How Gabbie Hanna DESTROYED Her Career...

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and i'm not gonna sit down and make a video screenshots exposing my quotes the voice messages and the text that she sends me threatening me crossing my boundaries that i'm setting firmly the thing about a compulsive liar a pathological liar a narcissist is they lie about the littlest things and then those lies get bigger you're a disgusting fucking horrible fucking person dude you are a monster i also listen to curtis because he's a human being everybody has a voice and everybody deserves to be heard when do i ever say anything about anyone oh my god people hate me all i have going for me is that millions upon millions of people hate me you want me to be drama okay here's the drama you want me to be fucking crazy okay i'll be fucking crazy you want a fucking villain all right sure i'll show you [Music] [Music] [Music] to be a failure in life is something that we all fear the most success brings you money things praise and overall admiration but what does failure bring failure brings shame embarrassment money troubles and worst of all you can become a laughingstock or the freak show of the internet i'm drama seeking right i started drama [Music] [Music] i personally feel like failure and even the concept of success is kind of what you make of it you can choose your own parameters that define success for you but in the world of social media and especially the world of youtube success has a very specific parameter numbers when your numbers are good you are a social media success flying high receiving all of the praise and admiration but then when your numbers are bad you're irrelevant and no one cares about you apparently why are the views so low even from hate like where where are the videos i kept telling myself i guess people just don't like me oh my god people hate me so you can't fly too high off of social media success or you might plummet to the depths of irrelevancy and in even worse cases you might lose it all as is the case right now with gabby hannah gabby hannah formerly successful youtube star and story timer or storyteller yeah recently had a very public reaction to her career falling off and while there's been a lot of great coverage on some really really problematic things that gabby hannah has done recently all of the recent events surrounding gabby hanna made me wonder what has led to this happening how did gabi hannah become seemingly such a massive internet train wreck so let's talk about how gabi hannah destroyed her career fuck you fuck all of these people i am the fucking victim but before we get into the video if you haven't subscribed yet and you like this type of content then subscribe if you want to and if you like this video then uh give it a thumbs up also if you want to and let's get into the video i also want to put a brief disclaimer before talking about this gabby hannah's recent actions have also taken people's very very private personal lives and things that have happened to them very privately and blasted them on the internet and that's something that i won't be contributing to in this video i will not be using gabby hanna's possible mental health issues as a distraction from the actions that she's done recently and i will not be mentioning people's private personal stuff that has happened to them because i personally believe that gabby hannah has used these events as a way to distract from her own actions and this video is all about gabby's actions nothing else and yeah there's probably going to be parts that i get a little heated throughout this but i'm going to try and be unbiased because also gabby hannah is not a villain she is not an evil character she is a person who is very flawed and has hurt a lot of people so the best way i could possibly think to explain the downfall of gabby hannah and her career is through going through the events of her career and the rise and fall i personally love old fables and stories from greek mythology the story of gabby hannah reminds me of the story of icarus the story of icarus is an old greek mythology story about a boy named icarus who attempted to escape crete with his father by using wings his father constructed out of wax and feathers before taking flight his father warned icarus not to be too confident and not to fly too close to the sun or the wax on his wings would melt but after taking flight icarus gets carried away becomes overconfident and even blinded by his own confidence and flies too close to the sun only for the wax to melt off of his wings and for him to plummet down to the sea below the story of icarus tells the tale of hubris and blind confidence and the dangers of in a strange way maybe believing in oneself's capabilities too much to the point where it defies logic and i think this story relates really well to the story of gabby hannah in my opinion gabby hannah's blind confidence is ultimately the main cause of her downfall and once she started to fall downwards she desperately tried to cling on to relevancy as it slipped from her grips chapter one taking flight because i am a good person are you fucking kidding me are you fucking serious another obnoxiously out of control shit piece of human trash before we analyze someone's downfall we have to look at their rise aka how they got so high in the first place people want to know how i got started on vine basically i graduated college and i was sitting at home and i was like a waitress and i saw some people that really made me laugh and then i joined it on a hashtag and then from there it just kind of like took off it started off with me just being you know a loser with no friends and nothing to do and now i'm a loser with no friends and a vine account i think a really important thing to know in a lot of gabby hannah's initial success is a lot of it was actually kind of built through following in the footsteps of others gabby hannah's social media career began on vine like a lot of other famous social media stars of today and if you don't know what vine is it's like the tick tock of 2014 and if you don't know what tick-tock is i don't think i can really help you with that and there might be certain parts of this video that are a little confusing to you but gabby hannah's initial vine formats were pretty much very similar formats to what everyone else was doing at the time monica left and took everything she took everything what a bitch yeah knew she wouldn't give back the dress she borrowed typical monica and then she told me that cj had been cheating on me at least you have a boyfriend to cheat on you can you believe i've been single for two years i could have in my baby how does that has anybody ever told you you should be a singer yeah actually that person is natural that was the humor that i was raised on that was what was funny in media that's what was popular on vine and as somebody trying to be popular on vine i did that she didn't revolutionize anything and even at times made very offensive content because unfortunately a lot of other viners made very offensive content it's so this is a really really early i don't even know if this gets it reactive okay ready yo these people daddy that's that's it i feel like this is racist honestly it is and that's how carlos was made on my channel really the house racist racist now races all the time i love running through black neighborhoods with my shirt off i'm gonna steal all of your baby daddy i remember there being a lot of comments of people being like this is racist gabby hannah was never really number one on vine or really anything in general she was never at the top but she was following trends and kind of piggybacking off of other people's success which is a strategy that a lot of people use on social media and it works for a lot of people so it's not necessarily wrong it's just an important thing to kind of keep in mind to the context of gabby's career when vine died or i even think kind of right before vine died gabby moved to youtube and started a youtube channel and her first early content was very basic youtuber stuff of that time but eventually gabby hannah transitioned into making her channel a full-on story time channel because once again story times were popular and trending much of gabby hannah's early success in her career was kind of through this comedy style that she was doing but even her comedy or her jokes or comedic style was also shown to be unoriginal because gabby ended up being exposed for copying a lot of jokes basically i'm talking about this video that came out on december 23rd the reason i remember it is because it was my entire christmas and new years was on my phone when i should have been with my family just like obsessed with comments and followers and subscribers and just kind of my world felt like it was collapsing in and this guy made a video where he basically accused me of stealing jokes when we came to america it was so nice it was just indians and they weren't even indians we called them that by accident and we still call them that like we knew in a month that it wasn't indians but we just don't give a shit we never correct it we came here and they're like hi and we're like hey you're indians right and they're like no no this is india right no it's not it's totally other place you're not indians no ah you're weren't indians it's like christopher columbus came to this land he was like i'm not an idiot they're like nope not india he's like you sure i'm pretty sure it's individual it's not india india and then he named the people that were already inhabiting this land and what's fucked up is [Music] what he was doing where he put that next and i was like holy fucking i stole that fucking joke which i mean at least she did own up to at the time and admit that she did copy those jokes though it's kind of hard not to admit it when you have proof of someone's joke and then a proof of a joke that you said and they're exactly the same so as harsh as it may sound gabby's rise to fame was not through being a super unique and original content creator her success was found through following trends and mimicking other successful youtubers and viners at the time but an interesting thing is i don't think gabby hannah ever realized that that's the reason for her initial success it seems like gabby attributed her success to herself and being an awesome and entertaining person i do always seem to be in some type of altercation and to me i'm always like wow that person is out of their mind but honestly i think that some people just like to be mad at me i don't think she fully realized or understood that much of her success was through formatting and kind of copying other successful content and if you don't know why you're successful in the first place then success becomes impossible to maintain this is also complete speculation on my part but it does seem that from gabby's early early content she did seem to be dealing with a certain level of insecurities your makeup is all fucked up really yeah that's not her makeup that's just her face oh shit you're right she ugly oh whatever so are you guys happy i get insecure what are you guys talking about my fucking nose like as if that's not like something i've heard my whole fucking life like it still hurts to be made fun of and it seems that her rise on social media and success and fame sort of exacerbated those insecurities and made it worse which is something that happens with a lot of people because comments can be brutal sometimes chapter two the height i make people crazy in ways that i don't even understand and there comes a point if you're having problems with people where you kind of have to ask yourself is it me am i the reason so gabby's formula of mimicking other successful content creators so gabby's formula of following trends really starts to work and her youtube takes off from gabby's early content you can really tell that she has a younger audience first off because of the style of videos for some reason it's reminiscent of jstation to me crazy things happen at 3am when we go there guys we're just really dramatic and super loud everything you're saying is kind of simplistic in a way and over sensationalized i am cursed i don't know why at this point tears i'm going to my therapy appointment your mind is going to explode so hard at the i don't even feel bad you'll understand why it gets significantly better by the minute i promise it seems like a lot of people who have