The World’s Biggest Pokemon Deal Was A Scam

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dgerard 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

so a pack of cartoon stickers costs 350k?

Like what do you get when you have the pokemon card? Does it cost more unpacked?

I don't get it any of this. Smart money, dumb money, pokemon money.

Do they know pokemons don't actually exist? This is very confusing to watch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bitcoin_scientology 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
♪ I want to be the very best ♪ (imitating drum pangs) Hello and welcome back to burning money in a fire. It's not technically burning money in a fire, but it may as well be. Today we're talking about something that I (laughs) that I learned about yesterday, and had to talk about on the channel. I don't know if you guys have been paying attention to the situation with Logan Paul and Pokemon cards, which is a sentence I never thought I'd say. Logan Paul, friend of the show, has gotten really into Pokemon cards recently, going as far as to purchase a first edition base set box for like $200,000. (chuckles) So, pocket change. So Logan Paul, Logan Paul's gotten into Pokemon, and he's made a bunch of videos about it. They're actually quite endearing and entertaining, like he very clearly is enjoying himself and having fun, and seems to love what he's doing, and that's another sentence I never thought I'd say. - I stay (mumbles), dog. - Logan Paul also opened these cards on a live stream, and sold all the packs, and he ended up making like 400 grand, and donating over 100K to charity. So that was pretty cool. In the wake of the Logan Paul effect, Pokemon cards have a shot up and they've reached like an all time high. They're super expensive, and it's... (clearing throat) And (clearing throat) it's (clearing throat)... Oh my gosh. ♪ Ah ah ah ah ah ♪ And it's inspired a lot of people to get into Pokemon collecting, many of which know nothing about Pokemon. Unlike me. I know stuff about Pokemon. I used to be a Pokemon master! (laughs) I was the very best. Longtime fans of the channel will know that I am a nerd. (laughs) I know I give off this cool jock persona but at my heart, I'm a nerd, baby. When I was a kid I used to play in Pokemon TCG tournaments at my local Toys R Us, the Pokemon League. Wait, I've got some, I've got some memorabilia. (grunts) Look at all these beads and coins. You don't have all these beads and coins unless you're a Pokemon master. Got a Alakazam coin, a little Aerodactyl guy. Back is cool. Got some damage counters. And let's not forget this awful condition Charizard I have. Anyway after that I became a cool jock and stopped (laughs) playing with children's games. Just kidding. I was a member of a Pokemon website, was a gym leader and I fought in competitive Poke-battles, and I guessed it on a Pokemon podcast from time to time. ♪ Gotta get you more Pokemon ♪ (imitating guitar riff) What's up? I'm future Jarvis, and today's video is sponsored by the Ridge wallet. Most people still use wallets that were designed in the 90s, (laughs) which was in the past. Mind you, I'm from the future. Quite frankly these old wallets are a mess. And it will hurt your butt. The Ridge wallet is sleek, industrial, futuristic, and it won't hurt your butt. It's got room for 12 cards. Unfortunately, no room for Pokemon cards, I checked. And it's got room for cash. There's over 30 colors and styles, including carbon fiber and burnt titanium, which is especially futuristic. I know I'm making it sound great, but don't take my word for it. (chill jazzy music) Check out their 30,000 five star reviews. The Ridge wallet comes with a lifetime warranty and you can test drive it for 45 days. Get 10% off today with free worldwide shipping and returns by heading on over to That's my name. And using promo code: Jarvis. Also my name. Link in the description. Thanks again to Ridge for sponsoring this video. ♪ In a world we must defend ♪ All right. Today's story centers around three experienced investors who have a YouTube channel ironically called Dumb Money, and they couldn't find a better way of spending $500,000, so they just decided to spend it on Pokemon, so that's what they tried to do. Have I mentioned they don't know anything about Pokemon? They decided as a stunt, I have to assume, that they were going to purchase the world's most expensive first edition box of Pokemon cards for $375,000, which is almost double what Logan Paul paid. They were going to do it on stream, buying cards from the very same collector who sold Logan Paul his cardboard. But he notably was not the person who sold Logan Paul his booster box. Logan actually bought that at an auction. (dramatic music) (screaming) He just sold him graded cards that had been authenticated and appraised for their value, so, there's a big difference there. These are the guys that got scammed. The seller in possession of these fake cards, who was Logan Paul's Pokemon expert, goes by the name of Collectibles Guru. He comes from the