THE BEST Samurai Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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Samurai are one of the most recognizable icons in video game culture and in previous balers Gates you were afforded a ton of really awesome Katana weapons but how would you make a samurai in balers Gate 3 in this video today I want to talk about my samurai build by combining a lot of the fun ranged capabilities of Hunter with the over-the-top punching power of the Battlemaster for those that know their history you probably know that the samurai started as a mounted horse Archer and remain that way for several hundred years before coming into the iconic verstile Warrior that we know and love this isn't an you know min max build though so it's more of a fun RP one it's definitely still competent but you won't be doing solo runs with this build anytime soon so just kind of a heads up and if this is your first time on my channel the way I do things is by up fronting the knowledge of my videos so you can decide I have a thread one for you so with that being said we'll be taking eight levels of Ranger in the Hunter subass and four levels of fighter as battl Master you can split those up however you want you know doing five Ranger four fighter then three Ranger or just pure into one or the other whatever way makes sense for you but this gives us three Feats to play with two weapon Styles and plenty of other tools at your disposal that's the entire gist of this video and if that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and get back to creating your bushie in balers Gate 3 before you head out please don't forget to like comment subscribe if this video was helpful as each one of those things does help me out in a huge huge way I also have a huge bg3 playlist linked at the end of the video and lastly if you've been playing Dragon's Dogma 2 I have a ton of great guides linked in the upper right corner if you're struggling with that game as well let's get started here on my best Samurai build for baldder Gate 3 Let's jump into character creation and go through this bad boy now of course when it comes to your race selection this is a single player narrative game so have fun choose what you want none of this really matters don't Min Maxis if you don't like the way your character looks just choose something that kind of resonates with you but I'm going to of course go through some ones that to me personally really stand out now both the wood El and the half elf um yeah sorry the wood half elf and the wood elf both stand out to me because you know Rangers wood elves it all plays a lot of sense but Fay ancestry is nice to have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed and Magic can't put you to sleep also you get this civil militia which is not really going to matter because we're um going to be a fighter and a uh Ranger so we'll have access to pretty goddamn near everything but I like those options too because wood elf also has the increased movement speed which is nice so they can move a little bit further across the map even just being a generic human is really nice you do miss out on Dark Vision but being able to have another skill to be proficient in is nice and your carrying capacity is increased by 25% which is always cool always a big fan of dra for every reason because they're my favorite uh race in not Lord of the Rings in D and D um but also you know drought Ranger who who knows who that guy is I do tling is another really good option here because all three of these are going to give you access to some additional can trips the Mephisto tling and the asmodus tling are probably going to be a little bit better than the zarel tling just because the zarel tling um Can trips that you get get access to both The Branding and the Searing Smite are going to cost an action and a bonus action and while that is nice to do the additional damage or to do the the radiant damage and Mak it so things can't be invisible it's just kind of you get hung up on uh losing a lot of action economy out of those abilities but to be fair like I've said many many times zarel teelings are my favorite teelings because I love their lore so if that's what you want then just [ __ ] go with it who cares meop is anus though are pretty good as well and you also get a resistance to fire damage half work is going to be really fun here since we are going to be both a ranged and Melee character having access to Savage attack so when you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack not a rang weapon just keep that in mind you do an extra dice of weapon damage and you have Relentless endurance so if you reach zero hit points you regain one instead of becoming down always really good and you can go of course with like a dwarf if you'd like gith are are very very good here too because of the astral knowledge gain Proficiency in a skill of a chosen ability meaning if I choose uh Charisma then I'm not proficient in all Charisma based skills such as all the conversational ones but their Cans really good in that they get a mage hand they get a super leap it's one of the better um options here because you also get access to a ton of Gian giank exclusive items which are all really good and they're very very fun narratively I'm just going to go ahead and click Dr because it's me and our next option is going to be Ranger now you can choose fighter you can go five levels into Fighter um and kind of Respec and do sorts all sorts of things but I think ranger is the way to start it's the best way to just kind of go about this put five levels into this first because we want to get access to extra attack as fast as possible since we are going to be a melee and AR ranged character our first option here though is natural Explorer and we will go with Wasteland Wanderer fire because fire is the most prevalent damage type in the game now if you don't want to have like another character in the party that's going to pick locks you can actually use urban tracker here because this is just going to give you Proficiency in slight of hand allow you to pick locks disarm traps steal things with this character and we will be a deck based character that is a deck based skill so it will be helpful and our favorite enemy is going to be Ranger Knight this is going to give us a Proficiency in history which is cool but it gives us heavy armor without having to wait for fighter and most importantly if you do not start as a fighter or as a paladin you cannot get heavy armor unless it is granted by say a cleric subass or it is granted by a um a feat that you've selected this is the the only other way to get it like I can't sub I can't multiclass here into fighter and get heavy armor it doesn't work like that this is what turns it on for us and splint male is definitely Samurai armor trust me now as far as your background goes of course please role playay this choose something that makes sense for you and the character