Try Not To Get Anxious Challenge #4

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imagine standing on top of a cliff site and below it are nothing but jagged sharp rocks the waves crashing 800 feet down below you you look down and think oh that's nice glad i'm up here and suddenly someone pushes you do you fall over or do you just wobble a little bit and have that fear struck into your heart forever cortisol filling your muscles and your veins in your bloodstream that's what we're here to ignite today or avoid it because we're trying not to get that feeling it's been a while since we've done a try not to get anxious challenge where we've looked at people climb buildings oh really straight away something got to do with heights i hate it stop it high objects should be just decimated from humanity look out over the edge and wonder why do humans exist so i'm just going to go to the top of this month because i can't remember what i actually reacted to before i probably did the all-time ones and put them all in but it's been a while since we've done it so i don't know what we actually did last time so let's just go to the top of this month oh god is that bees no why would you do that there's gotta be a better way don't burst don't br it's gonna fall oh it didn't fall why would you do that that is so gross there's two of you doing it unless you have a third hand on your head that'll be awesome like high five i don't mess with bees all right i've had a fear of them ever since i was a kid because it got stung like 19 times by the time i was 12. i hate them i played in fields a lot and i got stung once right here i also got a time when i went near a nest and then two of them went into my shirt and they were up in my back and then trying to get them out both of them stung me i hate them oh this is going to be high up oh god what are you doing are you installing that i how how have you not cost thousands of dollars worth of damage in structural costs already by dropping that oh thank you for loading at this time and saving me i will never understand how some people are not afraid of heights how many of you out there when you go out and you see like a height you're just like oh like obviously you don't want to fall off but how many of you look out of it and you're just like oh cool and that's it i get this like sinking feeling in me a sinking and a rising feeling you know how like your testicles just go that's it everything tenses up i start swallowing up all the air in the vicinity with my ass i can't i can't i can't i can't heights are like i'm already like dancing my feet around i can't do it gives me the willies we were watching clips of like like 44 things to do before you die on youtube last night and a lot of them were like zip-lining stuff and i was like oh cool i don't mind that when i'm like really strapped into a harness and i'm up high and then other ones were like a human slingshot across a canyon and i'm like no humans are not meant to fly that's why we don't have wings here we go just a swing i guarantee you it's not just a swing that is not just a swing oh my god this is exactly what i was talking about i am failing to challenge miserably i'm very anxious looking at these my heart starts racing my fighter fight or flight sense kicks in which is almost always flight when it comes to heights the adrenaline junkie in me and the oh i want to do cool stuff in my life part of me is like yes that's awesome but then every ounce of my being that wants to continue that life is just like no cut that out stop that that that's a mess right there i hate it i don't want it i don't want anything to do with it but it's kind of sick calling this just a swing is like calling like a dump truck just a shovel what is this whoa whoa is that sand jesus i want to know what in the loving god is actually happening in this clip you almost got sucked into that although maybe you just go floating down here but i don't know i'm just going to assume that if you're on this subreddit what you're doing is far more dangerous than it actually looks actually just looks incredibly dangerous oh is this sand in a boat and you're trying to get it out or something like that oh i'm probably still wrong and everyone in the comments will tell me what it is please do i would like to know glad you're okay guys oh you're gonna start picking up speed real soon aren't you [Applause] oh god what it kind of sounded like goofy there for a second like guys i know coleman's hard you're sitting at home you're stuck in a pandemic and you can't go outside and meet your friends or anything but some of you are taking the piss like life is fun what is so boring about life dude that you have to go out and jump off a cliff with a snowboard in a parachute oh i don't think you have a parachute though oh god no dude right that powder hell yeah surf that mountain cocaine in the words of hank hill a boy ain't right keep pressure keep pressure that is a big fish run bro run back bro run back bro come back alligators run back oh run run run run run run run jesus christ run daniel run there's a big problem oh he's got it pressure on keep the pressure no no it's so big it's so big he's swollen what are you guys doing how you guys saying keep running but there's a big problem with the fact that he's chasing the fish that's on your fishing line just cut your losses say oh that's too bad i lost my cool fish but at least i caught it anyway and then let the freaking crocodile alligator with everyone it is eating why are you so close to this thing it's a dinosaur these things are real-life dinosaurs they have survived the apocalypse they're here a lot longer than we are you know all the other dinosaurs are like oh might take a big long nap after that meteor hit alligators and crocodiles are like nah fam time to evolve and adapt you're not but this alligator's a little oh my god daniel that was a boost of a fish daniel that was a boost of a boost just be happy that that went down the way it did oh no oh no oh no no no no no okay you you cleared that by quite a bit okay that's so bad i don't know if i would be able to jump off something like that i i i do not mess with the water like that i don't mess with that the the ocean it's like earth's giant mouth if it wants to eat you it will there's not a damn thing you can do about it you know when a fly goes in your mouth and you're like i choose to let you go also gross i could swallow you if i wanted to that's what the earth is doing at all times [Music] and we have a zero ground speed oh it's up to one we are literally not moving in the air just stand still we are completely stationary we're a glider we have no engine but there's all this wind coming that's flown that is flowing off of the mountain that's under those clouds and it's pushing us up in the air so we climbed up previously to 14 000 feet we made it back down to 10 000 and now here we are are you just stuck there when that happens can't you like dip the nose and start like heading down under that wind or like bank and turn away from it or is the wind just gonna like catch you and blow you around that it's best to just actually like sit in that way i don't know how gliders work but they've got no engines that's all i know so are you just stuck there i mean i'm sure you guys are experienced and this is fine but uh no no i'd rather just sit in my chair sometimes i'm worried that i'm just gonna fall out of my chair in my room if i like do a thing and i like stand up in it like this like that's already too much for me that's