crypto community where he's known as the Crypto King (laughs), so he's clearly not very creative when it comes to choosing his handle, because all it is is the industry he's in, plus some sort of like high position. So if he was a YouTuber I assume he'd be called the YouTube Emperor (laughs). While he sold Logan legitimate product there were a few signs that gave people pause to his credibility. For starters, upon first meeting Logan Paul in his video, (laughs) references a drug deal. - This looks like I'm trafficking a kilo. But, like, the price is actually probably more than a kilo. - That's what I'm saying. - My guy, why do you know how much a kilo costs? Just a quick glossary, PSA and BGS are both companies that grade cards on their quality, and a PSA-10 and a BGS-10 are the best quality there is. And that's like, the cards that have the highest value are PSA-10. He also became a bit of a meme in the Pokemon community for claiming that this Bulbasaur card, that by all accounts is worth like $3,000 to $4,000. It's worth $30,000, and Logan Paul didn't believe him and asks him three separate times, and the man doubles down every time. - [Logan] What's a Balbasaur go for, Jake? - [Jake] BGS? 10,000, 20,000 plus, maybe 30? Last sold 3,000 to 4,000 if it's a PSA-10. - 10K to 20K, 30K tops, last sold for three to four K. What do you mean 10 to 20K, if the last sold was three to four K? Wouldn't that mean its price was three to four K? Maybe this is something about the big brain collector community that I don't understand. I watched the video that Logan did with this guy to look for signs of him being scummy, and there weren't a ton, but then I went to his Instagram, and there were a lot. Also he's just, like, not nice on social media. He seems very not nice. Edit-in Jarvis, by the way. Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. Anyway, he's the guy with the cards, and Dumb Money... I (laughs) can't believe their name is Dumb Money. Dumb Money agrees to pay $375,000. They're going to give away the cards to charity, they make all these grand, grandiose statements about the stuff that they're going to do with the money that they don't have yet. They're very much counting their chickens before they hatch, counting their cards before they're packed, counting their packs before they bought... Counting their cards before they've been opened out of packs (laughs) is the metaphor I'm going to go with. He self-proclaimed to not know anything about Pokemon. - And I knew nothing about Pokemon a week ago. Absolutely nothing. - Which seems like a bad idea to me. Well, Logan Paul is clearly a fan of Pokemon and very nostalgic for it. The Dumb Money guys are fans of money, I think, but not at all fans of Pokemon, or nostalgic for it in any capacity. They're just doing this to invest, which I guess is their whole deal. But it really takes the fun out of it, let me tell you. Since they're not experts they invited real Pokemon experts like Leonhart, and this guy Scott Emer. - [Scott] I'm Scott Emer, DFW Pokemon. - Who I don't know, but Leonhart's really cool. I watched a bunch of his videos. He seems like a nice guy. - This is kind of a historic day not only for Dumb Money, but for collectors-- - (laughs) This is a historic day for Dumb Money (laughs). Also, is it weird that I'm wearing a sweatshirt that says empathy but I'm laughing at rich people? Let me know in the comments down below. These guys seem obsessed with making history because they're trying to like, double everything that Logan Paul did. They're like, "Well, he paid $200,000 for a box, "we're gonna pay $400,000 for a box. "He donated $100,000 to charity, "we're gonna donate $400,000 to a charity," or whatever the packs sell for or whatever. And it's just like, there's no heart in it, so it's not interesting. Also, can we talk about the stream setup? They have like five cameramen, a boom operator, everyone's wearing lap mics, so they really want to capture this, I guess. And they also have the armed security guard? I don't know if the camera people were told to social distance from everyone else but they are very far away, giving us the least appealing view of the action taking place. This is the most expensive bad looking stream setup I have ever seen. - Today we are doing probably the single largest transaction in Pokemon history. - Cool. - It doesn't really carry weight when you aren't in the Pokemon community though. Like, you're just getting into the community to make some history, and then, I don't know, it just... It just doesn't sit right with me. - This is insane. - It is insane. Also, they have no camera focused on the card, so we're just forced to look at these guys at a meeting table the entire time, which is not... No one wants to watch that. We want to look at the cards! Oh, and how are they sending the 375 grand? (chuckles) Via wire transfer, I suppose. PayPal? Oh, a $30 Amazon briefcase filled with $100 bills? (laughs) Okay. I guess that's one way to do it. Also, since this was streamed live on YouTube, there's a chat replay, and the chat