We Go Ghost Hunting - Halloween Special - OTR #16

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Nate the ghost should be the new crew member

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 293 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moosegoose90 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I fucking died at the debriefing when Ethan said he faked it, true Micheal Scott energy πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 686 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Notsosadhours πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Leave it to Ethan to wanna piss off the dead.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 171 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DukSoup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I cackled when she pulled out the kinect sensor and xbox 🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 421 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Unhealing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I lost it when they all shouted Trisha lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 349 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bingi123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 263 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/friend-of-tH3-show πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Alright so who do we think placed the Cosby doll

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 227 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/karenfromfinance_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œYeah, I felt his rod” This was such a fun video lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 209 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rolemo007 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

someone please check on gary

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 317 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mateo139 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] welcome everybody to the uh special halloween edition of the show today we are in a extremely haunted location and taking it very seriously we're here with linda the ghost hunter are you a ghost hunter i am a ghost hunter you want to tell me about yourself a little bit yeah so i've been a ghost hunter for 15 years what i try and expose people to like yourselves is the fact that there is spirits and we're able to communicate with them and they're not all bad not all bad not all bad some are bad some are bad i've had some very bad experiences i've been thrown brilliantly yeah yeah i get broke my nose oh my goodness that was a bad one yeah the background on this location here yeah it seems like there could be some evil spirits lurking based on the history of this location of course i mean there's been a lot of deaths here and not everybody that dies is great not everybody that dies is good and some were never on this earth in the first place those are the ones we really worry about guys those are the ones that demons the demons where you have they have never walked this earth i very often when i say that's why does that make you feel scared i'm like scared shitless who hears is actually like a little spooked right now we got olivia lina av are you spooked right now zach got me scared well i am here to protect you too if you notice i'm wearing a lot of jewelry and these right here are the mystic eye the protection of the evil eye and i also will be surrounding us with the white light to make sure that we are surrounded by love will this protect me against anything do you guys are they like jews or no where we are there is a a jewish history here that i'm going to tell you about originally in the early 1900s this was an indian burial ground okay so this was a cemetery that we're actually standing on and we're going to go take a look at this cemetery it later became a jewish cemetery cut to 10 years later they decide no no no no we don't want the cemetery here this is a great part of town we're going to need this space we're going to move all the bodies okay here's where the story gets a little weird there's no proof that these bodies were actually moved so there's a very good chance that people are still buried underneath a paved area that we're gonna go to what's the chance of recovering a body tonight um no floaters i don't think we had enough rain today yeah but you know on a rainier day you never know after they decide hey okay we're gonna we're gonna move this there was a smallpox epidemic so you decided hey let's make this a kind of a hospital but the hospital was isolation and a lot of them did not make it they called it the wagon of death so we've got the native americans yes the jews the smallpox yeah so can you show us a little of the equipment we'll be using this evening the equipment i brought tonight is all scientifically proven to work with paranormal activity that's an emf detector that'll tell us if we have any fluctuation in emf around us this gadget right here is called the k2 but if i were to ask a question like is someone here with us right now and it would move then you know we're on to some these are the dowsing rods now this one is not for the faint of heart because this is the hands-on one this is when you're actually holding them like this and you say if someone's here with me can you please cross the rods you will physically feel these moves those if you're interested in zach's life energy across the streams [ __ ] moving it this the ovulus 5 is pretty much the creme de la creme stars okay that actually just spoke okay older stars star david why why is it talking so much it it ran okay obviously