younger audiences do that style of speaking and talking and it's really interesting to look at from that lens so like every story time youtuber at that time i'm assuming gabby hannah probably had preteen to teen mainly girl fan base her story times are definitely over the top and dramatic like every single story time youtuber most story time youtubers on the internet but even looking back in these videos i can definitely see times where gabby's scary side sort of pops out are you fucking kidding me and he was like oh i didn't think you'd mind are you fucking serious i'm yelling i get out of the car i slam the door and i hear him say did you really need to slam the door and i look at him and i was like are you out of your fucking mind i'm a raging entity at this point the amount of rage in my heart at that moment bitch can you read email another obnoxiously out of control shit piece of human trash this takes the cake for probably the most shit customer service she didn't give me her name but she had a really thick accent and she once again cuts me off and says honey we're down here in oklahoma ain't nobody here got an accent and i'm so fucking mad she said i'm like listen you have to let me speak to a manager even in gabby hannah's initial success there were many instances where she seemed to be a very confrontational and aggressive person there was the situation with rice gum bear to summarize gabby hannah was kind of wanting him to get some sort of response on a snapchat video and i know that i want to challenge him to a battle but i know he won't do it at all's birthdays ruining the party you know what i mean i would honestly write them every once in like live freestyle battle like right now hey and kept provoking him even though he said no i don't want to do this no and was not feeling prepared to go on social media or anything he just wanted to be at a party and be left alone i just challenged you to a live bottle on snapchat would you do it why would you do it no i don't want to all right [Applause] and she wouldn't leave him alone and kept kind of instigating something with him and he got really upset and broke her phone okay so update sorry i'm crying um i think that joke was very funny and he hit me in the middle of a party and shattered my phone i can show you that sack i'm standing out on the balcony so that it doesn't like make a scene like he literally like everybody's like he hit you and i was like yeah he did and my phone is broken the screen is broken the back camera's broken so i need to get a new phone um here's my pop socket in my hand um that fell off when he shattered my phone it's broken sad i just made this do i think that's right or an okay thing to do not at all physical aggression no matter what is inexcusable and not okay period neither person was right in this situation period end of story but i do have to know that this is a pattern that continues to pop up with gabby hannah where she will provoke people until they react it was a very similar thing where she confronted this dude who did a video on whether or not he would smash or pass gaby which of course is not the greatest type of video content it is not my style of content that i like to consume but it was also very popular at the time so like i know these people i've worked with these people i feel like because we have some type of rapport and because i see them at three or four events a year there's no way that they're going to pass me because that's just going to be incredibly awkward at playlist orlando so let's see after the past two minutes of my life i need this why are you thinking so hard this dude said that he would pass on gabby hannah but was actually kind of polite about it and was just like she's not my type which is fair but this caused gabby hannah to see him at a party once again confront him in person and ask him why did you pass on me and start accusing him of all of these things and then kind of going after his physical appearance he never went after her physical appearance oh yeah let's talk about it let's talk you passed me i did so you mean to tell me that it's tonight we got a little bit drunk and i was like hey i'm really interested in you you think you're out of my league i don't say you're out of my league no i'm next up to bat is dominic deangelis he had to come at me on twitter said that i was the uh worst person he's ever met in la so let me tell you about the day i met him so before i met him he played a game of smash or pass publicly on youtube and when my picture came up he dehumanized me and demeaned me you know like a misogynistic disgusting piece of shit who acts as if he could have a chance with me anyway at a party he approached me like nothing was wrong and i confronted him about it and i said i didn't like that and he was like oh come on it's just games and i said well you're too short for me to fuck how do you like being judged on your physical appearance and then he stormed off and didn't like me anymore you fucking nasty piece of shit and once again this is a case of her being aggressive and confrontational and not respecting someone's boundaries whatsoever it's bizarre to me considering first off in his initial video he was very polite and kind and didn't say anything problematic but honestly i don't know if this is a hot take or not but even if he did say something problematic it is not an excuse for you to violate someone's boundaries it is not an excuse for you to aggressively go after them men should be able to communicate their boundaries to women just as much as women should be able to communicate their boundaries to men this is the same thing with i guess an underage dude who left a hate comment and she ended up finding out his personal address and continually contacting him put together this compilation of um a bunch of my like stolen jokes but the entire thing was so misrepresented and the only one i ever owned up to was the louis ck one and like as soon as i saw it i was like fuck i've definitely heard that before and then right away i was like fuck you're right turn into a huge fucking scandal so years later i find okay i went a little bit crazy so i dm to the kid because i wanted to do an interview with him and be like hey why did you do this because so many of them were such a fucking stretch so years later i find the guy and then i i may have found his full legal name and address and his parents name and where he went to school but that's only because like i was really i wanted to know why somebody did this in my opinion gabby hannah kind of harassed these guys and put them in an uncomfortable situation and to this day feels very justified in doing that and that's not to say that these guys responded in the perfect way it's just to say that i don't know i don't think you should harass people and go after people like that anyways rant over despite the way that gabby seemed to have acted early on in her social media career she still did seem to have a lot of successful friends in the industry most notably jessie smiles and liza kashy and she was also friends with the vlog squad and a character of sorts and david dobrik's earlier vlogs the character that gabby was in these vlogs kind of does make me sad because in many of these vlogs gabby was kind of the butt of the joke is that the saying the butt of the joke yeah it's amazing what artists can do with people's faces look what they did to gabby's it's so lifelike the beauty aisle gaby have you ever been in there probably not i got a gift and i got it for gaby oh it's for me and she's been needing these and i know how much you love to dance wait it's something i've needed you definitely needed it we've all kind of talked about it are these diet pills oh my god david that is so true exactly and now take four of these and you can probably dance better how to ruin a perfectly good day hi it's that easy it seems like her friend's friends sort of saw some of the insecurities that she was dealing with and chose to exploit those insecurities by making them the main purpose of her character on the vlogs and that is really sad to see and i can personally empathize with this part of gabby hannah the person that's dealing with a lot of internal struggles that are sort of being showcased all over the internet and picked apart by everyone on the internet but it becomes harder and harder to empathize with her when she also attacks people and constantly victimizes herself in situations where she isn't the victim it becomes harder and harder to stand up for her in any possible way in any capacity when she does all of the other hurtful things that she's done by this time gabby was huge on youtube she found the right niche the right content style and she was the ad-friendly kid-friendly kind of version of a lot of other storytellers story timers who who gained popularity on youtube and simultaneously she also had a pretty large network of friends in the industry who were really successful themselves and were helping boost her popularity through collaborations and cross promotions so what does gabi hannah decide to do with all of that blossoming fame well she decides to go where no youtuber has ever gone before into making music point the finger pull the trigger throw them off your trail you'll get yours even gabby hannah came out with out loud in 2017 which was pretty well received compared to other youtuber music at the time gabby came out with honestly and monster in 2018 which we'll get to monster don't worry we'll cover that more in just a little bit and she came out with medicaid and butterflies in 2019. these initial releases were fairly well received compared to like the jake paul music videos or logan paul music videos and i think to gabby hannah that meant that she could transition her youtube career into a serious music career but to go from a story time youtuber into a pop star is a pretty hard undertaking and a pretty hard transition to make it requires a full transition of your brand especially if you go from a comedic light-hearted story time style to an edgy music style that is a full-on transition of your brand and what people know you as and the reality is there's a high possibility you can lose your audience in that transition process but for some reason gabby hannah didn't think that would happen she thought that no matter what she did on youtube that it would be well received chapter three when success melts away gabby was just not confident in herself and needed to act up and act like a massive diva on set just to outshine everyone else gabby and i were close friends so when she acts like the victim and is wondering why all these people in her life who claim to be her friends are no longer her friends you do things gabby to make people not be your friend for the record and i'm not throwing any else out of the bus a lot of people don't like her low-key behind the scenes it was all the parts where trisha said that she was scared of gap it kind of just made me realize all of the manipulation it made me realize all the times i've apologized to her all the time that she's made me stop being friends with friends it was the beginning of me realizing that this person who constantly preaches about being a good person about being so much better than she used to be like it made me realize that all of that's bullshit she's gross and she's scary scary scary individuals scary i am a fucking victim so just as gabby hannah started to focus more and more on her music career the monster meme before the monster meme people were definitely poking fun at gabby hanna for some of her singing say what you mean [Music] mainly because she was kind of going for a brendan yuri style oh you sound fucking great you sound amazing to make it about me it never mattered what i had to say i was always wrong every question turned into another love objection that sort of slightly screaming slightly singing style is really hard to do and also wasn't entirely on trend at the time even if it was a music style that gabby liked it wasn't trending really especially with her audience and the people that followed her one of her most well received songs is butterflies and i think the reason why is because butterflies is a song that fit in more with her young teen girl demographic so that's more the type of stuff that her demographic would have wanted to see so to transition from that into this edgy music style it just doesn't resonate with her audience as well but the backlash on her singing