is the funniest thing I have ever seen. "Looks like a hostage negotiation." (laughs) - I don't know if I'm about to spend $375,000 on a resealed bogus box of Pokemon cards. - I know, (laughs) and the results will surprise you. - We are purchasing a first edition 1999 Pokemon box base set. - So eventually the scam-- Uh, sellers (laughs) arrive, eventually the sellers arrive. - [Dumb Money Rep] Perfect timing, here they are. - The sellers, here they are. - [Dumb Money Rep] Let me get a third chair. Hey guys, (mumbles). (crosstalk chatter) Yeah, it's fine. - Everyone in the chat seems to know that he's a scammer. Legit feels like a Pokemon card drug deal. Maxmoefoe: "Bro, get the officer "to arrest the bald scammer please." Maxmoefoe and the Cold Ones account are in this chat constantly throwing shade at the Collectibles Guru, and it seems like they know something I don't. - [Logan] That's my introduction to Pokemon. You basically are the only reason I've even heard of this being a thing, right? (group laughing) - (groans) Then you doing this? Also (laughs), his... Why is this head so shiny? (chuckles) I heard the bald dude's a crypto scammer who's moved to Pokemon to hyper-inflate prices. What do these people know? Meanwhile, Leonhart's like, "He's the reason you know about Pokemon? "Not me, an established Pokemon creator "who's also competed in American ninja warrior? "Oh God, it's Guru selling them the box?" Guru about to announce that $30,000 Bulbasaur. - During that deal, I sold them under market cost. Everyone's like, "Oh, you're inflating prices, "you're selling them to them over cost?" I'm like, "I could get 22,000 to 23,000 for the card," one of the cards I sold them, and I sold it to him for 16. - Arrest one punch man ASAP. (laughs) Oh man, it's so-- I feel bad laughing but it's funny. So, like, they're calling it 12 minutes into this hour long live stream that something is afoot (chuckles) and we're about to find out what it is! So then they talk about seeing the Logan Paul video, and about how they were interested in essentially doing the exact same thing, and they talk about Logan Paul's clear love for Pokemon, and how he doesn't have any interest in inflating the cards. But, kind of seems like this guy does. - [Jake] Is this my favorite thing from my childhood? And the only thing I'm nostalgic about. When I sold my first Pokemon card for a 70% profit-- - It's the only thing you're nostalgic about? Also he follows that sentence with: "When I sold my first Pokemon card at a 70% profit," like, are you a nostalgic or not? It sounds like you're nostalgic (chuckles) for profit? Money. "I mean Pokemon, it's just the only thing "I'm nostalgic about." (laughs) - [Dumb Money Rep] Your actual work illuminating that market brought more value to everyone in the market, including yourself. Now, it probably happened a lot quicker than even you thought, I would imagine. - [Jake] Oh yeah, I was giving prices that people would laugh at. - What he's describing is also like a pump and dump scheme, where you drum up the prices, and get a bunch of interest in something, so that the market goes up and then you get out of the market, and then the market eventually crashes. But, I mean, he's not really describing that he's nostalgic for Pokemon. He's, again, just talking about his plan to make a bunch of money on it? - [Jake] Well people say, "He's only in it for the money." - Yeah, I did just say that actually. (laughs) - [Dumb Money Rep] People have laughed at me for a long time. In fact, my book was called Laughing at Wall Street because I laugh at smart money. You know, people think that we're Dumb Money, but we've proven that Dumb Money can do quite well. - Whatever you say, man. (laughs) One of my favorite parts about this absurd live stream is that they I think tried to set up something to show (laughs) chat comments on the stream. But there's one comment that says, "Why are you guys even in the same room "as these scammers?" It just stays on screen for five minutes (laughs), and, I don't know, Troy... Troy really had his head in the game on this one. Actually, do you have a good plan for the box? You know, giving it all away and stuff? I guess, they said they're going to have a Pokemon party. It's very weird. They're definitely getting way ahead of themselves. But that just makes this whole thing sadder. - I didn't know if you actually wanted to open it-- - Yes, we're gonna open. - today because that's like-- - [Dumb Money Rep] Let's have it open on camera live so-- - He just said that he wasn't sure if he was going to open the cards today. And knowing what we know, that there's not real cards in there, or there's not actually first edition cards in there, all of his actions seem like he's trying to get ahead of the fact that he's about to sell a fake product. - That's like-- - Have it open on camera live so we know know we're not doing anything weird with the packs. - No problem. - He gives us the backstory of the box, which I put in quotes because it's a lie. I mean, he contradicts it later on, so I don't know