Trying to Get Rich Off Pokémon Cards

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hey guys big merch restock is happening right now we've dusted off some of the greatest hits from the merch store and they're back for a limited time you guys are always yelling at me telling me to restock the merch so if you miss out on this one don't come crying to me because all that's gonna do is make me cry as well please be nice to me collection designed by kell lauren restock the pardon crew neck restock the cottage collection restock and more restock so head on over to grab some merch before it's all gone again alright thank you so much for the support i hope you enjoy the video goodbye pokemon is an undeniable obsession with children across the country craze that has become a global marketing phenomenon pokemon has captured the imagination of children around the world and billions and billions of dollars from their parents wallets in my opinion parents should not let their kids watch pokemon play pokemon buy pokemon cards have anything whatsoever to do with pokemons there's no escaping pokemon the biggest thing for kids since mickey mouse when it comes to the biggest pokemon craze it has to be the trading cards the trading cards cost between five and eighteen dollars a pack just how long will this fad last retailers hope well into the holiday shopping season there's no escaping pokemon all right [Applause] folks let's talk about pocket monsters and no i don't mean penises pokemon the pokemon franchise was created in 1995. it started in japan with the game's pocket monsters red and green then later released in other parts of the world as the two games that would change the video game and media industry forever pokemon red and blue since then they've made television shows movies apps bouncy balls cologne cars you name it yeah they made a pokemon themed car and i [ __ ] saw it with my own two eyes that is a photo of me i think i was four or five i was taken at paramount canada's wonderland i'm wearing a backstreet boys t-shirt in front of a pokemon car and hey that's the most 1999 photo you will ever see in your entire life so enjoy it my point is pokemon sold and continues to sell a bunch of stuff and obviously they became super popular because of that pokemon is now the highest grossing media franchise of all time oh yeah take that hello kitty goodbye kitty bye [ __ ] and also another fun fact pokemon is also what i say when the red teletubby is getting on my nerves po come on sorry i've been waiting to use that joke for a very long time back to pokemon i was born in 1994 so obviously pokemon was a huge part of my childhood i played all the game boy games all the n64 games i still love playing the mini games on pokemon stadium 1 and 2 to this day and yeah i'll kick anybody's ass at the minigames i'll kick your ass i wasn't just making a thinly veiled threat to everybody on the planet i watched all the pokemon movies growing up i played pokemon go when it first came out pokemon go to the polls nice i got a picture in front of the [ __ ] pokemon car okay cut me some slack i like pokemon i mean i will say the pokemon tv show was it was alright digimon was way better yeah the first two seasons of digimon are some of the best television i've ever seen in my life and i'm not joking you know that one episode where matt walks deep into that dark cave that was essentially his own depression actualized in the digital world but gabumon his digimon who also experienced loneliness and depression stayed there in the cave with matt and basically saved his life and if i keep talking about it i'm going to cry what the [ __ ] i almost started crying from because i was talking about a digimon episode uh-oh and not to mention dude digimon are just [ __ ] way cooler look at this [ __ ] digivolving progression bottom on koremon agumon raymond metal greymon or greymon and then from there it can branch out into ancient raymond agumon bond of courage or omnimod yeah if you missed it that's a [ __ ] talking dinosaur that can shoot missiles and also another example dude padamon this little guy so cute look at what he digivolves into are you [ __ ] kidding me that little thing just turned into a man a shredded angelic hunk with beautiful hair are you kidding me that's amazing dude i don't even have to look it up but i know for a fact that the fan art of this guy whoa there's definitely illustrations out there of angemon's pocket monster if you know what i mean obviously digimon isn't as popular as pokemon but personally my opinion i i just like digimon a little bit more sorry back to pokemon the topic of the video got off the rails back there talking about a fictional man's penis you know how it goes obviously i'm not as big of a fan of pokemon as i used to be when i was a kid right but whenever i see new pokemon stuff like the new pokemon snap or like the re-release of the old games like i get excited there's a lot of nostalgia you know surrounding pokemon and it just reminds me of how i felt when i was a kid like playing these games me and my friends would gather around the green box as we called it and we'd compare the pokemon we caught we'd help each other beat certain parts of the games and we'd try to catch the mew that was under the pickup truck even though that was proven later to just be an urban legend it was just the best time