Facebook's WORST Viral Videos

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hey i'm back sorry i've been posting like crazy recently but uh i got covered i still have it actually and um so i was on my ass for three days couldn't do anything um sucked so and i'm and i'm fully back so i can't imagine how bad it would have been if i wasn't so get get vaccinated speaking of things that shouldn't be controversial to say um what has facebook been up to you know besides radicalizing people and feeding us extremists both all the time so that we stay on the site for longer what else is going on on there that part of facebook is still very alive and well but you might be surprised to learn that the uh stupid obviously staged garbage viral trash that gets 800 million views side of facebook is also still alive and thriving most of us at this point have moved on to tick tock for that content but i guess our elders are still losing it over like stupid prank videos this was posted by julius dean by the way who is a magician that has 39 million followers on facebook that's the population of california this video here has 153 million views i'm sorry is is nobody gonna even glance over here could she be more obvious right now like how good is this conversation that they're completely oblivious to the fact that she's doing major prank pre-production over here in the middle of the of the living room this conversation has to be enthralling yo so what's your favorite the baby song oh man i like bop honestly but they're all so different anyways eventually she brings the camera over they're still not looking at her because they're still talking about the baby or something like that and then he freaks out and but guess what ah she's got a dress on underneath a dress how about this one this is a video where a guy dresses up like the seat of a car in order to get a girl to sit on his lap for the whole car ride and not tell her like normally i would expect this to be like a sit down ah wow [ __ ] but he just doesn't say anything for the whole car ride it's just sitting on his lap the whole time a little weird a little bit of a weird prank if i'm being honest but it's got 184 million views wow you're looking good so as i said uh spends another two minutes just bumping around on this guy's crotch and then finally who actually watches and enjoys these videos who if i sat on something hard i'd know by the way in this comment he is talking about a uh a penis of a man particularly the man hidden in the chair costume he's saying david was david saying that if i sat on like a boner then i'd notice that someone was dressed up as a chair uh because that's the guy who is the owner of the boner the boner owner and uh so he'd say he's basically saying like he'd know if he sat down and felt something weird like a hard boner that the owner of the boner would be hidden in the chair so that's that joke take a second right now to thank the sponsor of this episode which is honey i feel like it's a good transition point isn't it boner owner guys this video today is sponsored by honey what is honey well it's the number one shopping tool in america if you're shopping online and uh you're at the checkout phase and you're using honey it'll automatically scour the internet for all the available promo codes and if it finds one it'll just automatically apply it and then you'll watch the price drop simple as that i use it every single time i buy anything online and that includes all my gear here on my desk and it saved me a ton of money and it's not like obscure stuff either it works on the stuff you're already buying on the sites that you're already shopping on and over everything it's fun it's just straight up fun it's fun to save money is it not you look me in the eye and tell me it's not fun to save money do it do it you can't can you didn't think so it's free and it couldn't be easier to add to your browser all you gotta do is go to joinhoney.comcody alright back to the video i was reading an article recently about rick lax remember rick lacks he was the guy that would do facebook videos like 10 years ago he'd get you to like think of a number and then he'd guess the number but like the equation that he used always ended up in you choosing five basically but the video would get like 100 million views drew did a great video on him way back in the day so go watch that if you haven't seen it already but now i guess he runs um like a facebook video network slash production company where the entire goal is for him and his friends to make these same style of videos and just get as many views as they can and one of the things he says in the video is that they're constantly trying to find new formats that make people watch from beginning to end like straight through like they want the maximum amount of watch time possible because that maximizes the amount of money that they make it works the same way on youtube but that's why in these videos when you're watching them there's this constant feeling of like all right what what's gonna happen for five minutes straight you know like in your mind you're like this is so stupid and so fake but just for some reason i still want to see the end of it and they're like weirdly creative with coming up with these formats for example you've probably seen some like [ __ ] up recipes on your timeline recently like in the la in the last six months like like this one of this girl making spaghettio pie she calls it a fast family recipe and the video is called easiest dinner hack ever trunks are the fastest family recipe for dinner spaghettios cheese milk and bread and then she puts it in the oven the [ __ ] is that it looks so good oh my gosh that looks like [ __ ] trash that looks like hell that looks like a prison meal or something so that's them that's one of their formats and every time you see some [ __ ] up recipe that you're like this definitely does not work that's them and it's not it's not a real recipe they just pull [ __ ] out of their ass they make a video about it so that you're sitting there like the whole time being like this cannot possibly turn out right right it won't it won't turn out but you sit through the whole thing you're like skittles and a grilled cheese i can't can't it now i'm just picturing some guy like inviting some girl over for a date so he can cook for her and he cooks her one of these stupid recipes because he doesn't know what he's doing and he sees it got a hundred million views on facebook so he's like all right all right i'm gonna cook this this [ __ ] some chocolate covered meatballs she's gonna love it i'm getting late for sure so yeah i don't know if julius is part of the whole ricklax thing but basically i'm saying everyone on facebook that makes facebook videos