somebody's been dying to speak with us now tell me how this was just reading okay so what this does this is a fantastic device it has one million words it uses emf as i spoke earlier but it actually takes the energy with these two antennas and it translates it towards david does it really it says david it really does starve david you want yeah this is a thermal imaging camera so we're not equipped to vanquish spirits this evening no but if we do have a problem i can bring someone in what about like finishing their business unfinished business like parking ticket or something well a lot of that's very common for ghosts to grandpa parking tickets i'm glad you brought that up that's i think that's the number one reason that ghosts come back in my research i really have found there's there's really three types of ghosts there's the ones that have died suddenly they got hit by a car they have no clue they're dead they're just wandering around fifth or the fifth four six cents yeah the success yeah yeah i see dead people yeah he didn't know he was dead he did not know the second type are people that have unfinished business and then we go to our evil one the ones that have never lived but just randomly show up because they sense what we're doing equipment is drawing them okay to continue on this one is a really really good device basically if you come up to this if this thing starts to go off it will tell us by color what direction they're coming from they can also answer our questions directly through this now here's our favorite right here um this right here used to be the old xbox games dude modified xbox 360. there you go and what this does is this device was able to pick up skeleton shapes that were not there so we'll be using this a lot tonight and we will be able to pick up skeleton type visions anybody have any questions before we go let's go do this i warn you we're going to be doing a lot of stairs tonight nobody mentioned stairs 10 000 steps you're gonna get them yeah this is the scariest part [Music] so this actually where we're standing is the cemetery that i mentioned to you earlier at one point it was a native american burial ground and then it became a jewish cemetery and if it's okay with you guys now it's a car park now it's a car park i told you there was some cement i wasn't kidding right it's not a glamorous place and if my body was left here i don't think i'd be that happy guys would you i really would want to be buried in a nice place so what this is that i've put down it's called the spirit box and basically what it is it's an old am fm radio that's been set up to go through stations very quickly we're looking for direct answers to our questions it's kind of like a seance thing this is the way we can directly speak to the spirits is there anyone of jewish descent that was buried here that would like to speak with us me i heard it say me i didn't see me can you repeat your name i heard walter i heard walt you did yeah walter thank you so much for joining us tonight can i have a numeric count of how many spirits may be with us are there any spirits here that know any of the people that are here with me this evening are they foot soldiers did you say ethan i heard [ __ ] yes do you know ethan are you a relative of ethan [Music] i heard you oh that was a body strike i don't hear it who's mike mike's my grandpa oh but he's not here he passed away recently but in another state he got here they could travel they could travel is your name mike sir substitute with something else i heard yes i heard yes are you ethan's grandfather yes or no something about my dad is ethan's dad okay no yeah no what's wrong with ethan's dad he's healthy as far as i know do you miss him that couldn't have been if you did not hear that i give up that was as clear as yeah if you're his grandfather will you please turn the rods towards him [Music] okay you just got a ghost hug remember i was kidding with you in the hallway i called those ghost hugs they really are ghost hugs that's their way of being able to give us a hug so you just got a hug from your grandpa that's very nice that was productive we talked to your grandfather i found out i got to sell my ethereum i've been trying to tell you that you didn't have to talk to a ghost you don't like that [Music] smells ghosty a lot of echo all right so where are we uh at this moment so we came inside now and we're in the main auditorium and what we're going to do now is actually do an official ghost investigation i'd like to see everybody use the tools sam got something you got something i did a second ago okay so that's what we're looking for those fluctuations so so what do these do other they just confirm or that are they just kind of like are they going to take me somewhere um tahiti sometimes but that's an extra charge oh yeah yeah no they won't take anywhere okay let's start walking guys let's see what we can find that's actually keep your keep your spook senses uh tingling everybody put up like scooby doo or yeah zach goes alone zach goes ahead like the canary canary in a [ __ ] coal mine so what i'd like to do is i'd like to take us upstairs there's a couple rooms that i think have [Laughter] yeah see what you're getting we'll put you first okay um it's just flickering now okay anybody else getting anything check your instruments people keep your eye on the prize we're here to kill ghosts can we anger the ghosts it's not my style well i just want i want to provoke them we'll try in a nice way okay sorry hippie ghost hunter what can i say no i like it we're gonna go up this way everybody please be careful it's very dark in here and we're going upstairs oh [ __ ] it's hella dark