you have in mind for balers Gate 3 are you a noble son as I said so many times before are you some sort of wayward criminal that has gten on the straight and narrow are you even not even on the straight in area are you just a straight up CRI criminal are you a charlatan are you some sort of learning Sage that has that has studied the bow and other sort of things in nature and this is how you come about to being in the party whatever it is choose what makes sense for you my always been Max pick is going to be Guild Artisan because it gives us both insight and persuasion which are two very good skills that you will use through the entirety of the game trust me now let's go ahead and unclick these now since I'm a d i get access to perception but perception is a very good skill if you don't otherwise have it here and I definitely recommend getting one of your um conversational skills proficient becoming a proficient in them that should say plus two right there because we have it from our inherited from our background but inside as a really good one you can go with animal handling if you want to lean into it as a ranger but let me tell you if you have speak with animals you will use your conversational skills to talk to the animal if you do not have speak with animals you use animal handling to talk to animals so if you're using speak with animals which Rangers get this is a useless skill i' i' personally recommend against it but investigations good stealth if you want to take advantage of that slight of hand if you want to do any kind of uh um thievery with your character but that's going to be through the favorite enemy right so just kind of make choose whatever kind of makes sense for you even survival is not too terrible here so just choose whatever makes sense for your character and the party you have in mind now as far as your ability points go this is how we split them up I put 10 into strength here because we are going to be wearing heavy armor and strength is heavy so this way at least you're going to have a little bit of carry capacity to deal with that and you're not just kind of jammed up otherwise wise outside of that we have 16 dexterity which is going to be our primary damage stat now I've gone ahead and done 16 dexterity if you are a little bit more you know kind of wise in the ways of science you can go ahead and put 17 points here into decks if you want and get like say The Hags hair and other things like that to buff this up I would remove the points from either wisdom or Charisma depending upon if this is your face character the character you're playing or one of the characters in the party um but if you're not going to get The Hags hair and you don't want to worry about that or you don't even know what I'm talking about and you just want to have a balanced playthrough and not worry about it just put it at 16 you're going to be just fine don't worry about it it's not a mmax build you're going to have 16 point into Constitution this is going to give us all of our damage for both melee and ranged and all of our health with Constitution we're not worried about really pretty much anything else we're going to have 12 points into wisdom and that's strictly for having the capability to kind of cast a little bit more with our Ranger capabilities but that's not really a big Focus for this character so I haven't put a ton of points into it if you do want to put more points here you can drop your Charis a little bit and put them in there but I think you're going to be just fine with 12 and we've got 12 Charisma because again I'm assuming this is going to be your face character and then you're going to want to have some sort of conversational capabilities that is where Charisma kicks in so I'd take this one last point and put it like I don't know into wisdom there are things in the game that can give you plus one to wisdom like a necklace and things like that so that can at least be somewhat beneficial but other than that I'd say this is your pretty good ability Point setup for the entirety of the game and the progression for this character is going to be pretty straightforward uh I think I say that like every damn time but we're going to jump into level T her on Ranger which is going to give us our spells now some of the big spells that I really like are things like Hunter's Mark which are really fun to add some additional damage speak with animals which is just nice to have on some character because it is a ritual spell meaning that when you cast it it's not going to use up a spell slot so it gets you a nice bit of worth I'm not a huge fan of in snaring strike because it forces you to do a concentration so I'm not as huge of a fan on that one but I do like Halo Thorns it's a nice little level one spell as well so I'm going to probably go with Oh Long shredder too is also a very good one make sure you have one character in your party that does have long Shredder that way they can increase your movement speed by 10 feet so what I'm actually going to do is do this because I'm just going to focus on not the Spells so much for this character but it'll be nice to get these out of the way so maybe my other characters can free up their spell slot and for our fighting style you're going to have to kind of decide for yourself how you want this to work do you want to focus more on archery or do you want want to focus more on melee um regardless we're going to be taking both of these fighting styles no matter what but we've got archery which is going to gain a plus two bonus to range weapon attacks or dueling when you wield a melee weapon that is not two-handed or versatile in one hand and no weapon in the other you deal additional two damage with that weapon so since we do not have katas in this game there's only one Katana in the whole entire game we are going to focus on using rapers they are not Samurai weapons I'm very well aware of that and I wish I could use a cooler weapon in instead um but because we're kind of leaning into dexterity I'm going to go with rapers because it's actually a very good one and there are good ones in the game and I've never done a build with one but if you don't want to use rapers just simply go ahead and use any kind of finesse weapon short swords scimitars um even the two long swords that are finesse weapons uh the fuve and the lorian whatever the hell it's in both are in act one they're really easy to get but these are your two options for fighting style I'm going to start here with archery because I want this character to initially fill an archery role since we're going to take five levels into Ranger and then we're going to Pivot into fighter so those are our initial points here did chose archery right look how look how sick this armor is you probably never put on scal male plus two but this is scal male plus two and it's like the coolest Dam armor in the game and serox helmet's like the coolest thing I could kind of get to kind of match like a