what the truth is, but I just know he's not a reliable narrator. - The owner of the box supposedly bought three boxes. When he was a child his parents bought him three. They sat in a gun safe the entire time. - So my first question is: what parents put Pokemon cards in a gun safe and don't let their kid play with the Pokemon cards? (laughs) "Happy birthday, Timmy. (chuckles) "All right, your gift is going in the gun safe. "We'll see you in 20 years." So now that Mr. Collectibles Guru has given us a plausible backstory for the box, he then proceeds to explain why it looks like it's been opened. - This a little bit, you'll see of where on one of the top edges, he says 100% money back for me if indeed it is fake." - So people since the beginning of the stream have just been assuming that this box is resealed. Even the buyer made a joke about that. And so someone in the comments is like, "Guru knows how to reseal," and I'm like, how do these people know? How does everybody have this man's number? And then he's like, "Even if this was resealed, "it would have been resealed like 20 years ago." - It's not like it's been resealed recently. If it was resealed, it was like 19 years ago. - And if it's been in a gun safe, how would it have been resealed? Like, I just don't... And then how would you know what 20 years of reseal-wear looks like? I'm not an expert, but it's just, it's just a weird amount of massaging before he hands off the box. - I've done all the inspections a normal person would be able to do without cracking it. - I honestly don't understand the purpose of doing all this talking about whether or not it's fake if they're gonna open the box anyway. But this guy seems to be delaying the inevitable. And then before he hands off the box, he's like, "It all seemed legit." - It all seemed legit. - As if he know-- Like, using the past tense as if he knows it's not! Not to put on my conspiracy hat, but what if when he saw that they were opening the box today, he was like, "Oh," (laughs) "how am I gonna get myself out of this jam?" I don't know, it's just something, there's something weird about it. And also, I mean, I'm biased, 'cause the entire chat hates this man. So then they pass it off to Leonhart, who is actually a Pokemon expert. And he does have doubts. - This is my biggest, like, oh my gosh! - But it's also like there's enough plausible deniability that he, you know? It's like it could be wear and tear from 20 years. There's also another guy in here that's been calling out the sketchiness of the box, and he had to verified check mark on it, so I wanted to look him up, and he's just a YouTube barber, and that's amazing to me that this random YouTube barber also is super knowledgeable about (laughs) about legitimate Pokemon cards, and he's just like, "This is fishy." (laughs) I don't know, I mean, I've seen a lot of... I've cut a lot of hair in my day, and I know when there's a rogue one (laughs) out there. What do barbers say? As soon as the next guy gets a hold of the box, Guru immediately asks him like, "What are your concerns?" - [Jake] So, what are your concerns? - Give the man a second. (laughs) Geez, he just got the box! - [Black Mask] To me, I don't see any concerns with the outside. - [Jake] My concerns are the ones that you were saying, as far as, you know, right here, right here. - So another thing that boggles my mind is that Guru explains that you'd have to fold up the top of the box to open it for a store display. - When you have a big box that's been resealed, the way they do it is they fold up, this piece comes out, and like you've seen in stores, they fold this up. - But I don't thing that's true. Don't ask me why I have a similar box of Yu-Gi-Oh cards here. Maybe (laughs) I'm addicted. But what he's describing is like, you set up the box like this for a store display, but you don't have to do this, you can... You could just open it as a box like this. It is just a normal box. This box is isn't different, I saw Logan Paul open his and then reseal it. It's like a weird thing to say. - At the same time if there's ever been pressure on the top of the box, the only spot in the box that's reinforced cardboard is where it's folded up. So if this was three boxes stacked, which it was in the gun safe for 20 years, it would have had pressure right here. - What if it was at the top? What if it was at the top of the stack? It wouldn't have any, it wouldn't have those creases then, man. I mean, maybe I'm cynical, but it seems like he's doing all this talking so that they trust him, so that when they find out that it's fake, it seems like he was the one who was duped and not the duper. But I don't know! - [Dumb Money Rep] Tell us about your back-- Tell us who you are. I don't think we did a proper introduction. - Shouldn't you know people's backgrounds before you arrange a $400,000 deal? One of my favorite comments in the chat: "This is fun. "I love haters talking smack about dudes "who have made millions of dollars. "Enjoy the show. "Quit hating." No reason to hate... Y'all. - And we've done the peak