in here yeah so we're climbing up to an area right now called the tower has a very interesting history there is some chances of some possible suicides that have happened up here too so let's see what we get it is quite a climb i'm going to put this over here is that the [ __ ] cosby doll what is that so what is this looks like i don't know what that is okay so we are now up at the top of this building there are rumors that people have literally opened up those windows and thrown themselves right out they have found bodies right there at the bottom so i mean if you want to commit suicide this tower would be the place to do it anybody getting anything on any of their instruments i'm getting something in like this vicinity over here it's like a curse bill cosby doll maybe why don't you grab it i ain't touching that man it's paranormal activity what is it looks like a curse bill cosby wait ice no [ __ ] you put that there hand to god dude bro no way no [ __ ] way oh there's that you're the one that spotted it my hand you put that here because i see something sitting in the corner and i'm like what the [ __ ] is it we saw it first i did zach saw it first you think i'd please have drove with you we couldn't even see it yeah what did you do first of all first of all somebody clearly put that there zach hey dude you saw i drove behind you the whole time this [ __ ] doll haunts me is there a chance that this is just here coincidentally i mean they made a lot of it no such thing as a coincidence is that like a popular manufacturer doll yeah it's a cosby doll i made a shitload of them with the heat sensors yeah see see if you get anything on there is there some history i should be knowing about with you in this doll because you're really freaking out right now oh my god i'm a cosby kid oh no this thing is so cursed bro this is the type of thing that you burn and then it shows back up in your room bad voodoo in here man all right [ __ ] you stand out here [ __ ] them off dude but the chance of it showing up here is crazy that's why i think zach did it because he spotted it but i said it's possible that somebody left you here i mean that's weird i don't think i've ever seen a cosby doll you've never seen one well i remember when it looks like kind of i don't even want to touch it touch it no i ain't touching it touch it it's just a doll don't touch it yeah wow oh my gosh you really jump out of the way come on wait here let me let me dousing rod it see if you get anything out of that i don't even know how to handle religion religion religion when you threw it yeah seriously when we threw that you saw religion yeah it's still at the top all right well who put the doll here like that was the cost because i see the [ __ ] thing how could you tell it's dark [Music] is that maybe someone left it here could be dude maybe this is his home i mean this is an old building and they also you know they used to take charitable donations here for kids yeah so maybe somebody left this behind yeah should we move it out of here should we move it down i'm not touching it i ain't touching it just leave it can we throw the doll out the window zach you want to throw it up dude i didn't bring it in whoever brought it in got to throw it out it's not working all right let's do a spirit bomb okay did someone leave this doll here on purpose yeah they're leaving a message is someone trying to send us a message with this doll he just got out it man did you leave the dog i did not leave the dog does this have something to do with someone's history here when they were kids if there's something a presence in the room that touched me please cross the rocks you feel better um i don't know the spirit box didn't say oh okay wait ask it another question if uh if you are a nice spirit cross the rods [Music] i feel like something it's like um pushing pushing oh my god that's good right it's good so we have a nice spirit were you trying to get someone else's attention if so would you please cross the road oh that was big was that you're the who left the cosby doll if you know what this where the cosby doll came from cross the rods holy oh my zach do you see that was it pointing at me no really you really honestly feel this doll is cursed yes for sure all right if you guys want to throw it out the window all right [ __ ] you cause we don't dude all right that thing is that thing look at it there you go that thing is just standing up he's walking away moving on so we're moving on okay [ __ ] it's just so this area right here is a maze oh [ __ ] yeah there's going to be yeah there's good there's going to be um a lot of um weird bodies down here yeah is that the quartering oh my god sorry yeah what the [ __ ] is this zach what is that did you do that no okay that's the second that one what the [ __ ] everyone's outfit i mean we're in a firehouse we are what the [ __ ] second creepy doll second creepy dog man you see something okay oh guys oh we got our fur on the chair [Music] that person is oh they're getting up now they're standing up i had a temperature change oh you had a temperature change you thought fridge he's doing the spooky skeleton he really is can you please like give us a wave or something oh he's definitely way better yeah thank you thank you for waving are you seeing anything there's another one there's another one oh [ __ ] spooky skeleton okay so now we have two skeletons there it is dude no this ain't real man what do you mean please can i go stand over there yes go stand over there so let's get you on there to verify how this works the temperature no they're happening okay we're having temperature fluctuations guys ethan it's right next it is right next to you