a Samurai helmet as best I could now another spell here I'm going to go with is just Hunter's Mark um again Hal of thorn is probably one we're going to pick up after this our subass though is going to be Hunter and we've got three options Colossus Slayer once per turn your weapon attack deals an additional 1 to8 if the target is below its Max hit points giant killer if large or bigger creature attacks you you can use reaction to make another melee attack or Horde breaker go with whatever you want to go that that kind of fits the the niche of your party the niche of your party but Colossus Slayer is what I'm going to default to because look at this once per turn your weapon attacks deal an addictional uh 1d8 if the target is below its hit points Max that's probably going to be every time you hit a Target and it's not relegated to a specific size of creature so that's why I really like this one versus giant killer is large or bigger creature attacks you so there is a requirement for this one Bo breaker you know Target Two creatures standing close to each other so this is really cool if you want a little bit of range capability but Colossus Slayers where we're going to be going that we're going to go ahead and press accept here and jump into level four which allows us to replace our spell if we so wish but we're also now going to talk about our feet so your feet options are quite a few actually here we're going to get access to three Feats since we're taking our Ranger to level eight and we're taking our fighter to level four that's going to be a total of three and what this is going to come down to our some decisions for you but I think the biggest one we're going to focus on is first going to be Sharpshooter your range weapon attacks you not receive penalties from High Ground rules and you have a minus five to hit but you do a 10 additional damage which you can toggle on and off that's going to be a must have for this build now I also really like alert for this build because yeah sure we are focusing on dexterity but we don't really have a way to kind of really make sure we go first and I really like this for this build to give us the flexibility to decide whether we want to use a range attack or a melee attack I find that if you take a ranged well an Archer specifically and you don't have alert the your initiative is going to roll however it's going to roll and sometimes someone's going to close the gap on you and it makes it very frustrating to be an Archer character and someone's already closed the Gap and now they're going to hit you and blah blah blah now you're not going to have to go back to melee so it's not as fun right so alert is another real big op a big Choice here now our final feat is going to come down to one of two options ability Improvement where we put points in dexterity to so that we do more damage um it's easier for us to hit this is probably the min max way to go I'm not going to lie to you but there's another one that I want you to take a look at that I think is very fun and for me it kind of fits the overall roleplay of this defensive dualist when attacked while wielding a finesse weapon you are proficient with you can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class possibly causing attack to miss your proficiency bonus will be two three or four depending upon what level you are I just really like that I think it really leans into the the style of character that we are playing right we are playing a a Samurai and as a samurai yeah sure we were a horse Archer at one point but there is a kind of um art to the and she Guru I can't remember the name of it there's there's an actual specific name for the The Sword Art in which Samurai fight with and I can't remember top of my head I'm sorry my my history is [ __ ] right but either way I think this really leans into the roleplay of the character so you could even Swap this off for alert if you want to really lean into the melee direction of the character which is totally viable in which case you take ability proof into to 18 you take defensive dualist and you would take sharpshooter in whatever order makes the most sense for you um since by the time you get this it's level four I think if you're going to take ability Improvement now is the time so that you're more apt to hit um it's can be really punishing in the beginning of the game with having low dexterity so I'm going to actually put my two points here into ability Improvement and decide as I go through this level if I want to go defensive dualist or not jumping into level five we're going to put some more points into stuff but we're going to get extra attack so now every time we attack with our range weapon with our melee weapon we get to hit an extra additional time that is absolutely juicy and we get a second level spell and it's really going to be Spike growth we're at level five right now and that's going to give us a ton of use throughout the entirety of the game but especially at level five you're going to be using this throughout the entirety of act one act two going to be a little tricky in act three but it's still going to come to be quite useful you can stack this with a lot of other abilities that allow you to kind of put some sort of substance on the ground to slow people down or hinder them and Spike is just such a good one here so we'll take this one we're going to accept this level and we're going to come into level six now you can go ahead and jump all the way up to level eight with the range right now if you want but I'd rather get a little bit more flexibility into this build and a little bit more utility by jumping into fighter and by doing this too we unlock dueling our other fighting style right so now when we do melee damage we do two more hit points of damage you can definitely go as defense if you want to just get a raw increase to your armor class and be a little bit tankier but dueling is kind of what I have have in mind for the overall kind of roleplay for this character you're wondering by the way this is bloody Plum I keep looking at the armor I'm like screw the video this armor is so [ __ ] cool um but leveling up here we're going to another level of fighter and we're going to get our action surge so now we have the ability to have an extra full primary action which is absolutely juicy we're going to get fighter level three which is going to give us our subass of Battle Master now why I like this is that it's going to give me access to three Maneuvers if you want a little bit more of just an on the rails character you don't want to deal additional buttons to press you like hey you know what maybe I just want this for my non-main character just go Champion it's just going to increase your crit strike by one so rather than in critting on a 20 you'll crit on a 19 so it's a little bit easier for you but Battle Master is the way to go here and what I like about this is it does add in some really fun abilities repost is one