man and you know what i totally get why people are still into pokemon well into their adulthood if pretending to host legal dog fighting rings helps me forget that i'm gonna be 30 in a few years oh man sign me up please one aspect of pokemon i didn't mention yet though are the trading cards holy [ __ ] dude he grew up in the late 90s early 2000s you witnessed this first hand but when pokemon cards first came over to north america those are the only things kids cared about until like yu-gi-oh cards came out but recess in the year 2000 was like the floor of the new york stock exchange kids just [ __ ] yelling and screaming at each other trading cards with one kid to trade that card with another kid some other kid just sitting on a stoop with his collar undone and his tie loosened crying into his hands because he lost everything in a bad deal or i don't know secretly hating your one friend because he pulled a holographic charizard at his birthday party you had to sit there and pretend to be happy for him but deep down you wanted him [ __ ] dead now he walks around the school like he's hot [ __ ] you're not james just me all right seriously though pokemon cards were all the rage but the thing is i i didn't really understand them i had a [ __ ] binder full of pokemon cards and i straight up didn't know how to use them like there's a game you play with them right like you battle each other but i didn't know how to do it neither of my friends so we all just like hoarded these cards and like whoever had the coolest collection won essentially like that's how you win note to self cue the line from uncut gems i'm not a [ __ ] athlete this is my [ __ ] way this is how i win since the early 2000s pokemon cards have been like steadily popular but in the year 2020 pokemon cards absolutely exploded yeah i guess you could say they used self-destruct and it was super effective pokemon reference videos of people opening old booster packs were getting tons of views twitch streamers were opening packs live on stream and then everybody's favorite boxer logan paul spent millions of dollars on pokemon cards auction the booster packs and opened them live on his youtube channel all of this combined to make pokemon a hot commodity when you're hot you're hot that was a pokemon puzzle league reference where are my puzzle league heads at huh and it sucks because like obviously pokemon cards were already on the up and up but i honestly think logan paul is like the main reason it blew up so much like i don't it sucks like i don't know why it had to be that guy you know why did it have to be him maybe he's just a big fan of japan and he's only had positive experiences there so he wanted to you know celebrate the japanese creation or did i miss something and it's just so fascinating to me that there's all this hype around pokemon cards from like 20 years ago because everybody has their own personal relationship and feelings associated with pokemon and especially in a year like 2020 i think we were all looking for something that reminded us of simpler times less stressful times if you will and what's less stressful than being a kid opening a pack of pokemon cards with your best friends well like i was saying prices of pokemon cards especially first editions have gone way up let's just do a quick search on ebay right now uh we'll search pokemon cards and then we'll sort it um by price highest to lowest okay pokemon highest price wow man dude [ __ ] off one card and it's rated a nine so not even the best you can get and it's two and a half million dollars for that price you could live in like a beautiful house can't live in a card uh that's like a house of cards nevermind dude what was the listing i saw the other day i think it was a box pokemon box yeah dude look at this [ __ ] the ultimate complete first edition pokemon booster box collection factory sealed one of every box that came out unopened factory sealed 6 million us dollars man i could go back in time i sound like uncle rico how much you want to make a bet i can throw a football over the mountain seriously though if i could go back to 1999 when i was in front of that pokemon car i would grab myself by the [ __ ] caller and i would go buy as many pokemon cards as you can and keep them safe and yeah there's probably better more ethical things i could tell my five-year-old self but he was an idiot and he still is but before we get any further down this pokemon card rabbit hole i feel like i should briefly go over how some of these cards have these insane price tags attached to them there's a way these cards are appraised or graded and it's through a company called psa which stands for professional sports authenticator they do everything from autograph authentication to trading card grading and they're sort of the industry standard for like how much a card is worth there's also beckett but psa seems to be the most popular way to professionally grade your cards a psa gem mint 10 is the best grade you can get from psa it means it's essentially flawless no stains or scratches the corners are perfectly sharp the border spacing is even all around no bends or creases anything like that just basically a mint condition card and it's honestly pretty shocking the price difference from like just a nine to a ten so let's take a look really quick raichu is my favorite pokemon so let's find out how