he's he looks like he's in the chat getting heat i'm getting heat okay so we have verification in two ways sorry sorry lena it tastes that air tastes like humid it really kind of like uh chalky wait where angle little they're saying little that's my last name my last name's kline right it means little in german it's true really yeah oh it's like compulsory no it's it's you know what's happening it's disappearing should i sit in the chair why not i mean that's a little rude can we please get the name of the spirit that's been with us edison is this you did you hurt yourself sir i did it's me are you scared her box says slain do you want us to leave this area yes or no yes did you hear that yeah the temperature just went up like three degrees it's telling us to leave the area [Music] we will thank you very much for appearing to us thank you thank you thank you and we are going to move on and respect your wishes oh there's a smell in here boy yeah there's a ghost smell anybody getting anything any instruments going it says death here so i'm assuming that's good even a nice quote yeah what um no way that doll it's the same though i chuck maybe someone around here collects cosby dolls damn don't touch it yeah i mean you got the kevorkin you're gonna get cursed dude i i again as 15 years of a ghost hunter i've never seen so much stuff involved with dolls especially bill cosby dolls prank us when we were all we've all been together yeah that's crazy man okay this is where we want to go and we're going to turn you back on dude this is saw dude for ghost hunting i got a word what'd you get oh no it says the same i heard said something didn't you hear it i'm in the walls ben guys we're getting a 3.5 on this okay so let's go with that i'm also going to set up a different device is there someone in this room with us right now russell is there russell in this room with us i think we now know all the alive achmeds somebody called you handsome so whoever they're talking to is handsome yeah yeah are you sitting in this bathroom with us right now i heard over there i swear to god i saw something over there okay let's go move in that direction yeah i i don't know if it's the light or something but i saw something just like run super fast spirits are you trying to communicate with zach bernstein yeah did you hear a whisper zack i did you wanna hold my hand [Music] where'd you see the spirit it was like over there okay let's go oh for [ __ ] sake what what oh [ __ ] way yes why is there an lp there that's the scariest you guys are [ __ ] man yo i'm just gonna sing it long ago [Applause] [Music] um what is that wait who put that on everyone's here [Music] um guys guys you're not gonna like what i just got on this it just said jewish people did it i swear to god it just said jewish people i thought i saw something what that i mean let's move on let's get out you all make me feel like i'm at shutter island right now dude someone told me long ago who's here right now and who said jewish people it's me hitler he's here he said he's here hitler no are you are you a john fogerty fan are you doing this no okay someone's [ __ ] with me we're in the back rooms well i think dog told me to watch out for rooms like this what's your favorite crazy ghoulish video now from what i understand about the history of this place it is rumored that someone drowned in one of these rooms it smells lemony in here they were doing a water experiment and rumor has it that someone actually drowned during one of the water experiments who are you zach other known as uh i thought they said this is nate nate are you still here with us if so can you please cross the rods oh [ __ ] those rods are definitely crossing are you doing that olivia olivia these [ __ ] are crossed i'm not moving explain that nate what are you trying to tell us [ __ ] now i thought he said [ __ ] in the crowd are you [ __ ] with us are you bullshitting us what should i eat for dinner very hardy they told you something very hardy hey did you have anything to do with those cosby dolls hello or hell no tyler jello so you're a fan of bill cosby and fat albert why i hate to break it to you have you heard that bill cosby uh went to jail he did you still you still a fan after all that nate i think it was a question he did oh he did he did yeah he did yeah like over 50 women this is the first time it's gone off all night okay nate is that you that's triggering our device please make it go higher oh wait wait oh look at that hi nate welcome how can we help you he farted excuse you can you please trigger our devices thank you oh right on command thank you so much for responding to our questions i want to ask you guys one more thing before we wrap i wanted to do a bit of an experiment probably with the person that's the most scared you know how we use that spirit box earlier would you be willing to put on some headphones and sit in that room and we'll ask questions out here and see if you could just answer the questions do you want to do it anything for the show 500 bucks come on 500 easy money dude nate was sick nate was a [ __ ] people dude he was like oh about cosby no he was upset about bill cosby he really was he made all our devices go off i mean he's been the best one we've had i'll do it if a b goes in there with me okay come on av oh let's go 250 apiece there you go yeah all right all right okay good job thank you guys this thing's going off this thing's going crazy right now did it really yes literally you saw that right well this thing's been going crazy too call older stare it says we're just looking for something like guesses or no's or something that makes sense do you know what i mean are you okay with