and her music got so so much worse the moment the monster meme came out i'll be flexing that ability and judging someone who apparently can't sing that well gabby hannah recently gabby hannah has made the grave error of thinking she's got talent we're both youtubers gabby you can't fool me i've got less talent than a blunt toothpick luckily for today's video there is a plethora of content out there demonstrating gabby hannah's newfound singing ability and call me mr rectal cavity because today i'm going to be an asshole i just don't think that these things are generally good ideas and i think that it's best for learning singers or people who are trying to learn to sing to be as low-key and stealth as possible while you start getting better because people love to criticize singers more so than they will criticize almost anything else according to gabby hannah the reason behind the monster meme and this whole situation that happened was all genius's fault because since her song is very screamy they decided to use two mics so she wouldn't blow out the mic but then they transitioned to that other mic very harshly which caused that really insane difference in um sounds when she sings monster so when venus asked me to do a video for monster i almost said no oh i don't know if that's gonna work but it's a genius interview so of course i'm gonna do it is the mic gonna be able to handle this and they're like oh yeah we'll figure it out we're gonna before you sing the chorus we're gonna cut the audio what they did was the first part of the chorus before a scream monster they used the boom mic that was directly above me and then for the part where i yell they use the audio from i believe the camera but what's interesting to me is when you look at other genius interviews i don't know if i just haven't seen a ton but i've watched a lot of them and they've never done that before or after where they used two different mics so was it geniuses idea to do that or did gabby suggest that they do that which caused this whole thing to happen i will say to give gabby a little bit of credit i do respect how in this video she sort of mentions how she knows that not everyone likes the music style that she likes and that she's putting out and that's okay a lot of people have also said oh my god she's screaming she can't sing so she has to scream i wanted to scream that's how the song is written that's like my style and a lot of people don't like that style it's an artistic choice and i'm okay with that i personally gravitate towards sounds and a music that has growling and screaming sounds in it and i respect that if you want to put out art into the world then do that do your own thing that's amazing but don't be upset at people for not liking it and expect that you're not gonna get the same reception because you're doing things that are off-brand off-kilter or that your audience might not like this whole situation also opened up a ton of reaction videos to gabby hannah's live singing and talking about how bad some of her singing is and unfortunately from this point onward much of her music and singing career began to be viewed as a total joke to the general public she was no longer being taken seriously her music was no longer respected even just the little respect that it had seemed to have gotten lost at this point and that general public reaction in my opinion kind of completely halted her music career around a similar time gabby also had a few major scandals that a lot of tea channels covered one situation i really don't feel comfortable talking about because it has to do with a very young girl dying a very horrible death which i personally feel like is just off limits to talk about on my channel personally i know that her family is trying to get important laws passed regarding this situation so i will link helpful resources down below on that so that you can read up on the positive change that's trying to be enacted regarding the situation instead of just talking about the horrible thing that happened there's certain things i just don't want to touch on my channel but the other drama situation that happened is kind of right up my alley because it has to do with a scam and that situation is the kenza cosmetics situation if you saw my video on tana you probably already know what i'm talking about but in 2018 both tana and gabby hannah tana gabby hannah promoted a company called kenza cosmetics and they promoted this company as selling free makeup brushes and you just had to pay shipping so people would pay like thirty dollars for shipping and basically that means they're paying like thirty dollars for these makeup brushes but it was that kind of marketing trick where it's like well it's free though get it while it lasts this huge sale but unfortunately a lot of people started to feel that they had been scammed by this whole promotion because either the brushes never showed up they showed up two to three months later super long in shipping and were broken and damaged or quality brushes so a lot of people were just kind of upset because the brushes were marketed as super high quality amazing brushes such a steal you have to get in on this now and especially if you have a young teen girl audience they're not necessarily gonna know automatically that's shady that's sketchy i'm just gonna say here as i always say if something is marketed as free it's likely a scam because nothing in this world is free the thing that i wasn't taking into consideration was the fact that the website was marketing them as marked down from the price of this price and being completely honest i didn't even look at what like i mean i saw it because i opened the website but i wasn't looking at like oh wow they said these brushes were 60 now they're zero dollars because when i look at stuff like that and this isn't the assumption i should have made for everybody when i look at i'm like oh that's clearly not an 80 brush set that's a marketing tactic people always like every website marks on their prices to make it look like it was over marked and now it's marked out whatever but just because i assume that doesn't mean that like my 13 year old audience or older audience is looking at it like that like they were looking at it as i'm going to get 80 brushes i kind of mentioned in my video on tana mojo that gabby hannah was the one in that situation who received the most backlash because honestly gabby hannah handled the whole situation in such a poor way she had kind of an unbelievably offensive response you know you would expect if you promoted something that people ended up being really upset with the the service the business whatever it is that you would come out and apologize and be like i'm so sorry i didn't know that this was happening i'm gonna do what i can to rectify it but even if not just offering my condolences i didn't know that this was a bad business deal that i made and i'm really sorry that i put a lot of people in that situation where they feel they lost money something like that but instead gabby hannah completely shifted the blame onto her audience who wasted money on a product she promoted for 10 shipping it's a dollar brush so when i got the samples i liked them they're soft i said this is something that i wouldn't mind she kept trying to argue that they're wrong and it's not a scam because of this reason or that reason and basically told them yeah it's cheap they were marketed as free manage your expectation audacity it seems around this time is also when trisha paytas and gabby hannah sort of started butting heads once again gabby hannah bringing someone's very personal life and personal information to the public spreading rumors behind the scenes and also publicly kind of through cryptic instagram posts and polls about trisha paytas's sexual health i have a genuine question that i want to ask the general public if somebody tells you that somebody has an std an incurable std it comes from a close friend of theirs a source and then you find out that a friend of yours is sleeping with them is it wrong of you to say hey just so you know i've heard this don't know if it's true but this person told me talk to them about it ask about it is that fucked up i'm just genuinely curious all i'm saying is i've been being painted as a villain for a year two years i don't know how long because i knew somebody was sleeping with someone who i wasn't close with her i was close with him and i heard that she had an incurable std he told me he slept with her i literally said hey this person i've heard has this incurable std and if you're going to continue sleeping with her ask her about it don't know if it's true a close friend of hers told me that's all i know be careful keep an eye out use protection and i'm a fucking bad person because no matter what i do i'm always a bad person because it's one of the scummiest lowest things that has ever happened to me and she's never once apologized she thinks it's totally fine and i'll read you the text of what she said now again saying like you have issues if you think me concerned about a friend's health is like low no it's low it's gummy gabby have we slept together did i show you my std results are you my doctor did you swab my vagina why why does gabby hannah bring random people's personal information publicly and blast them why is this such a pattern for her you'll see throughout this video it gets worse it gets a lot worse and she has no regard no regard because somehow she feels that this person wronged her and so that means that she is justified and dragging their personal situations and life into the public eye or even behind scenes to people like fans and other influencers and just and once again another thing that happened along this entire theme of dragging people's personal information into the public eye let's briefly talk about jessie smiles it kind of just made me realize all of the manipulation it made me realize all the times i've apologized to her all the time that she's made me stop being friends with friends it was the beginning of me realizing that this person who constantly preaches about being a good person about being so much better than she used to be like it made me realize that all of that's bullshit now jessie smiles and gabby hinna used to be best friends and then they had a falling out and were no longer friends both of them being story time youtubers and so there's a lot of history there of them making stories about each other i haven't been friends with this person for years this happened so far in the past there is a huge astronomical difference between having crazy bitch moments and being a crazy bitch and just having beef having beef in general i'm sure we've all had a toxic friendship where there's that sort of slight animosity or beef with someone even if you don't talk to them years later now a lot of this story has to do with once again very very personal information about jesse smiles personal life that gabby hannah brought into the public eye through one way or another so i'm not going to be touching on this person jesse's personal information i don't think that's my place or my thing to do so i'm not going to mention it but long story short gabby hannah messaged a fan a private person on twitter and bombarded them with personal information about jesse smiles's mental health medications and a very traumatic instance that happened with jesse smiles that has to do with her and only her not gabby hannah gabby has crossed the line completely and i i don't know what else to do than this i don't know what else to do than to just like use my voice and tell you guys what's going on and this girl her name is deanna she tweeted so gabby saw deanna's tweet and she didn't like it she felt strongly enough that she felt she needed to message deanna and that's why i'm here today to share those messages with you because this fan ended up contacting jessie smiles and telling jessie smiles what was said privately to her by gabby hannah jesse felt the need to publicly defend herself as i think everyone has a right to do if someone is spreading misinformation and lies about you or taking your very very personal life and exploiting that to twist a narrative about themselves you have every right to defend yourself so jesse smiles made a video on gabby hanna called gabi hannah needs to be stopped which i'll link down below and along a similar timeline trisha paytas also made a video about gabby hannah because i keep texting her