much psa seven of that card is so first edition psa seven seven hundred and fifty dollars it's not two million dollars but still a hefty amount of cash now for a psa nine of the same card it's two thousand dollars you could get like a shitty used car for that price but let's see how much it is if it was graded a psa 10 like the best you could get oh my god 28 000 u.s so 35 grand canadian you could buy an entry-level tesla for that price dude yeah sure i have to walk five hours to work there and back because i didn't choose to buy a car but [Music] but yeah you can uh you could see the disparity between just a psa 9 and a psa 10. it's a huge jump i don't know man it's just so crazy to think of like these little things i had in my hand when i was a kid are worth like hundreds of thousands of dollars now it's wild but i want to say watching videos of people opening packs and getting a super rare card that they want is just so enjoyable man it is truly amazing watching people get excited about the thing that they're so passionate about it is literally like one of the best things you can ever see straight up when was the last time you were like [ __ ] shaking because you were so excited i don't i don't remember the last time i did that like maybe the speed run but i didn't even know i got this the world record then so on i think the last time that i had that feeling i was a baby i was a straight-up baby about to eat some animal crackers or something what i'm saying is basically i want a piece of this action i want to get my stinky little mitts on some rare pokemon cards but the question is how do i do it without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars luckily i watch a bunch of pokemon card videos on youtube how is the lava not moving yet we can't fight change can't fight gravity we can't fight nothing as i was saying i watch a lot of pokemon card videos on youtube and i've seen videos where people will go to these like vintage stores and they'll find you know super rare pokemon cards for dirt cheap so i went to an antique mall in my hometown and i bought all the pokemon cards i could find and i did i didn't get any good ones and they're worth like a couple cents but i post this on my instagram story and i talked about my podcast but look what i got i got this at the vintage mall it's the little mermaid original copy that was banned because look it's got a [ __ ] dick on it right there it's got a [ __ ] penis but enough about pocket monsters back to pokemon another style of video has been popping up in my recommended lately these videos where people will go find their old pokemon card collections from when they were kids and they'll find out that they have like a bunch of old cars that are worth like thousands of dollars now and i'm [ __ ] jealous of these people okay i am because i don't even know if i still have my old pokemon cards i also moved like seven times since the year 1999 so who knows where they are my mom that's who so i texted her asking if by any chance my old pokemon cards were at the family storage unit and she said it's possible that's all i need mom so i think i gotta go see for myself that's right i'm gonna leave my room so come along and let's try to get rich off of pokemon cards let's go [Music] good morning it is uh it's pokemon day i am about to leave to go to my family storage unit i'm feeling nervous you know if i don't have cards there then i'm kind of [ __ ] because how am i gonna get rich off pokemon cards if i don't have pokemon cards right my mom said that she's gonna come help me so that's pretty epic of her so let's get a let's get a pog in the chat let's get a [ __ ] kelly pog in the chat for my mom for my beautiful mother yeah i'm gonna get going but really quick disclaimer i'm filming this part before i did the intro i scripted the intro already i just haven't filmed it yet so i feel like throughout the course of this video the length of my mustache is gonna fluctuate a lot so i apologize if that's jarring for you but that's why i'm filming these things a little out of order but i'm gonna shut the [ __ ] up because i have to go but i'll see you when we get there peace get in [ __ ] so i drove my pokemon car over to my family storage unit to find my millions of dollars worth of trading cards and this is all stuff that has accumulated over the past like 30 years it's my old stuff my mom's my sisters my stepdads there's just lots of stuff in there and uh there's no air conditioning in the storage unit so it was hotter than charizard's balls i started looking through boxes that look like they could have pokemon cards in them but i couldn't find anything but then i peeked into a box and saw a bunch of action figures so i brought it out for a closer look i found my old mighty beans super stoked about that some rugrats dolls some beyblades dude and i also found a huge bag of toys that indicated that i was getting close a bunch of little pokemon and digimon action figures that i totally forgot about were all in this box and this find really got my heartbeat racing or maybe that was the heat exhaustion that i was experiencing i don't know i went through another box that was filled to the brim with beanie babies you'd think by this time they'd be beanie adults grow up you know i moved them out of the way and i thought i saw a quick flash of blue and yellow so i used dig