of my favorites here because this now kind of gives us the ability to uh weaponize anytime someone misses right when a hostile creature misses you with this melee attack expend a superiority diet to retaliate with a powerful strike that deals one additional 1d8 now this is going to go really well with that defensive dualist we talked about right because we can hopefully incur a miss a lot easier now what you want to take a look that that that with all these is that the majority of them have two different styles you can either use them in melee or in range combat and I really like that Precision attack here is a really good one to add into your kind of repertoire because what this will do is it'll give you the ability to kind of offset the penalty of Sharpshooter you can spend a superiority a die a superiority superiority Jesus die to add it to the result to an attack roll so this gives you it offsets that minus five to your attack roll and I I really like that but some other really good ones here are pushing attack to give you the ability to push people back 15 fet maybe knock them off of a ledge sweeping attack which I really like oh I'm sorry not sweeping attack trip attack to knock someone prone which is probably going to be my other one here it's just so powerful knocking someone prone man take a look this someone's prone they can't move or take advantages uh no bonus or reactions anything and they have disadvantage on strength and deck saving throws and any attacks against their prone creature have Advantage if they're made within 10et of the creature so if you have any other Rogue characters that have stealth attack uh sneak attack I'm sorry that just automatically allows them to do it they can just go ahead and do that that's a really really great one there um I like fainting attack as well you can use both your action and bonus action to turn attack to uh on a turn to attack a target with advantage and deal 1d8 um maneuvering is fun but you kind of have to be within range of someone I really like disarming strike though because this has kind of the same effect of trip attack where I'm going to just neuter someone's entire action or turn so I do like those two I'm going to go with trip attack here and like I said you can see here's a range version here's a melee version here's a range version here's a melee version so most of these will have some sort of ranged and melee version so it's going to be applicable for the character no matter what which is really nice so we're going to go trip attack here repost and precision going to bring us up to level four and we're going to choose another feat now um another one that you can use that I didn't really talk about is Marshall Adept which is going to give you two more of those Maneuvers so if you want to lean into party utility and using a lot more of those those uh uh Battle Master Maneuvers by all means go ahead and use these right here but outside of that um I'm going to pick up Sharpshooter at this point because now we have more dexterity we have ways to offset this the penalty from the attack roll so I'm going to go ahead and take this right now remember you can toggle that on and off now they're at at level five you know you could do six fighter six Ranger if you want if you really want to get more Battle Master Maneuvers but we're going back into Ranger here now oops back into Ranger to get level six which gives us another favorite enemy um this is really going to be de's choice just choose one that makes sense for you all these are really not amazing um Bounty Hunter may be the the best one but we're not using in snaring strike anyway uh it gives you a proficiency on Investigation though which is cool so maybe take advantage of that for natural Explorer we're going to go with poison because if fire is the most prevalent the second most prevalent is poison damage so being able to be resistant to them meaning you're going to take half damage is a very great benefit so we'll take that level jump us up into level seven we're going to get another level two ability which can be whatever you kind of want here um stuff like bark skin can be kind of cool but it's not really going to benefit us and it's also concentration but dark vision can be something fun to cast on other players um let's going to go ahead and pick up halo Thorns we talked about enough in this whole [ __ ] video let's grab it now now our defensive tactics though are is the reason we've brought our Ranger to level seven I would love to go level 11 with this Hunter and go with the volley of capabilities but it just is too onedimensional of a character so you've got Escape The Horde opportunity attacks against do have disadvantage so allows you to kind of Break Free steel will your unshakable resolve grants you advantage on saving throws against being frightened which is actually a very good ability um I think it's really between steel will which is probably what people default to or multi-attack defense so why I like this one is when an enemy attacks you they have a minus four penalty to additional attack rolles against you until the start of their next turn so in act by the time you get this right so this is going to be coming into the beginning of act three and of act two depending on how many quests you've done you're going to fight some scary bosses and those bosses get up in your cookie jar it's going to be nice to be able to mitigate the additional damage they can do to you right because a lot of bosses can do two three swings depending on who they are you know I'm not to name anyone because I don't want to spoil anything but the boss of act two one of the really important bosses in act three uh a lot of them have really strong multi attacks against you and almost every character after the end of act one I want to say is going to have multiac against you so this means that when they attack you twice their second attack is going to have a a reduction to its penalty to attack role now this plays into the capability to a use defensive dualist B use repost and C use this so we have a lot of really cool reactive things that are going to allow me to really punish an enemy whenever it takes a a pot shot at me so we're going to take those things going to accept that we're going to jump into our final level here of level eight which is going to give us land stride which is nice so now we're not affected by difficult terrain which is going to be absolutely lovely and we're going to get defensive dualist I've decided to go with it um alert again is probably the Min Maxi option here or going with Marshall add up for more Maneuvers if you'd like but I'm going to go with defensive dualist to really kind of weaponize anytime an enemy misses us right we can really punish them hard here and I love this we'll be able to add our proficiency bonus to our Armor class giving us some defensive characteristics and then come in real hard with a repost and then we also can reduce