telling me to leave me alone that i literally never think about her and she literally responded you talk about me all the time i don't think about her ever and just for the record and i'm not gonna throw any well on the bus a lot of people don't like her low-key behind the scenes a lot of people don't like her and both caused gabby to get a lot of backlash because honestly she didn't handle those situations in the best way she could have been more respectful and she refused to have any respect for them their personal boundaries and used the information that she knew on them against them which is really messed up and the public agreed that that was messed up and tried to hold her accountable for that on top of all of that at this time gabby hannah was also on escape the night a popular youtube show at that time gabby hannah was invited to be a character on the show for two seasons and according to those on set during the filming process gabby hanna created a toxic toxic work environment and was an absolute nightmare on set according to rosanna pansino who is a successful youtuber and well-respected during the photo shoot press day long after the show wrapped shooting gabby called one of the female production assistants a dumb c word and walked off set without finishing her shoe the reason because the crew member gave an updated shoot time that was 10 minutes different than she was originally told rosanna also said that she could hear many of the conversations that gabby hannah was having with joey one of the creators of the show and production because part of her trailer shared a wall with joey's and rosanna said from what she did here she can say she never experienced someone talking like that there were issues with everybody but they all stemmed from gabby gabby was extremely rude to tana tan was very new to fame to influence to having a following at the time and there was a lot of bullying from gabby's end to tana which i really think that gabby was just not confident in herself and needed to act up and act like a massive diva on set just to outshine everyone else you do things gabby to make people not be your friends what you did to me on escape the night is the reason we are no longer friends and the reason why i talk badly about you being on escape the night just because we were friends before that doesn't contractually make me obligated to never say anything bad about you or never not be your friend because we were friends in the past you did this you ended our friendship not me the way that you acted on set of escape the night is why we are no longer friends making life on set a living hell by being disrespectful and rude and mean and foul to not only cast but crew screaming at the director demanding things and calling a production assistant a dump is not how you act on set of one of your friends not even just your friend any set in general that's not how you act regardless of your mental health issues this is not how you act okay and that is why we are not friends gabby and that is why i don't like you is because of what you did to me you are not french that is not how a friend asks that's just not my definition of a friend so overall gabby hannah was extremely destructive during the filming of the show argumentative confrontational and unwilling to be flexible in regards and respect for the larger production and the production team's efforts which requires a lot of people's cooperation and time and unfortunately gabby acting this way to a lot of her supposed friends in the industry as well as i'm sure a myriad of other things caused people to start to distance themselves from her she stopped being invited out places people stopped talking to her or involving her or really seeing her as a friend because she treated them badly and when you treat people badly even if they accept your apology that doesn't mean they have to continue a friendship with you monster came at a time when i was feeling like i was losing a lot of people and it felt like a lot of different people in a lot of different directions and it felt like i was doing something inherently bad or i did something wrong and there comes a point if you're having problems with people where you kind of have to ask yourself is it me am i the reason because sometimes it's hard to see things from another person's perspective gabby hannah did mention that around this time she was dealing with a lot of mental health issues and even an ed and once again i sympathize with her for dealing with those things but it does not excuse you from being a shitty person chapter four the fall um it's not a coincidence like as much as everybody wants to say um that i'm just irrelevant now and nobody cares this is record labels pulling out of meetings and contracts because they don't want to be associated this is my channel my livelihood being shadow banned based on false accusations this is my social media plummeting by hundreds of thousands of followers and subscribers which to me helped me with my music career which is my passion that i poured my blood time sweat tears energy and love into this is very much personal my income has been cut to a third i know people don't care because i live in a beautiful house my income my livelihood my career that i've worked for six fucking years has been cut to a third why are the views so low so gabby hannah's music career stagnated her friends began to slowly drop her and she got less and less views on her channel and nothing she was doing was changing that because honestly she wasn't changing very much at all gabby hannah tried to come out with an artistic poetry book but the book itself was kind of ripped to shreds by a lot of other youtubers who reacted to the book and pointed out how terribly written it was and how it was kind of a poorer version of poetry books like milk and honey and a lot of shel silverstein books or something like that that's the gist from what i could gather i'm not a booktuber though sadly my first impression of gabby's poetry was that it's all quite shallow it's very much what you see is what you get there's nothing really under the surface this is gabby's second collection of poetry and it is titled dandelion dandelion has been released about three years after adult lessons and around one year after gabby faced a hell of a lot of criticism for that first book being poorly written a lazy attempt at poetry full of cliches and honestly just a bit of an insult to actual good poets and i highly recommend checking out a friend of the channel savvy writes books for a better comprehensive explanation of all of that all right class welcome to savi's business school today i have a question for all of you raise your hand if you have the answer who are product reviews for the customer very good very good the product reviews are for the customer excellent let's try another one now this one's a little harder if product reviews are for the customer then who are book reviews for everybody say it with me repeat after me book reviews are for the reader product reviews are for the customer book reviews are for the reader having hannah claims that despite all this criticism her book is still selling very well the amount it degrades in your time's best seller um it sold consistently forty thousand dollars net i'm sorry gross every single month for years i wrote a book two and a half years ago it's in urban outfitters two years after its inception it was a new york times bestseller it consistently for two and a half now three years every month this is me trying to flex on you guys consistently every single month after the initial big explosion of like everybody getting at the beginning has sold 40 000 in books every single month for three years but you can definitely tell that the criticism very much hurt gabby and she became very defensive over her poetry and very critical of everyone who was giving negative reviews of it this book was the first step for me to be able to sorry vocalize and verbalize some things in a way that i could veil it and humor and um light-heartedness but still be able to tell my secrets without over-sharing or hurting other people so this book gave me a lot of power to open up about that i've been swallowing for years and i know that a lot of people who have read it um got it because they've had similar experiences so i think the minute you start trying to sell your stuff to other people you know it's pretty open to criticism they were like why are you still going at this girl like relentlessly she can't fucking stop and it's because when she talks about me she gets hundreds of thousands to millions of views and then she posts a little makeup get ready with me and gets four thousand that's why she cares about my art she's not a fucking artist i don't care about her fucking opinion because she has no accomplishments in art or has proven to me that she's actually intellectual enough to understand art i accept my criticism from talented smart people not abusive toxic exploitative bullies on youtube basically she refused to believe that her poetry book had any flaws to it and blatantly refused to accept any sort of criticism which i mean i'm 50 50 on you know personally and i'm sure everyone in the comments will have different perspectives on this obviously if you're creating art you have the right to do it however you want to and there are no rules i mean in fact you can tape a banana to a wall and it'll sell for millions and millions so who is to say what's good and bad art but also when it comes to things like poetry you know there's a lot of excellent amazing writers who are very knowledgeable in specific rules and standards in poetry and i do think if you want to create well-respected poetry you have to improve in those areas and abide by those fundamentals poetry is completely subjective while we can analyze it and say this is a good poem this is a bad poem they're kind of only from kind of technical perspectives what you like and don't like is completely up to you and there's no right and wrong there at all simultaneously gabby also refused to take any sort of criticism about her music or her content and refused to believe that there was anything that she had done personally that had caused this decline in views and reception so instead gabby hannah became convinced that she had been shadow banned on youtube i'm not going to show what i have right now because i don't want to tip my hand because i'm collecting all of the data and the evidence of course um and i have a team of people working on this like this is a big girl problem like this is an internet drama so a while ago um probably about six months ago if i had to guess a time my channel was shadow band so i was shadow band because around some time a group of people decided to put out hit pieces that were filled with lies and slander and defamation and misinformation and malice which doesn't make any logical sense and a lot of people have pointed out how that's just not how shadow banning on youtube works and it's just bizarre to me because i've had you know videos that have been received very well and videos that have not been received well the last thing i would do is think like oh youtube has completely shadow banned me and that's the only possible reason as to why this video didn't get as great of a reception as others it just seems very short-sighted very illogical not based in reality because reality is careers have ups and downs especially on youtube lots of youtubers have high points and low points and when they approach things logically they're able to figure out why that was and make the right adjustments but no instead youtube is shadow banning you got it and this is all the start of major trouble with gabby hannah because gabby hannah didn't seem to have any understanding of why her channel gained success she also didn't seem to have any understanding of why her channel was failing that feeling of putting like your time and tens of thousands of dollars and months and passion and work and excitement into something and telling yourself like this is going to be like a turnaround for me fuck i'm sorry for getting so emotional this is just like whoa like the pain you feel when that thing like fails just as like a creator and an artist is like an ego hit and like you get your hopes crushed and like your expectations crash and that's one thing when you find that your platform that you've fuck okay i'm like oh like the platform that you've been so loyal to and