to see if there were pokemon cards or just a mirage caused by my heat exhaustion and there they were a huge stack of loose pokemon cards buried underneath beanie babies for at least 20 years i [ __ ] did it [ __ ] okay so we went through that storage unit for like four hours today found this like loose stack of pokemon cards i'm [ __ ] pissed because i know i have like a book it was like some knockoff pokemon book like pikachu was like green or something it had all my favorite cards in it like all the best ones and i [ __ ] i don't know where i put it i'm really i'm really pissed off about it but i'm gonna go home and then we'll do a quick look through uh what i found in the storage unit so i'll see when i get there [Music] okay hey guys i'm back at my house now i don't think i've ever spent that much in my life that was uh that was a horrible day found some cards thank god like i said these aren't like the best cards because i just couldn't find those which really sucks most of them are like energy cards so that's kind of lame and we also got some like trainer ones i don't think these are worth really anything [Music] based on the fact that it doesn't have first edition there so it's not first edition and also the series they did right after was is called shadowless this shadow on the the of the artwork isn't there i guess this is the in the unlimited series i think as you can see most of these cards are just super common and basic but i missed all of these cards there was one glimpse of hope [Music] that's the best one i found like it looks for being in a bin for like i don't know 20 years it looks pretty good it's a little bent also shaking so much oh my god if it's a psa 10 okay this one says 8 000 whoa okay but that's not all folks no no no so i was talking to jenna my girlfriend about this video that i was making and she was like oh i have a bunch of pokemon cards in my house i can i can get my dad to mail them to us and i was like that'd be great and yeah these cards are mine because you know that old saying what's what's up what's what's mine is what's hers is mine right that's the same it looks through jenna's old collection and it had way cooler cards than mine so shout out jenna's dad for sending these cards for me to include because something pretty cool happened that's cool these are like really good conditions like there's a little nick right there but yo holographic aerodactyl dude from the fossil set holy [ __ ] okay essay 10 gem mint pokemon card it's like a thousand bucks pretty cool a trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer i hardly know her ooh brock's vulpix i'll look that one up too i mean the japanese one psa 10 is 580 that's pretty cool that's kind of sick also okay bonus cards actually jenna's dad also sent over some digimon cards which i am very excited about i said earlier that i like digimon better than pokemon just because the show is so good and here's a prime example look at this look at that card dude meat it's called meat you just can't find that in pokemon man this is not there's no card that's just meat and it's a garbage can with a little guy in it how insane is that imagine pulling that out in the digimon match dude get ready for my meat pretty sizable collection of pokemon like just really standard pokemon from the unlimited collection very common cards but we have three right here we have the vaporeon from the jungle set brock's vulpix and then we have the hollow aerodactyl from the fossil set so no first additions but i'm pretty stoked on these but the big question is how much are these worth right like you've seen how like how much these prices can increase from just a psa 9 to a psa 10. if i'm gonna figure out how much these are worth i'm gonna need to talk to a pokemon expert and it turns out that one of my good friends chris melberger twitch dreamer ex-viner like me he's super into uh pokemon cards he has like an instagram account how about we talk to him and he can give an expert opinion on how much these cards are worth so let's go talk to chris [Music] all right hello everybody welcome chris thank you thanks for talking to me no problem okay i actually have some pretty awesome finds pretty pretty awesome pokemon cards that i got to show you before we get into that do you uh mind if i ask you just some some you know basic questions about about pokemon cards shoot away man let's go i didn't think of any that's fine professional interview that's fine we can move on um have you always collected pokemon cards like from the very beginning or is it something that you like recently uh picked up since i was like a kid in elementary school i was very into him uh like every kid had him and then like middle school came along and i was like kind of like i'm good but then like with streaming i was like this is kind of a fun concept to open up packs and like see we know what's out there but also like there is value to some of your older cards and stuff so it got me and my buddies like really excited about looking at our old collections trying to find like old collections in like antique stores and kind of going on like these weird hunts trying to find stuff at garage sales so what is it do you think that like is appealing to people to like collect collect cards like what is it like the feeling you get when you like pull like a sweet card or just like