their uh attack role because of that defensive tactic from Hunter so this concludes our leveling up process let's now talk about all this put together so here we are with this character and you know there's not a lot on this bar there's not a ton going on you're not going to be completely swept up and all these many options for you and I I I think that's kind of um a benefit a strength to this character because it is not an overwhelming character it's a great one for you to play for yourself that you can have a lot of attention spent to the other classes or one that your other classes are playing and you can just spend a little less time on them um do keep in mind though you want to make sure you get this passive of Sharpshooters all in you want to make sure you pull it onto your main bar you would do that by pressing K go to Common sorry and no no we go to fighter because we pulled it as a fighter whoever you got that uh um feet on it will be in their respective Spellbook so we got it on our fighter it's right here so we're just going to put that right here we can just toggle it on and off we know when it is on uh this being the thing that reduces our attack role but we do more damage and I've got the capability here to add our superiority die which are these guys right here and they replenish on a short rest so this allows you to kind of stay in the fight for a long time right action surge replenishes on a short rest our second wind replenishes on our short rest of course our spell slots don't those are all long rests right but we're not really leaning on those to do the majority of our damage we're leaning on our range capabilities we're going to have a lot of fun with those once we jump into some combat and kind of show off what we can do there but again this is a a really straightforward very simple build that just kind of leans into doing a lot of single Target damage or doing a lot of range damage depending on if I'm in melee or not and the big thing that we're focusing on too is using duelist prerogative um usually I put this in the in the um equipment section but it's a large driving force of this entire build we'll talk about it a little bit more but it's like the ultimate Rapier and we're going to spend most of our time using rapers in this build because you have access to them early in the game they're actually quite good and with the majority of our damage is going to be focused on bow anyway jumping into our discussion now about equipment we're going to talk first about weapons and usually I have a section where I talk about the weapons I actually don't have and I have all the weapons I want to talk about for this build because honestly it's very straightforward just use any good bow you come across you're going to get one right in the very beginning in the emerald Grove that's going to give you advantage against uh large creatures uh monst monstrous creatures you're going to get a a crossbow named Harold all those are great just use any single bow that you find use any Rapier you find plus one Rapier any Rapier you're just using one hand weapon in specific um the kind of original Genesis here was the kensai which was a big portion of balers gate 2 uh with yoshimoto I think that was her his name I can't remember off top of my head but the kensai is one of the strongest characters in that damn game it was all about using no armor and a one-handed uh weapon particularly a katana for the most part and that's what we're kind of trying to to draw a parallel here but some other weapons you can use um there's the salty simitar which you'll get around I think it's like act two act three this is a good one that just has command on it and it's a plus two weapon it's a great one to kind of have in the interim until you get a better one and it looks pretty goddamn cool right um kind of has more of a touchy Vibe than an actual Katana Vibe and then we've got the F ALU which you'll get an act one you can just simply use this just like this and you'll be just fine it doesn't matter um keep in mind that dueling if you are using a versatile weapon with both hands you won't get the benefit from it so there is that to keep that in mind but you can simply use a short hand with one hand as well the sort of Life stealing you're going to get an act two is a really good one as well you have access to tons of shortswords um and rapers throughout this game scimitars as well there's a really good one that you're going to get from killing some NES in theying the null portion you can go with that one for as long as you want you can end up with balance when you go to pick up jira in act three Bal is a great one here what I like about balma has one of the benefits of the dualist prerogative and that is the perfectly balanced strike so now I can use my bonus action if I'm in melee to basically do another full primary action hit and that's important to note that perfectly balanced strike is not like doing an offhand hit which it's got a little bit of a reduction to its damage this is a fullon swing using my bonus action and it doesn't replenish on um it just replenishes per turn so you get a lot of benefit out of it I strongly recommend bellm also bellm has Whirlwind attack which is really cool is that it allows me to do an area of effect ability so if you don't want to use the dualist prerogative balm is a really good alternative now the dualist prerogative is this one right here and you're going to get this in act three by doing the remainder of the hag Quest as say but this one is just an absolute Titan it's a plus three so it's already going to be doing really well with your your damage roles elegant duelist while your offhand is is empty you score critical hits when rolling a 19 moreover you gain an additional reaction per turn remember our reactions let's press this button defensive dualists now we have that so we can do this an additional time per turn or repost an additional time per turn or wither and cut which is a portion of this ability of this uh sword right here this Rapier here's withering cut is on a hit with a melee weapon use a reaction to deal an additional necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus so you have that built into the weapon and just like bellm we also get duelers enthusiasm so we can do a whole full-fledged swing with our bonus action rather than using our offhand attack quote unquote it does a ton of damage it's really good if this is was a katana it' be even better there's only one Katana in the game and it's just a green plus one long sword it's basically what it is it's just a generic long that looks like a katana it doesn't do anything special it is so frustrating but this is definitely the quote unquote best in slot for this um build now outside of that though again like I said for bows just use whatever you find you'll eventually find the Hellfire hand crossbow which you can use crossbows aren't a big focus of this build um but you'll eventually