dedicated to is like actively trying to hurt you the dying channel the washed up has been the irrelevant youtuber these labels are every youtuber's worst fear but what do they really mean there's a great video by tiffany ferg on the dying youtuber or the dying youtube channel that i think ties in really well to this conversation let's discuss the downward slope of the roller coaster that is youtubing again we all know that our popularity won't last forever but still it's very hard to accept once it starts declining youtube channels typically die a slow painful death over a number of years at first you growth will stagnate then maybe your views will start dropping maybe you're getting less comments less engagement than usual but hey maybe it's just a bad month then you realize you're no longer gaining subs each month and actually every time you upload you lose subscribers now again because youtubing is a roller coaster it's normal to have slow periods or even times of negative growth your social blade can be in the red bad but we can always turn things around right like this has happened before things were slow and then we got that one video picked up by the algorithm and things were great regardless of how high your peak was it feels shitty to be past it if your videos are underperforming you're losing subscribers you may feel like or be seen as a flop a has been irrelevant old news a dead channel youtube is a public platform so it's not just how you feel about yourself it's the awareness that other people can see what you're doing and how you're doing there can be a lot of shame and embarrassment involved or self-consciousness and again if you have tied your self-worth and value personally and professionally to these numbers once they start declining how you feel about yourself and your work starts declining you start devaluing that it's not just that your channel is not doing well you're not doing well but something that i thought was interesting when watching that video is this whole concept of irrelevant youtubers and how much it ties into parasocial relationships many youtubers who talk about their channels sort of not doing well anymore or a project that they did that sort of flopped or failed talk about it kind of from this very personal perspective as if people didn't like them anymore and like you just tell yourself like okay it just didn't hit because people don't care about me anymore and i told myself that over and over and over i kept telling myself i guess people just don't like me and they take things very very personally it's talked about as if your audience no longer likes you as a person or if you have a channel that's not well received it means people don't like you anymore and like you're used to your shit performing a certain way and then it does it so drastically like from a million 11 million views 7 million views like my music videos all have like millions and millions of views right and then bad karma this one that i was like holy shit like this is my like this is my gem like i know bad karma's good the charts no bad karma's good the apple music and spotify music playlisting knows the song is good right and then you see it has 700 000 views in a month and you're like oh my god hate me which is just kind of not true and taking things really really personally just like sometimes an audience will think that they know you personally based off of very limited things that they see that you post on social media it's interesting because i think also youtubers seem to have this perception that the audience likes them as a person because they're watching their content and stuff which is just not entirely true youtube is a business and the way that the algorithms on youtube work are very specific defined by specific parameters like video click-through rate impressions and viewer retention when you have a very specific niche like let's say story times and you've gained popularity on youtube through doing story times when that niche begins to die out so will your channel if you don't adapt first off because your videos aren't being recommended off of other videos like let's say there's gabi hannah and tana mojo and they're both popular story time youtubers canon mojo comes out with a story time that's seen by millions of people under the recommendations gabby's story time is going to be recommended because it fits that similar niche then gabby gains views along with tana mojo that's how cross promotion works on youtube and it's a huge part of any creator's success so when one person stops making content or they the topic starts to die out and the audience is no longer interested all together the whole system of niches kind of crumbles because no one's getting cross-promoted no one's being recommended and the audience is just not interested anymore the most long-term successful youtubers seem to understand how these niche trends work really really well they're able to know when the tides change and change along with them while still kind of maintaining their core brand or personality or why people like them so in my opinion at this time the reason why gabby hannah's career was starting to fail had nothing to do with gabby hannah necessarily even though she had been called out for being problematic there's a lot of youtubers who have been called out for being problematic that still have very successful channels unfortunately because they understand the business of youtube the reason why gabby hannah's channel started to fail is because she had pinholed herself into story times and now story times were no longer successful as a niche as a content topic she then tried switching her brand too artsy and edgy and deep which was so different from what her audience followed her for so of course that interest is gonna drop off and then once her viewership dropped for these very logical and understandable reasons she didn't understand why because she expected her audience to follow her into whatever endeavor she was doing audiences are not blind sheep they have unique interests and limited time in the day so your content has to be first off overall good and appealing to them but instead of understanding this gabby hannah became very clearly bitter and resentful and began to blame everybody but herself it's clear to see that at this point she truly believed that her career had massively failed but that it was everybody else's fault and not her own this is very much personal for me this is my life this is record labels pulling out of meetings and contracts because they don't want to be associated this is my channel my livelihood being shadow banned based on false accusations this is my social media plummeting by hundreds of thousands of followers and subscribers this is me spending tens of thousands of dollars and pouring everything i have my energy and my time and my emotions into my work and it being stifled by youtube and it's just like i've become the internet punching bag and i'm so tired so gabby hannah did a buzzfeed interview on her own downfall where she essentially blamed everybody else for why her career had flopped the article is called why is everyone so mad at gabby hanna gaby hannah says it feels like i'm always dishing out apologies and i've never once received one and that to me feels a little chaotic chaotic that's an interesting word i mean if you feel that you're always dishing out apologies ask yourself why am i always dishing out apologies in this article they also brought out all of everyone else's personal information that gabby hannah had commented on the young girl who died trisha paytas's sexual health jessie smiles very personal and traumatic situation all aired out in this article why what does this have to do with your career and unfortunately what gabby hannah doesn't understand is the more that she talks about these issues the more she's associating her controversies with her career and these people's personal lives with her career who didn't i apologize to gabby hannah told me after we sat in her backyard i gave jesse smiles an apology i gave beyonce an apology it feels like i'm always dishing out apologies and i've never once received one and that to me feels a little chaotic in this article she then calls herself a victim because she just can't move on even though she's already apologized for these things because people keep bringing them up and i honestly just want to be left alone but they can't resist talking about an audiences that are bringing up past controversies the article then goes on to try and insinuate that gabby hannah has just had more struggles in her career because she's a woman and other youtubers who have had similar controversies but have been able to carry on and be just fine that's because they're men and i feel like that's extremely simplistic and also not true at all of course misogyny exists and i'm absolutely in no way denying that it isn't a huge factor in some youtubers success and some struggles that come along with being a youtuber but it feels equally just as misogynistic to say that gabby hannah should be able to move on from these controversies because she's a woman we should want to see her thrive as a career woman and not want to criticize her for doing blatantly messed up things also mentioning that her fan base is commenting on her videos not letting her move on to me indicates maybe her own fans don't feel she's apologized enough so maybe she should apologize more that is your fan's voicing to you please do something this was not handled well enough we want to see this change in your actions we want to see a certain level of accountability it is quite literally her fans holding her accountable and no matter what there will be some people who will never let go of little or small things but if the overwhelming majority of your audience is saying the same thing over and over and over again maybe they're not the ones in the wrong maybe you are in this article gabby hannah also brings up how she would receive harsh criticisms about her looks and appearance and once again this sucks because i would like to give her some credit because i'm sure that would be awful to have certain insecurities and then have that be hashed out like so publicly criticized and picked apart by others but to lump that in with exploiting other people's personal lives in this article there's just so much other bads surrounding it so this article clearly shows that anger and blame just started to build and build and build inside of gabby hannah she began acting out on social media and tick tock i'm complicated but we're not complicated i could explain it pretty easily have you ever been to a birthday party with children and one of the children won't stop screaming cause he's just a little attention attractor but when he grows up to be a comic director he'll be rewarded for never maturing for never understanding and learning that every day can't be about him there's other people you selfish asshole i'm back bitches and i don't wanna hear i'm acting different fuck being good i'm a bad bitch and i'm sick a motherfucker is trying to tell me how to live and end up admitting later that this was all kind of a publicity stunt to get some sort of attention i just tried the one thing that i've never tried before and i just fought back i played their game started speaking my mind and of course that came with more hate it came with more backlash a lot of people saying i've lost it or vultures swarming for their pound of flesh but i wanted that for the first time in my career i actually wanted that it was going to happen with her without my consent eventually it always does every couple months so i would just rather be a little bit in control and to kind of play into being the the crazy person which i don't think anyone saw her as the crazy person or like i don't think anyone saw her as that until she started really making these tick tocks and everything i think most people saw her as like someone who had done some messed up things so once again it's like your understanding of your social media presence and how people perceive you is so warped but okay along this time she also began to hint that something big was coming and that there was going to be this huge series that was going to come out that she was going to make on herself and her own downfall chapter 5 the plummet when i started this series i told myself that this was my goodbye and i was going to burn everything to the ground and if i lost everything