everything about it like what's uh why do you do it yeah i think there's like obviously a little bit of nostalgia to it with pokemon everyone has like their favorite you know character so it's like yo maybe like for me i have i collect a lot of gengars because i think gengar is awesome i probably wouldn't do it as hard if i wasn't like a content creator because i'm able to open cards up for content as well as for for myself so it's like a double whammy business expense right hey man don't tell them i said that oh yeah in my words don't worry it's a business expense what are some cards that you pulled that were like oh this is the best feeling ever holy [ __ ] i'm losing my mind right now uh so i have a few actually i can show you yes uh this one i pulled the other day and it's just it's just a funny card to me it's the shiny blue ditto ditto is already such like a goofball i feel like so him being blue he just looks like a blue piece of gum so i was like super hyped it's like such a silly card oh dude i love that case let me just put these vintage packs uh i'm sorry these all these vintage packs sealed over here sorry you gotta flex on me like that man holy [ __ ] from the 90s whatever here's a card that i pulled that i got that was like hype that got a 10 which is like the best score psa 10 gen mint 10. charizard you want to see my favorite card that i have yes please i'd love that is it a game card it's a shining mew and it came from a corocoro uh promo but it's like it's like the 90s but it's super super cool okay so i'll let you know i just i went through my family storage unit to find some pokemon cards for my own collection just some i'm curious you know i want to see what they're worth and stuff yeah let me help first up hold on i'll take it out of the sleeve keep it in the sleeve you don't want to you know what you don't you know what damage even though it was in like a bin for like 20 years but um okay this is a brock's vulpix yeah so that raw could fetch you about like 50 cents to a dollar okay not bad graded i'm not sure i mean it looks like it's in pretty good shape damn yeah the centering is not bad good centering um any whitening on the back that you could tell i'm not really seeing any we could say maybe an eight or nine on that potentially okay you're looking at maybe like a forty dollar fifty dollar carpet hat perhaps get a nice meal get a subway sandwich okay next one we got uh this is a oh all right this is from the fossil set right so it's not first edition but it's still really cool it actually looks like it's not in bad shape either like are there any scratches on the hollow itself can you see like any like print lines or like scratch marks on it yeah there are some scratches on the hollow so you could be looking at a solid like five or a six maybe a seven on that one to be honest you know that's just how it is in storage yeah there's like some whitening and some like little marks on the in the middle of the car too so some sharpie that just says like kc oh great yeah there's a big dick on the back that i drew okay then we got one more i think this is from the jungle set it is not first edition but ooh vaporeon okay pretty good conditioner this is the one that i found in my collection that's nice so vaporeon uh i think was the most common of the three flareon jolteon vaporeon uh is there any scratch marks or a little bit the centering is off on the right side like a little bit yeah you can see that right it's like a little thinner on that one side yeah could be looking at a solid six or seven on this guy all of that hard work hours of digging through boxes on the hottest day of the millennium for 200 worth of pokemon cards sure 200 is 200 but i wanted to make millions baby i put on a happy face for my friend chris but deep down i was gutted i felt like matt in that one episode of did you sorry almost cried again this news was devastating but our journey isn't over yet let's say goodbye to chris and see where we can go from here also chris's camera froze right around this part so i had to use some movie magic to fix the footage everybody go follow chris on twitch and everywhere uh pokemon boys on instagram right yeah i see you i see you sneaking in there with some likes from time to time i'll toss you on every now and then you know i'm not greedy uh but yeah i appreciate that and what's game soon absolutely on slash chris melberger thanks man after talking with chris uh really put everything into perspective for me i was going about this all wrong chris doesn't collect pokemon cards so he can maybe make a bunch of money someday he does it because he genuinely loves pokemon and that's true for like all the popular pokemon card collectors sure putting like a huge price tag on your collection is exciting and attention grabbing but that's not what it's about and the people who are in it for just the money they stick out like sore shiny bald thumbs my friend jarvis made a great video about a particular situation that happened so you should go watch that but essentially this guy who calls himself collectibles guru was caught on video basically selling a resealed first edition box which is a my no-go it's a resealed box all right time to call the seller and it's obvious he's just in it to make as much money as possible and that's really frustrating to see if pokemon is something you really care