test to break it, to make sure. - So? Drum roll please. They finally open the box. - [Jake] Does it say first edition? - Yes. - That's perfect, keep going. - Woo! It's funny 'cause he didn't ask any of these questions or have any concerns about Logan Paul's box, you know? Like, when he was Logan Paul's adviser, Logan Paul opened that box on the stream, he didn't ask, "Are they all first edition?" (laughs) That's like, I hope so, it's a first edition box! Since there was already so much doubt cast on whether or not it was real, I dunno, it just seems like a (laughs) weird thing to say. - [Dumb Money Rep] The color's different on that one than that one. - [Leonhart] That one is not a first edition pack. - [Scott] (gasps) That's an issue. - That's an issue. - [Leonhart] This is an unlimited pack. - Oh no. - Oh my gosh. - [Leonhart] Yeah look, they're open. - [Jake] Yeah, no, that's a major issue. - This is a resealed box. - Oh my God, it's a resealed box! - [Guru Partner] All right, tell him to call the seller! - [Scott] Yeah, no, money back on that. - Yeah, money back on that. Pretty casual. This is like, I feel like this, I returned a defective toaster to (laughs) like Walmart, and they were like, "Oh yeah, no, that's defective. "All right, back to the seller, "or get your money back." Like, it's $400,000 cards. This guy is extremely chill about it. - It's not even big-set cards. - [Leonhart] Oh my God. Not only were there not first edition cards in the box, the cards were from 2020. Somebody resealed the box this year, so his whole: if it was resealed it must've been resealed 20 years ago, it just feels like all this convenient backstory that happens to unravel when they open everything up. - Wow, this is a resealed box. - Oh my gosh. - [Leonhart] Well. - [Jake] Lovely. - Oh, and by the way, the chat had a field day with this. (laughs) - [Scott] No. But there's some packs at the bottom that are still first edition. - It's random. - There are no cuts in this video, and this man is on the phone with the seller who allegedly scammed him, instantly. It was like 10 seconds! What? I don't answer the phone like that for my close family. (laughs) Why was the seller waiting by the phone for this man's call? Is there anyone on the other side of (laughs) that phone? After the initial shock wears off, chaos ensues. - [Dumb Money Rep] I was not prepared for this. (crosstalk chatter) I honestly, everything looks-- - But then the next one I saw it limited, because (crosstalk)-- - I mean, the chain, the chain of ownership looked-- - They're all like, they just gave up on the stream and everybody's talking at once. It's impossible to hear anything, and no one is in focus, so even the camera guys are shook. Also I love how Leonhart and Scott Emer here, Emer, Emer? Are just like geeking out over the fake box and how the fake was done. Those are true fans. Then they put away the money briefcase, 'cause they were like, wait, is somebody about their run away with our money? And to be honest, the Dumb Money guys are extremely understanding about this. - Are you going to be okay? Are you going to be okay finding, getting your transaction back? Or do you-- - Oh, yeah. - Like, I looked on Twitter and they said they feel really bad for him, and I'm like... I mean, that's, you know, believing the best in people, but I just, this guy's narrative doesn't add up. - [Jake] Oh yeah, I know the seller, exactly who we transacted with. - "I know the seller, exactly who we transacted with?" I thought they were in a gun safe, Mr. Guru. Or if that (laughs) is your real name, Jake? Also, what's funny to me is that they ask Leonhart if he would have bought this box, and he was like, "Nah." (laughs) - [Dumb Money Rep] Well, would you guys buy it? (crosstalk chatter) - [Leonhart] Okay, so honestly, I would not have purchased this box. - But why are they asking that question? Are they embarrassed that they were duped? Are they trying to see if it would have fooled him? Are they trying to see if the reseal was good enough? - [Guru Partner] Sorry guys, you know this-- - Well, (laughs) this guy has never spoken before. He's like, "Well, (laughs) sorry guys." - [Guru Partner] Obviously it was a shock to all of us. - I don't know about all that. I don't know if it was a shock to all of-- The chat was not shocked. (laughs) They were actually expecting this. What does the chat know? - [Guru Partner] Thanks for being so cool about it. - Thanks for being so cool about it. Thanks for not calling the cops! (laughs) - [Dumb Money Rep] Thank you guys. - [Guru Partner] This will definitely-- - [Dumb Money Rep] You guys, it's a lot of work for you guys. You have to fly around and then deal with this stuff. - So allegedly the seller has two other boxes. Wait, maybe the seller is a time traveler, (chuckles) and he went back in time, and put 2020 cards in the 1999 gun safe. It all makes sense! Oh, sorry. It all makes sense! Okay, so I have a few questions. First off, who is getting screwed in this chain? Because our man Guru here is pulling the shaggy defense, and he's