get stuff like the bow of the Banshee which is nice which can inflict uh frighten uh you also get access to did I not do I not have it on anyone why would I have that the the Drake fire uh short bow right here uh the dark fire short bow which gives you resistance to cold and fire damage as well as haste you'll get this right at the beginning of act two at the end so it's a real great option that if you wanted instead just go with this until you find my opinion the best bow in the game which is the Deadshot the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one so now we're going to CR critical hit between both of these on an 18 rather than a 20 the wielder doubles their proficiency bonus when rolling range attacks with this weapon unless they have disadvantage so this is really awesome right we can really lean into the damage support profile of a range weapon with the Deadshot because we add double the proficiency bonus when rolling range attacks and you can also get a little bit more of a benefit here with BRAC spend 20 feet of your movement speed speed for the rest of your turn roll range damage twice and use the highest result both of these two in conjunction allow this this bow to just be shooting basically like ballista bolts down field and just capping fools left and right it's one of my favorite weapons in the game now there's another one that's really good it's called the Gunter male I don't like it personally it doesn't I think the Deadshot gives me more overall utility this on hit possibly inflict a guiding bolt upon the target which is cool because now I have Advantage right the next attack roll made against this creature has has advantage that's cool um it's got a 20 foot radius glow to it it's plus three it gives me Celestial haste which is different than your normal Hast in I believe uh yes it is I was making sure that doesn't say on here this does not exhaust you that's the difference between your normal haste and Celestial haste this will not exhaust you after the end of it expiring which is really cool um also it it last for what five turns so it's a little bit shorter and lastly you have the bolt of celestial light which is probably the biggest reason to take the bow here frighten your target with intimidating arrows after attacking ranged a weapon attacks made by the Gunter male deal an additional one to four radiant damage personally for me this is a a a bow that needs to lean into radiant style of damage and that can be really that can be done I have a light Archer build in my mind if you want me to post a light Archer build let me know I'll I'll put it make it what let me know in the comment section below if you want me to do a [ __ ] light Archer build what I'm trying to say where I just focus on radiant damage good Lord just learned to speak today but those are all of our uh weapons let's now jump into some armor so armor choices for this build are again really open use whatever you find I've done what I wanted to thematically and that's what I'm wearing but really there's some really good ones that stand out but there's nothing that's going to be completely over the top like if you don't get this build not going to work there's plenty of ways to approach this so let's start off with the helmet here I'm using serox horn helmet because this gives us dark vision if we were a human but also the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one so with this helmet on this bad boy here and that over there we go from needing a 20 to a 17 to critical hit you can't be frightened cannot be affect Afflicted with other emotion altering conditions and a plus one to your con throws really nice all the way around other helmets too are just stuff like the flawed hell dusk helmet use pretty much any helmet helmet you can find uh this just kind of really fit the theme and it's also a really good helmet but it really looks you know it's definitely no Oni but it is kind of has that overall feel of a a terrifying Vis on your face to inspire fear into your enemies as you charge them down uh with your horse otherwise we also have capes so we're going to have the cloak of protection is a really good one for Armor class and saving throw the cloak of Elemental absorption is a really good one here just to kind of help give you some magic deflection damage um the shade Slayer cloak I did have on here somewhere but it requires you to be lightly obscured here it is you can go with this one if you want while hiding the number you need to roll critical hit while effected Reduce by one you just that didn't fit the theme for the how I'm playing this character so I did not include this in the mix but it is not a bad one same thing here with the cloak of displacement this is also a very good one at the beginning of the wearers turn the cloak activates grinding the enemy's disadvantage on attack roles that Target the wearer so if you want to lean more into the actual range portion of this build this is a great way to do it because it allows you to really kind of uh uh disadvantage on people's attacks which remember you can weaponize in a lot of really cool cool ways when they miss outside of that though we have our chest armor so I know I I wanted to focus on heavy armor it was the point of this build and we're not pulling Armor class into our um character with our dexterity unless we use the armor of agility it's a medium armor it didn't fit the overall theme but I would be remiss if I did not bring it up because you can see my AC's 19 if I wear this it jumps up to 22 because we have a a full plus five from dexterity I have plus two extra dexterity because of thief's memory a story event um but if you don't want to go with the medium armor and you want to stick with heavy armor and stick with the theme like I'm doing um the adamantine this is the scale male I unfortunately don't have the splint mail the splint maale is godamn awesome looking it is very like on brand for this character um but or not but there's no butt you get it right here at the end of Act One it does all these things plus one so all incoming damage is reduced by two rather than one when a melee attack hits you the attacker is sent Reeling for three turns other than two attacker cannot land Critical Hits on the wear and it's a disadvantage on um stealth checks and the AC the base AC is 18 rather than 16 so it's really easy to get it's a really good piece of armor that you're going to use for a lot of the game another really good one here too is the Dwarven splint mail uh this is also a split mail and it kind of has roughly the same look that I that I was going for but it's a very good piece of armor you take one less piercing damage plus one bonuses strength saving throws and checks and plus two Constitution so you have a lot more health and survivability it's a very good chest piece that you're not going to go wrong with but you know honestly this is a really good piece of armor it has all the benefits the of