already too much altitude i'm afraid that i'm just gonna slip and fall and die right here in the spot in my room so uh you can keep your like paper planes in the clouds please uh prefer bloody lights feeding a wild bearsome salmon you are absolutely pulling my toes with this [Music] are you out of your damn mind then you turned your back on it i feel like all these things that people are telling me about animals being like don't do this don't do that bears are scary stay away from them and then you have guys like peter over here just handing him a fish how is that allowed i call shenanigans that's illegal is he sanding on a hot air balloon i know you're like strapped ah come on what in the love of jesus also praise the cameraman holy crap that is some excellent camera work a freaking plane flew by him uh top of the morning to you just drinking me coffee oh my god i'm going to assume that he is he's strapped in somehow you can see like this i'm going to assume that he is a parachute or some sort of safety system as well to get him out of that because that is terrifying a higher balloon is like one of those things that i will never ever do like some things i see i'm like skydiving i'm like maybe one day i'll do it i'm afraid of heights but skydiving just seems like one of those cool things that everybody talks about like that adrenaline rush and something to do before you die i'm like yeah maybe and bungee jumping bungee jumping is another one where i'm like maybe i'll do that as well my brother did it it looked cool but hot air balloons i will not go near there's something terrifying about being in a wicker basket like a bag of oranges up in the sky as flames lift you up into a balloon like all of that just sounds stupid if you put that down on paper to people they'll be like there's no way and then you show them it working and they're like okay why damn that's cool i mean scary because those things will just mess up your care oh that got very scary suddenly those things would knock your car around oh is one of them gonna hit it there's so many of them they just keep coming someone's going to hit the car eventually you know people say ball in a china shop don't give a bull in a china shop enough credit he got a big flappy tongue they're just goof balls they're just four-legged cars with horns uh cars have horns they're nice he just had a big floppy tongue flying all over the place okay i'm starting to loosen up a bit all of the stuff with heights are starting to like dissipate as we go through now we're just seeing wonders of nature and that's okay with me because that doesn't scare me all right never mind the stupid bastards are back no no oh you went that way ah no stop yes i can't oh my god what's your contingency on that what's your backup plan have you seen the amount of people who do backflips who have done backflips before and they're like having a slight pit to drink or they're on a slippery surface and then they just fall back and hit their head what if his feet slipped then again i don't think there's much going through that lad's head he's doing backflips on the top of a skyscraper and what do you have bragging rights i backflipped across a building cool all right then what i feel like i'm very much uh when it comes to high objects or anything that can endanger my body i'm very much a pros and cons kind of guy uh this had one pro which is that you look like uh a superhero here's all the cons oh jesus oh lord i've done that with friends where you get like the perfect bounce oh my god look at that control holy crap my dude turned into a beyblade real fast jesus that's insane that one was cool that was kind of sick oh it's quite tight i'm just gonna say oh no we're packing our though guys why can we start building buildings into the earth we just start digging down you know i feel like going too high we're starting to hit a point where we just can't go any higher like wind shears uh sort of like altitudes i probably just gonna pass out lack of oxygen when you get to a certain point like but going down uh got loads of pros uh warm cozy dark we all love that it's all cozy warm nice nice dark live in a hole uh more people it just has so many more pros whoa that's nuts hopefully this is a drone another person oh my god that was actually sick this looks like something in a movie a stan kino tower in moscow that's kind of cool that looks fake as well what is going on is this tower actually exist damn that's so cool looking oh my dude the amount of cool stuff we've started to see because people invented drones oh that's getting a little too close though oh let's get a little hot it's got a little spicy ice caves in iceland whoa no it might dumb ass i just slip and fall down every one of those steps and never get to see any of it i want to see more no it goes from like that murky whitish cloudy kind of complexion that is like really icy blue that's so sick that's not scary that's not sweaty pams that's just super cool now it is the sweaty pants yeah this can climb up into satan's and die oh for sure yeah i'm actually i'm pretty sure that that's where it came from i'm so glad that i live in a country that doesn't have these like i don't know how people live in australia or some parts of like southeast asia some of the things that i have seen in those countries that go around as actual wildlife just makes me want to burn the planet that's the only way i can describe it like the most we get here are spiders that are like this big and i'm like or like a snail will be outside our door and i'm like no it's it's not worth it and then i walk outside to get my food delivery and i end up walking around and crushing it with my shoes and it's so gross all right well that's gonna do it for my video today um i feel awful i feel so clammy and sweaty and like tight in my chest now from that i don't like it oh man let me know down in the comments which was your least favorite one which one got you the most because some people react to bugs some people react to the ocean some people react to heights and if you're like me you react to it all because you just like your nice comfy cozy room your your little padded cell that you have here nothing hurts me in here i do leave the window open though to let the cold air in because it gets a little too warm what if like a badger comes in the window i'd be scared of that but anyway that does it for this video thank you guys so much for watching i will be back with more of these in the future so don't forget to subscribe if you want to see those it's free and everybody can do it you don't even need to do a whole lot just hit that one button also hit like as well it's also free you might as well do it if you're here uh and yeah i'll see you guys all in the next one i'm gonna go decompress with a nice cup of tea and i'm gonna soak my feet also probably get a sword or something [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,480,307
Rating: 4.9834251 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, try not to get anxiety, try not to get anxiety challenge, try not to get anxiety jacksepticeye, challenge, challenge videos, try not to anxiety, try not to get anxiety heights, try not to get anxiety impossible, anxiety challenge, impossible challenge, try not to, scared, reddit, sweaty palms, crazy challenge, try not to challenge, jacksepticeye challenge, funny, funny videos, funny try not to get anxiety challenge video
Id: SY-Cb1JsUdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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