that yeah we're gonna ask as soon as i get back in here we're just gonna ask questions okay but you can't hear what we're asking otherwise it would mess up the experiment don't close the [ __ ] door though we're not gonna close the door i'm not gonna close the door nate is not available tell me are you related to zach in any way yes yes spirit were you there when zach ate that girl's sweaty ass out when they were hiking spirit can you please say zach's name to him i just heard my name i'm out man no way yes yes yes what did i ask what did i ask i got five on this too no [ __ ] way right now so we were asking to tell zach his name [ __ ] i swear to god we have it on camera i gotta see the tape it's on camera it's on camera i swear to [ __ ] dude you're gonna you're gonna freak when you see that footage wow okay crazy [ __ ] wait dude what is that it looks all burnt it looks burnt yeah it's just a dude playing banjo it's my great great grandpappy wait is it really yeah what's his name zariah berchevus yeah and that's actually a photo he was a good old picker dude look at him let's get out of here i'm freaked out okay we are back from our ghost hunts how was that for you uh in terms of a paranormal adventure i think was fantastic almost every piece of equipment went off at some point which is incredible that's what you want i mean that does not happen every time how do you feel i mean it's your first ghost hunt how do you think it went well we had a few great moments we had me communicating with my grandpa uh-huh housing rods yeah i say that right mm-hmm yeah yeah you're not gonna like this but i was faking it with the rods were you yeah okay that's okay sorry it's okay what the [ __ ] you did what a way to be a buzzkill what is this really that bad yeah why did you even say that why would you do that i just were debriefing i'm just being honest okay but you weren't faking when your grandfather is his name really mike or his name is mike okay and that really did come through yes so okay so it was just stuff that you did that you were faking the rods i i manipulated them okay to move in can i ask you a question sure when you were actually when we were shooting you and you said you kind of tasted like a chalky taste was that real or no i was lying okay i'm sorry yeah just just figuring this out okay everyone else was since we're gonna cut we're gonna cut all this out really that bad what i mean you got to let people believe okay let's reach over ask it again come on this is the first time all right we gotta let people believe re ask the question so when you said you felt like a smelt or tasted kind of a chalky sensation when you were near that spirit was that was that true no when you were next to the spirit when we were shooting you said you felt like a chalky flavor or smell or something was that was that legitimate yeah for sure it felt like the humidity went crazy and i was like sweating and i had like a chalky taste in my mouth so i definitely felt some kind of shift okay yeah okay good it's good to hear and the dowsing rods seem to be moving yeah i mean i wasn't a believer going into this but it's i don't know i mean i just felt the rods moving in my hands and i really don't know how to explain it that's interesting it's good yeah did you guys all feel that when you had the ones that used the dowsing rods did you actually physically kind of feel somebody pushing them a little bit yeah i felt his rod so let's do a show of hands who was legitimately spooked at one time this evening dan [ __ ] we had a professional with us she didn't seem scared if she started freaking out then i'd be scared so raise your hands if you're afraid of bringing home bad demons three go on go on zach said no and then he raised his hand so let's do the life ceremony to make sure that we all leave here okay pure if you guys don't mind if we can stand and uh hold his hands oh great okay okay i surround us all with the white light you are protected any spirits we encounter tonight we thank you for making your presence known but you are not welcome to follow us home again i repeat but you cannot follow us home i surround us all with peace amen peace and love amen amen just when i thought i was out they pulled me back in we gotta go get the cosby doll i feel like we won the squid games and we're going back in i still i feel like we've been here for hours and i still don't know where we are after you my friend there's the guy on the floor oh thank you for that okay did you hear that that scared the [ __ ] out of me i definitely heard that don't like that okay there's the doll what if the doll was gone i hear stuff down there hi can i get some light thank you this is so much scarier with like two people you touched the [ __ ] you need to get white lighted again what was the ghost name walter don't don't don't say it i shouldn't have said his name is that warding off spirits or is that luring them i feel like we're locked in we're about to see pyramid head come down that hallway i don't know i heard something for real now we gotta okay okay uh shoot leena sorry i understand i understand okay i'm out of here man let's go ask me the doll i'll get them out of here lina your hair your hair did you rattle something no i didn't you must have tripped over something it's way worse without linda it is so much scarier with a small group how was it wait without linda you should say her pants [Music] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 787,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails, ghost hunt, ghost hunters, spooky
Id: xH_z6O6l9SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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