of the dwarfen splint mail it just doesn't have the the plus two toon plus you take one less piercing damage gain plus two B plus one bonus to strength saving throws and checks you're an Archer man you're in the backline anyway it's 19 AC you're you're pretty much set here you can really jump into the armor of agility or jump into some sort of Min Maxi option with your armor but I think you'll be just fine with splint armor plus two you can buy it at the beginning of act three in Rivington and I actually think you can buy it the at the very end of act two as well I really like it it's a really cool thematic option if you don't have the adamantine splint armor which is a better option all the way around cuz it just looks really cool so those are your options there for your your chest pieces again go with whatever you really want some standouts for gloves in the very beginning of the game gloves of archery which I think you actually get the emerald Grove or in uh Moon uh the the in in act two but you gain proficiency bonus with long bows short bows and whatever doesn't matter we already have that but your range weapon attacks deal in additional two damage on top of your your weapon your archery fighting style which already gives you a plus two your weapon Dam you now you're doing plus four with your your Archer weapons which is great so lean with this in the very beginning you'll eventually get the flawed hell dusk gloves which can add one to four fire damage to your weapon attacks which is really cool here so you can jump in that direction another really good option is the legacy of the Masters gain a plus two bonus to attack and damage roles with weapons so it's plus two damage and also plus two to your accuracy basic basically so that minus five we get here from Sharpshooter is offset by two because of these a very good choice now I think probably the best in slot here though is the gauntlets of the warm targets have disadvantage on saving throws against your maneuver and weapon actions this allows you to get these weapon actions off far easier since they have got disadvantage on these and that is absolutely crispy but this also applies to stuff like hamstring shot over here or piercing strike or flourish because these are all weapon actions so you get a lot of use out of this that isn't strictly to you simply being a Battle Master but you also get the benefit here if you're trying to knock someone off balance inflict a gaping wound give him a little bit of a hamstring hamstr strong or do weakening strike to weak their grip we weak their grip weaken their grip so I I overall really really like these gloves they just fit perfectly for boots use whatever boots you want that kind of are pretty good Mobility boots um disintegrating nightstalkers are good act one boots that you'll be getting can't be in webbed and Tangled or snared and you get Misty steps so a great way to kind of get around the battlefield boots of strting are really good here too when you cast a spell that requires concentration you gain momentum for one turn well guess what this requires concentration so this gives you momentum so you can move around a little bit easier very easy to get these in the very beginning and you can never be knocked prone with them while you're concentrating so I like this quite a bit and plus one to Athletics the the probably the best uh in slot is Boots of persistence because this gives you freedom of movement and long Strider so you're just free to do whatever the hell you want at all times which is really really really nice here um into our jewelry slot again use whatever kind of fits advantage on wisdom saving throws and shield Amulet of the Harpers is one of my favorite simple amulets you get in the game but another really good one here if you have the slot right is Amulet of Greater Health it sets your Constitution to 23 just keep in mind you're taking this away from someone else that might be more of a Frontline fighter so just know that also an amulet of Missy step any kind of amulet that gives you some sort of Mobility resistances some additional functionality is going to be really nice in this case also uh for our Rings we have the sweetheart here when you kill a creature your next Ro will be a critical hit once spent this effect refreshes after a long rest um The Ring of freeaction here you ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be paralyzed or restrained you already ignore the effects of difficult terrain but cannot be paralyzed or restrained is very nice if you don't have some of the other things in this you're not using the boots of persistence which freedom of movement gives you or the spurred band here so when you get low in health you can kind of break away a little bit easier uh there's also the Ring of regeneration uh there's Crushers ring o That's not Crusher ring oh where the hell Crushers ring Crushers ring which allows you to move 10 more feet so you have a lot of options for Rings just there's nothing that's really going to stand out here like oh that's the one that's the Archer one I would definitely go with that one uh another good option here which I I actually did not grab grab it here is the ring that just simply adds to acid damage anytime you do any kind of weapon attack so it makes it so that you can really um you can add a little bit of extra punching power to all all of your weapon attacks CU you're doing that additional to uh what's it called damage uh toxic damage I guess I don't actually have it in here I I I've the amount of times I've bought items and then put them back reloaded saves everything like that so it's all over the place bu the costic band um which you'll get from the Mind flare in act one in the underd dark but those are all of your items here let's jump into a little bit of combat to show this character off and how they play before we actually jump into combat I want to talk about the Drake throat glaive here now what this has is draconic Elemental weapon and now I can add to either my uh Rapier or to my bow the ability for it to use an element and so this is up to you right how do you want it is your character more focused on the Range capabilities or on the melee kind of make that call for yourself so how this works is we equip it and we take the weapon we want to imbue and I'm going to do my bow and we throw it on the ground and you're going to see this dis ability right here we're going to click that and we've got a choice between acid cold fire lightning or thunder I like thunder because it's one of the least resisted um damage types in the game especially amongst all these we're go ahead and click that and we select the bow it is now an elemental weapon pick it up and we put this back on and we put this back on and we can see this now does its 1d8 Plus 8 with an additional now plus 1 D4 more jumping into combat let's have some fun here remember this isn't going to be some sort of disgusting display of all this massive