about right like all those really cool collectibles could go to people who actually give a [ __ ] and you know what after talking to chris and watching all of these pokemon card videos i had a realization i don't think i like pokemon enough to fully dive into it like these people have and it was wrong for me to go into this with some monetary goal at the end of it like i was going to make a bunch of cash like you know where's the fun in that also feels like kind of sleazy and i'll be honest coming to this realization like a half hour into this video is terrible news for me because this entire video is about pokemon cards but you know what i want to be honest in this video and all my videos and the truth is i don't like pokemon cards enough to send them off to psa get them graded and then go through the process of selling them or even just keeping them like that's not for me so i was really struggling to find like a good conclusion to this card collecting journey i'm on but in reality i feel like the real ending to this video has been right in front of me the whole time digimon are just [ __ ] way cooler i like digimon better than pokemon just because the show is so good meat emma started crying because i was talking about a digimon episode digimon was way better how did i not think of this earlier you know if i'm gonna make a video about collecting cards and really do the hobby justice i need to collect cards that pertain to the thing that i actually like which is digimon there's a [ __ ] meat card man and there's already a ton of pokemon card youtubers and i don't need to further saturate the market that's just too many cooks in the kitchen baby as i said before logan paul exploded pokemon card's popularity and he caused the prices to go way up and i think it's time for that to happen to digimon cards as well and i'm going to do it firsthand it would also be like poetically beautiful if that happened too because digimon became popular the year after pokemon became super popular so if that happened again 2020 was pokemon's year 2021 is digimon time what i'm saying is i want to be the logan paul of digimon cards so i started doing some research on vintage digimon cards and i found out some pretty interesting stuff there's the actual digimon cards you could buy when the game came out they're part of the digi battle card game those are the ones that jenna's dad sent you know the meat card but there was another type of digimon cards that were released called the animated series edition and these puppies are the valuable ones okay these were the first ever english digimon cards printed and they all have an exclusive preview stamp on the bottom left but on top of that there are some cards within these packs that are super rare and are worth a bunch of money again it's not about the money i'm just saying like they're super rare and they're worth a lot why are they worth so much i was getting to it so when they first printed these digimon cards they printed 100 gold holographic versions of each card and they were all numbered from 1 to 100. so when you think about how many cards are produced that's not a lot at all those are very rare so if you pull a gold holographic numbered card out of one of these packs that card can be worth like thousands of dollars like this psa eight numbered goman that's selling on ebay right now for five thousand dollars oh wowza so i searched ebay for first edition digimon animated series booster boxes and was actually shocked at how many were listed and they go from anywhere between like 300 and 700 dollars which is really good compared to the pokemon booster boxes that are going for like hundreds of thousands of dollars so since this box was such a steal i had to get one so i did and then i got to thinking well if i buy this one i'm gonna open it what if i want another one to just keep as like a collector's item you know so i bought a second one and uh it sort of snowballed from there and one thing led to another and i bought six boxes and i also bought ten uh just booster packs this morning yeah i spent like four thousand dollars on digimon booster boxes i'll be honest with you i don't know what happened i i honestly think i blacked out i think i just really wanted to increase my chances of getting one of those super rare cards so i could have that moment for the video i don't know man this is like the most expensive video i've ever made i think and it's all for [ __ ] trading cards for an animated series that isn't even that popular anymore but i don't feel that bad because like chris said it's a business expense unfortunately these boxes are coming from like all over um so i can only get one in time for this video but i thought we'd do an unboxing you know we will open all the packs and see if i can get one of those rare gold holographic numbered cards and once i get the other boxes i'm thinking maybe i'll just like unbox them on my twitch so you can go follow me on there if you want to see that but enough of me blabbing without further ado let's open a first edition digimon card animated series edition booster box [Music] hey guys this is just open the box by the way don't worry it's also pretty crazy how weird it feels to to hold a knife when you're not in a kitchen folks it's time i hit a few speed bumps on the way i almost didn't get this in time for the video because you know