then i'd be okay with that because i'd rather lose everything and start over than continue in this cycle that i've been all i have going for me is that millions upon millions of people fucking hate me and that's a really valuable fucking resource so like fucking lemonade you want me to be drama okay here's the drama you want me to be fucking crazy okay i'll be fucking crazy you want a fucking villain ah sure i'll show you a fucking villain [Music] at first when i heard about this series i thought maybe it was going to be like a documentary style look into the life of gabby hannah and how all this online criticism has affected her you know the one thing that i've given her credit for throughout this video which i don't even know if i should is that she has definitely received a lot of harsh criticism online from her body and looks to her singing and poetry and i can't imagine that magnitude of just sheer harsh criticism and how that would mentally affect someone over time and that would be a series that i would have been interested in from her but wow was i wrong about what this series would be it's so fucking much the idea of letting people win who wanted to see me fail who wanted to see me quit who wanted to see me leave the platform i hate giving them the satisfaction of feeling like they harassed me to the point of quitting so i just kept going because i'm not a quitter i'm a fucking fighter my pride and ego have never let me just walk away and let them do whatever the fuck they were gonna do i wanted to prove them wrong i wanted to win and i finally realized i would never fucking win this game the series dropped and it was truly a series about why gabby hannah is the victim of everything it was a revenge series of sorts where gabby hannah tried to quite literally target and go after every single person who she felt had ever wronged her and why all of those people who wronged her had led to her career falling off which as i mentioned earlier in this video in my opinion is not the reason why her career fell off once again there's a lot of youtubers who have gotten into controversy who seem to be doing just fine unfortunately and i also have to know regardless of what your specific mental health diagnosis is i can't imagine how sad of a headspace that has to be to genuinely be so angry and resentful that you begin to target everybody else and just go after them vindictively in a youtube series like this i just imagine her personal mental headspace has to be very dark and negative in order to do that some people also think that this series was all for publicity but i kind of disagree with that first off because gabby hannah sort of talked about how she was doing this series before leaving youtube as like a final hurrah or a final screw you guys sort of thing and in my opinion i genuinely think that gabby hannah was just making this series out of spite and thinking that it would bring about her own vindication she had been working on this series for months and months and i think it was an attempt to literally make people see how she was the victim in all of this and expose everyone who she believed had wronged her kind of saying okay if i'm going down i'm bringing everyone down with me it's extremely clear extremely clear from this whole series that gabby hannah had absolutely no understanding of how her own actions got her there my income has been cut to a third this series was basically just a way to say this is why i'm failing and it has nothing to do with me the first two videos in this series are all about trisha paytas and gabby hannah once again bringing trisha paytas's personal life into the whole storyline i don't give a shit about this drama really because it seems like you care a lot dude and also trying to convince everyone that her and trisha were friends at some point and that's basically the main conflict is trying to argue about whether or not they were friends and i was just like damn like i really tried to be her friend that night like i tried so hard to be her friend i thought you said we were so friendly all these years thanksgiving so then we were friends after that no way that was before that was literally that was the party where like our communication ended was like that that party okay but like no one cares i'm sorry but literally no one cares whether or not you're friends with somebody why are you trying to publicly prove that you're friends with someone and we're not friends and we weren't friends gabby's not my friend and on that note we weren't friends i just got to be a lot more clear with this the only way i relate to this is like i thought sometimes i was dating people i wasn't dating also honestly i see this as an example another example of gabby harassing someone if someone tells you we are not friends i am not your friend you cannot go after them aggressively to try and make them admit that they're your friend you can't try to tell them no we're friends even if they were nice to you at one point and they said polite things that doesn't mean they owe you a friendship in turn or they owe you an admittance of friendship don't you want people in your life who want to be your friends i don't understand this you said that i'm a stalker you told people you were afraid of me and i was harassing you gabby you are scary and dangerous this is scary and dangerous you're scary leave me the fuck alone texting me and harassing me there was one video where gabby hannah posted an unseen portion of the podcast that her and trisha did and i noticed that that video was fairly well received because it was at a time that trisha paytas was getting a lot of heat and a lot of people noted how in that video gabby hannah was staying so calm and trisha was the one that was acting hysterical and being aggressive so gabby was the one that was right in this situation and i just have to briefly point out that this entire interaction when i witnessed it it kind of reminded me of when someone pokes you over and over again or continually provokes you and provokes you they know your buttons and they're pushing your buttons over and over and over again and then you react because they're trying to get a reaction out of you and then while you're reacting they're just calm and collected and being either surprised about how you're reacting or playing the victim because you're being angry towards them it's like they're acting calm to try and make you look like the crazy or hysterical person but like the accusing me of like harassing you and stalking you which you did i have those texts where i'm just like stop texting me like just stop texting me like and i said it i didn't i didn't think that was super fair either because like when we were texting we were both texting at the same time so like and i'm like can we just win this stop it because i feel like you were able to say whatever you wanted and then when i responded the the response because like you're harassing me it's like so you can make this accusation but if i respond then i'm harassing you you are you are very a paranoid person of course no one knows the full story or context behind the conversation but it just reminds me of a lot of gabby hannah's past controversies as well where she'll be confrontational aggressive or provoke people and then when she gets a reaction play the victim gabby hannah also made an episode on the rice gum situation i feel like i have this this reputation of being a liar starting drama and shit like that and i always wondered where that came from first time i ever started hearing it was the rice gum situation that situation like wasn't dude i was fucking physically assaulted and my property was broken and i think she threw this in there into the mix because it's a really easy win i mean once again no matter what physical aggression towards someone any sort of physical violence unacceptable in any way shape or form and there are no excuses you should never ever go after someone or physically harm someone or harm their personal property it's just not the right way to ever handle a situation but also ricegum is a human being and his side deserves to be heard i also listen to curtis because he's a human being and just like in real court in the court of public opinion if you're gonna judge and condemn somebody you should at least hear them out it doesn't mean you have to like them doesn't mean you have to believe them it doesn't mean anything other than everybody has a voice and everybody deserves to be heard i'm kidding gabi hannah also did an episode on t channels and once again bringing up this young girl's horrific death and once again i won't be talking about that but this was another video where i think a lot of people saw some good points in gabby's video you don't get to dictate other people you don't understand what's going on with them or how they processing everybody has a different point of view i apologize for a situation that i should not have apologized for and i'm going to stand my ground on this because while i am sorry that the family had to deal with this this was not my fault but it also provoked a lot of t channels because she was calling them out by name and then was quite literally trying to force every single t channel to make a very specific apology video i did the right thing i went in silently and tried to hide it and blur it to calm people down over it quietly because this should have never been news did you donate any of the money you made on those videos to the foundation that i have put out publicly that i've called you to donate to that's fine nobody can take your money from you you earn that money you do whatever you want but you need to apologize to bianca's mother and i know that i will never get an apology from you for what you did to me for gaslighting me for making me the scapegoat to your disgusting exploitation i know i will never get that and that is okay share the petition to enact laws so that this can never happen again with your audience hold yourself accountable to the same standards that you hold everybody else like she was telling them you need to make this type of apology video you need to do this and this and this and it was like a really aggressive and forceful tone in the video what they did was evil and they profited off of it and then they're posting about their teslas angelica oles you started this thing you absolutely above all need to take accountability for that apologize to the family they're deeply hurt and we're deeply affected dustin daly the viewer's voice repzilla anna oop spill sesh all the rest of you who are too cowardly to put your face behind your name you need to issue an apology you need to issue a retraction you need to share this petition with your audience and let them know that what you did is not okay but that they can help ensure that it will never happen again first off if you're giving people step-by-step instructions on how to apologize how sincere of an apology is that gonna be if someone's forced into giving an apology and following these specific steps for giving one i don't even know how to describe how wrong that is and just how illogical and i hate to keep repeating myself or putting any sort of labels because once again that's kind of what gabby hannah does this also feels like harassment the tone that she takes the forceful nature of what she says and then additionally on top of that the way that she treated angelica oles another youtube channel kind of t channel drama channel on youtube angelica oles messaged kim devins to try to get her to change her story angelica are you out of your goddamn fucking mind or are you just that morally fucking bankrupt that you thought that was okay you are a monster oh shit so angelica oles instead of doing what gabby hannah was instructing her to do reached out to the mom of the victim herself and tried to gather more information from the mom asking questions like is this really what you want what do you want i have been in contact with bianca david's mum and i actually contacted her yesterday due to something i saw on the internet and we have resolved um things now um she does not want to be involved in drama she does not want public videos she does not want people to at her message her talk to her about petty drama i mean she should do that because that's not what she's here for she's got more important things to worry about okay being a mother and also um changing laws right but she's got more important things to do she does not