speed increases by 10 feet when you are not wearing armor or using a shield and then you'll get three class actions patient defense Attack rules against you have disadvantage and you have advantage on dexterity saving throws so that's gonna last one turn it's a bonus action and it uses one key point so attack rolls is what determines whether an enemy hits you or not they're gonna have disadvantage on those so they're gonna roll two dice and use the lower value and then you'll have Advantage so roll two dice and use the higher value on dexterity saving throws and a saving throw is what determines whether a Target resists a spell or condition all right here's what that patient defense looks like make it a little harder to hit there you go then there's step of the wind Dash double your movement speed jump no longer requires a bonus action It's Gonna Last One turn and it's a bonus action and it uses one key point so normally I can move about 46 feet or so step of the wind Dash gonna double that so I can move like way over here and then jumping isn't going to use a bonus action just going to use 10 feet of movement speed every time I use it and then there's step of the wind disengage Retreat to safety by disengaging so when you disengage moving won't provoke an opportunity attack jump no longer requires a bonus action so that'll last one turn as well uses a bonus action and one key Point you're surrounded by enemies good way to get out of there you want to get opportunity attacks you Pop That be like I am a head out and then jumping won't use a bonus action but it uses 10 feet of movement speed all right once you get to level three you're gonna be able to choose your subclass and for the video I chose way of Shadow you value the Arts of stealth and subterfuge bending the Shadows to your will to strike without warning so basically you're going to be a ninja this is going to give you the actions Shadow Arts hide hide from enemies by succeeding stealth checks stick to the dark and avoid enemy sight lines attacking or casting a spell Will Reveal Your location that's gonna use a bonus action all right so here's Shadow Arts hide so if you look by my mouse cursor you'll see a little Sun icon that'll tell you how much light is in an area so right now I'm in the shadows and down by my profile picture it'll say lightly obscured hiding in a lightly obscured area has to make a stealth check when caught when I move out in the sunlight it'll say clear area hiding in an unobscured area will be caught on site and then if I use Darkness total darkness so I'm heavily obscured hiding in a heavily obscured area will go undetected unless they get too close to another creature so I'm hidden and what hidden does is if you attack an enemy while hidden you'll have advantage on that attack so it'll roll two dice and use the higher value and then also while hidden enemies won't be able to Target you so the main thing that differentiates this from hide is hide is an action and Shadow Arts hide is a bonus action then there's Shadow arts pass without Trace call forth a veil of Shadows and silence that gives you an all nearby companions a plus 10 bonus to stealth checks it's gonna last until a long rest the concentration spell uses an action and two key points all right here's pass without Trace so the AOE goes from about where I'm standing right here to this table you can kind of see the Mist on the ground that's basically the range of it that's what it looks like while it's active that's just going to make it easier to pass stealth checks and sneak around for you and anybody else in your party within this area then there's Shadow Arts Darkness create a dark shroud that heavily obscures and blinds creatures within creatures cannot make ranged attacks in or out of it so blinded they'll have disadvantage on attack rolls range of attacks and spells are reduced to 10 feet attack rolls against blinded creatures have Advantage it's gonna last 10 turns it's got an area of effect of 17 feet a range of 60 feet a concentration spell uses an action and two key points basically like a smoke bomb so I can use it on the enemy and then I can go inside and use my shadow Arts hide and I'll be heavily obscured and while I'm hidden I'll have the advantage on the attack rolls this is Vision cone right here the smoke still blocks his line of sight even if he's not within it you can use it to get away from a fight or you can use it on arranged enemies to close in and they're not going to be able to make any ranged attacks in or out of it so using this out of combat's pretty good too because it'll keep you stealth and you can sneak around certain areas so I'll use it before I activate the skeleton and I'll stay hidden in the combat will never start he's gonna go wake up all the skeleton Buddies this kind of vision never pierces through the smoke then there's Shadow Arts dark vision Granite creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 40 feet and that's going to last until a long rest got a range of melee it's an action and it uses two key points here's dark vision it's gonna allow you to see in the dark up to 40 feet and then there's Shadow Arts silence create a soundproof sphere all within are silenced and immune to thunder damage so they can't speaker cast spells with a verbal component that's gonna last a hundred turns and using the spill might turn Target's hostile it's got a range of 60 feet it's a concentration spell uses an action and two key points so here's Shadow Arts silence it's gonna make a giant bubble and anything within that won't be heard by anything out of it so if you use that on an alarm basically make it so anybody outside the bubble can't hear the alarm or if you want to kill somebody you can cast this around them go sneak in and kill them and if anybody outside doesn't see it then they won't know because they won't be able to hear it it also sounds any spell casters within so if you use it against a wizard they won't be able to cast any verbal spells and then you'll get the cantrip minor illusion create an illusion that compels nearby creatures to investigate you can remain hidden while casting the spell the spell can be cast while you were silenced it's gonna last 10 turns with a range of 60 feet and it uses an action you're gonna summon a little cat and any Enemy Within audible range is going to go investigate and see what it is so it's good for isolating targets if you want to take them out one by one or getting a group of enemies to go look the other way so you can sneak past and then you'll get two class features your fourth key point and deflect missiles use your reaction to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon attack by 1 to 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your monk level if the damage is reduced to zero you use a key point to deflect the missile deflected missiles do four to nine bludgeoning damage all right here's what deflect missile is going to look like he's gonna shoot me this bow I have the option to deflect missile so