sometimes you pay for express shipping and then sometimes it gets held in customs for a week why do i pay the express shipping you know animated series edition dude trading cards exclusive preview from 1999. before we go to the main event i sort of went on a digimon spending spree i also ordered a starter pack starter deck of uh digi battle cards this is pretty crazy but they're like the entire deck is first edition so we got this guy hercules kabutarymon shiny padamon first edition raymond first edition angelmon yeah look at that guy dude he's even more handsome in person and last but not least we've got a first edition god sorry still getting choked up about that scene i think it's time we we get this going holy [ __ ] i'm like so nervous dude i'm like i don't want to cut it i mean it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that i'm like cutting it you know because i i got like five more on the way so it's fine breaking the seal [Music] i don't know why i'm so nervous dude okay [ __ ] it oh okay yo that's [ __ ] sick this poster is the opposite of van's shoes okay because this is going on the wall okay so just to recap so we're all on the same page each pack has seven cards and every pack has one silver holographic card but we're looking for a gold holographic card with a number out of a hundred next to the name on the bottom of the card all right let's get to it all right here we go guys moment of truth we're gonna start opening up some packs see what happens man they look a little uh like i don't know if it's just like time has passed and like the coloring is off but it looks a little dull and stuff but okay kabutimon guru rumon cool guagamon okay first holo i meant to say earlier this is like a lot smaller than i thought it was going to be but hey if i had a dime for every time that was said to me am i right fellas i started opening pack after pack after pack and although it was a lot of fun to flip through these cards in anticipation of the next holographic one about halfway through the box the frustration started to creep to the surface ah god damn it heart of the cards sorry that's yu-gi-oh [ __ ] it's time monochrome is this not a gold hollow no numbers [ __ ] the cards were sticking to each other quite a bit just because of the material they're made out of they probably didn't have the pokemon budget i assume but it would sometimes show a bit of the hollow before i got to it which would get my hopes up because some of these cards have yellow or orange borders and when those colors are shiny i'm sorry it looks gold and this happened to me a lot oh [ __ ] i really thought this was going to be it too i keep getting blue bald bro i was now about three quarters of the way through the box and i was starting to lose hope i hate to bring it up again but i was starting to feel like matt in that one episode of digimon but just like matt i had a little horny friend to cheer me up nice we got one yeah horny as in he has a horn on his head i can either confirm or deny that gabuman is actually horny not a numbered one but cool all right guys we're getting down to it we're getting down to the [ __ ] wire right now guys and you know what i'm gonna manifest it we're gonna get one [ __ ] we got two packs left okay we got two packs in this box [ __ ] man there's two in here too no numbers damn it dude okay guys [ __ ] man this is it this is the last pack this is nerve-wracking i'm really [ __ ] nervous come on okay we've got that i and coromon tk and pokemon phantom on and german okay here we go guys [Music] okay not yet never mind okay here we go guys i looked through all the holographic cards just to make sure i didn't miss a numbered card or anything based on my track record maybe i could have achieved the goal without actually realizing it as it happened you know but there was no luck an entire box with no rare numbered cards [ __ ] man damn it i mean where did he get the gabuman which i'm very excited about that's all i wanted and it's in really good shape too if i can get this graded and this is like a 10 ah [ __ ] man i really wanted i really wanted a gold one well i have five more coming so it's not over yet i'm gonna put these in sleeves and stuff and then um i'll see you in a second for the conclusion to this video i guess so see ya i don't know why i exhaled like this was going to be a youtube apology video so uh after opening that booster box obviously i was sad that i didn't get one of those super rare numbered cards but i honestly wasn't as bummed as i thought i was gonna be which is surprising it was genuinely so much fun going through these packs seeing all these characters that i loved growing up and my heart when i was opening the packs should have gone to the olympics okay because it was racing and i get why people devote their entire life to this it's a blast personally i i think everybody should collect things it's a very human thing to have a collection or just have the desire to collect things and there's something to be said about having like a physical collection of things whether it's cards pottery stamps action figures clocks whatever i love that we can't control much in this life and uh i think collecting can give people a sense of like fulfillment and control at least in a little aspect of their life and there's something to be said about like curating a collection and seeing it