want public views she's not wanting she doesn't want drama she just wants everyone to remember young can talk about young in a way that is positive in making a change and i honestly completely understand why she did that that's kind of a smart thing to do in this situation and it's kind of responsible to go to the source directly go to the victims directly and make sure that they are 100 comfortable with a response or non-response or whatever it is so then gabby hannah made a video on angelica oles because she found out that she contacted the mom and just made a ton of inflammatory statements towards angelico the whole video was just really cruel and over the top in my opinion and extremely aggressive angelica are you out of your goddamn fucking mind or are you just that morally fucking bankrupt i know people throw around the word narcissist but if you don't realize that you are a fucking raging narcissist you are a monster these are tabloids they're disgusting they have no morals they have no limits the whole video really made it seem like gabby hannah was just angry at angelica because angelica didn't immediately fold and do what gabby hannah was instructing her to do this whole thing just makes no sense it's like your audience has their own opinions has their own input and thoughts other channels have their own opinions input and thoughts other people you cannot through willpower force people to see your perspective force them to do what you want them to do i don't understand why she thinks that's a logical response to any of this and at the very least it's just bully behavior honestly gabby hannah then made a video on her past problematic content it's embarrassing and it's uncomfortable i love running through black neighborhoods with my shirt off i'm gonna steal all of your baby daddies i can't say that it was um okay at the time because i remember there being a lot of comments of people being like this is racist i've had a lot of dumb ass fucking tweets and uh it's embarrassing which actually leads me to i feel like i made a lot more jokes than i'm aware of in relation to kids and uh when i see them now i'm like oh ew at the time they truly did not feel like that to me and then two more videos on trisha paytas once again trisha paytas has said please just leave me alone stop texting me like just stop texting me i keep texting her telling me to leave me alone you said that i'm a stalker you told people you were afraid of me and i was harassing you no matter how problematic trisha paytas is if trisha says that they want to be left alone that should be respected and if gabby is not respecting their wish to leave trisha alone that's not cool at all so i could understand why tricia would feel scared by gabby hi oh look at your face sweaty yeah do i look sweaty it's hot in here i'm dying then things really started to go south with her series with her video escape the nightmare where she sort of exposed herself and how she was a complete nightmare on set i was made a mockery of by people i thought were friends for years and then they went on publicly to throw me under the bus after pretending to be my friend for years and as soon as it was like an opportunistic moment just be like she was a nightmare to work with season four gabby i had issues with her i also had issues with her on season two i don't think i've ever said her name publicly but it's not really news to anyone she was miserable to work with for the most part like i was just unprofessional dude a lot of people have a lot of stories about me being unprofessional i promise you that like there's no shortage of them i used to be really difficult to work with and probably in the wrong setting i'm still really difficult to work with and don't get me wrong i was like bitching the whole time like i was very unhappy so i blew up at the director i blew up at probably daniel and which is so silly to me because it's a situation that she brought into the public eye where once again she was clearly in the wrong and tried to once again kind of play the victim and throw a bunch of her former friends under the bus for very petty things like not giving her the right food and having bad call times on the show escape the night which we talked about earlier and all of it is just like not something worth mentioning it's like once again your greater arguments any sort of valid arguments that you're talking about in this series are completely lost by the petty bullshit that you're spewing and all of these former friends also have a large following themselves and they also have their side of the story and of course when they're being attacked or accused of all of these things they're going to share their side of the story well let's just get into this shall we so this video is a response to gabby hannah's video escape the nightmare and i just want to give you guys a spoiler alert gabby was actually the nightmare so sorry i had to spoil it i do want to let you guys know that gabby and i were close friends so when she acts like the victim and is wondering why all these people in her life who claim to be her friends are no longer her friends you do things gabby to make people not be your friends what you did to me on escape the night is the reason we are no longer friends and the reason why i talk badly about you being on escape the night just because we were friends before that doesn't contractually make me obligated to never say anything bad about you or never not be your friend because we were friends in the past you did this you ended our friendship not me the way that you acted on set of escape the night is why we are no longer friends screaming at the director demanding things and calling a production assistant is not how you act on set of one of your friends not even just your friend any set in general that's not how you act regardless of your mental health issues this is not how you act okay and that is why we are not friends gabby and that is why i don't like you it's because of what you did to me you are not a friend i don't think you realize this gabby maybe you do but you're scary and you make it very hard for people to be honest with you and if i was honest with you nothing would have changed you're so delusional and you think that you were always going to be the victim even months after when i finally did share with you my frustration of you on set there was no getting through to you there was always just an excuse so maybe understand that the reason why all these people who are fake friends just don't know how to cut off with you because you're scary and you don't make it easy for people to be honest with you there were issues with everybody but they all stemmed from gabby gabby was extremely rude to tana tan was very new to fame to influence to having a following at the time and there was a lot of bullying from gabby's end to tana which i believe tana has talked about publicly many times and the same thing with liza i really think that was just a weird dynamic of having somebody who's a competitor from vine and youtube on the same show that you are and i really think that gabby was just not confident in herself and needed to act up and act like a massive diva on set just to outshine everyone else at the end of day one a female youtuber came up to joey and i i do want to protect people and you know i'm not going to bring in their names because they're not a part of this and i don't want them to get attacked by anybody anyways this female youtuber who's been a long time friend and a long time collaborator and somebody who's been online for a very long time was very successful she came up to joey and i and asked to be killed off the show as soon as possible because she was extremely uncomfortable with gabby hannah and how she was acting on set which just ended up making her look so much worse than she did before and then the straw that really broke the camel's back is the situation with jessie smiles where she tried to make an expose type of video on jessie smiles so this video is not one that was meant to be in the series but so much has happened since i finished the series and everybody just wants me to address the jessie smiles leaked phone call this whole situation is just not my story to tell i would hate if my biggest traumas in life were continually rehashed and retold on the internet so i'm not going to do that today because once again this is a situation involving jessie smiles smiles's very private personal trauma that gabby hannah had absolutely no problem blasting all over the internet so fast forward to june 2021 jesse unprovoked released a very highly edited and manipulated version of the phone call and in posting it she said something along the lines of i'm tired of the back and forth i just want to be left alone where was the back and forth i know she posted that all she wanted to be left alone and that she wants me to stop using her past against her dude like what if you truly didn't want me to use the clips if you truly didn't want me to talk about your trauma then you should have just fucking left me alone and linked under this video that gabby did she showcased a three-hour phone call that she had between jessie smiles in this phone call gabby hannah was constantly interrupting jessie's smiles just having slight moments where she was being kind of disrespectful like that however when you are now saying that you didn't exist you are retired jesse you're deflecting and we need to get back to the point because you're deflecting because you're trying to make an excuse you're trying to make an excuse for making a video that she literally won't listen like she won't let people talk and then it's manipulation that would be great but jesse it's always about me and you confirmed that it was about me you confirmed you confirmed it was about me i'm not saying it wasn't about you i'm just thinking [Music] i don't think so that's why i've been trying to that's why i decided that it's not worth it because realistically you're not able or willing or ready to accept the fact of what you did and once again forcefully giving jessie smiles instructions on how she needs to make an apology a public apology and that's the only way that all of this is going to stop is if jesse smiles does this and this and this in a public apology what i would be looking for is i should have never posted that video i said some untrue shit some true shit but regardless it should have been handled offline because there is a lot of untrue shit that you said in there i'm not willing to say where i lie where i didn't lie i am literally telling you i will leave you alone and you're saying it's not enough because there has to be something on your end that does something for what you did i am not going to engage with you further like i'm literally not if you are too now that's not what i want jesse you've already engaged with me i want an apology i want a public apology that that should never have been made public that's not gonna happen okay so then we keep going i'm not doing anything with you like i'm not what i'm saying i'm gonna keep going then trying to forcefully tell somebody what to do it's just like that's not first first off that's not even apology if you're being forced to do it it's not even a real apology second off why does gabby hannah want so many apologies from everyone it's like she truly believes that that is the reason that her career has flopped and that if she gets apologies from everyone somehow that will turn things around and that's just not i don't think that that would even work out if everything went according to her plan gabby hannah also subtly used getting lawyers involved and taking legal action as like a very honestly thinly veiled threat of if you don't do these things that i want you to do then i'm taking legal action well the thing with the defamation case because actually never said i was assuming you for definition i was going to see for torturous interference um and i actually wasn't seeing you for definition or definition because as a public figure it's pretty much impossible to sue anybody for defamation i was suing you for um a lot of other things torturous interference being one of them which i can actually prove which is just a really cruel thing to do because lawyers are stressful legal stuff is stressful and it can be really traumatizing and obviously most people don't want things to get to that point and she also was trying to subtly threaten jesse into signing an nda i