it's one to ten plus my dexterity modifier plus my monk level so right now I'm level three monk so it'll be one to ten plus three plus my dexterity modifier which is also plus three so six plus one to ten so I can choose to now deflect it since I reduced it down to zero once you hit level four you're gonna get a health increase your fifth key point and slow fall when you fall you can use your reaction to gain resistance to following damage so it's going to give you half the amount of damage from falling if you look down here at the bottom you can click on passives and slow Falls right here and you can toggle it on and off and then you can choose your first feet all right once you get to level five you're gonna get that Health increase your sixth key point and the class feature extra attack can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack if you gain the extra attack feature from more than one class they don't add together alright so now that I have an extra attack do one attack two attacks and then I can still use my bonus Flurry of Blows or my unarmed strike then you'll get stunning strike melee possibly stuns the target for one turn it's a range of melee it's a constitution save uses an action and a key point so stunning can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions now you stand for one turn and then stunning strike unarmed which is the unarmed version this four to nine bludgeoning damage and possibly stuns a target for one turn it's also a melee attack Constitution save uses an action and a key point and then you'll get the action cloak of Shadows wrap yourself in Shadows to become invisible if you are obscured when you're invisible you have advantage on attack rolls and impose disadvantage on enemy attack rolls attacking casting spells are entering in brightly lit area ends this condition that's gonna use an action all right here's cloak of Shadows remember you can only use this when you're obscured right now lightly obscured so it'll still work I'll turn you invisible it'll be easier to sneak around then if you go in a brightly lit area you won't be obscured anymore so it'll disappear all right at level six your Health's gonna go up you're gonna get a seventh key Point you're gonna get improved unarmored movement your movement speed increases by 15 feet while you're not wearing armor or using a shield then you'll get key empowered strikes your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies resistance and Immunity to non-magical damage so a lot of enemies can be resistant or immune to like bludgeoning damage and a lot of your melee strikes do bludgeoning damage well now with this it doesn't matter if they're resistant to it you'll still do the full damage and then Shadow step teleport from Shadow to Shadow afterwards you have advantage on your next melee attack roll and that'll last one turn it's got a range of 60 feet and it's a bonus action all right so here's Shadow step notice you can't use it in a brightly lit area and you can't use it while you're in a brightly lit area either so you have to do it from Shadow to Shadow it's got a pretty far range all the way over there so I'll use it to teleport to him and I'll have advantage of my next attack roll once you hit Level Seven your Health's gonna go up again you're gonna get an eighth key Point you're gonna get evasion your agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain spells when a spell or effect would deal half damage on a successful dexterity saving throw it deals no damage if you succeed and only half damage if you fail so basically any spell or effect that uses a dexterity saving throw will only deal half damage at Max and if you pass the saving throw then you take no damage at all so Gail's burning hand spell uses a dexterity saving throw cast it on myself [Music] saved so I take zero damage try it again save failed take half damage so only six so he rolled a 13 and I took half of that so it was six fire damage and then there's Stillness of mind if you are Charmed or frightened you automatically cast Stillness of mind to remove the condition all right when you hit level eight your Health's gonna go up again you're gonna get a ninth key point and you're gonna select your second feet once you hit Level Nine there's another Health increase your tenth key point and you get the class feature Advanced unarmored movement difficult terrain doesn't slow you down and you can jump an additional 20 feet while you're not wearing armor or using a shield so here's a puddle of Grease and you're gonna see it doesn't slow me down at all immune to difficult Terrain at level 10 your Health's gonna go up again you're gonna get your 11th key point and you're gonna get improved unarmored movement your movement speed increases by 20 feet while you're not wearing armor using a shield and then you'll get purity of body you are immune to poison damage and you can't be poisoned or affected by disease thanks to the purifying key flowing through your meridians so here I'll throw a poison bottle at myself and it'll say immune to poisoned anytime you walk through a poison Cloud you'll be all right once you hit Level 11 you're gonna get a health increase again your 12th key point and two actions Shadow strike which will deal three D eight psychic damage plus your normal weapon damage teleport to a foe from a hidden position striking them with the creeping psychic ferocity of the Shadows themselves it's got a range of 30 feet uses an action and three key points all right here's what shadow strike looks like so for this you have to be invisible or sneaking to be able to use it right now I'm invisible and then there's Shadow strike unarmed with Scandal 7 to 35 damage 1d8 plus three of bludgeoning and 3d8 of psychic that's also got a range of 30 feet uses an action and three key points here's Shadow strike unarmed which is the same thing you need to be invisible or sneaking for it to work all right finally for level 12 you get a final Health increase your 13th key point and you can choose your third feet all right guys and that's going to cover everything for the way of the Shadow monk if you guys like this video hit that like button down below and consider subscribing if you want to see more content like this we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Omaha
Views: 13,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 monk build, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 monk guide, bg3 monk, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 ps5, baldurs gate 3 gameplay pc, baldurs gate 3 gameplay combat, baldurs gate 3 gameplay ps5, larian studios baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 monk, bg3 monk build, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 best monk build, baldurs gate 3 monk class, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 monk build way of shadow, baldurs gate 3 monk build shadow, bg3 monk guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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