grow over time like something you can actually like touch it's like real it's right there you know like [ __ ] nfts dude [ __ ] today how about that and you know what while i'm talking my [ __ ] to hell with all this minimalism [ __ ] you know minimalism is propaganda that is being fed to you by the companies that make grey couches i would much rather see a house just full of your collection [ __ ] back scratchers or sugar packets or [ __ ] sex dolls maybe not the last one but i think you know what i mean but since i'm such a fan of like fizzable since i'm such a fan of physical collectibles i want to commemorate this video in the best way i can because this was a lot of fun for me it took just so much time and um checking my [ __ ] phone every five minutes to see if the package was shipped was a literal nightmare and i never want to do that again but all in all i had a good time and i learned a lot about collecting and just myself so i have created a first edition holographic curt boy trading card right there i am not joking this is serious we're printing 200 of these and the first 100 that were printed are numbered and those will be randomly shipped from the 200 that were printed in total i personally wasn't able to pull a numbered card from the digimon box so i want to give that feeling to some of you guys quick disclaimer though i will be keeping number 69 to myself for obvious hilarious reasons so i guess only 99 of you will be getting numbered cards i'll also be putting all the cards in these protective top loaders and i'll be signing all 200 of the protective cases and hey you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want with it you could sell it on ebay right away i don't care you could frame it send it to psa wipe your ass with it i do not care you can it's yours you can do what you want with it you know maybe if i get super famous and successful one day it'll be worth a bunch of money don't hold your breath though so if you want to grab one of those you can go to this website right here that is on the screen i'm not going to put the link in the description or anything like that because i want people who watch the video to be the first people to get it i don't even know if these are going to sell at all i've never done anything like this before i might actually be the first [ __ ] youtuber with a trading card but right over here [Applause] i'm setting trends i don't know man i just think it'd be cool maybe like 20 years down the road someone's at a [ __ ] thrift store and they see some stupid card with my face on it and they're like who the [ __ ] is this guy oh he's a youtuber and he made a [ __ ] trading card of himself what a douchebag i don't know i just think that'd be pretty neat and you know what else is neat sponsored videos this video is sponsored by expressvpn folks the internet is great but if you're browsing the internet on an unencrypted network oh dude you're playing a dangerous game for example if you're perusing the internet on an unencrypted wi-fi connection you know maybe you're looking for some vintage pokemon cards you find some that you like you put in your credit card info and your billing address uh-oh some hacker could see all 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just kick back and watch some new stuff so yeah i hope you guys check them out if you haven't already because it helps me out a ton when you guys check out the sponsors so yeah back to me okay that's i think that's the video i think i did everything if you're still here thank you this has been one of those videos where i work on it for so long that i end up hating it by the end of it so i hope you liked it i hope this is good i don't know anymore yeah if you have any first edition uh digimon animated series exclusive preview boxes please let me know even just packs i will pay for them and i will and i want them and i want them all i want all of them this is going to be a digimon monopoly a digi monopoly and there's nothing you can do about it i guess there is you can just not sell me one but please tell me one please like the video if you liked it that lets me know that i can i should do more videos like this yeah leave a comment let me know what you thought let me know what other topics i could make a video about um you could press the subscribe button if you want because as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of curtis town and if you didn't know curtis town is the best place to live in the world and i'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law sorry you can check the description for the other things i do my instagram my twitter my weekly podcast called very really good i got a patreon for the podcast doing bonus episodes on there i got a twitch i got a gaming channel i'm tired all the time but yeah that's it i hope you enjoyed it again thank you so much for watching if you're still here i appreciate you so much i'm gonna go to bed goodbye
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,056,299
Rating: 4.9836869 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, pokemon, pokemon card, pokemon cards, charizard, first edition, pokemon card pull, vintage cards, vintage pokemon, pokemon collection, commentary, video essay, digimon
Id: wHp8eMfYYwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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