amounts of damage it's just going to be a fun display of a character that can do a lot of cool things so before we even start we can decide okay do I want to approach this combat round here in melee or in um Range so I'm going to quick save and we'll come back to this and I'll approach this in melee let's show off some uh range here first we can go ahead and press halil of thorns if we want drop a cool little hell of thorns do some damage here we can go ahead and press brace going to help us out with all of our range damage so we can do that let's let's let's do this drop a level two bomb here yeah we can get this to go and you go to kind of get tricky with how you target this thing to see if I can get multiple here and we'll just go that and we'll do cutting words and luck of the far Realms to for a critical hit and it just does A A Little Thicket of damage right there right and then I can also say Hey you know this guy uh let's try and CHP him from ranged oh na nailed it dude and we could use superiority or Precision attack here now add to our damage and do quite a bit right so I mean just kind of take a look at all that um this did six and three and 22 you can see we did quite a bit just from that the Colossus Slayer alone this did 21 and four this did 143 and 8 and we would do more damage to these people have we had our Colossus layer up and you know what we did quite a fun round of combat there well let's just go ahead and use action Surge and let's just do it all over again right we can go trip attack another person bam critical hit did 41 we did 41 damage right there plus the eight from thunder right so anything that rolls gets doubled and we still have a superiority die we can go ahead and trip another person now uh let's just do this loss this Slayer sure uh they roll 19 is a critical hit never mind uh do it there we go another big huge chunky hit 41 and eight right there so you can see we had a lot of fun I'm going to go ahead and bring my character over here and hopefully we can get some ah damn I was hoping we get a little a little miss going on let's see if we can do this we'll do this see if we get people to attack us miss uh oh I forgot I know what I have to do there um make sure you turn on your reactions make sure they're all set go so now we can go oh oops and turn we'll just kind of come back around see if we get more attacks and misses on him and they'll probably actually go over this direction yes do me oh I'm out of range there too anyway so even if I miss I won't be able to attack that's another thing to consider to is like they have to be within your range for that to work around to my character and you know what what we're going to actually do here is let's jump back ahead we'll reload and have some fun with some melee now that we're in melee we can also still use Halo Thorns we can go ahead and do that if I want um but we can have plenty of other things that we can do now right switching back to our weapon here I can go ahead and do still our trip attack now for melee range and you know it's already going to be critical hit let's see go through and you can see that that thing just did a whopping amount of damage right 26 plus the six and I can use my reaction to push in a withering cut let's do it because that withering cut is going to do just a little bit to to kind of push this over the edge and we have that Colossus Slayer because wither and cut is a separate damage instance so this enabled us to do the damage we did which lowered the person's health and then we did withering cut which kicked in Colossus Slayer right right since I didn't have Max health and I can even just finish them off no through just go for the prison Shank 1 two three walk away and I mean unfortunately we didn't kill him right there but you know what I've got a Bonus action I can do a full swing bonus action right here and just clobber fools and uh let's just yell sure there's a critical hit right there for 13 and four can hit him again if we want we can go ahead and use Precision attack and do that there we do just more damage just chipping away things whatever we want to do and and I'm not going to let I'm going let that all go through end that turn see if I can get you out of the way book your opportunity sure sure sure cool cool cool that over there and that turn me being in the cookie jar over here damn that hit me at least I resisted this the trip which would have messed with everything else okay there we go we got a miss so I can repost here just kind of have these things go around see if we hit them okay now uh they use main hand attack on me I can use defensive dualist and help incur that Miss so a lot of really fun things that we can kind of trip off of or have things going on this character is is seems like a very passive one and that there's not a lot of abilities going on with the character but I think it's also one that's very easy to kind of get your brain around you can have a lot of fun with you have have a lot of tools people can miss you very easily you can weaponize those misses you can do a lot of fun things with this one so hopefully this is a really good way to approach a samurai in balers Gate 3 I know it's not the coolest Samurai you've ever seen right we're not doing any cool kind of like one hit wonders with a with a katana like I wish we could like we can do in balers gate too but unfortunately this is the best way I could kind of make this work while still kind of sticking somewhat true to form or Spirit of the roleplay but if you have had a different approach or way you've done this go ahead and let me know in the comment section below you know at one point I thought about do I just go with a two-handed weapon which would have been like a nochi uh or do I kind of stick with the one-handed look of like the the Taki or the or the katana you know what am I going to do how am I going to do this with the rap here and there's a bunch of different ways I initially looked at this with Fighters and barbarians and monk even but manifestation of Soul only works with unarmed I'm like Ah that's not as fun here so go ahead and let me know in the comment section below how maybe you've done a really good successful Samurai in uh B Skate 3 and there are pretty probably some pretty cool mods out there that allow you to do it but I just don't have access to those but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 28,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE BEST Samurai Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 best build, best ac armor class, radiating orb, best cleric, light domain, best subclass, bg3 tank build, bg3 samurai build, bg3 samurai, bg3 samurai archer, bg3 archer hunter, bg3 ranger hunter build, bg3 fighter battlemaster, bg3 battlemsater build, bg3 battlemaster maneuvers, lore builds, dnd build, bg3 build
Id: hALXMybS2wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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