like, "It wasn't me," so it must have been mister time-traveling gun safe man, and that doesn't make any sense either because he's willing to give a refund. I don't know if these types of sales have refunds? (laughs) That doesn't... That's so strange to me. I'm wondering if he knew that he would be on camera. I'm wondering if he knew if the experts would be there, 'cause those things seemed to catch him by surprise. One theory is that they're just planning to leave the Pokemon game after this, and so they were trying to make this last sale or something. Because we don't know that Guru has ever sold a first edition box before, because I think the first one, at least from the social media posts of his other colleagues that are in there, that was the first box that they got and it was a reseal. All in all this was like the cringiest thing I've ever watched. (laughs) And you know what? Maybe this was all just a big misunderstanding. After all, the Dumb Money guys seem very well-meaning. It's just suspicious that everyone in the Pokemon community seems to think Guru is a scammer. I don't personally have the T, but, you know, to play devil's advocate, there is a big Pokemon YouTuber named Poke Rev, who has actually mistakenly purchased a resealed box, and it was in the chat saying that it's really difficult to tell the reseals from the real thing. But I can't shake the fact that literally no one has vouched for the trustworthiness of Mr. Crypto King slash the Collectibles Guru. Literally no one, except for maybe Logan Paul. But, I mean, he did sell Logan Paul a good product, and Logan Paul is a big influencer, so it's kind of like that's part of, that would be part of the plan. So... I don't know. Actually I do know, kind of, now. Get this out, I'm not using this mic right now. Daylight savings time is crazy, y'all. It's so dark. (laughs) It's so dark. This is night mode, this is Jarvis after dark. What is it, it's 5:00 p.m. It just looks like it's midnight right now. I just wanted to record a quick little addendum because since I filmed this video, the situation has kind of resolved. In short, the Dumb Money guys were able to purchase a legitimate box from Mr. Guru. Was it from the original seller? No, and they also paid like 350 grand for it, so they basically didn't make any money on the deal. They had another big live stream where they called in the sellers and they had the box in sight, kind of. They kept leaving the box out of frame, they didn't have sleeves for the cards that they opened, they didn't have the proper scale. They tried to use a kitchen scale. Freakin' amateur hour over here. And to top it all off it looks like they filmed the whole thing on a TI84 calculator. But I think the Dumb Money guys are happy. They seem like well-meaning guys. No shade to them. And, you know, I don't know the situation with the Guru guy. I'm not here to say whether or not he intended to do the scam. It seems like he may have lost out on some money, but there's a lot of weird stuff that went down in that transaction, and I still think that my analysis stands, even days after this situation has resolved, so-- Let me know what you think in the comments. This is a weird situation. I want to shout out a couple of people who helped me while I was preparing for this video. I want to shout out Ruxin34. I've been obsessed with his channel lately. He opens up Yu-Gi-Oh packs and Yu-Gi-Oh products. I've been getting really into Yu-Gi-Oh lately. Ruxin's the one who told me about this video and I watched it when the stream had just ended and it had like 20,000 views. I have a feeling that now that articles are being written about this it's going to go viral in some sort, so we got the scoop, we got the scoop. He's really close to 25,000 subscribers, so please do him a favor and check his channel out and subscribe 'cause he will really appreciate it, and I think that would be super cool. I also want to shout out a creator by the name of Yizzy. Yizzy just hit 1000 subscribers, so congrats. I also want to shout out another small Poke-tuber by the name of NotShivam. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. It was a bit of a weird one for me, but I was glued to my seat watching this whole thing unfold, so I hope you enjoyed it at least half as much as I did. Now if you'll excuse me, I have been motivating myself to finish editing this video with this box of Yu-Gi-Oh cards that just came out that I can't wait to open, so I'm about to become the king of games! (laughs) Charmeleon, Wartortle, Mutu, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl, Omanyte, Slowpoke, Pidgeot, Arbok, and that's all folks! (chill music) Thanks to Corey Steiner. Congrats, Corey. You know what you did. I have no idea if I'm saying that right. If you want me to mention your name, send me a message on the internet. All right, ta-ta!
Channel: Jarvis Johnson
Views: 2,272,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, comedy
Id: 6HsC9fNcZE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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