don't want to go to court i don't want to go to florida i don't want to take your money i don't want money i want a public statement apology saying i should have never done this it was inappropriate to share private conversations publicly and i want that video going and i want an nda where you can't do this to me again because i'm gonna be living in fear for the rest of my life kind of saying that things will stop all this stress will stop for jessie if she just signs an nda and agrees to never again talk about this but then also said that she could still talk about it which would just be so scary if jessie actually did sign that nda it's literally making someone go through so much mental turmoil that they want nothing but for it to stop and then saying well if you want this to stop you need to sign an nda so you can never talk about it again but that doesn't guarantee that gabby's not going to talk about it gabby refused to sign an nda on the subject so quite literally what she could do is have jessie sign an nda then continued to tell whatever spin narrative or story she wanted to say about the situation and legally jessie couldn't do or say anything about it and that is horrific to think about especially when it involves jesse's personal trauma on top of that in these videos gabby hannah keeps showing receipts that are incredibly misleading and don't have anything to do with what she's saying at all threatening me crossing my boundaries that i'm setting firmly and i'm just watching all of this thinking how did you think any of this was going to paint you in a good light how did you think this was going to vindicate you at all this literally makes you look so much worse than anything that has been put out on the internet about you ever and you put it out yourself and just the audacity that you feel you have the right to bring up someone's personal situation as a way to vindicate yourself you think you have the right to do that the audacity okay i'm sorry i'm raising my voice i'm sorry but you can't say that i incessantly do something and then not show me something highly inappropriate and insulting to me that you use my trauma the thing that i've gone through that has shifted my life forever i will never be able to change that and you use it to defend itself and you you get to slander me and the very worst part is gabby hannah calls jesse smiles her abuser i'm saying this with my whole fucking chest and i'm past the point of needing or wanting people to believe me i'm saying it for me this is the truth jessie is my abuser since 2015 i have been the victim of narcissistic abuse blackmail harassment stalking slander smear campaigns gaslighting threats of physical violence and online harassment she uses the word abuser which is a very intense word meanwhile i personally throughout this entire situation cannot see a single instance where jessie smiles wasn't doing more than simply defending herself because gabby hannah started something either privately or publicly and all the while jessie smiles is pregnant with her rainbow baby when these videos came out and this is where i get really angry and emotional about this situation as somebody who is currently eight months pregnant for jessie to have to deal with her story her personal story being constantly rehashed online and publicly for everyone to see meanwhile while she's just trying to enjoy her pregnancy and have a healthy pregnancy is so horrific to me and absolutely deplorable jesse smiles was attacked literally attacked so much by gabby hannah in that video being called an abuser being called horrifically harsh words like that that can ruin someone's entire life meanwhile you went through something where there was an abuser it practically forced her to have to respond to this and to have to make a video about it because when someone claims that you were there abused i could not so jessie made a video defending herself and explaining the full context of everything i want the truth out there and i want to be the one to deliver my truth gabby hannah has against my will delivered my truth one too many times and part of my french but she's fucked it up every time so if gabby feels like she can talk about my trauma she can bring it up she can talk about the night i was when that has literally nothing to do with this if she has the right to do that then i feel like i have the right to be sitting here and talking about what really happened and showed so much proof actual valid proof to back up what she was saying that really showed in my opinion that gabby hannah did blackmail her after that one caller please gaby texted me with a list of demands that she had and if i didn't agree to those demands she was going to continue talking about our past and the way that she was doing it which was extremely vile you are narcissistic abusers and you have them for six fucking years smiling for eight hours to talk to lawyers and decide what i was gonna do and ultimately i think i came up with a really reasonable compromise and i did that because i don't want to fucking do this i made it very clear in the phone call i made it very clear on text i don't want to continue doing this so anything that i felt i could do i was going to do which included an mda that i said i would sign if she signed one as well i didn't think it was fair for just me to sign when she was refusing a sign she said she has to talk about the situation in interviews if we both sign nda's i'll do it and i will never see each other and also surprise surprise so out of character continued to bother jessie smiles and even send her emails after jesse smiles asked to be left alone and blocked gabby hannah and i repeatedly asked this woman to stop and it really frustrates me that she talks about boundaries which she's never respected my entire life when i block her she goes my email and she emails me anyway when i make it clear that i don't want to talk to her she goes other people see the messages to me there is no scraping her and she makes a seem like i want so much to do with her she literally has always pushed a push and push until i'm like exploding i don't know what else to do no respect for people's personal boundaries and again harassment anyone just me and that's really as much as i feel comfortable going into regarding that situation with gabby hannah and jesse smiles i want to commend jessie smiles for talking about her story for sharing it for having that strength for putting the power back into her own hands and not letting other people spread misinformation regarding her story it just sucks that she was put in that situation but ultimately i know that she's probably inspired so many others like myself who have gone through similar situations i know people throw around the word narcissist but if you don't realize that you are a fucking raging narcissist jessie smiles also brings up a really really good point in her video and that's that the way that gabby hayna talks about people is extremely dangerous because what she's doing on this platform is dangerous and there's no other word to say it what she has done and what she's continuously being allowed to do not just myself and many others is dangerous it is so beyond irresponsible as a creator with a platform your size to accuse every single person that you don't like that you've had issues with and that you've heard of abusing you of being narcissistic gabby hannah quite literally throws around words like narcissist abuser and narcissistic abuser and labels anyone that she has a problem with as such this is me starting drama this is me responding to abuse since 2018 she inserted herself into this i was picking up my portrait of the situation well being my poetry and talking about the unfair christianism that women get and angela inserted herself and said it wasn't fair for me to call my bully a belief because that's what narcissistic gaslighting abuse people do this is the truth jesse is my abuser you fucking narcissistic abuser piece of shit all of them they're narcissistic abusers i accept my criticism from talented smart people not abusive toxic exploitative bullies on youtube she also uses her adhd constantly as a way of deflecting from her actions this is hyperactivity this is adhd this is the h in adhd i am acting differently because i'm being myself i was masking because i have adhd and because i didn't want people to know that i'm kind of intense and weird because i wanted you to like me because i have adhd and using all of these labels like narcissistic abuser is so irresponsible because of her young audience and it could possibly teach her very very young audience very very wrong things and misinformation about what narcissistic abusers are and it also gives a look into gabi hannah's mind any sort of criticism against her any sort of run-ins or problems that she's had with people are an attack on her in her head people having any sort of criticism against her any sort of problems is an attack on her so in her head she thinks that all of this valid criticism is people abusing her and for that aspect i truly really hope that gabby hannah seeks help before she continues to hurt herself and others since the backlash from jesse smiles video gabby hannah has seemingly disappeared off the internet that is at the time of filming except for maybe a few cryptic patreon posts gabby has went absolutely silent so this statement is the only thing we've heard for quite some time so let's read it i think i've been sleeping but i always feel tired my body is shrinking but i feel heavy i have a million things i'd like to say but i can't seem to find the words i'm sensitive i feel everything and nothing oh i'm tired so it's been about a week or two since i made this video recorded it um eight months pregnant and i am exhausted let's just say at the end of all of this but um two i'm sure no one's surprised gabby has continued on with her series and has made multiple videos about jessie smiles all of these videos go over the same information with a really bizarre twisted narrative so it's not really worth it in my eyes to hash out what was said in those videos so it's not worth mentioning besides just finishing up this video by saying it's very clear that the title of jessie's video was accurate gabby hannah will never stop she seems very determined to continue posting and dragging people's personal information in until she gets the vindication that she's looking for which it's clear at this point she is never going to get and at the end of the day gabby henna has been in the way of her own happiness and her own career and has completely destroyed it all on her own and it seems that this desperate attempt to keep herself from drowning into the depths of irrelevancy just really backfired on her mainly for her inability to have any sort of insight into herself and the consequences of her own actions the fall of gabby hannah is like the story of icarus a cautionary tale do not be blinded by ignorance and when problems arise look inward and self-reflect on how your actions have affected where you're at in your life and so that's all how gabby hannah destroyed her own career or quite honestly completely demolished it and that's all for today's video thank you so much if you made it this far i hope it was enlightening and i hope that it was helpful at this point i have no sympathy for gabby hannah because quite honestly if she put herself in this situation through her actions and refuses to understand her own consequences of acting certain ways i hope you guys are all doing well if you've made it this far and haven't subscribed yet don't forget to subscribe to the channel and i will catch you guys in the next video bye [Music] [Music] this [Music] you
Channel: Cruel World Happy Mind
Views: 6,711,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gabbie hanna, the gabbie show, gabbie hanna series, gabbie, gabbie hanna jessi smiles, gabbie hanna drama, gabbie hanna escape the night, gabbie hanna scam, scammer, gabbie hanna kenza, kenza cosmetics, gabbie hanna must be stoppped, gabbie hanna will never stop, gabbie hanna response, everything wrong with gabbie hanna, jessi smiles, angelika oles, tea, drama, gabbie show, the downfall of gabbie hanna, how gabbie hanna destroyed her career, cruel world happy mind
Id: ZVSzTnyfIQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 45sec (6165 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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