like this it's the same goal they just make it doesn't matter what the content is at all does not matter in the slightest the only goal is get people to watch from zero to four minutes straight that's the goal so anyways one of the worst formats of this that i've seen is julius they post these videos that are supposed to be from cctv security camera footage okay let's let's watch this one together it's called the ending was shocking [Music] so [Music] [Music] so all right what what's going on here okay there were 37 seconds in i i get it someone's under the cover is doing something they're probably smashing right are they on love island is this a reality show what's going on are they supposed to be at a hotel that's what i'm guessing right two queen beds beside each other that's a pretty standard hotel format what kind of hotel has a cctv camera looking at the beds it's kind of an invasion of privacy isn't it i would sue the [ __ ] out of that hotel straight up i would straight up sue you guys okay my dad's a lawyer dude they're obviously [ __ ] just leave them alone all right put some earplugs in and just ignore it all right [ __ ] nerd stop [ __ ] blocking look i'm not joking nothing happens in this video for three minutes it's just nothing happens it's just arrows and captions three minutes oh he pulls the thing off let's see what happens [Music] [Laughter] they were choking so she was giving him cpr or like heimlich or whatever the [ __ ] under the covers 199 million views by the way how brain dead do you have to be i have brain fog right now from coveted i still think this is stupid three minutes three minutes of nothing it's just disrespectful like you're just purposely wasting people's time it's just straight up disrespectful time is money dude don't you know that you do you do that's literally why you're doing this so touche my friend this did nothing for my life i hate it it's got 199 million views let's figure out how much money that is or let's try to figure it out so here's a here's a video where another dude who makes facebook videos uh breaks down how much he gets paid so this was a video of a wild dog pouncing on a biker going down a road and then gets bit by a dog okay still has uh 1200 people watching 1200 people are still currently watching this right now wow it's got 10 million views this video it's not even his video by the way he just licenses other videos and then reposts them it's god sucks happens earnings 85 hundo 8 500 bucks for 10 million views so this is 200 million views that's you know we just start at multiplying 8 500 by 20. so a crude estimation based off that is 170 000 but then you know at 200 million views it's like there's people re-watching they probably don't do ads every view or whatever so let's just let's be modest and divide that by four that's still 42 000 and that's probably a low estimate of what he made on that video for for that that boils my blood there are full-on festival-grade indie films being produced right now with an incredibly talented crew of people who probably could only hope to make twenty thousand dollars because that's how much they spent making the [ __ ] movie and this dude filmed his friend under a blanket for four minutes and he's gonna make triple that social media is a bad invention i'm also laughing at all the people in the comments who have cracked the code on this video lie to children not adults how do you still cover yourself with duvets while attending to a first aid to your friend he needs air circulation duh also you could just wake the other friends to help too otherwise this video completely lacks a content and i agree it does lack a content it's not even a content you couldn't make this video and look at it and say i am confident that this is a content it's not even a content and listen i know this comment is essentially what i just said to you before but let's laugh at this guy and not at me alright let's watch some more cctv footage he does a lot of these [Music] again what creepy ass hotel are you guys staying at what is this [Music] [Music] i think you get the point i hate this again four minutes of just yellow captions describing things that are happening they are being risky her boyfriend is about to wake up what the [ __ ] gonna happen [Music] [Music] all these videos are so much nothing i literally can't believe it like these people must feel like they hit the lottery with this format nothing happens and they're making thousands of dollars they're not doing anything they're editing yellow circles onto a video where nothing happens i'm so mad why am i so heated about this um this is normal activity nowadays probably how to force them later nah ricky you're on the wrong website if you want to see that i love that ricky watched that video and somehow had a kids these days thought you know how do you watch that and think anything how do you watch that and think a single thought nothing happens instead he watched that was like ah [ __ ] kids they probably had a satan orgy later that night where's that footage well wherever it is you should delete it and burn it i don't want to see it disgusting all right let's watch this last one i don't want to but smartest thief in the world [Music] oh that's actually it's actually kind of clever honestly it's kind of clever to be honest all right julius you got me uh no but anyways this is four more minutes right this this video could be nine seconds it could be that and then i'll be like oh oh it's a pregnant stomach that's kind of cool like that would actually work probably in real life because it's like nobody can like you know check you out they're not going to be like hey man can i feel your stomach i think no you know so that would actually kind of work it's clever but you know they gotta [ __ ] she steals like 40 jewels from this store right in front of the camera the cctv and then this is the biggest slap in the face right here look at this so the cops come they're trying to figure out what's happening at all these watches right they start to figure it out so she runs i mean i can't believe they actually look at this [Music] were they not just running right behind her did she just hide in front of a glass wall that's a slap in the face how dare you how dare you pass this off as content this is an insult to everyone that makes videos how many views does this have 590 million that's half of my entire channel it's like seven years of making videos and this one video has half the views of my entire channel okay well i quit so i'll quit bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,335,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: -u9QyRzG1xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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